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15915563 No.15915563 [Reply] [Original]

Also we know that certain breeds have different behavior and intellect level. Why when it's about humans we're all the same?

Basically, you might get my misunderstanding. Why black, asian and whie are the same specie or breed but chihuahua and german shepherd are two different breeds

>> No.15915568

you can do voluntary selective breeding, did you know?

>> No.15915582

it wasn't even my question, read using the eyes not something else

>> No.15915602

>Specie or breed
These words are not equivalent, /pol/cel

Also animals are basically toys to us. We don't give a shit about the characteristics that aren't useful to us. If making a cow produce more milk weakens her muscles we donct care because we stuff them immobile is giant warehouses. Whereas if a human gains a second penis but loses 30IQ society is fucked

>> No.15915607

>Why dog selective breeding is good and reasonable but when it's about humans it's not?
violates human rights
if that isn't good enough of an answer for you i vote we start with you and then rescind the proposition
>Why black, asian and whie are the same specie or breed but chihuahua and german shepherd are two different breeds

>> No.15915616

>make a pocket sized dog and mutts lap it up but breed mutts into an obedient brown consumer golem race and suddenly antisemitism is flaring up, what gives?

>> No.15915622

>Why dog selective breeding is good and reasonable but when it's about humans it's not?
I believe anti-eugenics has to do with anti-discrimination and the human right to have children. Dogs don't have human rights but instead are affected by human rights. For example humans can remove a dogs testicles and ability to breed without asking the dog if that's ok, humans have the right to do that. But a human can't abuse a dog otherwise the dog will be relocated to somewhere they're not abused by the authorities, so dogs do have protections in that sense
>Also we know that certain breeds have different behavior and intellect level. Why when it's about humans we're all the same?
There's only one species of dog and there's only one species of human. All dogs can breed with one another and all humans can breed with one another, which is how they're defined as a species

>> No.15915635

>, which is how they're defined as a species
You can't subdivide Caninae with that criteria, most of them can breed and procreate fertile hybrids...

>> No.15915644

I don't know what you mean. A species is defined as things that can breed and create healthy offspring that can themselves breed and so on. Dogs can breed with other dogs

>> No.15915799


>> No.15915807
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dog breeds

>> No.15915810
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>dog breeds

>> No.15915812
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>> No.15915913

oh ok. I was only talking about Canis familiaris (i.e. Dog)

>> No.15915915 [DELETED] 


>> No.15915928

>Why dog selective breeding is good
Please run this by ChatGPT next time and make sure it gives you a proper English sentence instead of such ESL garbage.

>> No.15916259

Leftists don't like it, and ever since the great depression eugnics went out of fasion.

Genetics having an influence on human minds, group traits such as intelligence or conscientiousness with being rich or poor, or the logically sound hypothesis that the dysgenic collapse of complex civilization is a result of a civilization's complexity were all previously culturally accepted or at least discussed from about the 1870s to the 1930s. Or from about when Darwin brought this idea of evolution to the table, and when the great depression made people who once flaunted how much they love eugenics feel a bit silly by investing stupidly.

At least that's want Ed Dutton told me.

>> No.15916276

What a stupid fucking thread. It's not controversial for scientists at all that the distribution of genes affecting the brain is different in different populations. But it is controversial is general society, and the reasons for that are so obvious, that a 12yo child would not bother entertaining the question.

>> No.15916287

Give me a QRD. Skim through just looks like fancy written commie nonsense.
If you want to help the economy out, deregulate everything, and reduce government spending by at least an order of magnitude. Oh and a flat % tax would be nice.

>> No.15917705
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>reeeeeee your dum!!!

>> No.15917715

>Why dog selective breeding is good and reasonable
Dogs are tools. People generally don't want to be treated like tools.

>> No.15918608
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>People generally don't want to be treated like tools.
lol, posting that on a board filled with people that are desperate to become soience wagies

>> No.15918641

Fuck you nazi animals are not toys

>> No.15918700

? woman do selective breeding all the time
latest trends aim at human-ape hybrid

>> No.15918975

You don't have to sell us racism, we are already bought in.

>> No.15920429
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>> No.15920818

>A species is defined as things that can breed and create healthy offspring that can themselves breed and so on
It’s also an outdated definition

>> No.15920821

>Why black, asian and whie are the same specie or breed but chihuahua and german shepherd are two different breeds
Chihuahuas and German shepherds are the same species retard. Breed =/= species, a breed is an artificially evolved subset of a species. There are no breeds of non domesticated species

>> No.15922222

>artificially evolved
here come the anti-human death cultists to once again declare that humans are unnatural

>> No.15922284


>> No.15922422

Can you retards stop flooding this board with these braindead race threads all day every day? You're worse than the IQ tards.

