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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 162 KB, 1488x1488, cope28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15904197 No.15904197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

President of the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phasing out fossil fuels


The president of Cop28 has proclaimed that there is no science indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed to restrict global warming to 1.5C, the Guardian and the Centre for Climate Reporting can reveal.

The president also said a phase-out of fossil fuels would not allow sustainable development “unless you want to take the world back into caves”.

>> No.15904218

>UAE’s Sultan
He's not even an oil shill, he IS oil

>> No.15904223
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Yeah, Exon-style disinformation, round II.
Shameful, he should be destituted.

>> No.15904256

Hey it's not my fault his people were living in caves while we in the west were living it up, but fossil fuels gotta go, it should only be used in places with no alternative like the north pole.

>> No.15904258

I can't believe political troons defend big oil
so evil

>> No.15904277

He is right
brainwashed wigger trannies don't know how the world works.
Modern civilisation cannot exist without petroleum.
All the faggy green SHIT is expensive useless meme, nobody cares destroy your economy if you want to.

>> No.15904279

CHUD try not to blabber about stuff you know nothing about.

>> No.15904280

Your life depends on petroleum CHUD
Kys to reduce muh emissions lmao

>> No.15904281

Says you, cityfag. In my opinion it's city fags that are ruining the world and all city dwellers should be fucking genocided for the sake of humanity.
Bet they never even plucked a chicken or chased a turkey for dinner.

>> No.15904287

It's evil poolitical trannies like you that want to destroy the world with your evil oil and dangerous gene therapies.
It's evil cabal troons that export, industrialize, and commodify at the detriment of humanity because without oil you couldn't make your dilators.
Even solar is egregious in the environmental impact.
Some of us care about the world and usually we're white.

>> No.15904290
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Yes it does, only a fool doesn't know that, but it still doesn't invalidate the fact that fossil fuel consumption must be reduced, significantly.

>> No.15904293

Capitalism is the worst plague in history

>> No.15904326

that will necessitate a massive reduction in quality of life

>> No.15904441

We could just do stratospheric aerosol injection to cool the Earth if things gets too hot. The reason to move away from oil is because it's finite and getting more expensive. Nuclear and deep geothermal are far superior energy sources compared to unreliable, inefficient methods like solar and wind.

>> No.15904453
File: 119 KB, 1536x1057, sultanaljaber-1536x1057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>President of the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference
>CEO of the UAE oil company Adnoc
I have no words.

>> No.15904457

lmao, climate alarmists are such cultists they declare anyone that disagrees with them outright heretics.
>contrarian scientists
Isn't the entire point of science to have debate and the testing of theories? How can you have any confidence in science as a whole if anyone who disagrees with orthodoxy is labelled 'contrarian' and dismissed off hand?

>> No.15904458

I love how you portray the chud with a swastika. What happened to "we, the oil shills are not nazis"?

>> No.15904497

That's alright by me, keep the eseenrialsm fuck the rest. Sacrifices, someone has to do them, not just our ancestors.

>> No.15904499

>move away from oil is because it's finite and getting more expensive
Well, yeah, that as well.

>> No.15904501
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Al Jaber is not a scientist, nor should he be opining without backing up his claims with real science, which he doesn't have because there is no science backing up his claims. Simple as.

>> No.15904507
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Wait, wait, new developments:
>“I have said over and over that the phase-down and the phaseout of fossil fuels is inevitable,” Mr. Al Jabber said.
>He insisted that he has called many times for a phase out of fossil fuels and said that his efforts to champion climate change had been ignored by the media.

>> No.15904763

The fact that people advocating for policies to mitigate AGW focus exclusively on green energy scams and totalitarian consumer restrictions rather than promotion of nuclear power or restriction of trade with nations like india and china that just brazenly lie about their emissions policies and enforcement makes me hope that these retards are correct so that the world is punished for being so fucking gay and retarded

>> No.15904770

b-but communism is the solution. can't we just try global communism?

