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File: 125 KB, 515x809, 1703200311222275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15937158 No.15937158 [Reply] [Original]

Says here that liberals have smaller brains than conservatives and are less capable of contemplating the potential consequences of their actions.

>> No.15937420

Thats kind of an oversimplification of what the amygdala does

>> No.15937425

And that is why those animals shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>> No.15937474
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says here that liberals have smaller brains
No, it literally doesn't.
you know what to do

>> No.15937539

Jannies abandoned this place ages ago it's just /xpol/ now with occasional maths

>> No.15937541

Amygdala is responsible for a whole bunch of shit. Libshits about to be eating dicks for a decade on this one, which is what they want.

>> No.15937938

>atrophied amygdala
Why is conservative the baseline? Why is their fearful outlook on life not rather considered a result of an abnormally enlarged amygdala?

>> No.15938058

Nah, jannies are around, I've brought down many troll threads and racist bullshit lately

>> No.15938109
File: 50 KB, 660x574, 1602950326895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So liberals have literally less developed part of their brain. That explains a lot

>> No.15938113
File: 147 KB, 1200x533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their outlook is normal. It's you guys who are weird.

>> No.15938118


>> No.15938125 [DELETED] 

Don't include me with liberals you nazi hick

>> No.15938244

kys niggerfaggot

>> No.15938245

a non-functioning amygdala is what causes antisocial personality disorder. is a smaller amygdala closer to a functionally absent one? I'll let you be the judge.

>> No.15938249

>their fearful outlook
every leftist I'veever met is consumed by anxiety, fear, and self loathing.

>> No.15938336

Probably because if your amygdala is underdeveloped, threat signals have free rein to proceed and embed into the prefrontal cortex rather than be filtered out. Therefore perceived threats manifest as internalized, intellectualized neuroses in the prefrontal cortex rather than the amygdala stepping in earlier and telling your brain, “disregard stimuli, it’s coming from a fag, engage fight mode”. This will inevitably lead to the prefrontal cortex telling you that you need to ruminate and kvetch over this poorly processed signal for the rest of time.

>> No.15938408

Probably because leftists smoke more weed.

>> No.15938410

Atrophied means they don't use it
>you know what to do
praise OP for being based and scientific?

>> No.15938496

Conservative whites lie on surveys. Their in-group preference is way higher.

>> No.15938509

Nazis came from the cities of Germany though

>> No.15938542

how come they get hysterical about drumpf or whatever turning into some fascist? are they just putting it on?

>> No.15938614

So what, they fear too much but also not enough? Work out your fucking worldview before you're going to try to rationalise it with pseudoscience.

>> No.15938617

They come from the countryside of Germany really

>> No.15938665
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>> No.15938871
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>Conservative whites lie on surveys. Their in-group preference is way higher.

>> No.15938961

if only it were true tho

>> No.15939015

>I don't virulently hate black people
- Stonetoss

>> No.15939206

Amigdala is the part of the brain involved in fear
So larger amigdala means being a frightful pussy

>> No.15939214
File: 717 KB, 1073x1482, SmartSelect_20231224_095231_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less capable of contemplating the potential consequences of their actions
Given how conservatives have acted the last 7 years I find this difficult to believe.

>> No.15939243

So... Liberals' actions aren't driven by impulsive, animalistic emotions like fear.
I guess that makes sense. If you switch to any conservative media, 95% of it is just fear mongering. It's just this on repeat; "muh libs! muh commies! muh blacks! muh queers! muh jooz! muh gubmint! muh science! they comin' a get ya!" ad infinitum.

>> No.15939260

Fear is evolutionary advantageous.
All those fearful pussies ran away from a lion while brave chads gave zero fucks and died

>> No.15939263

Which conservative media are you watching that they call out jews and niggers? Do tell

>> No.15939278

Not the point retard.

>> No.15939282

cant compare conservatives in the us with other conservatives

>> No.15939315

You're using one of them right now.

>> No.15939360

It was evolutionarily advantageous, yes. Not so much in modern society. In a way, liberals can be seen as the next step in evolution.

