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15897114 No.15897114 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I've encountered a lot more actually evil people in academia during my degree than I have in the actual working world. Those fuckers get off on the pain of other people, it's depressing as hell to deal with

>> No.15897118

>I didn’t go to college
>So it’s evil

>> No.15897119

NTA, currently doing MS in stats, it do be like dat doe.

>> No.15897124

I'm a we-tawded undergrad but a good handful of the professors or TA's I've met enjoy making life hell for other people, you can see the joy in their eyes when they succeed

>> No.15897128

power inequalities are inherently incompatible with human behavior the singularity can't come soon enough

>> No.15897161

>power inequalities are inherently incompatible with human behavior
Fucking geek, I bet you also seethe that 'dumb jock' Chads fuck more girls and are respected more than you.
Hit the gym, pencil-neck.

>> No.15897187

Academia is highly competitive, and in a way that requires you to get personal visibility/reputation/networks even more so than actual skills. I think any such environment will favor a certain type of nasty person. You see it most clearly with young PIs, probably because they were what was filtered through the current system.

I think the PI I'm currently working for is some kind of a sociopath/narcissist. It doesn't mean he likes hurting people. He appears like a very nice guy, and I think that is the impression a lot of people are left with. But when you interact with him enough, you'll realize there's something amiss. He knows what morals are and how to act ethically, in principle, but I think this is all learned and he lacks an actual moral compass. His actions are exclusively self-serving, and he will spin things, stretch the truth and outright lie as easily as he breathes. Sometimes for little apparent gain.

For whatever reason he has a need to paint himself as a victim. And as a person who is particularly principled among unprincipled peers, both in a scientific and a moral sense. But the guy has no scruples with cutting corners or throwing others under the bus. And has not had a particularly unfortunate life. I don't know if he realizes how obviously fake this comes across as. Many people in science are pretty honest and even naive though, and few expect someone who is just straight up lying to your face with a big smile on, maybe even believing his own lie.

In any case he's had the most successful early career out of anyone I've known in science. I'm glad I don't have to be working with him for much longer. It has provided some good opportunities, but it's exhausting to deal with, and I've also gotten fucked over. At the end of the day, the science isn't actually that good either.

>> No.15897205

Competition in a place of collective learning...

We depend on them just sharing info otherwise research is just incomplete

>> No.15897219

Competition drives progress. On a systemic level it is a cooperative effort, on an individual level it is a competition. And it has been for a very long time. More pragmatically, there are simply more candidates than there are opportunities. It's not like this means you're at war with everyone else and hiding your knowledge forever though, collaboration and publishing are at the heart of academia.

>> No.15897226

Sad dogmatic mistakes

Publishing means you never shared raw data before it on fear of being outpublished is as bad as not releasing info

Whatever excuse you come up to "this is my research no one can see it" is what dampers science

>> No.15897244

>Publishing means you never shared raw data before it

I don't know why you think this. Sharing raw data between collaborators prior to publication is common. Sharing data to everyone is common at publication. You seem to be getting assmad about things not being published before they are published.

>> No.15897247

Am just saying good science bad science

Look at my data to see if you notice something I missed or can add to it versus

Read my conclussion give me my publication bonus

>> No.15897255

I'm from math and I have had really good experiences from my colleagues. I don't know if I have been lucky or if it is a math thing. I have heard horrible things from people from Chemistry for example. Probably labs is what makes people go crazy.

>> No.15897399

Psst they can actually work in pharma research making real money

>> No.15897562

I'm sorry, but fair competition is what drives progress. Sellouts like the one described above are at the heart of the reproducibility crisis. There are no shortcuts to real progress, only shortcuts to flash in the pan publications. These assholes flock too, nothing like a self citation circle jerk to get your publication metrics up.

