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15892972 No.15892972 [Reply] [Original]

is there really behavioral differences between races?

im not talking about the controversial IQ meme or cognition

>> No.15892977

>is there really behavioral differences between races?
Yes. Look up the distribution of the so-called "warrior gene" which governs emotional stability.

>> No.15892981

There's behavioral differences between the members of any dysfunctional identity group.

>> No.15893015

Hi OP,

An individual's perspective is too
narrow to make such a claim.
That question can only be answered by
an outside entity. Preferably a non-human
observer, whatever that is...

>> No.15893041


Quick reminder that there’s no such thing as the “knockout game”.
It’s not a game; black people sucker punch people at random (mainly white and Asian people).
Black people are way more likely to commit random assaults, and then have no remorse for it on any level.

>> No.15893103

No it boils down to culture. Blacks more likely to commit crime because of a history of violence, mistreatment, torture towards them. Take early America for example; slaves were freed in 1865. Shortly after that there were "equal" on paper and nothing else. Then came the Jim Crow, Plessy V. Ferguson, Housing Segregation preventing Blacks from not being to own homes in the suburbs. Which led to inner-city ghettos used as containment zones. Made sure inner-city blacks had a poor education and forced drugs into these communites to further destabilize it. All of these factors and many more like property tax assements can lead a group of ignorant masses to stay in their ways, not want hand outs from whitey and lead to a chip on their shoulder towards whitey.
Imagine a black kid who was the son a freed slave. Do you think his life growing up was as easy as the white kid? That would probably make that black kid mad, right? His father was a slave, he lives shittily while this white child benefits from a society and government that caters to him. Black kid grows up, like i said. Lived shittily, has no proper education considering his inner city school is shit, probably dropped out of school to help his family. Now that black kid is older, has a chip on his shoulder for the white man seeing how his father struggled in his youth. Laws and social factors took his future away from him because of his skin. This kid who is now an adult in this situation saw all of this growing up and hates whitey.
He teaches that to his kids, their kids teach that to their kids. Mind you in this hypothetical this family was probably only able to afford a shitty inner-city house and by a couple of generations is run down now. No proper education to learn about realty, investments, a savings account. These are white man luxuries and knowledge, they know this because laws and culture prevent them from learning it. They remain poor, they need money. What's an easy way to make money? Drugs!

>> No.15893107

dood its the men in black

>> No.15893210
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>No it boils down to culture. Blacks more likely to commit crime because of a history of violence, mistreatment, torture towards them. Take early America for example
lol, I love how niggers can only quote america as their example, what about Africa, all the nigs there have been violent savages for thousands of years, the only "opressors" there were themselves, so why is it that even after bringing them to a nation which starts explicitly catering to them they still act like violent nigs? Surely can't be anything in their nature...

>> No.15893241

This is because of poverty. Any excuse you retards have against black people behaviour can usually be explained by poverty not race. Latinos are far more violent even more than africans, heck its almost like the middle east in latin america.

>> No.15893242

You have never been to africa have you retard. You have probably never left your hometown or your mom's house going by how stupid and ignorant you sound.

>> No.15893246

>Latinos are far more violent even more than africans
mesoamericans are somewhat less violent but more capable of coordination, hence the direct continuous line from mass human sacrifice in their precolumbian empires to psychotic cartel executions
they don't do the pit bull thing of just randomly attacking someone for no clear reason nearly as much as blacks
they're not as competent at organized violence as whites, but they're better at it than blacks and more willing to engage in it than whites

>> No.15893277
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>no argument
>ad hominem
LMAO, pathetic, here's a question for you, why is it that after hundreds of years of occupation, mass killings and forced displacement to occupation camps where my people were forced to work until they die in shitty frozen conditions, or outright killed, we aren't acting like savage niggers if everyone is the same?? Really jogs your noggin, huh? Also you don't have to go to a shithole to see it is a shithole, I don't have to visit america to know about your "peaceful protests" and crackheads littering the streets, we live in an era of transparent information, you can't hide what a piece of shit you are.

