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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 982 KB, 1179x927, IMG_3484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15945720 No.15945720 [Reply] [Original]

Booster 10 Static Fire Edition

Previous - >>15942847

>> No.15945731

dozens of launches a day by the end of the decade

>> No.15945737
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>> No.15945739

Youre too ambitious

>> No.15945740
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>> No.15945749

wasnt there research not too long ago that claimed mars had more than enough gravity for humans?

>> No.15945756


>> No.15945760

>Mueller worked on mars isru for 5 years at SpaceX
I wonder how far along they are

>> No.15945761

Jump off a bridge

>> No.15945762

Two weeks

>> No.15945781

What are we going to do?

>> No.15945792
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These notices get posted all the time and 80% of the time they just get scrubbed anyway. I don't even take the time to expand the thumbnail.

>> No.15945849

there is a reason why mueller left...
he hypes up starship because its a good leo transporter, but in reality its non functional as a mars return vehicle and everyone knows it. thats why noone is serious about thermally insulating the ship to the extent needed to survive the trip with fuel. its just meant fgor short jumps to leo, and the moon is a stretch which is why its taking so long.

>> No.15945861

kill yourself retarded nigger.
literally years of pushing this narrative and people still laugh at you.

>> No.15945901

when youre proven wrong and im proven rigth the muskie narrative will shift to "this is what we wanted the whole time, sending starship to mars was always retarded!"

>> No.15945907

You cannot go to mars with anything but orbital refeuling and isru refuling if you want to go back.
If you don't have that you need an apollo architecture with many expendable stages.

>> No.15945914

>you need an apollo architecture with many expendable stages

have you ever wondered why every interplanetary vehicle ever used storable propellants?
Apollo used storable propellants on the command module and LEM. Using cryogens is insane nonsense. ULA is the world leader in therms of long duration cryogen flight, and their stages can only last 12 hours, which is seen as impressive. SpaceX stages typically never fly for more than an hour, and Falcon doesnt even use a cryogen fuel technically.

>> No.15945917

Blue is way more serious than SpaceX about using cryogens for long duration because they are actually developing a refrigerator to use on the moon so their propellant doesnt dissapear, but even then, that's wunderwaffe they are betting on and and it doesnt exist yet. SpaceX hasnt even tried.

>> No.15945934

>not cryogenic

>> No.15945939

hasn't gone to orbit
hasn't got ambitions of a reusable rocket.
it doesn't matter what you do if its not reusable because cost is going to be too high and therefore you cant build a base on the moon nor on mars.
apollo fell way short of that despite having more funding than anyone nowadays can expect to have.
you must reduce cost by 100x or its not happening

>> No.15945958

LOX isnt a fuel, try again.

>> No.15945962

hello elon

>> No.15945981

You colossal retard. Long term cryogenic storage is basically a solved problem, we do it routinely with natural gas. And in space or on Mars the thermal environment it even better than on Earth. All you need is a rather modest refrigerator and reasonably good insulation.

It was not yet demonstrated in space simply because nobody needed it yet. But it is crucial for any Mars mission, or even a lunar base. It is just a matter of time.

>> No.15945984


>> No.15945987
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I meant to ask when the last thread was on page 9 but it staged while I was asleep so oh well

Anyone got that doodle of krystal refilling starship that's composed like this image

>> No.15945990
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S28 load

>> No.15945997



>> No.15945998

youre so deluded. a refrigerator produces net heat and venting that heat is a major problem when you are in space.

>> No.15946015

We need a variable spin centrifuge hab in LEO to find out.

>> No.15946028

and you'll continue to seethe that your fantasies will never come to fruition, you'll dream of this schizo scenario for years. eventually you'll be put into an old folks home and annoy other geriatrics with your delusional ravings.

>> No.15946030

ship 28 static fired

>> No.15946049
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When are we leaving this planet bros? I'm tired of all the delays. I'm almost 30 now and want to leave this planet and explore the galaxy, what's taking so long?

>> No.15946061

shut the fuck up pussy, go do something to make space happen sooner

>> No.15946067


>> No.15946070

which ship is getting rolled around right now?

>> No.15946072

thats a frost line on the booster LETS GOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.15946073

Space is gay. Only fags want to go there. Elon is a nigger.

>> No.15946076
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China purges CASC chairman for corruption!!!

>> No.15946084

>Departure! JRTI droneship is underway from Port Canaveral, 3 days after delivering the remains of B1058, which tipped over onboard.
>The deck isn't clear which means this isn't for a mission. Looks like a spare generator unit and container have been bolted to the deck. My guess is JRTI is heading for some maintenance and/or repair.
uh oh

>> No.15946087

>venting that heat is a major problem
You misspelled "solved problem"

>> No.15946090

B28 did a single engine de orbit burn test.

>> No.15946093

didn't meet their annual quotas of stolen blueprints

>> No.15946101

But who will make the Starship copy+paste powerpoints now?

>> No.15946103

not unexpected

>> No.15946109

SpaceX have said they're done for the year, and they've been running the landing barges ragged with launches and no downtime.

