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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 330 KB, 1080x1225, 1699402742149073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15847534 No.15847534 [Reply] [Original]

asian country have strong education but USA always leads in science wondering why, some chinese friend said USA have this academic culture were they are respected and given good pays when in china the same job pays prob around less than 500 a month in USA it would be 20,000/mo for example rocket scientist

>> No.15847545

looks like the mean IQ for mexicans is 50 and the mean for indians, hawaiians and negroes is below 40

>> No.15847564 [DELETED] 

That should read "Pacific Islander" since there are way too few Hawaiians to fit this metric. And in general Hawaiians are very high IQ among the Pacific Islanders.

>> No.15847578

>but USA
>said USA
Go be an ESL foreigner somewhere

>> No.15847610
File: 1.69 MB, 498x228, china-trump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outlast other superpower
New super power is still growing

>> No.15847767

dumbass doesn't know how to read graphs

>> No.15847820

You can tell just by looking at a culture's art how intslligent they are.

>> No.15848856 [DELETED] 

thats you, you don't even know what a graph is

>> No.15848867

the SAT is not an IQ test, it's also not taken by most Midwestern students, where white IQ is highest in the USA.

>> No.15848871

> USA have this academic culture were they are respected and given good pays
>in USA it would be 20,000/mo for example rocket scientist
No way. A tenured physics professor at a decent university might make half that much

>> No.15848877

The SAT was an IQ test until the early 90s. The test was intentionally retooled not to test IQ because of complaints by certain demographics.

>> No.15849100

IQ measures how good you are at taking that specific test
Sometimes this correlates with intelligence on well designed tests
If you could see demographics of the skin color and mother tongue of IQ designers you would see that they unsurprisingly massively favor people who look and speak like themselves
Go to China and take one of their IQ tests and they will call you a retard because it’s made for Chinese people

>> No.15849136

>If you could see demographics of the skin color and mother tongue of IQ designers you would see that they unsurprisingly massively favor people who look and speak like themselves
This is a weird and very old myth.

>> No.15849137

It’s brand new actually I just wrote those words right now

>> No.15849150

They were put into your head by someone else after a decades-long game of telephone from the original sources trying to discredit cognitive studies.

>> No.15849153

brainlet detected

>> No.15849182

Nobody ever said anything like this to me - it’s an original thought
Is the concept so foreign to you?

>> No.15849329

its not a graph
you don't even know what a graph is lol

>> No.15850262
File: 207 KB, 800x965, Grant_Wood_-_American_Gothic_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15850327

>The SAT was an IQ test until the early 90s.
It wasn't. Actual IQ tests are radically different from SATs.

>> No.15850358

This is the Asian IQ paradox more generally.

The solution is that Asian IQ is not normally distributed in the same way other races are

>> No.15850365

The correlation was actually superior to dedicated IQ tests of shorter length, particularly in the 90 to 120 range.

>> No.15850371

Or maybe IQ simply doesn't directly translate to scientific output.

>> No.15850403

It demonstrably does. And not just scientific output, all economic and life outcomes of every kind translate very strongly and directly to IQ.

Except for East Asians at +2 standard deviations.

>> No.15850426

How come a country like Sweden produces four times more scientific articles per capita than Japan?

>> No.15850448

English is very easy to dominate if your native tongue is Swedish, and this makes research, collaboration and publishing easier.

>> No.15850558

This is an obvious lie.

>> No.15850573

No you're wrong about this. SATs were specially calibrated for the purposes of gauging IQ and mapped accurately to WAIS results for the same populations. This is why MENSA allowed you to submit official SAT scores in lieu of IQ testing until 1994.

>> No.15850997

if we agreed with you I’m sure you’d think I was a wonderful original thinker but when my thought differs from yours it must have been incepted by propagandists
pretty strange way to think but you have to be a strange person to go onto online message boards and defend nonsense iq tests that have never ever worked since they day they were invented

>> No.15851433 [DELETED] 

>not even knowing what a graph is
are zoomers sjws really this ignorant and uneducated?

