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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15896227 No.15896227 [Reply] [Original]

>science career
As a woman in STEM you can only choose one. Thank you, modern society.

>> No.15896238

Are you just now figuring this out?

>> No.15896253

just adopt children when you're older??
>b-but muh genetics

>> No.15896256
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>> No.15896262

cuckold cope (literally)

>> No.15896269
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>just adopt children when you're older??
>>b-but muh genetics

>> No.15896274

Is it about raising a living being out of love, or having a kid to feel like you've finally accomplished something of note in your pathetic life

>> No.15896280

Even as a man, unless you are some faggot, no one wants to join academic bureaucracy.
Get a real Job
However if you are like 180IQ person who had a ground breaking idea that is going to change the world, you must pursue whatever you need regardless of your sex.
People need to be honest to themselves regarding their potential.

>> No.15896283

I could never love a child that's not my own. The only purpose of having children is evolution. They are supposed to be carriers of my superior high IQ genes. I certainly won't raise someone else's midwit kids.

>> No.15896284

Oh my lord. Men have been warning about this for years but the women thought men were just holding them back. Now women want to parttime everything and chao ensues: after 25 years of education female doctors are like: please let me work 24 hours as a family physician with no more one hour of commute otherwise employers are sexist pigs! Oh boy...

>> No.15896362

No conservative has ever raised five scientists. They'd be lucky to get even one and they're more likely denounce them as a brainwashed liberal then be proud of their scientific endeavors.

>> No.15896398

True scientists are conservative, you ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.15896442

Muh genetics. Very dysgenic system by encouraging the above average in intelligence women into careers. They waste their fertile years (16-30) in education, then in whatever role they trained for. Terrible system for both individuals and civilization.

>> No.15896505

OP, ask yourself, why do I want to be a woman in STEM?

Has it really nothing to do with the constant propaganda over the last 20 years of "le women can do everything a man can, go show it to them girl!"?

Don't you realize you are being used to prove a point? Your desires are fabricated and do not stem from an inner call.

>> No.15896648

That only looks like 3 scientists, if you're going by the propogate the brood meme. Statistically, how many of those will become actual scientists and not just a glorified lab worker that can't bring enough income to start a family where his wife doesn't work?
True conservatives or not, having women work increases able bodied employees.

>> No.15896662

in general most scientist woman did both,
this is an oxymoron, a woman wanting to be a scientist has the capacity of having kids and doing science by our mutual care mechanisms of humans thanks to fathers, aka two able bodied and mentally people which can generate scientific research, most scientist woman did science and kids in fact.

>> No.15896666

do too as well.
this hasn't changed in the present

>> No.15896684
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>> No.15896726

then freeze eggs and use a surrogate?

>> No.15896762

>bernoulli family

>> No.15896770

Nonsense. Either way, show me any household that has produced five scientists in a single generation. If you can find one then I guarantee they aren't conservative.

>> No.15896825
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3rd option: Freeze eggs and use surrogates. Boring, but effective.
4th option: Develop artificial wombs and get your /diy/ husband to build a secure bunker with earthquake springs and a backup generator. Connect speakers and camera to server so you can talk to your fetuses through your phone.
5th option: Research extreme fertility treatments and use self as test subject. Like the axolotyl tanks of Dune, but fully conscious. Become immobile hyperpreg queen bee.

>> No.15896829

>5th option: Research extreme fertility treatments and use self as test subject. Like the axolotyl tanks of Dune, but fully conscious. Become immobile hyperpreg queen bee.

>> No.15897044

One is a guarantee, the other is highly based on luck depending on how much control you have over their lives.

>> No.15897084

Shouldn't the one on the right be saying
>I'm raising 3 scientists?
The other two will in turn raise more scientists....

>> No.15897221

>Become immobile hyperpreg queen bee.

There is surprisingly little erotica about this kind of scenario. Like, it is incredibly difficult to find /d/ level material that actually involves this and does it remotely well. 'Hyperpreg' is almost always just a woman with a badly drawn balloon attached, and it's rare to see the actual scenario treated with seriousness, with a gigantic fertile and actively childbearing abdomen and all of the implications of that.

>> No.15897444
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>caring about 3-D women

>> No.15897449

why do you have to breed? why are you important?

surrogates are still extremely expensive and problematic for most people and practical purposes (e.g. here in greece they routinely ask for a HOUSE to do it and we're not talking about cheap houses for north-european standards always).

>> No.15897450

Well you have to choose what you dedicate yourself to. It's not fair to have children and ignore them in favor of your personal motivations.
So if a man is gonna be a sole provider he will obviously prefer a debtless virgin over a withering college educated hag.

