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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15901614 No.15901614 [Reply] [Original]

Cold in Denmark breaks 100 year old record


A temperature of 15 degrees Celsius below zero was registered in Denmark on Tuesday night, the lowest recorded in November for 30 years, while an even older record was broken in capital Copenhagen.

Several instances of double-digit below zero temperatures were recorded as freezing late November weather got even colder on Tuesday night.

The coldest instance was at a weather station at Roskilde Airport, where 15 degrees below zero was recorded

Other locations also saw record low temperatures on Tuesday night. Copenhagen reportedly endured its coldest November night for a century, with the -7.7 degrees registered in the Frederiksberg district the lowest since 1919.

Temperature in cities, which have fewer open areas, are generally slightly higher, which explains why the record for Copenhagen has stood for so long.

>> No.15901674 [DELETED] 

We wouldn't be having record cold temperatures if CO2 was really a greenhouse gas

>> No.15901684

This is nothing, I live in western india, the state is dry and sunny through out the year.
But few days ago, shockingly it was fucking snowing here, there was a hailstorm, I had never seen in it my 22 years of life.
However when I read about it, I realised that such hailstorms have become a norm in last 5-6 years during this time of the year

>> No.15901691

This is amazing. Just more evidence that we're entering a new global ice age.

>> No.15901695

It's just the cold leaking out of the Arctic, which is warmer than the long term average.

>> No.15901698

Of course we would. As the Earth heats up due to an excess of CO2 in the atmosphere it heats up unevenly. In places like the tropics which are constantly exposed to sunlight the amount of increased heat is far less because radiative forcing from CO2 in the atmosphere adds very little heat compared to the increased sun. However in a place that's dark for much of the year and has diffuse sunlight even when it's summer CO2 has a much higher effect because the increased infrared radiation is more significant because the area is not continuously enveloped in sunlight.

This means that the arctic is warming faster than temperate or tropical regions. It also means that night is warming faster than day. The consequences of this are a weakening of the barrier between arctic air and temperate air as the arctic increases in temperature to more closely match temperate temperatures. This causes air masses, normally trapped in the arctic due to falling air from Hadley circulation to cross over into temperate zones, rapidly cooling temperate regions such as the US, Europe and China. And yes, sometimes making its way down to India where you can get snow.

So yes, an increase in temperature from greenhouse gases can cause short term regional cooling. This is expected.

>> No.15901703
File: 229 KB, 1000x675, 1000_F_533872971_28UUVRIGYAtcAFny9L1TSSToCSnhT8pS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine india if it had a winter season where the rivers froze over and all the human waste just accumulated in the snow for months on end.

sup shareblue, stop spamming us with political propaganda from "the global warming institute"
go to /pol/ if you want to shill political propaganda

>> No.15901706

https://www.writingtoiq.com/ says your IQ is 91

>> No.15901715

Friend, I doubt you even understood my post. Please explain it in your own words.

>> No.15901720

you are low iq, nobody should read anything you write, your retardation could become contagious

>> No.15901728

India's average IQ would be 100 if Himalayas/Tibet didn't exist it blocks the cold winds.

>> No.15901729

global warming

>> No.15901730

>i have no argument

>> No.15901733

Nice ad hominem. Thanks for admitting I'm right.

>> No.15901741

The AI says your IQ is 91

>> No.15901819


>> No.15901823 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1080x772, 20231118_171652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explaining how systems work and interact with each in a way that is understandable by <100iq niggers takes skill and effort, something an iqlet like you might not be able to comprehend.

>> No.15902088

the n word is racist

>> No.15902183

>there is global boiling
>if we make an observation that doesn't seem to fit global boiling
>then it somehow must be explained as part of global boiling
>because there is global boiling
Global boiling is an unfalsifiable theory.

>> No.15903215 [DELETED] 

Yes and we also experienced our dryest May and June in a century this year. Quite a crazy year it's been.

>> No.15903220 [DELETED] 

if global warming isn't real then why was this summer the hottest ever recorded in multiple countries nigger?

>> No.15903224

That's because global boiling is politics, not science. No science went into deriving their political proclamations.

>> No.15903226

Was it? Which countries?

>> No.15903255
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It's cold where I live therefore it's not hot anywhere else.


>> No.15903259

This only proves global boiling.

>> No.15903381

the n word is racist

>> No.15903389
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I love that all the over melanated invading racial aliens are suffering.

>> No.15903510

>explain it in your own words.
You meddle about a single factor of a trace gas without any source while ignoring all counterarguments wich i not spoonfeed to to idiots because you will die dumb anyway.

