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File: 1.56 MB, 1200x675, Aubrey de Grey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15941940 No.15941940 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really possible? Also what happened to Aubrey De Grey's theories on anti-aging?

>> No.15941964

It's a meme, you will die within this century.

>> No.15941965

It is not possible with current technology, but it will be possible with future technology.

>> No.15941968

But Aubrey says in 20 years it'll be possible!

>> No.15941980

because he'll be dead in 25 years if no cure is developed

>> No.15941986

Beta alkyloids are just one of many symptoms of the cardiovascular system begining to fail. E5 has yet to be produced economically.

Yamanaka Factor Gene activation is the only concept showing true promise and is already being rolled out for the elites that want it via a DNA cassette. But most are still waiting on more data. That Jordan guy or whomever they put on TV is really just a distraction to make sure everyone still associates longevity with something expensive. Legit deaging is already technicallly here but unevenly distributed. If that one dude turns out to be right about using Apigenin, you can already buy stuff that will activate Yamanaka Factor Genes.

>> No.15942009
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your dog will outlive you

>> No.15942011 [DELETED] 
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> 1/8 humans want to live beyond 127

>> No.15942014
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Given how dogs operate, that'd be pure agony for the poor canine who lost his owner.

>> No.15942051

Some attention starved woman played the #metoo card on him and the board of his foundation took all the research resources he accumulated over his lifetime. He had to start over but at least that woman got plenty of attention.

>> No.15942069

Has any of his research paid off at all though?

>> No.15942096
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He's currently running a study with mice in his new foundation to see the effects of several of these therapies when used together. Apparently, he thinks if, at the end, the median life span of mice receiving these treatments increases significantly, it will kickstart the rejuvenation industry into the mainstream media and investment will follow. Check out his Twitter or Facebook for updates.

>> No.15942166

How many tries did it take Edison's army of workers to figure out a good lightbulb filament? Randomly trying nonsense stuff of course is unlikely to find anything useful except in the most astonishing cases of serendipity, but directed experimentation based on educated theories are a valid method of discovery. There have been scientific panels that have examined Aubrey's work and come to the conclusion that he's sincere and not a scam artist living off of donations. They weren't able to come to a conclusion either way on if his work had good odds of success because as frontier work, it's difficult to know how frequently discoveries should be made but nothing stuck out as indicating a nutbag wildly guessing about nonsense.

>> No.15942172

Enjoy your life fully, anon. If you do, then when death comes, it will be a beautiful rest after an honest day's work. The Jew fears death because he cheats his way through life. Thus, he aspires to cheat death as well. Do not be led down that path, anon.

>> No.15942175

>Thus, he aspires to cheat death as well.
are you retarded anon? if you have a way to survive and don't take it that's suicide. you're messed up anon
>if you refuse to die you are a jew

>> No.15942186

This world you envision does not and will not exist. The form of life extension that will come in your lifetime will be a cruel mockery of life. You are better off accepting the natural state of the world than following these charlatans on their path to hell.

>> No.15942194

>on their path to hell.
brother you seem to be fucked in the head. you are literally advocating for suicide because else you are going to hell. you're fucked up beyond any fucking measure, with a skewed perception of reality.

>> No.15942197

>because else you are going to hell.
The Indian street shitter is revealed.

>> No.15942201

well no, I'm pointing out how almost always you idiots frame your shit such that it sounds somewhat sage advice while in practice it means mass suicide for plebs and jews GET to be immortal. funny this thing, how it always happens.
same as you do and say jack shit to billionaires or corporations, and that's because you're a pathetic waste of oxygen coward. or a fucking shill of sorts. religious one.
>oops, my dogma accidentally resulted in immortal billionaire jews and mass suicide for plebs. teehee

>> No.15942209

Aubrey de Grey is a scam artist though

>> No.15942226

Go to sleep, Aubrey.

>> No.15942229

>haha it's cool to kill yourself

>> No.15942265

I'll only believe in anti aging when they manage to cure baldness, something MUCH easier to rectify

>> No.15942266

even if, would you rather delay anti aging and solve baldness in the between or fuck balding and sort it out once you can afford it (timewise)?

>> No.15942384

Pretty much all Aubrey’s theories are now mainstream

>> No.15942386

2 more weeks, trvst the plan

>> No.15942484

Yeah they are pretty good...in theory but no practical recipes yet

>> No.15942518

Fake stuff made by grifters. We're still in the age of alchemists as far as life extension is concerned.

>> No.15942554

A-are we gonna make it, anon?

>> No.15942555

could be a tight squeeze

>> No.15942998

No anon, you're gonna die and the maggots will eat your rotten skin. Then you're gonna pay premium!

>> No.15943002

>born in '92
Yeah I know :\

>> No.15943014

Help me understand this, why is a man trying to live forever grooming himself to look like an ancient wizard? Does he think if he looks like he's 1000 years old this will help him succeed?

>> No.15943022

I wonder that too. One would believe he would try to look younger and inspire his shareholders. He looks like he's gonna kick the bucket anytime soon.

>> No.15943100

He probably doesn’t take any of the therapies and probably drinks alcohol sometimes. Lots of brainiacs are crazy like that.

>> No.15943106

He looks like he doesn't believe in caloric restriction. A grifter all the way

>> No.15943121

nta but i feel like balding must be a much simpler but highly related problem to aging in general.

I wouldnt take anti aging seriously if solving balding remains out of reach.
It must be a massive market attacting lots of research?

>> No.15943141

Many of my direct relatives lived to be pretty old, and honestly? Theres a lot of individual variability in how well you do. One of my relatives turned into a human shell past 90, another turned 100 and still was normal.

I wouldn't intentionally try to live so long as it'd be a coin flip whether you'd actually be capable of doing anything beside shitting/eating.

>> No.15943167

Still worth it provided I can still do calculus, just like Stephen Hawking

>> No.15943193

Why does he look so old then?

>> No.15943199
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Moreover, why would you want to EXTEND your life?

>> No.15943201

I want to read more books and there's not enough life to do so.

>> No.15943216

>"It is I, GANDALF, your anti-aging wizard!"

>> No.15943238

why is it easier? we do not know the real complexity of either things.

>> No.15943242

Aubrey doesn't give a fuck about his looks, he eats and drinks whatever including unrequited pussy

He's the opposite of Bryan "the queer caloric restricted faggot" johnson

>> No.15943254

>Eats meat and unrequited pussy
What a fucking chad wizard!

>> No.15943273

he's gonna shave one day and claim his pills made him look younger and not his lack of beard. classic snake oil seller tactic

>> No.15943314

it will happen but you must die first

>> No.15943326
File: 177 KB, 1399x941, rotator_SpartansWill_Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

michigan state university already bridged the genetic gap allowing for character creation - you probably know this as the video game "halo (spartan program) ... they're pretty mainstream by this point.

soon enough the dystopia will begin -

>> No.15943394

So basically never

>> No.15943461

That's just so sad. I want to be immortal

>> No.15943500

If people stopped dying, it would upset the balance of life.

>> No.15943549

Who cares? There's progress and that's what matters

>> No.15943557

I don't give a shit about long life, just long youth

>> No.15943577

you don't even have to justify it bro.

>> No.15943580

will billionaires die as well? will you die as well with the rest of us? what about politicians? cartel leaders? all gonna die so as to not "upset the balance of life" you fucking imbecile?

>> No.15943604
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lol, all these fags terrified of humans having more life. Get fucked.

