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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.19 MB, 1773x1104, IMG_3461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15939971 No.15939971 [Reply] [Original]

New Years Eve Edition

Previous - >>15936563

>> No.15939973

Fucking early staging OP

>> No.15939975

Sorry but no >>15939972

>> No.15939976

I was uniornically wishing for a starship launch this Christmas. I am a little depressed now

>> No.15939977

a starship painted like a christmas tree

>> No.15939981
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>> No.15939984

Woulda been nice. Well; coulda, Woulda shudda
Merry Christmas anon, I think everyone will come post later. Its the end for me though

>> No.15939986

Go back

>> No.15939994
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>> No.15940056


>> No.15940058

What date will the QI drive be tested in space? When ought we expect data back by? Why shouldn’t QI work in your opinon?

>> No.15940101

Jan 19, 2024. It'll be a meme. It won't work, because we can't have nice things.

>> No.15940114

Uhmm, it's actually PyceX

>> No.15940115

29 Feb 2024, will create a black hole

>> No.15940119

take your meds. seriously.

>> No.15940126

but then santa won't come

>> No.15940145

>Why shouldn’t QI work in your opinon?
Because there's no reason it should work, just schizo hopium.

>> No.15940169

Stop responding to the namefag

>> No.15940190

you have to go back

>> No.15940207

damn Santa's sleigh has a lot of dV

>> No.15940213

What’s the specific impulse of reindeer?

>> No.15940214

Youre a bitch

>> No.15940215
File: 1007 KB, 1646x1645, Santa_Bender_With_a_Bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's to another lousy Christmas.

>> No.15940220

Back to >>>/tv/ fag

>> No.15940231

unhinged comment, N word or something about trannies

>> No.15940236
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I haven't watched television in years

>> No.15940254
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>> No.15940255

NET January.
The orbit is decaying so we'll know pretty quick if it starts ascending after they turn it on.
It will probably work because one side has a lab tested theory and the other side has YOU JUST CAN'T OK.

>> No.15940260
File: 41 KB, 758x424, 1678878971946756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in space right now, retard.

>> No.15940261

I am traveling 107,000 km/h in space right now and there is nothing you can do about it besides seethe.

>> No.15940262
File: 308 KB, 1542x2048, 1683246405842639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Japanese astronaut is being selected as the first foreigner to land on the Moon with Artemis

>> No.15940269

Show me the dark matter

>> No.15940272

it was obvious and predicted on /sfg/ during the last administration

>> No.15940273

I miss Jim
sort of

>> No.15940282

Clearly a man

>> No.15940284

deformed thumb "anon" btfo

>> No.15940289

Holy shit why is his thumb that fucking fat

>> No.15940290

Nobodys gonna steal that shit from you stop gripping it like its your junk

>> No.15940291

Post physique furfaggot

>> No.15940295

Not Noa and I hate both your groups. If I post physique Im gonna get doxxed so nty.

>> No.15940298

So Europe provides the service modules for Orion, iHab and espirit for Gateway, and they still get cucked on a lunar landing. It's great to see that we're keeping the tradition of Euro-American space hatred alive.

>> No.15940299


>> No.15940300
File: 1.89 MB, 750x1334, thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a freak of nature, only imaginary anime women could ever love someone like you.

>> No.15940301


>> No.15940303

Why did you cut off half of your thumb

>> No.15940305

Youre both deformed niggers

>> No.15940309

Deformed thumb lmao

>> No.15940319

I can show you where the dark matter isn't (Bullet Cluster). Since we know where the dark matter isn't, we can infer where it is

>> No.15940331

in these holiday times I like to rewatch https://www.youtube.com/@toukokivisto5953/videos

>> No.15940340

Applied QI also explains the bullet cluster nigger, it's not proof of your imaginary bullshit

>> No.15940341
File: 60 KB, 750x533, spacesuit delaminated fingernails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger his nails are perfectly suited for spaceflight. BUILT FOR EVA

>> No.15940369

Shut up fag

>> No.15940371
File: 2.46 MB, 3072x4080, foto_no_exif (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my thumb lives rent free in real people's heads

>> No.15940373

Id hate to be as deformed as (You).

>> No.15940375

Idk I just kinda live my life normally not worrying about other anons thumbs

>> No.15940382

>muh NPC apathy is virtuous
NTA but that's what happened with trannies and now they're everywhere, if we leave him alone suddenly there will be more people with deformed thumbs who not only think it's at all acceptable to be a clearfag but to be one in public.

>> No.15940383

I would rather kill myself than troon out
I hate trannies so God damn much it's unreal

>> No.15940392

Highly doubt that, tranny

>> No.15940398

Any one else just shit their pants then go on stf witj steaming shit diaper and soak in it?
post theme: march of the dwarves

>> No.15940401
File: 25 KB, 469x539, space_progress_shuttle_ruined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15940409

Label your fucking axes nigger. I cant tell what the black is supposed to either.

>> No.15940411

something about the hyperwar

>> No.15940418

Suck my anal shit puss

>> No.15940427

>no falcon 9

>> No.15940435


>> No.15940442

0/10 see me after class

>> No.15940455

How is scientific progress determined for the Y axis?

>> No.15940475

Nothing ever happened in the lab.

>> No.15940485
File: 2.18 MB, 2738x4096, 3EAECEB0-FFB8-489A-9B22-F8C9C80925C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not naming the thread JWST launch anniversary edition
Also happy Christmas bros
Also why is there a faux thread running?

>> No.15940489

Flat earthers: no you're not

>> No.15940491

Who cares about your finger faggot
>those weird tabs

>> No.15940507
File: 599 KB, 918x1200, 3wpixblv9j191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Spanish space program?

>> No.15940518
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>> No.15940528

The Earth is in space but it's flat.

>> No.15940533


>> No.15940537


>> No.15940539
File: 34 KB, 500x500, artworks-000034974597-6jb5go-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Leviosaaaaah.

>> No.15940545

It's not THAT bro.

>> No.15940548

This pisses me off so much LAL I was talking to myself the whole time. Ya lil shit wigs

>> No.15940575

It's funnier to assume that it is

>> No.15940692
File: 1.85 MB, 4261x4368, supernova-encore3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day the savior was born.

