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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 254 KB, 504x326, downtown2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1589826 No.1589826 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, what do you think the world will be like in 50 years? Serious question, give it some thought.

Personally, I'd imagine that nanotech will still be rather stagnant. Oil shortages will have been overcome using a combination of wind, solar, and nuclear, along with a healthy helping of coal. Biotech will have become serious shit, but regulations imposed after a massive man-made pandemic will severely hinder its further development.

A man has lived to 146, but died shortly after his 146th birthday. Obesity is largely only a concern for the poor, as all one needs to do is pop a pill. China has become equal in power to the United States after a very bumpy few decades, with Russia trailing close behind.

Space exploration has continued, primarily in the field of asteroid mining. Most of it is done by robots, and, unfortunately, the only long-term habitat on the moon was shut down a while ago. Men have been to mars but only for a "flags and footprints" sort of mission.

I realize that this sort of thing is very difficult to support empirically, but just entertain the thought for a minute. What sort of society do you expect to arise fifty years from now?


>> No.1589834
File: 298 KB, 504x504, city-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, here's some more Blade Runner concept art.

>> No.1589844

Probably wont be that different.

Give a guy from 1960 a cell phone and a laptop and he's pretty much living in 2010.

>> No.1589852

Probably won't be much different.

Give a guy from 2010 a sex bot and singularity cable and he's pretty much living in 2064

>> No.1589855

>everyone was hyped about virtual reality
>where's virtual reality now?

>everyone is hyped about nanotechnology

>> No.1589861
File: 37 KB, 350x400, shantytown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you think the world will be like in 50 years?

>> No.1589865
File: 34 KB, 335x477, Ghost_in_the_Shell_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this, I hope.

>> No.1589869

I'll have to add

>everyone is hyped about space exploration

>> No.1589870

Either fusion will be powering the first world, or all nations will sink down a peg or two. Day to day life won't suck much more than it does right now, just like it hasn't sucked much more or less than 50 years ago. The US might have to live with not being hot shit anymore though.

>> No.1589873

Worker robots make men.
Sex robots make women obsolete.
Matter replicators make manufacturing corporations obsolete.
The economy collapses and there's nothing to do all day but download CAD/CAM designs and fuck your robot girlfriend. It's paradise on earth.

>> No.1589874
File: 360 KB, 504x504, downtown1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's guaranteed not to be true. Thanks to the fact that there's a finite amount of oil in the Earth, we'll either find something to replace oil or return to the stone age. Stagnation like that is simply not an option.

OP here, I was saying that Nanotech is probably not going to improve all that much over the next fifty years. I agree with you.

>> No.1589881
File: 1.45 MB, 1900x1064, Blade-Runner-Cryengine-2-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the only person in the world who thinks that shantytowns look really fuckin' cool, aren't I?

>> No.1589895

>healthy helping of coal

I predict America will slowly crumble away as countries with more educated and adaptable societies can live through the technological waves were experiencing.

China, Britain, Scandinavian countries, France, Germany in particular, Canada, Japan and Australia will most likely soar into the future, adapting to green renewable energies and technology.

Poorer, more religious countries such as those that populate Africa and the Middle East will crumble and fall even further into debt. Eventually, civil wars and genocides from tyrannical leaders will render many of these populations almost obsolete.

I suspect that in the advanced countries, scientific progress will explode. I think nanotech, robotic body parts, personal electronics and the internet in these countries will be very advanced.

We will have a base on the moon that produces a lot of solar power and houses multiple telescopes on par or better than the Hubble telescope.

I assume that America will become like it was near the end of the Great Depression. Joblessness and economic disparity will reign, and the wealthy elite will be extraordinarily powerful.

Unfortunately, I also see a gap between the rich and poor as being massive, but the middle class in most advanced countries will have stabilized.

>> No.1589896




>> No.1589900

-muuuuuch better Batteries
-muuuuuch more energy efficient stuff New fridges and air conditioners will use 10-30% of the energy they use now and i feel that Led bulbs will be made that can finally mimic incandescents. Per person we will be using half the energy we do now. Unfortunately we will still be running off of coal just like now because we simply aren't clever enough to make solar/wind work and too cowardly for nuclear
-Cars run off Algae byproducts (carbon neutral but not carbon free)
-China the bad news? A roughly equal world power. The good news The Pres of the U.S. and the Pres of China summit together in tiananmen square under the shadow of the rebuilt 'Goddess of Democracy' statue. Comemorating the overthrow of the communist party.
-Iran still digging out after the Israeli Iranian nuclear war. With 25% of it's current population.