>> No.15943624

they are really terrified of other humans having more life while they won't. that's the real issue. if they can't have it, nobody will. this is seriously basic human behavior.

>> No.15943633

The rich already have allot more life than everyone else. This would be an extension of fact. What I dont get is the certainty that cope is the only answer. Something like deaging would be empowering to every individual on the planet.

What we need more than deaging is to just make it normal to tag sociopaths like we do other predators and have a public database.

>> No.15943644
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>like the predators they are

>> No.15943723

>will you die as well with the rest of us?

I am planning on it, yes. Even if I make it to 200 years old, that's not really that much longer.

>> No.15943728

>Even if I make it to 200 years old, that's not really that much longer.
yeah I'm aware of that, hence why we need true immortality not life extension shit.
but, life extension can help some of the people alive today to reach true immortality.

>> No.15943729

On what rational basis do you assert that such a thing as "true immortality" is possible?

>> No.15943740

On what basis do you ignore all of the evidence that it is extremely likely? Cell identity is most certainly maliable.

>> No.15943749

His inability to cope with his own mortality.

>> No.15943751

I'd say you are actually coping
well, does it matter tho? I mean to this particular discussion? the whole idea is for you to melt down about it trying to convince me why it's not possible so I should just choose to die, like a good boy. innit?

>> No.15943760

>the whole idea is for you to melt down about it trying to convince me why it's not possible so I should just choose to die, like a good boy. innit?
I'm just interested in what your opinion is on why this is coming soon. You haven't really presented a case for the level of confidence you display.

>> No.15943762

I don't have to convince you really. why would you suppose such idiocy you entitled prick?
also not quite as soon but pretty soon in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.15943763

You don't have to do anything, but you seem offended that I even asked. Why? If you have evidence that immortality is possible I'm open to checking it out.

>> No.15943764

>I'm open to checking it out.
well I'm pretty sure you would.
all around you but you can't see it yet. because reasons

>> No.15943766

Is this post satire?

>> No.15943770

no bro, it really is like that. I know, you want to have a fight about it, there's no use getting into it.

>> No.15943771

I don't want to have a fight, I just want to know what you're talking about. If the evidence is everywhere then point me to it.

>> No.15943773

>If the evidence is everywhere then point me to it.
look in the mirror dude.

>> No.15943778

How is anyone supposed to take your concerns seriously when you devolve like this any time someone asks for evidence?

>> No.15943788

it makes sense if you read it in 20-30 years after you understand it. like no joke. but I get the frustration. have no clue how to make you understand.

>> No.15943791

>have no clue how to make you understand.
Present some of the sources from which you derived your confidence in the feasibility of immortality.

>> No.15943796

what do you mean? it is you who must provide that it is not possible.
>but muh intuition
each and every single fucking time. fuck your intuition anon, raw

>> No.15943803

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15943870
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 1703598149223960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, dey hous knegrows. Same guy posts about there not being any advancements and woe is me and if you actually show him something he will just make another thread and pretend nobody said anything already. I swear its the same guy doing this. Someone make a Cellular Reprograming General, or atleast something we can agregate under other than this gay ass unbrella.

>> No.15943890

Why? Has this happened before?

>> No.15943908

don't be in a hurry to understand it anon. it will only ruin most of the sci-fi for you, and that at a minimum. there's nothing us neets can do about it anyway. it ties into the whole top research that's happening atm.
it's quite inevitable, nothing to do to hurry it. I think the best thing we can all collectively do is make sure we don't wipe or delay shit with wars and instability and shit like that.

>> No.15943934 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 596x593, reposterino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same garbage tier tranny thread reposted for the 9000th time

>> No.15943942

Hey its a cool topic!

>> No.15943945

yeah I don't understand why some idiots are offended by it

>> No.15943948
File: 374 KB, 1080x1030, and almost all potash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is the most food and energy independant nation on the planet, if the dollar collapsed food production will remain a question of political will given we turn around and feed the rest of the fuckers on this planet with half of what we already dont eat/waste. The one place where the lions share of the work is going down is too heavily fortified and protected. The singularity cant be more than another 24-36 months away. Which I think all the world leaders know at this point and they figure they can keep all the plates spinning till then. We were supposed to have a ecocomic meltdown two years ago but they can can kick it past the event horizon at this point it might not matter.

>> No.15943949

>The singularity cant be more than another 24-36 months away.
Is this satire?

>> No.15943952 [DELETED] 

no it isn't. morons and faggots have been believing in ridiculous fairy tales about "the fountain of youth" since before the dawn of recorded history and during that same period of time the lifespan of a heathy human has increased not even by a minute.

>> No.15943962
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Its all so tiresome. The persistent choice to remain confused is almost bot-like.

>> No.15943969

I'm being charitable by assuming you're trolling or making a joke that just didn't land.

>> No.15943971

Funny you use the term health. Human history has been very much about understanding and delivering an enviornment that supports good health, anti aging is about maintaining it. Its the same thing really. The fact remains that we do not look at someone who would WANT to die as mentally sound. Not if their.body was functional. But we are still conditioned to believe it is going to happen anyway so accept it when it does come.

>> No.15943975

>Human history has been very much about understanding and delivering an enviornment that supports good health, anti aging is about maintaining it. Its the same thing really.
Aside from the fact that we have improved the health of traditionally unhealthy people tremendously, while "anti-aging" remains a money pit filled with schizos and grifters with no advancement despite thousands of years of trying. Maybe some day this will change, but it certainly isn't happening this decade.

>> No.15943980
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No you are not. You just want to keep sounding bemused because its easier.

>> No.15943987
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>There is nothing you can do to promote a longer lifespan outside of a good diet and exercise.
Certainly not with that attitude.

>> No.15943990

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15944010

they extended telomeres with that one guy who stayed under the ocean for 90 days, we must move civilization to a series of underwater metropolis'es

>> No.15944015

nta but it's not as far fetched as you might think. 3 years is already in the realm of possible.
tho to make it clear, to me the singularity is when more shit comes out than we are able to realistically deal with. as in discoveries.
cmon man, stop being weird and obtuse

>> No.15944018 [DELETED] 

>tho to make it clear, to me the singularity is when more shit comes out than we are able to realistically deal with. as in discoveries.
Oh okay. You're using a different definition of singularity than everyone else so I got confused. I thought you were saying that super intelligent AI would be created within 2-3 years.

>> No.15944022
File: 48 KB, 600x521, troy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this one, is very informative and helpful.
I'm already on metformin, aspirin, intermittent fasting and HIIT.

>> No.15944347

Humans used to live till 30 years old, but now we hit 70 to 80 on average. I'd say you're retarded.

>> No.15944350

When is this guy going to push out a cure for aging? Aging makes me tremendously depressed, so he should hurry up.

>> No.15944360
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>im depressed

>> No.15944368

I will now huff apigenin

>> No.15944437 [DELETED] 

thats no true at all. average life expectancies used to be low due to high infant mortality dragging the average down, people that didn't die from childhood disease lived the same length of lives as people do today, greek and roman records are filled with people who lived into their 90s and 100s

>> No.15944501
File: 205 KB, 807x935, e61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starvationmaxxing has been shown to significantly increase lifespan.

So to live a longer life, get into starvation mode. Biologically the mechanism behind this is that during periods of starvation, the body basically partially shuts down or hibernates to preserve the body until a period of food abundance is reached in the future. Hibernation or torpor slows down metabolism and aging. This can be seen in water bears as a great case study. Increase lifespan of engines by running engines at low RPM and load can be seen as a correlate to this.