>> No.15939417

A dysgenic step due to removal/reduction of selective pressures.
Don't worry, though. They are voting for those pressures to increase and they will be surprised by how tribalistic every other ethnic group is.

>> No.15939423


>> No.15939430

>A dysgenic step due to removal/reduction of selective pressures.
That's circular reasoning. Are certain finches dysgenic compared to others because they no longer eat the same seeds? No, they are simply adapted to their new environment. The future of mankind is cooperation, and the smaller, tribal humans will be outnumbered.

>> No.15939560
File: 58 KB, 1000x800, 1503477067721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberals can be seen as the next step in evolution.
about that...

>> No.15939568

Conservatives have been known to raise liberal children, though. I guess Lysenko was right.

>> No.15939601

where did this meme that leftists aren't afraid of things come from? i could rattle off a dozen things they're irrationally terrified of off the top of my head - police, organized christianity, white men, getting mass shooting'd by an ar15 at the mall, climate change, maga hats, bro trucks, jason aldean and oliver anthony songs, fascists/racists/transphobes/etc behind every blade of grass, the list goes on and on

>> No.15939606

Right, liberals are afraid of reasonable things like people who want them dead, not things like melanin, or men kissing, or rainbows

>> No.15939645


>> No.15939657

Yes, it is. We all know he's proudly racist, so to claim that actually, it's the liberals who hate him (???) can only be projection.

>> No.15939665

Why wouldn't you hate black people though?

>> No.15939674
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now compare it with wild and domesticated animal like wold and dog.

>> No.15939748

No? Ideology of children correlates with ideology of parents for both liberals and conservatives.

>> No.15939751

brown immigrants are more likely to commit murder than white men

>> No.15939752

also more people get struck by lightening every year than killed by cops while unarmed

>> No.15939758

Yet, if you're a black man in Hicktown, USA, what's your biggest threat? A white cop.

>> No.15939762

factually inaccurate, hence why i said "irrationally terrified." thank you for supporting my post though, your brainwashed obliviousness adds a nice touch of irony

>> No.15939763
File: 133 KB, 640x646, 1000012833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from 2006 to 2021 444 deaths from lightning (88 per year)
>2019 around 142 deaths from cops while unarmed

>> No.15939767

you can notice I said "struck" not killed.
Even comparing deaths, in 2022 there 19 killed by a lighting and 27 killed by cops while unarmed. So yeah it is lower but it's not some day and night difference. Certainly doesn't justify the irrational fear lefties have towards cops.

>> No.15939768

>factually inaccurate
No, you think you can just go "beep boop statistics national averages" but you are unable to differentiate between the experiences of different demographics and you severely lack empathy.

>> No.15939770

How many people were struck by cops?

>> No.15939773
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It should be noted that this study didn't replicate.
Which makes sense as neither side is particularly more fearful than the other they just fear different things.
With right-wingers it's immigrants and vaxxines. With leftists it's climate change and guns

>> No.15939774


>> No.15939776

Look, just because I keep saying "replication crisis" that doesn't mean THIS paper is invalidated, only the ones I disagree with

>> No.15939777

>>2019 around 142 deaths from cops while unarmed
Where do you have this from btw? There were 41 unarmed deaths in 2019. No year on record has this much unarmed deaths.


>> No.15939780

but I disagree with this one

>> No.15939783

Sure and if you are in a cage with a lion your biggest threat is a lion. So what?
When you are black and there are no blacks around you the biggest threat to you is second deadliest thing on the list.

>> No.15939790

>Sure and if you are in a cage with a lion your biggest threat is a lion. So what?
Well, it would be ludicrous to say that the entire nation should be scared of lions, but for me, I think it would be quite rational to be scared of a lion in that case. You see how context can provide nuance to statistics?

>> No.15939793

also important to note with "unarmed killed by cop" stats is that many times the perp is either in the process of arming themselves (reaching for the cops gun) or wielding some other not-technically-a-weapon deadly instrument (for example, driving a car at a cop is considered "unarmed"). typically the number of truly unarmed dindu nuffin police victims is single digits, in a country of millions of people with tens of millions of police interactions

>> No.15939797

If the police can kill you for being armed then you don't have the right to bear arms

>> No.15939799

Sure bro, if you are that one unfortunate nigga stuck in Hicktown, USA go fear white cops. We're not talking about individuals in highly specific circumstances we are talking about whether liberals are justified to fear cops.