>> No.15897870

Another one that rejects this simple scenario

We need end a pandemic, everyone place all research on the table so we can begin testing vaccines safely

Oh no fair competition in capitalism, to bad grandma has to die

>> No.15897894


>> No.15897903

Let me tell you a story.
>be me
>medical engineer for prosthetics etc
>be really good
>became appraiser/expert witness for Patent aquisition company specialized in medical appliances
>my only job was: Check patent for plausibility, request and demand primary sources and supplementary materials
>Compile Questions and flaws for an interrogation session after which a decision is made if patent is bought or not

>buckload of patents were absolute shit & based on no evidence
>only 3% were worthwhile buying
>but within the retarded patents there were people who provided their published and peer reviewed studies
>peer reviews came from their circle with a huge conflict of interest
>reporting this to journals did nothing, no retraction no request for anything, no revision to add conflict of interest
>its just tolerated
>obvious flaws and made up speculations were published as studies
>pointing that out lead to nothing
>even fraud was tolerated and protected
>my company recieved several libel suits because we reported fraud to the universities or institutes, because we were somewhat naive and actually thought they would care about quality of science
>universities sided with the applicants
>because they cared more about not having bad reputation because of such incident
>this lead to change in our strategy, instead of reporting fraud we would just ignore these people and currate them in a blacklist

>> No.15897905

This is how science dies

Not in a lab but in the way to their paychecks

>> No.15897986

You have schizophrenia. Get some meds and take them.

>> No.15897988

Found the psychopath.

>> No.15898483

Fucking retard, I bet you also seethe that scientists understand reality and are respected more than you.
Read a book, retard.

>> No.15898539

I think it is a math thing. I am in an interdisciplinary degree and mathematics was the best, chemists just did their own thing and physicists were the most asshole (of course only a minority, but this counts).

>> No.15898631

There's nothing exploitable about math.

>> No.15898725

I wonder if academia attracts psychopaths or just creates them. It's an extremely competitive environment where everyone is fighting for scraps so maybe you need to be ruthless to stay sane. Every other person I know gives off serious Patrick Bateman vibes.

>> No.15898740

>so smart he has to copy my posts.
It's over for you, dweeb.

>> No.15898754

I think it neither attracts or creates them. But there is a big filter due to lack of jobs, and unprincipled people that are good at taking credit for other people's work pass the filter easier than others.

>> No.15898780

Reporting fraud is like choosing to fight instead of run. The blacklist is a much more successful strategy personally. Ultimately it is up to institutions to police their own. (they dont)

>> No.15898781

completely false, but Darwinism is incompatible with civilization, which is why women have to be chained up.

>> No.15899592 [DELETED] 

atheist attracts psychopaths as well as creating them

>> No.15901013

>it is up to institutions to police their own. (they dont)
they don't because they get their funding based on their ability to produce fraud

>> No.15901568

I’m with you. He can’t admit that power dynamics are fundamental to human interactions because that would entail admitting that he’s a weak bitch. He fantasizes, seethes, dilates, and copes; we laugh and enjoy life anyway.

>> No.15901924

Nerds literally choose to be weaklings, which is pretty much proof that they're low IQ

>> No.15901956

A bunch of asocials cheating each other isn't civilization, it's societal collapse.

>> No.15902690

Yes, of course. All the major institutions are filtration institutions for the elite globohomo Satanists.

>> No.15903307

No,its just begining,geek.

>> No.15903440

How are you this bad with reading comprehension?

>> No.15904020

>Competition drives progress
LOL, acadumia is packed to the gills with communists

>> No.15904252
File: 76 KB, 667x1000, 1694433734946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is lots of that in academia, but you have no idea just how much worse it is out there in the business world. It's literal asshole heaven, believe me. Zero morals, zero ethics.

>> No.15905011

imagine how narcissistic you have to be to become an academic researcher, as if your ideas are so good that other people need to hear about them. what the chances, for most academics, that this self assessment is correct and not some kind of mental illness

>> No.15905509

given the acadumia is packed to the gills with atheists, you should expect them to all be completely evil. atheism is an evil ideology, atheists reject god to begin with because they are evil people.

>> No.15905852

>For whatever reason he has a need to paint himself as a victim. And as a person who is particularly principled among unprincipled peers, both in a scientific and a moral sense. But the guy has no scruples with cutting corners or throwing others under the bus.
This is the way of academia. Remember when that Chinese professor tried to claim Perelman was wrong with his Poincaré conjecture solution and then proceeded to copy his work and claim he had solved it? Fun times.

>> No.15906914

>what the chances, for most academics, that this self assessment is correct and not some kind of mental illness

>> No.15907695

imagine having no accomplishments in life other than publishing articles in journals that nobody reads and presuming that means you're some sort of superior intellect.

