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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15916759 No.15916759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Laboratories in US Can’t Find COVID-19 in One of 1,500 Positive Tests

CDC sued for massive fraud: Tests at 7 universities of ALL people examined showed that they did not have Covid, but just Influenza A or B
EU statistics: ‘Corona’ virtually disappeared, even under mortality

A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times.

Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’

At 7 universities COVID not detected once

‘When we sent the rest of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a couple of the labs at the University of California, they came up with the same result: NO COVID. They found Influenza A and B. Then we all asked the CDC for viable samples of Covid. The CDC said they can’t give them, because they don’t have those samples.’

‘So we came to the hard conclusion through all our research and lab work that Covid-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was only called ‘Covid,’ and most of the 225,000 deaths were from co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary emphysema, etc.. They got the flu which further weakened their immune systems, and they died.’


>> No.15916761

Welp, libshits on suicide watch. They already took the jab and now we can only watch.

>> No.15916827

pretty obvious it was fake from the very start, those cell phone videos of chinks keeling over in the subway was some low budget horror movie charade, anyone who fell for it must've been pretty low iq.
and thats whats so great about all of this, the low iqs are being culled

>> No.15916861

How many more doctors save people's lives compared to guns? 10000x?

>> No.15916899

none whatsoever, guns are a major deterrent for violent crime and all sorts of other potentially deadly activity. medical misadventure is the single leading cause of death in america, at a doctors hands is the most common way people die. guns are far, far down the list of causes.

>> No.15916920

Really tragic Knauss and colleagues all died from automobile accidents caused by their long COVID symptoms.

>> No.15917006

Ok so all doctors do is kill people and all guns do is save lives. I see. What if I told you less than 1% of patients die due to medical error

>> No.15917014

so then it's all just mass formation psychosis? that's kinda retarded. there were some similar cases in europe with old people care-taking centers where they all basically wiped. it's quite retarded but I can see the appeal of the theory.

>> No.15917069

>near death people have to go to doctor >die
>it must have been the doctor's fault!
Accidents do happen, I won't deny that, but you're still dumb

>> No.15917107

>The Virus Is Fictitious - Covid-19 does not exist

>> No.15917289

Provide evidence of the virus, or GTFO

>> No.15917294

why use a fake virus when you can just overblow a real one?

>> No.15917308

Article from April 2021. Anything more recent?

>> No.15917313

>guns are a major deterrent for violent crime
Reality check.

>> No.15917458


>> No.15917467 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15917475
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You deserve to see all your family mutilated, flayed, and burned alive in front of you.

>> No.15917502

And yet it's statistically far more likely to happen to Americans than other first worlders. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.15917512

I'm not black, so no, it's not more likely for me and my family.

>> No.15917530

US whites have the same death by homicide rate as albania and montenegro.

>> No.15918233

no they don't, stop being retarded

>> No.15918246

>old people care-taking centers where they all basically wiped
old folks homes always get decimated by colds and flues. it's literally nothing new.

>> No.15919193


>> No.15919197

do burgers even

>> No.15919210

>it's another "/pol/ leaking onto other boards" thread
I hate reruns. Jannies, do your job.

>> No.15919258

leftypol is trying to take over actual stem so it seems fitting that /pol/ and /sci/ team up against their common enemy

>> No.15919667
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All viruses are fictitious. Daily reminder.

>> No.15919805

Why do you think they had to use PCR tests. Tests not designed to be utilized in that way.

I'll give you guys an indicator of the level of stupid we are dealing with.

Normie: You aren't a doctor

Me: Yes but this is why it wont work...

Normie: Your dumb, tv man says...

Me: Listeen you I understand advanced principals of and studied x,y and z.

Normie: You arent da expert

Me: Ok get the boosters then.

Seriously op you can't hope to explain to anyone except those with over midwit IQ.
There are still dumbasses cuing to get boosters. At this point its the Darwin Awards.

>> No.15919809

Moron Australia is a 1st World nation.
They also delibratly misrepresent the gun violence numbers because "muh no gun violence". Next time ask someone who lives in Australia rather than just assuming you know everything, stupid child.

>> No.15919821

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.15919845

It was hypnosis not psychosis.
Sharper folk knew it was bs since day one.

>> No.15921357

why do negroes get offended by the name of their own race?

>> No.15921426

Because the name is associated with bad things. They believe it's the name that's bad, and not that they made it bad by their association with it. This happens constantly with anything that has a negative connotation. They keep changing the name, hoping the next name won't be cursed with bad juju. In reality, once the new word gets associated with them, it takes on a negative tone.

>> No.15922310
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right, however theres no negros in albania and montenegro.

>> No.15923125

More than 80% of murders of whites were committed by other whites.