>> No.15939801

Well, they are, because cops dislike liberals

>> No.15939802

>Well, they are, because cops dislike liberals
t. amygdala

>> No.15939805

Just because cops are nice to you that doesn't mean your experience is universal

>> No.15939831

>No, they are simply adapted to their new environment.
Humans can change their own environment. I'm arguing that liberalism seeks to create the conditions of its own demise.
Liberalism is probably advantageous when you look only one step ahead. White liberals obtained power by siding with minorities.
Looking two steps ahead, however, liberalism is dysgenic because it seeks to create an environment in which it is a strictly dominated strategy (game theory term).
It has only been able to thrive in the short term because minority groups were too small to cause problems with their tribalism and there was a common enemy keeping things unified.
>and the smaller, tribal humans will be outnumbered
Whites are the only ones not being tribal. Liberalism seems like it was just an attempt to erode the tribalism of whites while every other group kept going with the tribalism arms race. If you think whites will be a protected minority under POC rule the way POC were protected under white rule then you are retarded.

I think the main disagreement is the time scales we are using to assess fitness. Things can look good/bad in the short term but turn out to be bad/good in the long term.

>> No.15939839

This is nonsense, if liberals couldnt feel fear then they would never move away from a brown shithole simply because "the crime is really bad".

>> No.15939843

No that explains nothing really, leftism is based on pathological altruism. We have humans with naturally defective amygdalas right now, they are called PSYCHOPATHS aka humans who cannot empathize with others nor conceptualize altruism, therefore this amgydala explanation for progressive behavior is pure hogwash. A human with a malfunctioning amgydala is incapable of being kind yet progressive base their entire life on how much of a hero they are to the "marginalized".

>> No.15939846

This cant be true, the biggest diversity supporters have nearly mono white social circles.

>> No.15939893

I don't believe in rehabilitative justice because the majority of people cannot feel true remorse
I also think you should be flayed for being a pedophile. Weird how that overlaps, huh?

>> No.15940097

That's a good point I wonder what the full stats are of armed killings but where the victim never even fired. I've seen more than a few body cam footage of men being murdered just for having a gun.

>> No.15940104

>yet progressive base their entire life on how much of a hero they are to the "marginalized".
their solution is always to give away other people's money, not their own

>> No.15940108

>when confronting an armed man, you have to wait for him to shoot you before its OK to fire back.
>t. suicidal retard

>> No.15940154

>be USA
>have 2nd ammendment
>have open carry, constitutional carry, or concealed carry.
>oh that must mean you want to suicide by cop
I hate bootlickers

>> No.15940156

that's what makes them psycho/sociopathic actually, their "altruism" is entirely feigned and used as window dressing for their true motivation, which is simply to punish the rich/white people/men/whichever group they can frame as the oppressor. basically weaponized ""empathy""

>> No.15940551

Actually they don't have the amygdala to support that kind of fear

>> No.15940556

My god. 5 people climbed to the wrong side of a fence. This is clearly a threat to our democracy and infinitely worse than when cities all across North America were in fire during the Summer of Love.

>> No.15940562

>I also think you should be flayed for b

>> No.15940563

Your biggest threat are other niggers.

>> No.15940565
File: 32 KB, 600x655, smug soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've brought down many troll threads and racist bullshit lately
>Making this place reddit one thread at a time

>> No.15940567

Your phobias don't become rational just because you dismiss statistics and reality and wave your hands about individual experiences.

>> No.15940581

Why try so hard to rationalise how empathy and altruism are secretly sociopathic when conservatives are just openly sociopathic? What, is everyone, then?

>> No.15940584

>statistics and reality
Pick one

>> No.15940590

Statistics reflects reality. Niggers should be afraid of other niggers murdering and robbing them. Not cops.

