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15896923 No.15896923 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to world build a setting in which ships can effectively decelerate (practically) instantly using an inertial damper field, while still protecting the people on board. This would allow for significantly shorter travel times for relativistic space ships flying between star systems

What rules can I put in place to keep this from becoming a reactionless drive?

Otherwise, try and break it. I need to know all the ways that this tech can be screwed with so I can decide whether or not to let the travel be a more down to earth style of relativistic travel.

>> No.15896927

picrel, me in the lower left

>> No.15897015

For fucks sake
Nobody knows special fucking relativity althought it's thought in highschool and all you need to know is a few fractions with a square root
If who had the power to accelerate 1g you could do circles round the entire universe in half a lifetime
search starship calculator if you don't know any better
can anyone explain this fucking world to me ?
all of you should be ashamed of yourselfs

>> No.15897045

Hmmm. It's possibly impossible to do what you ask.
You may be able to modify interpretation of physics to stay compliant with obvious concepts and simultaneously build something that sounds realistic and doesn't destroy the world building.
My idea would be some kind of space-time vortex, which reduces the impact of momentum/mass/gravity outside of or before the framework of relativity ever grasps, artificially reducing the momentum required to go a certain speed, but not infinitely so, as it consumes power.
Essentially this would make the ships able to use way less propellent for any given speed, as all of the mass of the ship, with exception of the propellent would now "weigh" less, without actually getting rid of any mass.
As to how this would be achieved, take some inspiration from schizos. They have thought of several somewhat pseudo-scientific mechanisms for the generation of these kinds of things. From Bob Lazars stable element 115 to the Nazi bell which was supposed to have spinning isotopic compounds like thorium, uranium and mercury in it, to scalar wave generators and structural electromagnetically modulated gravity, something like Grebennikov.
For its mechanism, I'd go for some kind of specific sub-atomic reaction that is very cryptic, would only be able to be found by trial and error and is currently unknown. Something which triggers the release of whatever weird particles or waves you want to influence the behavior of mass, painting it like this was the missing link for a unification of electromagnetism and gravity.
I know that this would all lead to huge problems at high enough energies, but if you restrict those and make the field modulate time, by saying that time is created by the mass, which is modulated by your mystery field, then you should be fine.

>> No.15897050

This would probably also let you avoid the relativistic effects on peoples ages.
You could additionally mind-game people by saying that time is always static, that modern relativity is a misconception based on entropy and that you can't travel into the past, even when breaking light speed, which people figured out with their fancy new physics.
You could also bring back the aether to confuse people about what's happening, Unzicker has a few nice videos on it.
Also, don't bully, you wanted the inertial dampening field, so here you get it.
My head hurts now

>> No.15897062

Deceleration being different from acceleration implies a preferred rest frame. AKA an aether.

>> No.15897063

Oh yeah, you could make that field be affected by gravity wells, either nerfing it/upping the power required near them, or essentially eating your momentum or upping your mass when moving through gravity wells, or even both, which would essentially allow your ships to just crash into a star or planet and rapidly slow down as they close in, potentially with no effect on your intertial reference inside the ship, as your mass has increased and slowed the ship, instead of the thrusters firing. It could act somewhat akin to how it works in Elite: Dangerous and it might even give you the tools for landing ships.

>> No.15897085

thanks for the level of detail
sorry about your head
I'm definitely going to go with the sub-atomic reaction, (ambitiously, I might even use it to explain the weak nuclear force's charge-parity violation)
in the same vein, I think that I'm going to say that the nazi bell was an extremely primitive version of it that only was able to work through sheer chance
Similarly, I'm probably going to say that it works by emitting gravitons which try to do some sci-fi gobbledygook and try to fly away from the ship (due to the density of them) thus causing the ship to become lighter in comparison to the space near it.
I am absolutely going to steal the idea that time is created by mass
Although, I would very much like to keep the relativistic effects on peoples ages (so as to have reintegration programs for biological 20 year olds that are over 185 years old) but it very well may be some flavor of the fact that speed doesn't cause apparent time to slow down, but the density of the gravitons does

I am not going to bully someone who wrote an essay for my autistic ass

>> No.15897099

Didn't see this one while I was writing my initial reply
Maybe I could say that the density of the gravatons within a certain distance of a gravity well would begin to cause the gravitons to depart from the ship at an even faster rate, causing what you described, an increase in the effectiveness of the device
this would serve a dual purpose as I don't want moon sized ships romping around

>> No.15897126

>duuuuddeee!! muh escapist soience fiction fantasy life that i got implanted in my brain by watching hollywood tv and moooooovies!!!!
>i'm totally gooonna fly through space at the sppeeeedd of lite!!!
>just like in star trek!!!


>The Star Trek connection

>A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles

>The first thing detectives from the Toronto police sex crimes unit saw when they entered Roderick Cowan's apartment was an autographed picture of William Shatner. Along with the photos on the computer of Scott Faichnie, also busted for possessing child porn, they found a snapshot of the pediatric nurse and Boy Scout leader wearing a dress "Federation" uniform. Another suspect had a TV remote control shaped like a phaser. Yet another had a Star Trek credit card in his wallet. One was using "Picard" as his screen name. In the 3 1/2 years since police in Canada's biggest city established a special unit to tackle child pornography, investigators have been through so many dwellings packed with sci-fi books, DVDs, toys and collectibles like Klingon swords and sashes that it's become a dark squadroom joke. "We always say there are two types of pedophiles: Star Trek and Star Wars," says Det. Ian Lamond, the unit's second-in-command. "But it's mostly Star Trek."

>> No.15897170
File: 102 KB, 620x413, 68601476_2237972383174655_965176514024833024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create black hole in front or behind the spaceship. The ship will freefall accelerate (no force) and the hole will evaporate before the ship reaches it.