>> No.1589903
File: 497 KB, 2349x2373, Earth_over_Apollo_11_Lunar_Module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2060 AD
91 After Tranquility

Genetic Engineering and biotech have continued growing and have produced the cure for many diseases and conditions. In the industrialized world, the wealthy can afford to regrow whole organs, while some keep clones to harvest organs from. However, some playing around with DNA found in amber from before the extinction of the dinosaurs has caused a million year-old virus to reappear, killing a bunch of birds that are related to dinos, which in turn damages the economy.

China has fragmented. Agriculture takes up a large portion of the land while efforts are made to introduce vertical Hydroponic farms, however automated mining is stripping away everything.

Nanotechnology continues to be a thing of megacorps and universities. It has produced supermaterials, cheap water filters, radiation-proof particles, helped medicine and collaborated with biotech, but the challenges faced in the creation of molecular assemblers that can build anything out of base materials and blueprints are still huge. Progress is still fast, but the main task is not the assembly: That has been solved. The main task is designing the factory: Trillions of wheels, tooltips, conveyor belts, someone has to design the complex recursing systems, if they are to allow any object to be made. A lot of assemblers are being built, robotic arms gluing together microscopic parts, each one made separately. After the first one is made, which will take years, it will make copies of itself and it will be sold to the public.

>> No.1589910
File: 100 KB, 871x450, Apollo11Plaque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Governments and corporations are doing what they can to conserve some control, but they all know that it's impossible to contain nanotechnology reaching public hands. Since most of the work is done at univesities, it's not that hard to get copies out. Moreover, there are "open-source" groups for nanotech too, old students who left their universities with a good degree but business wasn't their cup of tea so they work for the goal of making nanotech reach everyone.

The first manned mission to mars has happened, spaceplanes take people to orbital stations, and while there are orbital hotels, there aren't many civilian cities. Some robots have settled the asteroids, and a small mining colony (Robotic) has already yielded results.

The problems with crops in space and closed-loop life support systems have been solved and we can finally colonize the solar system, the process has started with a lunar colony in the 2040's.

Computers have continued following Moore's Law as far as quantum computing and nanotech allow. Even though it has been decades since humanity first had a machine capable of simulating the human mind, they found out that a neuron is more than a transistor, but a series of ones in a sea of quantum noise, which makes it harder. Bottom-up approaches to AI have been made, with little virtual lifeforms experiencing millions of years of evolution in mere days inside the computers.

Some are almost sentient by this point.

>> No.1589914


>> No.1589928
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In the meantime there have been some proposals of provolving primates into sentience, but the idea of genetically-engineered super-furries is still science-fiction.

Some day, my beloved. Some day.

>> No.1589935
File: 57 KB, 512x384, 1280981534101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moore's Law

>> No.1589936

There will be a huge increase in the amount of pseudoscientists, who ponder existence in a more philisophical way, and people begin to realize the universe for what it is. This singularity reaches it's peak in 2012.

During this time Obama realizes the importance of the 4th reich, using his white army to invade a country, and whilst the army perishes in a 'trap', all of the blacks in america and souh america start a civil war, devouring the white race.

Europe begins to tremble under the power of the blacks, and the moon itself turns black and the sky turns blood red as the lord will not let the power of dark have control over his light domain.

Stars fall to the earth.
Existence over.

>> No.1589938



>> No.1589939
File: 22 KB, 550x550, apophis-2029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1589947
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>> No.1589948
File: 259 KB, 650x650, 1280121466695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China the bad news? A roughly equal world power. The good news The Pres of the U.S. and the Pres of China summit together in tiananmen square under the shadow of the rebuilt 'Goddess of Democracy' statue. Comemorating the overthrow of the communist party.

Gog damn that would be awesome.


>> No.1589953
File: 194 KB, 1024x683, 1280345882506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raging at CCM
>Ego is in the thread

I think you need to get your priorities straight, kid.

>> No.1589954

Good thing that's like 19 years from now.

>> No.1589960

2060 will have some absolutely crazy shit. We cannot even conceive. The global population will be over 10 billion.

>> No.1589962

Well guys we're in luck, I actually JUST CAME BACK from 2060. It's great.
I saw, cloning (a primitive form compared to hop in a machine and a duplicate comes out, but way more advanced than what we have)
Floating cars (very very primitive, flight stabilization is bad)
Much safer nuclear engines (everything runs on either nuclear or using hydrolysis)
Robots are done. They can walk around and shit, they can generate (not replicate) human speech. They can learn and react. Though they are still somewhat primitive (eg they have sensors but they don't cause artificial "pain" like for humans), they are mostly done. They're AI could use some work though, but I dont' think there's a large initiative for that (most people don't want Terminator to ACTUALLY HAPPEN)
Space Travel is yay, for example, the moon is a giant casino and gambling planet, as well as earth's first colony like in "The Adevntures of Pluto Nash"
Weaponry has be awesome, though we found out that shooting lasers like Star Wars lasers is impossible, we ARE able to shoot "beams" (think flashlights but like way more focused) other than that ballistic weapons are still in. That's all I can remember now so I'll hop back in my time travel device and go back to 2060 and explore some more for us scififags

>> No.1589967

Nukes fall, everyone dies

10 million years from now the descendants of domesticated dogs evolve into humanoids, they develop new civilizations, and uncover the few remains of their ancient owners.

