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15947389 No.15947389 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what would a natural predator of humans look like? Something which has the capacity to hunt us down without us being able to retaliate against, and thus has the capacity to be the new apex species of the world.

What would this theoretical creature need to be able to do or look like to be our predator?

>> No.15947390

a woman

next question

>> No.15947396

Tough question since humans can adapt to any situation and make problem-solving decisions

In short, it would have to be something that invariably outsmart us each time we try to do something

>> No.15947397
File: 97 KB, 680x800, saber tooth cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly design for opening human skulls to get to the tasty fat rich brains inside. That's why we had to wipe them off the face of the Earth.

>> No.15947400

Statistically speaking, you're asking for a tiger.

>> No.15947451

>Something which has the capacity to hunt us down without us being able to retaliate against,
You do know that predating on something does not automatically mean being immune anything it can throw at you, right?

>> No.15947454

I like the Demons from Frieren.

>> No.15947466

>I like the Demons from Frieren.
Maybe they were psychopathic humans who bred in isolation from other humans.

>> No.15947486

something more sapient than a human

>> No.15947601

A Woman...

>> No.15947603

go back to /pol/

>> No.15947606

there's a john carpenter documentary in the arctic about just this

>> No.15947608

i think the traditional/boring answer would be disease, i don't want to derail the thread though

>> No.15947635
File: 2.42 MB, 4260x2918, unplug-1901124456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without us being able to retaliate against,

>> No.15947651


>> No.15947677

>what would a natural predator of humans look like?
Big cats. Big cats are natural predators of humans, to this day.

>> No.15947679

Do big cats have the adaptability to outsmart guns? No? Then that's not what a natural predator of humanity is.

>> No.15947683

So you would think
>Total of 34 people have died from lion and leopard attacks in past two years in Gujarat
Until humans are born equipped with guns, big cats will remain our natural predators, even if we've broken the game for the most part.

>> No.15947796

>human runs out of ammo
>suddenly it has natural predators again

>> No.15947834

I think hyper-intelligent big cats. Or wolves?

Intelligence and ability to create and use tools are the primary reason we dominated the world, but physically we are weaker than most non-rodent mammals, so i think anything bigger/faster/stronger than us would be able to hunt is provided they had equal or greater intelligence.

Although its worth noting that it's probably too late for anything else just because of sheer momentum, even if you gave them all of humanity collective knowledge, they wouldn't have infrastructure or organization to pose any largescale threat.

>> No.15947841
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>> No.15947856

He's not entirely wrong though. Animals are easy to spot and deal with, most if not all high profile apex predetators aren't equipped to deal with a basic bitch spear in the face or side. You basically have to take away all natural advantages attributed to humans and put them in front of a bear, shark or hippo with no weapons.

An animal that could lowkey achieve a superficial mimicry of the basic female anatomy/speech patterns is your best bet for a natural predetator to modern man.

Unless you just want to count parasites like Mosquitoes and Ticks.

>> No.15947978

Humans are the dominant species thanks to our intelligence, so it would have to be something more intelligent than a human, can outsmart us in problem-solving and is always a step ahead of us in cunning

>> No.15948184


>> No.15948226

brain parasite?