>> No.15904771
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>The fact that people advocating for policies to mitigate AGW focus exclusively on green energy scams and totalitarian consumer restrictions rather than promotion of nuclear power
... is not a fact but a lie so easy to disprove I actually think that you're a false-flag poster to make /pol/tards look even dumber than they are.

>> No.15904773

Words on paper. If they wanted it they could have done it 60 years ago.

>> No.15904781

You were ranting about "focusing" and "promotion of nuclear power". Your comment isn't just a lie, it is the exact opposite of the truth.

>> No.15904798

If they had promoted nuclear power we would have a nuclear grid. Even this empty promise is lame. Triple current nuclear power output in 30 years? We could increase it by an order of magnitude in 30 years.

>> No.15904801

They weren't promoting renewable energies 60 years ago either. What are you even mad about?

>> No.15904803

Jimmy Carter was shilling solar and wind power in the 70s while he was effectively banning useful nuclear plants.

>> No.15904811

Ok, I get it. You're trolling to make /pol/tards look retarded. You really don't need to do that, the chuds can do this themselves.

>> No.15904812

Don't project your motives onto others. Trolling is banned outside of /b/.

>> No.15904817

Then stop being angry at a guy who hasn't been in power for over 40 years.

>> No.15904828

It was just a past example, to prove the trend is old and that if it hadn't been established we would have more plants by now. No democrat congress or presidency has made any moves towards a nuclear grid.

>> No.15904832

Well, president Biden just vowed to triple nuclear power.

>> No.15904835

Words are cheap. Did he abolish the Carter-era regulations forbidding spent fuel recycling and alternative reactor designs?

>> No.15904840

Do you want to know what he did?

>> No.15904844

By 2050. IE, way after he'll be accountable or even alive for actually carrying that out.

>> No.15904869
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People who can rationalize any evil, and/or are simply not intelligent enough to realize what they do, have a competitive advantage over those who do not.
This is the social form of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Humanity will get stupider and more primitive, and non-renewable resources will be irreversibly consumed.
Nothing lasts forever. Not you or me, not sustainable ecosystems in their current form, and not human civilization. It's natural to be depressed and grieve over what is being lost. Try not to be angry at malignant cancer for its amoral consume fest.

>> No.15905056

fake and gay government political propaganda
why do you come to 4chan to spam the site with the lamest, fakest government political propaganda? are you getting paid to do it or do you spam the internet with government political propaganda for free?

>> No.15905144

Fusion when?

>> No.15905187
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>that gap in the late 1980s when all the "experts" were predicting low-lying cities like Manhattan, Amsterdam, Venice, etc. would be underwater by 2010
This citation-free graphic has really made me think.

>> No.15905450
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>> No.15905472
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>> No.15905560
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>> No.15906011

Based, he is correct. Amazing that someone from the UN got something right, might be the first time thats happened yet this century.

>> No.15906053

>Hold COP in westatranny nation
>We should eat bugs, live in pods and stop driving cars to save the planet
>Hold COP in arab nation
>Fuck off we like our oil money
How are eco terrorists COPeing with this?

>> No.15906056

>44 years of data

>> No.15906057
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Your prophet is an angry white girl who skipped school to protest and has made arguments with zero source to back them up which have been proven wrong again and again.

>> No.15906060

Look at Germany, thats what happens when you take the kool-aid. Also they should have been building nuclear a long time ago

>> No.15906061

Humiliation ritual. They display their power to make you upset like a predator intimidates its prey.

>> No.15906062

Oh is that something tangible that is helping us right now?
Don't cut actual energy sources when we don't have enough nuclear energy supply right now

>> No.15906702

I love when non-whites parrot the right's talking points because it sends /pol/ into a shit-flinging contest and it's just funny as hell.

>> No.15907010


>> No.15907829
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>> No.15908200
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>Roger Cohen

>> No.15908204

All of history is the history of capitalism. Capitalism is synonymous with human life

>> No.15908207

Greta has nothing to do with the climate movement.

