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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 281 KB, 796x671, scienceToFinance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15904982 No.15904982 [Reply] [Original]

Science bros...not like this...

>> No.15904990

bro I'm still mourning LK99. I have no place for anything else in my life right now. I need to heal

>> No.15905003

Every time I see someone going into finance I just can't wait until they burn out and kill themselves. Imagine throwing away your passion to get some sterile quantitative anal money.

>> No.15905010 [DELETED] 

The research you do as a lab monkey is the thing your PI is passionate about. Some people are lucky to get involved with what they love, but most people in labs just go along with whatever project is being worked on without strong feelings towards it.

>> No.15905051

phd students get payed as much as mcdonalds workers, the academic system is brutally exploitive

>> No.15905154

imagine thinking that guy hasn't been putting in 100 hours weeks since he was 9

>> No.15905158

>anal money
Yes, that is the reason I wanted more money

>> No.15905203

They also don't usually work on things they like, they work on whatever is available at the time. His PI was the guy who loved superconductors or whatever, not him.

>> No.15905228
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, 1693847411085553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time I see someone going into finance I just can't wait until they burn out and kill themselves.

>> No.15905289
File: 528 KB, 883x948, 1673831904648417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's capitalism baby!

>> No.15905555

>posts image
>actually links source
>links nitter instead of x cancer
All else aside you are among the least fucking retarded anons on this site by somehow managing to have done the bare fucking minimum. Good for you.

>> No.15905895

Actually very cool that all our greatest minds work in moving-money-around to make more money.

>> No.15906044

>imagine thinking that guy hasn't been putting in 100 hours weeks since he was 9
so? all that work to program some shitty algorithm for a no-name jewish company that steals the money from white people's wallets to serve the masters of the world

>> No.15906049

When the ordinary rope is not enough to hang yourself

>> No.15906169

academia doesn't create passionate people. academia creates trapped people.

>> No.15906176

Well when you design an economic system that only cares about money and profit, this is what you get

>> No.15906179

I'm sure he will burn himself out when his job is googling whatever and copy pasting it. it's not his fault that "passion" won't pay your bills.

>> No.15906341


>> No.15906375

And that is probably far better than the bright minds at FAANG set on squeezing even more private data from users into the surveillance economy. Back in the day, the brightest worked on the space race, today people doubt it ever happened.

>> No.15906415

Math PhD here. Worked in tech for a while and now I sell insurance for New York Life. I've never (1) made more money and (2) been happier.

>> No.15906423

I use my anal money to purchase my passion.

>> No.15906428


>> No.15906476

PhD students have almost no short term output expectations and don't have to deal with customers. If I had to choose between being a grad student forever or going into retail I'd pick the former every time.

>> No.15906484

Are you afraid of social interaction?

>> No.15906494

No, but I don't like too much of it, especially with random normalfag retards, or lord forbid, blacks.

>> No.15906506

>years of education and hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to work at McDonalds but not have to deal with the blacks
I feel like there are

>> No.15907482

a lot of these guys just want to prove how smart they are so they work on some difficult sounding problem that doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things and then they get some generic job to be "succesful" regardless of what it is

>> No.15907798

>a lot of these guys just want to prove how smart they
People also want to be paid, life as a postdoc is one without disposable income. The problem is that well paid jobs these days is full on moral hazard.

>> No.15908967

have you SEEN the rate of burnout in postdocs? they're all fucking miserable

>> No.15909214

It is badly paid and very intense, but you avoid sheer misery by setting hard limits: EITHER max two postdoc contracts and then tenure OR leave for industry. Doing postdoc contracts for 10 years is a decision to suffer.

>> No.15909308

Found the crab

>> No.15909328

I plan on getting my CS B. Sc. then become a dev. Pursue my "passions" by myself. Reading studies and doing experiments isn't hard (unless your goal is to work with supercomputers and expensive equipment).

I've thought of going until the end for a PhD, but I see no point in it atm. In ~6 years I could earn 300k to a million (assuming I become skilled enough).

>> No.15909352 [DELETED] 

imagine if all the women stop devoting their life to be acknowledged by women, if they stop giving women free sex and free money

>> No.15909355

imagine if all the men stopped devoting their life to be acknowledged by women, if they stop giving women free sex and free money

>> No.15909382

Sorry but I will choose £120k out of College over some BS academic bureaucracy.
I can't imagine wasting 4 years getting a masters and PhD

>> No.15909393

Women need to be all genetically engineered into becoming men.
men are superior beings, having more men is beneficial for society.
We can all have our own personal AI enhanced Android sex bot.
Artificial wombs for producing babies, with pre programing that selects for men with top tier genetics.

>> No.15909450

What jobs in the UK pays that well without a postgrad degree? Or did you indicate an Oxbridge college?

>> No.15909461

Why would they kill themselves? They're rich as fuck they can go to cancun and fuck the hottest bitches for the rest of their lives.
He probably puts in less work than he did during his PhD. Probably feels like vacation to work in finance.
Plus if you want a slower pace life you can work at a bank instead of a hedge.

>> No.15909695

Suggestion: Don't take drugs. Recently they are "doped" with fentanyl which kills you very easily. Instead visit a psychiatry.

Imo that is not the problem. The problem is the hidden exploitation enabled through that. The only thing he can do at a bank is think of better ways to rip of others before they do it. The result are people like >>15904990

>> No.15910061

Ok poorfag

>> No.15910079
File: 100 KB, 1468x1031, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly? this is my side project :)

>> No.15910231


>> No.15910427
File: 281 KB, 828x714, 1701653827707355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current without electrons in a solid
my ass
but I don't blame him for going to finance, academia sucks fucking balls

>> No.15910449

There's a lot of applied math in finance. Actually, finance is probably the 2nd most math consuming sector, just after informatics and IT.
But here we are literally seeing a physics guy going into banking, like wtf