>> No.15893278

>occupation camps
Concentration camps**, my bad, point still stands, just because some faggots mistreated your people in the past is not an excuse to act like a criminal shithead

>> No.15893280

I am not even american retard. I would correctly assume that you have never met a black person before. All you have done is taken information from secondary sources and made your retarded conclusions about an entire race of people which is extremely stupid for a kike with an even bigger victim complex than black people are known for.
>calls me a piece of shit
yeah so much for your retarded ad hominem rebuttal.

>> No.15893286

yup, including the iq meme faggot
caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid races r all diff there's no counter to that old reearch they just covered it upgvwhrv

>> No.15893300

>I would correctly assume that you have never met a black person before
You would assume wrong, they're smelly, retarded and only know how to deliver food, learning the language of the country they decide to shit up is sraight up esoteric for them, ship them all back to africa and let them make their own great nation since whitey is so oppressive, I have no symphaty for them

>> No.15893312

Ship them back of course, why don't you do it instead of terminally complaining online. Oh wait you have no voice or influence outside of 4chan. You have to come here and seethe at how unfair life is that these people are in your country. That says more about you than it does about them. Apparently it was alright to harbour your people but when the country attempts to harbour other people who you have grown to hate without even knowing any of them, its wrong. Nice logic retard, i'm sure it continues to serve you well and reduce the suffering that you think should not be there. The supreme mind of the kike people, entirely free from self contradictions and other brainlet delusions about racial superiority.

>> No.15893320

Latin america has the highest homicide rate in the world even above africa. Pedantry about who is more capable of organized violence is irrelevant here. Of course whites are more capable because they have more money. Africa is far more poorer than latin america yet the latter is more violent. Something that clearly contradicts 4chan's retarded delusions about black people. 48 million blacks in america inform the entire perspective about who black people are when there are more than 1 billion people in africa who completely contradict those retarded delusions. Heck, some africans are even smarter than whites but you don't hear 4chan midwits trying to explain that, no, oogabooga and tyrone is the deepest lore that people here understand.

>> No.15893323

Anon I'm pretty sure he was talking about USSR occupation of central and east europe and gulags.

>> No.15893336

It doesn't matter what race he belongs to. He makes some pretty stupid arguments about hating people he has never met. I could understand an american hate one because they are constantly bombarded with negative imagery but not him.

>> No.15893342

Europeans have it worse IMO. Americans have had 200 years to get used to the behavior of Africans and so naturally have more acceptance of African behavior. Most Europeans had Africans foisted on them in the last 20 years. They have a time in living memory when there weren't rape gangs and random attacks in the streets, so they find their behavior more jarring and are more offended by it.

>> No.15893351
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Yes it's alright to harbour my people because 99% of us aren't violent, retarded apes, maybe you should lay down that fent pipe and grow a few braincells

>> No.15893355

Its unironically the other way around, a lot of latinos are driven to violent solutions to tackle their poverty because they don't live in places where welfare exists at all. Niggers on the other hand get subsidized by the state and commit acts of violence randomly just for fun

>> No.15893361

No you are not violent apes, you are something much worse. You are civilization destroyers. Unironically, you are responsible for the liberal drive in the west and the subsequent immigration policies importing tonnes of 3rd worlders. Funny that you should even find the time to complain about your mistakes lmao.

>> No.15893366

Europeans don't have to complain about africans when islam and arabs occupy their minds 24/7. Islam is more relevant in europe than worrying about some poor african immigrants.

>> No.15893374

Almost all of the Muslims in Continental Europe are African Muslims not Arab Muslims.

>> No.15893375
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>You are civilization destroyers
Is that why the crimerates in nigger infested countries are so high and so low in non-nigger infestes countries?
Surely there isn't a correlation, right? Just a funny coincidence.
>you are responsible for
My country hasn't done shit for america lmao, their retarded niggerfaggot loving values are being pushed on our country to turn it into a similar "diverse" shithole
Same shit different nigger

>> No.15893378

The schizo you're arguing with is accusing you of being Jewish for whatever reason because you don't agree with blank slateism.

