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15904718 No.15904718 [Reply] [Original]

I have a theory that humanity peaked 17th-20th century, we're on our way down now. No more elegant solutions, just brute forcing elegance that was already discovered. Survival pressures will never be in such a way again that world breaking geniuses are born.

>> No.15904723
File: 114 KB, 700x795, Newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15904726

World Breaking Genuises are born all the time. It’s just that all the low hanging fruits has been picked.
People have dreams of miracles of technology, stargates, dyson spheres amd whatnot, but the miracles of technology are already here they are 4k streaming and microships and it’s kinda of insane that meatbags managed to make either but that’s our limit

>> No.15904734

>we peaked with Newton

>> No.15904733

The anawer to fermi paradox is that technology is very limited. multi-planetary life is impossible. The best way to move through space is to brun chemicals so you can push a metal craft, burning some 400 tons of feul to move one ton of materials and at most at a fraction of speed of light, space colonization is an impossible task.
It’s like colonizing the earth with sticks and wooden rafts and that’s the best technology is ever gonna get.

People projecting the exponential growth of technology and hoping for all these insane sci-fi feats are delusional, technology is a logistic curve.

>> No.15904890

Have you read Michael Woodley's work?

>> No.15904925
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that's not a theory though, barely a hypothesis.

>> No.15904931

no, anti-gravity tech has already been created by the US military

>> No.15904932 [DELETED] 

A tectonic plate is anti gravity - morons.


>> No.15904937 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15904942

This. Pre-20th century all it took was one man with intelligence and you could discover all sorts of shit. Now it takes an entire team and billions of dollars in funding.

>> No.15904943 [DELETED] 

You can create a force field if you jack a tectonic plate and fossilize radio waves across it creating a bubble. faggits

>> No.15904949

It is a fact that as more people exist the world becomes worse.
Don't worry it'll fix itself

>> No.15904950 [DELETED] 

You can fart on my neck which would in turn cause a bodily tectonic reaction. In essence it wouldn't be so bad it's only a FORT HURR durr' I FORTED

>> No.15904954

>. Now it takes an entire team and billions of dollars in funding.
sounds like a recipe for fraud

>> No.15904965

>humanity peaked
What's funny is that most people do not even fully understand high school level science. Therefore ''we'' can not have peaked. What happens if everyone understands academic level science? Billions of brain bouncing around ideas on that level? It's way to early to say brains have a hard limit.

>> No.15905007

>survival pressures
Humanity has been outside of the food chain for nearly half a million years now.
Survival of the fittest chuds should try throwing a rock once in a while.

>> No.15905102

the times of big ass wooden sailing ships and calvary charges made a different fucking breed that we'll never see again

>> No.15905210

>I have a theory that humanity peaked 17th-20th century
That's a pretty large range of time, no? How would you be able to tell that "we're on our way down now" within a 20-year range of a 400-year long peak? Seems a little short-sighted.
>Survival pressures will never be in such a way again that world breaking geniuses are born.
What survival pressures led Newton to develop Calculus and modern physics?
>the times of big ass wooden sailing ships and calvary charges made a different fucking breed that we'll never see again
Newton was never a sailor or a member of the British army.

>> No.15905214

oh cool you're being retarded on purpose very funny anon

>> No.15905223

So you don't actually have any justifications for your 'theory?'' You're just another mindless doomer? Sigh.

>> No.15905235

the idea that a sailor or a soldier is the ‘ideal breed’ is entirely absurd. your idea of human idealism is a cog in an immense invisible and often evil machine? the breed you’re referring to are men with dead eyes and soulless lives who come home broken with thier yolk scooped out into some strange apparatus for others benefit.
if that’s what you want humanity to be you should breed dogs instead.

>> No.15905245

That's right. We are in a dysgenic collapse. This is cyclical, the Romans experienced the same.

Wait another 2000 years and we will have high civilization again. Eugenics are required to stop the cycle. Good luck getting the majority today to accept that.

>> No.15905274

Eugenics already happens it’s called mating. And it’s worked very well for billions of years.
What you want is centralized eugenics controlled by a small group. Aka the death of humanity in a few short generations.

>> No.15905355

I'm saying that they had similar cognitive demands today in terms of problem solving, but in addition to this they had a much closer balance to real world applications of those skills, where as we have it much easier in that regard. It was the emergence from brutality into sophistication that had a period of outside development for human. It was as if everyone was 7ft for a few hundred years. Which by the way, has also happened before in history. The same can be said of geniuses.

