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File: 94 KB, 228x309, hitchens2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1593272 No.1593272 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ...
Jesus Christ...
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
Freedom is the only way yeah,
Atheists your game is through cause now you have to answer too,
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
What you going to do when we come for you now,
it's the dream that we all share; it's the hope for tomorrow


>> No.1593276

my face when you is a gay


>> No.1593284
File: 980 KB, 200x150, 1281653226325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Two beliefs claiming to hold the *absolute* truth battling it out.

>> No.1593288

>Implying Atheism is an absolute belief.

>> No.1593286


>> No.1593291

>implying atheist claim to know the absolute truth

>> No.1593293


>implying saying "THERE IS NO GOD" isn't an absolute statement

>> No.1593297

keep on trolling

>> No.1593298

>implying that atheism requires faith
>implying that the burden of proof does not lie with the people that are claiming an all knowing creator cares what I do late at night with my wee-wee

>> No.1593303


>implying you can rationally conclude that there is/isn't a god
>implying that there isn't the possibility of another deity that humanity hasn't turned into a religion yet

>> No.1593310

it aint easy :(

>> No.1593313


it is when you have already acquired first grade logic

>> No.1593318

My name is boxxy

>> No.1593329


>> No.1593334

Implying that claiming there is a creator is equally logical as not believing there is a creator until proven otherwise.

>> No.1593335

Fuck! forgot my greentext in all my rage.

>> No.1593337

>implying athiest say "THERE IS NO GOD" instead of "I remain unconvinced that a god exists."

>> No.1593342


>implying you were already implying the "until proven otherwise" tidbit throughout this entire argument

>implying atheists ever consider the latter statement

>> No.1593349

>implying they don't
Find an atheist who claims there is no such thing as gods and punch them in the face.
Then go hang out with more agnostic atheists.

>> No.1593352

Hitchen's hair is ridiculous in that picture.

He should get some eyeliner to continue the robert smith look

>> No.1593365
File: 38 KB, 500x667, debate-him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1593367
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>agnostic atheists

>> No.1593371

Jennie confirmed for retard.

There is no god. Period.

>> No.1593373
File: 23 KB, 184x184, 1270583501188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's out of the question now, isn't it? He lost all of it due to chemotherapy.

>> No.1593377
File: 15 KB, 606x255, 1280627847304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1593382

You see, God must exist, because it's annoying when people say he doesn't.

>> No.1593388

If god doesn't exist, then why does the Bible exist?


>> No.1593390
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>> No.1593396
File: 8 KB, 251x251, 1281400740860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when this thread

>> No.1593401

Agreed, but to claim you have special knowledge that there isn't is absurd.

99.999998% sure there is no god. Still makes me an agnostic atheist.

>> No.1593408

Even Richard Dawkins is an agnostic atheist. He says there's ALMOST no chance that there is a god.

>> No.1593417

find somebody that thinks they are superior because they use the word agnostic, and punch them in the face for being a pretentious cunt.

are you agnostic towards unicorns? Faeries? No you are not because there is no evidence for them. Just as there is no evidence for a god.

>> No.1593423
File: 11 KB, 351x179, advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1593425

I am, ive never seen one, but i have no reason to think they are not just rare, or hiding.

Since i do not need to make any decision based on their existence or non existence, i am free to remain ambiguous on them.

>> No.1593428

there is no evidence that they don't exist either. It's scientifically incorrect to say that they definitely don't exist without having absolute proof that they don't.

>> No.1593429


>> Implying absolute proof exists

>> No.1593430

>implying I implied that by saying there isn't any

>> No.1593432

99.999998% don't believe in unicorns nor faeries. Also depends on the definition of unicorns and faeries.

Also, not believing that something exists is different than believing that it doesn't exist. That's what's I'm getting at. It's no the case that I believe that no gods exist. It's the case that I'm just not convinced enough to believe any exist (and probably never will. Fucking 99.99998%)

>> No.1593443

ugh. Suppose I told you that I found a rare leaf in my garden. I went on to explain that this rare leaf isn't actually a leaf. It's a faeries wing. I then ask you for $1000 so i can afford some expensive equipment to test this wing for faerie stuff.

how would you respond.