So life extension does exist already and in nature. You just have to do a lot of fasting.

>> No.15944620

The majority of commenters in this thread are going to die because they have no plan and aren’t educated.

>> No.15944646

That's fake, humans have the highest lifespan they could hope for but its now decreasing due to stress

>> No.15944653

>t. takes 10000 supplements that do nothing but hurt his liver and cells in unknown ways

>> No.15944665
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The one wanting to attack the problem of aging, should study biochemistry? Would that be a good career path or physics/pharma?

>> No.15944666
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>> No.15944674

Assuming it works, the dudes yamanaka protocol is only about 115 pills over the course of a week. Lets say for funsies it reverses about half a decade of aging in a week. For someone thats 80 they will need to take about a thousand pills to get back to their 20s and it will take a little over a year if you do it a week on week off. But i'd bet you will want months inbetween where you spend time recovering and catching up.
When you are off by an order of magnitude in even the extreme case, perhaps you are off about other things too anon... have you actually looked into it?

>> No.15944681

No they will be fine because they will live long enough to change their minds.

>> No.15944683


>> No.15944695
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apigenin 8x
nmn/nad/nr complex 4x
tributryn 4x
calcium 2x
It's about 18 pills a day. Hardly that much compared to some regiments.
126 pills a week.
It costs about 10$ a day, median american is about 40 years old, so wont need more than 4 weeks of it. Should be taking about 500 pills over the course of two months and it will cost them about 400$. that depends on whether you can go further back than 25 which im begining to suspect wont be possible but who knows.

>> No.15944703

Shoot forgot the curcumin, so add another pill a day in there. For those who havent checked the rentry lately I added some notes on an aternate GSK3 inhibitor that looked interesting.

>> No.15944712

How can you afford all those pills, anon? I can consider myself lucky if I can afford coffee for the week.
t. pajeet living in 3rd world shithole studying STEM

>> No.15944782
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I have a comfy IT job in Denver making more than most in this city. Its deffinitely expensive for me when you start making a list of loved ones.
Once demand explodes and a trillion dollars is invested to increase supply I could see costs dropping esp following demand saturation.
When you only need to take it for a set period of time and the impact is permenant and you will only need to spend another 70$ on it every handful of years to keep yourself young... it doesent seem that bad really

The timeline of events I can visualize is that at the right point in time it will go viral and all the lipo apigenin vendors will be running out of stock and the bottles will be scalped on ebay. General hording situation. The US government may try a rollout themselves to appease everyone but unlike COVID this also isnt a crisis situation, and the illness being treated is regarded as a regular part of life.
As demonstrated in this thread the cognative dissodence will be the biggest modulator. Maybe we will have a balance where everyone very slowly becomes comfortable with whats happening and we dont have serious issues with supply shocks. Some may not take it for several years (or at all) for their own reasons. What would make more sense is that we prioritize the oldest of us that want to take it if there are issues with supply. I want to see polling once a well known celebrity does it. I wouldent be suprised if in 6-18mo we find an even cheaper or more effective way to do this. The protocol has only gotten better the more i've shared it the past month or so. If you feel like this is too expensive, just wait it out.

I can only imagine the shock the world will experiance once it dawns on everybody... That loss of control... suddenly you find yourself in a very very different universe than what everyone told you. The goal should be to make earth more like heaven.

>> No.15944861

True, especially if you can make the time you can generate income last longer. It'd be pointless to live forever if you can't even feed yourself and only exist to shit on a diaper.

>> No.15944884
File: 759 KB, 1200x1203, The-Worlds-Growing-Middle-Class-2020–2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the poorest on this planet, you would need to be able to put aside about 10 maybe 15$ a year to break even. But there are still 1.3B people out there living on less than a dollar a day. For them this is still a big expenditure. All the more reason a guy in my position SHOULD take the risk. Like as always is with these things it was right place, right time, right idea.
Unlike with food security, this is not needed anywhere as often. For some people, their best method really will be their local government doing the math and making the descision.

I think we all can aknowledge the dehumanization that occurs at that poverty level. My mind will wander toward thoughts of a man not yet born but fated to work a hundred years in a mine just to buy yourself a ticket to a marginally better life... only to then fall into another one of those cracks in life people will fall into, but it takes another hundred years to crawl out of... When the global herd moves, it takes its grass with it so to speak.

Looking for any scifi recomendations that are close to the topic. Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow has been my extropian bible for most of my life. There was another story he had about a boy who didnt age that was good, Im tempted to watch the highlander series even if it sucks just for the mood.

>> No.15944989
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Watch, this guy is going to lose his mind once he's famous and has to carry the existential weight of what he's done to humanity (He has no fucking clue. Nobody here has a fucking clue) and will an hero long before old age would if he has just left shit alone. This is unatural as it gets, and the gods will not be defied. No good can come from this, and I hope they find the most adpt way to punish you. Im still rolling for absolutely no public recognition because you dont deserve it. You are not a researcher and anyone in authority who's smart wants you to just go away.

>> No.15945011

I wish I was a billionaire like Elon Musk

>> No.15945220

Bet a potential cure to aging cost billions.

>> No.15945294

You lack the genius to be like Elon Musk, anon.

>> No.15945336

Where is the rentry dear sir

>> No.15945411

I want to know too, that'd be so useful.

>> No.15945519
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found some nice comprehensive material on the deal with apigenin and cancer. The rentry is /CR_General
its been permaflagged across all boards it seems.

>> No.15945547

I will have to try this without the butyrate.

>> No.15945550
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Picrel. How the heck am I the guy who figured out apigenin could be used to reverse your age? All the signs were right here folks. It attenuates the situation to promote transcriptic repair to the best of it's ability. Just needs the right kind of help.

>> No.15945553

And then, The gen alpha will exist forever with the skibidi toilet psyop.

>> No.15945569

you can't have plans with shit that wasn't yet invented. you can at most speculate. shit can change on a dime at any point in time, for random reasons that nobody really has any control over.

>> No.15945571

>This is unatural as it gets
oh you have no fucking clue anon, just how "unnatural" shit can get. which doesn't make it bad.
the implication that humans can't do better than nature is simply retarded and shortsighted. humans bred dogs, with nature's material. and we love them, we don't consider dogs unnatural, just because they are the product of human manipulation.
now sure, humans can make weird shit, some humans, but that doesn't mean that we will make shit. stop being a dogmatic idiot

>> No.15945744

I can confirm Aubrey eats like shit and drinks like a fish. You used to be able to see him at Cambridge going into the pubs and he would order typical bar food all the time. I think people said he walked around with his own beers too. I once saw him absolutely shovelling chips into his mouth with grease all over his fingers from whatever else he'd been eating and he looked like he was having a great time desu

>> No.15945915

>An entire system of philosophy is derived around the pursuit of distilling knowledge that will reverse the aging process and produce wealth and abundance.
>Gets close enough in spirit you see gradual improvements that are enough to systematically compound knowledge.
>Hundreds of years of improvements, untold fortunes and lives spent in the pursuit of making these two sides of the stone more purified for the benefit of all.
>One day some turbo-autist without any training observes the latest meta and derives a cheap solution that is readily available while eating pizza rolls.
>Is rejected because he isn't a person speaking with authority.
Serious doubt. The women are about to be forever young and will actually have a reason to act like the harpies they are. Not that we will complain, their childish behavior will start to make more sense now. There is no way you are getting out of this one dude you are gonna get blamed for so much shit. We all hope your ugly, desu.