>> No.15908210

Are you one of those poltards I heard so much about?

Cause am an enviromental activist and she is slightly relevant

>> No.15908213 [DELETED] 

None of it fucking matters because we already passed peak oil in 2018.

He's not technically wrong, abandoning fossil fuels all at once would cause modern industrial civilization to completely collapse but the price is only going to go up and thus a phase out or at least a major phase down is completely unavoidable.

This will inevitably come at the cost of destruction of vast amounts of wealth and the end of the consumption based lifestyle of western countries.

International moves to fight climate change are necessary to get out ahead of this phase out so we still have enough power to keep the lights on and aren't caught completely with our pants down. Of course it's all fundamentally a scam, the idea that we can sustain present day levels of consumption with renewable energy is an outright lie that is obvious to anyone who understands basic physics and economics, politicians are literally paid to lie to the people to get them to go along with bullshit.

It's also true that unelected bureaucrats such as most of those at COP28 are genuinely into pushing the goals as far as possible but only because it's snowballed into a global expansion of their political powers. The only true believers are the scientifically illiterate and genuine gullible morons.

Yet acting like we can just beat the commie leftist climate people and keep burning oil forever is just as fucking retarded.

Go live outside of a major urban area and grow your own vegetables, anything else is consenting to exploitation

>> No.15908961 [DELETED] 

omg you used the f word, how impressive!!!
that must mean you're totally serious if you used the f word.

>> No.15908976

Care to expand? I've thought somewhat similarly, but I'd substitute in 'technology'. Capitalism seems something different, a logic of consolidation underpinning Human/Technology motivation.

>> No.15910565

>am an enviromental activist

>> No.15911107
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Birth of the global warming hoax

>> No.15912219

good article

>> No.15912231

What a fucking joke.
Not sure why anyone cares about debating climate science. Whether climate change is happening or not is totally irrelevant because literally no one is going to make any of the changes necessary to stop it.

>> No.15912240

>21st Century Science and Technology is scheduled to appear on newsstands this month as the successor to Fusion magazine, a monthly publication on fusion energy with close ties to political activist Lyndon LaRouche. The offices and bank accounts of Fusion were seized last April by U.S. marshals in connection with a federal indictment for credit card fraud brought against various organizations operated by LaRouche and his supporters.
>"The contents will be exactly like Fusion,” said Merge Hecht, managing editor of both publications. Added editor-in-chief Carol White, “Other magazines tell you about the impossibility of progress because of the limits to growth and finite resources. 21st Century will document the possibility of progress and man’s unique capacity to create new resources.”
This Lyndon LaRouche guy seems extremely fascinating. First a Marxist, then a Trotskyist, and ultimately a far-right antisemite. Looks like he was a sort of cult leader as well. Great candidate for an episode of behind the bastards actually. Definitely not the Koch brothers link I expected, but enough to dismiss everything printed in his magazine.

>> No.15912256

nothing stops dying
we have an infinite supply of fossil fuels

>> No.15913103
File: 195 KB, 898x728, OSI-Arctic-Sea-Ice-Extent-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whether climate change is happening or not is totally irrelevant
>because literally no one is going to make any of the changes necessary to stop it.
it isn't happening, thats why nobody except usedul idiots and people who can make a profit off if think its real

>> No.15913383

>the climate movement.
this is the science board, if you want to discuss your political movement >>>/pol/

>> No.15913389

>only showing the Arctic
Now show the Antarctic :^)

>> No.15914434
File: 42 KB, 928x578, antarctic-sea-ice 1978-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15914490

Based image, mind if I save

>> No.15914568

Huh that's interesting. Considering how cold it was in the 1970s I thought it would be higher.

>> No.15914599

How is this related to capitalism? It's a company lying not to get their shit kicked in. That would happen in any system.