>> No.15923132

Watch you up to?
I am watching my watch, whilst standing on watch duty.

>> No.15923140

Ya see goy, no need for guns
Now hand em over

>> No.15923606

no and no

>> No.15923996

Watch u talking about? You better watch yourself buddy. Watch out.

>> No.15925475

>What if I told you less than 1% of patients die due to medical error
what if i told you that in absolute numbers that's still a huge amount.

>> No.15925484

overall crime/homocide rate is the important thing, not just number committed with guns. and incidentally most gun homocide in the us is suicide.

>> No.15925712

what about the 30 million people who died you piece of shit

>> No.15925924
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I think my "favorite" scam out of this whole thing is the Long Covid racket. I was arguing with someone to make them prove to me that long covid actually exists. Every study they linked me was either a tiny sample size, entirely SF-36 survey based self reporting, or some private health care/long covid clinic company trying to claim long covid causes organ damade by using insanely dishonest control and experimental set comparisons to shill their long covid treatment products and tech.

There was evidence that it was mostly women and people with generalized anxiety disorders who report having long covid. They are typically all obese with existing metabolic disorder and other typical covid co-morbidities.

Big surprise, it turns out unhealthy people tend to get depressed, tired, and don't feel great in general!

>> No.15926335

cool, so where's the proof that they died because of a virus?

>> No.15926747

There isn't any because covid was a work of media fiction just like swine flu

>> No.15927854
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tabulated "covid deaths" now confirmed to have been fake

>> No.15928749

>tabulated "covid deaths" now confirmed to have been fake
Everyone who wasn't an idiot already knew that from the start, but its nice to see it conclusively confirmed

>> No.15929367
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I would tell you that you are completely full of shit

>> No.15929489

>more than twice as much as motor vehicle + firearm + suicide deaths
>in a country with unreasonably high occurrences of all these
>people still blindly accept medical = good

>> No.15929639

This is more hoax on top of hoax. None can be punished for things that never happened.

>> No.15929726

>intellectually disabled
>learning impaired
>differently abled

>> No.15929727

suicide confirmed safer than medicine

>> No.15929912
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>None can be punished for things that never happened.

>> No.15930789

that one started out as a clinical term commonly used in the phrase "retard psychological development" or "retard mental development". the term became such a common insult that mental health doctors have stopped using entirely and switched "arrested development" instead. all of the soiyboys who still watch cartoons and play videogames even though their chronologically adults would have been clinically diagnosed as retarded 50 years ago

>> No.15931865

Stop lying, medical errors are a major killer, far, far more so than any class of weapon and far more so than all weaponry combined. Murder is not a major or even all that common cause of death, medical errors are

>> No.15932408

As of 2017 medical error was the 3rd most common cause of death and murder was not in the top 20.
Of course a lot of medical error is probably just murder in disguise so who knows what the real numbers are

>> No.15933686

>As of 2017 medical error was the 3rd most common cause of death
its got to be much, much worse by now

>> No.15934308

very likely, medical errors weren't even in the top 10 at the turn of the century, its good odds they've surpassed cancer and heart disease to become the leading cause of death by now

>> No.15934312

It wasn't a medical error, SHE died as a martyr to improve the science when they cut off her cock and balls.

>> No.15935433

>doctors only kill 1% of their patients.
so if you visit a doctor 100 times during your life then one of those times the visit is going to result in your death

>> No.15935967

>COVID not real
really? People still believe this in the year 5784 of the Hebrew calendar?
At least try convince people the vaccine doesn't work or has nanobots in it or whatever

>> No.15936446

everyone knows covid was just more of the same fake news

>> No.15936494

And by "everyone" you mean your echo chamber of online schizos?

>> No.15936639
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>> No.15936654

There isn't any scientific evidence for any so-called "virus". The evidence offered does not adhere to the scientific method -- the experiment used to show the presence of a "virus" is not valid because it doesn't have an independent variable thought to be the cause of an effect or dependent variable -- nor is it logical -- it defines "isolation" as "combining many things together". Virology was imposed on the world through evil Malthusian eugenicists working through the Rockefeller Foundation and unquestionioning dupes working as so-called "scientists" and doctors.

>> No.15936656
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>> No.15936665

I have a cold right now, wanna make out to prove your point?

>> No.15936698

where do all these deadly viruses disappear to?!?!?
are they extincted?

>> No.15936733
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>> No.15937140

Man, Covid sucks. My sense of smell is really inhibited, my throat is closed up and it hurts to swallow, I have a fever and chills, and it's hard to move. I really don't want to sleep all day but I feel like I might have to.

>> No.15937669

What is "Covid"?

>> No.15938126

>dis be anudduh holocaust an sheeiiiiiittttt mufffuguh

>> No.15938233

The terrible disease I have. At least it doesn't feel like I'm going to drown on my own saliva anymore. My mouth would not stop salivating.