In November 2023, the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope observed a massive cluster of galaxies named MACS J0138.0-2155. Through an effect called gravitational lensing, first predicted by Albert Einstein, a distant galaxy named MRG-M0138 appears warped by the powerful gravity of the intervening galaxy cluster. In addition to warping and magnifying the distant galaxy, the gravitational lensing effect caused by MACS J0138 produces five different images of MRG-M0138.

In 2019, astronomers announced the surprising find that a stellar explosion, or supernova, had occurred within MRG-M0138, as seen in images from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope taken in 2016. When another group of astronomers examined the 2023 Webb images, they were astonished to find that seven years later, the same galaxy is home to a second supernova.

Two images of the supernova are seen in the Webb NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) image above (see the annotated image that highlights these features version here), but an additional supernova image is expected to become visible around 2035.

In this image blue represents light at 1.15 and 1.5 microns (F115W+F150), green is 2.0 and 2.77 microns (F200W+277W), and red is 3.56 and 4.44 microns (F356W + F444W).

>> No.15940707

what the fuck

>> No.15940708

Launched on an Ariane 5, a rocket that no longer exists and was succeeded only by Falcon

>> No.15940718
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>> No.15940725

Merry christmas /sfg/! Are you excited for the Vulcan Centaur launch? wait no nevermind.

>> No.15940731

I am looking forward to that one, actually. I want to see how it goes.

>> No.15940738

david shekelstein
you've been exposed faggot jew, you are not welcome here

>> No.15940745
File: 152 KB, 557x567, 1685391939055624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clubfingered mestizo mutant uses Chrome and Windows
/g/ and /pol/ are always right

>> No.15940763

>he leaves the white noise theme on
same energy as smoke detectors with low battery beeping and NPC's ignoring it

>> No.15940784

>he hates festivity
Scrooges will be denied entry to Mars

>> No.15940805
File: 264 KB, 1355x912, 1673898635377963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random noise raining all over your screen is festivity

>> No.15940810

>140 launches next year

Even taking account of Elonflation which is like 120, that's still crazy. Thats like a launch every 2- 3 days.

>> No.15940814
File: 203 KB, 914x617, Delta 4 Heavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the Delta 4 Heavy to me pls.
I understand how the Falcon 1 became the Falcon 9.
I know how they arrived at the Space Shuttle.
The Titan, Atlas etc.
What about DIVH?
Why use RS68?
Why Hydrogen?
Why gas-generator?
When did they first start considering a massive hydrogen first stage? etc.

>> No.15940817

Go back you absolute tumor

>> No.15940832

After Challenger it was no longer acceptable to risk a crew of human delivery drivers on every national security space launch.

So the gov wrote some very fat cheques to develop some new expendable launchers.

>> No.15940837

>Why use RS68?
Because the only engine in stock that used hydrogen and was in the right size class was the RS-25, and using those on an expendable commercial workhorse was clearly not a good idea.

>Why Hydrogen?
Back in the late 80s and 90s everyone was desperate to get a working SSTO to the pad, and they were all convinced that required a super-efficient engine, which meant it had to use hydrogen as a fuel. Low fuel density and high structural mass were overlooked for the sake of The Dream.

>Why gas-generator?
If you're going to be designing a cheaper, simpler RS-25, you need to lose complexity somewhere.

There's actually a few interesting papers on all this. I'll see if I can dig any of them up.

>> No.15940840
File: 44 KB, 593x593, f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we leaving this planet bros? I'm tired of all the delays, I want to explore the galaxy. What is taking so long?

>> No.15940842

t. has no sense of scale

>> No.15940849

Padoru status nominal
we are go for sleigh launch.


>> No.15940850

speed of light is a real bitch

>> No.15940853

Why doesnt SpaceX/Musk wish us a merry Christmas?

>> No.15940856

>When are we leaving this planet bros?
maybe in your lifetime
>I want to explore the galaxy.
lol no

>> No.15940857

should they?

>> No.15940863

FAA blocked the sleigh license, ChristmasX is canceled

>> No.15940912

Post the lewd luna 25 NOW

>> No.15940919
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SLIM inserted into lunar orbit

>> No.15940921


>> No.15940926
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>> No.15940929
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JAXA can tongue my anus until they find the guts to do a power sail mission, bunch of faggots

>> No.15940952

I make the same questions,I wish i were born in 300 later

>> No.15941012

they took 3 delta IV cores and that became Delta IV Heavy
it's that easy in rocketry

>> No.15941036
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this book for christmas, anyone read it yet? Also got a neat SpaceX hat and poster that havent come in yet.

>> No.15941061

That fucking cover, lol
I recognize a bastardized NS, and then there's... the rest.

>> No.15941080
File: 32 KB, 278x400, vulcan-centaur-5__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did no one think of clustering engines together before SpaceX?
N1 doesn't count that's a special case..

>> No.15941085

Old space engines are expensive

>> No.15941090

Engines are expensive, you can accomplish similar performance with solid boosters.

>> No.15941094

You mean 50 years earlier. We stop doing manned spaceflight entirely in about a decade

>> No.15941097

More engines means more points of failure, and almost all rockets are designed without much margin in that regard. If the mission is screwed because the first stage blows a single turbopump it makes sense to have as few turbos as possible. One of the big selling points of the Atlas V design vs the Atlas IIAS was that it cut down the number of engines systems from nine to three and the number of staging events from four to two, all of which was supposed to make it more reliable. To get an engine that's as dependable as the Merlin you need to fly it as much as the Falcon 9 does, and before SpaceX the only other rocket that aspired to that kind of flight history was the R7.

>> No.15941103
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>> No.15941118

Take your troonbob zoomnigger memes back to newfaggot r*ddit scum. I recognize you posting all these awful memes and shitting up the general. Lurk 2 moar or gtfo.

>> No.15941128

the hydrocarbons on titan are of the simplest forms; methane, ethane and other very short chains. If you think about it from a universe perspective, that's what you'd expect given that hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and carbon is up there on the list too

>> No.15941129
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>> No.15941135

SS1 is the far left one.

it's that christmasy in rocket tree
*and the space shuttle

>> No.15941137
File: 83 KB, 707x894, ss1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SS1 is the far left one.
No, it really isn't

>> No.15941140

It's supposed to be.

>> No.15941155

According to who? And what the fuck are the other two supposed to be? Nobody who genuinely engages with the source material was involved in the making of this cover.