>> No.15914730

Your faggy ass cardboard house needs to be burned down in front of you before you’re left to wander about and starve to death suburb tranny. You produce nothing of value

>> No.15914736

Good, proles need to be genocided. You are pigs fattened up and now need to be slaughtered

>> No.15916059

I don't see why you're saying that in response to OP, are you replying to the wrong thread?

>> No.15916201
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I don't give a single flying fuck about climate change wether it's real or not.
>but is gonna get warmer
And? I don't mind, even though I prefer the cold. If shit heats up too much I'll move to northern Sweden or Norway with my family.
Canada would also be fine if it wasn't for the artificial housing shortage. Get to building your stupid leaf cunts.
Either way, there are plenty of frozen wastelands left for all of us to live in.
>but muh home clay
Shut the fuck up you sentimental git. Your ancestors would no doubt have left their homes and nations many times over to find their luck elsewhere. And they didn't even have world maps and climate data to help them along, just had to follow a compass needle and hope it would guide them to greener pastures.
Sentimentality only holds you back, like all these retards who are still living in and even fighting over arid deserts because muh holy land.
If your nation can no longer provide food to you and your kin, you got to go.
>but muh rise in ocean levels
Yeah, that whole ass predicted, what, 1 meter? In 100 years time? Yeah sounds horrible bro, however shall we cope.
Well the only problem is that almost all major cities are close to the sea so they'll likely get flooded if not properly walled off.
Oh well. I'm sure we can build a new Tokyo and New York a couple more km inland. Do we still cry over the losses of Atlantis or Iram? Shit happens, people will build new cities.

>> No.15916633

>I'll move to northern Sweden or Norway
I'm sure, they are already waiting for you. You must be the only person who plans that and I see no reason why those countries won't just let everyone in.

>> No.15916733

Yeah, Sweden has a reputation for only accepting the cream of the crop into their lands.
>what is schengen

>> No.15917109

>And? I don't mind
You will certainly mind it when heat waves the size of continents will linger about for months, disrupting global crops and sending food prices to the Moon. You will certainly mind then.

>> No.15917769
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>> No.15917879
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>that will necessitate a massive reduction in quality of life
Oh no my heccin daily 2-hr car commute and my cornsyrup McSlopperinos! And muh 50hrs/week of TV and vidya slop!

WTF! I'll literally die if I have to actually eat healthier, go outside, walk to places, and breathe cleaner air!!!

>> No.15917886

>Oh no my heccin daily 2-hr car commute and my cornsyrup McSlopperinos! And muh 50hrs/week of TV and vidya slop!
All of these things are what they want to force you to do. Under the proposed policies you'll have less choice at the supermarket and most of it will be asian legume and corn derived because they pretend those are healthy and meat is non-eco-friendly.

>> No.15918458
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Massively feigned butthurt and distress from the ownership of Occidental Petroleum over the latest developments at Cop-28

>> No.15919198


>> No.15920439

there is no loss over ice over the past 50 years because global warming is a big lie

>> No.15921595

Scientists get their funding from the government in exchange for circulating harmful lies about global warming that doesn't truly exist

>> No.15922325 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1488x1488, ajjakkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey muh antisemitism

>> No.15923473

>we have an infinite supply of fossil fuels
The western Pennsylvania oil field that started off the petroleum industry in the 1870s is still producing.

>> No.15924157

its funny how the "peak oil" rumor can exist in light of the fact that no old field has ever run dry in the past 150 years

>> No.15924271 [DELETED] 

It's very profitable for an industry to promote claims of scarcity in order to increase its profits. Look at what the diamond cartel was able to pull off.

>> No.15924272 [DELETED] 

It's very simple for an industry to promote claims of scarcity in order to increase its profits. Look at what the diamond cartel was able to pull off.

>> No.15924318

>there’s an infinite amount of this limited resource
Um, anon?

>> No.15925286

People don't seem to talk about this much. Do you have any idea why? It seems like the oil industry would want everyone to know how abundant their energy is.