>> No.15946074
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And black cherry soda. I was heavily B12 deficient and it tastes oddly similar to the stuff. Telomeres came up again on another board so I'm adding some links about it to the rentry. Apigenin specifically is known to modulate telomerase expression when interacting with cancer, and Yamanaka Factor gene expression in general will restore telomeres.



>> No.15946083
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How in the absolute fuck is this happening now? Feels more like CIA soft disclosure on something they already know. The population implosion is gonna be that bad, huh? Fuckers. Forget Sinclair's paper, you don't have as high a ratio of HDACi to RepSox/CHIR(cumin)990021 as he does for your "oh I just stumbled on this" story to pass. If you were half as trained as that guy you would be getting a nobel for this. I agree the system won't know what the fuck to do with you. And it sounds like your right wing so you are double fucked.

>> No.15946085

Anon, I...

>> No.15946432
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There are nutraceuticals that cover multiple “pillars of aging” Bio-availability into different cell types is an issue. Keeping a young collagen matrix is a big issue. DNA is just one part.

>> No.15946585

Given the advance with AI protein folding, there's a good chance there will eventually be a scheme to crunch the incomprehensible volume of work needed and procedurally generate and deliver all the compounds needed to fix the biological mechanisms behind ageing. Will probably also be used to in vivo fix most tissue defects/damage in the general pop, short of chromosomal shit like Down's syndrome etc.

>> No.15946616

Lol, trannies won't be able to take the forever pills without it trying to fix their hormones imbalance, regrow their tits/dick and make them more properly express their genetics. Yamanaka Factors are categorically based.

>> No.15946630
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The amount of epigenetic damage a troon would have must be staggering, even before they started fucking with their body. We can cure them now, we have the technology.

>> No.15946813
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So you telling me I am going to have commercials begging me to give them ten cents a day to keep a negro alive forever?

>> No.15946814
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Shit, has anybody told /pol/???

>> No.15946919
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Thread theme: https://youtu.be/zY325DlV5HI

>> No.15946926

If it works (I don't doubt you anon) can you call it the "kikes did 9/11" stack?

>> No.15946949

The protocol needs a name, Anon. That or the world will make one up for their own selves. Yamanaka Factor Genes is a mouthful and you can't put it on a headline.

>> No.15946961

2x 4x 8x what is x? Daily recommended dose?

>> No.15946964

I think it's fine without a label. But if you did you would want something that communicates what's occuring. Some contraction of the words Immune and Epigenetic. It's the method of action. Call it a ImunoEpi-Reset? Given there are no other available epigenetic reset methods it feels like too much unless you are in an environment where you would want people reminded the method was immunological. If you take a purely pharmacological lens it's just Apigenin that's been properly understood and assisted in doing what it does best. I'll work on it, but something that comes up organically is fine by me. I come from a right wing background and am fine with free speech and think anonymous spaces are the best to drive forward ideas without people being worried about expressing a wrong opinion and it's in that environment they are more likely to grow, but I don't believe everything I am fine hearing.

>> No.15946969


>> No.15946970
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It's the tree fiddy protocol, cuz it keeps negros around forever asking you for tree fiddy.

>> No.15946979

The dude should ask everyone who takes it to give him tree fiddy. That's why we're gonna call it that. You and everyone you love is gonna live forever give the dude his tree fiddy. God bless.

>> No.15947024
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What I want is for the world to rethink the way it does things. It's just so purposefully irrational. I think the only way to fix it is better technology. We fully unlock what biology can do and it will meet everyone's needs till at least the sun explodes. I think we'll be post persons by then.

>> No.15947027

None of the ingredients have daily recommended doses except calcium, just a serving size: one pill. I don't think anyone's actually tried it but him tho. Nobody that's said anything.

>> No.15947071

My asshole brain has a thirst for knowledge and is never satisfied.

>> No.15947077

>What I want is for the world to rethink the way it does things.
it literally depends on most of the people. you can't have a better one as it won't fit with the people in that system, they'll fuck it up.
>It's just so purposefully irrational.
it's what works best. if something else worked best it would have happened. do it yourself, it will get adopted if your version works best, considering the nature of most of humans alive today.

>> No.15947160
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>Is it really possible?
Is this story (picrel) real? Any replications? Reportedly telomere extension. There are reports that covid (and the vaccines) trigger telomere shortening.

>> No.15947198

Balding is caused by the aging of the cells in the scalp, a relatively straight forward process.
If they can't even fix age related baldness, what makes you think they're capable of preventing even more complicated organs and systems from deteriorating with age?

>> No.15947216
File: 464 KB, 958x573, oldest-cat-in-the-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your dog will outlive you
Oldest cat in the world lived 38 years and 3 days. I probably don't have 38 years left.

>> No.15947309

Have you received you myDNAge kit yet?

>> No.15947345

>Balding is caused by the aging of the cells in the scalp
Wonder if they've tried stem cells. I gather so long as one starts early enough, there are topical anti-androgens that can prevent folicle damage from the DHT.

My ship has sailed, but I was shaving myself bald even when I had a good hairline. I love washing my hair with a facecloth.

>> No.15947506

Quite possibly because he believes the chemicals in vanity grooming products increase the possibility of cancers and other life shortening conditions.
He does love to drink beer. I've never seen him drink any other type of alcohol but I'm not his nanny so I can't say that for sure. The half a dozen times we've crossed paths outside of presentations, it's been when we were in the same group hanging out afterwards. He always had a bottle (not pint glass) of beer. I never saw him eating though I assume he does. He's quite the personable character. I can see why he's important to fund raising.

>> No.15947517
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Yeah, I wanted to give it some time for my body to normalize before taking it. I'll take the blood and have it shipped monday. I'm thinking the next piece of data would be something like this.
While I obviously don't think I have it, we all will feel more comfortable with more data. If there is a better test that's not like a grand I'll take it.

While it's still very early, I will tell you those DHT flashes through my scalp are gone since I started using the HDACi.

>> No.15947528

Yes, take 500mg metformin + 1mg rapamycin daily.
Senolytic + mTor suppression

>> No.15947529
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Alcohol makes zero sense, you would think it tastes like candy with the way people go on about it. And the way it makes me feel is just aweful. Nasty nasty jazz. But I didn't grow up with it in the home, neither did my dad, or his dad, or his dad. Mormon background. Marijuana is my crutch and atleast doesn't taste like shit.

>> No.15947536
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>you would think it tastes like candy
LOL, post confirms Mormons are indeed addicted to sweets.

>> No.15947631

That is without a doubt the funniest observation of Mormons I have ever heard. I'll admit after everything I am definitely eating more junk food and sweets. But the Word of Wisdom as practiced by the Mormons is based af compared to what you will get out of other religions imo.


There is a bit about eating lots of grains and only eating meat sparingly but most feel the wisdom there is about how you temper your appetites and was direction given under more harsh circumstances. Especially in times of famine and they sure as heck are not anti-keto. There are plenty of health nuts in the bunch. Sugar is is the most addictive substance they allow and addiction to it is treated as background noise spiritually. They got too much to worry about with how insidious Alcohol is. Whether here or there I think temperance is needed in all things.

>> No.15947641

We have a cure for baldness: finasteride.

If you fucked up and forgot to use finasteride, for some reason, you can still get surgery.

It's the 21st century, anon. Being bald is a choice.