>> No.15941162

>Bradley is a writer and executive editor in New York.
>His words have appeared in or on VICE, the National Book Critics Circle, The World Economic Forum, nft now, NBC News, Business Insider, and elsewhere.
>Sometimes he reads from the rooftops of Brooklyn or near Chinatown, but he rarely, if ever, leaves the city.
I can already tell you that the book will not be good.

>> No.15941171

That's not a couple of red flags that's a goddamn may day parade

>> No.15941178

It reads almost like a parody but this guy does appear to be real

>> No.15941203

Shut up fags

>> No.15941204

I smell CZ-11 failure

>> No.15941208

bro run if you can smell solid propellant fumes you'll die soon

>> No.15941212
File: 1.47 MB, 1500x1534, 1678044596154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Casaba Howitzers be used to clean up space junk?

>> No.15941215

Space junk isn’t real

>> No.15941217

Are we even sure it was a CZ-11? A lot of these Chinese launches are getting ID'ed beforehand by NOTAM and sino-minotaurs all seem to have similar looking drop zones.

>> No.15941221

>muh useful orbit is le ruined
kill your self
kiss your self

>> No.15941222

this one could also be a Jielong 3, but it's less likely since it already launched 3 weeks ago?

>> No.15941232

what happened?

>> No.15941233


>During transport back to Port early this morning, the booster tipped over on the droneship due to high winds and waves. Newer Falcon boosters have upgraded landing legs with the capability to self-level and mitigate this type of issue


>> No.15941234
File: 412 KB, 2495x1206, Crew-Dragon-Demo-2-Falcon-9-B1058-NASA-worm-logo-040120-SpaceX-1c-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yeah, that was B1058

>> No.15941235

RIP, she should have gone out with a reentry. Not like this.

>> No.15941237

So is this the first "accident" on a F9 booster since the last few hundred missions?

>> No.15941239


>> No.15941241
File: 86 KB, 1024x682, IMG_0790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 landings, only to be killed by weather. F

>> No.15941242

the fleet shrinks.
how many new F9s are they even building nowadays?

>> No.15941243

My mistake, that isn't 1058, but Arabsat's center core.

>> No.15941244
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>> No.15941252

all that's missing is a sierra club membership

>> No.15941255

So much for "reusability"

>> No.15941256

It's hard to tell, but looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Falcon_9_first-stage_boosters the first new tail number to fly in 2023 was B1078 back in march, and the highest number listed is B1084, so that's at least six.

>> No.15941258
File: 273 KB, 2048x1365, DC1866AF-990A-4951-A577-257598E270E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succesful CZ-11 launch from barge

>> No.15941259
File: 160 KB, 1653x1181, octograbber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't they have that octograbber thing precisely for this reason? Did that fall overboard too?

>> No.15941260


>> No.15941261

This is the beginning of the end

>> No.15941265

very based

>> No.15941269

Merry Christmas, everybody!

Let me share a bit of (over)enthusiasm and joy this day brings,
or at the least crack a smile for a moment:

>> No.15941273

Fuck off astroon.

>> No.15941274
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>> No.15941275

I am starting to think a jew lives among us

>> No.15941277 [DELETED] 

YWNBAW stupid tranny go 41% yourself using the weight of those black holes you love so much.

>> No.15941279

is it just me or has a /pol/tard been posting garbage in /sfg/ the last two weeks?



dude just leave

>> No.15941281 [DELETED] 

not him but /pol/ culture is 4chan culture. if you don't like it perhaps you can fuck off to reddit.

>> No.15941282

1/10 bait

>> No.15941284

>le reddit boogyman
I post shit here I find on r/spacexlounge all the time

>> No.15941287

Yeah I can always tell when its you nigger. Also anyone saying that hating on astroonomers and the like is /pol/tard behavior you actually need to rope yourself for being a newfag and not type here ever again. Go look up what astroons have been saying about Starlink then shut your mouth for 2 years.

>> No.15941291


>> No.15941292

kill yourselves newfags lurk moar. hating on astronomers is normal and encouraged. how about instead of trying to mold /sfg/ in to where you came from you shut the fuck up and adapt to us fucking retarded niggers think they can just make any place they want reddit.

>> No.15941294

yeah this is some recent /pol/ite, you can tell by the petulant screeching and 'nigger nigger nigger' posts. Just report and ignore.

>> No.15941297 [DELETED] 

Back to >>>/lgbt/ tranny.

>> No.15941298

astronomers had good reason to be concerned about starlink in 2018 or thereabouts when it was unknown its effect on observations. Now that starlink sats have low reflectivity they don't complain as much. What's the big deal mr. pol? You seem to be the tourist here, not me

>> No.15941302

Astronomy.com august 2023 you might want to take your fat greasy deformed fingers off the keyboard before I pull out more articles.

>> No.15941304

dude I even use SL lol chill out and gb2pol plz thanks

>> No.15941311 [DELETED] 

Any regular can tell you NIGGERS are new, you only start bitching today on Christmas (when your mom probably gave you some space related book like that fag posted earlier) and decided to come here. Well guess fucking what fag, we say nigger here all the time and you would know that if you checked the last few threads. I told you to adapt instead of trying to convert, but clearly you dont want to listen so why dont you just GO THE FUCK BACK INSTEAD WE ALL KNOW YOU JUST GOT HERE TODAY BECAUSE YOUR BITCHING ONLY JUST STARTED TODAY

>> No.15941313

someone got coaled

>> No.15941314

BY THE WAY been here since early 2021, not leaving any time fucking soon so if you dont like the people in this general after visiting your first time go to fucking discord or reddit we're full.

>> No.15941315

i think r/space is more your pace anon

>> No.15941317

wow what a newfag
t. posted a bunch of the original 'large launch vehicle discussion' threads here before sfg existed

>> No.15941330
File: 16 KB, 523x334, space general the beginning of the end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fugg we forgot our birthday

>> No.15941335

It's not just you, /sfg/ has been awful for the last few months.

>> No.15941336
File: 2.30 MB, 7000x3917, 1699052757552235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15941337

/sfg/ has been fine, newfag detected

>> No.15941338

>few months
It's been years

>> No.15941360

F for the booster.

>> No.15941362
File: 323 KB, 955x1221, may 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The booster that took humans back to ISS.

>> No.15941363
File: 15 KB, 540x291, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove you are an /sfg/ oldfag with a statement and/or image

>> No.15941370
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>> No.15941374
File: 251 KB, 1834x956, 1690761309871972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I also have this which I should update. Where is she now?

