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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.51 MB, 2046x1177, IMG_3502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15951398 No.15951398 [Reply] [Original]

New Years Day Edition

Previous - >>15948616

>> No.15951402

sfg is alive

>> No.15951406

Its trve

>> No.15951407

nasa criminals and actors

>> No.15951413

you can literally see the strings. this is laugable globetards.

>> No.15951414

One week until IFT-3

>> No.15951420

Oh yeah fag? Explain Falcon landings

>> No.15951425
File: 243 KB, 1183x724, nuclearLightbulb25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread staged as I posted.

Could you use air (or whatever atmosphere) as straight up reaction mass in a nuclear engine? Not like in pic related, but actually running air through as the fuel.

>> No.15951427

weve had landable missiles since the 1950's...

>> No.15951430

it staged for a reason fag. get out of here with that.

>> No.15951433

NASA being faking bastards does not mean the earth is flat or that space itself is a lie.
It only highlights that NASA are liars and their presented idea of spasce is a lie

>> No.15951435

Hey come on now dont be mean to him

>> No.15951436

You're not allowed to post twice

>> No.15951438

Yes, but you still run into the problem of nuclear engines being very heavy as well as leaning towards the "higher efficiency but lower thrust" end of the spectrum. Even if the idea works out on paper, and they usually do, they never measure up well against more conventional options.

>> No.15951442
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I wasn't going to post twice fuck you I'll change my mind

>Well, at least we're getting one LVM3 launch in 2024. Lord knows Shukrayaan and Mangalyaan-2 aren't getting to the pad this year.

>> No.15951443

I was joking btw. you are welcome to ask : )

>> No.15951445

Do jeets really?

>> No.15951446

Faggot free zone after this post

>> No.15951448


>> No.15951450

prophetic or pathetic? lets find out

>> No.15951456

>no less than four abort tests at different regiemes
lel this is going to be a safer spacecraft than Starliner

>> No.15951462

They seem to be pretty serious about trying for a crew launch in 2025.

The clock will be set to set to indian standard time and this time everything will work perfectly.

>> No.15951463
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6 CLPS missions planned this year, no other country will land as many landers on the moon this decade

ROSCOSMOS and ISRO are going to get MOGGED

>> No.15951475

6 missions, 6 failures ))))))

>> No.15951479

this idea is as close as I've found to your suggestion, but it uses the harvested oxygen as refuelling for a separate chemical rocket, and the nitrogen for nuclear electric thrust to offset drag instead of nuclear therm like I think you meant.

I remember a few years ago /sfg/ was discussing venus atmosphere harvesting and it boiled down to either floating platforms with cryogenic plants for air liquefaction or nuclear ramjet scoops in super low orbit

>> No.15951487

Not a high bar

>> No.15951493
File: 58 KB, 623x234, Screenshot-2023-10-10-at-16.46.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuclear ramjet
I guess this is more what I was asking for.

>> No.15951549

What do they do

>> No.15951558

Three maximum, likely just two. VIPER has already been quietly delayed and there are no signs of hardware for the 2nd and 3rd IM landers.

>> No.15951562


Berger has bought into the leftism propaganda

>> No.15951563
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Our Artemis III walker? and this can’t be axioms suit can it?


>> No.15951565

I don't want to listen to an hour long podcast, give me a qrd

>> No.15951568

Elon bad because Twitter met resistance from regulators/political ideology. Its such a shallow take that it really devalues Burger's reputation. He comes off as someone thats only able to see from the bubble he's living in and unable to see what the other side of the resistance is. Or atleast he doesn't elaborate on that

>> No.15951570

For me, it's now Stephen Clark, who is clearly being groomed to be his successor at Ars.

>> No.15951573

Isn't Berger Jewish? Not surprising to see he wouldn't like a guy brushing up with populist and nationalist political figures on twitter. I mean, I'm on Elon's side here but what did you expect?

>> No.15951579

I remember seeing something akin to that on twitter from him, but kind of vague
pretty dumb take though, very shortsighted and naive
you would think he is somebody that should understand how political spaceflight can be, 10-20 years ago it was basically completely under the whims of politics

>> No.15951600

Flatfags fuck off

>> No.15951648

not my fault your (trans) wife is flat lol kek

>> No.15951661

How hot is the steam produced by the water cooling system meeting the engines on the booster?

>> No.15951665

Theyre as hot as your mom

>> No.15951676

I knew I had a textbook that talked about this. Raymer's Aircraft design: a conceptual approach. The book covers some interesting propulsion and fuel systems.

>> No.15951679

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15951730
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Rocket, fuel depot

>> No.15951756

/sfg/ is dead (and thats good)

>> No.15951772
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Gas stations are a type of depot

>> No.15951775

Fuck off Noa

>> No.15951782

Fuck off Noa

>> No.15951791
File: 451 KB, 1197x1133, noaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off NOAA

>> No.15951799


Enviromental review laws getting expanded to ridiculous proportions

>> No.15951819

Doesnt seem to be specifically targetting Starship tho

>> No.15951835

Or targets every single construction. It's absolute garbage. This is just attempts to introduce degrowth and extinctionist movement of the Democrats.