>> No.15946131


>> No.15946133


>> No.15946149

the interns as usual

>> No.15946156

flight might actually be 2 weeks away for oft 3 right?

>> No.15946162

they will launch it before 2024
static then stack
then launch

>> No.15946163

>they will launch it before 2024

>> No.15946164

launch this afternoon

>> No.15946168

STATIC FIRE!!!!!!!!!1!!ONE!

>> No.15946169


>> No.15946171


>> No.15946172

>Launch of Starship Orbital Test 1 on Dec 31st 2023 at 12:59:99

>> No.15946179

Zack Golden

Long duration Static Fire test for Booster 10 lasting roughly 10 seconds.

If this was 33 engines for the full duration then this is by far the longest 33 engine test we have seen!

: @LabPadre

: @DeffGeff

>> No.15946180

Would make for nice fireworks.

>> No.15946183

does anyone really doubt that the next starship flight will work? flight 2 was almost a success. And they likely know what to fix.

>> No.15946184


>> No.15946189

I vanished for the holidays on the 20th and haven't kept up with any space news since. Can I get a QRD of the last week and a bit? Wasn't BO supposed to launch something?

>> No.15946192

Still 1 month of stacking and destacking

>> No.15946193

You know what they say

>> No.15946195

they dont have a clue what went wrong, they didnt even fucking know the ship had died until 10 minutes later.

>> No.15946202

ULA was supposed to launch Vulcan but that ain't happening anytime soon.

>> No.15946204

the fuck up.

>> No.15946205

>another year goes by
>no New Glenn

>> No.15946207
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Okay, rockets are cool and all, but when are we getting these?

>> No.15946209

the jews wont let it fly because its a threat to their shabbos goy spacex.

>> No.15946210

New Shepard had its return to flight on the 19th and it didn't explode. China and SpaceX have kept the launch schedule pretty full, but it's mostly been Starlinks from SpaceX and unelaborated Yaogans from China. A Long March 5 chucked a big earth imaging telescope to geostationary transfer orbit, probably for tracking carrier groups in the pacific. Falcon Heavy launched the X-37b to a spooky orbit yesterday, so with the Chinese X-37 clone already up on the 14th we've got two secret government spaceplanes in orbit. Firefly launched Alpha for the fourth time with an Air Force payload and almost managed to put it into the correct orbit. Russia's launched four Soyuz in the last month, including a Soyuz 2-1v, but no one really paid much attention to any of that.

>> No.15946223

Bob's your uncle?

>> No.15946252

drink piss from my loins faggot. thanks for ruining my post.

>> No.15946280

post TND era

>> No.15946281

to be fair to that anon, my uncle's name really is Bob

>> No.15946286

Remaining tasks before IFT-3:

1. Booster Inspection
2. Orbital Pad Inspection + repaint OLM
3. S28 TPS tile replacement
4. Possible rollback of S28 to load small number of Starlink sats
5. Full Stack WDR
6. Launch Readiness Review
7. Conclusion of FAA Post Launch Investigation & IFT-3 approval.

Sounds like NET February

>> No.15946288

>4. Possible rollback of S28 to load small number of Starlink sats
Not happening lmao

>> No.15946289

good morning /sfg/

>> No.15946290

Good evening, sir

>> No.15946293

>Elon doesn't say how many engines
it's over

>> No.15946295
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Most pwoerful roktet in the WURLLD

>> No.15946300

Sir, reasonable and well-considered takes are not allowed here. You must default to either "it's over," "two weeks," or "it's launching on the 31st."

Starship might still make it to orbit before the H3 at this rate.

>> No.15946305

February is just ~2^2 weeks away

>> No.15946307

They should get another

>> No.15946308

>Sir, reasonable and well-considered takes are not allowed here.
Return to reddit, you unfunny retard

>> No.15946311

no u

>> No.15946317

>Next week, I will do a company talk for SpaceX, followed later by a company talk for Tesla after the 10K.
>I will recap the talented team’s amazing accomplishments of 2023 and describe exciting plans for 2024 and beyond!
>These will be posted publicly to @SpaceX and @Tesla.


>> No.15946320
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I am learning a little about the sky field package for python so I can track the meme drive satellite based on TLE's. What are the most important things to look for to tell if energy has been added?

My idea right now is just to fetch the maximum and minimum height of the satellite over an orbital period and calculate the total straight line distance from the min to the max and see if it gets bigger over time.

>> No.15946322

SpaceX has 47 days until the H3's first launch window. It doesn't seem unreasonable that they'd get Starship up before that.

>> No.15946324

Can't wait for him to reveal nothing and make everyone seethe again

>> No.15946325

Since it lacks any propulsion beyond meme drive you'll know if orbit starts going up suddenly

>> No.15946329

Thank you elon

>> No.15946341

Ah fuck did I miss the SF? I even made this fucking thread god damn it. Brb bros gotta go watch the replay

>> No.15946342

You missed 2 static fires ;)

>> No.15946345

Yes B10 did a full 33-BRAAAAAAAP. I was getting impatient during the tank fill and missed it. The Ship also did a one-Raptor static fire, rumor is that it is a deorbit burn simulation

>> No.15946346
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>I even made this fucking thread god damn it.