>> No.15903812

why do you keep on spamming the science board with political propaganda from "the global warming institute"?
go to >>>/pol/ if you want to spam politics content.


>> No.15904112


>> No.15904183

Uff, sounds unpleasant. Why do humans live so far north anyways? Dumb.

>> No.15905173

why do so many africans want to move there when they living in comfy africa where it never gets cold?

>> No.15905199

Because they get paid to live there and people like money.

>> No.15905779
File: 151 KB, 1200x831, europe rn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what europe is currently looking like. all covered in a deep blanket of snow

>> No.15905975

Unfortunately, around here it is down to -20 C and we have only a thin layer of snow. Without an insulating blanket there is a risk of frost damage to the foundation of the buildings here.

>> No.15906085

Lucky bastards. Meanwhile Italy has become an extension of Africa, not just culturally but even climate-wise.

>> No.15906090

Danes getting what the fucking deserve

>> No.15906093

Yes, because I don't give a fuck about anywhere else, btw stay the fuck out of my country

>> No.15906166

The Earth is slowing down it's wobble and spin after spinning at the fastest on record during corona "virus" and it is making the Earth / atmosphere behave just like a Stirling engine cryocooler.
I could feel the Earth slowing down the other day... and it's so cold and snowy, which is not normal.

>> No.15907028

They like cold weather because they're white

>> No.15907141
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>> No.15907156

I'd kill 300 nigglets and kikelets for -15.
I saw a fucking mosquitoes, yesterday.

>> No.15907283

>without any source
You're joking, right?

>> No.15907841

CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, it induces photosynthesis, which causes solar energy to be absorbed without being reemitted at any wavelength. This process effectively makes CO2 a coolant

>> No.15907846

I'm only 36 and in my earlier years I have already experienced all of the extremes that now make headlines. It's nothing new just because it gets 1°C colder or warmer than before in a certain season.

>> No.15908426

>without being reemitted at any wavelength

>> No.15908948
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thats how it works, kid. sorry if it offends you, but it got the name photosynthesis for good reason

>> No.15909236
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Beautiful winter day here in Europe currently

>> No.15910453

This still wrong, and on multiple counts.

Here it is overcast, but thankfully it is no longer -20C.

>> No.15910526

omg that must be global warming

>> No.15910746

But the Milankovitch model describes a wobble that occurs over tens of thousands of years. Just how sensitive is you're vesitbular system?

>> No.15911216

The key factor in Milankovitch cycles isn't the change in polar inclination, its the change in orbital ellipticity.

>> No.15912387

most of the people on /sci/ are too uneducated to understand things like kepler's laws, which is 1600s science. their only knowledge of climatology is what they learned in elementary school from their dumb bitch public school teacher

>> No.15913166
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>their only knowledge of climatology is what they learned in elementary school from their dumb bitch public school teacher
Or what they learned from Greta on TikTok

>> No.15914207

>orbital ellipticity

>> No.15914502

But they keep telling me that Greta isn't involved in the climate movement (which sounds like politics rather than science, but they claim it's science too).

>> No.15916050
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>> No.15916557 [DELETED] 

That does look wonderful

>> No.15917731
File: 79 KB, 543x466, potatojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting that!!!

>> No.15918612

It still gets plenty if snow every winter

>> No.15919611

fantastic scenery

>> No.15920628
File: 158 KB, 1200x800, a18f1ccd-ca96-4dc4-b5ec-1bc76ed50f6c_6166741d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is also breaking cold temperature records

>> No.15920749

I live with them and they do not. They call this lortevejr

>> No.15921075

She now supports Hamas, so I guess it is all out politics.

>> No.15921097

>-15 C
>record cold

>> No.15921200
File: 25 KB, 640x360, IMG_5285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever it is, I'm sure capitalism is the cause and communism is the solution

>> No.15922253

marine climate influenced by the gulf stream

>> No.15922592

Atlantic Euros are pussies when it comes to climate to be fair.

>> No.15922665

average iq in india is 76

>> No.15922995

they're all literally born retarded

>> No.15923642
File: 429 KB, 893x444, esd-12-871-2021-f02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15923808

>divergence starts in 1966
Huh, what a cohencidence.

>> No.15925369

If the trend were truly linear then there would be regions which expanded forever after their initial glaciation

>> No.15926751

when it comes to everything else too

>> No.15926768

+9 degrees where I am located, years ago when I was a kid we used to have snow at this time of year. I haven't seen snow in 6 years.

>> No.15927705 [DELETED] 

You're omitting your location because you're lying.