>> No.15951860

>>>/pol/ might be more your speed

>> No.15951892

Based! Furry thread

>> No.15951897

Americans have to get rid of this green death cult.

>> No.15951904

Subhuman dog fucker

>> No.15951919


>> No.15951922

Fuck off Noa

>> No.15951923
File: 409 KB, 1000x1200, apu alien moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while ago I was running efficiency numbers for potential QI thrusters and I came up with a concept I call the Star Wars threshold, a point at which the overall electricity-to-thrust conversion enables flagrant scifi bullshit like fanless hovercars or direct SSTO with good payload fractions, and so on. As a rough order of magnitude estimate for working with current power supply technologies (diesel generators, batteries, fuel cells, solid core fission, etc.), that's on the order of 100mN/W, a figure which has been seen at least once on a tiny lab bench setup. The test thrusters on orbit now are about 1mN/W.

The future is closer than you think.

>> No.15951936

Umm how bout no?

>> No.15951948

so this is basically a nuclear ramjet? They already exist. US has tested them and Russia has flown them (they accidentally made a village uninhabitable)

>> No.15951952

Why are they so paranoid about this? What are they afraid the shitty space webcam could reveal?????

>> No.15951976

unmarked satellites, I suppose
seems so infinitesimally small a chance, and would require getting so close as to physically contact and blow both up, but rules on secrecy are very strictly adhered to no matter how absurd

>> No.15952004

berger is the superior writer and has access to sources. clark is a paid blogger.

>> No.15952007
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Funnily enough this Titan I is right next to a Krystal as well

>> No.15952039

>It's real
Do American's really?

>> No.15952049

Yes, they do have a space program.

>> No.15952058
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Why was this launch so secretive?

>> No.15952109

Reminder that they launched a replacement https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2022/06/spacex-globalstar-falcon-9/

>> No.15952110

>100mN/W, a figure which has been seen at least once on a tiny lab bench setup
No it wasn't. It was either fake or a mistake.

>> No.15952113

Reminder that the initial failure was a false flag which they have a history of doing

>> No.15952115

funny how all elon musk fans have become pol spergs instead of seeing the daylight as soon as their autistic mascot went off the rails. you guys are hopeless if youre still onboard

>> No.15952123

i don't think such a tiny sat would have very potent capabilities desu
can't hide orbital shit from even amateurs
there are so many ways you can track it if you know what you're doing

>> No.15952137

why musk wont make his own space station for tourism? already possible with falcon9

>> No.15952141

i can see how killing people is seen as not optimal by musk, imagine if he killed someone with dragon capsule exploding, meanwhile jews killed over 22 000 people and their covid killed over a million

>> No.15952143
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Rare footage.

>> No.15952158
File: 215 KB, 2048x1229, nasesa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that NASA has the pattern of testing random shit and than abandoning it.
Makes you think whether that RDE will go anywhere.

>> No.15952162

>11:15 onward
Holy kino

>> No.15952186

Because it would be a pointless sideshow, there are other startups doing that + starship itself works as a spacestation

>> No.15952222
File: 3.55 MB, 3923x5858, CalNeb_Powell_3923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starship itself works as a spacestation
Is that before or after it explodes? Asking for a friend who scammed you all into thinking a shiny cock rocket was the answer to space exploration....spoiler it isn't....it's just an exploding cock.

>> No.15952230

So what instruments would you put onto an interstellar probe? Assuming the mission time is about 75 years and it is heading towards a nearby star to directly observe it

>> No.15952237


>> No.15952270

I said no faggots >>15951446
For talking about dicks, go here >>15934505

>> No.15952274

I forgot where I read it but I'm pretty sure McCullough shelf said "it may be possible to achieve 58mN/W" which I am interpreting as being close to the theoretical limit.

>> No.15952286

We do like our roadside attractions and shitty fast food

>> No.15952296

calm down, schizo

>> No.15952306

anything interesting coming up soon? besides ift3 of course

>> No.15952308
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>> No.15952313

Vulcan virgin flight.

>> No.15952325
File: 100 KB, 708x592, 008637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk should do a SpaceX pep talk that might have something interesting (it wont)
Vulcan Centaur launching on the 8th
Axiom 3 on the 17th


>> No.15952327

>berger hasnt done a daily telescope in awhile
what went wrong?

>> No.15952330

>Vulcan Centaur launching on the 8th
No it won't.

>> No.15952341

>just 8 more days until Vulcan falls back to the pad at T+3s and explodes!

>> No.15952343
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Ok so ULA is getting bought by BO.
How will this affect the launch market?

>> No.15952345

is that confirmed now?

>> No.15952348
File: 75 KB, 959x943, 008638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juno makes its first ultra-close flyby of the volcano-covered moon Io
> On Saturday NASA's Juno spacecraft, which has been orbiting Jupiter for the better part of a decade, made its closest flyby of the innermost moon in the Jovian system.
> The spacecraft came to within 930 miles (1,500 km) of the surface of Io, a dense moon that is the fourth largest in the Solar System. Unlike a lot of moons around Jupiter and Saturn, which have surface ice or subsurface water, Io is a very dry world. It is also extremely geologically active. Io has more than 400 active volcanoes and is therefore an object of great interest to astronomers and planetary scientists.