>> No.15940606

There is no contradiction there, their mono-racial friend circle help them cultivate their various delusions.

>> No.15940607

Making billions of dollars by ferrying immigrants across the Mediterranean is not empathy. Preaching that the plebs should embrace diversity while you live in a gated community and your children go to a homogeneous private school is not empathy. Browbeating, bullying and ganging on people you dislike on twitter is not empathy. Cancelling and unpersonning your perceived enemies is not empathy.

In fact, all of these are examples of greed and sociopathy or both. In short, virtue signalling is not empathy.

>> No.15940609

A larger amygdala does not mean that you feel fear more often or more intensely, but that you dedicate more resources to it.

>> No.15940612

>With leftists it's climate change and guns
That's nonsense, they know these issues give them power over their political opposition

>> No.15940632

According to statistics, you are more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark. But that would, of course, be different if people routinely went into shark tanks to try to milk them. Gang violence is a problem, yes, but the people involved in that know what they're getting into. But cops can strike anyone.

>> No.15940635

Actually, the people in gated communities are the ones who are telling you to hate immigrants for taking your job, whilst they get to employ immigrants under terrible work conditions because they have no standing.
>Browbeating, bullying and ganging on people you dislike on twitter is not empathy.
Sorry, do you realise where you are? Or is this the open sociopathy on display? Is your argument actually that liberals are, at worst, as bad as you?

>> No.15940638

Why is it that conservatives can never conceive of people genuinely disagreeing with them? Why is it always a secret ploy to gain power somehow? Speaking of a lack of empathy.

>> No.15940640

you're retarded and can't read basic english, seen in how your post and your image are quite different statements. regardless though,
means that the study is not reliable. needs a much larger sample size to be of any significance.

>> No.15940645

most blacks already know this instinctively. the younger ones just want an excuse to loot and bust shit up.

>> No.15940648

Gangs kill WAY more innocent people that have no connection to them at all than cops. You're just a disingenuous subhuman.

>> No.15940650

People aren't forced to deal with gangs. People are forced to deal with cops. You can't escape cops anywhere, and they can exercise their power arbitrarily.

>> No.15940652

>Actually, the people in gated communities are the ones who are telling you to hate immigrants for taking your
Christ. Talking to leftist is such a drudge because you live in a dream world. Leftists have a total stranglehold on culture, driven by these billionaires, and they are obviously not telling people to hate immigrants.
>Sorry, do you realise where you are?
Yes, I do. This is the place where anonymous people can openly share their views without any fear of malevolent psychopaths such as yourself ganging up, bullying, stalking, and making people's lives hell for the crime of wrongthink.

>> No.15940653

Could you show me mathematically how you draw the conclusion that a study is not reliable solely based on the fact that the sample size was 90?

>> No.15940654

>muh poool
you will never belong here

>> No.15940657

People are literally forced to deal with gangs. The consequances of them existing creates problems in people's every day life you could not even imagine. When your entire neighbourhood is a shooting range and gangs influances your youth you're dealing with them on a daily basis. This is the reality for black people. Gangs kill innocent people on a factor of 100 in comparison to cops. Imagine actually trying to claim fucking cops are worse for the average man than literal gangs. How absolutely fucking brainwashed can you be?

>> No.15940659

>Talking to leftist is such a drudge because you live in a dream world. Leftists have a total stranglehold on culture, driven by these billionaires, and they are obviously not telling people to hate immigrants.
>This is the place where anonymous people can openly share their views without any fear of malevolent psychopaths such as yourself ganging up, bullying, stalking, and making people's lives hell for the crime of wrongthink.
And of course for getting together to gang up, bully, stalk, and make people's lives hell for the crime of wrongthink. Here, you're already calling me a malevolent psychopath for... openly sharing my view with you. I'm sure you wouldn't refrain from doing so a whole lot more if you could tie my posts to an identity. This isn't for your protection, it's for mine.

>> No.15940660

Ah, you want an echo chamber?

>> No.15940661

roflmao not an argument
>Here, you're already calling me a malevolent psychopath for... openly sharing my view with you
It's called pattern recognition. I'm really good at it.