>> No.15922425

People only post these threads because of the one anon who spends his entire day responding to them with salt. If he didn't constantly post then people wouldn't farm (you)s off of him and they would move on to other sources of amusement.

>> No.15923591
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>> No.15923823

the nazis stopped animal testing and instead used what they called "subhumans".
In my opinion its more ethical then using animals that are borne into such a cruel thing only to be killed after being mutilated after god knows how many years of being mutilated

>> No.15925592

test on animals is based, we should have massive chimp ranches devoted to breeding an endless supply of chimps to use in drug trials

>> No.15925598

Those already exist.

>> No.15926838

where are they?

>> No.15926849

Florida mainly.

>> No.15927869

How many chimps does Florida produce annually?

>> No.15928752

emotional reasons

>> No.15929091

Fuck off leftypol faggot. /pol/ website

>> No.15929147
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>Why dog selective breeding is good and reasonable

It's not good nor reasonable. They're tools used for a means to an end like farm animals. Only difference is we decided to make them our right hand pets because they have decent movement, hearing, biting, smelling capabilities but are generally small enough to control by one or two humans if needed to be reigned in. But most dogs cannot survive in the wild properly. So their usefulness and survival is maximize based on their proximity to humans.

Exactly, pic related was breed specifically for sheer entertainment and companionship. And people gave zero fucks about all the unhealthy attributes it inherited through breeding because it was aesthetically cute or funny looking.

>> No.15929151

>dog breeding bad because dey made bad breed DUH

>> No.15929177
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>bad breed
You mean multiple bad breeds you smoothbrain trilobite. Most dogs would and have gotten filtered out by Coyotes. That's pretty much means they are trash from a food chain perspective.

>> No.15929305

I will stop feeding the trolls when the jannies start enforcing the rules. Seems like a fair arrangement to me.
Because it's effortless on my part and makes jannies mad

>> No.15930134

you should just go somewhere else if seeing the content on /sci/ aggravates you so badly

>> No.15930829

I really with the mentally ill savior complex crowd from Reddit would just retreat to one of the many curated and censored safe spaces available to them instead of forcing themselves to look at 4chan. Everyone would be happier that way. It would be a win-win situation, they wouldn't have to see anything that contradicts the MSM propaganda they love so much and we wouldn't have to see any redditiers.

>> No.15930841

>waaahhh people still post actual science contradicting my /pol/tard beliefs waaahhhh why won't they just let me post lies unopposed waahhhh le redditors waahhh
Fuck sake /pol/tards are the most special kind of snowflakes.

>> No.15931899
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>waaaaaaaa /pol/ is out to get me!!!!!

>> No.15932457
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The genetic makeup of a 12-year-old Angolan, boy is now disputed by experts after his deceased mother allegedly told him he is the offspring of a human-chimpanzee love affair, reports the Gazeta Nacional.

The story made national headlines and has unleashed an outpour of generosity towards Augusto Dembo, 12, who now lives with his uncle and aunt in the capital city of Luanda.

Although the young boy has become an instant celebrity, many experts dispute the claim that he is the product of the s*xual intercourse between a human and a chimpanzee.

“S*xual relationships between humans and chimpanzees are fairly common in the region but this is the first time a pregnancy is officially reported, ”Dr. António Mendes of the Hospital Municipal do Luena doubted.

Angola President João Lourenço has already nicknamed the boy the “Angolan Miracle Child” as well as praising the young man as a “National treasure”, “a sign from God” and a “testament to the majesty and greatness of the Republic of Angola.”

This discovery could even challenge the basic foundations of modern science,” has even commented on the current Minister of Science and Technology, Maria Cândida Teixeira.

A spokesperson from the Parc national de Cameia commented on the news by saying that they sincerely regret the loss of Anita Dembo but also condemned “any inappropriate or s*xual acts with any animals in the park.”

>> No.15932459

“Any s*xual interaction between employees or visitors of the park with animals is not encouraged behavior under current park guidelines,” a spokesman for Parc national de Cameia told reporters.

Can humans and chimpanzees mate and have babies? Is cross-breeding humans with animals possible? Will we see hybrid chimp-human babies in the future? Check the video clip above to find out the answer.

As for the child’s mother, Anita Dembo, allegedly entertained an affair with a chimpanzee that endured for many years during her employment at the Parc national de Cameia where she has worked as a conservation officer since 1998.

>> No.15933083

>if a human gains a second penis society is fucked

yeah, well obviously

>> No.15933105

>i vote we start with you
Who are we going to selectively breed him with?

>> No.15933107 [DELETED] 

We should selectively breed Barkun with all the best females since he is clearly the prime genetic.