>> No.15946358

as in one dude guessed it was that?

>> No.15946359


>> No.15946362

Even if one guy says it that still makes it a rumor. And many people are already speculating it in their head anyway

>> No.15946365

S28's static fire was identical to the S26 one that SpaceX said was a deorbit burn test.

>> No.15946368


>> No.15946377

>build 3 custom Starships than used hypergolic fuel
>send them to orbit
>send many more hypergolic Starships to orbit to refuel them
>send two hypergolic starships to mars surface
>send one hypergolic starship to mars orbit
>refuel one surface starship with the other
>once back in orbit refuel with the other starship in orbit
>now have enough propellant to go back to Earth

>> No.15946380


SpaceX had been hard at work with Mars ISRU for close to a decade now.

>> No.15946381

>shabbos goy spacex.
I am willing to entertain this idea but I need more proof

>> No.15946382

same as raptor and look where we are now

>> No.15946384
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You forgot to move the goalposts.

>> No.15946387

>Dear Fish and Wildlife Service
>I want to build tons of rockets that will each be loaded with over five thousand tons of hydrazine and NTO
>I, of course, expect that you will agree that this is a wonderful idea

>> No.15946391

We're still stuck at 25% Raptor suicide rate.

>> No.15946392

>and if you don't I'll drop them on your childrens' schools instead of some beetles

>> No.15946393

According to what? Were you gifted some divine insight?

>> No.15946394

100% raptor failure rate on IFT 1 and 2, so 25% is insanely generous.DESU.

>> No.15946402
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if you deny the current raptor suicide rate you're a bigot.

>> No.15946418
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LOL a native tribe is trying to delay the Vulcan Peregrine mission next month because the lunar lander will be carrying human remains, and this is offensive to the Navajo nation


>> No.15946419

>Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren has asked NASA to delay a scheduled launch to the Moon that could include cremated remains.

>Nygren says he recently learned of the Jan. 8 launch of the Vulcan Centaur carrying the Peregrine Mission One. The lander will carry some payloads from a company known to provide memorial services by shipping human cremated remains to the Moon.

>Nygren wants the launch delayed and the tribe consulted immediately. He noted the Moon is sacred to numerous Indigenous cultures and that depositing human remains on it is “tantamount to desecration.”

>NASA previously came under fire after the ashes of former geologist and planetary scientist Eugene Shoemaker were sent to the Moon in 1998.

>Then-Navajo Nation President Albert Hale said the action was a gross insensitivity to the beliefs of many Native Americans. NASA later apologized and promised to consult with tribes before authorizing any similar missions in the future.

>> No.15946420

>Nygren highlighted this commitment in his letter, as well as a 2021 memo signed by the Biden administration that pledged to consult the tribe on matters that impact them.

>“This memorandum reinforced the commitment to Executive Order 13175 of November 6, 2000,” President Nygren wrote. “Additionally, the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Interagency Coordination and Collaboration for the Protection of Indigenous Sacred Sites, which you and several other members of the Administration signed in November 2021, further underscores the requirement for such consultation.”

>He added this explicitly recognizes that sacred sites can consist of "places that afford views of important areas of land, water, or of the sky and celestial bodies."

>NASA has yet to respond.

>> No.15946422

They ain't just asking. They're threatening lawsuits under assorted Federal Native religious and archeological laws.

>> No.15946424

>Static fire of Super Heavy’s 33 Raptor engines ahead of Flight 3

>Ignition of a single Raptor engine on Flight 3 Starship demonstrating a flight-like startup for an in-space burn

>> No.15946425

Was just gonna post that. Shit load of awesome content from SpaceX as usual

>> No.15946426

>and this is offensive to the Navajo nation
So? Be offended then, who cares?

>> No.15946427

I have been away for a while, are those Raptor 2 or Raptor 3 engines?

>> No.15946428
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I don't have words to describe just how much I hate tribals

>> No.15946430

reminder that Christians like to be buried because God will literally raise them from the grave. If there's no body it's a bit problematic.

>> No.15946439

will he raise their skelingtons?

>> No.15946441

Cremation is okay, if God is raising you from the dead anyway it's not much more of a stretch to put you back together from the dust like Adam was in the first place.

>> No.15946443

man, people hanging out in ossuaries are not going to have a good time

>> No.15946446
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>> No.15946453

How many ship tiles did this knock off?

>> No.15946454
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>> No.15946456

Booster doesnt have tiles.

Ship has tiles. But for the sake of answering, none of the tiles fell off on the static fire. They're made the tiles on the ships more robust

>> No.15946457

>still no BIG American flag or USA along the side of starship

>> No.15946465

give it to me straight
which government agency is preventing IFT3 from happening tomorrow

>> No.15946467

this is unsustainable. we cant rely on huge water jets every time we want to launch.