>> No.15941376
File: 677 KB, 800x800, 1429045264565.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare webm and filename
Do not steal

>> No.15941378

Pressing F 9 times

>> No.15941391

>uranus is in solar territory
and you call me gay. you homos can keep it.

>> No.15941393
File: 89 KB, 1162x832, 1545686093073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make it but I think about it every once in a while, needs updating for sure

>> No.15941394

Any orbit is solar territory with a big enough mirror.

>> No.15941401
File: 689 KB, 1113x1658, IMG_3467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Scott Manlet is a Troon, Scotland native.

>> No.15941402

You could also melt Earthers

>> No.15941404

Berger is at the bottom why? And Im going to assume Manley is in the rainbow tier on account of his faginess. Does anyone have the "Scott Manley! (List of adjectives) FAGGOT!" Image also? Had to clear out my photos folder.

>> No.15941408
File: 688 KB, 512x1024, Kemonomimi3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should make another image that has watts per square meter for each planet.

>> No.15941409

Kill yourself Merc.

>> No.15941411

I will after I make the image showing all the space in space

>> No.15941413

which one of you dog fucking niggers is this. noa or mercrantos.

>> No.15941416

>noa or mercrantos.
Is this some discord drama shit I haven't heard about?

>> No.15941417

beacuse I made it and I didn't know what I was doing lol. that image takes me back

>> No.15941418

schizo time is what it is

>> No.15941421

Mustve not been here for IFT-2. First one split threads 20 times after he got his info leaked after IFT-2 and the second is AI obsessed judging from his Twitter. Either way its just the resident krystalniggers ruining /sfg/ as they normally do. When was the last time you were here and how did you miss IFT-2? Were you in the launch thread instead of /sfg/ or something? It has been a busy time of year though to be fair so I wouldnt blame you.

>> No.15941423

boomer NASA employees complained at a town hall that SLS/Artemis was moving too fast under Trump, that they couldnt even see their great grandchildren during the holidays. And Big Jim's answer was maybe you shouldnt work at NASA then, we do Big things here.

>> No.15941426
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>> No.15941429

The original Krystal poster is based and it was quality trolling.

>> No.15941431

Stop fucking your cat Noa

>> No.15941436

I don't know who you're talking about because I'm not a drama fag and I don't read any of your posts about it.

>> No.15941438

damn what shit has been going down in the sfg IRC when I've been gone

>> No.15941440

the discord has actually improved quality after we banned the anime fags

>> No.15941441

discord trannies needs to be necked

>> No.15941442

They have their own /sfg/ now and the thread has been up since thursday, lmao

>> No.15941447
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This man is going to the Moon.

>> No.15941450

So close to aryan digits.

>> No.15941455

You know its ogre when Finn Anon didn't even bother to post a Christmas photo this year

>> No.15941459

The booster landed on the very edge of the droneship. There was no way for the octograbber to manuever and lock in the core. It's destiny was to fall.

>> No.15941460
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forgot image

>> No.15941462
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You did not deserve this fate on Christmas of 2023, but you will be immortalized for all time for your service towards greatness.

>> No.15941465
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>> No.15941542

/sfg/ died (and thats good)

>> No.15941574

Little birds told me he was conscripted.

>> No.15941587

Niggers (in space!)

>> No.15941605
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>> No.15941634
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Why did the Rogers Commission feature such an all star cast? I don't doubt the skills and knowledge of people like Chuck Yeager, Neil Armstrong and Sally Ride, but it feels like they were only part of it because they were noteworthy/famous/a woman. What additional insight could they offer over some other astronaut?

>> No.15941645

Do you think Neil Armstrong and Richard Feynman got along well?

>> No.15941646

feynman was so based

>> No.15941657

my farts have been so incredibly rancid today, it's impossuble to truly describe

>> No.15941660

You should fuel a rocket

>> No.15941664

yeager and armstrong were both extremely talented and experienced pilots/astronauts in their own right, so it's not as if anyone else would've been a more qualified panelist. The fact that they're well known and respected by the general public is just a nice bonus

>> No.15941665

tape a nozzle to your asshole
it's that easy in rocketry

>> No.15941669

hot gas thruster, low isp but could be worse

>> No.15941675

I think it's less about insight and more about public perception, justice being seen to be done and to taken seriously. Not many inquiries are televised in the same way either. Regardless, Ride was ultimately the one with the balls to leak the information about the O rings.

>> No.15941678

Because it was not a serious investigation,it was a PR exercise

>> No.15941679

every single time this schizo opens its mouth >>15941421
the claims become more and more ridicilous
next time the thread will have been split 200 times for ift-2

>> No.15941684

it's probably the krystal guy falseflagging, i've seen furfags do this shit a lot where they create an overbearing schizo strawman to discredit anyone criticising them for their actions.
not saying it is, could be an actual retard. but it's in the furfag playbook.

>> No.15941700
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spaceguy is right.

>> No.15941706

we'll just have to wait and see

>> No.15941708

I dunno man, it's literally just "Falcon 9 Booster #1058212". It would be like wanting to preserve your car because it was where you held hands with your girlfriend for the first time.

>> No.15941710

I'm sure that literally every time some other company launches a fully expendable rocket he posts the same thing

there is some value in retaining boosters with special accomplishments (like a return to US manned spaceflight from US soil), but it's not that big a deal

>> No.15941717

>soifence fags crying over a piece of aluminium

>> No.15941719

it's been normal ever since they bitched about starlink because it messed up their taking pictures with granddad's old film camera, lrn2stack boomers

>> No.15941724

>At this rate, it'll be more expensive/take longer than SLS
Even if this were true (and I think it's pretty pessimistic), the final product for SLS is a fully expended single-user rocket designed to fly a handful of times over the next decade.

>> No.15941725

>What is taking so long?
democrats are literally the reason

>> No.15941727

you might profitably use the pages as kindling

>> No.15941729
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>> No.15941731

From SpaceX's VP of launch
>Super disappointing and sad to lose booster 1058.
>Tippy boosters occur when you get a certain set of landing conditions that lead to the legs having uneven loading. Heavy wind or sea state then cause the booster to teeter and slide which can lead to even worse leg loading. In this state, securing with the OG is super challenging and often only partial successful
>We came up with self leveling legs that immediately equalize leg loads on landing after experiencing a severe tippy booster two years ago on Christmas (first flight of 1069). The fleet is mostly outfitted, but 1058, given its age, was not. It met its fate when it hit intense wind and waves resulting in failure of a partially secured OG less than 100 miles from home.
>One thing is for sure… we will make lemonade out of lemons and learn as much as possible from historic 1058 on our path to aircraft like operations.