>> No.15940663

This is the study that the retarded image is referring to:

The reason I call it retarded is because based on the study you can easily make the exact opposite claim, because it shows that the anterior cingulate cortex (part of the prefrontal cortex) is larger in liberals relative to conservatives.

That would be equally stupid though, and the study says nothing about causality, and claims about atrophy or mutational load are pulled right out of someone's asshole.

>> No.15940665

>roflmao not an argument
no, indeed, it's the same consideration I'd give a Flat Earther telling me I was brainwashed by the mainstream media.
>It's called pattern recognition. I'm really good at it.
That's exactly what a person who really sucked at it would say.

>> No.15940667

racial diversity is a great way to break strikes. now what exactly do you think happens when one adds diversity to an entire country? when one gradually deletes its old culture and moves onto pop culture that gets cruder and less refined by the decade? when one uses the young american black as a battering ram? when one attempts to create a war of all against its former populace? when that ultimately fails as it devolves into austria-hungary without the high culture? when one even turns black and foreign cultures into mere urban kitsch? when one promotes hedonism over virtue, casual sex over chastity, and working for faceless entities over families?

>> No.15940669

Looks like you've dropped all the pretense of even having an argument and proceeded to 100 % shit-flinging, so I'll concede in that regard. I win the argument, you win the shit-flinging contest.

>> No.15940670

>That's exactly what a person who really sucked at it would say
I think this coming from the person trying to argue cops are worse than fucking gangs for black people is hypocritical to say the least.

>> No.15940716
File: 141 KB, 1025x598, Gray727_anterior_cingulate_cortex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says here that Liberals have a larger anterior cingulate cortex. Which is, a part of the brain responsible for attention, empathy, impulse control, emotion and decision-making.

>> No.15940751

>big "fear organ" means big fear

You know the brain is a large part suppression? The only reason you can focus rn and not trip out on millions of stimuli is because your brain has tonnes of dedicated filters applied.

This is why alcohol, a neurological depressant, makes you more impulsive instead of less.

>> No.15940752

Ergo the the smartest person in the world, is the person literally without a brain. Because they don't have all that brain matter suppressing their infinite IQ!

>> No.15940757

You're right. It is every red blooded American's constitutional duty to drop as many stupid pigs as they can before they can shoot back. Anyone who calls themselves "conservative" and believes the government and their stooges give a fuck about protection of the people is delusional beyond repair.

>> No.15940766


>> No.15940768

The don't have that brain matter to suppress negative infinity IQ either. Which would be obvious for a person with a brain.

>> No.15940771

I agree that we can't conclude that a large amygdala equals more fear, but not because it could imply more inhibition. Excitation outnumbers inhibition 4 to 1, and any anatomical difference that's visible at the macroscale is unlikely due to any specific imbalance of a particular type of neuron, because that would probably make the entire circuit dysfunctional. Also, alcohol disinhinits not because the brain is largely inhibitory, but because it acts specifically on the minority of inhibitory neurons.

>> No.15940773

Imagine having this retarded 90s liberal jew view in 2020 when the finance mechanism of immigrationist NGOs and lobbies have been so well documented. Please KYS

>> No.15940795

Surely that is true. It is not conservative blue collar, who is working day in day out at the frontier of the market, who has a Robust ACC that allows him to perform even in the snow, alone. No sir, it is the college/city liberals who totally do not crumble under peer pressure or in fact any pressure that have a Superman tier ACC after all those years of being spoiled and smoking THC. Published science is as reliable as Indian dogshit nutrition right now, its bias is enormous to favor a parasitic annoying class of atheistic subhumans known as liberals and neocons. Enough buddy

>> No.15940820

So they are overtly emotional and empathetic (especially to those that are genetically unrelated to them). That also checks out

>> No.15940951

>reality has a liberal bias
on that we agree

>> No.15941002 [DELETED] 

> It's a major processing center for emotions. It also links your emotions to many other brain abilities, especially memories, learning and your senses.
Seems to me libshits are soulless, low IQ and lack sensitivity.