>> No.15893379

Like i said 48 million out of more than 1 billion is not a representative sample. Africans also hate american blacks, this is not a racial thing. Its borne out of retarded liberal policies by the left that every conservative person hates. Its not as much about race as you think it is. I can even give you a better example of nigerian immigrants in south africa vs the native blacks who also live on welfare. They hate each other because of the policies. South african blacks don't like other africans coming into their country and making them look bad. This is a universal human sentiment. Ask any well travelled white south african the difference btn the blacks who live in that country and the blacks that live in other countries like kenya or ghana or botswana and you will get a huge difference.

>> No.15893384

Non nigger infested countries like mexico, wow anon how did they become so violent?

>> No.15893388

I've met plenty of well traveled South Africans, they all came here and settled, their main motivation was hoping to raise a family safely so they ran away from niggers and their way of decay, death and violence. From what I've gathered talking with them is that not all niggers are equally malicious but they are all violent and dangerous

>> No.15893393

South african blacks are very different from other africans. And its not surprising btw that the most violent south africans are usually not blacks but coloureds who have mixed khoisan and white admixture with dutch surnames living in the western cape and are usually pretty violent, but you won't hear about them because they are a minority and don't usually live in the larger johannesburg metro preferring cape town and other western south african cities.

>> No.15893394
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Same way like america, accepting criminals and letting them do what they want instead of going full scorched earth and killing all of them

>> No.15893397

>the most violent south africans are usually not blacks but coloureds
ok nigger

>> No.15893401

Oh so its not about race now, but about poor people who become criminals because previous retarded governments chose to actively discriminate against them, deny them credit, access to education and even going as far as treating immigrants from some european countries better than treating their own citizens who btw died in wars perpetuated by the same country. What a mystery, but we will all chalk it up to their inherent violent nature and slavery vitctim complex that ended almost 200 years ago. They are all 48 million bums who have contributed nothing to the economy, and somehow almost 300 million of the rest of the country tolerates that.

>> No.15893403

I'm shuddering at your elaborate argument anon. They shoulg give you a piece prize for your impeccable writing.

>> No.15893417

Who are you paraphrasing when you say that?

>> No.15893420

I receved the message via a brain transmission from YAKUB, can't you already tell lmao?

>> No.15893424

Well if so then you should have replied to Yakub's post and not an anon who said something completely different from what you're talking about.

>> No.15893430

I can see all the yous I reply to not sure what your point is. I can also reply to anyone I want, this isn't twatter where people ban each other because they don't want to hear the truth.

>> No.15893431
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Being a criminal is a choice, otherwise all countries should be violent shitholes, everyone has gone through the same shit, yet that isn't the case, hmm I wonder why....surely can't be because some people are more inclined to be shitty human beings or something....

>> No.15893433

Why do you keep making all these fresh non-sequitur comments? This isn't a blog.

>> No.15893440

My image folder isn't sorted unfortunately, but there is a lot of evidence that high-income black families do not differ from low-income whites regarding violence and IQ.

>> No.15893442

Oh so now its a choice lmao. I suppose being rich is also a choice. Or being born in a ghetto. I won't argue with a fag who uses free will to argue against criminals while using the same free will to argue for discrumination. Why don't you stop hating them if its a choice? Why is it so difficult anon, don't you have free will?

>> No.15893446

Of course they don't, because you live in america where retarded rules like being one eighth of a black gets you promoted to full black and where banks and govt institutions require race registeration. Your racism is insitutionalized, it doesn't matter how rich you are, your country is retardedly blind like that.

>> No.15893450

>is there really behavioral differences between races?
Yes. For example, Obama is gay (he sucked and fucked dudes in Chicago and probably also in DC fr fr) like all black "men".

>> No.15893451

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity. Why don't you take a break from the board an calm down for a while so you can discuss science with us on a strictly rational basis without letting your out of control emotions get in the way?

>> No.15893457

Lmao so you are finally out of arguments, it doesn't need to be this difficult to admit it. I will still be here if you decide to get creative enough, that is if have the free will for that.

>> No.15893461

>reeeeeee stop posting things i disagree with
you are suffering from emotional distress because you saw someone post something that didn't resonate with your biases. thats why it's called cognitive dissonance. if you were open minded about your opinions then you would not suffer from the emotional distress cognitive dissonance, its only the fact that you're a know-it-all and rigidly convinced you're right about everything that leads you to get frustrated and angry when you see dissenting opinions

>> No.15893513
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Classic nigger behaviour, trying to blame his shitty behaviour on everything but himself.