>> No.15941733

So it fell over, not off, right? I mean they still have it, so they can buff it right out and display it?

>> No.15941745

ehh no sweaty
it took years to go from Falcon 9 -> Falcon Heavy
repeat after me: rockets aren't legos

>> No.15941747

I coined the term 4ASS.

>> No.15941752

You idiot nigger I posted like five of those split threads with the wrong name myself, personally, just because I knew it was enraging you and then I did a few more when you started blaming some poor faggot Noah or whatever his fucking name was
You are legitimately insane sir

>> No.15941755
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who is the faggot janny that keeps banning me? Didn't even show the fucking message

>> No.15941761
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>> No.15941763
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>> No.15941764
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>> No.15941765
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>> No.15941766

you could put that into a museum, it would be even more interesting partly destroyed due to the backstory compared to just some run of the mill booster that got decommissioned at the end of its life

>> No.15941772

I would dump my space_cute pics but Im not at home.

>> No.15941781

>we had a chance
>we lost it
delusional photooooographer

>> No.15941788

I really hope they do this

>> No.15941791


>> No.15941809
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it's over

>> No.15941811
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>> No.15941812
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>> No.15941814
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>> No.15941815

now its easier to fit into a museum

>> No.15941816

What percentage of fuel is used for landing?

>> No.15941819

about, or a bit under 5% on ASDS

>> No.15941820
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>Without risk, there is no progress

>> No.15941825

why are spacex still this fucking incompetent bros?

>> No.15941826
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Oops they did it again

>> No.15941830

Village: pillaged

>> No.15941831

small communist country, please understand

>> No.15941837

It fell over. 1058 looked nature in the eye for 17 flights beyond the initial and said "no today." On the 19th, nature said "it's time." And to booster heaven it went despite it wanting to live longer and fly more. It's fight is now over.

>> No.15941842

There's probably 4 Merlin-1D engines on that they could recover, but I hope they don't. I hope they send this to an air and space museum in DC as is, no cleanup, and mount it as the testament of human ingenuity of pushing the bar.

>> No.15941844
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>> No.15941849
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>> No.15941851
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>> No.15941852
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>> No.15941853

good thing we saved money by buying barges rather than something that can handle some weather

>> No.15941856

NASA already knew exactly what happened (Feynman basically said that he realized people were spoonfeeding him the data needed). The Commission was a political exercise and so appointing people with the clout needed to strong-arm bureaucrats was more important than actually having experts look at it, since the people with the most technical knowledge on the issue were NASA engineers who had already identified the problem. But a random engineering phd working on the SRBs can be silenced far more easily than the likes of Ride or Armstrong.

Altogether it's an interesting demonstration of how to manage organizations, although the Reagan administration was working in an ideal environment since there were an abundance of highly qualified and highly prominent individuals to choose from. If you were to attempt the same maneuver against, for instance, the EPA then you'd be hard pressed to find people with both the technical qualifications and the public clout needed for the job.

>> No.15941858

first failure like this with hundreds of landings and in any case this has been mitigated already
this was just a very old booster

>> No.15941861
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>> No.15941863
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This triggers the EDS crowd.

>> No.15941864

would be based if parts of it flew again

>> No.15941867

It is because he is an old school SA Goon

>> No.15941869
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>> No.15941870

Yeah only barges tilt at sea, nothing else has that problem

>> No.15941875
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Berger maybe doesn't need to be at the bottom, but he definitely deserves his own tier like Hullo on account of his unique brand of autism.

>> No.15941887

They should build a big landbridge out into the sea, land on the dry platform and drive the booster back to shore.

>> No.15941890
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>> No.15941892

Would BO buying ULA really just be about acquiring ULA's order book and staff? I think Vulcan would perfectly complement NG. Vulcan covers the payload range where using NG would be wasteful. NG is 45t to LEO. Vulcan is 11-27t to LEO depending on variant.

>> No.15941912
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>> No.15941916

Awful. Just awful. Stop posting wojaks I dont care if youre an oldfag.

>> No.15941918

Get the fuck out of here, faggot.

>> No.15941924
File: 180 KB, 660x558, 1699004365202197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behead newfags, drown them in pisslocks, gas them with chinese rocket fumes. Total newfag death.

>> No.15941926

NG will not have anything close to F9's availability based on the number of boosters Blue supposedly intends to make.

>> No.15941931

How many NG boosters do BO intend to make?

Would Vulcan help with availability in any way? Don't Vulcan and NG compete for the main limiting resource i.e. BE-4?

>> No.15941934

I missed the bit in history class where the Hares revolted against mankind.

>> No.15941935

Vulcan will find work even after New Glenn starts flying because even if NG is cheaper per kg it's going to have a Falcon Heavy tier sticker price. A VC0 or VC2 will have an edge for any LEO work that's not a max-capacity constellation building flight.

The government is also going to want Blue to iron out any lingering issues with New Glenn before they put a pricey NRO payload on board.

>> No.15941938
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*Muskian Century

>> No.15941943
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That's because they were predicting a future event, Day of the Hop will happen after one too many delays and unspeakable yet wholly necessary things will be done to all those who oppose launch.

>> No.15941948

He will never go to Mars

>> No.15941952
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One more because I think it's interesting and it's funny how they depicted that hare getting taken out by a rock. Drolleries were truly the height of medieval humor.

>> No.15941953

I wouldn't get too cocky yet. It all depends on how well Starship works and how fast SX can get it working.

The Chinese line is likely going to climb a lot in the 2025-2030 span. There's a lot of Chinese F9 clones in the pipeline and several of the companies behind them have announced grand plans of producing 300-500 engines per year. The Chinese graph would probably be higher than it is today if not for the post-2014 restructuring of the space industry, from an industry that was essentially just one big SOE, to an industry that has many companies of mixed ownership, and all the temporary personnel shifting, organizational chaos and work disruption that it entailed

The Russian line will probably recover to prewar levels in a few years. Borisov said they needed to start building one satellite per day. The Ukraine war probably made Putin take space a lot more seriously than he previously did, as indicated by how he replaced Rogozin with Borisov

>> No.15941955

Static fire tomorrow I think

>> No.15941960

China's done an impressive job not falling too far behind SpaceX using just a fleet of expendables, and they're already setting up to mass produce constellation hardware. They're not going to lack for payloads once the Zhuque-3 or Nebula-1 are operational.