>> No.15952352

Jeff just can't stop winning
>Blue Origin was awarded a contract for "Early Integration studies for NSSL Phase 3 Lane 2"

>> No.15952357

Raymer is the worst textbook I have ever had the displeasure to read. None of his math is explained or derived, all of the statistical models are handed down from on high without explaining their bounds of applicability, and in the edition I had all of the SI unit values are incorrectly converted.

Gudmunnsson made a much, much better version of the same book called "general aviation aircraft design".

>> No.15952358

Interspace is fake and gay. Outerspace is real and straight.

>> No.15952359
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>> No.15952385
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Damn, Estronaut is looking rough. Must be stressful having to put up with Elon's retarded takes all the time when you are a libtard and can't criticize him even one bit.

>> No.15952391

He'a busy rimming elon ass. That's the face of a good boy who loves every moment

>> No.15952407

can you take your homo fantasies to the correct thread please >>15934505

>> No.15952408
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>> No.15952410 [DELETED] 

The only one gobbling cocks and slurping cum ITT is (You). Particularly Elon cocks, but I wouldn't be surprised if you took it anally based on your post history

>> No.15952411

>How will this affect the launch market?

BO develops a reusable second stage using LOFTID.

New Glenn adds an optional Centaur third stage.

>> No.15952415


>> No.15952416
File: 56 KB, 481x270, v6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a Fallout character in that photo

>> No.15952417

>sub $1 million

Literally the change found under a cushon.

>> No.15952421

how do you call a mental condition where one is able to convey only thoughts in sex analogies?

>> No.15952423

on vacation probably

>> No.15952430

eric berger checked out years ago

>> No.15952441
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>> No.15952442

this thread is a little too much shitposting for my taste. i think the other thread is better for discussion

>> No.15952450

What's with the stupid retard hats? What are they even doing up there? 100 billion dollars and it advanced the USA by 0%. killed 14 people though, congrats

>> No.15952460
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Why not a flat 935k?

>> No.15952462

14 is beginner tier. wait til muskie modo is up there killing 100 people in one pop in his death trap tin can with no escape system at any point during flight.

>> No.15952464

What do we think about RDEs?

>> No.15952468

it's nice to see some criticism of musk here. /sfg/ is growing up

>> No.15952470


>> No.15952471

you are deepthorating fat neckbeard like common seethe septic while admiring your own reflection on his dicks glistening head

>> No.15952476

Very homosexual fantasy youre having there anon. Might be indicative of something else.

>> No.15952480

Wow, the faggot can't help himself. you degenerate fuck

>> No.15952483

Why? Firing tests have been successful so far.

>> No.15952493

I bet you faggots have not even the curtesy of fondling those disgusting fat slobs balls while you take your daily dose of vitamine EDS all over your mouth and throat

cock breathed commie motherfuckers

>> No.15952495

low thrust.
imagine for a moment you are thrust your cock in your boyfriends ass. well we know you dont excersize much so you got weak thrust, cant get the cock in the butt. well you need high thrust for that to get the job done and pierce the anus

>> No.15952497

Take that libruls

>> No.15952498

Um, sweaty? You need to go back and choke on Elon schlong some more while daddy and his friends get to business discussing spaceflight. If you keep this up you'll get the belt.

>> No.15952505

Go back to /lgbt/ faggot

>> No.15952507

the space shuttle was a safer craft than shartliner in its current form
you couldn't pay me to ride to space in that capsule
>isomeme on the fucking helmet
all that mass autism and orion is still a fat pig that can't get into LLO

>> No.15952510

Only nasa knows how to make a more powerful rocket than saturn V that cant get to the moon and back in a single launch

>> No.15952512

Triangles are strong and milling out metal like that makes it a whole lot lighter. Remember, all this shit is going up on an anemic hydromeme rocket, so weight is a premium.

>> No.15952515

Does nobody in this thread think of the fact that aliens might be extremely hostile?

>> No.15952517

I hope they are so I can kick their ass

>> No.15952520

what about aliens above your pay grade?
considering how common life is in the universe, there's a bunch of extremely powerful races out there that will exterminate any race that displays threatening characteristics.
It's in our best interest to go radio silent and prevent any detection of the solar system by more primitive aliens while operating in secrecy, while developing technology without drawing attention to make it too expensive for advanced aliens to explore this place

>> No.15952532
File: 80 KB, 261x284, f9ff5abf8286bb8161413f083c120f57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crappola this thread has gone to shit while I've been out for the holidays

>> No.15952539

I hate Falin.

>> No.15952552

*fuck their ass

>> No.15952592

you sir have won the internet today!

>> No.15952596

>pay grade
gay pride

>> No.15952601

You can't say anything for certain given how secretive Blue and ULA are with their tech specs, but I think there's a good chance a New Glenn/Centaur V stack could outright replace SLS for launching Orion to the moon.

>> No.15952602
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, 1703726999671988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo flaming twink faggots know you love to smear red lipstick all over those juicy dick sucking lips. So the smears on the cock end up making the dick look like the shittles external fuel tank

>> No.15952603

Estimator tacked on their morning Starbucks run to the contract, please understand

>> No.15952607

>/sfg/-space faggots general

>> No.15952608


>> No.15952610
File: 674 KB, 1543x2231, SpacesseX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site is terrible

>> No.15952612

you know you can always change your mind and use the good thread instead

>> No.15952616

Rare that in 1986 a lake decided to suddenly release 150 000 tons of c02, suffocating 1746 people in a 25 km radius.

