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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 606 KB, 821x1116, IMG_3424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15934595 No.15934595 [Reply] [Original]

Static Fire Soon Edition

Previous - >>15931589

>> No.15934609

should be actual thread edition

>> No.15934610
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>> No.15934612

Yeah looks like a B10 static fire today too, its been a Scrubcember but its looking up atleast for Starship

>> No.15934613
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>> No.15934615

Good OP.

>> No.15934618

Wait Berger posted this? Does he post this blog type stuff often?

>> No.15934619
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Blue Origin, Cerberus looking to buy rocket firm United Launch Alliance - WSJ
https://archive (dot) is/20231221144933/https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/blue-origin-cerberus-looking-buy-united-launch-alliance-wsj-2023-12-21/
> Private equity firms have been showing interest in space companies that have exposure to government contracts, a segment dominated by Elon Musk's SpaceX.

>> No.15934623

daily telescope is every day

>> No.15934626
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For the first time, ULA’s Vulcan rocket is fully stacked at Cape Canaveral
> United Launch Alliance's first Vulcan rocket has been fully assembled at Cape Canaveral, Florida, in preparation for its inaugural flight next month.
> This moves the launch company closer to the first flight of Vulcan, the vehicle slated to replace ULA's Atlas V and Delta IV rockets. After some final checkouts and a holiday break, ground crews will transport the Vulcan rocket to its launch pad in preparation for liftoff at 2:18 am ET (07:18 UTC) on January 8.

>> No.15934632
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> Astrobotic's Peregrine lander was recently encapsulated inside the Vulcan rocket's payload fairing.

>> No.15934633

articlenigger once again revealing himself to be the same anime hating german tranny

>> No.15934636
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When are we leaving this planet bros? I'm tired of all the delays, I want to explore the galaxy. What is taking so long?

>> No.15934638

He didnt make this thread. And who said anything about hating anime? Fucking retarded newfag using it as his shield to troll and make horrible threads.

>> No.15934639

kek, didn't make this thread
but yes I am starting to hate the anime posters in /sfg/, though not anime itself

>> No.15934641

kek watch it explode midflight

>> No.15934643

btw you can stay in the other thread if you don't like the articles, post anime, furries, kerbals and whatever the fuck you please

>> No.15934644

Still remember to hit the three little dots on that thread though.

>> No.15934645
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France to establish NewSpace hubs in Denver and Houston
> refer to themselves as France’s NewSpace Musketeers

>> No.15934647

This is actually pretty big, what are the implications for further non-SpaceX spaceflight

>> No.15934649
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It not gonna work is it, Inertia bros...

>> No.15934653

Do frogkeks really? Someone please tell me this is the same company that did Baguette-1

>> No.15934655

Hes a grifter and always has been. Scammed himself to a fucking satellite, I blame the people around him.

>> No.15934658

It will, simply because of how mad it will make people.

>> No.15934659

Whats happening at KSC? I heard something about a launch tower piece getting transferred

>> No.15934664

It's just not been turned on yet anon, it'll work if we all just believe.

>> No.15934666


Kathy Leuders doing a bit of presentation of SpaceX/Starbase/Starship.

>> No.15934670

this is the one where she said Starship will launch Q1 2024 I guess?

>> No.15934675

funny to see how he is going to try to spin it this time

>> No.15934676

No, she has never said anything as such. She says Elon wants December launch, but that may or may not happen because of regulatory issues and other delays that may present challenges.

But who knows, we're already seeing the flight hardware being tested. So we may still have a chance, if regulators clear the ground. If SpaceX is confident that their problems are solved enough that they want to launch the next flight hardware, then it should be given green light. The handling of failure hasnt changed from last flight.

>> No.15934680


Launch pad now cleared for the upcoming booster static fire test

>> No.15934681


>> No.15934684
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this and roads being closed today yet again >>15933851

>> No.15934685

are they actually gonna static fire and not just tank and detank it?

>> No.15934687
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>buys out ULA

>> No.15934688

Launch before Christmas or after Christmas?

>> No.15934689

Definetly after. SF is less assured

>> No.15934690

I doubt its a static fire, maybe spin prime and then static fire quickly after that so I guess it could happen today as well?
its not like either is something unprecedented anymore, should be pretty routine

>> No.15934696

What a B2B static fire of both ships? That is definetly not routine wtf

>> No.15934711

Mars when?

>> No.15934724


>> No.15934734

Current year + 10

>> No.15934736


The three groups trying to buy ULA are;
Blue Origin

>> No.15934739

only one ship, the routine thing here is that the super heavies have been static fired multiple times before
speed might be unprecedented, but not the operation itself

>> No.15934745
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>> No.15934754
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>> No.15934757

Shes purty

>> No.15934758
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>> No.15934761

>space force is 4 years old
how fast time has flown and how little they've accomplished in that time

>> No.15934763

They came from the chair force what do you expect

>> No.15934773

>Blue Origin, Cerberus looking to buy rocket firm United Launch Alliance - WSJ
Absolutely zero surprise there. Bezos is buying ULA because New Glenn is trash.

>> No.15934776

sexy planes

>> No.15934784
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>watch it explode midflight
So long as the first stage can complete its burn, it should be fine. I feel like the BE-4s are the biggest risk, as seeing they have no flight time to see how they can perform. Either way, this launch will be a huge milestone, regardless of what happens.

>> No.15934788
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>> No.15934797

weapons of some sort

>> No.15934798
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>> No.15934802

I think its mostly about the government contracts
also eliminates a competitor
wasn't eliminating competitors something amazon is known to do? fits Bezos' modus operandi

>> No.15934803
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>> No.15934805
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>> No.15934806

whoever buys it, i hope they can help ula innovate

>> No.15934807

It's called quantum inertia because it doesn't provide any inertia if you observe it.

>> No.15934812

B10 LabPadre SF stream started and it sounds like venting has begun on the pad. Whos watching?

>> No.15934813

nice to finally get some action at starbase again, recent threads have been fucking horrible
(no i'm not pro or anti-anime or whatever other faction there might be, i'm tired of /sfg/ being unusable whenever nothing interesting is happening. everyone here is like one of those autistic kids with tourettes who feels compulsed to to obsessively spam shit whenever their zoomzoom brains are not being cradled.)

>> No.15934814
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I am now

>> No.15934816
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>> No.15934820

i heard it the second it started because i had a tab open.