>> No.15897453

Why does adoption piss off women so badly but men are expected to adopt her children with other men?
I noticed that women are pretty awful

>> No.15897456

Fuck you I don't care if her IQ is 180 and she's gonna save the world she's gonna have 5 of my babies. I don't give a fuck about the world. What the hell has society done for me?

>> No.15897460

Women are right, they should do all the work while men do the hard and brutal stuff like cleaning the house and making dinner. It's what us men deserve for being soooo evil all these years... you know building society and keeping savagery at bay, but doing that is totally racist and bigoted now. Let savages and degenerates abuse our technology, not my problem– it's women's problem now.
Having babies doesn't mean you're a zogbot goy pig, retard.

>> No.15897467

This isn't right. If both your parents were scientists, then you're more likely to turn out a scientist, sure. But if your mother is dumb and only graduated highschool before having 5 kids, then there's no scientists there.

>> No.15897469

Ok here's my offer, I'll put 5 babies in OP and buy her whatever books she wants for self study, but I want my children to be homeschooled. I'll be damned to let my kids be turned into tranny zogbots.
My ancestors weren't murdered by europeans just so those europeans can be made extinct otherwise it would have been utterly meaningless. And my ancestors were already conquered I don't need to disappoint them more with tranny kids.

>> No.15897477

Actually ideally you wouldn't want any of them to be scientists because that's embarrassing and cringe they should instead be mathematicians which is based.
That's the past though, most of those women were allowed down time and had loving husbands and also supportive families.
Also You could afford shit and weren't forced to live in a shoe box.
Not to mention Christian morality was at its peak.

>> No.15897478

>But if your mother is dumb and only graduated highschool before having 5 kids, then there's no scientists there.
This was the norm in the golden age of science.

>> No.15897479

>european at all
Wait you must be really poor because I hear all gayreeks were poor and smelly and brown.
Also I just looked it up and land is pretty cheap in greece.
Guess what here in america you can make more money selling bread and coffee and you don't even need to finish high school to do it.

>> No.15897480


>> No.15898247

>>european at all
did I give you permission, to use the greek word europe?

>> No.15898254

Maybe 2000 years ago, but now they're just turkish rape babies
t. spanish chad

>> No.15898421
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>actively childbearing abdomen and all of the implications
The actual implications would be extremely non-erotic. She would literally need someone to wash her and wipe her ass for her.
Even so, I'm surprised it isn't being invested in. In ancient times women understood that the womb was their primary weapon and that those who could keep more children alive to adulthood would wield more power with age. Using modern technology it should be possible for one woman to form and entire tribe from her grandchildren.

>> No.15898444

By that logic, why don't you just cut you balls off and frankly jump from a rooftop?
I mean what point is there to your life, when the one true biological marker for success isn't fulfilled?
>muh genetics
It doesn't even matter bro, you're just one small part of cosmic conscience, bro, please, you have to believe me bro, you have to try to reach nirvana bro

Imagine being the last thing in your bloodline, which has existed for 4.3 billion years.
Failure, pathetic.

>> No.15898448

>Imagine being the last thing in your bloodline, which has existed for 4.3 billion years.
happens all the time every day. apparently this is nothing to worry about

>> No.15898479

this is what a scientist looks like

>> No.15898517

I'm not talking to muslims.

>> No.15898520

>idolizes darwinism
>disregards the species in favor of the individual

>> No.15898525
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Cope about it. You will altruistically sacrifice everything so that my superior genes may spread themselves.

>> No.15898537

Rape, sperm bank fraud and pinpricking holes in your condoms does not make you superior.

>> No.15898555
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>> No.15898680

Yeah but it's not the golden age anymore is it? The naivety is gone. This only happened because of a lack of formal education, but now education is so widespread that realistically your parents have to be scientists if you have any chance, or at least a high degree of schooling, doesn't have to be science.

>> No.15898817

Thick with irony, however spain defeated their invaders and we're still white.

>> No.15898843

This really isn't true at all, I know plenty of female scientists who have kids and do exceptionally well in their stem career. Their husbands / partners often split the load equitably. Like, you know, healthy work/life balance and healthy relationships and shit.
Yeah forgo the academic bureaucracy for the corporate one. Reality is you have to pick your poison.
Also you often don't have a groundbreaking idea until you've already spent time pursuing a field.

>> No.15899059

Even if you're a 4 foot tall pigmy with an IQ of 50, if everyone else is fucking dead, then yes, you are superior to them.
That's a basic law of nature. Deal with it, cuck.

>> No.15899076

You don't know any of them. You know whatever flow charts they test you with at work

>> No.15899096

>Develop artificial wombs
why is this not at the forefront of "muh wahmen in soience" research?

>> No.15899108

Why would some political bullshit desgined by people with children to make other people not want to have children matter to anyone with a natural brain?