>> No.15928623

>he doesn't believe in expanding earth theory

>> No.15928634
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Global warming sisters. Our response?

>> No.15928648

Do you live in Sahara desert? I read that they have snow there once a decade.

>> No.15929432

it snowed in the sahara last winter

>> No.15929457

> for the fifth time in 42 years.

>> No.15930320

This will become commonplace soon as the next ice age gets underway. The Sahara was a grassland with plentiful rainfall during the last ice age

>> No.15930899

If global warming were real and it only snowed 5 times in the previous 42 years then all 5 of those events would've happened a lot longer ago than last year. Since whats really going on is that the interglacial period is ending an the next ice age is starting, the snow event happened recently instead of in the 1980s

>> No.15930903

Are you high?

>> No.15932023

people don't run away from their homeland because of the promise of living at the poverty line. most immigrant leave their home areas because they're fleeing a crime or because they've been kicked out or otherwise humiliated themselves and are trying to escape a bad reputation.

>> No.15933386
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>> No.15934193

you drug addicts are always projecting your own moronic drug addict personalities on everyone else, get a grip

>> No.15935168
File: 7 KB, 218x231, coincidence kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935179

Whats that drawining supposed to mean? No immigrant says things like that.
They go where the money is and nobody is trying to change the world, a worker sells work and americans pay more

>> No.15935444

they're not moving to America to make a difference or to build up the country.
you don't look at the facts

>> No.15935472

> heats up due to an excess of CO2
CO2 can't heat the planet you stupid imbecile.

>> No.15935474
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>> No.15935479
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The final solution.

>> No.15936425

If CO2 could heat up a planet then Mars would be hotter than Earth

>> No.15937134
File: 225 KB, 1705x402, marstemps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars also wouldn't cool off so massively during it's night if CO2 was really able to hold the heat in. Mars' atmosphere is almost 100% CO2, but it cools off at the same rate that it would if it had no atmosphere at all

>> No.15937135

a few CO2 flew over my house

>> No.15937499

Are you ok ?
You should set up a gofundme, poor thing.

>> No.15937537

>it cools off at the same rate that it would if it had no atmosphere at all
yeah, no shit it almost has no atmosphere
1) Mars atmospheric pressure is like 500Pa (vs. earths's 100,000 Pa)
2) Mars is further from Sun
3) most Earth's greenhouse effect is caused by water vapour and the amount of it in atmosphere is modulated by temperature

>> No.15938640

>mars has over 3000% more CO2 in it's atmosphere than earth does.
>mars has no greenhouse effect
thats because CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, the greenhouse effect on earth is entirely due to the effect of water vapor in the atmosphere

>> No.15938644

>Explain it in your own words gambit
>Internet argument technique allowing you to shift the subject of an argument to the interpretation of your post, allowing you to have the upper hand since you wrote it and thus set all standards for failure.

>> No.15939948
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>> No.15941047

That chart dramatically overstates the importance of CO2 because its comparing CO2 to water vapor on a per mass basis, but the greenhouse effect caused by water vapor is much, much greater than that caused by CO2 on a per mass basis. So quantifying that number as 0.117% is a major overestimation. 0.00001% would be more accurate

>> No.15941057

An inconvenient truth: one drop of venom is injected into your veins, .01% of you is venom, but you're dead now.

>> No.15941570

CO2 is an extremely weak greenhouse gas if it is one at all. Likening it to a highly toxic pollutant is clearly hyperbolic, irrational and untrue

>> No.15941688

>it cold therefore climate change fake
wow anon, real original material there, congratulations. Now do the one about more CO2 being actually good for plants next.

>> No.15942647
File: 99 KB, 960x720, co2 is good for the environment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CO2 isn't good for plants
>t. science denier

>> No.15942661

Oh no no no!!
You can't just come to this jerk circle denialist thread and just try to put reason into things.
Plus there is no artic. There is only an icewall no matter what globohomos say! I am too smart for them you see

>> No.15942879

more CO2 in the atmosphere causes plants to absorb more of it in favor for nutrients from the ground.
This means food crops have more and more sugar in them instead of other important nutrients or vitamins. So while I'm happy for the big tree, I would prefer if we wouldn't fuck up the diet of the entire human race. I think the climate change induced famines will be bad enough without it.

>> No.15942917

I guess those chemical experiments didn't happen, or perhaps material chemistry isn't real science

>> No.15942994

>the diet of the entire human race
*human multiple species and human-adjacent species

>> No.15943032

Yes very edgy of you anon, I'm happy to hear that's the best reply you could muster.