>> No.1593446

it's scientifically incorrect of me to say with absolute proof that you even exist (even if I meet you in real life - what if you're a government's advanced android being tested in the field?)

>> No.1593452

"I'd like to see evidence that your claim is correct. Until you provide evidence, I remain unconvinced."

because ^ that isn't how scientific method works.

>> No.1593453

>shig !!kJ/Piy6Safk

fucking blocked

>> No.1593457

you are missing my point. I can definitively say that faeries do not exist. It is a fact.

why do you force me to say that they might exist?

>> No.1593467


Just because you say something is definite doesn't make it so. You can say whatever the fuck you want with whatever level certainty you want, but it doesn't change anything.

>> No.1593469

your point being?

>> No.1593470 [DELETED] 

Provide observational evidence that faeries don't exist.

And when you can't, try to realize that you can't say with 100% certainty that anything is non-existent.
If I were to say:
"I can say definitively that white crows do not exist."

>> No.1593474


How the fuck is it possible to provide observational evidence that something doesn't exist? That's a complete fallacy.

>> No.1593475

everyone saying something definitely doesn't exist fails at the scientific method

>> No.1593482

To disprove X, show that X itself is logically contradictory or that X implies verifiable sentences which are then shown to be false.

With the latter approach, one can always save the X-hypothesis by introducing auxiliary hypotheses, though. This is seen to weaken the X-hypothesis nonetheless.

That said, in everyday conversations we frequently just outright state that something doesn't exist. It's only when talking about gods that religious people feel the need to point out that philosophically speaking, we can't know. Weird.

>> No.1593483

Provide observational evidence that faeries don't exist.

And when you can't, try to realize that you can't say with 100% certainty that anything is non-existent.
If I were to say:
"I can say definitively that white crows do not exist."
It would require me to check every single crow that ever existed, exists currently, and every crow that may come into existence. While it would only take one crow to show that white crows do exist; when i say no white crows exist, i have to check every fucking crow, and when i check more, more keep coming into existence.

If you want to show evidence that faeries don't exist, you'll have to check every part of the universe continually, because faeries may pop up in a spot that you've already checked and ones may still be in a spot you haven't. You don't know the nature of the universe as well as I don't. All we know is the observational data we have on hand.

Right now, there is no evidence saying there is a god. But as Sagan said "Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence." We could always find evidence tomorrow that god exists, or that there is, indeed, a flying teapot in mars.

Though, we can be 99.99998% sure there aren't.

>> No.1593485


I am aware that we are talking semantics and that we are really both on the same page. However, this topic annoys me to no end. I am the kind of person that likes to be certain. when somebody says 1+1 could possibly be something other than 2 they are simply wrong. there are things you can be certain about, and to me I believe Ive seen enough evidence to settle this issue.

>> No.1593494

the christian god can be disproven, but the idea of a god can't

>> No.1593505

Everyone will agree that we're certain about math and logic, though it's doubtful even these things survive some of the more powerful sceptical arguments (evil genius for instance).

Like I've said before, you're entitled saying that you know things don't exist, imo. This is just how we use language. If there's no evidence for something, we consider it to be false provided it's a priori probability is really low.

In philosophy though, we tend to be really nitpicky and as it turns out, proving negatives is fucking impossible unless the entity in question is actually logically impossible.

>> No.1593511

Everyone should be agnostic regarding unicorns, flying spaghetti monster, etc. When something can not be disproven, claiming to have special knowledge about the non-existence of something is just as bad as believing in god.

If something can not be disproven, then even if though the probability is infinitesimally small, you can never be absolutely sure it is 0.

However, this makes the existance of god, jesus and krusty the clown equally probable in the real world.

>> No.1593517

I agree. Which is why I'm certain some versions of the cristian god aren't real: Depending on how we define the properties, an omni3 god is impossible.

But then you get theists to modify say "benevolent" to mean something completely different from how you'd use "benevolent" or "good" in any other context...

>> No.1593523

well said.