>> No.15946470

Build the launch tower under a waterfall.

>> No.15946472

Cameron County Sheriff Department

>> No.15946473

take your pick

>> No.15946475
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Build it over Old Faithful.

>> No.15946476

The Office of the Prime Minister of Israel

>> No.15946477

>all this garbage

>> No.15946478

There's already human shit on the moon, how's that for desecration

>> No.15946479

FAA. SpaceX is working with FAA right now for the investigation

>> No.15946481

thanks. Not too bad, then. Hopefully another launch sometime next month.

>> No.15946482 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15946484
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>> No.15946485

This, how do you like that Chief RunsHisMouth? Huh? We SHIT on your sacred moon! American heroes SHIT up there!

>> No.15946504
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>> No.15946505

I though Elon Musk was good with Netanyahu

>> No.15946516

this is actually insane
it has nothing to do with them

>> No.15946518

He is numbnuts, its just the retarded jews in his party got all pissy when he offered Starlink to HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATIONS THAT ISRAEL APPROVED OF IN GAZA. I repeat, THAT ISRAEL APPROVED OF there was literally 0 chance of it going to Hamas if they had to be approved first.

>> No.15946519


New and updated video drops

>> No.15946521

can we expect a full stack before the end of the year?

>> No.15946523


>> No.15946526

3 days left, so chances are slim

>> No.15946531
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>> No.15946534

This is the first time a first booster static fire had 33 engines light, raptor reliability doomer btfo

>> No.15946537

its not the first time

>> No.15946539
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>> No.15946542
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>> No.15946544
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>> No.15946545
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>> No.15946547
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>> No.15946548

I should have said "33 engines light and stay on", booster 9 had shutdowns on the first one and booster 8 did smaller tests first

>> No.15946550
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>> No.15946553

>x-37b went to HEO instead of GEO
what went wrong?

>> No.15946554

thanks but I'd rather ignore that and stay a doomer. Raptor suicide rate 25%. And it's been in development(according to FakeX) for more than 10 years. It's so over it's not even funny bros.

>> No.15946557

Does anyone know if MSR has been canceled yet and its funding redirected to other planetary missions?

some game with China they are playing I guess. I'm just trying to image some space force general trying to explain this to senile president Bidet.

>> No.15946559

>I'm just trying to image some space force general trying to explain this to senile president Bidet.
"You know the Star Wars? That, we're doing that up there. Moar funding pls"

>> No.15946561

it was never going to go to geo, what

>> No.15946562

>I reject your reality and choose instead to live in my fanfiction, where my posts get all of the reddit karma!

>> No.15946564

every casual observer was saying it was going to geo

>> No.15946565

>>Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren has asked NASA to delay a scheduled launch to the Moon that could include cremated remains.
the launch actually has nothing to do with NASA right? its all private from what i understand

>> No.15946567

shame the space force didnt correct the casual observers

>> No.15946570

It's a part of NASA's commercial lunar payload service program, so kinda.

>> No.15946573

No they weren't.

>> No.15946576

but the payload and launch are entirely private

>> No.15946584

What Else do the natives want? The top of that mountain that is well suited for a ~30 meter telescope?

>> No.15946588

they also want the tip of your penis
10% of your income
also that you can only gamble on native land

>> No.15946590

They're a broken people with a debased culture and no real economic prospects beyond performing self-caricature of their own identities for the entertainment of white people on their way to the slot machines. Bullying others is the only real way they have to feel any control or power in their lives.

>> No.15946591

I totally see President Biden agreeing with their request or at least endorsing it to a significant degree.
He has spoke in favour of the native americans tribes a lot recently.
rip Peregrine?

>> No.15946593

>He has spoke in favour of the native americans tribes a lot recently.
He wasn't saying "heya-hoah" he was just regular mumbling.

>> No.15946594

>rip Peregrine?
just take off the urn its not that hard

>> No.15946613

Which do you think has more pull in Washington: ethnic hillbillies who barely qualify as a voting bloc or the United States military who has been tapping their foot for years as they wait for Vulcan to perform its certification flights.

>> No.15946614

the military never puts in a good word.
they havent done so for starship, it's not their business

>> No.15946615

It would be funny...
Except NASA did promise them they’d consult them the last time this happened
So they do have a point, NASA failed to consult them despite funding and sanctioning a lander that’d share payload with that startup


>NASA meant no disrespect, said Peggy Wilhide, the agency’s director of public affairs.

>“None of the scientists on the program were aware that this would be insensitive,” she said in apologizing on behalf of NASA.

>“I give my commitment that if we ever discuss doing something like this again, we will consult more widely and we will consult with Native Americans.”

>> No.15946618

With the payload integrated it’d probably delay it to the next moon transfer window (in 15 days?)

>> No.15946625

The fuck are they gonna do if NASA came out and said "actually we did intend disrespect, the tribe is invited to go cry about it in their trailers"
Send a strongly worded letter? Fire arrows at the next OFT? WHO CARES?

