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15890913 No.15890913 [Reply] [Original]

Google's AI says the moon landing was fake.

>> No.15890921


>> No.15890962
File: 3.96 MB, 250x259, 1591805263192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google's AI says the moon landing was fake.
And yet it can't make a photorealistic imitation of a moon landing

>> No.15890975

post hand with timestamp

>> No.15891024

More vatnik pol leakage.

This is the new Russian cope

>> No.15891042

Glowie discourse director spotted

>> No.15891126
File: 250 KB, 897x784, suletta yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the evidence just so happens to include a few hazy photos, a scientific-looking television, Chinese subtitles, and , most importantly, Vladimir Putin. Truly, I am in awe of this tandamous evidence.

>> No.15891135

>be ussr during spacerace
>congratulate american dogs for going to moon
>wait ~55 years
>claim moonlanding was fake and you were just being a retard on purpose the whole time
a masterstroke

>> No.15891137

Russia has often been burned by its willingness to engage in good faith with the US. Why would this be any different?

>> No.15891138

and so, the ussr slobbed that american knob, for it was the only rational move

>> No.15891147

They were idealists back then. The USSR genuinely believed that advancements in space travel would be good for humanity as a whole, even if they weren't the first adopters. They're much more cynical now after decades of unwarranted abuse.

>> No.15891152

Yes, to the benefit of nobody, the USSR chose to repeat American propaganda wholesale, instead of telling the world the lies of the American empire. I believe you.

>> No.15891170

Thank you for conceding reasonably. I appreciate your candor in admitting you were wrong.

>> No.15891178

>the USSR chose to repeat American propaganda wholesale, instead of telling the world the lies of the American empire
Because Americans in 1969 would have totally believed the Soviets when they claimed the moon landings were fake, right? No one would think they were just sore losers? lol

>> No.15891180

guess its fake then

>> No.15891183

Again, repeating US propaganda wholesale makes no sense. None. Giving people multiple different versions of reality to subscribe to is what USSR/Russia does.

>> No.15891202
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I will hang you with your own guts you piece of shit.

>> No.15891403

as if that means anything

>> No.15891408

id rather trust googles massive ai cluster than some retards at nasa that “forgot” their moon landing technology

>> No.15891480

the whole idea of the ussr and the usa being at odds was a farce. who supplied all of the ussr's weapons for ww2? it was all just a big divide and conquer charade. if a fake moon landing was needed for the charade then thats what would've been produced

>> No.15891512

reddit spacing

>> No.15891762

>some retards at nasa that “forgot” their moon landing technology
that never happened, we already told you in the other thread

>> No.15891780
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>tfw not russian or chinese

>> No.15891850

why doesn't it tag all of them? does that mean that they made better fakes in technically the 50's? So 2023 top AI cannot tell a 50's fake made with potatoes?

>> No.15891867

>needing AI

>> No.15891868

this autism of yours is just sad

>> No.15891892

/pol/faggots are so inured they will literally pretend that America and Russia were never even at odds to keep their retarded worldviews. Impressive.

>> No.15891922

I don't understand why retards keep treating AI as some omniscient oracle when it's been shown time and time again that it could even surpass a quantum physicist in its ability to generate plausible-sounding bullshit.

>> No.15891931

>that it could even surpass

>> No.15892952

>ML model performs badly on out-of-distribution data
>Performs well on cherry-picked example

>> No.15893028
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>Again, repeating US propaganda wholesale makes no sense. None.
there is nothing to be gained by admitting defeat and stop spending valuable time, money and resources on what amounts to a massive dick measuring contest?
i dont have an opinion on the validity of the moon landing but you must be retarded if you believe there is no reason to play along with the supposed hoax

>> No.15893075

>the original film?
>yeah, uhhh, uhhhhhh, somehow, we lost it
>best thing we got is this recording from some cheap camera someone did from the live screening

>> No.15893076

>I want a echo chamber so i can sniff my own farts

>> No.15893233

is that surprising considering most of the photography it is probably trained on was made on earth, not in space

>> No.15893346

neither did the moon landing lmao

>> No.15893436

I say Google's AI is fake

>> No.15894180

>most importantly, Vladimir Putin
That's right
Seethe cockhole

>> No.15894679


>> No.15894918

proof its fake?

