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15929471 No.15929471 [Reply] [Original]

Ever realized how crazy it was how humans were able to create language, essentially kickstarting their evolution into a prime intelligent species?

Why couldn't other animals accomplish the same thing?

>> No.15929474

There is a hair's width between human abilities and animal abilities, it is just a quirk in the universe that this width happens to produce results that appear so significant. In reality, this question is like asking why only the Cheetah can run so fast out of all animals - it is barely even faster than gazelle.

>> No.15929507

They couldn't throw rocks

>> No.15929549

Verbal thinking is a stochastic parrot.

>> No.15929559

it's not crazy at all
a ton of animals developed language independently
humans just took it to higher levels of complexity compared to others

>> No.15929562

*Ever realized how crazy it was how humans were able to create written language

>> No.15929606

>Why couldn't other animals accomplish the same thing?
Well, sperm whales have the largest brains of any organisms, and their sound communication is one of the most complex out there. We don't yet know what they're saying.
Just an example of what we might not yet be aware of in the natural world.

>> No.15929647

Did we create language, or did language infect us?

>> No.15929661

>appear so significant
Nigga we went to the fuckin moon

>> No.15929665
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>> No.15929710

No because Darwin was groomed by a family of fucking pseudo-jew freemasons. Lucy is a fucking joke the whole thing is a fucking JOKE and is normalnigger shit

>> No.15929728

Where can I get my language vaxx?

>> No.15929730

Language was given to us by God. Multitude of languages is a direct result of a tower-fiasco.

>> No.15929756

I don't get it either. Fundamentally all animals are discerning: comparing one thing to another. Discernment happens consistently. The next step is to consistently relate a particular symbol (sound / form) to a particular thing but why is that necessary? I can get your attention with any sound and then you look my way, see food and eat food. That is rewarding to me as a parent so I repeat that behaviour. If there is memory then conditioning emerges. Each time I make sound you see food. Some sounds are more effective / rewarding than other sounds and it is more effective / rewarding to be consistent.

So now I established language: consistently relating a symbol to a thing and for that I required the existence of memory. What is the next hurdle? The relation between a symbol and a sensory impression that is not immediately observable. That requires a special form of memory. Each time I visit a particular location different from where I am now there is food but how do I know? The sound of my parent moved my muscles but what is imagination?

>> No.15929871

>That requires a special form of memory
Some form of persistence in memory that makes it easier to inter-associate.

>> No.15929895

Nigga most animals have language, how do you think they communicate between each other?

>> No.15929960

There's nothing special about humanity other than being the only extant branch on this rock that took language skills further, you do not have a soul, you are not made in "God's image". We're still primitive egoic apes anyway with the delusion of separate agency, we'll probably have to evolve into something more of an insectoid nature with collective consciousness, or perish.

>> No.15929988

The fact that some bird repeats some sound does not count as a language


>> No.15929992

they unironically weren't blessed by God/Aliens
Also animal groups do have language, just non written because fuck you thats why

>> No.15930009

Snow Crash.

>> No.15930016

can't use tools for shit

>> No.15930031

the moment you stop viewing brains as discrete nodes and edges, everything starts to come together
think about the connection between neural/glial density, axonal conduction velocity, and intelligence

>> No.15930032
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You sure about that?

>> No.15930117

And yet, they're still inferior to us

>> No.15930124

Prove this evolution happened

>There's nothing special about humanity other than what it's special for

>> No.15930125 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15930128
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no the first pattern of language emerged in my brain bevore i could recongnize the face of my mother.

>> No.15930131

No proof?

>> No.15930149

Imagine having the ability to draw symbols on a piece of paper that model operations that model data that model what a camera sees. Then taking lasers and carving shapes onto melted sand that represents these symbols. Then using atomic energy level theory to predict how atoms bind to create an optimal explosive and fuel, and well as assemble a rocket and gliding system with classical mechanical theory and human intuition on how the laws of nature work. This is called a predator drone and can be used to obliterate brainlet animals. Oh? a chimp is using a "tool", thats cute, lets rip this predator drone missile guided with infrared optics all up on your ass. What would they do? Nothing. What if we poisoned their fruit, they would be fucked.

>> No.15930160

you learned to read and write, right?
just imagine that but for humanity
that's how humanity "evolved"

>> No.15930261

and the blobfish went to the fucking mariana trench

>> No.15930275

They don't have the intelligence for language in the first place.

Dogs are not 'like us but can't talk'.

>> No.15930420

the fact that we were extremely social primates hunting much bigger animals using teamwork on the african plains.

>> No.15930517

Language makes dumb people appear smarter.

>> No.15930614

That's only true for retarded dogs.

>> No.15930638

literally just it

>> No.15930697

>math bbm i up down
>math bbm i down up

>> No.15931615

Animal "intelligence" is probably really limited, like how the Native Americans had a categorical knowledge of every plant in their environment. Animals would have intelligence relating to their environment. Humans evolved this "niche" intelligence, but with language instead, which ended up able to describe everything in the universe.

>> No.15931678

you're so fucking dumb that i cannot explain to you. why read this board?

>> No.15931986

but there are some animals who are apparently smarter than us, bigger brainmass, etc.

>> No.15932025

Because they weren't fucking there yet?
Think about how all life was in the ocean and then a few plants slowly began crawling onto land. Fast forward it and now the earth has a plethora of land life of different kinds.

>> No.15932046

I don't think it's reasonable to say that a physically larger brain will always lead to increased intelligence. Look at corvids, parrots, animals with relatively small brains that are still able to outperform animals with brains larger than their entire body mass. The important aspect of a brain for higher cognitive function, is development of the frontal lobe, the ability to plan, and hold off on the exploitation of resources in the present, to give higher chances of continued survival in the future. All of this is useless however (in the grand scheme of things) if said species can't use and make tools. It doesn't matter if cetaceans are smarter than us, they don't have hands, can make fires, can't forge tools, and could never challenge us or cooperate with us in a meaningful way. Birds on the other hand, given the right selective pressures and an ungodly amount of time for evolution, could produce sentient species to rival us.

>> No.15932054

>Birds on the other hand, given the right selective pressures and an ungodly amount of time for evolution, could produce sentient species to rival us.

I think raccoons may be more ripe. They essentially have hands already.

>> No.15932072
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>Why couldn't other animals accomplish the same thing?
they don't want to

>> No.15932327

I had a cat that managed a vocabulary of 5 English words over its lifetime. Interesting enough, if you ignored a word a few times cat would never use it again. And the final word was one taught a decade ago and given up on, never spoken by cat until the need became urgent for life.

This cat could physically vocalize some words yet operated on an entirely different social construct from humans. Since it never got along with other cats I can't say for sure if the communication differences are species wide or individual specific.

>> No.15932498

No, it would much crazier if we made international highway systems and the global internet without ever creating language.

>> No.15932505

Sure, its just a coincidence that they can use the sounds to plan long term strategies and successfully ambush hunt in groups, its not real language.

>> No.15932568

because evolution is false
humans are created in the image of God, animals are not

>> No.15932617

How can there be so many religious retards on this board? Fuck off back to >>>/x/!

>> No.15933854

The biggest difference between human and animal language use is one that is temporal

>> No.15933861
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Fuck off you ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.15933864
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Ignorance is a sin, you stupid moron.

>> No.15933867 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15933869 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15933950

they didnt have the touch of god

>> No.15934137

Wouldn't an ignorant piece of shit be more like someone who appeals to mysterious invisible magic men to justify murdering animals?