>> No.15925882

Theres no evidence of what you're trying to imply, all the evidence points to the opposite of the conclusion you're trying so hard to reach. You can't name a single oil deposit that has ever run dry because there aren't any.

>> No.15925896
File: 120 KB, 1280x935, Hubbert_Upper-Bound_Peak_1956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all oil is the same. There's traditional well petroleum, fracked petroleum, tar sands and more. If you look at traditional petroleum wells then yes, many wells in the US have absolutely run dry of traditional petroleum. We haven't run out of "nontraditional" stuff yet because it's much younger, technologically speaking.

>> No.15926831

>If you look at traditional petroleum wells then yes, many wells in the US have absolutely run dry of traditional petroleum.
Name one deposit.

>> No.15926846
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>UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber
Pic related is the president i
Of 2023 COP

It's obvious he will shill oil and be against any kind of phasing oit of fossil fuels because he sells oils and get billions USD in profits.

>> No.15926874

such a farce
i have no idea why the climate denier shills even bother...

>> No.15926923

Does the Sultan know that his kingdom is literally a coastal desert? What is his plan for sea level rise and a surge in temperatures?

>> No.15927886
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>sea level rise
it isn't happening

>> No.15928201

damn nigga idgaf about climate change but you are actually retarded
have you ever been to a river or ocean? the water levels change constantly throughout the day loool

>> No.15928328

> approximately 0.0 cm
Where do you get this level of accuracy from?

>> No.15928337

I don’t think he cares if his AC has to cool down his air from 50° or 52°. Also, it’s not like there’s any nature in his country that would suffer from global warming. The UAE are quite susceptible to rising sea levels, but I suppose that building flood barriers with the money they get from oil sales will still be worth it.

>> No.15929180
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>> No.15929945
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>The le big oil conspiracy theory
Coll info graphic what mega corporation funded this conspiracy theory fake news?

Let me take a guess was it big solar?

>> No.15930622

Which economic system that hasn't been proven to be a catastrophic pipedream like communism would be better than capitalism at our current technological level?

>> No.15930720

>Considering how cold it was in the 1970s
Are you 60 years old or were you not around in the 1970s to experience that cold for yourself?

>> No.15931735 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15932426

>many wells in the US have absolutely run dry of traditional petroleum
No they haven't, thats why you can't name a single deposit that has ever run dry. The Drake's Well area has been delivering nonstop for over a 150 years with no sign of letting up. Ploiesti has been producing 130 year without any sign of running out

>> No.15933746
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>> No.15933830

you're just another sellout soientist spouting nonsense. oil isn't infinite and co2 levels are decreasing
you see all those trees around? co2 levels on earth aren't increasing because co2 is plant food. any idiot knows that, except for soientists like you

>> No.15933836
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>there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phasing out fossil fuels
No shit.
The rich 1% leftwing socialist elite just want everyone else poor, while they hog the oil for themselves.

>> No.15935014 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 419x610, fat albert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Gore is a billionaire who is part owner of Occidental Petroleum, a major oil company.

>> No.15935089

Because climate cultists have the same prediction record as Harold Camping. Simple as. Make an accurate prediction and maybe people will convert to your religion.

>> No.15935124

You won. No plans to curb production of oil whatsoever, not from liberal oil producing nations, not from despoting oil producing nations. Whether climate change is happening or is a threat or not, no one is going to reduce consumption of oil.
Your attacks on climate science amount to nothing more than wasted energy vindictive bullying at this point, but i guess at this point we should expect nothing less than that sort of thing from humanity..

>> No.15935130

We haven't even begun bullying those retarded cultists. A bunch of states put down that An Inconvenient Truth should be shown in classrooms. They never technically removed that from their curricula so letter writing campaigns to school boards are starting up to show it to kids again. This way they can see all the shit that never happened and learn to recognize when a religion is masquerading as science.

