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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15948534 No.15948534 [Reply] [Original]

I was looking at the Wikipedia article called “list of things named after John von Neumann” and there were SIXTY SEVEN things on the list.

They weren’t limited to one field, either. It included contributions to mathematics, statistics, quantum physics, game theory, computer science, economics, chemistry and biology.

The anecdotes about his life are stuff of legend as well. While working at Princeton University, he got into conversation with another professor, a leading scholar in Byzantine history, who quickly realized that von Neumann knew more about the subject than he.

My personal favorite anecdote is on his death bed, his brother read him Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”, and as he was turning the pages, John would continue the previous sentence for him, purely from memory. This was in a room full of US government officials, who made sure von Neumann didn’t spill any nuclear secrets in his drug-induced final days

I get that he doesn’t have a crowning achievement as iconic as that of an Einstein or a Newton, but surely this is the smartest person to have ever lived?

>> No.15948541

>jewish shills shilling jewish shills

>> No.15948547

Based /pol/ schizo, make sure the look under your bed for hiding jews. Kek. Imagine the mental gymnastics necessary to say that low IQ black is genetic but somehow the high IQ of Jew is not, literal schizo mind.

>> No.15948548

Yeah, the guy was something else, once in a couple of generations genius, probably, I wonder how is like be that bright, like phenomenological speaking, how a mind of that man see the world?

>> No.15948550

It's a bot dumbass

>> No.15948551

More like /pol/ retard, I still wonder if the /pol/ is so master race as they say, why they can't outcompet the Jews and take over?

>> No.15948556
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, israel iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews are low iq

>> No.15948579

Scientific evidence of low IQ in blacks: replete
For Jews: ?

The WASP ruling class under Henry Chauncey’s direction had created what it thought was an uncoachable test that measured pure mental ability. Kaplan was smart enough to see through WASP pretensions and come up with a system that guaranteed better test results. The system was so simple that it hardly qualifies as a system at all.

In the days when the blueprint for building the atomic bomb was an open secret compared to the questions on the SAT test, Kaplan came up with a simple but ingenious way to subvert the system. After each class graduated from Kaplan’s school and took the test, he would invite them back to celebrate with hot dogs and root beer; admission to the party was gained by having each student tell Kaplan one question he remembered from taking the test. The net result of Kaplan’s parties was a list of the questions that his students would face when taking the SATs.

If Kaplan tutored five classes of fifty students in one year, at the end of that year he had 250 questions. By the time Kaplan sold his test-prep business to the Washington Post company in the ‘70s, for $50 million he had over 30 years experience in gathering questions, which meant he could tell his students with increasing accuracy the answers to those questions as well.

Jewish scores on the SATs rose accordingly, as did Jewish admission to the prestigious colleges that had established quotas to keep them out in the early 20th century. It is unlikely that people like Conant and Chauncey and Brigham considered Jews from Brooklyn the candidates most likely to fulfill Jefferson’s ideal of the natural aristocrat, but they were the main beneficiaries of the system that Chauncey and Conant put in place to rescue nature’s aristocrats from the rubbish that the SAT was raking through in the period following World War II.

>> No.15948584
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