>> No.15893515

I am sure Africa was doing very well for the past 2000 years, anon. I am sure there was no racialized exploitation happening in Africa at all. Not from Arabs or Europeans, no.

>> No.15893524

Yeah it was whyteis fault that king Nbunga Xningo was enslaving Kenyans in 8000 B.C., you're acting like white people invented crime and mistreatment of others

>> No.15893573

No, it’s because they’re just like that.
Poor white people engage in violence way less often, and they rarely engage in any forms of random violence.
Even poor white/European countries are very safe to travel to. The complete opposite is true for even wealthier black neighborhoods.

>> No.15893584

r/K theory

look it up, within human species, various racial groups have different behaviors

>> No.15893646

Arabs are not white.

>> No.15893723

Wrong, low IQ niggers (below 120) are just evil and must be exterminated.

>> No.15893728

Your ignorance deserves punishment by ritual mutilation, first you must see how all your children are eaten alive by dogs.

>> No.15893729

Truly you all socialists deserve to suffer the most brutal and painful deaths. You must be eradicated no matter the cost.

>> No.15893734
File: 487 KB, 2560x1280, African_Slum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there really behavioral differences between races?
>im not talking about the controversial IQ meme or cognition

None of the top 100 universities in the world is in Africa.
None of the 500 largest companies in the world is in Africa.

Other than "all the other races pick on Black people... RACIST"

Africa is a rich in natural resources.
Why is it the world's ghetto?

>> No.15893764

Every race has people with a nigger-level IQ.
Statistically blacks have more niggers, but there are white niggers and Asian niggers too.
Anyone who isn’t intelligent enough to do the following is a nigger:
>Doesn’t have a job
>Isn’t smart enough to finish high school or college
>Isn’t smart enough to complete some kind of formal education/training/certification program
>Doesn’t understand the concept of themselves being the same person in the past and future
>doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand the future, as in saving/investing money/resources that can benefit themselves in the future.
>Engages in theft/violence/crime because they lack the mental ability to engage in empathy
These are all the traits of people with extremely low IQ, and some groups of people have more people like this, and some have fewer.
I would much rather hang out with a black man who has a job, than a white nigger who lives on welfare.

>> No.15893859

Obviously. There's even behaviour differences between families and neighbouring valleys. The culture is a product of the people.
You're an idiot.

>> No.15893867
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>> No.15894363

>is there really behavioral differences between races?
evolution is real so yes
>b-but evolution stopped at the neck

>> No.15894510

i concur

>> No.15894713

Instead of focusing on the actual subject you distracted yourselves with some stories you like about IQ. You might in fact enjoy hanging out with the low IQ whites more than blacks with your IQ.
Preferences like what kind of music is appealing are the kinds of things that apparently most closely follow racial lines. A small difference in natural preference from birth can account for large differences in development later on in life. If you enjoy math on some level you develop that seed of interest over time and make your mind even more mathematically inclined.

>> No.15894986

nigger fuck you
i was curious enough about my iq, probably because of this place
so last year i went and got tested (mensa)
i got all the answers right and got >135
it was some shitty german test that wasn't sensitive for iq's over 135
they invited me into their circlejerk but i had to pay to be a part of it so why bother
also fyi i study physics and fuck you math lords, shit's gay
normally i would never boast about this but you struck a nerve replying with a long ass text to a simple "i concur" on 4chan of all places
lol, lmao, kek if you want, altough i never liked that word, it's gay and i see people who use it as edgelords

>> No.15894991

but i agree about music, i can't stand my fucking peers man
you're probably going to shit on this (you're a fag) but my fav band is steely dan by a long shot
>t. multinstrumentalist with 10 years of education

>> No.15895016

Absolute fucking retard.

>> No.15895066

There are some differences in the averages of stuff like that amongst different ethnic groupings, but "races" as we define them today are too broad a category to truly understand what those averages are.

>> No.15895077

Why are dogs inclined to bark at black people and be friendly towards white people?

>> No.15895414

Someone in the uk trained a dog to bark and bite at people who thought england was going to win the world cup. Dogs can be trained to be friendly to anyone.