>> No.15941015

I guess that explains why conservatives are all stuck in dead-end low-paying jobs. They fear change so much that they never seek out something better. And even if opportunity were handed them on a silver platter, they'd be too scared of the unfamiliar to take it.

>> No.15941056

> It's a major processing center for emotions. It also links your emotions to many other brain abilities, especially memories, learning and your senses.

>> No.15941058

Is that why conservatives earn way more than liberals on average?

>> No.15941065

Being Adventurous and Risk taking is associated with being Right Wing.
Leftards actually hate such individuals.
It is Leftists who want opportunities (money) on a platter given to niggers who then waste it all.

>> No.15941576

even though everyone knows that negroes have a much, much higher probability of committing violent criminal acts, leftists somehow have no rational fear response with respect to the negroes. just as predicted by the information in OP

>> No.15942618

>trannys are all pedos
>lets hire them to work in public schools and look after our children
>t. leftists

>> No.15943344


>> No.15943554

>It is Leftists who want opportunities (money) on a platter given to niggers who then waste it all.
60 years ago 40% of blacks owned their own business and 80% of black children had 2 parents at home, after decades of "muh progress" blacks are now only 7% business owners and only 23% of black kids have 2 parents at home.
Leftists hate blacks more than anyone else.

>> No.15943591

>Shown to perform a primary role in the processing of memory, decision making, and emotional responses (including fear, anxiety, and aggression), the amygdalae are considered part of the limbic system.[

conservatives experience more fear, anxiety and aggression

>> No.15944120 [DELETED] 

>Leftists hate blacks more than anyone else.
thats good doe

>> No.15944422
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uh oh

>> No.15945394
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>> No.15945463

Leftist psychopathy related to an undeveloped amygdala from high mutational load. Bioleninism.
Nature uhh finds a way.

>> No.15945728

‘Bioleninism’ describes a familiar phenomenon in Clown World – social rejects coming together to force their will on society at large. A feature of Clown World is that people who normally keep themselves hidden away out of shame are out and proud. Even worse, they are organised and controlling the narrative. Bioleninism is the thread that binds them all. The original Leninism was a kind of slave morality that attracted many of society’s misfits. Much like Christianity in the Roman Empire, which first became popular among slaves, Leninism first became popular among those at the bottom of society. In the case of Russia, it wasn’t slaves but drunkards, prostitutes, petty criminals and those shunned for cruelty. Characteristic of all popular slave moralities is that they bring together the resentful. Christianity did this, the original Communism did this, and now the bottom-feeders of Clown World are coming together to do it again – this is Bioleninism.

>> No.15946724
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>science proves liberals are dumb
already proved by the fact the most women and most jews are liberal

>> No.15946734
File: 10 KB, 128x128, 1700307774874418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything is mostly below replacement level

>> No.15946736

>Actually, the people in gated communities are the ones who are telling you to hate immigrants for taking your job, whilst they get to employ immigrants under terrible work conditions because they have no standing.
>>Browbeating, bullying and ganging on people you dislike on twitter is not empathy.
>Sorry, do you realise where you are? Or is this the open sociopathy on display? Is your argument actually that liberals are, at worst, as bad as you?
Mostly it just proves everyone involved is human and tribal, what the tribe consists of being the only difference.
Immigration is a good thing only in the case of taking other countries educated, anyone who isn't college educated should be turned back, violently.

>> No.15947263
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the white genocide agenda is proceeding according to plan

>> No.15947408


>> No.15948425
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>> No.15948586


>> No.15948918
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>> No.15948930


>> No.15948944

So, nazis lost as commies had no fear

>> No.15948969

Even the educated have their problems.
They still suppress wages.
They end up occupying higher positions in our hierarchies which allows them to enact their tribalism systemically.

Pablo picking avocados can't really impact much beyond himself.
Pajeeta in middle management at a tech company can tip the scales in the hiring process to hire more indians.

>> No.15948976

Doesn't matter if the liberal children don't themselves breed. Evolution will weed them out either way. Slower than it would otherwise, but the destination is still the same.

>> No.15949420

Good post lol

>> No.15949983

Kys you fucking niggerfaggot