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File: 339 KB, 960x741, IMG_0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15952503 No.15952503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thanks, oil shills and other global warming deniers.

>> No.15952550
File: 126 KB, 748x746, 1658637933834180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15952583

For every global warming you don't deny I'm going to deny five

>> No.15952648

Fear not. Peak oil will fix all this.

>> No.15952662

I think it's unfair to pin all the blame on oil shills and global warming deniers.
Even the best shits like Gavin Newsom can come up with is a vindictive carbon tax non-solution.
And Trudeau produces 5% of the world's oil and has no intention of slowing down.

>> No.15952677

True. Any real solutions?

>> No.15952711


Well his chart shows average temp differences, not just straight temps. Red would be more appropriate, most of the temperature models use that variance/method.

But really it should be "El Nino vs. historical El Nino". IIRC, this El Nino was close to a 'Super' El Nino (1.9 instead of 2 in ocean water difference)--so it's not historic--but it's plenty high.

It's diminishing though and latest models show by May/June we'll be equal chance neutral or La Nina. And really, IMHO, this is what should be talked about:

El Nino and La Nina are historic atmospheric changes that occur every 5ish years (+-2 years). They cause extreme weather events as the climate convects that much energy around.

Oceans trap heat and ocean heat dictates how fast and how hard those flips happen. They are increasing in frequency and strength.

Nothing grand or crazy about that statement but to me, is pretty easy to explain to someone and get them on board. Then it's just a matter of 'why is the ocean leeching up heat and where is it coming from".

>> No.15952722

Difference? The rest I think I can follow you, but your average dummy just read (as if they read anything) 5 more moves, and you know the magicians axiom "make the answer complicated" and people check out......and a huge amount of people have checked out.....

>> No.15952741

One actual step in the right direction would be to stop converting small footprint tropical people into large footprint europeans/n. americans. This would also force europeans/n. americans to start doing more of their own hard labour, thereby reducing the size of their own footprints.
Unfortunately I think too many industries rely on literal population growth for that to happen. There really aren't any solutions to the human condition / entropy except perhaps education, but even that's a stretch because the vast majority of people likely haven't got the will to understand their true impact, let alone the capacity.

>> No.15952744

>Any real solutions?
Obviously you'd want to slow down production of fossil fuels. But that's not feasible because the p.r. battle with producers has been lost.

>> No.15952751

I mean obviously the carbon tax was always a non-starter. Like it or not cars are part of our culture. Every high school kid can't wait to get their license and there are something like 15 fast and furious movies now.

>> No.15952753


>> No.15952765

Instead of discouraging population growth (which would have tackled all kinds of other environmental problems as well and shown that you are accepting the reality that population growth is really the root of all our problems) you went the carbon tax route...
Now climate denial has become trendy and cool. We are absolutely fucked.

>> No.15953335
File: 2.53 MB, 614x640, 1682667444341303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not freezing my balls of in december for the first time in years
Unironic thank you to whoever made this possible, whether it's the CEO of Exxon or RNGesus. May next year be even warmer.

>> No.15953362
File: 175 KB, 401x838, minneapolis 1878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15953462
File: 497 KB, 1866x1429, divert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much more pleasant version.

>> No.15953468
File: 431 KB, 1460x1363, coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isolated phenomenon due to el nino

areas of the planet not influenced by el nino, such as northern asia, are currently experiencing their coldest winter on record.

>> No.15953558

Not a problem. If it was a legitimate problem stratospheric aerosol injection would have been used by now. The fact that we can still wax poetic about "moral hazard" means things aren't dire enough yet

>> No.15953560
File: 647 KB, 1143x1094, 1674463289262689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once upon a time people could look out the window at a nice day and not interpret it as a sign of the apocalypse
I want to go back

>> No.15953569


did your enter key

ever do

to you?

>> No.15953572


>> No.15953573
File: 67 KB, 400x533, IMG_4324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a truly frightening map. please tell me what I can do to feel like I am making a difference.

>> No.15953578

>Google “fire.png”
>download it
>scale it down
>apply pixelate tool
>superimpose it over a map of the US

>> No.15953580

climate hysterics btfo

>> No.15953582

This version is way more difficult to understand

>> No.15953583

Ok someone explain the polar inversion thing. It seems logical that global warming will be good for humanity as large swaths of land in Canada and Russia will be usable.

>> No.15953585

It doesn’t show anything because it’s literally a png of fire. The temperatures don’t even align with the borders of US counties

>> No.15953587

>Google “Prism Climate Group temperature departure map”
>can’t find OP’s pic anywhere
>looks nothing like other maps published by PCG
>it’s literally a png of fire

>> No.15953589
File: 8 KB, 270x187, Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end of industrial society

>> No.15953591

>t. stupid fuck with a god complex

have you ever even tried messing with an internal combustion engine.
you're a stupid fuck who doesn't know shit about anything and you're dangerous because you think you do.

>> No.15953595

If you give a shit about climate change the best thing you can do is shoot yourself

>> No.15953597

Baseline is short and range picked to start at a minima. Why didn't they start it in the 30s?

>> No.15953598

It isn’t a real map. See >>15953587

>> No.15953601

Retards. This is where the data is from:
Choose mean temperature and monthly comparison Dec 2023

I swear you retards cant do a simple google search.

>> No.15953603

Also this isn't a departure from any kind of *normal*. It's a departure from the average of 29 years of *weather* in part of one country. This graph is literally meaningless.

>> No.15953606
File: 249 KB, 1405x998, PRISM_tmean_provisional_4kmM3_anomaly_202312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel. Here's the exact same map with a little more detail (i.e. the parts of the country with an anomaly over 5 degrees are broken down).

>> No.15953607

Thanks, anon

>> No.15953615

That is not the same map.
>a little more detail
So why are some areas now completely white where previously they had different temperatures?
What a waste of a thread

>> No.15953618

Because the scale is from 1 to 3, 3 to 5, 5 to 7, etc. OP's map is from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, etc. You fucking retard, they wont look EXACTLY the same, because you're using different rulers in each image. A lot of questions can be answered by simply looking at the image, you do know that right?

>> No.15953705


>> No.15953712

This thread isn't about weather? Protip: if there's a mean or average being taken, then it's about climate. If there isn't a mean or average, then it's about weather.

>> No.15953719

>41 posts
>19 IPs
just one desperate for attention samefag endlessly bumping it's vanity thread over and over again