They begin exploring the solar system and discover prehistoric artifacts left behind by the previous civilization.

Learning from our mistakes, they begin to colonize other worlds throughout the galaxy.

>> No.1589969
File: 199 KB, 800x800, 1280292647449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have got to be the least convincing time traveler I have ever seen.

Like, really.

What the fuck?

>> No.1589970

>>1589826what do you think the world will be like in 50 years?

The two dominant world currencies will be 7.62 soviet and 5.56 nato and you'd sell your niece for a pack of cigarettes.

>> No.1589974
File: 57 KB, 550x550, apophis_emos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1589979

Dogs? wtf??? I thought this was a serious thread. Alright then I'm leaving TT guys outb4 gay animal evolution theories & dog theory fight

>> No.1589983

It's a joke, chill the fuck out man. goddamn

>> No.1589985

>99942 Apophis (pronounced /əˈpɒfɪs/, previously known by its provisional designation 2004 MN4) is a near-Earth asteroid that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004 because initial observations indicated a small probability (up to 2.7%) that it would strike the Earth in 2029. Additional observations provided improved predictions that eliminated the possibility of an impact on Earth or the Moon in 2029. However, a possibility remained that during the 2029 close encounter with Earth, Apophis would pass through a gravitational keyhole, a precise region in space no more than about 600 meters across, that would set up a future impact on April 13, 2036. This possibility kept the asteroid at Level 1 on the Torino impact hazard scale until August 2006, when the probability that Apophis will pass through the keyhole was determined to be very small. Apophis broke the record for the highest level on the Torino Scale, being, for only a short time, a level 4, before it was lowered.[5]

>Apophis would pass through a gravitational keyhole, a precise region in space no more than about 600 meters across, that would set up a future impact on April 13, 2036.
>April 13, 2036

one day before my birthday ;_;

>> No.1589989
File: 30 KB, 550x550, 1281665093631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a slightly more accurate image

>a million year-old virus to reappear, killing a bunch of birds that are related to dinos

All birds are related to dinosaurs.

>> No.1589991

>I thought this was a serious thread

Then why did you post such an awful piece of chrome-and-fishbowl-helmets sci-fi that sounds like it was written in the 1950s, you backwards jackass?

>> No.1589994
File: 31 KB, 960x490, Plesiadapis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You best believe it, faget.

What, you didn't know?

We came from dogs, nig.

>> No.1590002


>> No.1590004


>All birds are related to dinosaurs.

Sorry I didn't mean:

(A bunch of (birds that are related to dinosaurs))

I meant:

(A bunch of birds (that are related to dinosaurs))

As in a sidenote.

>> No.1590009
File: 372 KB, 900x600, reptillian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1590010

>Obesity is largely only a concern for the poor, as all one needs to do is pop a pill.

this is already true, but all of those pills are illegal to take/possess without a prescription.

>> No.1590015

what seriously

Citation needed, man. Citation needed.

>> No.1590023

That's... surprisingly adorable.

>> No.1590031

Ask your local drug dealer for laxatives

>> No.1590033
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, STALKER048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1590037

>what do you think the world will be like in 50 years?

implying the world will even be here in 50 years

>> No.1590059

Are you implying that we'll be capable of developing an enormous antimatter bomb with the power to the dematerialize the entire planet within the next 50 years?

>> No.1590066
File: 31 KB, 400x300, the-road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I applaud your optimism as far as peak oil goes, but I seriously doubt technological civilization is going to pull through this one.

Here, let me paint a picture of a more likely future for humanity.

It's 2060. The American government has fallen amid the food riots and the warlordism, and in its place, an archipelago of independent states has formed. Most of these new states are theocracies, though the west coast and the northeast are slightly more enlightened. The elite 1% of humanity are the only ones with access to electricity and long-range transportation. 40% of children are not receiving any sort of education. Most people survive via subsistence farming on the land owned by the few wealthy elites of society. The foundation for a new dark age has been laid, complete with the beginnings of a feudal system and a fanatic religious fundamentalism that never quite died out after the last dark age.

>> No.1590067

I doubt the bomb will need fifty years to dematerialize this planet.

>> No.1590074


benzoylmethylecgonine and desoxyn are two drugs that have been shown to be extremely effective weight loss aids, yet they are illegal without a prescription pretty much everywhere.