>> No.15934821
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>> No.15934824

>I think its mostly about the government contracts
>also eliminates a competitor
>wasn't eliminating competitors something amazon is known to do? fits Bezos' modus operandi

'Zon would buy up competition, or financially ruin them. But this isn't the Amazon powerhouse vs. competition, this is big-boy territory and Bezos has thrown money at BO for 20+ years without a single orbital launch. There weren't any serious rocket companies for sale in the past, so Bezos did his own thing, which has been a failure so far. That pushed him to weasel his way into ULA and pressure them to sell. Can't make it yourself? Just buy it. But this was one hell of a purchase that I guarantee took years of negotiations to do.
Its no coincidence that Bruno and Bezos started making huge financial deals between BO and ULA within months of Bruno stepping into the CEO spot.
Its not about getting govt. contracts, its about having a rocket that can actually do something.

>> No.15934828

are moon starships going to be just abandoned in some lunar graveyard orbit after each mission?
iirc there are no schemes to refuel and reuse vehicles for multiple missions, not that NASA have the stomach to take the risk anyway without a way of inspecting and making repairs on the vehicle after a trip

>> No.15934830
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>> No.15934832

are they using deluge for this?

>> No.15934833

I can absolutely see Bezos surrounding himself with lawyers and MBAs, driving out the few innovative engineers and making the BO/ULA blob even slower than they are today.

>> No.15934836
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NSF commentated stream

>> No.15934837

suck my dick tranny.

>> No.15934839

If its a full static fire then most likely
also get to test the water deluge system simultaneously

>> No.15934843

We need to advertize /sfg/ on more boards, maybe even on X or Discord. Does anyone have the invite link to /sfg/ Discord? Or the pastebin? Thanks

>> No.15934844

Thomas Pesquet's name floated as a possible non-American participant for Artemis III


>> No.15934846



>> No.15934847

aint no way, hasnt he spent enough time in orbit

>> No.15934848

Fuck off collagefag. Youve done this before and /sfg/ went to shit and the IFT-2 thread was ruined. Im so tired of you. You have caused everything that we are currently going through. This place used to be so much nicer just last year and then you linked us on fucking /pol/ and whatever other god forsaken boards. Now discord too. Im so, so, so tired of you.

>> No.15934849
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where is the pez dispenser doomer now?
what do you have to say for yourself

>> No.15934850

fuck off

>> No.15934851
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>> No.15934853
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I have been advertising on /pol/ and /fit/ for two years now
It's funny when newfags like you get so protective over the shiny new object you foubd

>> No.15934854

artemis 3 crew should be completely international with one american
>american, canadian, european, japanese

>> No.15934857
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>> No.15934860

If its just /pol/ and /fit/ then youre fine. Dont do nigcord or any other boards though.

>> No.15934862

/pol/ is full of retarded schizos

>> No.15934868

> Kathy Lueders said SpaceX is working on paperwork for flight 4, not only flight 3

>> No.15934869

Plenty of room, seem a waste of space.

>> No.15934870

And you think /sfg/ is any better? We have unironic QI drive believers and we atleast used to have spincels and their retarded O'Neill cylinders. They usually stop talking about non-spaceflight politics when they come here anyway if this guy has been advertising us. Just the filter of this being spaceflight means only the actually interested come.

>> No.15934871

That non-American spot should just be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

>> No.15934876

I don’t think lunar orbits offer the stability for any to take the label of graveyard. Mayhaps they hold onto each of the early ones as modules for Gateway..

>> No.15934877

they probably came from /pol/

>> No.15934878

That’s how it already works generally.

>> No.15934879

QI truthers, did you come from /pol/? Same goes for any lurking spinsects.

>> No.15934880

O'Neill cylinders are based

>> No.15934885

Yeah, but I mean none of that gay participation or vague "help with a station module" shit. I'm talking a suitcase full of cash delivered to NASA HQ.

>> No.15934891

t. trump

>> No.15934893

Anyone can park a suitcase with $750k in it on Bezos’s desk today for a ticket into space.

>> No.15934896

Any frost yet?

>> No.15934904

wait didnt they just static fire the ship yesterday?? the fucking TEMPO

>> No.15934908

AND they tested pez dispenser

>> No.15934910

Those sound dampening pads look pretty nice in that blue, although it's also very BO-y colourwise. A hint at the buyer?

>> No.15934912

There would have been more test flights completed this year, but you know, corruption at the highest level of the federal government and shit.

>> No.15934914

Would be pretty funny if there is a succesful flight with Starship before Vulcan

>> No.15934915
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i don't know, don't think so
I'm not watching the stream actively or listening

>> No.15934924

Frost needs to arrive already jeez

>> No.15934938
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Spinstations are too based for /pol/ these days.

>> No.15934941

I liked the last few quiet threads

I wonder if Bruno still has it in him to go full innovation and has only not done it because Boing and Locksneed won't give him the money and leeway or if he's too conservative for that. He did work on the X-33 after all. But with Limp now in at BO I don't think Jeff would put him there and he probably prefers ULA anyways, so if they keep the companies mostly separate I guess Jeff may even prefer him to keep ULA on its proven government launch-getting path, maybe just give him enough money to accelerate SMART and possibly unearth ACES depots?

Fuck offerino, we already have enough retarded cunts here thanks to you, the current state is bad enough. You don't need constant new posts for a good thread, especially if those posts are all terrible.

/pol/ is not fine

Many of those retards are here specifically because this thread was advertised so much on /pol/. To be fair the rest of /sci/ is basically a /pol/ colony nowadays too, but that doesn't mean we need even more of those retards here.


>> No.15934943

Imagine having to buy other companies because you can barely reach orbit.
The absolute state.

>> No.15934952

is it official that jef is buying ULA? Why are the mElon shills out in force?

>> No.15934953

back to /k/ope tranny

>> No.15934954

The X-37B is pretty cool. They just need an armed, manned version with QI OMS for orbital patrol.

>> No.15934955

What about this post indicated hate to Russiaryans?

>> No.15934958

I came from /pol/. I am staying here.

>> No.15934960

anybody who hates /pol/ must be from /k/ in their warped worldview
a tragic case of typical thirdie malnutrition and brain rot

>> No.15934965

Ironically there's a lot of /pol/ /k/ overlap but they can't tell that.

>> No.15934970


>> No.15934975
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Might have something related to spacex, Ark invest released their SpaceX investment thesis about a month ago


>> No.15934977

So's my lager.

>> No.15934979

no it isn't official, they are one of the interested parties/bidders
and after an agreement is made I would think it would need to go through the feds as well, though I don't think a merger/acquisition should be a problem in this case due to SpaceX existing

>> No.15934980

on /pol/ there's a little faggot rivalry between pro-ukraine and pro-russia negroids
on /k/ there's a 100% pro-ukraine sentiment because they're all shill bootlickers or whatever, and their ukraine war threads got sent to /pol/ because they kept posting dead bodies or something

>> No.15934981
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>> No.15934982

whya re these ships so patheically small?