>> No.15935135
File: 151 KB, 768x768, consumer51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far the most dominant religion on earth is gluttony.
Anyway at least you're not a hypocrite like jet setting, ev driving, carbon tax supporters.
You lie through your teeth without a 2nd thought, and don't even for a second pretend to be on any side but your own and your own gluttony.

>> No.15935699 [DELETED] 

that truck is awesome, a modern technological marvel, you're just jealous because you're too lazy, low iq and consequently poor to own a truck like that yourself.
jealous lackwits like yourself are a common as can be, probably around 100iq

>> No.15935781
File: 76 KB, 696x630, consumer49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about as jealous of that truck and of you as I am of pic. rel. unique ability to convert massive amounts of food into huge piles of reeking feces.

The fact that you don't see the many ways in which these two kinds of CONSUUUUUUMERS are similar just screams of your mental deficiency.

You are all sickening.

>> No.15935944

You use oil right now yet beg the government to take away your ability to do so. Why not cease begging the government to take away our rights and simply stop using oil your own terms?

I think you won’t because this is just a grift.

>> No.15935945

total free market

>> No.15936666

https://www.writingtoiq.com/ says your IQ is 103

>> No.15937412

People who are too lazy to own cars are always outraged and jealous of others who aren't too lazy to get a job so that they can afford conveniences.

>> No.15938432

>oh no, people are eating and defecating
>this shouldn't be allowed to happen
you must've had a lot of power struggle with mommy over eating and potty training when you were a baby. maybe one day you'll get over that trauma

>> No.15938564

Do you produce as much shit as pic. rel.? Judging by the amount of diarhea drivel you spray everywhere online I'm guessing you produce even more, fatty.

>> No.15938622


Take your meds.

>> No.15939941
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>> No.15940449

good luck on your recovery from potty training trauma, how many decades have you been working on that so far?

>> No.15940580

Oil's back on the menu!

>> No.15940785

Capitalism is the biggest blessing on this planet.

>> No.15940855
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>> No.15940910

>lmao if its against my views its always propaganda
>lmao if its in favor of my views is never propaganda
>rinse and repeat

>> No.15941538
File: 155 KB, 1125x1105, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15942630


>> No.15942817

>Everyone who laughs at me on the internet is a malicious narcissist!

>> No.15943559

>t. malicious narcissist
seek help

>> No.15943806

i think he gets playful sometimes. he tries to act deadly serious since he sold out, but you can see that side of his personality in a lot of older videos (and probably writing).

>> No.15943825


So your logic here is - governments fund scientists for purpose of what? Scrounge up fear? Talking points? I'd be more inclined to your conspiracy if there was a reason, but most politicians who take oil money are hard deniers of this no matter what, and those who want change - are not going to do enough or do anything for that matter. So, the government is spending money to have scientists spread misinformation for the sake of...Nothing? Am I following? What system threatens itself by calling for an extreme change of the status quo? Is this some retard go in the pod eat the bug mongolism cooked up by pin dicked cuck living in a shitty house in Arizona type deal?

>> No.15943832


I feel like I am the moron missing something reading this, but I will take your weird strawman bait. You know damn well that there are countless things you accept and believe by necessity as you don't have the time, technical skill, or knowledge to actually "test" them yourself. You may deny this, but this is the nature of world in which you live. Question everything and all that, but come on. You know damn well you cannot verify everything by direct observation. Also this is such a stupid bait take, I know it is, but - if anecdotal evidence is all I need then. Where I live since I was a child to now - I have seen: a major drop in the number of bugs, birds, winters get harsher later, the summer is hotter, it stays hotter longer.

>> No.15944416
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>> No.15945390
File: 1.11 MB, 2870x7165, drock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but most politicians who take oil money are hard deniers of this no matter wha
Al Gore is a major shareholder of Occidental Petroleum. Oil salesmen make more money when oil prices are high, they love the global warming meme, thats why they started it.