>> No.15933114

>but when it's about humans it's not?
Humans are already practicing selective breeding.

>> No.15933141
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Breeding Barkun would only make sense if were looking to recreate something like pic related out of humans.

>> No.15933802

>africans are mutually fertile with chimps
>no other races are
how does science explain this?

>> No.15933821

>Why dog selective breeding is good and reasonable
It objectively isn't.

>but when it's about humans it's not?
Humans aren't dog. Are you literally retarded?

>> No.15933825

It isn't let those puppies fly find the impossible dogs of the future

Stop at scooby doo if you went full chewie you went to far

>> No.15934014

It has serious political ramifications. Dog breeding doesn't.

>> No.15934039

Look up what the words "breed" and "species" mean you dumb fucking monkey

>> No.15935134
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>> No.15935697

They don't they just ignored it because failing to ignore the glaringly obvious comes with consequences they don't want to suffer.
Everyone saw what happened to James Watson and nobody wants to end up like him

>> No.15935709

>how does science explain this?

By realizing it's fake shit brought up by a single mother who was desperate not to admit she was a whore who fucked random guys so her family wouldn't beat her to a bloody pulp and disown the kid.

If this shit was actually legit why would China for instance who has it's tendrils in Africa not go public with it? China doesn't give a fuck about morality or keeping the peace. They've already shown to do genetic engineering on their own people. Why hide that knowledge if it was true?

>> No.15935782
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Its not good, so many dogs we consider to be pure such as German Shepards have horrible hip problems that severely harm their quality of life. Other breeds such as Daschusnds, Dalmations and Great Danes also have significant genetic problems on top of general problems with their bodies too from selective breeding.

>> No.15935928

this wouldn’t be a problem if eugenics is carried out by using genetic engineering in a free market. Gene therapies would be chosen by parents based off of how much it improves their child’s life, this naturally selects for useful genetic traits to be enhanced. We get a kind of meta natural selection going on.

>> No.15935969
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>S*xual relationships between humans and chimpanzees are fairly common

>> No.15936668

why do you think africans are so different from other races in appearance and behavior and genetics?

>> No.15937415

cultural reasons, principally their cultural habit of breeding with chimpanzees

>> No.15937490
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Not him but as far as I'm concerned there's little difference.

I don't view races who knowingly throw themselves into $35 Trillion dollars in debt, put themselves in dire dependcy on foreign oil by their religious adversaries or allow feminism to destroy their families and birthrates as any different than Africans engaging in low level tribal relations.

All it tells me is we've been coasting on high level autism until the cost of doing business has ran so high that people can no longer afford it anymore. The only difference is the ornamentation is flashier but the base behavior of making idiotic moves is still there, the need to take without heeding the far flung consequences is still there, the reckless behavior of consuming shit we know little about is still there.

Got lighter skin but have worry about every other product I take in being something onions, fructose or corn related screwing with my health. Got a calmer disposition but will get racked over the coals by some woman in court because she wants half my shit. Got higher IQ but have to deal with being a slave to some conglomerate overlord corporation that keeps merging into an even bigger conglomerate overlord corporation instead.

Still can't visit other planets, still can't figure out what consciousness is. Think we're better than others but still can get our asses kick by some random tick the size of a plant seed with Lyme Disease? Yeah thanks, at least I can talk shit about low IQ Africans on a internet forum board.

>> No.15938621 [DELETED] 

https://www.writingtoiq.com/ says your IQ is 89

>> No.15938668

And yet the US is still $35 Trillion in debt, Europe is still slaves to Arab oil and Feminism has reduce the West's birthrates.

But feel content with your IQ assessment.

>> No.15938673

Whether all dogs can breed between different breeds is irrelevant. The point is there is a clear behavioural and physical distinction between different breeds, just like with different races. We only use different terms of breed and race to distance ourselves from this reality. No one can disprove that different breeds of species will tend towards qualitative differences in behaviour

>> No.15938675

It's because of retarded monkeys like you that are overpopulating our wonderful planet

>> No.15938685

how so?

>> No.15938699

Just because everything is on fire doesn't mean it's the same stuff. The West has decadent civilization in decline problems. Africa has literal monkeys fighting monkey wars problems.

>> No.15938704
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Who said dog breeding is acceptable? I want to laugh at them.

>> No.15938716

The truth is that almost every breed hasnt been created entirely by artificial selection. Dogs are exposed to their environment, creating a non human selective pressure. Even with a combination of traditional artificial selection and natural selection purebred dogs still have higher mortality. You think anything will change when you introduce your meme markets into things?

>> No.15938720
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>guys our fire is different than their fire
>we swear we're still better, see our fire is even more flashier than theirs!

>> No.15939223

>Amerifat: The Post