The war's made the Czar take a bit more interest in spaceflight, but I think it's the threat posed to the cosmonaut program by the ISS's looming retirement that's going to get the biggest response out of Russia. They've had a near continuous presence in orbit going all the way back to the beginning of the Salyut program. Having that fall into a gap era like the post-Skylab years in America would be too big a blow to national prestige to be allowed.

>> No.15941962

>China's done an impressive job not falling too far behind SpaceX using just a fleet of expendables

SpaceX's payload to orbit completely dwarfs China's.

>> No.15941966

The eventual need for a manned space station might help revitalize the Russian space industry, however it doesn't cause many launches by itself. I think military demand for more communications and reconnaissance payloads will be what mainly drives the Russian launch line up

>> No.15941967

shut the fuck up.

>> No.15941969
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Just post the upmass graphs and there will be an end to the horror.

>> No.15941971

Don't get mad when you get called out my wumao friend it isn't a good look.

>> No.15941973

While SpaceX is certainly far ahead by any measure, I think energy imparted to payloads would be a fairer measure than upmass. Not all payloads are to the same orbits. Neither can you compare a theoretical LEO payload ability either, because different rockets are optimized for different orbits.

>> No.15941976

What's holding Russia back the most right now is the omnipresent corruption. A new Russian station won't produce that many launches on its own but having the program as a government priority will scrap off a bunch of the Rogozin lookalikes. After that things will take care of themselves.

China's biggest issue is that most of their rockets are in the same weight class as the Delta II. They're starved for lifting capacity which is one reason why their dozen independent spaceflight companies haven't started dying off yet, despite some of them having terrible records with their early solid fuel attempts.

>> No.15941979

>because different rockets are optimized for different orbits.

thats not true
any higher orbit also goes through LEO

>> No.15941984

russia has always been held back by omnipresent corruption, that isn't going to change

>> No.15941989

Don't they normally take out the real engines for a museum display anyhow?

>> No.15941990

free scrap for prosperity of village

>> No.15941991

Kek hohol pigger scum really trying to talk about corruption.

>> No.15941992
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>> No.15941993
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ukraine is in the same sphere of culture/influence, so not unexpected that they are corrupt as well
this is cultural history that goes back centuries, communism probably made it worse

>> No.15941994
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>> No.15941995

Damn, the pigeons really went to work quick on those three engines.

>> No.15941996
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>> No.15941997

Hows the counteroffensive pidr?

>> No.15941999

>booster gets destroyed by falling over instead of exploding
What a lame way to go

>> No.15941998
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>> No.15942000


>> No.15942001

Fuck you stole the trips I was trying to get

>> No.15942002

good morning seer

>> No.15942012

Some rockets are optimized to spend a higher fraction of their burn time in space. They usually have a high-isp final stage (e.g. hydrolox) and they sometimes have two vacuum-optimized stages

Old video by Scott Manley about it

>> No.15942016

Russia's always had omnipresent corruption everywhere except for the places where the Czar takes a personal interest. Russia will still be Russia, but the space program will be a bit better managed, at least until Moscow loses interest again.

>> No.15942019


this vid has some interesting discussion about low vs high energy


this one good stuff about the staging speed/altitude

>> No.15942026

Russian corruption is such a cliche explanation, especially when the people saying it usually are from the country of Future Combat Systems, Littoral Combat Ship, Zumwalt, Ford, SLS, Orion and guided artillery shells that cost $100k each.

I think that what is holding Russia back isn't exceptional corruption, rather it is an insistence on a high degree of autarky. It means they are resilient to sanctions, however it also means they lack the benefits of of economies of scale.

Russia's industry will never be world-class, because they refuse to specialize like for example Taiwan or South Korea do. Russia will never have a very high GDP per capita, even when adjusted for purchasing power, and they can never have a big economy. Yet the insist on trying to do superpower things without having a superpower economy or industry, which means every development and acquisition program is chronically underfunded and moves at a glacial pace and uses technology that is 10-20 years behind the state of the art.

There's not much point for a Falcon 9 in Russia because they haven't had that many payloads to launch to justify reusability. They might in the future, hence the Soyuz-7 project. However they need to increase payload production before there's any point in finishing Soyuz-7 development.

>> No.15942027

but they always trade fuel for payload in their stage 2 if they chose to

>> No.15942038

>Future Combat Systems, Littoral Combat Ship, Zumwalt, Ford, SLS, Orion and guided artillery shells that cost $100k each.
The difference is that things like those are the exception, not the rule. Things like them becoming more common as of late is due to a change in America. In Russia it's always been like this.
>rather it is an insistence on a high degree of autarky.
You say this as though America hasn't also been a country with a high degree of national self sufficiency. Yet they didn't succumb to the same pitfalls.

>> No.15942043

i thought they lost it at sea but its still intact on the ship, so thats not too bad

>> No.15942045

That's only the very bottom part of it.

>> No.15942048

yeah i saw as i scrolled down. i guess its only half bad then.

>> No.15942054

Just because it sounds like a cliche doesn't mean it's not a valid criticism. People have been talking about the omnipresent culture of corruption in Russia since the Crimean War in the 1850s and those complaints are just as valid today.

In other news
>Police on Friday detained the deputy director of Russia's space agency Roscosmos over the suspected embezzlement of 4.3 million euros from the crisis-hit sector.
>Roscosmos, once a source of national pride, has for years been suffering financial problems and has been hit by a series of corruption scandals and embarrassing technical failures such as the loss in August of the Luna-25 probe.

>> No.15942058

>Russian corruption is such a cliche explanation, especially when the people saying it usually are from the country of Future Combat Systems, Littoral Combat Ship, Zumwalt, Ford, SLS, Orion and guided artillery shells that cost $100k each.

Thanks for letting us know early on to not bother reading further.

>> No.15942067

Pigger ukroid scum all of you

>> No.15942070

both ukraine and russia are corrupt, do you have anything else?

>> No.15942091

>The difference is that things like those are the exception, not the rule.
It describes almost every US armored vehicle replacement and warship acquisition project since the Cold War. Let's see if the US Army finally manages to replace the Bradley now on their next attempt

>You say this as though America hasn't also been a country with a high degree of national self sufficiency
America's economy is very highly integrated in international supply chains though. America can afford to be, because the countries that America depends on aren't going to sanction America.