>> No.15952621

Fake news and not spaceflight

>> No.15952624

correct it's space-flight, obviously superior
nothing has happened over the holiday weekend anyway, when's the next launch

>> No.15952629

That's a pretty good prank

>> No.15952636

You're still seething and shitting your pants? it's been two weeks LOL

>> No.15952642

This >>15952621 post was meant for >>15952616 sorry about that. Other thread is still shit but havent even though about it in 4 says.

>> No.15952647


>> No.15952655


>> No.15952658


>> No.15952660
File: 1.73 MB, 1437x1082, image-176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Space News]
Booster ran away :(

>> No.15952661

haha is their booster running? they'd better go catch it!!!

>> No.15952667
File: 211 KB, 860x637, launches2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 in Review

Now it's SpaceX vs the Red Chinese. There's no one else in the race.

>> No.15952673

>3 launches by ULA for the whole year

>> No.15952692


>> No.15952717


Isro launching Comsat on f9 q2

>> No.15952769
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>> No.15952819

It could have been worse. The Kupier launch was a last minute thing that only happened because Amazon was getting desperate to get some hardware into orbit for testing. Without that they would have only had two launches this year. That's the worst year they've ever had.

>> No.15952832


>> No.15952840
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>> No.15952847
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>> No.15952849
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>> No.15952851
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>> No.15952855
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>> No.15952857
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>> No.15952861
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>> No.15952862
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>> No.15952867
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>> No.15952871
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>> No.15952873
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>> No.15952875
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>> No.15952876
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> The Axiom 3 crew after completing SpaceX Crew Dragon testing.

2 weeks to launch

>> No.15952877

Stop spamming SpaceX chud

>> No.15952888


> While everyone was enjoying the holiday break, our team was hard at work avoiding a collision with a dead cubesat in space. We manuevered Mira to avoid a 15 km/s collision with a cubesat in retrograde orbit. Great job by the Impulse team. We are stewards of safe orbital space!
> Mira orbit is Sun-syncronous, so nearly polar. Therefor it is possible to have retrograde aproaching debris (think heading N as Mira is heading S). Potential head-on at twice LEO velocities!

>> No.15952890

Contender for one of the dumbest things Mueller has ever said on record

>> No.15952912

Theres like 8 crew launches this year.

>> No.15952913

>Targeting back-to-back launches starting with tonight’s Falcon 9 launch of 21 @Starlink satellites from California followed by tomorrow’s Falcon 9 launch of the @OvzonAB Ovzon 3 mission from Florida http://spacex.com/launches


>> No.15952914

First launch ~3 hours from now


>> No.15952958


Tight squeeze. Whoever parked there lol

>> No.15952975

After that, they've got two Starlink launches coming up this weekend, and Axiom 3 and Cygnus NG-20 later this month. That'd mean they need six additional Starlink launches to keep pace with their twelve-per-month goal for 2024.

That said, they've got twelve possible Falcon mission in February before they start adding Starlink launches, so there's room to make up for a shortfall.

>> No.15952981
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>Ends up fly both COTS finalist.

Remember when SpaceX was going to go bankrupt?

>> No.15952988

How far into advance are starlink missions announced?

>> No.15953002

Days in advance usually

>> No.15953003

/sfg/ would be more fun if you posted images. like a fun one, like rocket girls or something

>> No.15953008
File: 68 KB, 580x774, falcon1 pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while

>> No.15953009


>> No.15953021

Is eric berger feigning Elon derangement syndrome? either way he better tone it the fuck down if he wants to keep his insider access for the eventual Starship book

>> No.15953028

As said in yesterday's previous thread, he's either unable to understand the other side of the debate or the he does not wish to acknowledge the problem at hand. He and the interviewer claims that X met resistance from political ideology at the company and regulators, thats why X/Elon is bad. X is just as important as SpaceX/Tesla at this point in time. Without a free society, mars would be full of wokoe garbage wanting to tear it down. We cannot have a society like that. Humans cannot have a future like this.

>> No.15953035

Without a free society Mars colonization will never happen for the same reasons the German Democratic Republic always objected to people trying to get over the wall they built in Berlin.

>> No.15953036

Musk is ruining twitter. he's bad at managing twitter

>> No.15953042

Hard times require strong men to make sacrifices. If you dot not see it this way, then you do not even understand the nature of the problem or rather you see the "problem" as a solution due to political ideology.

>> No.15953045
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>> No.15953051

>twelve possible Falcon mission in February before they start adding Starlink launches
mfw that's THREE (3) launches per week. Or roughly a launch every other day.

>> No.15953053

if the woke stuff got powerful/bad enough I don't think its possible to start a mars colony
its basically an existential threat to making humans multiplanetary

>> No.15953063
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I guess you could call it an X risk.

