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15923322 No.15923322 [Reply] [Original]

It was a wild ride, millions of you went tits up, and you paid for it. What matters is that we got all the data we needed.

>> No.15923367
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>> No.15923385

One day you'll get out of your paren't basement

>> No.15923538

How do I delete this?

>> No.15923646
File: 21 KB, 448x603, cypyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your weekly booster right now!

>> No.15924789

considering the unvaccinated are doing much worse than the vaccinated he probably won't

>> No.15924794

no refunds!

>> No.15924802

i did not volunteer, i was forced, i knew there was a risk it would kill me, sterilize me or something similar and didnt care much. When my family took it i thought there was no point in not taking it myself, if they die i would have no reason ti keep existing anyway.
I basically dont care that much, life is a struggle and you are going to die anyway

>> No.15924818
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>> No.15924983

Fuck you you fucking nigger. My dad died because you fucking beasts wouldn't put on a muzzle. Go die from kidney cancer. Fuck you.

>> No.15924984

Now we can start the 35 years of redacted data analysis.

>> No.15924997

Too late, anon, I have saved it.

>> No.15924999

so if you were to release a virus that kills someone, it's not you who's at fault, rather who transmitted it? when there's nothing reasonable to be done that would guarantee it doesn't transmit? interesting.

>> No.15925003

There is something reasonable that would guarantee it doesn't transmit, and that is quarintine.

Ask the shittalians whether or not they quarantined their stupid airports as the plague took people in their streets.

I don't give a single shit about your global trade. May the cancer spread to your gut so you shit through a bag.

>> No.15925004

covid and covid vaccines both cause "long covid", which is what accounts for most of the "random" new deaths. the polarization of this subject fucked everyone.
people made a lot of money getting you to think you're smarter than the other team, and now many people and children are disabled or dead. no one was smarter than anyone else. it was never about that, it's about FORCE, it always has been.
there are certain commercial respirators and filter masks which 100% protect the wearer, rather than the people the wearer is around. surface transmission is less of a concern. it's avoidable without too much trouble, if you care about your lifespan.
>I basically dont care that much, life is a struggle and you are going to die anyway
then at least go play skyrim, rather than spreading your disease to others. do you WANT nothing to change? if so, neutralizing people who DON'T thrive in the current system achieves that pretty well.

it makes me sad when this website is used as a farm for self-fulfilling prophecies. there's so much imagination and REAL novelty, in a time when destruction is worshipped over everything else.

>> No.15925011

bro chill the fuck out. you're expecting too much from average folk, and nothing from the ones that are responsible for it in the first place you moron.

>> No.15925020

Fuck off you stupid ignorant moron, it was all your fault for letting them vax him to death, you coward piece of shit.

>> No.15925033
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LMAO, you will be the one getting fucked with cancer thanks to the vaccine, you silly goy.

>> No.15925048

>do you WANT nothing to change? if so, neutralizing people who DON'T thrive in the current system achieves that pretty well.
Nta, I want things to change but the masses are either too dumb to understand what's happening, too preoccupied with various nonsense or just don't care about any of it. You can't fight against these global corps alone by posting shit on 4chan, you need support from people (the masses) if you get that from people then the later actions will be going to these globo corps hq with assault rifles and putting them down for good. Who in modern world is gonna go for that? Nobody! Even if you spam this shit on normiebook and some normies understand, no one cares. In other words if people don't care about other people slowly killing or worse they have planned to commit suicide all along then whatever you do it's going to be pointless.

>> No.15925060

you are not allowed to teach the masses anything. why would you suppose that's the case?
every "influencer" is corrupted one way or another, if that is useful to anything. people are brainwashed into a stable system. whenever you try to "brainwash" them the people who already did it would have a word with you. once to justify your ends, and then to see if your shit isn't making things worse for the whole system (as in everybody).
also, these people that have been brainwashed, they are not like...nice. they're pretty horrible and fucked up, at large, if they're not doing their thing.
the masses have always been dumb, and always needed management. not because of some nefarious plan necessarily, as they are literally cattle and would fuck everything up if left to their devices.

>> No.15925077

I know all that, there really is no point in repeating all that for the 100000 th time.

>> No.15925083

>I know all that,
then you understand how truly hard it is to make things better.

>> No.15925092

i understand what you're saying, and yeah i agree. i don't think fighting these things head on is a good idea.
the goal shouldn't be to get the masses to come face to face with these machines, but to get the masses to play on their own terms.
the masses aren't just "dumb". everyone is hounded and set against each other, made to self-sabotage, kept in fetal positions, full of regret/guilt/wrath/panic/anxiety. people are incredibly resilient when properly developed & when dependent on one another & in touch with their reality/environment.
these machines work on such MASSIVE scales that they are necessarily stretched thin in certain ways. these ways are made up for by exploiting people's behavior patterns. each person is made to power their own prison because decentralization removes central points of failure, but this opens up a vulnerability. you don't NEED to assault the whole machine at once, you just need to help people reach their full potential, one by one, until they start protecting innocence themselves.

"the pinnacle of warfare approaches the formless"
- sun tzu

>> No.15925146

>the pinnacle of warfare approaches the formless"
>- sun tzu
You have not fought a single battle and you're aiming for the pinnacle already. NGMI

>> No.15925231

Not that anon but semantics really are irrelevant. Clearly you’re spiritually a nigger to respond with such a pitiful one liner to a genuine lament.

>> No.15925631

show data that shows the opposite

>> No.15925762

That anon has no plan, all he does is complain on 4chan. How else can I respond?