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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15942829 No.15942829 [Reply] [Original]

Pill me on quantum computers

>> No.15942830

they are like regular computers, but quantum

>> No.15942833

They are the big gay. I've never seen any real justification for their use other than coping CSE people trying to make the curse of dimensionality vanish through stochastic magic tricks.

>> No.15942835

100% fake and gay

>> No.15942866

There are various 'quantum' ideas that theoretically will give you super powers. There is quantum computing, quantum radar, supposedly, and most obviously, quantum game theory, which might, in a different world allow any one to see that the world was quantum-weirdy. But none of them seem to actually work, except maybe in high-end labs. It is natural to revolt against QM when you first understand it, and these failures of confirmation are almost suspicious. Of course I do actually believe the experimentalists, that things are actually weird, but it's strange that they can't produce a cheap toy to demonstrate it to everyone, or perform useful or interesting computations that no one else can?

>> No.15942902

We already have quantum computers (the quanta are zero and one).

>> No.15942967

Think of them as analog computers with exponentially growing computation space when adding a linear amount of fundamental computation units.
Classical: working with switches
Quantum: working with vectors like [math]\Psi = \alpha \vec{0} + \beta \vec{1}[/math]

Gate-based quantum computing is literally just taking vectors like above and moving or reflecting them around on a sphere.
Quantum annealing is more like an analog computer where you're trying to build a physical system with a ground state that corresponds to the solution of your problem. Take for example Steiner trees of a bunch of nodes. Difficult to compute, but you can hammer in a bunch of nails into a plate, submerge it into soap water, pull it out and get the Steiner tree in form of bubble walls forming between the nails.

>> No.15943038

What can quantum computers compute more powerfully outside of porn and maybe drug design

>> No.15943053

quantum computers hang from the ceiling because they are non-binary

>> No.15943060

Not exactly

>> No.15943072

The big one is large number factorization. Shor's algorithm proposes a way of finding the prime factors of a number on a quantum computer far faster than they can be found on a classical computer. Think "many years on a supercomputer" versus "basically instantaneously on a quantum computer."

>> No.15943103

That's literally the worst example.
1. Solve linear algebra systems up to exponentially faster, depending on what kind of answer you need
2. Compute ground states of chemical systems at least quadratically faster than classical methods
3. "Quantum neural Networks" (marketing term for variational quantum circuits) exhibit higher expressivity, so they are more capable at smaller sizes than classical models (there are training issues though, usually summarized as barren plateaus)
4. Sample solutions to combinatorial optimization problems much more efficiently than classical methods (quantum annealers)
5. Yeah, as other anon says there's also the hidden subgroup problem that they theoretically solve exponentially faster, but right now, they are WAY too noisy to give you any useful results. All reported successes are tricks where they know something about the prime factors.
6. Effectively halve AES and other symmetric key cryptography key sizes (not a real problem though)
7. Search quadratically faster in unsorted databases (Grover search, the only algorithm that is mathematically proven to be the fastest possible algorithm and proven to be faster than the best classical method)

All from the top of my head, there's more.

>> No.15943112
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It’s like magic, but it’s not called magic. Many such cases in science.

>> No.15943120


>> No.15943137


>> No.15943161


>> No.15944241

It looks like something they would put in a Warhammer40k movie.

>> No.15944338

Except it's real, and not a hobby for transgender women like Warhammer.

>> No.15944344

They momentum prismatics with a computerized touch having infinite 4D capacity.

>> No.15944421

just yet another soience lie used to justify leisure class layabouts acquisition and subsequent wasting of other people's money

>> No.15944630

Its like Schrodinger's cat, no one knows is it perform as intended or not, and no easy way to explain nor display the way it computes, without losing the crucial details.
Many theories about the "Revolution of the hacking" and "Easier way to find your password" that it may speed up mining, but who knows, who knows.
Summing up, weird tech.

>> No.15944638

>no easy way to explain nor display the way it computes,
It's literally simple linear algebra. You did not spend even just two minutes on actually understanding anything before jumping to
>I don't understand it, therefore
>no one knows is it perform as intended or not

>> No.15945049

theyre regular computers that use high dimensional bits instead

>> No.15945053

Never ever

>> No.15945331

Total bullshit as much as quantum dynamics.. just read about the turing machine and the quantum compiter concept fades away

>> No.15945359

You give it a code. The code is treated as a cornered shape. It assesses all corners at once using insertion side as the front, received end. It produces momentum in likeness of the code like a received packet. It can produce free energy if you put the right code in and it produces infinite powerful momentum.

>> No.15945360

In this sense, it would become a hibernating core. It would be able to power itself and it would sort of relapse into a power source of vibration and pulsation.

>> No.15945752

holy shit

>> No.15946571

Most "quantum computing" is done on models built on classical computers, to create theoretical applications that may some day have value. The real ones can only handle a few qubits, cost millions to run and need so much "error correction" they may as well just use regular bits.

It's dead end profiteering and fakery just like all of modern "science".

>> No.15946928
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That's just a prop.

>> No.15946967
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>> No.15947045


>> No.15947089

i thought the /sci/nopsis was that everyone here hates quantum theory and thinks it's bullshit

>> No.15947356

it's all sheaf theory at the end of the day

>> No.15947428
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>> No.15947673

They don't work and the fact they don't is actually an interesting physics observation.
The computational effort required to determine the result nullifies all quantum advantage you though you were getting

>> No.15947689

>free energy
>infinite momentum
Risperidone. Now.