I'm not talking about just military stuff. I mean the economy as a whole. An illustrative example is Apple, America's most valuable company. They licence British ARM chip designs, their logic chips come from Taiwan, other stuff from Japan and South Korea, most their gadgets are made in China.

TSMC in Taiwan in turn gets their machinery from Japan, the US, and the Netherlands, which in turn depends on parts from Germany. And on it goes.

Russia's economy is and was not highly integrated in international supply chains. We can see that because their economy took just a -2.2% real GDP hit in 2022 despite being subjected to "nuclear" sanctions, becoming the most sanctioned country in the world. By now their real GDP has already recovered to past prewar levels, and they expect 3.5% real GDP growth in 2023

The US military is funded by taxes on the civilian economy and also benefits from economies of scale from the civilian economy. An illustrative example is Boeing, GE and P&W. They sell to the whole world. This helps fund R&D that the military benefits from. Russia didn't have that, their planes fell too far behind and they didn't have the money to fund R&D to catch up.

>> No.15942092

Also, America benefits from economies of scales in arms exports to a greater extent than Russia. Not only does America have near-guaranteed clients in its much larger sphere of influence, from 2017 onward America threatened to break the economic legs of anyone who bought Russian military equipment with CAATSA, to deny Russia economies of scale

>> No.15942095

>trusting Russian GDP numbers
baka desu senpai

>> No.15942099

I recommend any American taxpayer who likes reading horror stories to read about these programs

>> No.15942100

why the fuck has no one mentioned this yet?
>Wake up babe new Chinese Long March booster just dropped

>> No.15942101

>Russian corruption is such a cliche explanation
If you actually lived in post soviet shithole you would understand that it's not cliche explanation. The country will continue being a shithole as long as people still live with their commie mindset

>> No.15942103

Maybe read the thread

>> No.15942104
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>> No.15942106

How much money was wasted on Constellation/SLS/Orion? How much money will be wasted by NASA as they are forced to use it and design their missions around it to justify it?

And how many will be prosecuted for it? None, because it's 100% legal graft

>> No.15942107

i refuse

>> No.15942109
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>> No.15942113

American institutional graft isn't really relevant to a critique of Russia socioeconomic problems. It sucks, but it's a different animal that lives in a different biome.

>> No.15942115

You can look at the Purchasing Managers' Index, which is made by S&P Global based on surveys to companies. Russia is in the top tier both in Manufacturing PMI and Services PMI. Above 50 indicates expansion, below 50 indicates contraction.
It is a bit funny to compare with many EU countries. Germany and France rank among the last.

>> No.15942118

You're only looking at small slices while neglecting to see the bigger picture.
Yes, America has integrated more with the rest of the world recently. However it has not always been so intertwined with others. Despite this, it has never has the problems that Russia has. Ironically enough, it has started having more "Russian" esque problems now as it has gotten more integrated with the rest of the world than it ever has before. Autarky is not an explanation for national economic failure, corruption, sluggishness, and general incompetence.
You're pulling the national equivalent of "muh socioeconomic factors" right now.
Your point?
No one says corruption doesn't exist in America. However it is demonstrably far less pervasive, harmful, and broad (both in reach and time) than anything seen in Russia.

>> No.15942122
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>Top 3: Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka

>> No.15942124 [DELETED] 


>> No.15942125

To not fully fuel a stage would be quite suboptimal use of a rocket. If they want a different orbit then they would use a different rocket designed for it. For example, China's CZ-7 is optimized for LEO and CZ-7A for MEO/GTO

>> No.15942127



>> No.15942128


>> No.15942129

Go back then if you already know the way

>> No.15942132

go back

>> No.15942134

why is there one pissy vatnik in this general

>> No.15942137

All me btw

>> No.15942140

How do you know America has less corruption? How do you even measure corruption level in order to compare it?

We know that America has less petty corruption than Russia, i.e. bribes and embezzlement by low-level bureaucrats and policemen, the kind that regular people see and notice.

Grand corruption by politicians is much harder to see and measure, because it is usually legitimized by law and can involve very intricate schemes. However, we know it is systemic because America's entire political system depends on kickbacks aka political donations and favorable media coverage from private media companies. However, America has other advantages that compensate and lets it have a strong economy anyway, such as dollar hegemony, large economies of scale, and being integrated in global supply chains.

>> No.15942148

That's based on the Corruption Perception Index, i.e. a survey of how certain select institutions perceive it. Would those institutions define SLS as corruption? I think not.


Also I agree that this type of discussion belongs on /pol/ so I will stop now

>> No.15942150


>> No.15942174

The vehicle's welds look like they failed in a few places, and that's quite different from how Booster 1055 looked when it tipped over.

>> No.15942190

and you can tell this from a blurry photo of a rocket thats been burning for hours?

>> No.15942192

The rocket never caught fire. We can see in the new photos that there's no scorching damage and the COPVs are completely intact.

>> No.15942222
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you can now look at the download and upload speeds + latency on the starlink map

>> No.15942234

Shut up fag

>> No.15942237

your parents are disappointed in you

>> No.15942241
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Musk not eager to take Starlink public
> Musk, speaking in a Dec. 21 audio session on X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter and also owned by Musk, argued that it did not make sense to take Starlink public and that he had no difficulties raising money for it privately.
> Musk has said for several years that he had no immediate plans for spinning off Starlink and conducting an initial public offering (IPO) of shares to raise money. That included a comment in a 2020 talk where he said he was “thinking about that zero” when asked about a Starlink IPO.
> However, he was more circumspect about a Starlink IPO in an online interview in June. “It would not be legal for me to speculate about a Starlink IPO,” said Musk, who has sparred with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in the past in his role as chief executive of automaker Tesla. “I think it’s against regulations to talk with any kinds of specifics about a future public offering.”

>> No.15942243
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China launches new Beidou satellites, rocket booster lands near house
> A Long March 3B equipped with a Yuanzheng-1 upper stage lifted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 10:26 p.m. Eastern Dec. 25 (0326 UTC, Dec. 26), successfully delivering two Beidou satellites into medium Earth orbit (MEO).

>> No.15942244

> The presence of reddish-brown gas or smoke indicative of nitrogen tetroxide is visible in both, while a yellowish gas, possibly the results of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) fuel mixing with air, can be seen next to the building.
>The first stage and four side boosters of the Long March 3B use the hypergolic propellant combination of hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide. Both the nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer and UDMH fuel present serious health risks.