>> No.15947697
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The technology is incomplete as long as more eggs can't be generated for women.

>> No.15947827

>Imagined the Chinese and Western adhocracy's fighting for control of Disneyland
>could not have predicted George Lucas selling out.

>> No.15947906

Why are you taking Rapamycin daily? Most take it once a week

>> No.15948076
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Music > Story until you get to the end of chapter 3 then they are about equally as good.

Did try a spot of it today just for funsies but im out of the NAD/NMN/NR complex and its still notiably impactful. I think ive hit a place where the changes being made are very small but need to be spaced out. I'm going to wait another week or two and hit it for a bit. Tried a Tributryn source that was liquid gel instead of the CoreBiome powder and had no regrets.

>> No.15948172

Anyone tried any uncommon Chinese herbs? Tian Ma

>> No.15948186


I just bought another bag of chamomile extract powder and had a cup of tea with that, cinnamon, horsetail,ginger and c8 with liquid stevia, manuka honey and a little heavy cream... been taking fisetin, quercetin, this, and curcumin along with alb of cacao powder a month

bought tocotrienols but they are in bovine gel caps so tossed them.

>> No.15948306

what if I said whatever benefits your feeling are just placebo and you're more likely just doing more harm to yourself than good?
or am I asking this question too early?

>> No.15948339

this is exactly what the jew wants you to believe

>> No.15948382

Wouldn't "anti-aging" be impossible going by thermodynamics and that "the entropy of a system cannot be negative".

Similar to reversing the distribution of gas from one compartment into another, I don't see us making something that reverses age. Cure diseases, malfunctions, maybe prolong looks, sure. But we will all age.

>> No.15948687
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let me know more how it goes. i dont think your getting anywhere near enough apogenin tho.

>too early
your far far too late in being the first guy to ask.
or this

If you have never taken a high dose of liposomal apigenin before I would say you dont know what your talking about with a placebo effect. NAD/NMN were almost pulled from the market because the FDA cant tell if something that powerful counts as medicine or not and then if it is that powerful why isnt its administration being controlled by Doctors. We have piles of evidence that there are effects here. Please look at the data.

And no, aging being a component of thermodynamics is cope for being unable to do anying about incrementing errors in epigenetic code and losing cell identity the point your system can't sustain itself. There are reasons to believe these errors occur somatically, and are unavoidable. but their correction is not a defyment of thermodynamocs. This correction happens at the fringes of your immune system already. Were just zeroing in on the mechanism and fully expressing it in the body. There are jellyfish can go back to a embryonic stage and regrow/rejuvenate.

>> No.15948694
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sorry, misread.. the rentry is

whos next wanting to declare this causes cancer?

>> No.15948708

>muh its surely a placebo
>if not then it must be cancer
You are without a doubt the only human being on this planet that is up for the task. Everyone including me cant get through the disodence. You are going to continue to get the same reactions.
>It does nothing or it must surely kill you because some dude cant be right about something this big
Shame you cant expedite the results, even if this doesent activate Yamanaka Factor Genes to the degree you say they do this is really the only way to find out aparently. There could be permenant effects from adding the HDACi outside of this you could be confused by but there is allot of data here saying Apigenin is quite the molecule.

>> No.15948738

Apigenin can be used to make pluripotent stem cells retain their pluripotency without anything else. We are trying to identify the mechanism that drives that action forward and amplify it with the best materials we have. This test will hopefully settle for everyone (including me) the degree my experience has overlaped with where the evidence can lead you (if you actually read it). I don't think it's possible that only epigenic damage outside of aging would be reversed but the action is confined by the immune system. Transcription of OSM via NFATc1 is clearly being modulated only on a surface level for Myc-c. It's not being activated indiscriminately or it would cause cancer. If it was just the data and I hadn't felt what I had, I wouldn't be shouting about it. Look at the list of everything Apigenin is doing in the body and tell me there isn't a pattern.

>> No.15948746 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15948795

Two months isnt that long to see too many physical changes in a human body. You may want to wait 6mo and will get the same amount of progress in a 2 week period again. just because you can press the button doesent mean it works like that.

>> No.15948808
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Apigenin is definitively anti-gay.
First the A, then the B12, then he added the Curcummin.

>> No.15948841

Here Apigenin is described as an enhancer of reprogramming (I would use the word director in our case. Still only item on the list that can activate Yamanaka Factor Genes), curcumin as an enhancer, and Butyrate as an inducer.


Maybe I should be putting the forskolin back in. It's pretty cheap.

>> No.15948849

Hold on guys. This paper is a missing link for me in allot of things actually. It sucks I missed this. Apparently the Forskolin was further activating Oct4 (which I was sort of suspecting but didnt have any data.) which of any of the factors you wanted to single out it would be that. Im not getting how Apigenin didnt make it to their final cocktails yet. Was this before we knew we needed a very high concentration of the HDACi?

>> No.15948884
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Okay. I think it was overlooked because they didnt have the data showing the importance of the HDAC inhibition in proportion to everything else. Apigenin works with each of those three pieces of machinery (TGFb, GSK3, HDAC) in an ultimately inhibitory fashion to direct a holistic epigenetic reset, but cant take it all the way on its own. Were also using the NAD/NMN to trigger more intense activation of T cells around CD38. When this was being put together they were still looking at small scale interactions here to understand how the machinery works. The importance of the high ratio of HDAC inhibition in relation to everything else wasnt until this past June. With the Butyrate compared to Apigenin at this stage I can see how the tail wags the dog. Forskolin is fine to add back in I think. I will laugh my ass off if it turns out to be seriously important. It did become less powerful once I dropped it, but its all still important data. This paper says allot of what I have been, about how there is overlap between each of the chemical signals and these are hardly the first words said about how the dance around aging requires a dance around cancer. If my theory is correct Apigenin is still the winner here. I'll have to do deep dives on any of those other ingredients you can get OTC.

>> No.15948896

What if we "replicate and reproduce" stem cells at a RAPID advanced rate, and then basically "program" them to go to area's in body that need it, or that you *think "need" it.
(as you might know stem cells are supposed to turn into cells surrounding them, aka more cells you need/want)

Also, NANO-machines that would do same thing.

Think about it, cancer? stem cells/nano machines.
Too much fat? (stem cells) sc/nm (nano-machines).
Bad eye sight/glasses? sc/nm
small dick? sc/nm
diabetes? Look at this point you get it,but sc/nm

Now we only have about 200-400? more years of research and development.
So sucks if your born/alive now.

>> No.15948897

Im going to need some days to digest but I have as much evidence as ever. This was a review of Apigenin in a reprogramming cocktail context but with less data than we have now. Heck, there could be a lab right now that is working on answering this very question. It wouldent surprise me in the least. Me being proven wrong just gets me closer to being right, I cannot lose. Worse case is I really do have to get my hands on some RepSox/CHIR990021 but Apigenin seems to do enough we atleast need it measured.

>> No.15948901
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>Also what happened to Aubrey De Grey's theories on anti-aging?

Notice EVERYONE of the anti-aging folk continue to age at the same rate as everyone else.... hmmmm curious

>> No.15948961

So we should have anti-aging + nootropic general threat, when we don't discuss opinions, but science. Therefore we should have some wikia about stuff we could refer to and would list some verified source medicinal articles about the stuff.

>> No.15948980

The people taking it once a week are on 5-10mg at once.

>> No.15949078

Isn't it immuno suppresive?