>> No.15953065
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Old v new size. New one's quite bit larger

>> No.15953069
File: 67 KB, 652x859, 008649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply not true, twitter is better than ever, transforming the business model to be something that is not purely under the whims of the advertisers is critical
the situation needs to be that advertisers need to go to X because it is a platform that has a lot of eyeballs and they can't afford not to, not that X needs to beg for advertisers approval for every fucking thing and anything that gets posted on the platform needs to be approved by advertisers
the later has shown itself to be a threat to an open and free society, and its simply makes the platform much more boring

they just hit record numbers

>> No.15953072
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musk has also said he thinks there is a possibility of X becoming a trillion dollar company but even just saying Musk is ruining twitter is incorrect
maybe its ruining it if you want to live in a leftist woke bubble, I guess that is correct then
but its not generally true

>> No.15953074
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>> No.15953081

Spaceflight 'journalists' are all political hacks.

>> No.15953082

People forget that Musk's plan for X isn't just tweeting, its a whole swath of financial services that he wants to offer, which have been getting slow to roll out due to regulatory hurdles. That alone will turn X into a huge powerhouse once it rolls out.

>> No.15953087

yes, still waiting for transaction licenses in california and new york
he wants to make it the platform paypal was supposed to be before they ousted him

>> No.15953088


>> No.15953096


>> No.15953097

lmao get demolished and you resort to this
fuck off fag, don't bring this stuff up in the first place then

>> No.15953099

Hes right you faggots are ruining the thread. Talk about spaceflight not twitter news, take that shit to the other /sfg/.
>inb4 twitter news is spaceflight related bc elon
Ok Im gonna spam Tesla and Neuralink news if thats true, WHICH ITS NOT and we've been through this before so stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.15953102

SpaceX is the only launch company in history that'd look at a record-shattering year and say, "Yeah, let's boost that by another 50%."

>> No.15953104

I just fucking got here moron Im not going to read your shit nobody cares about essay.

>> No.15953105

Prominent space journos talking about it and discussing it for 15 minutes of the 60 minute talk means its important. He tried talking about how elon/X bad for such and such. Its important to push back against space journos who live in their own bubble.

>> No.15953132

>Imagine me in 2008 rooting for Blue Origin.

>> No.15953133
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> Elon Musk is not understood

>> No.15953140
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There is space flight in here somewhere but where?

>> No.15953142
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>> No.15953152
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>> No.15953154
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lrocket is tom mueller

>> No.15953155

I remember when NSF members tried piecing together the F9 first sea landing video

>> No.15953156
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kek someone having a meltdown

>> No.15953159

Can't wait for more Mueller shennanigans

>> No.15953160

They did successfully reconstruct a lot of the frames in the video, so the guys did manage something better than "tried." The reconstructed clip was used in the "how not to land an orbital class rocket" video.

>> No.15953168

Its a great dissection of all points from the bankrupt leftist woke talking head. Fighting full contextualized facts against half truths from leftoids.

>> No.15953170

The guy's ranting and raving like he sees Elon as an ideological threat.

>> No.15953181
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I see Casey still has a bad case of TDS and completely ignores that a guy who grew up in South Africa just might have some insights on the Great Replacement.

>> No.15953188

Should be per week

>> No.15953219
File: 2.27 MB, 1786x1258, 164952233-43ecd8d2-dbdc-4e21-897b-c4a4865415c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on a SSME made for trans-mars injections instead of a NTR?

>> No.15953226
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>> No.15953227

what the fuck is that font

>> No.15953240

ohio ahhh font fr

>> No.15953241

So, what? An RS-25 with more than 475s of isp? I can't think of any reason why it'd be the weak link in the plan. Getting the hundreds of tons of hydrolox into orbit to feed that thirsty girl is always going to be the hard trick with that sort of mission architecture.

>> No.15953243

its almost illegible

>> No.15953245

elon musk isn't even that rw, he's center-right at most. you're acting like everybody who is rw is a 'pol sperg'

>> No.15953247
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, PIA25970-MarsPerseveranceRover-IngenuityHelicopter-20230803.webm.720p.vp9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem confused, that's atmospheric flight. just like webm rel. not spaceflight

>> No.15953248
File: 21 KB, 394x318, ssme2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ab is with aerobraking
reference is using the ssme

>> No.15953250

Io is actually one of the most interesting moons in the solar system. Its a pretty interesting target for colonization too for the outer solar system, since it has metals close to the surface. Unfortunately you'd have to set up a lot of radio infrastructure to drain the Jovian radiation belts, but by the time humans are colonizing the outer solar system that should be pretty trivial.

>> No.15953254

I love /sfg/ handwaving

>> No.15953255

RS-25 is too overkill for deep space, with like two turbine stages and many moving parts. What's the simplest hydrogen engine you can get away with? Has anyone made a pressure-fed one?

>> No.15953260

i found this

>> No.15953261

What's the Y axis, metric tons IMLEO for a given payload?

>> No.15953265

Yet another instance of some novel technology being tested and relegated to some pdf in NASA's archive >>15952158

>> No.15953266

im just gonna link the full study here

>> No.15953269


Chinese Astronauts eating dumpling in space in their own Taingong Space Station for new years

>> No.15953270

It's more overkill because of it's thrust rather than its complexity. Simpler engine designs have lower isp and produce ships that need more structure and fuel for a given payload mass. That's why so many designers keep pushing for things like NTP despite all of the other engineering downsides.