>> No.15943268

>in favor for nutrients from the ground
Oh really?
>more and more sugar in them instead of other important nutrients or vitamins
And how does this follow?

>> No.15943436

you can shine a lamp on any gas in an enclosed glass chamber and the atmosphere in the chamber will heat up, because the chamber is enclosed same as a real greenhouse is and the enclosure prevents convective cooling just like a real greenhouse does. thats how greenhouses work, by preventing convective cooling, so by that standard all gasses are greenhouse gasses. however in the case of CO2 there is a natural experiment that can be observed outside of laboratory conditions because the atmosphere of mars is nearly 100% CO2 and mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, this proves conclusively that CO2 is not a meaningful greenhouse gas.

>> No.15944384

>more CO2 in atmosphere
>plant does more photosynthesis
>while nutrient quantity in the soil doesn't change
>plant now, in relative terms, contains more sugar compared to other nutrients
here's an article that details the a study about this

>> No.15944399

plants that grow faster due to higher atmospheric co2 also root deeper for the same reason that their above ground mass grows faster. so they have more access to nutrients because of the additional co2.
secondly, plants don't have that much nutrition in them at all to begin with, animals that live mainly off of eating plants do so by using the plant matter to culture bacterial growth in their digestive system and the bacteria are what provides the nutrition, not the plants themselves

>> No.15944401

political propaganda for low gullible iq brainlets, has nothing to do with science

>> No.15944431

>I live in western india
why do you have access to the internet. Why are you on 4chan, go away

>> No.15944522

Oy vey, the memes type themselves ( they/them ).

>> No.15944557

>Asks for a scientific explanation
>on /sci/
>gets politico
>still on /sci/
All so tiring.

>> No.15944569

>air leaking from the arctic
The arctic would have record low ice if that was true

>> No.15944820

>attacking anon's source instead of the actual study, when all you have to do is type the dudes name into a search engine to get some papers that say the exact same thing

>> No.15944835

retard, below zero is only cold in F.

>> No.15945511

15 below 0 euro degrees is below 0ºF

>> No.15945514

Coming naturally is a sign to all types you may notice it if my current processor pre building my mind computer works. Check if there's a contact from me. Think closely.

>> No.15945518

I've got a shitty little processor.

>> No.15945942

Are you a furry except for AI ?
I get the same kind of cringe i get from furries when reading your digital diarrhea-no offense to coprophages.

>> No.15945949

same in Norway
happens due to breakdown of the jet stream
in fact, it looks like we're headed for yet another SSW (sudden stratospheric warming), which we already had earlier this year during winter

>> No.15945952

not even remotely true, this is happening in Nordic countries because of the jet stream breaking down, letting Arctic cold escape past where it's usually confined

>> No.15945965

>plants don't have that much nutrition in them at all to begin with, animals that live mainly off of eating plants do so by using the plant matter to culture bacterial growth in their digestive system and the bacteria are what provides the nutrition, not the plants themselves
this is total bullshit with zero basis in reality
first of all, even for ruminants this is false, because the vast majority of that nutrition is still derived from the plants, bacteria for the most part just break everything down to liberate it (yes, bacteria do also synthesize some nutrients themselves, but that does not even come close to constituting the majority of the nutrition, but rather a small minority)
and secondly, there are tons of different types of herbivores, many of which are not ruminants at all, but rely on high-quality plant foods like fresh and ripe fruits and tender young leaves, and so on, and in those cases virtually all the nutrition is derived directly from the plant matter itself

>> No.15945968

short-sighted nonsense
more synthesis of sugar means plants can offer more sugar to mycorrhizal fungi, which in turn will lead to both increased mineral uptake by the plants and more mineral liberation from the soil by the fungi
also, there's an undertone of "muh sugar bad" in your post, when in reality the human body has been optimized for running on simple sugars for tens of millions of years, almost every single one of the ~50-100 trillion cells in the human body has an extremely strong preference for simple sugars, and for very good biochemical reasons once you understand just how superior sugar metabolism is to e.g. fatty acid metabolism

>> No.15945992
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>> No.15946036

I wrote this post (none of the others you just quoted): >>15945952
now try to actually argue against it instead of embarrassing yourself by trying to hand-wave it away
pro tip: you can't, because it's a simple climatological and meteorological fact

>> No.15946887

>oy vey you can't naysay politico.com on muh soience board!!!
go to >>>/pol/ if you want to post political propaganda

>> No.15947271

if plants were nutritious then people would eat them instead of meat, but thats not the case, people who don't eat meat are all unhealthy. there are no successful vegetarian athletes

>> No.15948409

>there are no successful vegetarian athletes