>> No.15905358

outsized development*

>> No.15905495

You absolute retard.
The people pushing the boundaries of mathematics and science have never been hardened sailors who fought giant squids while singing sea shanties and drinking rum or whatever the fuck you think sailors did back then.
They have always been sheltered academics who come from long lines of sheltered elite families.
You would know this you've ever bothered read a single history in your life.

>> No.15905514


>> No.15905516

technology is a log curve until there is a novel brerakthrough and it resets to the beginning in terms of development of new ideas. history shows this. i agree the time between breakthroughs seems to be lengthening

>> No.15905521

17-20th century was peak white population relative to the rest

>> No.15905545

Oh anon, you group pressure results in wild adaptations, you are so stupid for thinking this is something about one person doing every superhuman task in their life. Freaks are made because so many people of their genetic relation have been pressured.

>> No.15905547

Time to take your meds schizo. You're rambling again.

>> No.15905559
File: 17 KB, 400x366, three-worlds-roger-penrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much true. I would put the peak of science at the end of WWII, probably the moment the atom bomb was created.

Science has a clearly defined "peak". While there are a nearly infinite number of ideas, only a few of those ideas can actually be projected onto the physical realm. There is no antigravity, no faster than light travel, none of it. We are limited by reality, and humanity has been pushing what's physically possible for the past 500 years. We've pushed science to its limit. From now on science will be done on chalkboards in secluded rooms, and not by actually studying the world or anything.

Think of something like an air conditioner as a projection from the mental realm onto reality. Similarly how we can't somehow will faster than light travel into existence (it's impossible), we can't somehow will an infinitely efficient air conditioner which utilizes 0 electricity.

>> No.15905563
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yes, anon we have entered the Kali Yuga.
It's going to get much worse.

>> No.15905573

yes, read Oswald Spengler.

>> No.15905575
File: 45 KB, 550x335, flight-US-Air-Force-Lockheed-U-2-2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think of something like an air conditioner as a projection from the mental realm onto reality.
Also notice how the mental realm's projection onto reality is limited by the mathematical realm. We can add more to the mathematical realm by solving equations or proving theorems, BUT that doesn't change the fact that some ideas are just never mathematically realizable. We are limited by the Carnot efficiency limit, molecular/atomic properties, quantum ground-states, etc.

Humanity has peaked technologically because there are no more (or very few) ideas which can be brought from the mental realm to the physical realm. We have peaked technologically not for the lack of trying, or dysgenics or something, but because we've reached a physical hard limit. There's sort of an "ideal form" for physical objects, after which you can't really go further (see how planes have changed very little in design since the 70s). Math/science has only allowed us to reach this "optimal form".

Note that humanity will continue theoretical math/scientific development. After all, theoretical math/physics are not limited by what's physically possible. A theory of everything in physics is still possible and will be a great achievement for humanity, but a theory of everything wont somehow unlock some "secret knowledge" which enables us to bypass physical limits.

>> No.15905576

>The best way to move through space is to brun chemicals
its actually using the power of the atom. Only not used because of moralizing ass kvetching

>> No.15905623

You're wrong because something better comes after the air plane.

>> No.15905651

>Wait another 2000 years and we will have high civilization again.
Impossible. If we have a full collapse then it's over. All the easy to access resources have been depleted.

>> No.15905668 [DELETED] 

I bet that's what they said 12,000 years ago too.

>> No.15905678
File: 8 KB, 270x187, Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what? Teleportation? Stick to the sci fi novels, teenboy.

>> No.15905766

civilization (and intelligent life for that matter) are just flukes in the cosmos.

>> No.15905769

>From now on science will be done on chalkboards in secluded rooms, and not by actually studying the world or anything.
studying the "outside" world was never going to be that fruitful. Plato chads rise up.

>> No.15906261

We have the chance to become more than that. Becoming a spacefaring species. We're not using it. Instead, were fighting and shitting on each other.

>> No.15906347

If anything we're making more breakthroughs than ever. Just look at all the advancements we've made in these last few years. We have, for example, mapped more of the Universe in these last 30 years than in all of history.
You're either ignorant of those advances or you're not aware of how groundbreaking they are because it's too soon to notice their effects on human development

>> No.15906444

Civil Rights Act and Cellar-Hart act is what is holding us back

>> No.15906462

America isn't the entire scientific world

>> No.15906527

Based realists

>> No.15906551

Trips never lie.
It is actually. Its America and America's vassal states.

>> No.15906553

missing the point
the CRA and that other law don't apply to those "vassal states" as you call them

>> No.15906584

The one thing I was working on is the parametric down conversion of light into quantum optical systems used for timing fusion reactions

>> No.15907047

It's the same anon