>> No.15851467

Brain drain.

>> No.15852682


>> No.15852752
File: 164 KB, 1024x864, 1663650147471838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time filters vs money filters

Asian cultures use raw hours spent in schools (public and secondary programs) to filter out people. America uses raw money spent on schools (private and magnet) to filter out people.

The result is Asians show better marks in class work and entrance exams. But Americans show better funding for the programs and research projects.

>> No.15852756

It was up until the mid 90's. Now it's a diversity test.

>> No.15852758

>It wasn't
It was. The old SAT had the second highest correlation with IQ, only the ASVAB was more highly correlated. Specialty IQ tests like the Weschler aren't as accurate at measuring IQ but have better outputs for counseling purposes.

>> No.15852766

>Midwestern students
That is just Germany in America.

>> No.15854353

Why are minorities so low IQ?

>> No.15855267

Why are they so filthy and diseased also?
Because they're lower forms of life.

>> No.15856369 [DELETED] 

>Why are they so filthy and diseased also?
because they're to low IQ to avoid becoming diseased

>> No.15856852

The smartest Chinese come to America. There, I explained your stupid chart.

>> No.15857002

muh nomenclature

>> No.15857009 [DELETED] 

you don't even know what a graph is and you're ashamed of your ignorance lol

>> No.15858251 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 598x800, 1699927848168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15858260

>The smartest Chinese come to America
>China still has an average higher IQ than America.
American bros... We lost.

>> No.15858973

the dumbest chinks are the ones that can't pass their own national exams, same as the smartest people in each state go to their local state U and the second stringers go to ivys if daddy has enough money

>> No.15860532

>t. i don't even know what a graph is
imagine getting emotionally triggered by your own ignorance, must be frustrating

>> No.15860542

>Ehm, local state universities have all the intelligent people, ivys have those that failed getting into local state unis
What kind of new flavor of cope is this?

>> No.15860545

Japan's system just sucks. Their whole scientific enterprise is built off the backs of clueless masters students who even maintain instruments since there are barely any technicians and this bottlenecks a lot of research since they inevitably give up and call the guy for whatever instrument when they can't troubleshoot something. That and they can't grow any independent talent, you just go back to your PhD supervisor's lab as an Ass. Prof once you come back from your post-doc.

>> No.15860716

>Some black people in 125-145
HAHA I'll take it!! My goal in life is to NOT do a eugenic purge and elevate my people, that would be unethical

>> No.15860746
File: 2.81 MB, 762x500, ChinaFreedoms.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of possibilities. The chinks are known for their culture of cheating and immorality. So there's a good chance these results are fake. Its also possible that they are just not interested in the sciences or lazy. I feel like if they were truly as smart and good as whites they wouldn't still be held under the boot of a dictatorship.

>> No.15860831

people who have the long term planning ability to get started creating a valuable career early know that they'll be better off in the long run working on their reputation locally, starting with state u, and building from there. these are people who are already thinking and behaving like adults when they're in high school
spazzes who want to go to name brand school because "its famous" go to ivys, if their daddy can afford it.

>> No.15860898

Because the graph is incorrect. The proportions are simulated assuming that the standard deviation between populations is continuous and identical between populations, which are both wrong.

That's the 'Asian paradox': a simple misunderstanding.

>> No.15862830

how come people with IQs under 50 are dominated by mexicans, indians and negroes?