>> No.15945727

that pic is brilliant

>> No.15946717

>Oil salesmen make more money when oil prices are high
yep, the cost of extraction and delivery of the oil is pretty much constant, about $5-$10/barrel, the market price fluctuates unrelated to the delivery cost

>> No.15946731

> of the fact that no old field has ever run dry in the past 150 years
'cause the extraction companies move out once the oil is too expensive to extract, which, guess the fuck what, already happens before the well runs dry.

>> No.15946742

>Oil salesmen make more money when oil prices are high, they love the global warming meme, thats why they started it.
Oil prices depend far more on base demand, which might as well be static because it moves a a glacial pace, and output (and in case of internationally sanction product like Russian crude, market acess). As base demand doesn't really shift at all short term, no matter how hard the climate shilling, some 5% more or less oil output globally can impact prices massively. The reason, therefore, why oil prices suddenly rise is instability in oil producing countries, even one is enough mind you, and OPEC cartel fuckery. Gore would have a better time trying to influence the Saudi prince rather than shilling climate change awareness, as oil markets really don't give a fuck about climate change

>> No.15947264

>Oil prices depend far more on base demand
no its unlinked from demand, it depends on the whims of commodity traders who don't care about demand, they only care about if they think the price is going to go up or down.

>> No.15948415

>President of the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phasing out fossil fuels
That is entirely accurate and correct, amazing someone affiliated with the UN could be so insightful

>> No.15948986

I just wonder whose brightest idea was to put petrol prince in charge of climate convention.

>> No.15949271

>Sultan Al Jaber from the United Arab Emirates says Oil Good
the absolute fucking state of this board, jesus fucking christ lmao

>> No.15949274

>Ceo of Coca Cola says Coca Cola is healthy
leftists and scientists btfo

>> No.15949284


>> No.15950059

>vaccine salesman says being unvaccinated is unhealthy

>> No.15950872

Greta is a psyop meant to give all environmentalism a bad name, just like the "just stop oil" faggots who block roadways and deface art.

>> No.15950906

They are not socialists mate. We do not live in a socialist dystopia. We do not live innna capitalist dystopia. We live inna neoliberal dystopia, where government and corporations are basically one and the same. Loose this buzzwords, green regulations have nothing to do with socialism anyway.
He's not a socialist

>> No.15950910

I'm sure they got a welcome already planned for him. Cookies and pussy a plenty I'm sure.
They might change their tune as things get scarcer

>> No.15950914

DESU it's neoliberalism that's the problem, not capitalism or socialism

>> No.15950918

Climate hysteria is entirely about totalitarian control over people's lives.
None of it has anything to do with environmental conservation or efficiency.

>> No.15950919

>government and corporations are basically one and the same.
That's socialism, retard, and why everything is going to shit.

>> No.15950926

No it ain't your definitions are retarded. Socialism is when the means of production n shit are collectivized in common. Regulation meant to crush competition and maintain monopolies are not socialism unless you just wanna call anytime two or more people work together socialism, which is retarded mate.

>> No.15951009

It wasn't just the vaccine salesmen bro.

>> No.15951103

Socialism is the consolidation of government and economic forces under a single entity, which is what we have now.
"communal" is gay commie speak which always means "the state" in practice.

>> No.15951910 [DELETED] 


>> No.15953112

>there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phasing out fossil fuels
100% accurate

>> No.15954078

the sharty is currently the global epicenter for the creation of new memetic images

>> No.15955206

lol that all the climate activists are dumb enough to be tricked into working for the oil companies for free

>> No.15955756
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They have a /sci/ board too, but its not nearly as a active as the main board

>> No.15957195

>support big oil to own the libs
Another day, another idiotic takes by the moderate right.

>> No.15957203


>> No.15957590 [DELETED] 

This is just more evidence that the people who support the global warming narrative do so strictly for political reasons and their support has nothing whatsoever to do with science

>> No.15957807

Kill yourself.