>> No.15953272
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>> No.15953274


>> No.15953275

By the time humans are colonizing the outer solar system, yeah, it'd be comparatively trivial.

>> No.15953277

It's weird to think that this is going to be the biggest station in space in a few years.

>> No.15953280

The old die and the new take its place.

>> No.15953281

goofy ahhh speech bubbles fr

>> No.15953295

>use of Space Station Freedom in conjunction with STS
Reeeeeeeeee we were robbed

>> No.15953300

It's not overkill for thrust though. You need to be measuring thrust in meganewtons to do anything interesting with interplanetary crew. That's why the Mars Reference Architecture has a few cuck sheds strapped to nuclear reactors and SpaceX is planning entire cities based on Starship fleets.

>> No.15953301
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>he doesn't know about the '90s lunar outpost proposal with a direct ascent profile from a Saturn-derived rocket
it was canceled after Clinton came into office and NASA wanted to do things "faster, better, cheaper"

>> No.15953302

He should have instead backed the armored truck up to Youtube headquarters. Youtube clickbait has way more influence than twitter. Most twitter accounts aren't real people

>> No.15953303


More info on the ISRO GSAT comsat

>> No.15953308
File: 43 KB, 973x326, what_could_hve_been.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was going to be a precursor landing with 2 astronauts with the spacecraft assembled in orbit with an Ariane 5 and a shuttle

>> No.15953311

Bill Clinton got away with absolute murder because he presided over the 10MHz to 1GHz spike in Moore's Law and the commercializatiob of the Internet so everyone was rolling in money. What a faggot he was in retrospect.

>> No.15953312

>“For Bob and I, that particular booster was always pretty special for a lot of reasons," said Hurley, a veteran Marine Corps fighter pilot who retired from NASA's astronaut corps in 2021. He now works at Northrop Grumman.
>“It’s kind of a bummer," Hurley told Ars.
>“SpaceX has got a business to run," he said. "I think, at this point, certainly Endeavour is going to fly more, but this booster isn’t, so hopefully they can find a spot to display it somewhere. Even part of it would look kind of cool somewhere. They could figure something out ... People, I think, can get a lot of inspiration from seeing stuff that’s actually flown in space, and being able to get right up close to it, I think, is a big deal to a lot of people.”

>> No.15953314

i don't think the falcon 9 booster ever passed the Karman line though

>> No.15953318


>> No.15953322

sfg would be more fun if faggots like you would stay on topic and actually discuss interesting space technologies rather than shitting up the thread with your masturbation material.

>> No.15953324
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starlink launch soon.

>> No.15953325
File: 890 KB, 908x737, meth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if someone gets off to the thought of discussing interesting space technologies?
also here is a methalox ssme because why not

>> No.15953333

This >>15934505 thread might be more your speed

>> No.15953336


>> No.15953340


t-30 min till live

>> No.15953341

based coomer casey, handjob handmer does it again

>> No.15953342

Never said I was wrong, shitskin.

>> No.15953344
File: 562 KB, 1364x1053, big rocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time, we had a space agency that could dream of building big rockets

>> No.15953347

if you can start an SSME in orbit I will lick your balls
go home tranny

>> No.15953352
File: 56 KB, 578x366, 008660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15953353

China heavenly palace seems a lot nicer than america tin can station

>> No.15953356

why do rockets need QD arms? just pull the arms away at t-30 and eat the fraction of a fraction of a percent loss of battery power and fuel

>> No.15953359

I don't think its battery and fuel power loss as much as it is the ability to abort

>> No.15953360

holy fucking cute overload

>> No.15953361

where is this from?

>> No.15953363


>> No.15953368
File: 51 KB, 709x234, bogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asteroid hunters have made the serendipitous discovery of an object in a 5875 x 66768 km x 30.8 deg supersynchronous transfer orbit, A10ZEt3. I've tried to come up with a way it could be OTV 7, but I don't see an obvious series of maneuvers that could get it to the right orbit

>> No.15953370

>go home tranny
>8v&oe literally just said would lick another mans nuts
Might wanna kill yourself projecting closetted troon.

>> No.15953371

As much as I like a lot of what Musk does, this "everything app" shit is really gay cringe globohomo etc. buzzwords stuff that I really hate. Same with his obsession with touchscreens.

>> No.15953372

baby I'm a man
a man's man

>> No.15953374

you are a cringe faggot

>> No.15953377

Nah, seamless integration is necessary a good thing. Particularly when you know the globohomo does not control it and has been trying to kill X for a while. So we can be certain its something that they wont like

>> No.15953393


>> No.15953397
File: 34 KB, 640x640, xlarge_Mike_McCulloch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*taps mic*

>> No.15953398

is this a new intro?

>> No.15953400

narrators? in *my* starlink launch?
it's more likely than you think

>> No.15953403
File: 82 KB, 1876x1160, 008661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kate tice and jessie hosting
6 new direct to cell satellites launching and they will talk about it more later
I guess that is why this started t-15 instead of t-5?

>> No.15953406
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reposting link

>> No.15953409
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>> No.15953412
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>> No.15953414

so which 6 are the direct to cell ones?

>> No.15953416

I like how SpaceX has just completely obviated entire classes of protocols like LoRa and ZigBee by upgrading Starlink.