>> No.15942261

>canibalism on Mars confirmed

>> No.15942276

Interesting, it should be more or less correlated with the density of users, but that doesn't really seems to be the case (doubt there's a lot of Starlink users in the middle of the Amazon)

>> No.15942280 [DELETED] 


>> No.15942286

you need the groundlink stations as well and only a fraction of the satellites have satellite-to-satellite laserlinks at this point
if you look at the latency map I think you can see have some proxy of distance to groundstation as well

>> No.15942295

starlink is shit.

>> No.15942301

Ah yes, good point

>> No.15942302

I once dreamed that I was witness to a Starship launch but it blew up and I was sad. But then another came out to the launch pad, and again blew up, and another and another, and then Elon Musk said to me "We're mass producing these, I can do this all day"

>> No.15942303


>> No.15942310

Density of users is probably negatively correlated with population density (at least to some extent). People in large cities have little need for Starlink since there's so much existing infrastructure.
>doubt there's a lot of Starlink users in the middle of the Amazon
Amazonas has a population of ~4 million. If Starlink is the main internet provider then they'll naturally have more traffic than European countries with much larger populations were only a small portion of the population uses it.

>> No.15942318
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>booster touches down on barge
>powder actuated nailguns in each leg immediately fire and nail the booster down to the barge
>later somebody grinds off the nails with an angle grinder and welds up the holes
you're welcome elon

>> No.15942320
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Starship reaching orbit will mark the beginning of another century of humiliation for china.

>> No.15942326


>> No.15942339

Based, won't sell out SpaceX to stocktards and shady actors

>> No.15942346

Cute and funny

>> No.15942353
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>> No.15942365

>people point out that russia has some exceptionally bad corruption in places the tzar isn’t personally paying attention to
>random vatnigger starts fuming
>people tell him that this is the norm for most post-soviet shitholes
>zigger goes ballistic and starts yelling at clouds that look like ukroids
this is really silly anon, i know you need to get paid but nobody here gives a shit about the war. Please go back.

>> No.15942368 [DELETED] 

Russia winning zzz

>> No.15942393

Eat more lead like all your transsexual friends do faggot. Go suck that jew zelenskys cock more fucking disgusting pigger hohol.

>> No.15942396

I accidentally made the first Krystalpost.

>> No.15942397

Ruined the general.

>> No.15942399


Two more weeks until kyiv.

>> No.15942400

Ruined it by making it better

>> No.15942401

poes law

>> No.15942402

>all spaced exactly 1 minute apart
youre not fooling anybody

>> No.15942405

Can we get back to talking about total pigger death

>> No.15942406

If Russians want the respect of /sfg/ (and they should, because we are very important) then they need to start launching more stuff into space.

It's literally that simple.

>> No.15942407

Your life will be ended intentionally

>> No.15942408

>seething Ruscuck is mad that his shitty country is falling apart and he's gone from a superpower to the laughing stock of the world
So far you've been lucky that they're not drafting fat people with mental retardation, but pretty soon they'll be desperate enough that even you're not safe.

>> No.15942412

All me btw

>> No.15942413

Don't reply to me or my friends ever again.

>> No.15942416

it definitely feels too early to take starlink public. give it a few more years to let it mature first.

>> No.15942418

Absolute truth. I despite both China and the Chinese but I am willing to tolerate them whenever they are launching something into space.

Just build more Angaras and launch things on them. I don't even care what gets launched. Just do it.

>> No.15942422


>> No.15942454

chopsticks lowered and not a single post? what the fuck /sfg/

>> No.15942456

They'd probably try to remove him from leadership positions like with Tesla.

>> No.15942457

What ever happened to H3?

>> No.15942459

Second test launch is planned for no earlier than Febuary 1st

>> No.15942460

Nobody cares

>> No.15942463

Why is this tranny always seething at posts about spaceflight?

>> No.15942469

attention perhaps

>> No.15942479


>> No.15942482

Translation: "not until Starship is routinely flying to mars with people and cargo, now stop asking me this fucking question."

>> No.15942519

Thread is kill

>> No.15942522

ring ring

>> No.15942526

Is it the little birdie?

>> No.15942528


>> No.15942532
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>> No.15942557

I'm the one who asked
>On... the earth?
And I have long since come around to the other anon's way of thinking.

>> No.15942600

Nothing in the history of spaceflight has ever been this embarrassing......

>> No.15942621

>It describes almost every US armored vehicle replacement and warship acquisition project since the Cold War
Sure, but it doesn't describe daily live in America. In Russia you can't even renew your driver's license without going on a wild goose chase across the city greasing dozens of palms.

>> No.15942627
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>> No.15942655

He has said this atleast 50 times now. Either his mind is filled with only surface level goyim thoughts, or only his Twitter page is. Which makes more sense?

>> No.15942656
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IIRC they used to weld the legs onto the deck back in the early days

>> No.15942658

What part of Yurop are you from?

>> No.15942675
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Tired of /sfg/ being dead

>> No.15942686

So why they didn't replace the legs, replacing legs would have been cheaper than now making a new booster.

>> No.15942691

They didnt know it would collapse obviously you fucking nitwit.

>> No.15942698

they couldn't be bothered >>15941763

>> No.15942707


>> No.15942711

>China has any form of success
>Quick! Add something negative to the new!

>> No.15942714

Fuck off dog eating wumao chicom shill. Go jump off the roof of the crumbling child labor factory you work at making shit emoji pillows.

>> No.15942717

China will rule the world.

>> No.15942721
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Can we get some tasteful gook gore? Maybe some escalator grinding up a chinksect?

>> No.15942730

this but /rcg/

>> No.15942745

Go on

>> No.15942756

radio control general
drones and stuff
/diy/ is dead in general too

>> No.15942770

Unfortunate. Are you a refugee or just a multiboard channer.

>> No.15942775

everyone should be multiboard
sitting in a single echo chamber is bad

>> No.15942779

I literally only use 4chan for /sfg/ you cant make me use any other board.

>> No.15942837

Christmas is already gone, no festive Starship launches

>> No.15942848
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>> No.15942861

looks like one of my landings in ksp lol

>> No.15943008

I think its more that he keeps repeating it so the normies see it and it is kept in peoples mind generally
People have short memories

>> No.15943009