>> No.15863354

China hasn't seen population or economic growth in 5 years

>> No.15863398

The old ASVAB was extremely correlated with clinical IQ tests, they did this because the military ran studies in the Vietnam War on IQ. They learned quickly that combat effectiveness and logistical efficiency was completely dependent on IQ. To the point that a standard deviation advantage in two fighting groups nearly always led to the lower intelligence group being annihilated. They also found that people with IQs below 80 physically couldn't manage even the most basic tasks required for a grunt enlistee.
This led to them re-calibrating their entrance exam to correlate highly with IQ. Which they then used to institute a minimum service IQ requirement, barring anyone scoring below 82 from enlisting. After using IQ measurements for selection was practically made illegal, they changed their test to avoid lawsuits and government intervention. However, the test still resembles an IQ test in a few categories, including an explicit verbal IQ and shape manipulation section. This allows them to still have the test be very correlated to IQ so they can weed out the people in the bottom 20%. Where the test is still used to this day as a surrogate to an IQ test in the massive national surverys on youth. Estimates put the average IQ of an enlistee above the average population at 103, with the officer staff purportedly having an average IQ of around 120.
People underestimate how methodical and well organized the US military is, despite vast swaths of modern science coming directly from this institution. It is easily the most complex and efficient organization the world has ever seen.
If you want an example of how competent they are at managing continent wide logistical complexity, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxRgfBXn6Mg&t=1058s

>> No.15863437

black bros... we are going to make it

>> No.15863552

Because IQ->science is a lagging conversion

>> No.15863670

how come blacks and mexicans are the massively overwhelming majority of people with IQs under 50?

>> No.15864900


>> No.15866061

It's real. And it's eugenics. These are US scores.

Mao took over and straight up murdered all the smarties in China. So they fled here.
Why do you think there are so many tiger-moms who demand their kids are engineers and doctors like mom and dad?

Same damn reason why so many American Jews are rich and smart. Hitler's eugenics program worked. He killed off all the jews he could get a hold of. The ones that had the foresight or money to flee did so. People like Einstein got out. The dumb ones died more often than the smart ones. Those that remain tend to have higher IQ. Jews before the purge were low-class and weren't particularly smart, well off, or in positions of power.

Sadly, the inverse essentially happened with the slaves. All the slaves throughout time where it was allowed. Smart slaves don't make for good laborers, so those don't reproduce. Those that remain are, well, fucking idiots.

I wouldn't trust the test scores being reported from China. They have a whole fuck-ton of people and plenty of morons.

>> No.15866064

Mostly because they're poor. Shit sucks being poor in a whole hell of a lot of ways.

>> No.15871355 [DELETED] 

why are they poor?

>> No.15872350 [DELETED] 

and asians are the majority of the high scorers because of hard work, disciprine and natural genetic superiority

>> No.15873321

1990 U.S. army is not 2023 U.S. army. It has been corrupted.

>> No.15873523

That graph is very cool looking. Is there a version of it that shows the absolute populations?

>> No.15874499 [DELETED] 

its not a graph

>> No.15874820

The smart Asians moved here for a better life, the dirt farmer Asians didn't

>> No.15875530

Amd why are they poor anon?

>> No.15876103

Both groups are notoriously lazy

>> No.15876908

darwinian evolution is fundamentally racist

>> No.15878102

churning out worthless replication crisis fodder isn't "productivity"

>> No.15878125

yup, even somewhat until the late '90s/early'00s? when they made it EVEN EASIER.
It's like you get a 1600 in 1997 w/out a prep course, and now faggots are getting it with ease.

>> No.15878134

this is true, but it used to be a generally accurate correlation.

>> No.15878661

noticing that is racist

>> No.15878944
File: 239 KB, 594x581, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you stupid americans stop spamming about iq?

iq has always been a meme that ironically only exposes the stupidity of whoever believes in it; it's by definition broken and flawed since you can train on it; and even if we ignored that fact (which we can't) it's still almost useless since it only measures a limited ability.

have you morons never realized why your local asians always score high (e.g. look at the OP being confused)); it's because you morons don't get your asians happen to train on math a lot; be less of a third world country and learn some basic math and science and you'll see you're also going to be near asians' score you stupid fucks lol..

>> No.15879969

>this topic triggers me emotionally
why? how low did you score on the iq test?

>> No.15880770

84, thats how I know its fake

>> No.15880800

Cognitive studies based on an underlying 'intelligence quotient' which can allegedly be measured by a simple test and compared to others on a one-dimensional axis are deservedly discredited.

>> No.15882353

>t. I'm a retard who can't into basic linear algebra so psychometrics is all just a giant conspiracy to me

>> No.15882386 [DELETED] 

No they aren't they only upset you because you score low on IQ tests

>> No.15882901

>The smart Asians
mythical creatures which don't truly exist

>> No.15883120

Dude, all these asian kids perform well intellectually for a reason

I'm a foreign student coming to USA was a shocker, our childhood follows schedule of arrive to school at 5ish morning class(6 regular) till 12pm? then 2pm came back study till 6pm, then night school 7pm to 9pm, then home work 9pm to around 11pm? so about... 15 hour study each day losely speaking. And it's just a regular ass highschool.

my friends who was in more serious highschool have another different schedule, they start at 5 study till 11pm, no break in between besides lunch and nap 1 hour, total of 17-18 hour study all day; there are even more serious schools my other friend went to,

so . when I came to the US at 13 i could skip the whole highschool and go straight to college I'm considered behind with easier educations.

>> No.15883156

He's saying all the smart Chinese go to America where the money is.

>> No.15883402

You are literally retarded if that’s your takeaway from the chart

>> No.15883410

>Lots of possibilities. The chinks are known for their culture of cheating and immorality. So there's a good chance these results are fake. Its also possible that they are just not interested in the sciences or lazy. I feel like if they were truly as smart and good as whites they wouldn't still be held under the boot of a dictatorship.
Yeah i'm thinking about this too
I wonder if that had to do with how the high pressure highly competitive nature of school year and work years had made chinese hold grudges against things turned into depressions(desensitized/loses soul) or deep seeded rage(passive aggressive) or difficulty trusting or other psychological changes(crab in a bucket mindset)

I think the west win because of the social aspect, being more connected, and a super powerful economic machine that continue to attract the best of the best.

Knowledge is power, but connections might be far more powerful, quoting information theory "Value came from connection itself not the dots"

>> No.15883422

>mythical creatures which don't truly exist
I'm in the USA and the majority of Asian Americans I know are incredibly smart.

>> No.15884856 [DELETED] 

ouch, no wonder IQ test upset you
also explains why you have trouble controlling your emotions

>> No.15884879

Tyrone failing high school physics isn’t a knock against the US from this perspective. It actually leads to a wealth of innovation as the US pours infinite research dollars and man hours into gizmos to try to uplift the manape into civilization.

>> No.15884988

Those must be like quadroons or octoroons. Niggers can’t be that smart

>> No.15885331

May I point out how I find atrocious how they call the modern day american natives originating from pre-colombian american civilizations "hispanics"? They never set foot close to mediterranean europe, and all european blood they might have is from colonial rape, but they're still called "spanish". And not only they don't care but run along with it. I wonder what would need to happen for those people be recognized as their own again.

>> No.15886520 [DELETED] 

>muh precious sacred mexicans
how come you don't live in mexico if you love them so much?

>> No.15886541

IQ has nothing to do with emotions

>> No.15886862

I hope a pack of quetzacoatls rape you and eat your heart, but not in that order

>> No.15886877
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>> No.15886910

Sat is not a good predictor of high iq because people study for it to get the highest grade possible.

>> No.15886967

Wow just like IQ

>> No.15886984

>Sat is not a good predictor of high iq because people study for it to get the highest grade possible.
you would think so, I thought the same
but under reddit /cognitivetesting
apparently sat are amongst one of the best NONEPROFESSIONAL IQ test equivalent

>> No.15887007

Yeah and you can adjusted the testing method to fuck up their studying of the iq test questions.

I said high iq. Most people who take the test will not get private tutors for 4 hours a week to score high enough on the sat to get into an ivy league school, which would correlate to a 130-150iq using standard deviation.

>> No.15887551 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 1215x942, abover average for sjws .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ of an SJW anti-racist
>muh super precious shitskins
>muh savior complex for the lesser brown races
>they're too dumb and retarded to speak for themselves so I'll do it for them

>> No.15887838

Why are you posting your IQ under my comment? I'd say it's 89, though, because you can't interpret text

>> No.15887856

This graph is retarded.
Nobody with a 50 IQ would even be able to take the SAT
Fuck off back to /pol/ with this bullshit

>> No.15888142

Latino mutt here. Go fuck yourself, nigger no one needs your pity.

>> No.15889023

>no one needs your pity
Oh, that's very correct. Now go shoot 50 cals at airplanes because your cartel lieutenant told you to do so. No one is paying any better anyways, what else there is to do without jumping border to the US, work on a jefe's plantation?

>> No.15889043

>They learned quickly that combat effectiveness and logistical efficiency was completely dependent on IQ. To the point that a standard deviation advantage in two fighting groups nearly always led to the lower intelligence group being annihilated. They also found that people with IQs below 80 physically couldn't manage even the most basic tasks required for a grunt enlistee.
I have always heard this but never been able to find deeper reading on the topic, do you have any recommendations?

>> No.15889708 [DELETED] 

thats pretty racist

>> No.15889719

Try to find a book about "McNamara's Morons"/Project 100,000 which was a large-scale experiment in forming combat groups from low IQ individuals.

>> No.15889752

>I know how to speak my mother language better than foreigners! I'm so smart!

>> No.15889787

To catch the cheater is the ultimate real life IQ test.
The ability to detect wether your wife gf cheated on you or not is the single best IQ test ever, the way how you navigate this very provocative situation shows interpersonal skills, ability to resolve conflict, problem solving efficiency, shows observation and your own stability under stress cause this might be one of the worst thing in life.
This is the ultimate to catch the cheater game, unlike department of justice you have a real relationship to upheld with this person trying to build a future togather and get along with at the same time we're going to use every last detective, investigation, spy skills in textbook to figure it all out soon as possible through every possible hint she gave while not showing any of our own intent.

Are you able to see through the surface catch any and all of her lies 24/7 any day all day, failure to observe collect analyze any clue will be heavily punished, failure to properly handle social situations and wrongful accusations means instant failure, this will detemine your real life IQ score, wish you perform well in the ultimate real life IQ test.——DID MY GF CHEATED ON ME.

>> No.15890019

>The ability to detect wether your wife gf cheated on you or not is the single best IQ test ever, the way how you navigate this very provocative situation shows interpersonal skills, ability to resolve conflict, problem solving efficiency, shows observation and your own stability under stress cause this might be one of the worst thing in life.

Don't engage with women.

>> No.15890347

You never had a girlfriend, had you? They dont hide it. If shes cheating, shes already out in her mind. It doesnt matter to her whether or not you find out. Take it from me, I was the bastard she cheated with.

>> No.15890817


>> No.15891129

>t. orange in the chart

>> No.15892535

>eating rice with dog meat makes you high iq

>> No.15893271

a test which correlates sufficiently well with IQ tests is an IQ test. SAT analogies were an IQ test, the modern test isn't.

>> No.15893272

Please use a website based in your own country until such time as you are both willing and able to properly assimilate into a US-based one.

>> No.15893287

What a retarded graph, u can't get iq from a fucking SAT it's not an iq test it's just correlated just like how iq is correlated with general academic success, income, etc

>> No.15893288

>correlation correlation correlation correlation
ur all fucking retarded wealth correlates with iq is ur paycheck an iq test? yeah didn't fucking think so

>> No.15893290

>It was. The old SAT had the second highest correlation with IQ, only the ASVAB was more highly correlated. Specialty IQ tests like the Weschler aren't as accurate at measuring IQ but have better outputs for counseling purposes.
Ur a special breed of retard. WAIS is the IQ by default since it's the official test
Everything else is just meaningless correlation bullshit

>> No.15893309

poor man's cope

>> No.15893318

>The chinks are known for their culture of cheating and immorality
This. They are famous for their cheating. They even do it in American universities.

>> No.15894628

This, most scientists are low IQ and the peer review system allows the the IQ majority to dominate the minuscule high IQ fraction thus preventing progess crab bucket style

>> No.15895315

>there are even more serious schools my other friend went to
are there ones where people study 24hrs a day?

>> No.15895340

Ask me how I know that chart is bullshit!

>> No.15896757

some sort of confirmation bias?

>> No.15897521


>> No.15897866

Because Asians have absolutely zero creativity and imagination.

>> No.15898651

This. If people are willing to accept general intelligence is inheritable and varies across human populations, then similar differences in personality and temperament should be also inheritable and varied across populations. My experience with Asians is that they're very task and detail oriented, but generally lack the ability to recontextualize or reapply things learned in novel ways. Very much in line with this, they're also extreme conformists and are generally unwilling to take significant intellectual risks, instead opting to appeal to accepted knowledge and pedagogy. Interestingly enough and in contrast to Asians, what you see with Europeans is an overwhelming overrepresentation in a number of high risk and technically complex activities, such as sports racing, mountain climbing, scuba diving, surfing, etc... Europeans also disproportionately make up executive roles in most private organizations, and are overwhelmingly responsible for new company formation and startups. Beyond that, most high risk military positions are also almost entirely European, even today in the United States which seems at odds with their demographic transformation and stated DEI mandate. Historically too, the vast majority of the most impressive military generals and commanders like it or not came from somewhere in Europe. All that being said, I accept that Asians likely have a higher general intelligence as compared with Europeans. This also comes with a significant caveat, being Japan.

>> No.15898779

>they're also extreme conformists
They've even evolved to all look alike

>> No.15899539 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 1493x1401, arr rook same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15899617

I only use asian entertainment, from vg to drama.
It's american stuff that is incredibly boring.
And btw this board is a replica of a japanese one.

>> No.15899657

Yes, Japanese. Even the most autistic race scientists will freely admit the Japanese are an impressive people. However, I dare you to name 3 Chinese films you've seen, and no Hong Kong doesn't count so don't even try.

>> No.15899685

Asia isn't just china.
I mostly watch korean and japanese stuff, actually nothing from China.
And yes hong kong counts. Last time I checked it was in Asia.

>> No.15899719

>This. If people are willing to accept general intelligence is inheritable and varies across human populations, then similar differences in personality and temperament should be also inheritable and varied across populations. My experience with Asians is that they're very task and detail oriented, but generally lack the ability to recontextualize or reapply things learned in novel ways. Very much in line with this, they're also extreme conformists and are generally unwilling to take significant intellectual risks, instead opting to appeal to accepted knowledge and pedagogy. Interestingly enough and in contrast to Asians, what you see with Europeans is an overwhelming overrepresentation in a number of high risk and technically complex activities, such as sports racing, mountain climbing, scuba diving, surfing, etc... Europeans also disproportionately make up executive roles in most private organizations, and are overwhelmingly responsible for new company formation and startups. Beyond that, most high risk military positions are also almost entirely European, even today in the United States which seems at odds with their demographic transformation and stated DEI mandate. Historically too, the vast majority of the most impressive military generals and commanders like it or not came from somewhere in Europe. All that being said, I accept that Asians likely have a higher general intelligence as compared with Europeans. This also comes with a significant caveat, being Japan.
I kept hearing about how the westerners are mor of a pirate and viking culture, while far easterners are more of a farmer culture

>> No.15901032

watching the electric jew is a toxic retarded waste of time no matter the nation of origin of the conten

>> No.15901155

Aren't chinese engineers going back though? Doubt that it's brain drain.

>> No.15901224

I thought sub-80 was impossible?

>> No.15901871

Theres no limit to stupidity

>> No.15903333
File: 168 KB, 1284x1263, pSLibuWcem1Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, negative IQs are even possible if you're dumb enough

>> No.15904077
File: 249 KB, 1307x1488, antiracist man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it kinda racist to have a chart like that and have all the lowest IQ level be dominated by blax and latinx?

>> No.15904132

>Is this real, how come USA still leading in science
Funding, culture, infrastructure

>> No.15905134

and asians are the majority of the high scorers because of hard work, disciprine and natural genetic superiority

>> No.15905932
File: 49 KB, 540x673, bossu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct, when white accomplish something its because of racism, when anyone else does its because of their superlative characteristics

>> No.15906961


>> No.15907818
File: 1.18 MB, 4096x3277, GAmbVlxW4AABi8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907981

I hope you get shot while suffering a heart attack and then have to flee the ambulance because you can't afford it

>> No.15907983

These are SAT scores.
Only rich and successful asians can get into USA to sit the SATs
It's a form of survivorship bias
Although i do think their hardcore work culture contributes to it as well.

>> No.15908005

I like how you fail to mention culture when they're the only ones with a +1000 year history with imperial examination and testing. Along with a culture where they average 14hrs a day in schooling. At that point of course they're going to do better.

Which makes me wonder why the west particularly America just doesn't force it's kids into 14 hrs of schooling too. Would easily fix a lot of issues. Is it cowardice or laziness that compells them to not employ the obvious solution?

>> No.15908449

Why is hong kong so high?

>> No.15909011 [DELETED] 

cause they're a bunch of chinky four eyed nerds

>> No.15909085

Hard Carried by Asian Americans all the way to the top

>> No.15909089

Explain the China/Taiwan/Japan/South Korea/Hong Kong/Singapore IQ levels. Asians are naturally smarter, their 3000+ history shows that. China is the other Roman empire, but one whose institutional power remained largely at the center for all those years and civilization collapse didn't happen for them. Even enduring the hundreds of large wars, Mongols, black plague, various dynasty changes, etc. The core of the civlization survived intact and evolved. The robustness of the civilization shows there's an intelligence to the east asian groups.

Also, dirt farmers from Asia did come to America. China/Vietnam war refugees came to America with nothing but their clothes. Worked their way upwards from absolutely nothing and in few generations was able to thrive and life the upper class life.

>> No.15909130

>another stuck up diasporafag circlejerk

>> No.15910593

because asians cheat on exams, if hong kong was really that smart they wouldn't have been subjects of foreign empires for the past 300 years

>> No.15910900
File: 815 KB, 1200x1327, Global_Innovation_Index_Dec20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about innovation index

>> No.15910907

the english are also very easy to dominate if your native tongue is Swedish.

>> No.15910939

I'd question what that number even measures, desu.

France is more innovative than Korea or Japan...in what way? What's the french samsung, nintendo, or toyota?

Are they going back hundreds of years or something?

>> No.15911282
File: 539 KB, 609x1017, 1671903919452777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the country has literally zero inventions

>> No.15912765

They didn't even invent Swiss cheese

>> No.15913272

you can see just in the bottom line in the chart where the hispanic portion starts to shrink while the negro and indian fraction continues to expand

>> No.15914257

It actually looks like indians are even dumber than negroes are

>> No.15914288

Because they can afford the best researchers and teachers.

>> No.15915980


>> No.15916331

>France is more innovative than Korea or Japan...in what way? What's the french samsung, nintendo, or toyota?

Apple to oranges comparison.
It's impossible to compare Keiretsu/Zaibatsu/Chaebol to the French economy.
They have a distinctly less centralized economy with smaller actors.
Regardless, you can cite nuclear, aeronautics and a good luxury industry as good basis for France being more innovative.

>> No.15916354

>Apple to oranges comparison.
Kinda my point.

I mean, from my perspective Taiwan's TSMC alone is leagues more innovation than France as a whole. I mean, Luxury goods...? Maybe nice to have, sure. Nuclear? You mean being a power supply for germany so they can larp as nuclear free?

Someone had to decide on the weights, and clearly those weights are pretty arbitrary.

>> No.15916464

What's TSMC to ASML?
There's always a bigger fish and a more important tech behind another tech.
Regardless what you say Korean, Japan and France are very similar regarding technological substrate even if the industrial organization is different.
All three nation have working MICs, space programs and a degree of industrial clout within the digital space above their peers, in particular France on the software side.
Folks forget companies like Datadog were founded by a Frecnhamn and is currently on the NASDAQ, they also forget Yann Le Cun was French.
European nation may look quaint and feeble but when you tie together the string of influence they have, it's potent.

Innovation will never truly be a metric that can be measured unless you classify every patent on earth according level of invention as mentioned in TRIZ, but in the meantime it's more worth our time wondering why certain countries are being ranked so high and researching that rather than stay rooted in beliefs that whoever made those graph were fools, because they were, but that's beside the point, this meant to be thought provoking not a citeable source or material.

>> No.15916495

>I mean, from my perspective Taiwan's TSMC alone is leagues more innovation than France as a whole.
TSMC is just a factory. They make chips designed by Americans on machines designed and built by the Dutch.

>> No.15916535

Taiwan to the Dutch? I'm talking about the French. Of course the Dutch are innovative. Especially in the finance and tech sectors.

Right. And Intel is still on 7nm++++++++++++++++ despite having the same EUV equipment because?

>> No.15917981
File: 40 KB, 600x545, phd102008s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No way. A tenured physics professor at a decent university might make half that much
A bit old but still indicative.

>> No.15918005

>Right. And Intel is still on 7nm++++++++++++++++ despite having the same EUV equipment because?
Intel has patents for a 5nm and 3nm process for making chips but they aren't using it in mass production because they had a near monopoly on high performance CPUs for years. They'll swap processes once the performance and competitiveness benefits outweigh the costs.

>> No.15918009

Goes to show you who actually makes a profit that justifies their position.

>> No.15919108

lmao that college professors earn less than truck drivers do, imagine devoting 20 years of your life to get a job that pays less than one you could've gotten in a month of CDL school.

>> No.15919432

That is one explanation why the upper band in OP's image is totally dominated by Asians. Westerners go to finance, consultancies and patent law, professions that pay.

>> No.15919860

Doesn't help the USA tests everyone.
My mother when a school nurse would have to help vegetables complete standardized tests...

>> No.15919871

Lmao the book itself is written by one and you can tell. Isn't detailed enough either just acidotal stuff.

Hamilton Gregory
McNamara's Folly

>> No.15919880

The group you describe are the children of the CCP party members. They appeared 20 - 30 years ago, when these families thought foreign degrees would give more prestige. Before that the Chinese students were more honest, brighter and not afficiated with the CCP. I know many from that era and I have nothing bad to say about them.

>> No.15919891

It's this simple
A meme
A test
Knowledge. Knowledge without application is just knowledge. Also, it's about working smarter not harder. Having school from 7am-7pm doesn't make you smarter, it just means you are submissive to authority.

>> No.15919907

IQ tests are heavily dependent on test taking ability, practices, and familiarity. Asians are "test trained" from childhood (strict parenting and expectations and peer pressure). Their parents sent them to math tuition from kidergardern and pressure them to study/practice test taking (just to prove that you're better than your Asian neighbour or relative's sons and daughters). "Trouphy child syndrome" makes them work harder.

>> No.15920252

Truck drivers definitely don't make 70k on average.

>> No.15920253

You're right, they make more.