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15914754 No.15914754 [Reply] [Original]

Rockefeller’s Dream: Global Governance Through ‘Climate Change’


David Rockefeller, grandson of oil magnate John D. and longtime head of the Chase Manhattan Bank, must be laughing his head off right now, for his global government dream might come into existence through one of the most ridiculous and unbelievable scams in history, called “climate change.”

Rockefeller created, funded, or joined various secret societies that spawned globalist conspiracy theories, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission, and Rockefeller often stoked those theories with provocative statements:

>“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are … conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” [David Rockefeller, Memoirs]

>“But [today] the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.” [1991 speech at Bilderberg meeting in Berlin]

Another Rockefeller-funded group is the Club of Rome, co-founded by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scotsman Alexander King in 1968, whose stated goal was to reduce the world’s population to a “sustainable” level of between 500 million and 1 billion people. Their 1972 book, The Limits to Growth, explained their Malthusian vision: too many people on earth, using too much of the planet’s resources, would result in a catastrophic world-wide societal collapse within 100 years “if something wasn’t done immediately.” They believed that only a world government could implement that “something.”

Fast-forward to today, when we’re scolded by climate zealots that “we only have 12 years left to save the planet” from the effects of global warming. Same scaremongering, just a shorter timeframe.

>> No.15914755

In both cases the dire warnings were just useful lies, as the Club of Rome openly admitted in 1991 in a book titled The First Global Revolution, co-authored by co-founder Alexander King. In the intro to Part II, he quoted French futurist Gaston Berger: “We must no longer wait for tomorrow; it has to be invented.” So invent they did: King noted that the end of the Cold War resulted in the sudden absence of traditional enemies against which support for global government could be justified. He wrote, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that … the threat of global warming … would fit the bill.”

So “global warming” was invented, a new Frankenstein’s monster against which the gullible world would zealously unite. But, just like Miss Shelly’s frightful creature, “global warming” (later “climate change”) is an imaginary monster; the real threat to human society are the “solutions” proposed and backed by avid globalists.

I had thought that the Club of Rome was just a group of bored elitists who would quickly move on to EST, Scientology, etc., but I was wrong. In a 2017 interview, co-author of The Limits to Growth (and World Economic Forum member) Dennis Meadows said that “86 percent of the world’s population needs to be eliminated. But a benevolent dictator could accomplish that peacefully.” (italics mine)

So, “global warming” was invented by men who are still committed to eliminating over seven billion humans from the earth, men who recognize that only a global government can accomplish that task.

Another David Rockefeller protégé was Canadian millionaire Maurice (pronounced “Morris”) Strong. A high school dropout, at age 18 he met Rockefeller, who took Strong under his wing, introducing him to “the Canadian Rockefellers,” the Desmarais family.

>> No.15914756


>> No.15914757

Strong went to work for them in the Alberta oil fields, and by age 28 was a millionaire, at which time Rockefeller got him his first job at the United Nations.

In 1972, Strong was selected to head the UN’s new Environment Program (UNEP), where he convened the first international expert group on climate issues, and created the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Under the UNFCCC, he formed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the body that provides the climate Assessment Reports that have been termed “the Environmentalists’ Bible” (that the computer models used for those assessments have been repeatedly and embarrassingly wrong hasn’t deterred climate zealots from renewed hysteria at every IPCC report release).

Strong is credited with coining the term “climate change” when “global warming” became awkward due to declining global temperatures starting around the year 2000. His most important legacy, though, is the UN’s Agenda 21/Sustainable Development program, unveiled in 1972 (rebranded in 2015 as Agenda 2030).

Agenda 21/2030 is the blueprint of the global government scheme, using “climate change” as its alluring mask. In the UN’s own words, it “will require a profound re-orientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.” Such as the massive redistribution of wealth from Western democracies to the developing world: “Between $3.3–$4.5 trillion per year … to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” That staggering amount would cripple the Western economies, thus removing a major barrier to global government — the ultimate goal of the “climate change” ruse.

>> No.15914758

Agenda 21/2030, Chapter 4 calls for drastically reducing consumption and production of everything, which comports nicely with the Club of Rome’s 2018 Climate Emergency Plan, which calls for halving consumption/production and halting all fossil fuel investment. (Neither document addresses the millions of jobs that would destroy, or the poverty and vulnerability of the populace that would ensue.) Chapter 5 almost lets the cat out of the bag, blaming the growth of world population for “placing increasingly severe stress on our planet.” Chapter 7 calls for an end to private property, claiming that “social justice … can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society-as-a-whole.”

Lest you think I’m misinterpreting the true goals of Agenda 21/2030, in 1991 Maurice Strong wrote in a report for the UN’s Conference on Environment and Development: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, home and workplace air-conditioning and suburban housing — are not sustainable.” (italics mine). So “the good life” that most humans aspire to must be abandoned to “save the planet.” But is it worth saving the planet if most of us must exist only in wrenching poverty, disease, and hopelessness?

It’s telling that Strong was on the board of the Club of Rome, the group that invented “global warming” to justify its call for global government largely to eliminate seven billion people from the planet. He wrote in his autobiography (Where on Earth Are We Going?) that the death of two-thirds of humanity would be “a glimmer of hope” for the future. So the man most responsible for the decades-long climate hysteria was a committed de-population advocate. But there’s more.

Maurice Strong was also a Foundation Director of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab’s “self-selected coalition” with the answers to all the world’s problems.