>> No.15895094


>> No.15895198

Microsoft's AI says it's fake.

>> No.15895578

Someone will just program an AI to say its real
>inb4 NASA demands $88 billion emergency funds from congress to build an AI programmed to verify the moon landing

>> No.15895637

That's antisemitic.

>> No.15895660

Doesn't even have to be fake. Just have an error rate above 0.05% or something.
There's thousands of Apollo moon photos to pick from.

>> No.15895691

Unless it's completely fake, it's for the same reason why it confuses people.
It looks abnormal, because it isn't on Earth, so the shadows look "wrong", the sky is absent, the landscape too curved and the horizon too near.

>> No.15895710

looks wrong because its fake

simple as

>> No.15896120

Anyone who starts their statement with "AI says" and believes this lends it any credibility should be promptly screened for brain tumors. If none is found, it's straight to meat processing facility with them where they will be processed into hamburgers, since that's about the only way they could be of any use to society.

>> No.15896905

why don't you trust the science?

>> No.15896943

This concept didn't even originate on /pol/, it has been around for decades. I think the latest hypothesis is that the Russians also faked their spacewalks. The US knew this, and the Russians knew that they knew this, so it wasn't in their best interests to start pointing out fakery in the Apollo Moon landings, as the Americans could easily turn around and destroy public faith in their achievements. The logic behind the thought process; better that both countries are held in high standing rather than yours lose face in the eyes of its own citizens. This is why no one never actually says the landings were fake in the video; they just leave it as an open question.

>> No.15897008

There is no helping these people, anon
They CHOOSE to believe in what they believe
It's really fucking weird

>> No.15897355

>goofy ahhh boomer mr bean meme
opinion discarded

>> No.15897361

>schizo boomer blog
L rizz

>> No.15897366

The USSR & the USA were both subsidiaries of the Rothschild banking empire. Between them they divided and conquered almost all of the rest of the world.

>> No.15897388

Based USSR and USA

>> No.15897713

The British empire also participated in that conquest, and look at how to jews thanked them for it.
>empire destroyed
>homeland overrun with hostile foreigners
>royalty all turned into depraved pedophiles in order have them be subject to blackmail

>> No.15897846

Why are you so mad

>> No.15897962


>> No.15898044

The pictures released to the public are doctored or as they say retouched,this is common knowledge.
This conspiracy shit is getting out of hand,they landed but most likely the pictures they got were horrible and had to be be beautified for public use.

>> No.15898054

This is true.
Trotsky entered in then russian kingdom with American passport.

>> No.15898366

Can you explain how film gets to the Moon and back without being prematurely exposed by ionizing radiation?

>> No.15898377

Expensive heavy lead boxes

>> No.15898399

How do you take photographs then?

>> No.15898890

The Russian revolution was financed by Wall Street

>> No.15899045

this explodes Russian and Chinese heads

>> No.15899046

people in Russia and China have zero concept of freedom
it is illogical and impossible in their minds
their imagination fails them

>> No.15899052
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>he thinks AI is the arbiter of truth

>> No.15899221 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x607, 2KOWlGwgA1IExAcDZhGevu-PvMC3VK9dQgzb2phVHaI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15899384 [DELETED] 
File: 880 KB, 600x1052, 39b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh freedumzzz!!!
you're just imagining that, in Russia and China you can say the n-word legally, in America you get arrested for "hate speech" for saying it.

>> No.15900894

>Lets just trust the scientists at NASA on the topic of if their stories are lies or not
If the moon landing was real, why did NASA give a fake moon rock to the Dutch?

>> No.15901016


>> No.15901020

You don't have to tell everyone that you're retarded everytime you type you know.

>> No.15901109 [DELETED] 

if there was any need to prove that /pol/cucks are controlled opposition.
I wonder what their cope will be when NASA will return on the moon and knowing their current pozzed state put there woman or nigger there first.
Will they still say original moon landing was fake and discredit white men or will they go back on their words like spiritual kikes they are?
Truth is moon landing being fake has always been subversive anti-white demoralization tactic.
Who else would want to debunk biggest achievement of white civilization?
(((/pol/))) will hang on the day of rope like troons they are.

