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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1593752 No.1593752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't believe in muons.
They are simply electrons that have had their mass raised by natural collisions with other electrons that results in a heavier electron.
Muon neutrinos don't exist.


>> No.1593761

do you have any evidence that refutes the conclusions of prior experiments indicating the existence of muons/muon neutrinos?

>> No.1593760
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>> No.1593762

this thread is now about Gabriel LaFreniere's theory

>> No.1593764
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You have no fukcing idea what you are talking about!

Are you aether? A Failure? An engineer? A Faggot?

>> No.1593770

Imagine you are holding two yellow balls of play-do. Imagine that they are travelling about 10% the speed of light. Now smash them together. They are now one big electron. When it decays, it decays into two electrons. Therefore, muons don't exist.

>> No.1593776
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>> No.1593786

>implying electrons are yellow play-do.

>> No.1593790
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>implying electrons have a size, and are not point particles

>> No.1593793

Now this is some trolling I can get behind

>> No.1593814
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>> No.1593822

I don't believe in neutrons
They are simply protons that have had their rank reduced due to natural insubordination.
Neutrinos don't exist.


>> No.1593831
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>> No.1593837

>implying electrons are-

ah fuck it, you're trolling

>> No.1593838
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I don't believe in woman.
They are simply men that have had their chest mass raised by natural collisions, and there wang chopped off.

Woman neutrinos don't exist.

>> No.1593842

electrons don't have a size fucktard
They are point particles, as are quarks.

>> No.1593850


No, two balls of playdoh at .1c are still playdoh after they collide. The resultant glob of playdoh does not "decay" into electrons. Your thought experiment is faulty and does not back your assertions of the non-existence of muons.

>> No.1593883

Things without size don't fucking exist. Show me a point without size. You can't because they don't fucking exist, faggot.

>> No.1593890

Seriously, if you are too stupid to realize that point particles exist, you must be in 5th grade.
Here's an example: a black hole.
Another example: an electron.
Another: a quark
Just read an introductory book on particle physics. Try "The Quantum World" by Kenneth W Ford.

It's easy to understand, you're 12 year old mind wont explode.
Electrons don't have a size. Sorry to tell you what you learned in science last year is wrong.

>> No.1593896
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>Things without size don't fucking exist

LMAO, you mus be a troll or a very dumb engineer (faggot)

>> No.1593898

Sorry, that was directed at

>> No.1593900

ITT: People who mistake their mathematical wet dreams (points) with reality.

There are no size-less things in reality. Your math shit doesn't correspond to reality. Deal with it.

>> No.1593901

But electrons have mass!

>> No.1593914

Quantum mechanics is too hard for you to understand, apparently. Your 6th grade logic is wrong, electrons don't have size. They are infinitely small.
Yes, electrons do have mass. So do black holes. Black holes have no real size, because they are a singularity, yet they have enormous mass.

>> No.1593947

You're the troll. That you mention black holes in support of your case is deeply ironic. We can't say what goes on within the event horizon. You're just speculating.

The mathematics of your little pet theories is confirmed only because it makes predictions. It doesn't imply anything about the true structure of the universe.

Pessimistic meta-induction shows that our current theories are likely wrong still. Not in terms of prediction, but in terms of conceptual foundations.

>> No.1593954

In debates such as these, I like to turn to the definitive, authoritative science resource on the internet.


> A muon is a fundamental constituent of matter. Its properties are similar to those of the more-familiar electron, but it is roughly 206 times more massive. Muons belong to a category of elementary particles known as leptons.
> A muon is a fundamental constituent of matter.

So we see, muons have to be real.

>> No.1593963
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>> No.1593965

I cannot believe that you don't understand point particles. Go fucking read a book for Christs sake. After about three pages of a book on quantum physics, you would realize that you are a dumb shit and that electrons have no size. We have never measured the size of an electron, because you can't. All theories and observations point to it not having a size. FFS get out


read it dipshit.

>> No.1593968


> There are no size-less things in reality.
[citation needed]

But in reality we just don't know whether electrons are really infinitely small. All we really know is that they are point-like as far down as we can measure, and probably point-like as far down as we will ever measure.

>> No.1593969

What's the diameter of a point? Checkmate, delusionalist.

>> No.1593973

>>1593914 Black holes have no real size, because they are a singularity

From the outside they have a Schwartzchild radius, from the inside the math gets... fuzzy.

>> No.1593975

What? I don't know the diameter, because there isn't one. Point particles don't have a size, thus no diameter. Quit talking out of your ass and leave. I will not continue to berate you if you just admit that you done goof'd and that electrons have no size.

>> No.1593978

I don't believe in nines.
They are simply numbers that have had their value raised by natural collisions with other numbers that results in a greater number.
Numbers bigger than eight don't exist.

>> No.1593981


Diameter measures circles which are 2-dimensional. Points are dimensionless, they don't have a shape.

>> No.1593985
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I don't believe in Quarians. They are simply humans that have had their immune systems reduced by natural collisions with other humans that results in three fingered humans.


>> No.1593986

op here
fuck it, im deleting this shit. I thought I troll'd hard, but now the whole thread is everyone trying to teach this dipshit that electrons are point particles.
I have a feeling he is trolling though. If he is, he is trolling hard. Anyways, fuck this shit