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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15949509 No.15949509 [Reply] [Original]

black people are the closest living relatives to the chimpanzee

>> No.15949532

where can I find African gene dataset

>> No.15949570

Did bonobos go extinct recently?

>> No.15949586

White people used to be black people

>> No.15950074

negroes are mutually fertile with chimps and the offspring of chimp x negro breeding are fertile as well
no other species of human is even mutually fertile with chimps let alone having fertile offspring.
the idea that humans are all a single species has no basis in science, it was declare to be the inarguable truth by politicians at the UN in november of 1945

>> No.15950249

Is this true?

>> No.15950437
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>> No.15951116


>> No.15951129

*humans are mutually
You are human aren't you?

>> No.15951142

I doubt you could even define the axes of those graphs

>> No.15951237
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>You are human aren't you?

If you're a white European? yeah. the genetic distance from an Englishman and a Bantu is absolutely massive, though. Who knows if they're human as well?

race mixer spotted. cringe

>Another startling fact relating to genetic distance is that, for most Europeans and Asians, the mother of a mixed-race child with a Bantu African father is more closely related to another member of her own ethnic group, randomly chosen off the streets, than she is to her own hybrid child.

>> No.15951282

Sub saharan african peoples have a significant admixture from a hominid population that were not homo sapiens whereas other human populations are overwhelmingly homo sapien
So in reality, black people used to be more like whites but they couldn't control their lust for troglodyte puss puss

>> No.15951290

Dunno 'bout dat bruv

>> No.15951297

I'm rather impressed to see another concrete representation of Denisovan admixture among Oceanians.

>> No.15952059

No it's not lol. Chimps and humans literally have different numbers of chromosomes.

>> No.15952102

Atleast they won't be going almost extinct in next 4-5 generations.

>> No.15952253

Not OP, but the graphs come from Qin et al., Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2015. Although, the information they present there wasn't new at the time they published it, Reich et al., Nature, 2010 published basically the same results.

>> No.15952257

Yep the bantu the light skinned good looking ones, those anglo subhumans from dogeland look like well anglos

>> No.15952761

This just demonstrates that Africans have less Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA. Chimpanzee is just used as a control since the similarity should be common to all humans. Learn how a PCA plot works before you start making invalid interpretations.

>> No.15952774

>thinking people here know and understand about model animals

You're dealing with armchair scientists and dolts here anon.

>> No.15953626

>everyone on /sci/ is dumb
>except me, i'm a a super intelligent all knowing genius

>> No.15953638
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>> No.15953650
File: 1.08 MB, 766x992, eom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True and real, however that is the same for all other races. True humans could live up to 900+ years.

>> No.15953666
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