>> No.15946627

This is what they get for negotiating with them in the first place. Give them an inch and they try to take a mile.

>> No.15946631

What the fuck

>> No.15946635
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bro let's point a telescope at the stars

>> No.15946637

Yep that’s just what I’m saying, because NASA legitimated their complain back then by promising that, their current one is legitimate...

>> No.15946638

why would you do that?

>> No.15946650

I completely agree, no one can claim the moon for themselves and the Navajo are no exception.

>> No.15946651
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Very nice tracking I just watched.

>> No.15946652


>> No.15946659
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Tom mueller just posted and deleted this

>> No.15946660

orbit fab? interviewed with em once. seems sort of a wobbly organization.

>> No.15946662
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>> No.15946676

Helios? Now where have I heard that before?

>> No.15946677


It's still up?

>> No.15946741

Mueller was doomposting about Starship the other day on his telegram.

>> No.15946747

post screenshot

>> No.15946748

wut he say

>> No.15946749

i saw that. wtf is wrong with him?

>> No.15946751


>> No.15946760
File: 1.90 MB, 4840x3587, 1690524425289776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15946762

this is hilarious!

>> No.15946764


>> No.15946765

II kno rite? XDD

>> No.15946767

Can you post the one of her getting anal fucked on Zubrin's TV?

>> No.15946773

SpaceX is the king of upmass.

The mass equivalent of nearly three International Space Stations launched as payloads on Falcon rockets this year.

>> No.15946775

I hate nygrens

>> No.15946789

I want live views from the helmet cam of the first person opening the doors of starship on Mars

>> No.15946790

midwits gonna mid

>> No.15946796

You're thinking of (((someone else)))
Christians believe in bodily resurrection, but also a God who can perform miracles and created the whole fucking universe in one go.

>> No.15946797

(one go that was 6 days long)

>> No.15946837
File: 33 KB, 700x471, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straight line distance from the min to the max and see if it gets bigger over time
You mean the major axis?

>> No.15946838

youre so stupid. no i dont mean that.

>> No.15946853
File: 1000 KB, 1920x787, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX is posting the Mars animation again
Unironicly launch in <2 weeks

>> No.15946909


Booster 12 going to Masseys for testing run.

>> No.15946924

Is that Las Vegas?

>> No.15946930


>> No.15946941

is that supposed to be impressive?

>> No.15946956
File: 372 KB, 1500x1000, FOS-22-12.22-MSG-Sphere-Vegas-318654243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big ass sphere on mars when?

>> No.15946984


>> No.15946987 [DELETED] 
File: 877 KB, 1024x1024, tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Elon named one of the Starships "Two Weeks"

>> No.15946990

never reply to me with this god awful furry shit ever again

>> No.15946994

I like krystalposting. I think it's a fun /sfg/ meme. open a pdft and page 2 to 20 are all krysal ludes? link to a "spacex" tweet? that's hilarious. not really a fan of the ai stuff.

>> No.15946996 [DELETED] 
File: 796 KB, 1024x1024, OK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947006

so why did spacex leak footage of the x-37b deploying?

>> No.15947009

Good job

>> No.15947011
File: 549 KB, 624x351, img_5e14f04b74266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947012

thank you. can someone compress this so i can post directly on /sfg/?

>> No.15947014

do it on ezgif

>> No.15947016

I unironically fell for the fake Zubrin book both times

>> No.15947017

>Krystalfag is ESL
lmao even

>> No.15947021

>sanest, most mature /sfg/ poster

>> No.15947022

The Estronaut video got me while I was at work on my lunch break

>> No.15947068

I come back to my thread and the krystalnigger is ruining it? Fuck off merc I know its you because of all the AI shittery. Actual tumor on /sfg/ if not /sci/ as a whole, go fuck that dog body pillow of yours disgusting faggot.

>> No.15947070

Hmmm >>15947018 https://x.com/mercrantos/status/1691533591052718081 interesting

>> No.15947119

Which one is that?

>> No.15947125

Im not going to spoonfeed you the transwer

>> No.15947126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15947129

https://x.com/mercrantos/status/1693277640503996739 you and your AI huh.

>> No.15947146

Did you know? Falcon 9 launches are boring and for jews

>> No.15947172
File: 100 KB, 729x425, 1697829151460037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one can claim the moon for themselves

>> No.15947229

>He noted the Moon is sacred to numerous Indigenous cultures
The Moon is sacred to pretty much every human culture in some way or another. Holy shit, this is so retarded. Asking people to stop using solar power because the Sun is sacred wouldn't that much more stupid that this.

>> No.15947248

All identity politics go out the window once the technology to easily colonize any land becomes readily available. Then its just whatever government can claim it first gets it, they wont give a rats ass about some dinky little dead tribe that they have federal control over saying
>noooo dont colonize the moon, our fake and gay shitty stories have the moon in it so its ours.
Theyll take them to take a hike down the trail of tears before they cede an entire fucking celestial object to them.