>> No.15953419
File: 2.19 MB, 3132x2160, GC40dOea8AASmnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe all of them? but just 6 have license to test this capability
they do talk about these new 6 being brigther so perhaps they aren't shown on this stack

>> No.15953420

Mass autism. Unfortunately, even Starship is not immune.

>> No.15953422

Oh shit, new booster.

>> No.15953426
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>> No.15953427

Fake as shit wheres your proof fag

>> No.15953428



>> No.15953429

listen to the stream dipshit

>> No.15953430

look at it, its shiny

>> No.15953431

the launch audio for space x streams always sucks

>> No.15953433

being able to read would be helpful, it is even stated in the article to have done it at least once
F9 boosters reach space on I think every orbital mission, check the telemetry in the webcast some time.

>> No.15953435
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big one

>> No.15953438
File: 31 KB, 464x252, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got up to 122

>> No.15953440

What a time to be alive that one can open a rocket livestream in another tab and instantly school someone. There is literally a booster in space RIGHT NOW

>> No.15953441

btw its me (krystal) who said that the booster didn't go to space

>> No.15953442

Not anymore, it just landed.

>> No.15953443

blud still seething that xhe go btfo'd

>> No.15953448
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even elon shared it

>> No.15953449

Can Starship send stuff to GTO in one launch or do they have to refuel for that first?

>> No.15953451

Depends on how much freight you want moved

>> No.15953454

the specs call for 20 tons direct to GTO

>> No.15953455

also assuming it can aerobrake back from GTO

>> No.15953459

why would you bother coming back from gto? just lose the ship at that point. you're already miles ahead just recovering it from leo

>> No.15953476
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>> No.15953478
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>> No.15953484

Is becoming a multiplanetary species really worth of giving internet access to billions of Indians?

>> No.15953494

*acquiring targeting solutions on billions of Indians

>> No.15953498

You're not gonna be able to stream normieslop from it, but when you're driving in the bush and you need navigation, simple messaging or you need to google how to change a flat, this shit is game changing.

>> No.15953500

Indias net penetration is at 63%, so hundreds of millions already have internet access (881 mil)
giving the rest access isn't going to change anything meaningfully

>> No.15953506
File: 66 KB, 1147x404, 008669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its going to be just texting at first but yes this is pretty nice
global cell access, no more dead zones (assuming regulatory and provider bureaucracy etc is worked out at that specific area)


>> No.15953509

The average Chinese citizen is older than the average American citizen.

>> No.15953511
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swarm co-founder, I guess the swarm tech is pivotal to direct to cell? and that is why spacex acquired them (if it wasnt just an acquihire)

>> No.15953515
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>> No.15953521

It's starting to really dawn on me just how terrifying Spacex must be to the rest of the industry

>> No.15953525
File: 13 KB, 1009x782, astra lv0006 rocketgirl drift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astra went out of its way to target niches SpaceX wasn't at the time and still got wrecked. I can't imagine what it's like for legacy beeg rogget providers like ULA or Ariane.

>> No.15953526

Given just how many players in oldspace needed a decade to accept that reuse even worked with the Falcon 9, and given just how many newspace entrants were inspired to repeat SpaceX's early attempts while not paying any attention to the lesions that SpaceX learned from them, I'm not sure how many people in the industry actually understand the industry.

>> No.15953535

why is China making both the long march 9 and 10 if they accomplish the same mission?

>> No.15953541


>> No.15953546

Any updates on skitzodrive?

>> No.15953548

First, they're not doing the same mission.

The LM-10 is a rocket that China can build with the tech they have right now that's big enough to handle a lunar mission in just two launches. Later on it can be cut down to just the core in the LM-10A and have reuse tech added on from one the independent groups to produce another Falcon 9 equivalent.

The LM-9 is in a bigger weight class that's intended to compete with Starship. It's supposed to be used to support a lunar outpost after the LM-10 missions have run the flags-and-footprints routine, or maybe for geostationary solar power if Beijing decides their still interested in that. The LM-9 is going to be using next-generation engines (which is why it's a mid-2030s rocket instead of a late 2020s one) as well as reuse tech right from the start.

They also might have been pushed originally by different chief designers. China is not immune to Korolev vs Chelomei drama.

>> No.15953554

Most of "the industry" had never started from zero themselves, they were forked off of ICBM programs started during the Cold War which in turn had roots in Peenemunde. SpaceX and Rocket Lab are the only two consistently profitable companies to pull that off.

>> No.15953555

Still waiting on authorization to turn it on.

>> No.15953561

I agree with the idea of your post, but SpaceX is most definitely not consistently profitable and neither is Rocket Lab. You could've chosen so many other attributes that'd fit other than this one.

>> No.15953564
File: 140 KB, 576x576, NRO_Seal_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they turned it on and it worked, do you think they'd tell us, or would it get swallowed by some NRO/USSF black budget program? Is there anyone outside of this underwater Micronesian basket weaving forum following it?

>> No.15953581

I was trying to find some way to differentiate from the Chinese companies that get infinite 0% loans as long as they keep hiring.