>> No.1590075

op is tripping shit

50 years is nothing, nothing! we don't even have electrical cars in ours garage yet and this shit started being researched 15 years ago.

>> No.1590077


with the amount of WMD's stored up around the globe, world could be gone in the time it takes you to finish reading this sentence.

>> No.1590079

Futuretimeline.net dipshit OP. This is one of the most well done, and best guessed sites out there

>> No.1590081
File: 661 KB, 1816x1160, plesiadapis_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yiff yaff

>> No.1590090

You are one negative man. I believe that the human race is getting better, becoming more perfect. We will not have a World War III but we will have future conflicts, none we can't handle.

>> No.1590099
File: 25 KB, 531x214, plesiadapis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. I just figured it out.

Furfaggotry is an atavism.

>> No.1590101

I doubt it, considering that humanity comes from a direct line of tetrapods that have been around for almost 400 million years, and have suffered huge losses through hundreds of mass extinctions.

>> No.1590114
File: 92 KB, 898x584, blade-runner-los-angeles-752153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except no, you're retarded. Stop derailing the thread.


Do you really think that humanity won't be able to overcome its (somewhat justified) fear of nuclear energy in the face of FUCKING STARVATION? I mean, that's all that stands in the way between us and a society that doesn't depend on oil, after all...

>> No.1590122

By the 2060, relations with multiple extraterrestial species and all or most of the advanced technology seen in scifi (and more), including virtually free-energy, anti-gravity propulsion and FTL-travel, which have been reality for over 50 years already, would have been made public by then, and will become part of everyday life.

>> No.1590137

lol peak oil is myth; yes there is a finite amount of petrol on the planet but we are no wear near close to running out, the well bp just fucked up contains the equivalent of saudi arabia and theres tons more of these wells unexplored or undiscovered. also shale oil.

ps. lol at the idea that there are going to be sovereign nations in 50 years, one world government with a uniform tax base is inevitable on spaceship earth.

>> No.1590140

I think you're confused, either that or you mean 500 years from now. Fucking go to /x/ NOW

>> No.1590141
File: 83 KB, 320x240, jonesdowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peak oil is myth
>one world government with a uniform tax base is inevitable

Yeah, no.

>> No.1590143

Anotherfag responce! Unfortunately, panicking people are rarely able to think logically, so I'd expect more reactionary fundies to pop up.

>> No.1590145


You've been listening to Steven Greer too much...

>> No.1590154

Yeah, but they should at least be able to figure out that more energy = more energy for farming = not starving, right?

>> No.1590178

I'm afraid the thinking goes:

You can see it in most places where there's starvation and that are unstable.

>> No.1590187
File: 196 KB, 750x750, 1280375604646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit.

>> No.1590212
File: 138 KB, 596x722, 01-kegg-metabolic_pathways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the opposite will happen, OP. Nanotech will flourish while Biotech goes nowhere. That's because biological systems are just so goddamn complex, everything relies on everything else.

>> No.1590226

...yes and no.

We've already made a lot of progress, and biological systems don't really have the sort of inter-dependencies that would completely stop us from doing anything at all. I mean, hell, we've made glowing cats.

Also, what indicates to you that nanotech is actually going to be worth a shit?

>> No.1590231

I'm sorry, but if it makes you feel better, it's usually better in areas with highly educated people.

I've been mixed up in Red Cross activities (though not a member) for thirty years and the stories my friends have told me about the places they've been are pretty nasty.

About a third of them have been under fire by the people they've gone to help.

>> No.1590234

Friends, I would like to point out that this thread is now full of cancer (and yes I can say that since I've been here since creation) and I am leaving it to go fap to Obama girl.

>> No.1590239

Systems biology grad student here. How dare you say that, take those words back ;_;

>> No.1590241

>I would like to point out that this thread is now full of cancer

Isn't that rather ironic coming from an enormous faggot?

>> No.1590242

>implying bionano will not be at least an intermediate step in both disciplines

>> No.1590253

We DO NOT have enough nuclear weapons to end life on earth. There just aren't enough nukes and the world is kind of a big place. If we turned them all into cobalt bombs it'd be another story...

>> No.1590262

Within the next 50 years nanotech will give birth to post-human life (foglets). This new form of life (H+ in the truest sense, we will still be it) will pack up and leave, restoring the earth to a state as if it/we had never been here.

>> No.1590266

Doesn't matter. Deinococcus radiodurans would survive anyway.

>> No.1590299
File: 736 KB, 1000x1000, alien_biotope_details.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, can you imagine if everything else was wiped out and multicellular life evolved from those robust little fuckers? It'd be a strange, strange world. I'm having trouble picturing it.

Somebody, quick, bring Carl Sagan back to life to speculate on what that would look like!

>> No.1590311


I'm not sure the earth has enough time left to re-evolve to its present level of biodiversity.

It may just be superbacteria until the sun goes red giant.

>> No.1590330
File: 80 KB, 604x453, Creation_of_Techno_Viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Superconducting Electric grids
-Combination Fusion and geothermal (if proven practical and feasible)

>> No.1590334


Probably nothing like this. The same way we don't look like big walking bacteria just because it came first.

>> No.1590339

space ships, with discos

>> No.1590344


Techno or Bladerunner Blues being beamed into your head everywhere.

>> No.1590378


Techno during the day, BRB at night.

>> No.1590391

http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/album/midnight-crew-drawing-dead-2 during the day, BRB at night, techno at ghwadschotch.

>> No.1590407
File: 92 KB, 800x600, Alpha_Centauri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Combination Fusion and geothermal (if proven practical and feasible)

Geothermal maybe. I seriously doubt that Fusion will be proven practical or feasible.

>> No.1590416
File: 13 KB, 178x178, tinfoil-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suddenly new fashion everywhere!!!

>> No.1590451


well we already know that fusion is feasible, as we have managed to fuse hydrogen together. The true challenge lies in making a commercial application to generate electricity from this power source. There must be a way to do it, and hopefully, in the face of a severe energy crisis, we allocate far more funding into making it >practical.

I actually believe geothermal is trickier, because it is so incredibly capital intensive, but on the other hand, incredibly robust in terms of a renewable and sustainable energy source.

>> No.1590481

Why is this thread dying while there are horrible troll threads on the front page?

>> No.1590502
File: 130 KB, 595x993, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /sci/.

>> No.1590504

too tired from perseid-watching to contribute anything clever

>> No.1590511

What kind of cosmetic surgery or alterations will we have in 50 years? Serious question. Will breasts get bigger and bigger or will that trend die down?

>> No.1590517


Thanks for introducing me to that.

>> No.1590519
File: 141 KB, 1020x870, ss08_exponential_growth_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By 2060 our robot overlords will have dispensed of our fleshy, corporeal bodies and have carried the collective consciousness of humanity into virtual nirvana.

The Singularity is nigh, folks.

>> No.1590523

bigger tits and boosted back muscles and enhanced spine to be able to carry them

>> No.1590528


The trend seems to be, thankfully, to make cosmetic surgery look more natural. That's good not just to those who have them for vanity reasons, but for those who need them as a reconstructive measure.

>> No.1590529

Some high tech future drug/biotech/surgical shit that will allow people to grow anime hair colors.

>> No.1590531
File: 1.34 MB, 700x941, Fisher_by_KalahariFox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ridiculously enormous breasts are a turn-off generally so I suspect it'll die down a little bit. Some fetishists will want enormous breasts, sure, and maybe get them. Hell, other fetishists might even pic related - but I'm not sure that cosmetic surgery will go quite THAT far in fifty years...

>> No.1590532

fuck natural, gimme bitches with Sakura Sena-tits

>> No.1590535

30% of the population of the developed world will look like they came from /d

>> No.1590536

Ok this will take some time so don't tl;dr on me!

- USA gradually lost its huge political power during the last decades (imperialist mind + bad governments caused this), now the New Global Order is much more diverse: USA, Europe Union, China, Brazil, Russia and India control the world.

- Stagnated at 9 billion, China forced to maintain its birth control policy and India was forced to adopt a better one.
- Huge miscegenation.
- With the decrease and fragilization of global immigration policy and the mechanization of agriculture the rural population arrived at global cities of all word forming dozens of megalopolis.

>> No.1590540
File: 70 KB, 396x270, connie-culp-face-transplant-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The trend seems to be, thankfully, to make cosmetic surgery look more natural. That's good not just to those who have them for vanity reasons, but for those who need them as a reconstructive measure.

I hope so for this chicks sake

>> No.1590541

- The global food crysis hugely increased the price of aliments, the global community put some pression on countries with stagnated land but helped them with funds and technology. The crysis was over after a couple years with millions of death in the three critical poverty areas (Asia, Latin America and Africa), except in Africa (there'll be one topic just for Africa).
- Plenty of new oil discovered in the pre-salt layers of the ocean but the extraction process begun to become way too expansive. Post-salt layer reserves were all depleted. Pression from ecologists after several BP-like disasters made oil be extracted mainly for the production of it's derivates with no known substitute rather than fuel.
- Hydreletrical, sun and wind energy, and biofuel now share more than 60% of the global energy matrix, although oil and coal have still pretty high %.

>> No.1590542

Sakura Sena is small time.

>> No.1590545

- The second world does not longer exists, Cuba opened it's relationships 100%. With the death of Kim Jong-Il plus threatening from his son North Korea was invaded by a ONU force made mainly of troops from China, USA and Russia. Only a few thousand deaths.
- Nuclear threat is always in the air. Pakistan and Iran now have both 100ish atomic bombs each, worsening even more the situation on the Middle-East, that has no solution yet. USA and Russia still maintain about 30% of its nuclear arsenals.
- The israeli-palestinian matter is worse than never, several new terrorist groups emerged against Israel. Israel faces several charges from the international community and is about to (ironicaly) commit genocide against the palestinians.

>> No.1590546

>pic related
I doubt turning into carp will be even a niche-fetish

>> No.1590548

Technology and Science:
- The LHC only brought 10 new questions for each answer. Science made some theorical advancements but we are still very far from a real application.
- Scientists isolated almost all human genes and there's even some big companies buying it's trade rights (like blue eye and blond hair, rare in these days).
- Due to huge improvement of medicine and plenty of researches, every disease of the early century has been cured: AIDS, cancer, parkinson are no longer a problem. The cure is just now getting to the population, however there are some new threats, the most lethal is the virus Ebola.
- The technology now is just stupid, its more sci-fi than never. Computers, cellphones, cams are 100x better. Internet is acessed via wi-fi in the entire world and free. 30% of people now work on their homes via web, because machinery extincted industry and agricultural jobs.

>> No.1590550

Global Warming:
- We couldnt help, we were too late. At the 2030 decade the raising heat changed the agriculture of whole countries, moved species from one place to another (some were exctinct forever as the polar bear), the oceans raised a little (made many homeless but no kills at least) and even started the spread of Ebola at Africa. In face of nature chaos some actions were taken:
- Individual cars were tottaly banned from several cities, in counterpart the subways spread across the cities;
- International laws against environment became much more rough;
- Industries began to commit more with general ecology, etc.;
- We are stagnated at +3,0 degrees celsius at the moment. It wasnt the disaster some scientists predicted but several nature damage really happened. We will be able to get rid of those +3,0 degrees in the course of 300 years if we maintain this rythm.

>> No.1590553

- Decimated by tribal conflicts, Ebola, starvation and lack of water.
- Ebola started to spread near the 2030's. It's mortality rate and spread rate peaked on the occasion of the global food crysis. The conflicts stoped for a moment.
- Global community tried to intervene but it was no use. The few survivors struggled at the wasteland to survive (specially in sub-saara africa). Old states were overthrown and new ones begun to emerge.
- A new partition is now on its way with the help of ONU. Plane trips to Africa or from Africa are now illegal. African immigrants are now killed on sight by Europe Navy and Army to avoid the virus to enter and spread to the rest of the world. Food and water are droped by planes on the continent. Other than that, the continent is pretty much forgotten.

>> No.1590557

>30% of the population of the developed world will look like they came from /d
That sounds fucking awesome. I want to go to a wild party full of dickgirls and multilimbed freaks and chicks with huge dicknipples and vaginas for mouths and stuff.

Not for sexual gratification, but just for the spectacle.

>> No.1590562

I want to see girls inflate like a balloon and they just float around the room chilling letting the breeze take them whereever.

>> No.1590588

>I want to see girls inflate like a balloon and they just float around the room chilling letting the breeze take them whereever.

That's as disturbing as it is unlikely - and it is really fucking unlikely.

>> No.1590591


lol qwut

I don't Tim so, think.

>> No.1590596


so niggers get fucked up.

thats a better future man.

>> No.1590597

We'll have commercial spaceflight at prices the average person living in a first world nation can afford (just low orbit though, nothing fancy like outer space or the moon). We'll be able to construct entire organs from scratch in a lab thus eliminating the need for organ donors (we're already able to do this with blood vessels, bladders, and small hearts, so it's not being too unrealistic to expect that we'll be able to do it with every other organ and tissue except for neural by 2060). Very significant headway will have been made in cancer and parkinson's disease treatment such that few people die from those diseases (I'm aware that cancer is a general term for a plethora of different diseases, but we've already got experimental treatments that appear to be very effective at killing all kinds of tumors).

We'll also probably be getting close to hitting the technological singularity by then.

>> No.1590610


Now I want to be able to inflate my boobs at will and just float around there, chilling in the breeze. I'd come thorugh someone's window and be like "lol, 'sup"

>> No.1590616

how did the energy structure required for all that shit grow?

>> No.1590617
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>> No.1590628



>> No.1590632


What has science done!

>> No.1590665
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You know what this thread needs? A good ol' "bump"

>> No.1590678
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I agree. Best thread on /sci/ tonight. Plus, I'm not leaving until these guys make me my floating boob device. I'd ask an engineer, but I don't think they care much for breasts.