>> No.15947280

should have finished the job

>> No.15947290


>> No.15947303

knower here
Elon was pushing for a launch on the 31st but booster 10 shitting itself and some paperwork fucked it

>> No.15947317

we already know

>> No.15947318

That's public knowledge

>> No.15947361
File: 1.87 MB, 3000x3582, compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there ever a time where there was a Falcon 9 and the Shuttle were rolled out to the pad at the same time? And are there any photos of it?

>> No.15947364


>> No.15947367

would be super kino but F9 only flew like twice a year in those days so unlikely. I was surprised to learn that the dragon guidance system was flown as a commercial payload on space shuttle

>> No.15947425


>> No.15947427

No, i went to check the flight record and Falcon 9 and the shuttle were never at the pad at the same time, not even for scrubbed launches
Curiously, the last year one of the shuttle (2011) was the only year that there wasn't a single F9 launch

>> No.15947449

>live views
the speed of light has something to tell you

>> No.15947458
File: 32 KB, 656x679, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's arguably true for any "live" broadcast

>> No.15947474

yes that is what i meaned

>> No.15947549

>It is said with the OTV-7 launch that ULA is losing its 'value proposition' because their selling point was a highly efficient LH2 upper stage but FH was able to insert the X-37B to a highly elliptical orbit with ease.
Now that ULA is totally useless...
BO is going to buy them out aren't they?

>> No.15947574

We already did Indians vs US Army. Without spoiling the ending for you, the Indians were forced to relocate to deserts and the US military has overseas bases in 85 countries and a budget several times larger than the total economic output of every living "Native American."

>> No.15947577


>> No.15947594

>Implying it wasn't fake footage to confuse the chinkoids
lrn2glow anon

>> No.15947611

Post it nigger

>> No.15947633

Seeing as indians use the "we were here first" argument for america, White people were the first on the moon, so the moon is ours.

>> No.15947642


>> No.15947645

It was footage from OTV-6 and SpaceX didn't leak it, it was in the customer video

>> No.15947646

Juno just did another Io flyby

>> No.15947647
File: 68 KB, 900x900, unnamed[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more punchable face in /sfg/?

>> No.15947649


>> No.15947650

Stokebros, we're gonna make it

>> No.15947656

>more punchable face
Reddit moment

>> No.15947671


>> No.15947678

that one nigger

>> No.15947691

I can see why people don't like him, but I really enjoyed his work in Prometheus.

>> No.15947693

I don't like those guys

>> No.15947694

uhh hello? the starbase nigger??
did you forget about the doomer nigger?

>> No.15947711

Neutron is going to be such a huge flop, omg

>> No.15947723

Both those pics are so kino

>> No.15947728
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>> No.15947804
File: 117 KB, 600x600, _We4UGxhQwRIxg4J9QmXnnm79wMIl9zOpsKko3RHeJI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who at the NRO thought this was a good idea?

>> No.15947808
File: 161 KB, 689x1000, alien glowies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glowies know they can get away with anything. Why be subtle?

>> No.15947819 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15947822
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>> No.15947824
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>> No.15947828
File: 2.22 MB, 2411x2268, PXL_20231230_194447570-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a python to track memedrive satellite. I don't know if it's right but it looks okay.

>> No.15947830

>graphic design is my passion

>> No.15947836

tufte just had a aneurism

>> No.15947846

there is something about the human dna which grants enigma fuel for human scientists. indeed. it was found by harvard in 2014 that thought produces sound. very interesting.

>> No.15947853

tentacle in pussy and ass

>> No.15947857
File: 540 KB, 1487x719, 2023-12-30-204742_1487x719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, saw this yesterday. What did NASA mean by this? Do they want to trigger the schizos?

>> No.15947862

What's wrong with Markus?

>> No.15947863
File: 42 KB, 372x372, 1692480072432682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing is beyond our reach
Space is nothing. Space is beyond our reach. It's over.

>> No.15947887

this is bad...

>> No.15947896

This has gotta be the worst OP we've had all year

>> No.15947905

Space ex
Spa ex

>> No.15947909
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, 1692023410350577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947910

no one cares

>> No.15947912

i care
so i posted it
cry faggot

>> No.15947914

everyone cares

>> No.15947918

you need to get a fucking life

>> No.15947925

This is interesting

>> No.15947929

look in a mirror

>> No.15947932

This has gotta be the worst post we've had all thread

>> No.15947933
File: 2.20 MB, 5120x3413, 29178968581_6329fcecff_5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this absolute unit

>> No.15947936

China is extremely strong

>> No.15947939
File: 625 KB, 1371x2048, 52517254315_3492c5dc4e_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not in China, but this is...

>> No.15947943
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1151, 6d4f540034844d62b81d50f2f6c42251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this (it's hard to grasp the scale)

>> No.15947947

China = Thanos
USA = Tony Stark

>> No.15947952

Wow. I told this to my wife's boyfriend and he cried.