>> No.15908664 [DELETED] 

common feature of academics, if they could producing useful writing that was worth reading, they wouldn't be in academia because they'd be able to earn more outside academia

>> No.15908679

This is like saying that pressure and temperature imbalances are incompatible with the weather

>> No.15908974

I did something in grad school that might get me labelled a psychopath.

My roommate was an asshole who started picking on me, so I started shitting outside because I noticed his dogs ate poop and reasoned that they would start eating mine. They did. When he figured it out, I came clean about it, and put a lot of work into cleaning the house up.

>> No.15909008


two types of people stem from this
>unbelievably smart person with no money gets into uni, works his way up, and has to deal with well off stupid people on the same academic level
>well off rich student manages to get into academia whether it be via nepotism, grant money from parents, or something of the like. Student is perpetually smug and looks down on poor students

>> No.15910573

you forgot
>unqualified poor gets into academia as a result of affirmative action because of skin color

>> No.15911172
File: 58 KB, 1045x953, leftists fuck dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acadumia is packed to the gills with atheists,
they wouldn't reject religious teachings like "thou shalt not steal", "thou shalt not lie" & "thou shalt not commit beastiality" if they weren't planning on lying, stealing and fucking dogs

>> No.15912390

those affirmative action slot go to children of wealthy parents as often as not. theres plenty of well off blacks and mexicans, they're the ones who are rich enough to send their kids to college. actual poors don't go tend to college. the largest group of affirmative action beneficiaries at universities are female children of wealthy families.

>> No.15913158

Thats why people become atheists to begin with, because of a desire to live lawlessly and amorally

>> No.15914187

The really insane thing about that kind of behavior is that academics only make 5 figure incomes. Imagine being that competitive over a truck driver's income.

>> No.15914734

They end up raping dogs because they're incapable of forming relationships with actual humans due to their repulsive personalities

>> No.15914774

Is this really all it is? I’m having a hard time refuting this. It’s not in the sense of the non belief in God, it’s the cultural and personal change of how someone behaves when they start associating themselves with the title atheist.

>> No.15914835

yea, 30 year old, no degree, not gunna frat.
Also, the Pope said freemasonry is illegal within order

>> No.15914863

>Went to UC Riverside
>Worked on research grants that paid my way through college
>A lot of it was bunk shit. The faculty was using suggestion on students so we'd frequently produce desirable results for our donors.
>Didnt realize this at first. Only knew I needed to keep this gig going for as long as I needed it.
>Continued this into postgraduate, some of my work had already been published
>This was somewhat after the recession, I had to stay for a few years because I couldnt find work
>End up working middle management at a well known tech company

I cant really get into specifics without doxxing myself but I can tell you a chunk of University produced data isnt reliable. Its so easy to coerce people at the top that once it trickles down theres almost no opposition.

>> No.15914919

how would you know how the reviewers were? Peer review is always double blind and reviewers are never reported on any respectable paper

>> No.15915816

this just in: your an asshole

>> No.15915827

Peer review is not always double blind.

>> No.15915828

Yep you can just ask around

>> No.15916048

Did you do Hard science or soft science?

>> No.15916991

none of your business.

>> No.15917034

>Peer review is always double blind and reviewers are never reported on any respectable paper

This is false.
A lot of publications have a transparent or single anonymized peer review.
Double anonymized peer reviews in this area of science are rare, and if they happen, you simply
>request peer review communication in accordance with the journal editors and data & privacy rules

If a patent is valued at multiple millions you can request it. They are not obligated to give you the communication or the permission and consent to request the available information of the reviewers directly from the journal.
But if they refuse, chances increase that patent will not be aquired, because we wouldn't ask if we wouldn't suspect something fishy.
Editors of medical journals often pick and choose the reviewers. Its anonymous to the applicant but not the journal.

Also this is not relevant most of the times.
But it will be requested if papers related to the product are from the applicant or his collegues. Simply to exclude bias and possible fraud.

>> No.15918156

>i'm on expert on this topic because i've never published a paper
thanks for the info, professor dunning kruger

>> No.15919157

>factors that can lead to the emergence of individual psychopathic personality traits