>> No.1590687


actually enginners are the "cool guys" of science

>> No.1590693

Helium has been considered as material for breast augmentation, but it has the critical flaw of being so light that it leaks through the silicone shell much like how an inflated balloon gradually deflates over a couple days.

A serious area of biomed research is cosmetic surgery and yes, breast implants.

Also there's some shit about stem cells insertion they're looking into to help the patient grow her own boobs pretty much (even more so than naturally)

>> No.1590695
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>> No.1590703

just ignore him, he's just having a hard time coming to terms with being a mathematician, so he projects his urges on others.

>> No.1590715



just like howard holowitz from big bang theory amiright?

>> No.1590719
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I am OK with this.

>> No.1590738

Honestly I don't think we can predict that far out. The real world is pretty goddamn unpredictable, you know.

Also http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/

>> No.1590752
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I want some cyberpunk-inspired cosmetic surgery.

I want a skul-gun like that Gunther Hermann character.

>> No.1590753


Yeah, I might need a boob job in the future (history of breast cancer in the family. FUN) and I got curious about what advances are being done in the area. A bunch of lucky fuckers get to stare at bouncing boobs all day to "analyze their properties". Man, I want a job like that.


It reads like an awful pickup line a virgin undergrad might try, doesn't it? My only response is to laugh like Johnny up there: like a motherfucker.

>> No.1590764

Disparity between the rich and the rest will continue to skyrocket. The United States will be a wasteland. Pandemics and wars will have ravaged the world. Science will continue its unstoppable Juggernaut march forward in spite of the political chaos in the world at large - though, for most of the population, this just means that the nutjobs firing missles at eachother will have three dicks instead of one.

>> No.1590767


I can't help but think that firing that would fuck you up. You'd have to reinforce your skull and neck.

>> No.1590769

Retractable sun glasses implanted into your face

>> No.1590770
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Excuse my interruption, my vision is augmented.

>> No.1590778
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Yes. The future will be Transmetropolitan.

>> No.1590790

Deus Ex 3 is going to be fucking terrible.

>> No.1590812

Except JC Denton will have gender identity issues and he will have cybernetically turned himself into a hot Makoto-esque anime babe and (s)he'd say "Excuse the THO, my breasts are augmented"

>> No.1590813


>> No.1590826

That huge meathead doesn't want his mom to hear him swear while he's beating up a special agent/supersoldier or whatever the hero/protagonist is

>> No.1590846


As she floats near the ceiling.

>> No.1590854

you underestimate the power of the ultra rich and their investments in technology.

>> No.1590860
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I predict that raptors reverse-engineered from chickens will escape into the environment and run rampant. It'll be the most awesome ecological catastrophe of all time.

>> No.1590863

We'll have developed A.I. and reached the Technological Singularity by then. Extrapolating Moore's Law finds a $1000 CPU in 2030 will be capable of equal processing power as a human brain. It will not be long after this that we are able to simulate a human brain digitally, thus creating an A.I. capable of improving itself recursively.

>> No.1590867

Well that would make some parts of the game really easy, like the statue of liberty part right at the beginning.

>> No.1590874

Lately I've had the time to do what I've always wanted: write the great American novel.

Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it "Billy and the Cloneasaurus."

>> No.1590891
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You know that we've hit or are about to hit the physical limit of what can be done with silicon chips, right? That'll likely slow up the singularity a great deal.

Oh, and that's not even getting into the minerals crisis and the oil crisis that'll almost certainly hit us.

>> No.1590896


I'm imagining a flock of pissed off seagulls.

>> No.1590898


>> Implying we aren't on the verge of quantum computing.

>> No.1590918
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>implying we are

Quantum computing has a lot to overcome before it becomes cheap enough to be useful to society.

>> No.1590923


>> When the need arises, people meet it.

Apparently you are not aware of this strange phonomenom.

>> No.1590939
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Oh, ok. That makes sense considering that we all already live forever and the economy is a perfect flawless engine of wealth creation and there are no losses in electrical power transmission and there is no poverty or hunger in the world.


Technological development is constrained by reality, believe it or not.

>> No.1590942

Carbon nanotubes are close to reaching mass production level.

And no worries, we're fine until at least 22nm. And that's at least one year away.

>> No.1590948


>> Implying you need infinite wealth or energy, or nobody in poverty to have a quantum computer.

>> No.1590959

You're missing the point. I'm just saying that many needs have arisen that people haven't met yet, due to running into this brick wall we call "reality".

>> No.1590972


>> No.1590986

I lol'd.

>> No.1590990
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>Carbon nanotubes are close to reaching mass production level.

[citation needed]

>> No.1590991


You have too little faith in human technological expansion.