>> No.15947953

Americans can not reach this level of magnitude

>> No.15947957
File: 1003 KB, 2592x1944, fp4z3nk6yom51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in Russia...

>> No.15947965
File: 1.28 MB, 3000x1688, 22CLI-LAKEMEAD-vidcover-videoSixteenByNine3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to find the dam in the picture

>> No.15947973

sfg Offtopic general

>> No.15947974

no form of government can outperform a benevolent dictatorship. And yet, there was some reason why we don't do that...

>> No.15947975
File: 66 KB, 736x680, Io_Tupan_Patera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying China is a dictatorship?

>> No.15947976

This is why I love China

>> No.15947981

What two more weeks does to a mf

>> No.15947982

launch tower jazz solo was mindbowing

>> No.15947985
File: 109 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Ngc2392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it appropriate to ask what other anons will be doing on New Year's eve?

>> No.15947997

pigger detected. oink oink pigger.

>> No.15948000

eating dominos and crying

>> No.15948003

Are you sure they will be able to deliver on newyears eve

>> No.15948006

ukraine wont win no matter what you do. the clock is ticking.

>> No.15948008

I will be celebrating it with my mother.

>> No.15948009

I pick it up

>> No.15948012

I will be celebrating with your mother too.

>> No.15948013

I thought he meant the game pieces

>> No.15948022

ISRO's launching a small x-ray telescope on a PSLV-DL. For the states, it's technically the last launch of the year, but if you're going by UTC it's the first launch of 2024. First time in a while that's gone to something other than a Falcon 9.
T-28 hours

>> No.15948028
File: 2.54 MB, 1066x1431, s-l1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got a nice vintage landsat poster.Pic related.

>> No.15948032


>> No.15948041
File: 21 KB, 817x151, GCoT3gzXIAAP4I3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15948069

Two week special military operation

>> No.15948111

Nobody cares

>> No.15948121

Fuck off faggot, it's spaceflight

>> No.15948130

I can't wait for the pre recorded Vulcan failure video during the webcast

>> No.15948136
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 5AADF136-324A-407F-B1CE-98DD4EA70F54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that how it always looked?

>> No.15948150

I don't think I've ever seen anybody else with one of those

>> No.15948154

2024 is the calm before the 2025 storm

>> No.15948194
File: 41 KB, 518x431, proud sjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Political reality superimposed on actual reality leads to derangement syndrome. So many cases like this.

>> No.15948202

Its just so sad how many idiots speak up like they know anything but when you try to tell them the truth WITH STATISTICS behind it they refuse to listen because of their predisposed biases.

>> No.15948210

oh kinda like how you blow elon's cock constantly?

>> No.15948211

show me the stats on that guy blowing elon

>> No.15948219

source on your claim that stats are necessary?

>> No.15948221

there's lies, damn lies, and statistics

>> No.15948225

Requesting someone shop Elon’s face onto Great Horned Rat, creating The Great Horned Muskrat

>> No.15948229

Are you one of those strong supporters of LBGTQASBDRERA+

>> No.15948230

I constantly tell /sfg/ to stop sucking off Elon like with the AI photos and saying that hes the sole reason SpaceX is currently working (thats Gwynne's position), that the Twitter buyout was horrible for the streams, etc. but suddenly some random fag calls me an Elon cock sucker? All Im saying is he was pivotal to SpaceX's success but did stupid shit like Twitter switch and wasnt the ONLY reason for its success

>> No.15948231
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>> No.15948236
File: 196 KB, 1035x1035, 28B50170-6237-406D-AF22-2ABB1EF777C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15948250
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>> No.15948253

i just shit my pants

>> No.15948258

Shut up fag

>> No.15948261
File: 75 KB, 745x1200, GCosDcbbwAAFX-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only six images captured, with only this one public so far

>> No.15948264

why didnt you suggest ways to help me?

>> No.15948266

Are interplanetary travelers doomed to wear space diapers forever? Surely there must be a solution to outer space incontinence that doesn't involve shitting your pants.

>> No.15948271

Why would anyone want to help you, specifically?

>> No.15948272

diapers is hard. if boeing couldnt figure it out in 1969, what makes you think anyine else can?

>> No.15948274

i'm in distress and maybe you have empathy

>> No.15948284

We should just engineer 100% efficient foodstuffs and eliminate elimination altogether.

>> No.15948289

This is probably the most genius idea /sfg/ has ever come up with. Shitless asses

>> No.15948290

Im not going to eat my own shit. Piss is pushing it but atleast it can be purified. Theres nothing you can do with shit, all the nutrients and calories are gone and its fucking disgusting.

>> No.15948291

ive seen people eat shit, it cant be all bad

>> No.15948297

>eat my own shit
No, just don't shit. Ever, because you don't need to. Everything ingested gets used, nothing comes back out. Pooping is outdated and must be eradicated to secure the future of sanitary spaceflight.