Like if it's against proliferation of bad cells it can be good.

What about smoking DMT regulary? It seems it plays some role in apoptosis too.

>> No.15949111

Yes, it's immunosuppressive properties are the reason it is used in organ donors to prevent rejection of the transplant. However, these patients are on 2-5mg daily.

I run 1mg daily for 1 week, then take two weeks off, then 1 week on again.

>> No.15949188

Won't I die because of it? How long are you taking it and what are the benefits?

>> No.15949200


>> No.15949226

Ouch, it\s doing as good as B6 control. How awesome!

>> No.15949275

the thread works well enough as it is. nobody knows the answer yet to some of this there is no point to try and dispel peoples oppinions and experiments.

>> No.15949292

This thread is about person, not about anti-aging.

>> No.15949308

A anti aging general discussion would have resources for inflamation, autophagy, cell poliferation and growth for basics.

>> No.15949341

We should get some wikia format site for substances.

>> No.15949475
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The CIA is taking a piss with it and laughing their ass off that they finally are letting this shit out after already killing everyone with the vax. It even bullys troons making their cells more properly reflect their DNA. Can glowies get any more based?

>> No.15949483
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>the end to cancer came from 4chan

>> No.15949784


Listen to his 2 minute intro, he knows. This is an idea/concept whos momment is upon us.

and he dropped this line a bit ago too as a shout out.

>> No.15950028

another year over and no cure for aging found
better luck next year

>> No.15950446

someone need to make a meme of the Virgin Bryan vs the Chad Aubrey

>> No.15950459

What theories?
Goodluck Aubrey

>> No.15950685

Don’t MSCs differentiate so you don’t need to specify where they go as long as there is blood flow to the area?

>> No.15950726

Even if your DNA is perfect you will still get old from metabolites and physical stress like gravity. So you need a strategy to remove lipofuscin, scars, fibrosis, etc. before using nutraceuticals to affect DNA and cell turnover.

I can’t get skin age spots to disappear even after taking nutraceuticals for 2 years. There is no solution to aging right now.

>> No.15950778
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Well folks, this sucks. I had issues with the collection last time too but was still able to get enough blood out. I used two lancets even. no responce from custoner e
support, left VM. gonna order some more lancets from amazon and they will be here tommorow morning and hopefully i will be able to eyeball enough blood for the vial.

>> No.15950796

Im sorry anon. It sounds like you were waiting on that girl to help you too. If she didnt show up for this you know she wont show up for anything. The universe is doing jack shit to help you move this along so we will just have to wait.

>> No.15950810
File: 74 KB, 272x460, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking at one point it was the collector so i stupidly tried the other one. More lancets wont be here till tommorow morning and the collectors will be dried out. dont think I can use these. When I talk to their customer support they will probably want to send another collection kit. I could have gone with a urine test but it wouldent have been as elaborate.

>> No.15950812
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>the grill didnt show.
Dude would have ben fine if the universe thought you was genuinely worth helping. But your genes arent worth it. Get fucked.

>> No.15951078
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I think i remember the amount being undershot last time, as long as I give them about as much as that droper ill be fine I think. There i some reactant in the vial that its supposed to mix with. more lancets wont be here till wednesday. was looking at the wrong type. Its no biggie i dont think. i bet they just want plenty of sample in case they screw up something too.

>> No.15951209
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I choose to believe that a full exploitation of biology would lead us to a world where everyones basic needs are met for such a low cost that it wouldent matter the politics. There is an inevitiable intersect of competing conveniences, were the underline is a net reduction of cost for everything humans need to survive. What if what a fraction of what we spend on SNAP could feed the entire world? What if a standard protocol for an epigenetic reset is the harbinger of a massive empowerment of the individual to the point goverents and economics didnt matter? I dream of a future where we have standardized biovats with an augmented biochemical synthesis. What if there was no power left to centralize? There would still be dangers, but thats a fair easier thing to socially navigate.

>> No.15951891

hope the results are promising and definite

>> No.15952229

The general cause of aging of all things in the body is cell damage caused by oxidative stress, the best way currently known to fight oxidative stress is with anti oxidants

>> No.15952326


>> No.15952419

"everything" is downstream of compounding degeneration of the epigenetic information that defines cell identity. You restore cell identity and the rest will follow.

>> No.15952506

How long until you get the results, you think?

>> No.15952533

Here's the method.

Hope you can all figure it out.

Good Luck Turds!

Healer Suite:
>Life Extension Lvl 100:
>(glitch, may be patched out):
"To rejuvenate and heal most any illness. Combine the capabilities of a Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish and any Moth or Butterfly. The butterfly has the blueprint for how to transfer memory between biological states, and the jellyfish can restore your bodies youth."
(Ask an Ai for the exact methodology):https://beta.character.ai/

Summon Golem Lvl 5:

Summon Golem Lvl 7:

Incubator Level 15:

The Level 100 "Spell" can be combined with CRISPr during a rejuvenation process to effectively transform the body into any genetically spliced shape with memories intact if done correctly. Man into woman. Woman into man and back again. Cat into dog. Etc

>> No.15952572

This. People who orbits in these anti-aging theories are just afraid of death

>> No.15952787
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deathist cope

>> No.15953083

Are you afraid of not eating? No, you just dont want to be hungry. But when it comes down to it you would starve to death without food. Go lose your "fear" of all the things you are given impulse to keep you alive and claim the ultimate prize. You may find yourself in a state completely removed from life in its entirety.

>> No.15953107
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>Well if you like death so much, why dont you marry her?
The post.

>> No.15953262
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This is effectively activating Oct4 with access to your record. And it also manifests an immune responce... I am thinking my next run is absolutely going to have to have it.

Wouldent be the worst idea as a "babies first reprograming protocol" for people wanting something less spicy.


Get your milk with extra calcium, as a gut feeling.

>> No.15953530
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And don't forget the gsk3 inhibitor.

There is no way you can ensure personal liberties without also having property rights and freedom of speech. Whether or not we are delivered deus ex machina type solutions that leave us in a truly post scarcity society, I will continue to vote for fiscally conservative practices and am in general a libertarian. I am in pursuit of an ever refined space where there is as little government needed at all.

>> No.15954012


>> No.15954252

I’ve had some sort of immune response to drinking cocoa flavored whey. I’m wondering if it went bad or I’m getting the cellular activation. I get super hot and almost sick.
Rhonda Patrick and Bryan Johnson take cocoa. My stuff could be contaminated though, you never know.

>> No.15954347

I hope you're including Hayflick Limit, otherwise you just have dying cells.

>> No.15954349

Why isn't the germ line subject to these pressures?

>> No.15954353

>STILL talking about the same 5 drugs after 40+ years
You fuckers are getting NOWHERE.

>> No.15954355

I mean, if its the very same people that actually sounds promising

>> No.15954363

Buying cherry hair dye should put you on a watch list.

>> No.15954377

It's not.

>> No.15954399

The greatest flaw in libertarianism is the belief in the false god of land ownership. You can't own land. Neither you nor any other human created it. You can exert force to maintain control over land but that's literally a violation of your own totally hypothetical NAP.

>> No.15954441

>you cant own land
ppl buy land every day anon. It's a thing, im tellin ya.

>> No.15954465
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Im reading Whey can increase butyrate levels, but not by much. Better to do it with tributyrin straight up.


This would induce reprograming with senescent cells too.

>> No.15954466

All this crap and I haven’t seen anything better than Sulforaphane.