Moore's law has continued to apply, even though people said it would not. I feel it is more of a self fulfilling law at this point, and the computer companies will keep going to make it so.

>> No.1590995

i want a tiny little octopus =(

>> No.1591029

So do we all, man. So do we all.

>> No.1591079
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I find your lack of faith disturbing.

>> No.1591104
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>90% of the entire fucking thread

Well, shit. I guess all of the OP's predictions weren't true after all.

>> No.1591181

When do you think humanity will colonize other worlds, /sci/?

>> No.1591183

Wait did I seriously just sage out of pure habit alone?

>> No.1591196
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Planets? Never on a large scale, its retarded to climb out a gravity well just to jump down another.
Freefloating colonies? If a mass driver can be put on the moon, with in 30 years if not sooner.

>> No.1591197


Never colonise planets?


>> No.1591203

see? a retard wants to, do you really want to be like this retard?

>> No.1591224

How about vacuum breasts?
Insert a flexible diamondoid implant that can change it's volume by command, also reconstruct the breasts so the implant can extend out of the breast envelope.

Make the diamondoid shell able to expand to 200 cubic meters volume and you have enough lift for two average humans.

>> No.1591261

Primary sources of energy have shifted to nuclear (fission, possibly fusion), various renewables

The 3rd world has caught up with the rest of the world in development and are are all post-industrial - many leapfrog industrialization all-together by using cheap, efficient and modern energy, computation and telecommunication technologies

9billion people with very little to no population growth occuring

Computers have no moving parts, use non-volatile memory for all storage and have instant-on functionality. Paper thin screens are everywhere and very cheap.

Electric cars everywhere, duh.

Batteries are 100x better than they are now due to advancements in nanowire technology.

>> No.1591264


Wireless power transmission over short distances is commonplace and has seen vast proliferation for applications in IT and telecommunications. I personally think that people will carry around battery-powered personal wireless power to power any mobile-device that comes within a certain radius slightly greater than arm's length. As if mobile devices need to get any smaller, though.

Cell phones/PDAs advancement has shifted from finding new ways for people to kill time to augmented reality technologies that interface with your Cell/PDA and give you information about the environment or yourself. Contacts with a heads-up-display overlayed on to your field of view, for example.

Prosthetics are a thing of the past, and not because of omg super robots. Regenerative medicine will have people growing their limbs back... without a doubt. Of course, this will extend to organs as well, no more waiting for Joe Blow to die so you can take his liver.

Considering how the last 35 years of space exploration have gone I think where we are in 50 years is anyone's guess. Since there are not yet any aircraft propulsion techniques with potential to replace chemical propulsion, I don't see any reason for optimism. Our only hope right now is that nanotube materials prove to be strong enough for a space elevator.

>> No.1591273

Predictions as far as science and tech goes:
-Graphene oxides and optical processors are used in computers now. Moore's law has hit its end and there are still no practical quantum computers. The computer industry shifts over to redesigning chip architecture for power and efficiency. Possibly seeing the first holography based data storage devices, but more likely some sort of spintronics enhanced version of what we use today.
- Nanotechnology: As others have said, still mainly used/explored/exploited by Universities and Companies. Decent advances have been made in the material sciences, which also contribute to the medical/biological field. No universal assemblers/disassemblers, no nanobots (except for very primitive types used in the medical field), etc...
-No AI. See Biotechnology/medicine though.
-Biotech/Medicine: Algae biofuel. Personalized medicine. Sequencing of the genome for the cells in each tissue/organ in humans is complete. A good chunk of the other -omes have been worked on. Gene therapies for correcting basic genetic mistakes (that are known) has become more reliable for germline application. Still problems with somatic gene therapy. Medicine has taken a big shift towards preventative medicine but regenerative medicine is thriving. With the phenomes of neurons now known, scientists are just starting to get the idea of how to go about creating an artificial mind.

>> No.1592759

>Looks at history
>Sees how one technological milestone is preceded by another and that technological progress is proceeding in exponential fashion
>Looks at Moore's Law
>Disregards history entirely
>"Now, when I'm alive, will be the time that technological progress grinds to a halt instead of proceeding as it always has."

This board is full of fucking retards.

And no, I'm not just figuring this out.

And no, I'm not mad.

>> No.1592759,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1593119

>And no, I'm not mad.
well, I am. Always and every time.

>> No.1593376



Take heart, /sci/borg. They'll kill themselves off soon enough

>> No.1593393


explain yourself

>> No.1593433

*coltural meat
*biodiesel produced through syntetic cells - the pastures left free by the gradual disappearence of farm animals will make the production of biodiesel easier.

>> No.1593524


>> No.1593710

Little Glebbies will overcome their larger counterparts

Advanced glebbies will replace silicon chips.


>> No.1594857