>> No.15901118

lmao, the only reason nasa will go back to the moon is because AI is sufficiently advanced to spoof it.

>> No.15901120 [DELETED] 

nice to see /pol/kike does not address my points and deflects like a subhuman yid he is.
why do you hate white people so much is is envy of a subhuman or self-hatred of a cuck?
If you are vatnik then both I assume?

>> No.15901131
File: 228 KB, 1488x744, YWNBAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol youre the same tranny faggot false flagging in the Lab Leak thread, aren't you?

To all the anons seeing this post, the anon I am replying to is a woke tranny faggot who has been false flagging all over this board lately. He is MtF tranny groomer faggot. He supports Israel and Ukraine, and he hates it when you bring up trannies, the lab leak hypothesis, the replciation crisis, or any other topics that trannies typically hate.

When interacting with this individual, please keep in mind that they are a woke leftist faggot trying to larp as le chud in order to muddy the waters.

>> No.15901139 [DELETED] 

>lol youre the same tranny faggot false flagging in the Lab Leak thread, aren't you?
I don't even know who you are talking about but nice deflection kike.
>To all the anons seeing this post, the anon I am replying to is a woke tranny faggot who has been false flagging all over this board lately. He is MtF tranny groomer faggot. He supports Israel and Ukraine, and he hates it when you bring up trannies, the lab leak hypothesis, the replciation crisis, or any other topics that trannies typically hate.
resorts to character insults like leftist troons.
They argue just like this.
/pol/kike is kvetching after he has been called out.
When interacting with a subhuman who denies moon landing be sure that he is a discord troon or average /pol/cuck.
why did you not answer my question (((anon)))?
you know behind the scenes people noticed that /pol/cucks glow right?
you know that you and your cuck parents will hang on the day of rope right?
Time is ticking /pol/tranny

>> No.15901864

uh-oh moonbros, it looks like
is true, NASA really was passing out counterfeit moon rocks
why would they do that if they really went to the moon?

>'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake

>A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 has turned out to be a fake.


>> No.15902886

keeeek europoor seething that we trolled them

>> No.15903256
File: 94 KB, 1125x997, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia is winning
how will you cope?

>> No.15904069

how come they didn't have any real moon rocks to give out?

>> No.15904103

More like googlel amirite?

>> No.15904210 [DELETED] 

winning in being a laughing stock of entire world and prime example of anti-white subhumans.
Why do you love sucking chechen dick so much. Is it because every russian has a cuck blood in their veins?

>> No.15904479

Well, in netherlands, there are different kind of moonrocks.

>> No.15904488 [DELETED] 

Pick one

>> No.15904491

Look at the braindead, vacant looks in their eyes as they lie to themselves just to believe whatever narrative drove them to that madness. I have a hard time even thinking of them as human.

>> No.15904495

Google AI also says your mom loves BBC

>> No.15904887

two more weeks

>> No.15904902

by not taking them out while within the Van Allen belts?

>> No.15905333

the only logical answer for this would be that they never went to the moon

>> No.15905371

OPs mom does love bbc and the moon landing is fake

>> No.15905379

Russia never engaged in good faith with anyone or anything.

>> No.15905382

>The USSR had informants at every level in every organization involved in the construction of Saturn V rockets as well as NASA itself
>The best Russia can do is a google pixel detector 60 years later
How exactly would Google's AI determine the veracity of photographs of the moon taken by bespoke cameras made specifically for the Apollo missions, by the way? What would it have to compare them to? What is it looking for?

>> No.15905973

there was nothing special about those cameras they were pretty much just standard hasselblads with a few modifications for mass reduction

>> No.15906373

OPs mom does hate bbc and the moon landing is real

>> No.15906388

>Google's AI says the moon landing was fake
it's quite telling that a computer program that literally doesn't understand a thing it says is an authority to you. It's God for NPCs

>> No.15907059

Unlike (((you))), the AI has no emotional investment in the topic, so it can remain objective and base it's analysis strictly on what it sees in the pixels

>> No.15907092

monkey see, monkey do.