>> No.15934985
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>literally largest rocket on the planet
>so small

>> No.15934986

looks like it's gonna be a spin prime with so little prop

>> No.15934987
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ACES depots are complementary to blorp's plans for a reusable hydrologgs moon lander. That's probably half the reason Bezos wants to eat ULA like an iguana.

/k/ is a blue board with a very old "no politics" rule. Posting gore and screaming about slavwar politics does in fact deserve to get moved to /pol/.

>> No.15934989

I fucking love looking at dead russians
only two more weeks of the three day special military operation or whatever haha

>> No.15934991

yeah but the idea is /k/ is where the trannies supporting ukraine come from and stuck around on /pol/ from, so the consensus over there is that anti-/pol/ whining is /k/ trannies
only two more weeks until the russians run out of missiles, ammo, food, conscripts, tanks, planes, bombs, drones and money

>> No.15934994

I'm predicting two more years of dead russians actually

>> No.15934997

>vatniggers not mentioned
>russia not mentioned
>/k/ not mentioned
>mentally ill zigger still screams into the void regardless
this is why you have been downgraded from your white status.

>> No.15935002

Because they're ships for ants.

>> No.15935003
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>> No.15935007

>brainblasted hohol patrols every board sniffing like a dog for anti-ukroid sentiment
and you call us mentally ill, holy shit do piggers really?

>> No.15935010

completely mind broken

>> No.15935012

they never should have been let back into the great power club after the Russo-Japanese war

>> No.15935015

Ark is such a sick joke lmao. absolutely delusional

>> No.15935019

So why do we think they stopped propellant load? Let's get this head back to space flight.

>> No.15935022

Damn FDR to hell.

>> No.15935023

>completely mindbroken
>after he embarrasingly displayed his hohol PTSD live in the thread
>retard can't understand that most people dislike subhumans and their lackeys
i know this might be upsetting to you. i'm also not a hohol lmao, most white people are not a fan of russia's actions.
all the mudslimes on nu/pol/ however...

>> No.15935025
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Teddy Roosevelt oversaw that one, actually
this description kinda rings some bells lmao

>> No.15935027
File: 3.37 MB, 1280x720, the lunar war.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Although Russia suffered a number of defeats, Emperor Nicholas II remained convinced that Russia could still win if it fought on
>As hope of victory dissipated, he continued the war to preserve the dignity of russia by averting a "humiliating peace"
will they ever learn?

>> No.15935028

>will they ever learn?

>> No.15935032

Is the "they" in this case Ukraine?

>> No.15935036

considering the screenshot was about russia, and russians are the ones repeating all of these exact mistakes, no.
i'm sure ukrainians have made some mistakes here and there, i don't really follow the war, it's just hilarious that russia effectively lost the war against their little brother that was supposed to be some type of disposable buffer zone.
can you fucking imagine the US picking a fight with mexico and struggling to get further than 100 miles?

>> No.15935035
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>> No.15935037

>i don't really follow the war

We can tell.

>> No.15935038

totally mind raped

>> No.15935040

why hasn't the muskrat made spacex build a space station yet?

>> No.15935041

did they stop prop load?

>> No.15935042

Starship is going to function as a Spacestation
so they are building it in fact

>> No.15935043

How frosty are we?

>> No.15935044
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nothing seems to be happening, other than venting

>> No.15935045

jesus christ did you guys really get your panties in a twist because your favourite shithole got embarrassed? i can see why people make fun of you now.

>> No.15935047

Ukraine is far from my favorite shithole.

>> No.15935048

We are laughing at you dear anon.

>> No.15935049

Probably a purge, then. The cryo-lines are presumably out of spec.

>> No.15935051


>> No.15935052

>posted exactly 1 minute apart
lmao, it's THAT bad?
i feel bad for you, please tell me you're at least getting paid for this.

>> No.15935053
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>> No.15935056


>> No.15935058
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anyone watch season 4 of for all mankind?

>> No.15935059

they expanded the tank farm extensivley so this might be just a test of that

>> No.15935060


>> No.15935068

>still no static fire
they're clearly pushing this way too fast. something broke

>> No.15935073
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>> No.15935075

OLM is making weird sounds...

>> No.15935076

some weird noises, purging perhaps

>> No.15935078

This is bad

>> No.15935080

Why are you not working in the spaceflight industry? Also ScamX LOST

>> No.15935081

This is really bad, NSF is stuttering and stammering like lunatics, trying to spin this positively. obvious desperation

>> No.15935085


>> No.15935090


>> No.15935092

When you say something stupid, admit you are a useful idiot and try to damage control after it gets pointed out.

>> No.15935093

this is extremely bad, nsf is shitting themselves

>> No.15935095

Nobody cares what the NSF peanut gallery is doing.

>> No.15935096

C'est fini

>> No.15935099

it proves spacex is dropping the ball big time. read L2

>> No.15935103

Se acabó

>> No.15935104

they will destack the booster ring by ring after this performance. no flight for 3 more months.

>> No.15935107

No thanks.

>> No.15935109

Holy shit starbase just exploded

>> No.15935111
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>> No.15935118

yeah, i don't know why pro-russians keep doing that, it's not a good look. they sound so needy

>> No.15935123

While you are correct about vatniks they are not who we are talking about.

>> No.15935127

Tanks are depressing. Things are fine.

>> No.15935128

A lot of sus venting sounds.

>> No.15935132

If BO can develop the BE-4, why wouldn't they be able to develop a launcher that uses it?

>> No.15935133

>3 months away
Fuck, this is gonna be a new theme

>> No.15935138

Is it OFT or IFT? I keep seeing people use both.

>> No.15935139

OFT according to the FAA, FCC, and SpaceX

>> No.15935145

i am depressing :(

>> No.15935147

Nope SpaceX says Integrated Flight Test so its IFT fuck off nigger. Its not even fucking orbital

>> No.15935162
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>Its not even fucking orbital

>> No.15935167

You forgot to click on the thumbnail, you fucking retard.

>> No.15935169

QRD? Whats the problem with using a blackbox to convert energy with 100% efficiency into kinetic energy on your spaceship?

>> No.15935173
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Did we ever figure out if this was Artemis 2 or 3?

>> No.15935175

10min until this is supposed to start

>> No.15935177

*rigs your election*

>> No.15935183

You're a lying sack of shit nigger tranny retard

>> No.15935189
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its live

>> No.15935191

>AI space
Hard pass.

