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15899724 No.15899724 [Reply] [Original]

What is the current state of the Out of Africa theory in academia?

>> No.15899785

lots of new evidence after 2010
fat,fat,fat instead of meat,meat,meat

>> No.15899816

>listening to women talk

>> No.15899824
File: 45 KB, 471x314, maga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok monkey

>> No.15899868

butthurt trannie

>> No.15899941

wanna bananna?

>> No.15900494

White people are Chinese and indian heritage not black African
Africans picked cotton for making JEANS
Think about it

>> No.15901079

that theory has been debunked

>> No.15901295

Yep. It's been debunked for a while now.

>> No.15901345

actually it was rebunked by me just now

whites left africa, current africans did not

>> No.15901353 [DELETED] 

The Super Virus, for me, is in a state where it's utilizable. Stage 2 Complete.
At the moment we utilize it via more the controlled weakness of self such as the throat, temple, etc.

>> No.15901360

tl;dr version - still the dominant theory, but almost everyone in research acknowledges that it's got about thirty-seven asterisks added to it now.

>> No.15901361 [DELETED] 

There's a place you can do on the right top side of your head but it's very specific. The part there that's most associated with controlled weakness.

>> No.15901469
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>> No.15901471
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literally everything is about racism to you, you're obsessed with race and you project that onto everyone around you

>> No.15901524

If humans didn't evolve in Africa then where did we evolve?

>> No.15901540

Several different places. You didn't think we were all the same species did you anon?

>> No.15901668

>Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook


>> No.15901672

The chances that humans evolved anywhere but Africa is absolutely 0. All early hominids we have ever found came from Africa and anatomically modern humans evolved first in Africa. There is so much evidence for this that it seems silly that people keep making threads like this. Like, where do you people think humans evolved? Antarctica? Mars? Kentucky? Even interbreeding with other humans like Homo sapiens neanderthalensis doesn't change out of Africa because their ancestors still came from Africa and anyway they only account for a tiny fraction of non African DNA.

Like, why do people keep trying to deny out of Africa? Does it bother people to know they're related to Africans or something?

>> No.15901676


>Does it bother people to know they're related to Africans or something?

this might be it, which is strange because if they did just accept it they'd realize they evolved away from that ancestral line

>> No.15901697

>All early hominids we have ever found came from Africa
That's not even true lol. They've found extremely early hominids in Turkey.

>> No.15901731

This is largely irrelevant. Finding an outlier does not in any way discount the utterly insane amount of evidence for out of Africa. We do not base our conclusions on outliers.

>> No.15901739

>Finding an outlier does not in any way discount the utterly insane amount of evidence for out of Africa.
OoA is nothing but outliers. It assumes an enormous amount of data from a handful of barely complete skeletons even though we know for a fact that the Great Apes in general emerged from Eurasia.

>> No.15902500 [DELETED] 

Why do retards have such a problem with OOA? Most hominids live in Africa, the path through evolutionary history they trace is pretty obvious from the fossil record. I'm not even sure what the "alternative" you retards are trying to propose is.

>> No.15902503 [DELETED] 



>> No.15902532

>anatomically modern humans evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa 200,000-300,000 years ago
>60,000-120,000 some humans successfully migrated out
>said population went on to dominate the globe
>remaining population became modern Sub-Saharan Africans
I have never understood how OoA is some anti-racist dunk. To me it seems hyper-racist, such a migration event is one of the potential triggers for speciation as far as I've routinely seen, and it occurred potentially halfway between the present and the emergence of modern humans.

>> No.15902541


"We" have not evolved. "We" do not exist. Each individual is Occasionally sustained by God.

>> No.15902573

"Out of Africa" is somewhat of a misnomer. It's more accurate to say that Africa is the origin of the current human genepool. There were hominids who lived outside of Africa in parallel to Africans, and for a long time too. Even the apes who evolved into chimps, humans, gorillas, etc. migrated into Africa from Eurasia before doing so.

However, remember genetics is past erasing due to negative selection and linkage disequilibrium decay. For instance Europeans might have had denisovan DNA at one point, but not anymore, all those genes are gone, actually exited the genepool. Neanderthals might have had genes from an even older group of hominids, and those hominids had genes from an older group than that, and so on, making an unbroken lineage of archaic hominids outside of Africa, but those genes are gone, no longer present.

>> No.15902709

>square jaw
>likely feminist
skipping this one pal

>> No.15902740

Asians, Indians, Niggers, Finns, and modern humans all evolved completely independently.

>> No.15902774

Can you give a quick rundown of all the issues and why no alternative theory has arisen? I’ve been curious about this for a few months now but I can’t find solid science just a bunch of hokey bullshit.

>> No.15903542

>Most hominids live in Africa
When we diverged from the Great Apes most Great Apes lived in Europe. The majority of evidence points to a Eurasian origin for at least one species counted under the modern human umbrella.

>> No.15903618

>a handful of barely complete skeletons
Do you know how I know you're full of shit? Guess how I know you're full of shit.

>> No.15903761 [DELETED] 

The anthropological evidence simply does not support this.

>> No.15903768

Anthropology isn't a science.

>> No.15903779

I don't believe in any human evolution theory because both out of africa and polygenesis are used to support political positions. Call me back when someone put together a less convenient theory for leftoids or wignats.

>> No.15903784

>Call me back when someone put together a less convenient theory for leftoids or wignats.
That's an impossible ask since any theory that acknowledges the separate evolution of multiple hominid species can be alleged to be political by that metric.

>> No.15903795 [DELETED] 

But creationism and christian identitarian bullshit is, right?

>> No.15903799

Who are you arguing with? You sound mentally ill.

>> No.15903904 [DELETED] 

Uh huh.

>> No.15903953

>muffled whining from closet
ok sweetie

>> No.15904588

Merely different names for the same group. What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.15904592

It's still the unique non-retarded and scientific explanation.

>> No.15905970

It is obvious that Indians are Asians, but I am not sure how the Finns fit into this unless you make the group so wide as to encompass all humans.

>> No.15906717
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am i ugly