>> No.15948300

imagine being stuck in a space ship with no water and a female astronaut haha. imagine you have to drink her piss to survive haha. that would be so gross haha

>> No.15948305

There's plenty of blood there, you don't need to wait for pee to get a drink

>> No.15948318
File: 30 KB, 800x400, 9F8B7DAC-16DF-445E-BC59-F5948AD23E14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So um… uh, how bout all them Euro startups and their little baguettes! Who ya thinks gonna get it up first? That’s uh… that’s interesting right?

>> No.15948324

isnt maiaspace just ariane tryna suck up VC money?

>> No.15948336

RFA, Isar, and Hyimpulse are all reasonably well along and have collected meaningful levels of funding, signed agreements with spaceports to get pads set up, etc, but I think Miura is the only one that has actually flown hardware (suborbitally). I hope RFA does well since they're the only one planning to lift a meaningful payload and they could completely destroy Vega if RFA-1 starts launching regularly.

>> No.15948337

I'd actually have to try pretty hard to care less about European rockets

>> No.15948347

love how mueller is completely MIA after nasa invented a nuclear detonation engine

>> No.15948360

>russia is mentioned once
>RIDF arrives on scene
gotta love the predictability.

>> No.15948361

>outer space incontinence
Skill issue.
Just hold it in

>> No.15948362

>A startup
>launched more mass to orbit than all the nation states' private space agencies combined
>and has three different heavy lift vehicles in its fleet, one of which is being developed using lessons learned from the first two around reusability

It's honestly bogus how utterly mediocre the rest of the aerospace ecosphere is when it comes to aersopace lift capabilities itself.

>> No.15948363

This is on-par with our other genius ideas like removing the atmosphere

>> No.15948365

Nice try, but the pisslocks stay.

>> No.15948374

For 18 months?

>> No.15948377

you can't?

>> No.15948386

I can if I stop eating but then I start to die

>> No.15948389
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, 1702645698382392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only need diapers for EVA. Inside, its anything goes.

>> No.15948401

Honest question: How many shits + pisses can I make in the diaper? How long can I go with a full diaper before someone has to change me?

>> No.15948437

Answer my question now

>> No.15948441
File: 40 KB, 365x490, wvb no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15948443

>2023 saw alot less people travel into space than 2022
what went wrong?

>> No.15948445

covid-19, joe biden

>> No.15948454

>von braun ban evading anime troon

>> No.15948458

A lot of those numbers were suborbital tourist flights. Blue Origin was the main supplier of said tourist flights, and they were grounded for 2023 while they investigated the incident.

>> No.15948463
File: 158 KB, 1198x690, terrible drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15948478

There were 24 orbital travelers in 2022 and 21 this year, doesn't seem like that much of a difference.

>> No.15948479

this is what passes for OC these days

>> No.15948483

/sfg/ needs more ass tier oc like this

>> No.15948495

Needs pic of krystal on the wall

>> No.15948499

just needs a picture of anon shitting his diaper

>> No.15948500

>21 people in space
there's more people in a fucking bus. we really need to up our shit.

>> No.15948506

pretty telling how orbital tourism is nonexistent. you have axiom and isaacman, big whoop. nobody else is willing to pay

>> No.15948508

20 mil can buy a lot of hookers and blow. most rich people are pragmatic like that

>> No.15948510

They already do that on the ISS newfag. It gets purified first, youre also drinking men piss and your own too.

>> No.15948513

the funny thing us the russians dont drink that shit, only disgusting Americans. they will provide their pee for them though hahahaha saluto

>> No.15948515

it's not the same if you aren't drinking it straight from the tap

>> No.15948517

cheers! XD

>> No.15948520

Nigger subhuman YWNGTS

>> No.15948522

Go back to /pol/, election tourist

>> No.15948531

What's the point of this? RDE have already been built/tested and even deployed in space. If it's so great why is NO ONE in commercial space building them?

>> No.15948533

>What's the point of this?
Efficiency autism. No one is building them because the time and cost aren't worth a few more seconds of isp. Fuel efficiency is secondary to how expensive the system is to design/built/operate. People forget this. That's how you get an entire generation of propulsion engineers obsessed with hydrogen.

>> No.15948535

this is the same reason why nuclear propulsion will also fail. i wonder how good the next leap will need to be before venture capital invests. Maybe some kind of fusion but I dont see that happening until late century

>> No.15948543

RDE are still early in development, a subscale proof of concept test is far from an operational engine

Nuclear propulsion is not going to be a civilian thing

>> No.15948544

Nuclear propulsion has some niches where it makes sense. It's just that most of them are either in the outer solar system or attached to very high C3 missions, and interest in those is incidental at best right now. It made a lot more sense back in the seventies when the Shuttle was going to be the main tanker for GEO and lunar operations.

>> No.15948559

RIP Vast
Also I'm tickled that their homepage has an out of context Manlet quote on it

>> No.15948566

The biggest interested party in SNP is probably the USSF.

>> No.15948618
File: 64 KB, 1179x180, IMG_3494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15948671

STAGING (last stage of 2023)

>> No.15948674

lol, lmao even. The animefag containment thread is the best thing ever to happen to /sfg/