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15901141 No.15901141 [Reply] [Original]

'Global warming' is not about the science
UN Admits: 'Climate change policy is about how we redistribute the world's wealth'

>> No.15901147

You didn't know that already?

>> No.15901192

They deleted a thread I made about this before. There were no replies anyway.

>> No.15901194

They probably deleted all the replies.

>> No.15901204
File: 624 KB, 568x754, XWK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15901211

It's an ambiguous statement: some governments already incentivize business to reduce emissions (with tax money of course) and others don't or are less advanced in that process. The statement can also mean carbon restrictions for citizens. Genius way of walking just in between these two meanings.

>> No.15901213

link the article you faggot

>> No.15901428
File: 926 KB, 824x760, 1698688726597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link the article you faggot

>> No.15901480

Yes, from the poor to the rich.

>> No.15901522

>carbon restrictions for citizens
Some of these feel like plain bullshit. I heard some cities have banned BBQ and heating/cooking with gas. Meanwhile there is nothing against private jets and cruising ships which polite harder than whole cities. Can't help but feel elitism of those on top making it shittier for the people at the bottom while they are going to try to enjoy their privileges for as long as they can.
Climate science is in a bad spot because it has become very politicized. It has never been very exact and clear cut which let anyone take whatever conclusion they want to push their narrative.

>> No.15901882
File: 538 KB, 1488x2858, priv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from the goyims to the jews

>> No.15902011

Remember the revolution of the protestants versus the catholics: once upon a time you could buy literal certificates of forgiveness for your sins. Which means in modern times a carbon tax on consumption will hit the poor harder than the rich with the message: it's okay to sin if you can afford it.
What's frustrating me is that I can see this but the seeing doesn't help in any way: I feel powerless like Cassandra, gifted to see the future but no one listens or cares. They're going to bring the Trojan Horse inside the city walls no matter what.

>> No.15902036
File: 830 KB, 1086x1047, commie nonsnse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course climate change has fuckall to do with it's namesake. Just like femminism had nothing to do with women's rights, and the race riots in the 60's were little to do with race equality. All of them are just the latest tool of division used by communists in an Nth attempt to gain power.

This is all obvious when you look at the messaging surrounding climate change: Instead of focusing on one issue at a time, i.e tackle climate change first, then inequality, they want to tackle everything in one go.
If climate change was an imminent world ending threat, they'd surely want to put all their resources to dealing with it first, instead of dividing onto multiple fronts.

>> No.15902148

You think that might be because the two issues are inherently linked? Or did you think you stumbled upon a massive conspiracy that they just happened to publish in a public document?

>> No.15902149

"Goyim" is the plural, retard

>> No.15902150

>It's another "capitalist complaining about communism describes capitalism" episode

>> No.15902196

Unsurprisingly, this infographic isn't supported by its own sources and its maths are spurious. It gets the percentage of Jewish Americans roughly correct, but in the second source, it makes the mistake of confusing "the 1%" with people who make over $100,000 a year, which according to that same source is actually 18% of the population. So the highest strata of society aren't 90% Jewish but rather 5%. Are Jews overrepresented? Yes, slightly, and this discrepancy is made up elsewhere by disproportionate poverty, notably among the black population. But that conveniently isn't mentioned as part of this racial inequality argument. Also majorly overrepresented among the top 18% of earners are Hindus, Orthodox Christians, Buddhists, and Mormons. White protestants are somewhat proportionally underrepresented amonog the top 18% but still make up over a third in absolute numbers, more than seven times the number of Jews.

>> No.15902198

Also, it goes without saying, but the representaton of the "99%" having a top layer of exclusively Jews and no Jews below it is also entirely unsupported by the same source. Three out of every 20 Jewish people are actually in the bottom tier making less than $30,000 per year.

>> No.15902200

We don't have capitalism you subhuman leftist scum. Taxation throughout the planet is more than 50%. How the fuck do you think you can get away with calling that capitalism. You're disgusting worm tongue deliberately trying to confuse everyone, I hope you die soon.

>> No.15902204

>We don't have capitalism
Communism doesn't have taxes btw

>> No.15902209

capitalism and communism are shared ideologies promoted by the same people running the central bank cartel

>> No.15902211

you'll die in the work camps like everyone else you treacherous kapo

>> No.15902216

>'Climate change policy is about how we redistribute the world's wealth'

>> No.15902222

To clear up some of your confusion:
>1 wipe out the lower class
Communists seek to elevate the lower class leading to the gradual erosiion of class division altogether. It is the bourgeoisie that wages brutal warfare on the lower classes.
>2 GMO's
Unscrupulous business practices of for-profit corporations
>3 forced vaccinations
Pushed through by every capitalist government
>4 propaganda
Standard in every capitalist country, as evidenced by your wild misconceptions regarding communism and capitalism
>5 destroy family unit
Actually mentioned by Marx and Engels in the Communist manifesto as a consequence of the rule of the bourgeoisie
>6 privatise water/rationing
Anything with "privatise" in it is capitalist
>7 implement 5g smart grid
Currently happening under capitalism (because it's profitable)
>8 slave labour
Currently happening under capitalism
>9 create more debt/tax population
Currently happening under capitalism; "debt" is not a thing under communism. Neither are taxes.
>10 harmonise under one world order
Capitalism has sought global hegemony and eradicated alternatives across the globe
>11 prison like mega cities
Capitalists would stuff you in actual prisons for profit
>12 forced austerity
Literally the policy of Reagan, Thatcher, and the current Tory administartion
>13 cap & trade/carbon taxes
A purely capitalist "innovation" to make it appear as if the free market is solving something when it isn't
>14 environmental restrictions
oh no
>privatise oceans
There's that "privatise" again
>15 control resources
What, you mean like private property?
>16 strengthen police state/take guns
Currently happening under capitalism. "Under no pretext must the people be disarmed" - Marx
>17 One world government
Could swear we covered that one already

>> No.15902271

https://www.writingtoiq.com/ says your IQ is 83

>> No.15902275

Probably because I'm mentioning the word "Jew" a lot, as is the wont of those of below-average IQ. Anyway, what would it imply about your little infographic if someone with an IQ of 80 could detect the obvious flaws in the maths?

>> No.15902310

>capitalist government
Fuck off disgusting worm tongue deliberately trying to confuse everyone.

>> No.15902321

There is nothing I could possibly say that could confuse you further than you already are.

>> No.15902351

Plenty of the parasites aren't kikes.

>> No.15902353
File: 49 KB, 460x316, what a nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we might live in a utopia soon
Oh no, better go build another coal plant.

>> No.15902377

You are both equally confused because you don't see the cycle:
>free markets
>darwinism & hedonism
>free markets

>> No.15902378

>that comic
Except the ones in charge of global warming alarmism are completely insane marxists doing everything in their power to destroy society AND nature and don't give a fuck about the planet.

>> No.15902381

Capitalizing on a catastrophe is not a new idea. Just because people are seeing economic advantages they can exploit doesn't make climate change false.

I'm sorry to have to explain that to you but you seem to have low IQ

>> No.15902383

Ah, yeah, such a steady cycle it has yet to happen once
The ones destroying society and nature are the exact opposite of Marxists you poor fool

>> No.15902391

>calling the reformation a revolution
stop sucking your own dick proddiefag, the worst excess and abuse of wealth is done by evangelical fags from these mega-churches despite the original message of humility and living like the poor. The faggot pastor who has 3 private jets pollute more in a single month than I will in a whole decade. He's just like the modern avg politician on environment; they both subverted the original message of their movement to their advantage. These pastors are probably preaching about superficial christian messages while on the side they live like kings in mansion while inviting hookers and feasting like decadent degenerates every friday night. Just like how most of these environmental measure affect the common folk and not the elite or industries with powerful lobbies; just look at Germany's green policy of closing nuclear plants while re-opening coal ones or the fact there is no law against programmed obsolescence and other type of mass wastage. Hypocrisy that is so embedded into the institutions that it's almost impossible to dissociate them.

>> No.15902403

Neoliberals are socially marxist, but fiscally cutthroat capitalist (for everyone but their own childraping families).

>> No.15902406

Also, are we forgetting a few marxist details like the (ex) Aral Sea and the Four Pests campaign? Yeah marxists are not good for nature. That kind of tracks for a religion that views the factory as the center of all life.

>> No.15902418

uhh durrrr
Council for Inclusive Capitalism

>> No.15902442

>Neoliberals are socially marxist
>Also, are we forgetting a few marxist details like the (ex) Aral Sea and the Four Pests campaign?
I fail to see the relevance to Anno Domini Two-thousand-and-twenty-three of the Gregorian calendar. But it figures your confusion extends temporally.

>> No.15902613

Gotta break a few ecological eggs, huh?

>> No.15902627

>still no link

>> No.15902628

I don't know what to tell you Anon, if I'm in the process of raping your mother but I point out that John Wayne Gacy raped a bunch of people in the 70s, how does that help your mother? And what does that tell us about clowns?

>> No.15902635

The only thing I wonder is if leftists believe they are helping, or are motivated for selfish reasons; are they stupid or evil?

>> No.15902662

The only thing I'm wondering is, are you projecting or straight-up lying?

>> No.15902673

Here's the link they don't want you to find.

Here's some information about climatedepot.com
>ClimateDepot.com is the website of Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow employee Marc Morano, a conservative global warming denier who previously served as environmental communications director for a vocal political denier of climate change, Republican Sen. James Inhofe.
>ClimateDepot.com is being financed by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, a nonprofit in Washington that advocates for free-market solutions to environmental issues. Public tax filings for 2003-7 (the last five years for which documents are available) show that the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation and foundations associated with the billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife

Here's some information about the author
Larry Bell is a weekly columnist for Forbes Magazine with no evident climate expertise who writes columns dismissing climate science[1], [2]. He is listed as author of a Jan. 2011 book titled Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind The Global Warming Hoax, published through the Greenleaf Book Group, a vanity press.

It's just the same shit on a different day.

>> No.15902686

How to turn a non-profit profitable

>> No.15902727

Truth, but don't let the government hear you say that or the board will lose their salary.

>> No.15902730

It tells that we should probably be putting rapists and murderers to death, not listening to their ideas about the ideal society.

>> No.15902732


>> No.15902749

Well, all you wanted was someone to entertain your mum. And now you want to murder all clowns. Because you're making a category error.

>> No.15903544

All of the above.

>> No.15903619

too late. the npcs think it's about the other thing already. they're very slow to change.

>> No.15903770

It's refreshing to find an actual honest to god "break a few eggs" marxist after all these years. It's like 2011 /pol/.

>> No.15903774

He even does the classic thing where he denies historical events. It's like I'm really arguing with a tankie from the former DDR.