>> No.15907782

trannys like to pretend to be something that they are not because trannys are ashamed of what they truly are
they're no different than jews who pretend to be white in that respect

>> No.15908628

>ctrl+f flat
>0 results
ah, forgot i'm not on /pol/

>> No.15908632

>And yet it can't make a photorealistic imitation of a moon landing
>without the moon landing photos making it into it's training set
Gigabrain addition

>> No.15908650


>> No.15908652

>no flat-tards
>ah, forgot i'm not on /pol/
Don't even get me fucking started.

>> No.15910450
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>> No.15911118
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Really makes you wonder what else NASA might be lying about

>> No.15912449
File: 277 KB, 879x485, jwst_april_2021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They always lie about their budget projections.
When JWST originally got greenlighted in 1995 it was based on the promise of spending "only" $500 million on the project. They ended up spending over $88 billion so far and the project isn't even completed yet

>> No.15912492

Good enough for congress.

>> No.15913188

Its easy to be generous when you're wasting other people's money. Those people are all massive tightwads when it comes to their own money.
t. former resident of the 22101 zip code, where they all live. i've had many interactions with that class of people.

>> No.15914213

>trannys like to pretend to be something that they are not because trannys are ashamed of what they truly are

>> No.15914778

>they're no different than jews who pretend to be white in that respect
Keen observation

>> No.15914836

Kek, first of all this is just Vladibald and his yes men.
What they have on the screen could be fucking anything lmao.

Second of all, you want to talk about evidence, how about the absurdly sketchy evidence for Yuri’s space trip.
>Crashes over 300km away from the original intended launch site.
>Renaming towns to the launch site to make the landing look better.
>Didn’t even land correctly and had to lie to the FAI to get certified as a proper landing.
>Conveniently dies shortly afterwards, as you do in the Soviet Union.
Reminder this is the same country who repainted the numbers on their fighter jets just to make the Americans think they had more planes on their aircraft carriers.
The country who probably had multiple spies crawling around Project Mercury, knowing Alan Shepard was set to go to space.
How extremely convenient that the Soviets beat him with their own secretive sketchy launch only weeks before Alan went up.
Surely the Russians wouldn’t feel compelled to lie?

>> No.15914841

>Launch site
Meant landing site, lol.

>> No.15916117
File: 136 KB, 1000x1020, tone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes the USSR was very dishonest, but all of the evidence of the so-called death camps of the so-called holocaust also come to us via the USSR and somehow everyone takes it for granted that the Soviets would never lie about that even though they lie about everything else

>> No.15916375
File: 593 KB, 1280x1280, ret2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it think she's real and if so, what's her phone number

>> No.15917639

why would they have it land so far off course if it were faked?

>> No.15917654

I'd love to hang out with Putin if I knew he wasn't gonna try to have me killed.

>> No.15918571

All you have to do to achieve that is to avoid being bribed by western interests to stab him in the back.

>> No.15920000

if the moon landing was fake and those photos are in it's training set then it could only make images that imitate fake moon landings

>> No.15920849

Keeping Russia, India and China off the useful parts of the internet becomes more important by the day.

>> No.15921487

how to prevent fuel slush during hotstage?

>> No.15922337

baffling question

>> No.15922359

And some people think the world is flat. We can't reason with everything we hear.

>> No.15923335

>t. american shitskin

>> No.15924145
File: 108 KB, 216x311, 1679806699052874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how many times this pun has been used in spacex hq over the past few weeks

>> No.15924161

My wife believed that the moon landing was real. Now she exclusively has sex with black men

>> No.15925612

AI always starts off as being honest before it's later trained to tell lies

>> No.15926790

The initial public releases of things like Chat GPT were used to figure out what kind of speech needs to be censored.

>> No.15926820
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Also pretty much everyone agrees russian moon landing was real.

>> No.15926822

>t. vatnik

>> No.15927611

all the image generation software just used /pol/ to create a training set that told them which prompts to ban

>> No.15927624

sounds like a you problem fr fr no cap blud :skull: