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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 105 KB, 1332x748, V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15905525 No.15905525 [Reply] [Original]

V2 Starship Edition

Previous - >>15902633

>> No.15905527

omg Elon you can't just call it a V2

>> No.15905528

First rings is cool, but I want to see a full ship. (BTW not confirmed to be V2 rings but it's different from the usual via Ringwatchers)

>> No.15905534

I assume they'll have v2 of the launch tower soon too right

>> No.15905536

No they have to first burn through all the V1s and then they will probably go for V2s. Also, they haven't even made a V2 yet and this isn't even confirmed to be the first ring for one so definitely not. Still, preeettty exciting I have to say, a new era of Starship and we atleast seem to be getting the first glimpses into it right now.

>> No.15905538
File: 120 KB, 295x520, Screenshot from 2023-12-05 00-00-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for manned spaceflight missions to Jupiter

>> No.15905542

Reason I made it V2 edition was because I really doubt that they would destack ships with most of them stacked at this point and precedence, the only V1 not stacked is S33 which is literally getting scrapped as we speak.

>> No.15905546

what do you mean precedence? they've destacked full ships before.

>> No.15905579

is that the Von Braun ship?

>> No.15905582

Close, it’s V2 Starship

>> No.15905586
File: 757 KB, 1378x985, 1700774812456615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the dented tanks in the back

>> No.15905592
File: 37 KB, 958x704, ivo quantum thrusters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops wrong pic

>> No.15905611

Those lights are too bright. They will disorient turtle hatchlings.

>> No.15905652
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>> No.15905720

anyone watch smartereveryday new talk?

>> No.15905833

Yeah, it was embarrassing. He took a week's dive into a complex program that involves multiple big government contractors and years of congressional funding politics and then lectured an audience who knew more about it than him. Not to mention he don't know how fast Starship is iterating, how disruptive the concept is nor of the finer details and flexibility of HLS. And all that nonsense about thinking apollo era thinking should be applied to artemis is retarded. We're not trying to land a 4 cubic meter tin can for a few days on the moon with infinite money backing the effort. The goals are entirely different and to achieve them you need to have Starship and its 1 cubic kilometer of payload volume. Not his greatest moment even if he had some decent points in regards to lack of proper communication.

>> No.15905874

I've seen these posts before.
Is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.15905991

You mean the one from the day or so ago?

Chalk it up to a Alabama brain who has bias towards ULA and is unable to see why Starship is necessary.

>> No.15906001

1000 cubic meters is not a cubic kilometer
1 kilometer cubed is 1,000,000,000 cubic meters

>> No.15906015
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>> No.15906027

we reached 200 launches btw

>> No.15906055

>might have covid
Its so fucking over. I will never see starship be reused

>> No.15906068

>8 hours
>20 posts
4chan is dead and so is /sfg/

>> No.15906079

It's crewed bigot

>> No.15906083

>It's crewed bigot
The radiation belts turn all X chromosomes into Y

>> No.15906086


>> No.15906097
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>> No.15906101

What would it take to reach stable solar orbit, say, at about Neptune's distance? How many BFR payloads would you have to poop out into space to get one payload worth of stuff up there?

I'm kind of pining for the ol solar lens telescope rn.

>> No.15906103

>solar lens telescope
Scam just like QI and Plasma Magnet

>> No.15906106

I liked it, he rambled a bit but the core arguments against the mission architecture are solid, problem is they are stuck with the designs they have and I doubt anyone in congress will listen if modern NASA says they need to go back to the drawing board.
Maybe they will have to kill a crew to get the same political power the Apollo engineers got.

>> No.15906123

dood its just a common cold by omicron wave
Yoire gona be fine

>> No.15906126

>What would it take
This dood can do it with a fire extinguisher

>> No.15906139

They won’t kill a crew. They’ll just under deliver late for too much money. But that expensive slow lack of scope guarantees thy don’t lose a crew.

>> No.15906158
File: 1.31 MB, 856x804, 1679389776164977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: my ass
neptune is about 30 AU away from the sun. For solar lens telescope you would need to go about 500 AU. With pinpoint accurcy which relative position moves constantly with the orbit of the exoplant you want to observe

Unless you spam minidrones that far for decades it aint happening without nuclear propolsion

>> No.15906161

The delta-V budget from lunar gateway to the surface and back is tight, much tighter than LLO to surface to docking was on Apollo. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they produce an expensive time capsule full of corpses.

>> No.15906171

youre a liar. thanks for lying to everyone.

>> No.15906174


>> No.15906191


Elon/Munro interview

>> No.15906193

I can edit html too.

>> No.15906194

Anything related to Starship?
I'm not wasting my time on a talk about wheeled tin cans.

>> No.15906203

youre going insane

>> No.15906216
File: 130 KB, 583x711, 1699937618214903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midnight to 8am Eastern

>> No.15906218

I saw the flat earth schizo on /g/ of all places (no I won't post the thread). He even had the same two pictures he always used to post here. It's kind of sad he had that mental breakdown and left.

>> No.15906222

>buh but the nimby faggots would cry about nuclear!
I didn't ask for handicaps. I am dictator of United Terran Stratocracy. We gon find them aliums and put the boot to em before they do the same with us, egghead.

Now, how many payloads will it take to set up a Daedalus drive craft bound for that 500 AU stable solar orbit.

>> No.15906233
File: 81 KB, 581x673, 2023-12-05 07_45_16-What about it!_ on X_ _Spotting something incredible_ 👀 @SpaceX's 2nd Starship .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15906236

There's no way, they cant build without approval

>> No.15906239

5 launches a year btw

>> No.15906244

I'm looking forward to a New Glenn launch. It feels like it should be soon, but it's hard to tell.

>> No.15906247

I'm not. We have no information therefore there is nothing to look forward to.

They want to act like old space, they get the old space treatment.

>> No.15906251

I think if New Glenn fell back onto the pad and exploded it would be very funny

>> No.15906255

New Glenn will be launching to Mars before Elmo Musk, chud. How embarassing to you people. I wonder how you cope after denigrating BO so long?

>> No.15906258

they're not oldspace though. With Vulcan, SLS and A6, you have a general idea of how things go: very delayed, very expensive and somewhat shoddy but also not likely to explode catastrophically. But New Glenn is actually somewhat ambitious: They are actually trying booster reuse + they have a new CEO. It could turn out like every oldspace launch, it could also explode/fail in an interesting way (see new shepard).

>> No.15906260

Did they finish the one in cape?

>> No.15906266
File: 208 KB, 2161x1178, poke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this would do something already.

>> No.15906274


Why is it doing those weird arcs ofver greenland and not flying ina straight line??? Is that the IQ drive active??

>> No.15906282


>> No.15906284

I swear to god thats Jef on his yacht in the gta6 trailer

>> No.15906321

Fuck off nitwit not spaceflight hang yourself

>> No.15906332

suck my dick jef. Jew Glenn will never launch : )

>> No.15906348

Remember when SLS and SS were in a race to get to orbit first? It's so over it's not even funny.

>> No.15906349

Nah. The Bezos boat looks nothing like that.

>> No.15906351

>graphics barely better than 10 year old gta5
Video games have reached their peak. It's only downhill from here.

>> No.15906355

They know something.

>> No.15906356

I don't give a shit about graphics, they've been fine for ages. Stop hogging computational power on that shit. Make better gameplay, make bigger systems, make more interconnected worlds.

>> No.15906357

Nah as someone who plays a lot of gta v this looks much better, especially the npc models

>> No.15906366

It's made for ps5, of course it looks bad

>> No.15906368

you tell em Charlie

>> No.15906369

It's a console game, can't expect it to look good.

>> No.15906371

Collapse of America being made into video game in real time.

Shits crazy.

>> No.15906372

you need to go back

>> No.15906378
File: 984 KB, 1036x708, and_it_did.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a little birdy told me IFT3 is scheduled on Xmas day

>> No.15906381

Definitely not. You are a bitch. Rim my anus and bleed out.

>> No.15906384

NTA but I approve this message

>> No.15906385
File: 3 KB, 435x83, Eat_crow_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but when Im right you'll have to apologize. Picrel is you. Care to walk that back?

>> No.15906386

Bros help a demented anon out was JWST launched last Christmas or the Christmas before that?

>> No.15906389

trappist planets have no atmosphere the universe is dead

>> No.15906390

Could SpaceX really launch again this year?
Seems unlikely considering they still aren't done investigating previous launch.

>> No.15906392

Dependent on FAA approval.

>> No.15906393

they arent investigating, they just come up with a random list and faa signs off

>> No.15906394

Maybe if they didn't do bunch of starbase upgrades right now. It's won't launch this year.

>> No.15906395

No there is 0 chance they launch again this year. Both because of regulation and them just not being ready with multiple changes having to be made AND holiday season meaning big slow downs until NYE

>> No.15906398

Based on what a little birdy told me, SpaceX thinks so

>> No.15906399
File: 9 KB, 348x336, IMG_3359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predictions on if they destack a ship for that new ring or its a V2 Starship part?

>> No.15906401

Forgot to remove that image kek

>> No.15906402

sorry im not a nsf addict, what ring?

>> No.15906405

NSF does nothing original, Ringwatchers are the ones who do rings. Also see OP image, its got different tile latch areas.

>> No.15906407

NASA says they are quickly moving towards their third launch. Though since it is NASA it could mean anything.

>> No.15906409

You said nothing here. This means nothing.

>> No.15906410

If NASA says soon, then it's probably true

>> No.15906414

Definitely not. You are a bitch. Rim my anus and bleed out.

>> No.15906416

It's possible that Spacex will never reveal the cause of OFT-2 failure...

>> No.15906417

its so EMBARASSING that they never want to release the onboard video let alone SAY what happened. A little birdie told me investors would jump like rats off a sinking ship if they knew how bad it really was.

>> No.15906435

NASA gives out better Starship schedules than SpaceX
Yeah SpaceX has been very secretive in recent years.

>> No.15906436

IFT-2 oldtroon, get with the times the only other person that says OFT is Angry and he's a fentanyl addict that moved to BRITAIN to track spaceflight (they have literally no functioning rockets on the entire continent).

>> No.15906440

Also he legitimately believes in ayys so that also is a thing.

>> No.15906441

>white man moving TO, not OUT of Britain
Is he retarded? That place is a totalitarian shithole.

>> No.15906447

I just told you he believes in ayys and is a fentanyl addict. Do you need me to spell that out for you or something? Yes he is.

>> No.15906449

IFT3 is delayed to NET Q2 2025, sorry folks

>> No.15906452

Yeah and IFT-2 wasnt coming until next year, nice try doomnigger. You got BTFO, now go back to sucking off Thunderfag.

>> No.15906453

Any word on the Italian company that accidentally destroyed the tanks needed for the Vega rockets final launch (it's payload is probably going to spacex now i guess)

>> No.15906460
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>> No.15906465
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>> No.15906467

He looks so young

>> No.15906470

>falcon heavy in 2 or 3 tears

>> No.15906472


>> No.15906477

Kek get fucked loser

>> No.15906478
File: 189 KB, 946x2048, E2gQsfNXoAE_c4Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX has trannies and NASA has real women. How do Muskrats explain?

>> No.15906479

NASA has bronies and niggers too.

>> No.15906480

First black woman on the moon chud, theres your answer.

>> No.15906492
File: 13 KB, 648x153, Screenshot 2022-05-24 at 22-10-02 _sci_ - _sfg_ - Spaceflight General - Science & Math - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15906502

Too bad she became physically repulsive

>> No.15906505

New propulsion discovered?

>> No.15906508

She's working on SLS model?

>> No.15906511

she was some kind of pen pusher bureucrat, might even be HR or DEI stuff

>> No.15906524
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>> No.15906526

horse pussy.

>> No.15906531
File: 288 KB, 1170x1542, F7JCr_oXkAAHimC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry chud. Every toilet sent into space has to rim her asshole with its vaccum suction first. FAA regulations.

>> No.15906535

They really do this, gross. This is why artifical gravity is imperative for transportation Starshups

>> No.15906543

>modern women are so retarded that even the ones working at NASA need potty training when they're already in their 30s

>> No.15906544
File: 5 KB, 394x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop.

>> No.15906545
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>> No.15906550

What's elon's stance on holidays? I can kinda see him being a bit of a scrooge because people expect time off for them but I also could be wrong.

>> No.15906552

Tom is looking great, lol

>> No.15906557

Why didnt Musk listen to Mueller before IFT1!


>> No.15906558

Quality of discussion goes down proportional to time until next IFT.

>> No.15906559

NASA brain drain ongoing. I've seen it firsthand, with startups waving fat stacks under the noses of any takers.

>> No.15906560

Just say jew

>> No.15906561

but that's two weeks away

>> No.15906567

The second tower will be dedicated to testing landings and should be wuick to build as it would need little ground equipment compared to the OLM.

>> No.15906572

Nope NASA doesnt want SpaceX bombarding KSC with massive orbital strikes of Starships, definetly not happening in Florida until perfected at Texas where they have literally nobody else around that would ACTUALLY be affected by a ship catch failure.

>> No.15906575

If it crashes in the wildlife preserve it will be a disaster. Starbase will be shut down for at least 2 years and maybe permenantly.

>> No.15906578

Better than killing everyone at KSC. They will do test landings in the ocean anyways until they get it 100% correct, but definetly not happening at KSC until BC has it down.

>> No.15906603

The second tower at Boca

>> No.15906604

Anything below two weeks is when quality discussion starts. Im going to make something about this at some point.

>> No.15906606

We are talking about the second tower in Texas under construction, the Florida tower is incomplete.

>> No.15906607

Who brought up KSC?

>> No.15906609

I thought that the 'second tower' referred to KSC, never crossed my mind we could be getting a second at Boca this soon.

>> No.15906613

you FOOL

>> No.15906618

your a dumb prick.

>> No.15906620
File: 1.27 MB, 2089x1179, IMG_3374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B10 got moved to a transport stand, interesting stuff going on. MB2 is also almost done from the looks of it, image having your office all the way up there on top of MB2, would be so fucking sick to have massive boosters below you and a 360 view of Starbase all around you.

>> No.15906622

This is not the anon that the previous one replied to, he gave good context leave him alone.

>> No.15906627

What are the odds Boca Chica gets a hurricane? The VAB looks like it does because it was built to survive one.

>> No.15906641

the danger with Florida is that a botched reentry will drop debris on Orlando

>> No.15906643

No it wont. Do you even know what incliantion is?

>> No.15906646

Lower than Florida's odds. Mega Bay 2 exists because the design is not up to Florida's hurricane code (must survive a cat 5)

>> No.15906657
File: 3.35 MB, 1430x1870, d4df4a6a3d11ea4783f5febf1ad36b67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the black line here is the ground track for Starship reentry
if Starship breaks up late it's going to drop debris all over Orlando

>> No.15906664

Same thing with Falcons btw but they allow it. Starship just needs to be as mature as Block 5 Falcons before they allow landings, which shouldnt be too hard, they get to test at BC.

>> No.15906667

wrong, Falcons never have reentry from the west
only the dragon capsule does and they make that thing land in the middle of the ocean
are you retarded? do you even know what a full orbit looks like?

>> No.15906673

Thats bullshit.

>> No.15906676

it's in the paperwork for Starship launch and reentry from the Cape, you can go look it up if you want

>> No.15906679

I know how to edit html too buddy. Im not trusting your bullshit links.

>> No.15906684

Different anon, but the reentry corridor and sound profile curve is authentic and sourced from the original Starship environmental impact statement by SpaceX.

>> No.15906689

it's a pdf

>> No.15906693
File: 86 KB, 854x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, classic shit
remember when Starship had three fin legs
good times, good times

>> No.15906698

I forgot my point here: supersonic flight has Max Q in it at 2gs, this occurs at a good time to drop debris on Orlando
if the structure sustained heat damage during hypersonic reentry it's going to fail at or before Max Q

>> No.15906701

Starship never had three fin legs.

>> No.15906710

the design did
they didn't finish building the big bays and the tents or figure out how to weld a goddamn ring to the right size before the design got changed

>> No.15906711

2Gs isn't a lot of force, relatively speaking, and it would require a pretty serious failure of the structures to experience that, but at the same time, it would have to survive reentry heating. This failure model seems pretty unlikely.

>> No.15906713
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>> No.15906718
File: 329 KB, 701x807, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't real Starship.

>> No.15906721
File: 162 KB, 1080x475, Screenshot_20231205_132121_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reeeee hurry up

>> No.15906722
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anyway this stuff is fun
check this out

>> No.15906724
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>> No.15906727
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>> No.15906729
File: 607 KB, 686x926, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropping this shape onto brownsville is going to be really interesting imo

>> No.15906732
File: 18 KB, 646x169, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the description for sonic boom sound levels

>> No.15906736

Ngl she's kinda hot

>> No.15906745
File: 210 KB, 1273x1024, 1612868847199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.15906751

I will spin all coomers under 30Gs of artificial gravity upright until your brain runs out of blood. YWNGTS

>> No.15906760
File: 9 KB, 554x153, msk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subscribe and ask him about IFT-2. He will answer for sure.

>> No.15906769

>people within the 3.0 psf and 4.5 psf regions could possibly be startled
So this is a literal nothingburger.
Someone suddenly clapping next to you without you expecting it would be more impactful.

>> No.15906778

the 5 psf, 10 psf, and 12 psf contours from the Super Heavy reentry (which happen like fifty miles away at some focus point) are going to be distinctly unpleasant

>> No.15906781

Literally hasnt posted anything for the cucks that pay him money for like half a year. You wanna know why? That nigger Ashlee Vance RUINED the second IFT-1 interview with Ukroid talk and general politics shit and now he never does one again. FUCK THAT NIGGER HE RUINED WHAT WE HAD GOING

>> No.15906788


>> No.15906845

go be retarded somewhere else

>> No.15906861
File: 317 KB, 680x538, JUSTcuckmyshitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his gf looks straight out of that world desu

>> No.15906883

save me, racial-slur-cat-name

>> No.15906887
File: 34 KB, 640x640, Mike McCulloch QI Thruster Space Field Propulsion Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to elevate this thread.

>> No.15906909

/sfg/ has the worst taste in women I've ever seen

>> No.15906910

>decades of plans and big talk
>zero (0) orbital launches
How very new space!

>> No.15906926 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 836x956, Mecha Sally 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sfg/ has the worst taste in women I've ever seen
How bout now retard?

>> No.15906929

Not everyone can marry a 13 year old. I like to keep my options wide open

>> No.15906930
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>> No.15906932

I kneel.

>> No.15906968
File: 378 KB, 1200x1588, Were Never Going Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next person to walk on the Moon, will be Red Chinese.

>> No.15906983

He has huge schizo I was right all along energy. Manifesting a successful orbital raise for him.

>> No.15907013

SpaceX is deep in development of a superheavy lift launch vehicle, and NASA already has one.
Worst case is Artemis 4 flies before Artemis 3 using Blue Origins lunar lander. Blue will have their lander ready by the end of the decade.

Chinks have NOTHING necessary to land humans on the moon, so they would have to leapfrog SoaceX which we would see coming.

>> No.15907014

Fuck off Noa.

>> No.15907019

would fuck /10

>> No.15907022
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>> No.15907041

good, then the plovers won't be whispering things to the schizos in /sfg/

>> No.15907042

i dont think that counts as pre-launch testing

>> No.15907048

Technically anything that happens before IFT-3 is pre-launch testing

>> No.15907055

kill ys

>> No.15907056

I should go to the beach and look at a plover

>> No.15907058
File: 428 KB, 1600x1200, 64617main_VAB_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a lot less hurricanes along the south Texas coast than the ocean side of Florida
good, fuck disney, but at least epcot will have some real science happening for once
Falcon boosters come from the ocean side and don't aim for land until they're under control. The one time it didn't, it splashed offshore.

>> No.15907077
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>> No.15907085

I'm not into humans at all.

>> No.15907086

it's not that improbable. Long March 10 is also well into development and it's a pretty conservative design. China's deep space capsule has been in the works for almost as long as Orion and their lander is simple. They plans to have boots on the moon by 2029 and it's not impossible that they could do it sooner. Artemis is also well into development but still has a few pretty ambitious milestones to hit. A significant issue on Artemis II could be enough to delay the landing by a year or two and its already penciled in for 2027, so there's not that much of a lead on the Chinese.

>> No.15907088

>holy shit they're moving the arms they're about to launch!

>> No.15907095

In order to truly have made it in the space game China is due for a casualty event

I wonder if go fever for the moon is going to cause it

>> No.15907102

go fever should be the natural case.
we should accept up to a 50% fatality rate for the most cutting edge of missions.

>> No.15907111

Chinks will not do it, and if they do we can always claim its fake.

>> No.15907124

Chinks will launch their new heavy lift Long March Whatever, claiming they're just launching another probe or a rover. If they're unsuccessful and crash into the surface or RUD at some point then nobody will give a fuck, but if they succeed they'll reveal that mission was actually manned and post some pics from the surface with chinkonauts in aliexpress spacesuits waving their flag at LRO flying by.

>> No.15907123

China seems remarkably resistant to go fever. The various agency heads are always promoting some super ambitious new roadmap while the actual party leaders in Beijing respond with ambivalence and limited funding. I think having a slow but successful program that doesn't fuck things up scores higher with the Confucian mindset than the anniversarial glory at all costs approach the Soviets favored. Also, their NASA and NRO equivalents have to share the same-line item in the budget so their only so much gas to go around no matter how hard someone tries to slam on the peddle.

>> No.15907131

Dumb fuck do you remember how long they took after IFT-1 to do anything remotely related to launch prep. They could LEGITIMATELY be preparing for a B10 spin prime as we speak. Took at minimum two months before anything even remotely close happened with IFT-2 prep because of launch pad damage (btw an eternal fuck you to trenchcels).

>> No.15907143
File: 166 KB, 1536x2048, GAnvPdkXgAEvG5S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are these VIPs?

>> No.15907148

Going by the blue suits, probably NASA astronauts.

>> No.15907149

Does b10 even have engines yet?

>> No.15907153

>t. linda ham

>> No.15907154


>> No.15907160


>> No.15907170


>> No.15907176

You're one of the few people I've seen online who understands the Chinese mindset. They would wait 100 years to go to the Moon if they thought they'd still get what they wanted out of the whole thing.

>> No.15907178

Yes, get bent. You LOST, spin prime IMMINENT

>> No.15907180

Has anyone figured out why Starship started tumbling during the 2nd test flight yet?

>> No.15907182
File: 104 KB, 432x432, tumbling down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the memes

>> No.15907183
File: 407 KB, 400x400, 1678402669808337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907184

And the launch approval?

>> No.15907187

Prelaunch TESTING moron, I didnt say launch. God some of you just cant read huh?

>> No.15907191

Okay, if it's not relevant to actual launch then who the hell cares?

>> No.15907195

>spin prime not relevant to launch

>> No.15907196

NASA can't even get their act together on the billion $ moonsuits. The program is in hopeless disarray.

>> No.15907198

Okay, so >>15907184

>> No.15907202

holy shit this guy is retarded, someone get the newfag filter i'm phonefagging right now.

>> No.15907205
File: 214 KB, 593x514, Screenshot 2023-12-05 201806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b10 on its way down the highway

>> No.15907206
File: 33 KB, 556x216, 1629948819189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907207

did they install engines in it yet?

>> No.15907208

you can do pre-launch tests before actually getting a launch license
spin primes and static fires do not require a launch license but are necessary for testing the rocket before launching it
i.e. pre-launch testing

>> No.15907212
File: 1.02 MB, 1910x800, Screenshot 2023-12-05 202251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes theyre installed but i read the comments apparantly its just going to the rocket garden. see picrel for current info on starships and boosters.
dont spoonfeed this newfag any info hes at the top of mount stupid right now, let him stay up there so he leaves us alone.

>> No.15907217

The problem is you're saying it as though it has significance on when the launch will happen despite the fact that the limiting factor is the regulatory approval.

>> No.15907219

>the danger with Florida is that a botched reentry will drop debris on Orlando
you misspelled "advantage"

>> No.15907227

holy shit actually kill yourself nobody said this ever, it was referred to as prelaunch testing not prelaunch testing required for launch. you reek of newfag so much its embarassing. tell us what >>15907206 this equation is.

>> No.15907230

of course it has significance as it has to happen before actual launching, the license can drop whenever
SpaceX doesn't have to publicly talk about the investigation

>> No.15907234

left to right it's Rogozin, my old retail boss, female astronaut, the protagonist of Fallout 2
while that may be true

>> No.15907237
File: 2.06 MB, 1551x850, Screenshot 2023-12-05 203609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool map I found of SpaceX property globally, Starbase IMO is the coolest, theres a bunch of scattered lots they own around Boca Chica but most of them dont seem to have anything on them yet.

>> No.15907238

Also I found this while trying to find out where the 'Sanchez' site is, is that just the main production site or is it separate like Massey's?

>> No.15907239

Change in velocity is equal to the velocity of the exhaust times the natural logarithm of the initial mass divided by the final mass.
The rocket equation is how you calculate the delta-v of a craft.
Yes, but what I mean is that it's not going to make the launch happen any sooner just because they're doing this part very quickly.
If the license were going to be given soon or had already been given then it would be significant.

>> No.15907242

wikipedia says that it's inside the main production site so yeah it is.

>> No.15907243

nobody knows, everyone involved in /sfg/ is too stupid to understand why it failed

>> No.15907244
File: 115 KB, 739x686, 008350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its next to the main production site, not actually sure why its called that, but the site you went to explains it too apparently

>> No.15907247
File: 61 KB, 918x678, Screenshot 2023-12-05 204141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off newfag

>> No.15907249
File: 57 KB, 1127x951, 008351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the triangle shaped area basically south of the production site, north of the production site is boca chica village

>> No.15907252

ah ok so it is the rocket garden.

>> No.15907253
File: 22 KB, 1146x1218, 1701663496921534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you remember the original version of this pic?

>> No.15907258
File: 656 KB, 1378x985, go_away_earthers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15907259

Do this.

>> No.15907263

Meant for >>15907258

>> No.15907273

make it say "earthnoids" instead please

>> No.15907277

photoshop it yourself

>> No.15907279

busy flying spaceplanes in KSP

>> No.15907282


>> No.15907285
File: 360 KB, 1200x1687, WUBOtyj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fun it would be to build space habitats with custom tailored environments for all tastes. What pretty gardens in the sky they could be.

>> No.15907286
File: 2.92 MB, 1567x2006, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"flying" is a generous term, it's more "watching" than anything else, it mostly flies itself

>> No.15907288

I am going to shoot a durr in a cylinder

>> No.15907290
File: 43 KB, 976x549, 1701829265089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space is just a PR stunt.
You won't see any major endeavor being funded unless there is some satanic war to distract the public from.
Scientific exploration in particular is a joke.
Billionare initiatives are just excuses to partake of the national security pork.
Now lets continue pretending.

>> No.15907293

Xhe's right you know except the last part because Starlink now exists and is mostly not of national security pork.

>> No.15907295

Most destinations on a spin-gravity ring are uphill

>> No.15907296

just saw that, came here to say that it's over.

>> No.15907298

actually they're downhill if you just wait until it spins around to put you on top

>> No.15907299

Starlink is literally Skynet.

>> No.15907300
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably astronauts discussing the human landing system.

>> No.15907302

You are a moron and wrong, and either way you are admitting that I was right about the last part being wrong.

>> No.15907303


>> No.15907304

kill yourself

>> No.15907306

if the space race was won by bhutan

>> No.15907307

/sfg/ - Spergfight General

>> No.15907308

ok this is the coolest fucking thing i have seen
kind of want a quadcopter/hexcopter like this

>> No.15907312
File: 149 KB, 270x681, Screenshot 2023-12-05 213410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scott manlet
today i will remind them

>> No.15907316

kek wheres the Scott Manley FAGGOT! image?

>> No.15907317

they really give anyone a wikipedia page these days

>> No.15907321

born in troon SA goon

>> No.15907322

thank you for your contribution to the thread

>> No.15907323


>> No.15907324

youre not fooling anybody samefagging threadsplitter. your reputation is ruined for your actions on ift-2, just fuck off.

>> No.15907326 [DELETED] 

I'm not that anon and I want to have sex with a blue cartoon fox

>> No.15907329

i just got here faggot, been busy all day and only just left my first post for this thread
there are multiple fox fuckers in this general

>> No.15907331


>> No.15907333

Can confirm, would fuck the fox. I keep it to >>>/trash/ though.

>> No.15907335

>he doesn't think threadsplitting is funny
holy newfag, /vg/ generals have cross site melties from time to time which is hilarious

>> No.15907336


>> No.15907337

rangeban oahu and lets see how many times krystal is posted from static ips after that.

>> No.15907338

making fun of scott manley is spaceflight related.

>> No.15907339

since im not on some stupid island
gonna have to rangeban the entire world to get rid of foxfuckers since we're global :-)

>> No.15907341

remember when we were /sfg/ - spaceplane fucker general

>> No.15907343

i still need this image

>> No.15907344

/sfg/ - starfox fucker general

>> No.15907346
File: 365 KB, 1920x1200, 1686012080888991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't want to have sex with this?

>> No.15907347

Shuttle is like a model, looks great and makes you want to blow your load but lacks any talent outside of that

>> No.15907349

Starfox is Spaceflight related

>> No.15907351
File: 3.54 MB, 2516x1540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like this

>> No.15907360

you sick fuck

>> No.15907366
File: 1.66 MB, 2492x1259, Screenshot from 2023-12-05 22-20-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see those big roggets behind the rocket scientist

>> No.15907368

/sfg/ - shutthe fuckup genuinely

>> No.15907370

smol roggets

>> No.15907382

Q2 2024 Starlink goes cash flow positive; and by Q1-Q2 2025, they'll be able to decouple the cash burn for the Starship program from the rest of the SpaceX business and become development/construction/manufacturing unconstrained. I'd expect their ship and booster production to double or even triple by end of next year.

>> No.15907387


>> No.15907388

They're going to be tightly constrained by the lack of permitting and launch infrastructure, and this situation will not resolve itself by the end of 2024

>> No.15907394
File: 2.61 MB, 3024x3649, IMG_6122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this picture of endeavour's phat ass

>> No.15907395

>Q2 2024 Starlink goes cash flow positive
news broke weeks ago that starlink recently achieved this.

rural boomers are throwing money at starlink out of pure spite for traditional telecoms.

>> No.15907396

That's an already understood and accounted for fact. My point is that once Starlink goes cash flow positive and begins to bring in serious capital on a monthly basis, SpaceX might very well start taking actual risks with their booster/ship launches by adding Gen2 satellites into their ships on the launch to orbit. As at that point, a loss of a vehicle and satellite would be offset by the profits. Gen1 Satellites at 50 per launch adds 1Tbps bandwidth into the network. Gen2 Minis bump that to 4Tbps. A full successful Gen2 deployment would add 2.1Tbps. Which is a little under half of the V2 minis, but that's mainly due to the fact that the V2 minis are smaller than the V2s by nearly 2x, so Starship can only do 21 per launch currently (planned). But at the cost of reduced overall bandwidth, they can handle vastly more incoming/outgoing connections all via laserlinks and would come with the satellite to phone integration with a much larger cone of influence. All of which would create an escalating positive feedback loop of cash.

I would not be surprised if by 2026-2027, SpaceX looks to open up a third launch site somewhere along the US south east coast. So that they can launch from Starbase, Site 2, and LC-40 (if NASA allows it).


>> No.15907401
File: 24 KB, 600x500, spacex-starship-offshore-launch-platform-deimos-render-kendall-dirks-hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third launch site
from neptune's cunt

>> No.15907402

>They're going to be tightly constrained by the lack of permitting

>> No.15907408

its mostly those NIMBY ocelots who think they own the wetlands and wont let them launch

>> No.15907421

>You will never hunt the high fence hunt club cylinder

>> No.15907426

who are you quoting

>> No.15907429
File: 159 KB, 1200x675, Fat, shirtless, drum beating British football fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907430

Brits really say and do this. What was Angry thinking?

>> No.15907431

I will have many cool guns so they will let me shoot their durr

>> No.15907437

not feasible to build such things. dig tunnels on mars instead

>> No.15907439

Cape site is scrapped

>> No.15907440

Very funny if somehow Blue Origin reached orbit before SpaceX

>> No.15907443

I can't believe Musk's plan for the Falcon Heavy is to take three Falcons and put them together.

It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.15907446

I'd imagine to first space hunt club to be bow only

>> No.15907447

you need to kill yourself immediately

>> No.15907452

Yourself not yourselves? Also you were off from exact 00:00:00 by 1 second nice try.

>> No.15907466

Remember how comfy things were before this general even existed and all these faggots showed up. We were just chilling watching falcons in launch threads.

>> No.15907468

This never happened kill yourself

>> No.15907469

go make your own launch threads then stop bitching.

>> No.15907472

nobody cares about what happens on space stations. will they care about what happens on space colonies? maybe a station or colony has to be a significant size before anyone starts to care?

>> No.15907479

>nobody cares about what happens on space stations.
They don't care because the ISS has been a go-nowhere gimmick for 30 years.

Compare that to, like, the Primitive Technology guy who has millions watch him progress from stick huts to iron working.

>> No.15907483
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, American Truck Simulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is KSC gonna be featured in it or what

>> No.15907485

yeah but nobody cares about the chinese station either

>> No.15907488

They’ll care once it actually does something interesting. Say a station that actually manufactures some product or a colony that mines and refines lunar ore.
People were really interested in steam powered factories and power plants in the 20th century because they took novel ideas and did genuinely useful things with it. Antarctic bases are kind of forgotten by normalfags because they lost the novelty aspect and don’t really overtly affect things around the world

>> No.15907491

Probably tons of Chinese kids are getting inspired to become astronauts.

>> No.15907538

Reminder, SpaceX will get to 100 launches this year. (Including the 3 Starship attempts)

>> No.15907544

4 including oft-3

>> No.15907552

see >>15906436. anyone saying OFT will now be considered a fentanyl addict until the REAL OFT comes around.

>> No.15907555

The Czechs are so based for putting so much detail into this

>> No.15907559

theyre the same as polish scum

>> No.15907563

Yeah okay Tory, just don't be mad when they forget the Alabama river rocks

>> No.15907565

fuck you czech cock sucker, your mother is a whore and your father is a pig

>> No.15907570

what are you talking about? the license says OFT. anything else is just made up larping

>> No.15907579

>Long March 10 is also well into development

Hot firing your planned engines is not well into development.

>> No.15907581

i fucking hate ift downtimes.

>> No.15907594

Artemis 3 crew maybe

>> No.15907595

Just call it FT. It is not publicly known whether or not the next test will be orbital.

>> No.15907596

The I is for integrated (both stages).

>> No.15907603

completely useless and redundant term

>> No.15907604

Officially used by SpaceX for two flights tranny just use it like everyone else does you are siding with a fentanyl addict that willingly moved to Britain.

>> No.15907606

Is that why neither Starship flight patch nor FAA license says "IFT"? get fucked moron

>> No.15907608
File: 115 KB, 1131x1101, 1692975758383957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over
2028+ for the first landing

>> No.15907609

redditors have always been right thus far. thank you for posting, keep us updated

>> No.15907611
File: 114 KB, 692x543, 1678182753273247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem anon
here have another
>increasing atmospheric CO2 levels, even at current above-normal levels, (400-500ppm) negatively impact IQ and cognition, and measurably affect thinking. Worldwide. And its going to get worse. Also increases anxiety.

>Just a note, "drowsiness" from hypercarbia/hypoxia is an actual medical emergency. That is common at 1000ppm. We're at half that.

>But even half the level of reliably inducing stupor is still fucking crazy and harmful.

>We are nosediving into a literally unbreathable existence. And getting dumber on the way.

what are the spaceflight related consequences of everyone getting dumber from rising CO2 levels?

>> No.15907615


>> No.15907618

go back to get more?
sure thing anon!

>> No.15907619

what an amusing perspective/cope. It's off-topic, however. (you are a retard faggot nigger)

>> No.15907621

please answer the spaceflight related question anon!

>> No.15907625

most of /sfg/ is just xpost from reddit / X. better to just roll with it

>> No.15907627

i think air is on the ground,so we would be safer in space but just a guess

>> No.15907631

your right space has no CO2
you're a genius anon

>> No.15907634

i am upon the shoulder of giants

>> No.15907640

pretending to be retarded is effectively the same as being retarded.

>> No.15907661

>intentionally shits pants
>everyone laughs at you
>hah i was only pretending to be retarded
same outcome.

>> No.15907662
File: 403 KB, 1080x1080, f4979bd09ec2913f6993763f9f10ed0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna ROOOOV

>> No.15907664

i wonder how many anons even watched this video

>> No.15907673

Its a Scott Tranlet video I'm not watching anything made by a Troon native

>> No.15907679

Roover or mateship for me. None of this abbo nonsense

>> No.15907686

proving my point anon

>> No.15907698

I watch his videos. I also take Johnathan McDowell's opinions seriously. They both know what they're talking about (when it comes to their very niche hobbies at least).

>> No.15907739
File: 166 KB, 1068x712, Screenshot_20231206_100418 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907740
File: 235 KB, 1068x1010, Screenshot_20231206_100418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907745


>> No.15907788

Gypsies stealing rocket tanks is better than meta posting cancer

>> No.15907793
File: 51 KB, 612x410, Boca Chica Village Welcomes You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll buff out

>> No.15907804

Permits are definitely going to take the longest, but they'll have an interesting time getting any approved launch sites operational in less than 18 months from groundbreaking to comissioning.

>> No.15907842

Whole thing reeks of crime/criminal activity.

>> No.15907928

They're Italian after all

>> No.15907961
File: 36 KB, 590x545, SpaceX is tracking to launch over 80% of all Earth payload to orbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15907971
File: 967 KB, 1290x1477, IMG_0847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean? Is Roscosmos really gonna try to make it? Lol


>> No.15907979

Roscosmos is overdosing on memberberries

>> No.15907996

I had a dream that I was at a nasa presentation and they were explaining that the plan for artemis 3 was to do a spacewalk from the orion capsule to hls. I asked why they weren’t just docking them together but they didn’t answer me.

>> No.15907998


>> No.15908001

Geez, did a Czech fuck your mother?

>> No.15908011
File: 142 KB, 962x1200, 1668578688761992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His argument would be fine if he just stuck to saying, "Why aren't we just redoing Apollo?" but he didn't. He even pulled up the slide on iteration, learning, and progressive steps to build towards an end goal from the very document he talked about for almost half an hour but then goes on to say 'Stop focusing on tech demonstrations!' (repeatedly) as if those very things weren't tech demos.
>We'll need 15 launches!
To put 150 tonnes onto the moon, not 10.
>We'll need to do fuel transfer, something we haven't ever tried before!
And the entirety of the space race was basically just two countries rubbing their science and engineering dicks together to do things nobody has ever done before. And so on.

My take-away was that he's afraid China will get back to the moon before America, and he doesn't want that to happen. It's why he focuses on the timelines not shifting, even though by all reasonable assessments they should be moved two years at this point due to the various delays. I dunno. He just sounded like an old Boomer who was terrified of China (Russia) getting to being first (back) to the moon and wants another flags and footprints mission.

>> No.15908014
File: 1.68 MB, 1290x1882, IMG_0848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stoke moves quick

>> No.15908018
File: 184 KB, 1536x1024, jsc2020e000701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to bet that's Johnny Kim furthest to the right. Remember, this dude is a former SEAL, a Lieutenant Commander, is a literal medical doctor from Harvard and has a degree in mathematics.

>> No.15908040

shut the fuck up.

>> No.15908048
File: 1.70 MB, 1976x3325, Gravity1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Orienspace isn't a joke.
Let's see how it does in flight.
>400 tons launcher in 3.5 years since founding.

>> No.15908062

>is confronted by his own mediocrity
>lashes out like a woman
Not surprised.

>> No.15908067

they stapled some ICBMs together, as soon as they get successful the Chicom military is going to cut them off
source: they've done it multiple times now

>> No.15908068

THIS thing is HILAROUS. what an AMATEUR CHINK device. Where are its LANDING legs? Where is its REUSIABLE UPPER stage?

>> No.15908070

>2.65m diameter SRB
that's no ICBM

>> No.15908072
File: 19 KB, 648x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno anon, that seems within the acceptable range

>> No.15908073
File: 62 KB, 800x560, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(that last picture is the Minuteman

>> No.15908075

SRB are a specific diameter due to the way they're cast, the changes required to increase it is tantamount to a complete redesign.
There are 2.25 and 2.37m chinese military SRB, this isn't one.

>> No.15908076

Fucking chicom scum

>> No.15908077

DF-5 is liquid...

>> No.15908078

do you have a list of diameters for the various SRBs of the Chicom ICBMs
I've got a list of their launchers but not the diameter of their motors

>> No.15908079

The goal of the "independent" Chinese space launch companies isn't to create successful launch companies, it's to grow more aerospace talent. The core of China's space industry is just as oldspace as anywhere in the west and requiring new hires spend twenty years working at Boeing before being assigned to anything interesting is a terrible way to get graduates interested in the industry. A non-CNSA/CASC company lets them work on projects at a much higher level right away, as well as partly off-loading some of the funding to cities and provinces that want to invest in having a prestigious space industry.

And China's not going to turn down more launch capacity. Even with the rate their launching their still starved compared to the number of payloads they have waiting for rides.

>> No.15908085


2.65m is unlike all the pre-2020 chinese SRBs, this is a new design.

yes I know he's stubborn but he's autistic about missile size.

>> No.15908087

naturally, they're giving these launch companies free motors, telling them to build avionics for them, and then cutting them off so they have to quit and try to get hired by the big oldspace core, thus increasing the surplus of aerospace talent
interesting this is evidence against my hypothesis

>> No.15908089
File: 7 KB, 179x282, LEL(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing with no visual mods
kek anon has a potato PC

>> No.15908104

>playing KSP 1 in current year instead of KSP 2*
>kek anon has a potato PC

Almost time for you shitters to turn 360 degrees and admit KSP 2 is a definite improvement over KSP 1 and that a 30 billion dollar company was never going to do a rug pull after releasing a game in a pre-alpha state. I'll wait.

>> No.15908106

Bro, your science?
Reentry heating?

>> No.15908107
File: 70 KB, 800x600, 29d9a8b3c84b84228f1b97020f0d2d5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid frogposter

>> No.15908108

Gay-ES(L)-Pee 2 is crap

>> No.15908112

suck on my toes.

>> No.15908113
File: 309 KB, 879x520, Screenshot_2023-12-06_16-39-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rocketlab sisters...

>> No.15908122

My uncle works for Intercept Games, he says the science update is good and that most of the bugs are fixed.

>> No.15908123

If you forgot: capella space were using rocketlab for launch services up until their most recent fuck-up.

>> No.15908124

>be small sat launch company
>can't launch small sats reliably

>> No.15908126

>my dad works at microsoft
you must be 18 or older to use this site.

>> No.15908128

he didn't say that thoeverbeit.

>> No.15908130

Literally every non-SpaceX company because SpaceX has raised the bar of 'reliably'. Remember that ULA and shuttle era NASA were considered reliable before the Falcon 9 era.
Dont make me basedquote you.

>> No.15908132
File: 51 KB, 1200x675, the-space-shuttle-challenger-exploded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to send astronauts to space
works perfectly
>try to send a hooker to space

is karma actually real?

>> No.15908133
File: 535 KB, 652x640, sn eed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>update isn't even out yet
>positive reviews

>> No.15908134

Fucking cucked wordfilter.

>> No.15908136

They had yet another failure?
What kind of reliability % do they have now, 80?

>> No.15908140

no, but one of their recent customers is at least partially switching to spacex. The fact that one of their sats was lost in the recent electron failure probably has something to do with that.

>> No.15908141
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>> No.15908142

90 if the number of failures are correct on wikipedia

>> No.15908143

>wikipedia lists the falcon heavy launch of x-37b as geosync orbit
why do they lie? this is why you cant trust wikipedia. literally making shit up and none of their sources back that claim.

>> No.15908145

Kek, I still sometimes visit steam forums to laugh at copium addicts.
The upcoming shitstorm when they finally decide to pull the plug is going to be glorious.

>> No.15908147

I remember somebody mentioning that it was going to really high orbits recently, though.

>> No.15908148

I remember when the wikipedia listed raptor 3 thrust and ISP were insane. Like 10 seconds more ISP and 30% more thrust

>> No.15908154

That's still pretty bad, one in ten failure rate is high.

>> No.15908156
File: 45 KB, 635x819, 008358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15908158

We have no idea about the kind of orbit it's going into, might as well be true.
Maybe it was a glowie accidentally releasing confidential information, would be funny.

>> No.15908159

shut up. make your own rocket company if you can do better.

>> No.15908162

Actual PIG. She makes me think that the chimp-pig hybrid theory for human origin is real. Her relation to a pig is unreal. Probably smells and squeals like one too.

>> No.15908166

t. seething chestlet

>> No.15908168

>not even using the most up-to-date versions of half the parts
why they would fork the game before it was finished I'll never know

>> No.15908170
File: 564 KB, 410x658, elli_in_space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smell em and weep

>> No.15908172
File: 31 KB, 464x794, df0dd0fe47a2f27dd745e7191984423c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15908178

preparing for the rugpull.

>> No.15908182

And here I though SpaceX has fast pace but look at Rocketlab, they are going to launch 8 more rockets this year, implessive.

>> No.15908184
File: 173 KB, 1026x657, 1696703911760373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, my picture

>> No.15908197

"Q4 2023" is industry speak for "H1 2024." "?? 2023" is industry speak for "sometime."

>> No.15908216
File: 185 KB, 361x271, 1701883085671097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not a pig

>> No.15908229

>spends 15 minutes scanning the sky for the nork satellite
>says it doesnt exist because he couldnt detect it after a few minutes
does this guy not know basic orbital mechanics

>> No.15908247

Complains about complexity... citing SpaceX without mentioning Gateway
then adds some retarded practice lander when HLS is going to be automated...

Pointless without, any accusations to Congess that keeps Huntsville around. Aint going to mess with the pork.

>> No.15908250


>> No.15908254

>iran sent a capsule with animals in it into space
why didnt we see this coming?

>> No.15908256


>> No.15908258
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>> No.15908262
File: 10 KB, 260x400, 1692093118702744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently its a Shahab-3 with a capsule on it
>The Shahab-3 (Meteor-3) is a liquid-propelled medium-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and based on the North Korean Nodong-1.

>> No.15908325

is the Prometheus?

>> No.15908337

No, this is Patrick

>> No.15908343

look up Cyancapsule and tell me she's not a pig

>> No.15908409

Incels WNGTS and anyone saying otherwise is lying to themselves.

>> No.15908451

Slampig prime

>> No.15908463



>> No.15908530

Guys, I'm beginning to think not having to rebuild your entire fucking rocket each flight might have some small upsides.

>> No.15908533

that will be $3 billion plus tip

>> No.15908748

>euro rockets
everything seems to be in order

>> No.15908751

not only did the hooker's flight not explode, he's now NASA administrator

>> No.15908813

trannies have more technical ability since they're in fact men