>> No.15954470

People buy slaves every day too.

>> No.15954520

>Randomly trying nonsense stuff of course is unlikely to find anything useful except in the most astonishing cases of serendipity
We're kind of getting there with AI, in that you get more serendipity with 10,000 tries per day than 10

>> No.15954623

Not mine. My parents'.

>> No.15954725


>> No.15954833

There is no free lunch

>> No.15954978

hello there, how is your reasearch going

>> No.15955064
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I wasnt able to get enough blood out with the lancets they provided, and those were also delayed. Once they finally get my sample, which i'll probably UPS there at this point instead of using the provided USPS label, it will take about 4-5 weeks to process it. So think around mid Feburary. To activate the kit you fill out a form online and they ask if you have taken anything like a stem cell therapy. I made that selection and included a link to the rentry, It's likely they will atleast know what they have received.

>> No.15955105
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Looking for anything good at improving lynph node function specifically. Have a few things already like Echinacea, Red Clover, Burdock and Stillingia Root, Goldenseal. I'm giddy I gave a method for activating only Oct4 I can show people too. Also need to look into other small molecules that got passed up for reprogramming cocktails. Going to rewrite a good chunk of the rentry this weekend I think. I was not as read on things as I should have been. If I do end up making a video format means of distributing this information, I will try and have it ready around the time we would be getting results.

>> No.15955572

this post-Christmas depression has made me feel very aware of my mortality so I've been checking this thread and all the latest news articles on rejuvenation.
I hope you guys really do make a breakthrough soon and give us all healthier and much longer lives. Cheers.

>> No.15955574

It is a cope. Another reason is that they don't think its possible, so they trick themselves into thinking what they have currently is ideal. This is a common poverty cope in whatever kind of poverty. If anti-aging were actually invented, they'd all change their tune, none of these anons have the spine to ideologically commit that hard to anything at all, its all just copes for whatever.
I've often thought what would be really funny is to cure aging, not tell anyone, and after I've ruled out all immoral people (in my eyes), then go around asking the remaining people whether they'd take a cure for aging if it was available. I'd only give it to the people who say yes.

>> No.15956452

Humanity has never taken its survival that seriously, only its immediate convenience.

>> No.15956454


>> No.15956464

My parents got a shit hand at life. They deserve better. They deserve a second chance and the chance to experience a better life. Far more than I do, in fact.

>> No.15956474

>life extension
Reasonable and ethical.
>true "immortality"
Blatantly impossible and probably undesirable.

>> No.15956519

>keeping modern women and boomers alive forever
Aging atleast forces women to look at their character when their looks fade. If there i no more wall at 30 the degeneracy will only get worse.
You do realize humanity will leave you in the gutter whether you are succsessful or not, right? You have deluded yourself into thinking you are somehow a grade above shit by solving cancer or whatever you think this is but it doesent matter because it has already been determined that you are worthless. Oh, yes. Think about it people, if this dude had any unique worth as a human being a woman would have surely surmised it by now and thats really all you need to know. He hasent deaged. Dude cant possibly be right or there would be a woman there already to capitalize off of it.

>> No.15956530

Its not about how humanity is, its about what it could become.


>> No.15956532

Half of me literally wants to hero.
The other half knows that there are some better alternatives.
So your argument is wrong. Though fear is the main motivator of the scum, elite doesn't allow themselves to act on the basis of fear, so what they do is on the basis of love (and love for money is the love of the lowest of their kind. Mostly it is love of success, which is not getting more money, but getting their goals achieved)

>> No.15956533


But not this century because we're going into a dark age instead. Enjoy your arthritis, parkinsons, and atherosclerosis bro

>> No.15956540

Check this out: https://mahead.livejournal.com/12991.html
Though it has a weird side-effect of an overdose causing psychosis, but probably I used one made out of sativa, they say rso made of indica just makes you want to sleep, that sleeping under its influence is the essential part of the healing process.
Either way, if it causes psychosis in general, it is temporary and should be administered under the overview of a kind psychologist. Or maybe only high-thc indica strains should be used to make the extract.

>> No.15956544

It doesn't take a century, it will be widely available to the end of this decade. And it changes everything, so no dark ages for you.

>> No.15956551

>it will be widely available to the end of this decade
Aubrey get off your ass and make some more money

>> No.15956564

Aubrey is mostly a theorist. But he motivated some smarties to do some actual job in the right direction. SENS was taken over by some shady jewish women, too bad he doesn't dare to call them out.

>> No.15956577

Not at all I just have to make it to 100.

>> No.15956590

Boomers wont make it in time for this stuff anon. Even zoomers will likely need to maintain perfect health to squeek in at the earliest chances.

>> No.15956608
File: 321 KB, 1080x1033, doesentneedyearstofigureouthowtoloveme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have my Quirk Chungus someday, shes out there. I got all the time you could ask for. Has to be down to mind meld when the singularity comes.

>> No.15956749

the entire "life extensionism" is a cope in itself

>> No.15956936

Was just thinking if we live for hundreds and hundreds of years now why a 40 year marriage contract or something couldent be the norm. Im sure a 90 year mortgage would be. But there is absolutely no way she isnt taking your money by any means necessary.

>> No.15957021

you keep forgetting to put your name on, DWS

>> No.15957052
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>it will be widely available to the end of this decade
that is extremely optimistic to say the least

>> No.15957062

Hes a closeted doomer.

>> No.15957068
File: 148 KB, 1223x600, PatientApplicationDisclaimer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is already available, only expensive (but only a fraction of a price from a decade ago, so, according to the trend, in another decade it will be available even to you)

>> No.15957077

Fuckin' A, I'm stealing this quote.

>> No.15957080

there is no proof

>> No.15957087

There is plenty. What kind of proof would you like me to show you?

>> No.15957176
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Dudes def a wordsmith. I think he's writing some of the worst comments against himself for kicks.

>> No.15957188

Sinclair already said you could get OSK as a gene cassette if you have the money. They inject the genes into every cell using a virus then turn it on using doxycycline.

>> No.15957197
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That kike I wouldn't recommend anybody to trust. Afaik, all jews in the field are scammers. I can only guess why, but that is what I noticed. Just look at hags who ousted Aubrey out so SENS. I do not want to be a racist, but I also cannot ignore those uncomfortable facts.

>> No.15957235
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>muh science cant be real because jews

>> No.15957242

My science is top-notch, but I have to do it outside of academia.

>> No.15957284

OSK gene casettes are aready getting the FDA go ahead for documented human trials this year. Cry harder about how the strange men with tiny hats are found colaborating around every major technological breakthrough.

>> No.15957293

I didn't even say he's wrong on this particular case, I just warned you not to trust him, because I caught him lying more than once.

>> No.15957310
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In other news, this will be in the mail tommorow.

>> No.15957313
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I think I eyeballed it to match instruction pic well enough.

>> No.15957367

I dont want any screwups with how their business receives packages s no UPS. I'm dropping it off at the USPS tonight with their included label. It's ground advantage. 2-5 days. Results are gonna line up around mid Feb. Plz mr see eye eyyy man plz make them rush it so we can all know whats up with this. Coworker said they can start to tell a difference in how I look but there could be limitations on the degree this triggers Yamanaka Factors or a bunch of other uknowns too. I have to be very very very close if not right. I wrote this while squatting, which is not something I have been able to do for an extended period eithout discomfort for years.

>> No.15957380

Bro are you ok?