>> No.15914759

Upon Strong’s death in 2015, Schwab credited him with being “my mentor since the creation of the Forum.” In 1973 Klaus Schwab invited Club of Rome co-founder Peccei to give the keynote address at the European Management Symposium (later the World Economic Forum), providing an influential global audience for the Club’s de-population ideas.

There is yet another Rockefeller connection to the UN and the WEF: Rockefeller’s longtime friend Henry Kissinger tutored Schwab for two years at Harvard’s International Business Seminar, and Schwab named him (along with Strong) as a mentor. Kissinger was the architect of the secret 1974 U.S. National Security Study Memorandum 200, which called for abortion on demand, widespread birth control, and sterilization to stem global fertility rates and “overpopulation.”

In 2019, Schwab signed an agreement with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to “accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030 across the globe.” And oh, my, has Herr Schwab “accelerated” that process! A 2019 WEF video titled, “8 Predictions for 2030” gives the lie to the “factcheckers” at CNN, Reuters, USA Today, and others who deny that the WEF ever claimed “you’ll own nothing and be happy,” for that is the first of the eight predictions.

The video also calls for a merging of capitalism and socialism, more government intervention in the lives of citizens “for fairness,” and more public/private partnerships (once known as “fascism,” where corporations collude with government to make a shambles of Constitutional rights and free markets). Again, the aim of all this is to cripple the Western democracies, smoothing the way for globalist control. Rockefeller’s minions at the UN and the WEF are getting closer to that goal.

>> No.15914760

Before posting here, you should ask yourself
>is it science?
>is it math?
Then, if the answer is no to both questions, don't post it to /sci/ - science & math

>> No.15914761

In his book The Great Reset, Schwab proposes “to change and move on from free-market capitalism,” replacing it with his idea of “stakeholder capitalism,” which requires companies to consider the interests of employees, customers, suppliers, and community instead of just investors (thus the ESG and DEI travesties). But Schwab’s scheme is modeled after a 1937 Nazi Shareholder Law that required companies to consider “public welfare before individual gain.” Just another lie supporting the “necessity” of draconian actions that will decimate Western societies, clearing the path for globalist control.

In light of this evidence, it seems that the “climate change” hysteria that has overtaken Western institutions has less to do with the problems associated with a changing climate and much to do with global elites’ efforts to acquire power and control for their de-population schemes, and possibly even for their own enrichment. But here is the bottom line: Eliminating fossil fuels, the basis of the modern world economy, will effectively return us to the material world of the mid-1800s, depriving the rest of us of the means and wherewithal necessary to resist the globalists’ dictates.

The unquestioning zealotry of the virtue-signaling supporters of Net Zero, “sustainable development,” and the elimination of fossil fuels are blissfully making that gloomy future a certainty, decrying “greedy capitalists” even as they mindlessly help create a real tyranny of wealthy elitist masters.

>> No.15914763

Aside from the questionable science of climate change, it’s the same old hackneyed lust for power and control by a small group of elites … only this time the whole world has fallen for it because it’s disguised as a noble cause to “save the planet.” But in that 2017 interview, Limits to Growth co-author Dennis Meadows explained that de-population (under the guise of climate change) was necessary “in order to maintain the survivors’ freedom and standard of living.” Not such a noble cause after all, is it?

Like the communists’ “long march through the institutions,” David Rockefeller played the long game, and placed his minions in positions of influence and power to eventually achieve his globalist dream. The Club of Rome, the UN, Agenda 2030, Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset … are all part of the pre-determined “solution” to the false crisis of “climate change,” a solution that gives them the global power and control they’d never be able to achieve otherwise. Somewhere, David Rockefeller is smiling.

>> No.15914767

Good. If you have a problem with it, OP and want to bend the world to your will, then show it you have that power.
If you are righteous and as special as you claim, then you will take his place at the top of the pyramid. You are only upset because you are reminded of your own powerlessness

>> No.15914803

nice to see you're conceding that global warming is a total hoax created by oil barron david rockefeller.

>> No.15914830

>Another Rockefeller-funded group is the Club of Rome, co-founded by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scotsman Alexander King in 1968, whose stated goal was to reduce the world’s population to a “sustainable” level of between 500 million and 1 billion people. Their 1972 book, The Limits to Growth, explained their Malthusian vision: too many people on earth, using too much of the planet’s resources, would result in a catastrophic world-wide societal collapse within 100 years “if something wasn’t done immediately.” They believed that only a world government could implement that “something.”
The evil conspiracy seems to have done a marvelous job accomplishing this one, considering the current population level.

>> No.15914901

>Oil Heiress David
Nice of you to respect her pronouns

>> No.15914910


>> No.15914930

In Russian, you don't distinguish "heir" and "heiress", so translation software has to guess. I guess, here it guessed wrong. I feel like the propaganda machine has started to deteriorate more and more.

>> No.15914943

yes they're brilliantly accomplished geniuses as you can see, rockefeller himself was so brainy that he managed to get born into one of the richest families on the planet and then manage to accomplish nothing noteworthy with his life

>> No.15915288
File: 136 KB, 1237x589, 1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A long, long time ago, way back before your paranoia began...

>> No.15915291
File: 341 KB, 1280x1132, 19021015_Hint_to_Coal_Consumers_-_Svante_Arrhenius_-_The_Selma_Morning_Times_-_Global_warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, 10 years before that

>> No.15915336

This thread was moved to >>>/b/910627980