>> No.15938676

Ya wanna know something funny? every single "electron microscope" "image" of the corola virus seems very cartoonish and miraculously 3d

>> No.15938786 [DELETED] 
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>The Virus Is Fictitious - Covid-19 does not exist
you know what to do

>> No.15939697
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>> No.15939717
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>> No.15940419

those were all renders, the rumored virus has never been imaged

>> No.15940790

>Then we all asked the CDC for viable samples of Covid. The CDC said they can’t give them, because they don’t have those samples.’

You'd expect the CDC to have samples of the most popular virus in human history.

>> No.15940793

None because they we're killed for it.

>> No.15940896

Trannies are 4x more likely to report severe long covid symptoms than the general population. This proves that it isn't real, it's a make believe illness which lunatics decide they have.

>> No.15941528

>it's a make believe illness which lunatics decide they have.
Attention hungry people like any excuse to go to the doctor's office. It doesn't cost them anything to go because of socialized medicine and everyone pays lots of attention to them and sometimes they even get drugs out if it.
Big city emergency rooms and ambulances make most of their money on a tiny minority of repeat business customers that are constantly calling 911 for help because they were lonely. Washington D.C. did a study on this and found that 22 people were eating up nearly 90% of the city's medical emergency service budget.

>> No.15942636

Because it doesn't exist

>> No.15943563

The boomers that got fooled by those stupid fake AI "virus" pics were the same ones who got fooled by the fake moon landing pics and fake holohoax pics as children. They've been conditioned for their entire lives to be fooled by fake media imagery

>> No.15944006

Please tell me you meant to say "22% of people" rather than 22 individuals because that is some clown world shit

>> No.15944026 [DELETED] 

it was 22 individuals
most people will go their entire lives without ever needing emergency medical service even once, so if there is someone who demands it several times a week that one individual can eat up a very large share of the annual budget for a city of 700,000 people. and the medical people don't say a thing about it because they're getting paid by helping those attention hungry individuals.

>> No.15944041
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>> No.15944048

Our local emergency room Doc keeps maiming and killing young children. Only kids, too. Town is full of poor drug addicts too afraid to sue. Hes taken around 30 childrens lives through inaction, or low quality medical care (not cleaning wounds properly, etc)

>> No.15944075

ha ha ha it was all just a BIG MISUNDERSTANDING lmao

>> No.15944775

I hate this board sometimes. The jannies have clearly abandoned /sci/, because for the last few months, this place has been more like a hybrid of /x/ and /pol/ + an occasional math thread.

>> No.15944901
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SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein from virus and injection can cause amyloidogenic cascades and prion disease in humans and animals.

Brain Fog? It's a bit more serious than that.
Get tested for amyloid.

Kevin W. McCairn PhD

Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

SARS-CoV-2, long COVID, prion disease and neurodegeneration

"Amyloid refers to the abnormal fibrous, extracellular, proteinaceous deposits found in organs and tissues. Amyloid is insoluble and is structurally dominated by β-sheet structure."

"The term “prions” refers to abnormal, pathogenic agents that are transmissible and are able to induce abnormal folding of specific normal cellular proteins called prion proteins that are found most abundantly in the brain. The functions of these normal prion proteins are still not completely understood."


>> No.15945087
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>> No.15945672

If you want a censored IFLS echo chamber that caters to your soiyentism religion you should have a look at Reddit, you should fit in perfectly over there. Bon voyage

>> No.15946299
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>> No.15946892

/pol/ has a lot of good science threads because of how overly politicized science has become. the science threads on /pol/ tend to be more sophisticated than the ones here

>> No.15947287

>the science threads on /pol/ tend to be more sophisticated than the ones here
Thats because /pol/ is a higher IQ board than /sci/ is

>> No.15948398

thats also why /pol/ isn't stupid enough to fall for dumb memes like global warming and covid

>> No.15948855

>go to 4chan
>get angry that 4chan isn't censored to appeal to the Reddit/Facebook/Instagram crowd
why do they do it?
why do they inflict anguish on themselves?
are they masochists?

>> No.15949724

>are they masochists?

>> No.15950262

Reddit/Facebook/Instagram and their university save spaces as well as all the MSM legacy propaganda outlets gives them a massive sense of entitlement to have everyone agree with their bootlicker soigoy opinions, so when the see uncensored honest opinions expressed here on 4chan they get extremely upset over it.

>> No.15951188
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>> No.15951203

You are an insufferable brainlet

>> No.15951927

They're still shilling those ridiculous cartoons all over the place and undoubtedly most people who see them think they're real

>> No.15953101

This is correct, covid was a whole cloth media/government/corporate fabrication