>> No.15935193
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>> No.15935216

>tell us about the future Elon
>sure I can tell you what we're doing at SpaceX and Tesla
>no no, let's talk about shitter
fuck I hate journalists

>> No.15935217

>It's just not been turned on yet
quick! beam it pictures of Krystal!

>> No.15935219

Am i the only one who's waiting for the dream chaser tenacitty test? The previous tests with the prototypes went smoothly.

>> No.15935220


>> No.15935221

dreamchaser is pure kino. I can't wait for it to outperform dragon

>> No.15935227

these aren't journalists, they are analysts in ARK invest
they have ETFs for instance

>> No.15935231

It already does, in how much more it costs.

>> No.15935235

I hope he hits her with an autistic power move: "What's your opinion about [some stupid garbage]?" "I don't care about that"
And then he keeps saying the same thing in response to each question until she's forced to cry and give up or ask an interesting question.

>> No.15935254

No matter how much one hates them, it isn't enough

>> No.15935261

been pretty boring up to now, nothing new I think

>> No.15935275

It's already been 8 years bros. I remember showing my dad the first grasshopper test on the big screen in the living room back in high school

>> No.15935283



>> No.15935294

every time the same questions and answers, I expected much more from ARK invest

>> No.15935296

now talking about laws on the moon and mars

>> No.15935297

why did jeff bezos voice go an octave lower from when he was younger?

>> No.15935298

musk: a self sustaining city on mars will achieve autonomy

>> No.15935299

anabolic steroids have lowered his voice

>> No.15935301

getting older, ingesting a daily rich-douche hormone/drug cocktail for the last ~5-10 years, smoking, faking it to sound cool lmao, etc

>> No.15935303

musk: starlink is enough to get funding for mars, don't need revenues from point-to-point travel

>> No.15935307

Hes right you know.

>> No.15935309
File: 82 KB, 1600x900, GB6NKr_bsAAq1p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15935311

based. put it all on black

>> No.15935314

they might do point to point anyway, its just its not necessary
and in any case, how big would the market for point-to-point even be?
there are a number of supersonic plane startups that would fly most of the same routes, intracontintental point-to-point doesn't really make sense

>> No.15935316

>don't need revenues from point-to-point travel
Isn't that obvious when they themselves don't know if point to point will ever be profitable?

>> No.15935318


>> No.15935321

point to point was always a hail mary application of starship. it wont happen primarily because regulators wont allow constant sonic booms over populated areas

>> No.15935325
File: 427 KB, 1079x659, Screenshot_20231213_230526_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>political chud
>middle aged white dude with combover
>no one believes him, fighting uphill battle against judenphysik university commisars for over a decade


>dark matter jew trannies

This is how you know he's right, going to wipe the floor with dark matter bullshit to the screams of ten thousand trannies. His xeeter has some good stuff on it too, picrel.

>> No.15935331

So SpaceX is planning 144 launches in 2024

+ Rocket labs manifest of 20 or so
+ maybe 1 or two for blue origin
1 or two for ABL and firefly
2-4 for ULA
+5 starships


Is 180 USA rocket launches possible in 2024?

>> No.15935333

women will ignore this.

>> No.15935335
File: 274 KB, 1600x1000, IMG_1147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this from?
Is the guy on the right our boy Kim?

>> No.15935336

China seems to launch quite often

>> No.15935346

china is very strong.

>> No.15935357

Kys chinkcel god I fucking hate you wumao chicom scum. Hows that tiny chinese pecker feeling?

>> No.15935358

it won't happen for better reasons than regulation. It was only ever economically viable in Elon's imaginary land where everything is streamlined down to the complete bare minimum, but in reality there's no market for it.

>> No.15935361

that was sarcasm, anon...

>> No.15935365

Niggook trying to hide the truth, go fuck yourself since clearly you cant fuck women with that TCP of yours.

>> No.15935369

You a fucking nigger tranny jew retard troony woony poopy NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER FUCK YOU

>> No.15935370

China is extremely strong

>> No.15935373
File: 106 KB, 1266x852, Gas_Core_NTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple of questions.
1. Is that old science fiction trope of dropships that can take off from the ground, go into space, return to the ground and take off again repeatedly without fancy things like booster rockets possible?
2. Is the nuclear lightbulb/gas core NTR a viable technology for engines? And could that allow for those aforementioned dropships?

>> No.15935376

It might happen eventually if there's enough demand and enough used starships sitting around.

>> No.15935380

A reusable NTR shuttle from orbit to ground could work for Mars, liquified CO2 would be just about good enough for relaunching an empty rocket from the surface back into orbit, but it could take months to condense that much atmosphere.

>> No.15935381

I hate black people

>> No.15935382

Berger's secret defense contractor bidder is Textron? What do they even do beyond Cessna?
Jesus it's actually go to BO isn't it?

>> No.15935386

>months to condense*
*That is if you're using on-board power to run the compressor. If you have a ground station then the sky is the limit lol.

>> No.15935389

Textron also owns bell helicopter, which has large military contracts, they were also involved in the next generation rifle competition that went nowhere. They also produce 4x4 cart things a type of which is used by the marines.

>> No.15935401

Probably not. ULA is going to have at least six launches next year (Peregrine, SNC-1 on Vulcan, NROL-70 on Delta IV, ViaSat-3, USSF-51, CFT-1 on Atlas V). Rocket Lab has 14 launches penciled in for 2024 and Firefly has five, but I don't think either of them are going to get all of those off the pad. After that it's just incidentals like a New Glenn test flight or Northrop deciding that a Minotaur still needs to get launched from Vandenberg once in a while.

The only real way we could get to 180 is if SpaceX, Rocket Lab, and Firefly all clear 100% of their proposed manifest and ULA pulls at least four unannounced launches out of Tory Bruno's hat on top of that.

>> No.15935403
File: 173 KB, 2000x1334, 1685719285927992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nasa astronauts testing out spacex's prototype hls elevator while wearing axiom's prototype lunar suits

>> No.15935406

It's a photo-op but thats fine.

>> No.15935409

See >>15935369

>> No.15935429

Based. The Egyptian vases are really weird tho.

>> No.15935432 [DELETED] 

The fact that they have millions of precision lathe-turned granite vases in the oldest archaeological layer is the most unexplained thing about Egypt.

>> No.15935445


>> No.15935446
File: 46 KB, 1063x544, EM0Yq8aXUAElS86.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whew, good thing I didn't put it all on 00

>> No.15935452

>wipe the floor with dark matter bullshit
Friendly reminder that QI is already ruled out by the wide binaries.


And in terms of competing with dark matter QI is still basically just copy-pasted from MOND, which after 40 years has stagnated. While it matches galaxy dynamics on some scales it fails completely on larger scales for clusters and cosmology, QI has no fix for that other than handwaving. The only part Mike changed was dropping the external field effect, which turns out is actually needed.

>> No.15935462

>Rocket Lab says it has signed a contract with an unspecified "United States government customer" to build and operate 18 spacecraft. Total contract value, including options, of $515 million.

>> No.15935464

spacecraft in this context means satellite I think

>> No.15935466

thread splitter faggot tries to split the thread, then when nobody posts in his shitty fake thread he comes into the real thread and spews his political bullshit everywhere; many such cases. can we get a mod in here to delete half the thread?
users cross-boarding between /sci/ and /pol/ should be a permaban offense - you pick one of the two and stay there forever

For some reason I doubt rocketlab's cadence more than anything else in that list. I just have a feeling something is going to go wrong for them in the next year or so
>NGSW-R that went nowhere

>> No.15935471

thunderfoot told me an elevator wouldn't work on the moon so what system will they actually use?

>> No.15935473
File: 837 KB, 2100x1500, 1751CC07-3EC1-4987-A006-A6D112664F22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were also involved in the next generation rifle competition that went nowhere

What are you talking about, soldiers are already fielding the XM7.

SIG won because Textron fucked up despite NGSW being handed to them on a silver platter.

>> No.15935480

he said that? kek

>> No.15935481

fish and wildlife service no doubt since they'll want a closer eye on spacex

>> No.15935486

NTA but there's always the possibility that the schizodrive actually works but for completely unknown reasons
and the odds of QI working are still higher than oldspace ever actually getting around to nuclear thermal and I'm really just desperate for any kind of propulsion other than chemical rocketry and ion drives
at 1/6th earth gravity couldn't they just drop down
why the hell are we putting basketball americans on the moon, if not for their jumping abilities

>> No.15935491

Im a /pol/ import from 2 years ago and choosing /sci/ actually was the best thing that happened to me.

>> No.15935496

To be clear I have literally only used /sci/ for those 2 years and my life is genuinely better because I dont participate in politichud stuff now.

>> No.15935501

>forward assist is gone.
The end of an era.

>> No.15935503
File: 716 KB, 497x621, GB6qhKja8AAfg5X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935506

Wow this was the first AI image of E that wasnt completely obvious it was AI. Theyre getting good with face details but the landscape is off.

>> No.15935512

>@elonmusk in 2032 approaching the ancient Martian structures in the Tharsis region discovered by NASA Astronaut Jonny Kim & Nicole Mann. With CRISPR gene editing he is able to breathe oxygen through implants. (Generated with MJ v6, edited with @dingboard_ )
Breathtakingly retarded, good God

>> No.15935514

does SpaceX have some signature colors? Like Tesla has red

>> No.15935516
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, MARS_KING_ELON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the woke libtards of silicon valley have erased him from their training sets and block prompts about him. they are trying to avoid exactly this kind of idolization of a great king

>> No.15935518
File: 57 KB, 653x586, 008539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935519
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>> No.15935520
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>> No.15935524
File: 146 KB, 800x576, starlink_noaudio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935550
File: 136 KB, 806x971, bezos_space_pirate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to come here regularly two years ago, then stopped. I wonder what changed...

>> No.15935552

personally, it's because I have a job. I still come here, but I can only do so after my 10hrs at work. So I can't really reply to stuff live.

>> No.15935553
File: 34 KB, 640x349, starlink btfo everyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935560

Not him but same. I dunno if its because I only skim read these threads now instead of refreshing them all day as a NEET, but I feel like quality has dropped off.

>> No.15935563

less actual discussion than before, not sure how you would objectively measure that though

>> No.15935564

Ever since Musk won the private space race it's been a lot of seething and spamming about him.

>> No.15935572

next year should be pretty interesting with starship and all the newspace companies launching something perhaps, commercial lunar landings, chinese companies starting to test new rockets more
polaris mission

>> No.15935574
File: 252 KB, 1538x2048, GB7DPmBasAAIA3X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 8 years ago today, December 21st 2015, we landed the first Falcon booster back on land!!! Because of this so many years ago, we have been inspired to believe that the ‘impossible’ is not so impossible anymore, which has changed everything. I am so incredibly proud of our Falcon team and all of our accomplishments as a team!

>> No.15935575

What do we think of naming the NYE /sfg/ 'New Years Special' instead of 'New Years Edition'? Just the NYE one

>> No.15935576

Wont do it if majority of people dont want it/dont reply.

>> No.15935579
File: 318 KB, 1611x906, 1682021125124596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Astra succeed with Rocket 4.

>> No.15935581

It'll be nice to see Blue Origin try to put together a complete New Glenn. Firefly will hit something like an operational launch cadence, and Rocket Lab will probably try reusing a full booster. About half of the Chinese independents are planning to start testing their Falcon 9 clones.

I know that they're run by an actual crazy person but I want to see this too.

>> No.15935583

always forget jessie is a veteran spacexer

>> No.15935586

Would be neat but I'm pretty sure they simply don't have the money and won't be getting it with so many better options to invest in

>> No.15935587
File: 3.86 MB, 650x850, 1703210347187451.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon musk be continuously fat shamed until he's no longer obese.

>> No.15935590

>If BO can develop the BE-4, why wouldn't they be able to develop a launcher that uses it?
I think the big hurdle we're all waiting for is the Vulcan launch to see if the engines can even fly. They have full flight duration burns in the books, but that's always on the ground. Things change when you're flying to orbit. Not to mention that one of the BE-4 engines sent to ULA had to be returned to BO and get repaired because their QC blows.
Can BO make a rocket if they can make an engine? Sure, but New Glenn is 10 fold more complex than New Shepard. Last I checked, NG isn't anything special.

>> No.15935593


>> No.15935600


>> No.15935603

I never paid much attention to this webm, but now when I look a bit closer, she kind of looks like Elon.

>> No.15935604


>> No.15935608

Is this not a deepfake? Thought someone just put Elon's face on her.

>> No.15935609
File: 58 KB, 202x246, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935611
File: 129 KB, 597x255, 1702482544930858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935614

Of course its a deepfake you fucking retard

>> No.15935625

there's also the issue of reuse, SMART reuse a la vulcan could actually be easier than retropropulsive landing. SpaceX had numerous Falcon 9 landing failures before they nailed down success and many of those losses were from engine relight troubles, but SpaceX stuck through it. BO might not have the leadership confidence and basically just the stubbornness to accept multiple consecutive failures without giving up on the idea. Certainly if SpaceX hadn't done it first, then BO absolutely would give up before getting it right.

We don't know much of anything about BE-4 reliability and the scant public knowledge doesn't look great, but you can bet midair relight will be 10x less reliable. If they give up on new glenn reuse then vulcan is actually the better rocket, since a C6 (6 solids) vulcan can do at least 10% more payload to GEO and TLI than an expended new glenn, while also only using two BE-4's vs NG's seven. on a mass-to-LEO vs BE-4s expended, a C2 vulcan gets better payload to anywhere, including LEO, than NG. NG is literally complete trash without reuse, whereas falcon 9 makes at least some sense even as a 100% expendable rocket.

>> No.15935633


> We could have very easily lost the booster today if not for some quick action. These observations were pieced together from many different sources and observations from the testing event. Cause of the connection break is currently unknown as far as I know

>> No.15935636 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 761x967, large.gallery_8883_147_278210.jpg.bc85059f5697a31de712c814d0ac97fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm in

>> No.15935638
File: 7 KB, 492x101, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm in

>> No.15935639

so does this guy actually work for SpaceX? he's got an interesting claim that booster 9 didn't actually activate the AFTS, it was an overpressure in the LOx tank and downcomer rupture that ultimately destroyed B9

>> No.15935641

Isnt she gay or something

>> No.15935642

>Additionally the autogen lines remaining open caused the tanks to be pressurized well past flight levels, almost 8 bar (flight levels are ~5.5 bar)
Not bad on that safety margin

>> No.15935645

If this guy actually works for spacex will he have a job tomorrow do you think? Usually you can't go talking about stuff like this openly online.

>> No.15935646

No but some people claim he has access to insider information
If that is the case it seems weird to me he could be posting for this long without getting shut down one way or another (itar stuff for instance)

>> No.15935650

>it was an overpressure in the LOx tank and downcomer rupture that ultimately destroyed B9
Reminder that this was never confirmed. Water hammer is a meme

>> No.15935652

Its not verified and the real account doesnt even have a flag next to it what shit are you trying to pull here fag.

>> No.15935653


>> No.15935655

Post a gif with text nigger

>> No.15935657
File: 35 KB, 602x227, R0ExWOZ7VvKMUoMD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935662

Youre pulling out the newfag filter? On me??

>> No.15935671

>I have to make this clear, I do not work for SpaceX

Third hand info or larp.

>> No.15935681

Midjourney v6 dropped today. Basically, it can render anyone that currently exists in exact detail to any ridiculous setting in pixel perfect accuracy.

>> No.15935698

Assuming a $110/mo even average (balancing between maritime/commercial and third world), you get:

2,300,000 x 110 = $253,000,000 per month in revenue. Multiply that by 12 and you get: $3,036,000,000. These numbers will keep going up in 2024, but you can half that towards June 2024 and can consider that guaranteed income. So, realistically, they'll have generated $1.52Bn in revenue by mid year next and a full, minimum, 3.04Bn by year's end.

They're making what? A satellite at ~$250k per? And have currently 5,186 in orbit. So that's $1.3Bn in manufacturing cost + let's say an even $20m per launch to put them up, divided by a fleet of around 18 F9 cores in the fleet, gets you to $360M to put up 954 satellites at an average of 53 satellites per launch. So 5,186 / 954 gets you 5.436. Multiply that into $360M and you get: $1.956Bn in total cost of putting up their entire network thus far.

Then, let's assume double that for cost of making the dishes + the Ukraine overhead cost + free service + dealing with Russia trying to hack and take down their network, and we can napkin math that they've probably spent approximately $3.913Bn in total to put up their network so far. So by end of next year, they'll be 873M in the red for the total cost invested up to 2023 end. Accounting for subscriber growth, network growth, and continued F9 deployment only (Starship + 7 meter v2s not counted), they'll make enough in revenue by 2025 end, to break even across all investment into network growth and upkeep. By 2025 end, is also the contractual deadline for HLS landing on Moon uncrewed and crewed, even assuming only uncrewed is achieved, that means sufficient infrastructure is in place that Starship + cargo to LEO is flying regularly to allow them to deploy 7 meter V2s into orbit at ~50 satellites per launch cadence. Since they double the bandwidth per satellite, bandwidth goes vertical.

End of 2026, they'll post ~$1-2Bn in profit likely & it'll exponentially grow from there.

>> No.15935704

The chef's face is also Elon.

>> No.15935706

went through some of her follows and saw: Gwynne_Shotwell 0 Posts 1 follow (Elon)

>> No.15935713

Honestly, what's most interesting about his entire sequence of posts, is that the booster handled nearly 8 bar of overpressure just fine. Flight is rated at 5.5 bar, what's human safety factor again? 6.5 bar? And pressure differential is exponential with each step difference? That sounds like the booster is still an absolute beast, even beyond IFT1.

>> No.15935725


Has this been posted yet?

>> No.15935726

they actually put a pic too

>> No.15935729

That guitar riff with that synth loop is iconic to SpaceX's sound. I love it.

>> No.15935766

they're still massively overbuilding everything. the steel they're using for the tanks is 40% thicker than the final design intent, and most other components are similarly excessive

>> No.15935768

move fast break fast chuds

>> No.15935774

Rope now troon go dilate that shit stinking axewound of yours.

>> No.15935775

250+ launches

Shits insane.

>> No.15935776
File: 1.28 MB, 3840x2160, Dres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Val on top of this massive rog I found while she does the s o y jak face

>> No.15935778

>posted 5 min ago
I'll have the eggs and bacon, hope I'm not too late

>> No.15935783
File: 216 KB, 1465x903, sop-us-launchers-launches-as-of-2023-12-08 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zapatatalksnasa is a good website for graphs

>> No.15935787
File: 27 KB, 604x316, cheeky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15935795

>schizo babble
take your meds

>> No.15935796

>verification not required

>> No.15935802

Total made up LARP lmfao

>> No.15935804

New Glenn? Neutron? Vulcan?

>> No.15935805

Falcon 9.

>> No.15935806

haa what been posted?

>> No.15935808

Buy L2 and maybe fucking read it?

>> No.15935809

F9 ofc

>> No.15935810

Oink oink pigger, NSF needs those 500 gifted subs and $250 donation to say hi. Go pay for that L2 and shill for them more.

>> No.15935812

And you keep bitching and moaning poor fag

>> No.15935813

I fucking hate vatniggers and their vodka rockets

>> No.15935815

Wheres your Starship torch if youre calling me a poorfag huh?

>> No.15935820

>NTA but there's always the possibility that the schizodrive actually works but for completely unknown reasons
>aliens with their cloaking tech get out and push it just to fuck with us

>> No.15935823


>> No.15935825

Buying SpaceX merch is stolen vanity. You're not an employee you're a just a pathetic faggot with the brain of a child

>> No.15935826

You really think you're rich because you can afford to spend 200 bucks on an overpriced chink toy?

>> No.15935828

>one minute apart

>> No.15935829

Relax you're acting like a nigger. It's embarrassing

>> No.15935831

So did you or did you not buy a toy? And you're HOW old? I hope it's at least going up your ass, adult toy situation lol xD

>> No.15935832

>lol xD
>on 4chan

>> No.15935835
File: 233 KB, 1366x2048, GB7_AkIWkAAMFBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship Flight 3 static fire test

>> No.15935836
File: 47 KB, 1706x1717, Ef1Y-f_XkAIrfuE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Orbital Flight 3

>> No.15935838

You just keep getting pwnd over and over. You're flailing like a youtube atheist who pivots to SJW bashing. Pro tip- yelling and screaming isnt content. Not on youtube, and certainly not here

>> No.15935859
File: 854 KB, 750x977, bezosfeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What was that about not getting to orbit, Mr. Musk?"

>> No.15935863

That's also third party speculation though, so who knows how accurate that is.

>> No.15935867

QI obviates the need for spinning.

>> No.15935900

brutal mogging

>> No.15935906

Very yiddish post

>> No.15935912


>> No.15935927

I wonder, what did conor Walton mean by this image? was it ironic or unironic?

>> No.15935933

why doesn't gwyne follow the company she's ceo of?.

>> No.15935948
File: 177 KB, 1170x839, F1BckcBX0A85_X-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15935953

thanks for the analysis, nice to see spacex isn’t entirely state funded

>> No.15935960

At least half of their non-Starlink launch business has been commercial in nature.

>> No.15935972

QI = gravity control

>> No.15935980

>the flood
sea level has raised 100 meters since the last ice age. All of those anomalies are pretty mundane or wishful thinking

>> No.15935983

>why the hell are we putting basketball americans on the moon, if not for their jumping abilities


>> No.15935985

>ACCOUNT deleted
Holy shit

>> No.15935987
File: 18 KB, 750x536, 1675878595043287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it real

>> No.15935991

>This Employment No Longer Exists
Don't talk shit about your company on the site owned by your boss.

>> No.15935995

what if all the regulators were assassinated? We might get a free market then

>> No.15935998

governments will not be happy to allow that. He needs to make sure the colony is well armed

>> No.15936003
File: 325 KB, 1672x1156, The ride is starting!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that by shipping Starlink off warzones, the government has confirmed Martian soverignity.

>> No.15936006


>> No.15936007

He might have done it himself to try to legitimize the speculation
Who knows
He talked about accessing some legacy system or something so idk if there was something akin to hacking (or similar) going on

>> No.15936015


> A curious ESA concept for a lunar base, constructed inside a crater that's filled in to create a shielded platform.

>> No.15936018
File: 494 KB, 731x583, bepis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space bepis

>> No.15936019


>> No.15936032

Hey what happened to that japanese moon lander? Has it gotten to the moon yet?

>> No.15936038


>> No.15936048

How much oxygen does the submersible have left?

>> No.15936054

SLIM? It’s still got like a month or two, it’s taking the long way to the moon

>> No.15936055
File: 1.40 MB, 1800x2635, space_noguchi_workout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains a lot. This place went quickly downhill around 2 years ago, and this explains it.
Just another cool 4chan space ruined by /pol/ fags and trump cock sucks.

>> No.15936057

Also IMAGINE MY SHOCK when the /pol/ advertisers is the same anon obsessed with some random NASA worker because she's a woman. You can just tell he reeks of virgin.

>> No.15936058

>JAXA's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission to collect samples from Phobos has been bumped to financial year 2026. It was scheduled to launch in September 2024, but issues with the new H3 rocket-- which failed on its first flight earlier this year--have brought the delay.
For fuck's sake

>> No.15936089
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>> No.15936109

He said himself he wasn't a SpaceX employee

>> No.15936128

If I were to do this I'd probably put monthly average closer to $90 or so due to all the balancing they do in the first world as well, and also put the sat cost higher to stay conservative (also we have no clue for V2 mini and they only launch ~20/launch of them and laser links probably made sats quite a bit more expensive, also "the satellites cost more than the rocket" or what it was so I usually start out with $50-60 million/launch for the early ones). Also IIRC the first dish contract alone was >$2 billion, those things started out expensive as fuck and are you even considering running costs and ground infrastructure?
>it'll exponentially grow from there
heh. sure, maybe for a bit, but how long? That graph might already be hinting at a slowing although that's probably because of the bottlenecks without proper V2
Still, always fun to run these numbers. Back in the day I estimated that profit could start being in sight around 2-3 million subscribers and that's the point they are at now.

Is he alone in the plane or what? Doubt this will last long once people catch on and everyone tries to watch Netflix, but still great to see.

>> No.15936130

lel, Ctrl+S working on spoilerless boards never fails to fuck me up

>> No.15936135

I think its the plane Wifi using a dish (or multiple) integrated into the plane

>> No.15936138

nope its a larper who has been seriously wrong before

>> No.15936141

>i havent seen it done before so it cant work
this is going to everyone who keep saying faster than light travel is impossible

>> No.15936148

ESA should be blacklisted

>> No.15936150


>> No.15936153

Based and on topic

>> No.15936156

>fills will regolith
Yeah, I can totally see a giant excavator working on the moon.
Fucking scammers.

>> No.15936162
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>> No.15936167

Why not? It's just a big shovel.