>> No.15957388

He is in a body that is somatically decaying that he has not taken good care of, no he is not okay... Unless this does what he says it does and there is no cancer. Then he's a genius that enabled everyone to abuse their bodies like he does. S Tier Apothecary.

>> No.15957397
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>bro are you okay?
I am in pursuit of whatever the truth of this may be. If I was unhealthy and this fixed it, then I can only draw attention to something thats permenantly changed how my body is functioning. There is plenty known about these compounds to say what I am doing is indeed reprograming my cells.

>> No.15957402
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my bad, I dont like using my tag on every post I make on every thread.

>> No.15957622


>> No.15957632

Sounds cool, if I could reverse the aging process I would. Doesn't really matter anyways as we are just reborn again to repeat the cycle.

>> No.15957686

I have a plan to conquer the galaxy but it will take millennium to accomplish. I must become immortal to lead that crusade.

>> No.15957692

Why hello, me.

>> No.15957749

>We have piles of evidence
>Look at the data

zero sources

>> No.15957756

>there is no point to try and dispel peoples oppinions and experiments.

Glad to see the anti-aging community prefers to NOT use the scientific method.

>> No.15957766

And good on them for doing so.
The modern scientific method isn't scientific at all!

>> No.15957769

I don't want to extend MY life, I want to extend everyone else's so they have to suffer longer.

>> No.15957846

>I never saw him eating though I assume he does.
Yeah I can confirm he does in fact eat. He seemed like a nice guy, glad to hear he is.

>> No.15958021

my mother worked hard all her life and I'd like to see her healthy and strong again so she can enjoy more time with us

>> No.15958058

most people here have 50+ years left. you're an oldfag

>> No.15958066

By the way, I'm available if anyone needs a lab rat.
If you're curious to see if the effects you're experiencing are merely placebo or not, describe what you're taking in detail and I might help you out!

>> No.15958078

send me your discord

>> No.15958103

Any anon here doing actual experiments on aging?
Discordshitters should get the rope

>> No.15958108

Sorry, but I agree with >>15958103
Any and all actions I take will be anonymous of nature.
This gives me the freedom to start and end whatever experiment I am undergoing at will, without any negative effects.

>> No.15958130

I need to know your identity to confirm you're actually taking the treatment and not lying for the lols

>> No.15958144

>what happened to Aubrey De Grey's theories on anti-aging?
It got old

>> No.15958179

This so much. And if its necessary, Matrix is a much better option over shitcord.

>> No.15958458

Did his research get anywhere?

>> No.15958640

No, he's a scam

>> No.15958663

He publishes something every year, but I do not read it, because if he has something big, I will know it otherwise.
His main contribution is raising the awareness of the possibility, if we as a specie work on it.
Your mom is a scam.

>> No.15958668

>His main contribution is raising the awareness of the possibility
So basically a grifter living off of the "possibility" that someone will do it. Got it.

>> No.15958671

He does his own research, and I know it for a fact, I just don't consider his research his main contribution to the field.

>> No.15958678

Just like edutubers aren't actual researchers but "contribute" by making lameass tiktok videos? People keep getting old and dying so his "contributions" haven't done much

>> No.15958697

Nigger, you're clueless. Stop speaking out of your ass, please.

>> No.15958712

So no rebuttal to my argument then? I mean there's no way, he is a scammer and a grifter who is taking advantage of the rich fear for death but has achieved no actual results to prove his ideas work.

>> No.15958732

What rebuttal do you expect? Go expose him, I'm pretty sure he would be exposed long ago considering how much he annoys retards like you. I was in his lab, and they actually did some boring routine work with pipetting machine.

>> No.15958740

Oooh ohhh the mighty pipeting! The great cure for aging will come from pipeting shit! And that is enough to make retards open their mouths in awe, kek
Keep it up kid, you sure are curing age with your mighty pipette

>> No.15958759

I think they were measuring some dosages or something. The lab is full of actual equipment and people work there. That is all I saw. And what is your point? How would you approach solivng the aging problem?

>> No.15958847

Why does this thread always dissolve into shit-flinging?
Granted, the last two times it was me versus someone else, but still.

>> No.15958892

I don't know but someone should make an actual research journal about aging.

>> No.15958943

What is the best way to stop aging, nootropics?

>> No.15959143

Could be a start

>> No.15959344
File: 49 KB, 500x715, 540f84be2b0d2e71a933e55b05707ee5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good vid on transcription, chromatin, etc.


Again I ask the question, why the heck was nobody already trying to see what the limits were with OSM activation via Apigenin? Clearly i've only been paying half attentonn to what the field would already know.

Was everyone too distracted by its dance around (and straight through) cancer to see it was able to politely deage you if asked nicely?

For the third tme in the thread, the rentry is
Every reprogramming cocktail needs temporary inhibition of three major pathways
TGFbeta, GSK3, and HDAC. Given the opportunity, Apigenin will work these pathways well enough without help to make pluripotent stem cells retain their potency. Cell identity (epigenetic code) can be restored by providing the best conditions for it to do so. Adding the Forskolin for atleast a day has made no discernable impact. Im on a full protocol dose and a little extra and i am feeling it but not in a repairative sense like I used to. I can feel it a little in the cheek bones. If I had broken something so to speak I would have long known by now. I think the button really has been fairly well pressed in for what it can do... wish I could have paid them to speed up the results. We data on how the Myc-c expression is working under the hood but not O or S.

>> No.15959351

There was some guy posting on /sci/ about being part of some research team that was really on the cutting of anti-aging.
Did anything ever come of this?

>> No.15959718

genetic therapies is the only thing I know of that actually works already:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScJNE0alsaQ [Embed]

>> No.15959973

Nootropics are a waste of money and a way for Big Pharma to control you. Wake up sheeple! 99.99 per day of life, imagine that

>> No.15960186

That's not true, supplements can actually slow down aging and have proven results over and over.

>> No.15960276

Any good articles that prove it?

>> No.15960291

I was thinking how to repair lysosomes in age spots. So I compiled research.

It shares a similarity to Resveratrol. It could be more bioavailable.

AGE breakers: https://www.toukastress.jp/webj/article/2023/GS23-04.pdf
The abnormal tissue structures and malfunctioning lysosomes keep the waste from being removed. There’s a list of compounds in there.

Ideally you’d want to rescue cell machinery and normalize tissue structure. Would the age spot pigment get removed?

The only other thing I learned is Urea can disperse the fat and oxidized proteins in age spots. This is used as a moisturizer in skin care. But we need to transport it out of the body, not just disperse it.

>> No.15960551

Nice finds, anon!

>> No.15960634

Have you tried it yourself, anon?

>> No.15960756

How is the SENS foundation doing nowadays?

>> No.15960769

>causes psychosis
this is generally a good thing, it means your brain is processing past traumas and people in developing countries (where psychiatry hasnt taken root) who go through psychotic episodes untreated with drugs end up with healthier neurological health in the longterm (improved mitochondrial health and glial cell health, stronger cognitive skills on a range of tests)

>> No.15960817

>not reading the thread or rentry

And you wonder why nobody noticed this before. Human beings are by and large dumb as fuck and will pull you down to their level thinking YOU are the idiot and deserve whats coming. Never forget we killed the man who said we were not the center of the universe.


>> No.15960831

He had no immediately digestable proof that would satisfy people. Of course he got what was coming to him. That and he upset people who actually mattered. If humanity genuinely cared about science and technogy we wouldent always demand Chad is in charge.