>> No.15897174
File: 21 KB, 427x305, 1700352266234277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just casually cracked the code of traveling at relativistic speed

>> No.15897175

Well since it's so simple and taught in high school then do your own fucking homework you faggot

>> No.15897178

Friends Don't Let Friends Use Reactionless Drives In Their Universes.

also wouldn't the radiation created by the evaporation push it the other way?

>> No.15897180

tbf hawking radiation is only theoretical
only one way to find out

>> No.15897184

the ship is shaped like a cone and reflects radiation at a low angle (like passive stealth)

It wouldn't evaporate, but it's a special sci-fi generated hole that does.

>> No.15897185

But how would you create the blackhole 'in front' ?
You would need to move mass in front of the ship, which requires a transfer of momentum, which would push the ship backwards.

>> No.15897188

wouldnt a micro black hole evaporate even without hawking radiation if the general relativity concept of a white hole held up doe
i mean, you wouldnt be forming a black hole out of density in this scenario i would assume itd be an energy induced black hole

>> No.15897189

It's called a vacum cascade!
(or better yet Dirac sink!)
The mass doesn't come from the ship.

>> No.15897190

you can create a black hole if you concentrate enough energy/light/radiation into a planck length of space, no need for mass or density the excitation of the energy in such a concentrated point can theoretically cause space time to warp into a black hole anyway

>> No.15897192

I wouldn't know, but why not.

>> No.15897195

sorry, my bed - a Dirac spring !

>> No.15897196

basically in general relativity after you cross the event horizon of a black hole you reach a point where space/time becomes inverted and youll be spat out on the other side of a "white hole" whose event horizon, instead of being impossible to escape is impossible to renter after being expelled from
it was believed that quasars were white holes for some time but that idea has fallen out of fashion, i believe that some of them and other radiological phenomenon may be them though

>> No.15897197

You still need to generate that energy and emit it, which creates a backwards momentum.

>> No.15897201

it can hypothetically be done with a small amount of actual energy the trick is the concentration part, whatever pressure exerted by the photons or electrons or whatever you decide to use probably wouldn't overcome the gravitational influence of the black hole if it was stable for meaningful any length of time

>> No.15897203

How the fuck do you stop inertia?

>> No.15897227 [DELETED] 

New idea. Launch system.
The hole is permanent, but it's shape oscillates between a circle and a point.
It's in point phase just before the ship reaches it and starts to expand with the ship going through the ring and continuing to expand doing a gravity slingshot thing to the ship.
And some other arrangement for the stopping.

>> No.15897369
File: 201 KB, 700x1059, 1291534103571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the natural speed of a ship's regular engines have any bearing on how fast it goes when it activates a warp drive? Like say, you have two ostensibly equal ships of equal mass and volumes but one has a methane/oxygen rocket and the other has a nuclear saltwater rocket. If they're both running their regular engines while their warp drives are also online, would they go the same speed, or would it act more as a multiplier for their base speeds, resulting in the nuclear rocket going super sanic?

>> No.15897443

Going to near light speed instantly doesn't significantly reduce the travel time between the stars. To a story it taking 4.5 years to go to Alpha Centauri is the same number as 6 years, the difference becoming smaller the further you go. It's a largely useless gimmick.

>> No.15897875

at that point, why not use the light to move the ship instead of creating a black hole with it

>> No.15897882
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1621663972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inertial damper

>> No.15898151

Maybe have the ship be spherical with the 'nozzle' with the black hole in a cone shaped indent

>> No.15898320

>I want to do a sci-fi setting
>But I don't want to break any laws of physics like the speed of light
>But I don't want to do the OBVIOUS solution ( moving energy/information/consciousness instead of matter and mass)
Stop being so attached to flesh and it's all too easy.

>> No.15898461

This shit is in the same line of spinning the middle of a disk at relativistic speeds and thinking that it makes the outside travel back in time

>> No.15898480

No, it's not. And the two examples have nothing in common.
I'm not saying it's anything special thou.

>> No.15898491

No, it's the same kind of retarded non-logic.
It makes sense in the first 5 seconds and afterwards it doesn't.
And once it doesn't make sense, it becomes so apparent that it can't be ignored.

>> No.15898579

Yours is worse by a margin.

>> No.15898603

The best way to do these in scifi is to mention them, naturally. But never explain them or try to use them as plot devices, assume all your characters know generally how they work and their limitations.
If you're making something to satisfy autism, good luck but you'll fail.

>> No.15899066

Ok, mister space orkz black hole shoota drive.

>> No.15899177

there are inertia dampers in industrial machines, vehicles and skyscrapers. it's not outlandish to extend the concept to spaceships.

>> No.15899182

every single one of these is cope

just have faith in god and he will move you where you need to go

>> No.15899206

deceleration is the same as acceleration
best you can get is like "the expanse" where acceleration is limited to like 50 m/s/s because of humans, and even that takes some super gaming chairs
inertia dampers aren't going to make it more comfortable when your car hits a tree and accelerates 60 mph in a tenth of a second
sounds like you have a skill issue with physics. Instead of sci-fi, write something else.

>> No.15899324

At least one rule would be that you need to be close to a strong gravitation field.
Also not really instantaneous, just really high deceleration.
Both of those are for setting consistency, there's no scientific basis for what you're proposing.

>> No.15901006

Only /sci/ option is lower left

>> No.15901084

I thought the alcubierre drive was theoretically possible but unobtanium for the time being

>> No.15902024

whats the flaw? black exists, pulls u towards it, then disappears so you dont slow down

your just mad its a reactionless drive!

>> No.15902285

>for the time being
yeah you just need "negative mass", we're going to find some of that stuff anytime now