>> No.15936171

number of outbound links, number of posts mentioning a few choice keywords, posts per thread, IPs per thread, posts per hour, IPs per hour, images per hour, shitpost percentage, on topic percentage, namefag percentage, shitposter engagement

It would probably be pretty easy to measure aliveness, faggotry, happeningness, etc. using some combination of the above taken as indexes against the historical averages over suitable periods

>> No.15936174

the excavator is real. You've seen it down at michoud. we're building the bucket. we have all the treads done, ready to be put on the test stand at stennis... I don't see any hardware for a big shovel. except that it's going to take 3 shovels and put them together and that becomes the big shovel. it's not that easy in regolith movery

>> No.15936175

>retard joke non understander
Not that poster, but you sure are fucking dumb, nigger

>> No.15936176

time to put on my schizo (tin-foil) hat: hyperloop was a business ploy to justify indefinitely halting California's high speed rail development so that it wouldn't hurt Tesla sales

Cali's HSR was a delayed and overbudget train wreck with no trains that most people hated, but without an alternative the state was just going to trundle along with it, but then musk comes along and proposes a cheaper and faster alternative (and this was at the same point in time that elon was actually popular, there was high confidence in him due to the success of spacex and tesla being the first new automaker to challenge the big 3, he was le heckin real life iron man). the promise of hyperloop was enough of a push for the public opinion to turn fully against the state, and force cali to actually permanently give up on HSR

it's a very big hat, you could even see it from space

>> No.15936178

>skinny body
>face still fat
total headbaggerchad victory

>> No.15936179

Unfortunately the power vacuum and existence of many graspers, climbers and sociopaths means they would be replaced before the cessation of life saving measures

>> No.15936181

It's okay there's lots of bullets

>> No.15936201

>the faggotry index is getting too high

>> No.15936203

hasn't it been just mismanaged?

>> No.15936216
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>> No.15936220

Firefly stream is live!

Also, any news about Starlink 6-32? Everything I've seen says it's tonight at 11pm, but they all say "To Be Confirmed."

>> No.15936225

Kek that echo on that one go

Musk has said as much, not explicitly of course so it's still tinfoil but his statements on the matter can easily be interpreted in exactly that way. His burning hatred for public transport definitely aligns very well with Tesla's need to sell cars.
Although apparently high speed rail is making a bit of a comeback? Who knows where that'll go though.

>> No.15936227
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Clear Live!

Official Firefly Stream

>> No.15936228
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>> No.15936230


official stream here, previous one was NSF which I didn't notice
NSF has more watchers lmao

>> No.15936231

Clear live

>> No.15936233
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oh it looks like NSF are the official hosts?

>> No.15936239

SpaceX is aiming to capture around 2-3% of the global subscriber base for ISP. So, the runway is about 200M people. They're 1% of the way there effective. With Starship and full V2 deployment, if they achieve even 25% of that, so 50M subscribers worldwide. With an average of $90/mo, that's $4.5Bn in revenue per month and around $54Bn annually. I would expect by 2040 this may be achieved and will likely cost around $5-10Bn annually to maintain between managing satellites, launching new ones to replace, and upkeep of network + being a corporation. I expect that Starlink will be spun off eventually, but that SpaceX will likely accumulate anywhere from a $20-30Bn cash buffer (similar to Tesla currently) before this happens, so that they have a decade long cash burn safety margin in the event of a black swan event, where they can persist and keep their pace of innovation independent of external factors.

>> No.15936242

what about lolis?

>> No.15936246
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go for launch

>> No.15936247

Something about lolis on the engines, idk

>> No.15936248
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>> No.15936249

Holy shit. This thing is going to have massive TWR at the end of the stage

>> No.15936251


>> No.15936252


>> No.15936253

did they just show the payload?

>> No.15936254

How so?

>> No.15936256


>> No.15936257
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>> No.15936258

this feed fucking sucks

>> No.15936261
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stage separation

>> No.15936263
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whose payload was this?

>> No.15936264
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another one

>> No.15936265


>> No.15936267


>> No.15936270

nominal transfer orbit achieved

>> No.15936273

The booster looked like overkill, but the 2nd stage seems to be lofting a la Centaur.

>> No.15936274
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for the first time in forever there are fewer launches planned for the upcoming year than the previous year

>> No.15936275

Minecraft reference? omgggg

>> No.15936283

Does that include any Starlink launches? Since they are done fully inhouse there isn't a long trail of paper from giving contracts to satellite manufacturers and launch services.

>> No.15936286

probably. i think its wrong though since we're probably going to go beyond 250 launches.

>> No.15936290

Söyface for us NOW!!

>> No.15936295
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That's a pretty good idea. Strip mine around the site to some depth and move everything down the hole. It's also how many bunkers are constructed in real life, after all.

>> No.15936297

cars are still on the road doe albeit

>> No.15936318
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this is what space shuttle looks like when flies to space station
musk wishes he could be this cool

>> No.15936321
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>> No.15936325
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>> No.15936326

increasing text length was a mistake

>> No.15936327

your car isnt orbiting mars retard

>> No.15936331


>> No.15936338

how dark is night on the moon?
at least on the earth facing side it should be way brighter than full moon from earth right? because earth facing lunar night coincides with a mostly full earth and earth is bigger in the moon's sky and has a much higher albedo. or does the dark surface and lack of atmosphere make it dark anyway?

>> No.15936356

posted a few hours ago

>> No.15936365

Fireflybros... where's the circulation burn?

>> No.15936373

SpaceX Starlink Brilliant Pebbles intercepted it. Nothing gets into space without their approval.

>> No.15936377
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new video on the design of the space shuttle orbiter

>> No.15936389

It only includes launches that have info, probably plenty of starlink and chinese launches that aren't there, and that's a big portion of the total. We will set a record again next year unless there's a falcon 9 failure.

>> No.15936390
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Read a book, nigga

>> No.15936403

Rocket Lab won a 500mil dollar contract to build 18 space vehicles for the US gov. Any idea on what those might be?

>> No.15936409

Kill yourself nigger lover

>> No.15936416
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> Booster 10 Second Static Fire Attempt

>> No.15936423

it's over

>> No.15936443

I wish Mae Jemison was real

>> No.15936451

actually built for bbc

>> No.15936454

i feel pretty bad for the people working in russian spaceflight. must be depressing to know thing will only get worse in the future.

>> No.15936479

>newfag filter

>> No.15936502

A fucking book, nigga

>> No.15936517

Not a sports page, not a magazine

>> No.15936527

>Two objects cataloged by Space Force in 215 x 523 km x 140.0 deg orbit. If this is the LM satellite and the Firefly second stage, it may suggest the second stage restart was not successful.
Not even the first time this has happened

>> No.15936532


>> No.15936537

spacexbros we cant stop winning

>> No.15936538

se acabo

>> No.15936540

Yeah McDowell speaks only the truth.
He says two objects that means they already separated so they gave up any chances of trying to raise it manually.

>> No.15936544

>both videos acting like the space shuttle was this amazing reusable spacecraft and not a turbo expensive, barely refurbishable bloated white whale designed by politicians

>> No.15936550

he has extreme EDS. please understand

>> No.15936566

I will judge it after the last video, engineering was amazing to be honest, but also the reason why it was a nightmare to refurbish.

>> No.15936567
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>> No.15936574

oh that is a good idea, stops the whining about early staging if jannies decide to shoah the catalog

>> No.15936583

wtf is that?