>> No.15953590

There were a few schizos doing QI garage tests back in 2020-2021 but due to various normienet ban sprees /sfg/ is the only place that consistently knows quantized inertia is even being tested still other than direct replies to McCulloch and Mansell (IVO CEO) on Shitter. Mansell would absolutely announce that it worked because his goal is a jump to TRL 9, a mass produced product people can buy. At this point I think the black projects have their own test hardware - I'm legitimately half convinced the X-37B OTV-7 is using a Horizon Drive to perform "impossible" maneuvers as described

>> No.15953608

Shut up niglet

>> No.15953651

>there will be another spacex launch later today
>we'll be at 3 launches in 3 days
300 launches here we goooooooooooooooo

>> No.15953759


>> No.15953768

What about Africa?

>> No.15953849

Wasn't Cybertruck massively delayed due to production problems?

>> No.15953850

the cybertruck isnt real. it's called a concept car

>> No.15953851

Oh yeah he's super center right, but he seems to like pandering to people further on the right a lot.

>> No.15953853

They ended up re-engineering the whole thing to make it production ready, and a lot of the technologies they ended up putting into it or wanted to put into it weren't actually ready.

>> No.15953857

The stuff he's pandering to is eminently reasonable stuff that isn't actually all that far right. The only reason it looks particularly extreme is because the further right elements are the only ones bothering to be vocal about it.

>> No.15953861

supply chain problems

>> No.15953875

musk panders to holocaust deniers like alex jones.

>> No.15953878

Yeah, center right.

>> No.15953884

When did Alex Jones deny the holocaust?

>> No.15953922

he literally said that 6 million was a globalist blood ritual number a million times and that hitler was a paid actor

>> No.15953931

I literally cannot find a single shred of proof of this. The only thing I can see about him claiming anyone was a paid actor pertains to Sandy Hook.

>> No.15953978

Is this true?

>> No.15953990

it's not

>> No.15954016

Concur with this Anon:
The other guy in
is just plain making shit up.

>> No.15954046

/sfg/ sucks every moment a rocket isn’t actively on its way to or from space

>> No.15954052

Unhinged leftists naking ahit up as is tradition
And musk didnt want to let jones back on the platform and didnt at first, but people kept pestering him about it and ultimately free speech is about letting people you dont like say things you dont like
He held a poll and like 70% said bring him back
You know the reason jones was banned was not the sandy hook thing? It was due to saying some journalist looks like a rat

>> No.15954056


>We are aiming for 144 launches in 2024 (12 per month). The launch system (pads, recovery, flight hardware) needs to be capable of 13/month so we can play catch up when planned maintenance, debacles and weather inevitably slow us down.

>> No.15954066

Well that's dumb, journalists ARE rats

>> No.15954074

Knower here
It will not be a good end to the week

>> No.15954091
File: 319 KB, 727x580, year of the gaganyaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the post launch press conference of PSLV-C58, Dr. Somanath said, ISRO plans to launch 2 Gaganyaan in-flight abort missions (TV-D2 and D3) and 2 uncrewed orbital testflights of Gaganyaan in 2024! In addition, they will also conduct a Pad Abort Test (PAT-02) and an Integrated Air Drop Test (IADT) this year.
I'm still a little surprised that they plan to crank out this many launches for a single program before the end of the year. If they can manage all of that a crewed launch in 2025 doesn't seem unreasonable.

>> No.15954104

It's like a man with a chainsaw killing severely retarded children. They're not even aware enough to be scared.

>> No.15954108

the martian banner will wave over the galaxy

>> No.15954112

>spacex cant launch more because there arent enough launch sites
wtf is biden doing, build more spaceports

>> No.15954137

Pads might not be the bottleneck. Right now I'd say that the biggest limitations is droneship turnaround. Still not an excuse not to have another Falcon pad. SLC-17's looking pretty good right about now.

>> No.15954152


>> No.15954155

>writing another book
berger would make more money with a youtube channel

>> No.15954157

>It's starting to really dawn on me just how terrifying Spacex must be to the rest of the industry
Even we don't really have a good grasp on the implications of SpaceX's approach. Nobody's seriously entertaining the idea of Starships that fly once a day.

>> No.15954179

>Nobody's seriously entertaining the idea of Starships that fly once a day.
Not yet
SpaceX is going to demonstrate it at some point. It's one of the reasons the tank farm has been expanded. While they clearly didn't need the expansion for IFT-1/2 it is needed if you expect launches in quick succession

>> No.15954182

Shut up chud

>> No.15954187
File: 189 KB, 700x1300, Falcon-Heavy_and_Shuttle_RK2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original idea for the Shuttle program was to have a fleet of four orbiters each launching 24 times per year, for a total of about 96 missions, for about $2000kg. Falcon 9 launched 96 missions last year, most of which were carrying a payload equal to a max-capacity Shuttle flight, for about $1500/kg. No one has ever really bothered to think about what a fully functional Starship program could look like beyond "a lot of big, cheap launches happen off camera" in something like The High Frontier.

>> No.15954190

Shuttle sucked end of story

>> No.15954204

Full Starlink v2 upgrade is the obvious one. Beyond that it starts to outrun the market. Crew rating and then a Shuttle style crew+clamshell+arm construction variant to build spinhabs or space solar power is my best guess for a capacity soak. Then Mars.

>> No.15954206
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