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15892025 No.15892025 [Reply] [Original]

I come across sentiments like this posted on /pol/ all the time but since it's /pol/,and they have their own biases, I would be remiss the accept it at face value.But I know nothing regarding genetics( I doubt they do either) so I don't know if it's true or not. So is it /sci/?

>> No.15892102

go back
and you jannie clean it up

>> No.15892255

it's true that sub-saharan africans have some ancestry that's not sapiens, denisovan, or neanderthal
that doesn't indicate anything about them having "bottlenecked" themselves, a genetic bottleneck is a very specific term referring to what happens to groups with very low populations, it has nothing to do with admixture.
one odd thing that will happen with less sophisticated racists is that they'll try to come up with complicated arguments involving genetics concepts they don't understand, as opposed to just looking at the phenotype (which frankly should be sufficient when we're talking about sub-saharan africans)

>> No.15892259

No, they're not bottlenecked. Africans have the widest genetic range of any continent as you'd expect from the Out of Africa model. They're definitely primitive hominin hybrids but they're not bottlenecked.

>> No.15892317

So only blacks have ghost DNA admixture?

>> No.15892337

there's some evidence for it in other groups too, but africans definitely have more of it (and obviously it's from different archaic hominids)

>> No.15892904

There a sizeable /pol/ colony on /sci/ as you ight get pozzed answers here.

>> No.15892915
File: 69 KB, 720x720, nig chimpski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and obviously it's from different archaic hominids
Africans have continued to interbreed with chimpanzees to the present day

The genetic makeup of a 12-year-old Angolan, boy is now disputed by experts after his deceased mother allegedly told him he is the offspring of a human-chimpanzee love affair, reports the Gazeta Nacional.

The story made national headlines and has unleashed an outpour of generosity towards Augusto Dembo, 12, who now lives with his uncle and aunt in the capital city of Luanda.

Although the young boy has become an instant celebrity, many experts dispute the claim that he is the product of the s*xual intercourse between a human and a chimpanzee.

“S*xual relationships between humans and chimpanzees are fairly common in the region but this is the first time a pregnancy is officially reported, ”Dr. António Mendes of the Hospital Municipal do Luena doubted.

>> No.15893243

africans believing something happens is extremely weak evidence for it. they believe all kinds of stupid shit. none of the previous claims of humanzees have ever been sustained and neither will this one.
whatever archaic hominids africans bred with were much more closely related to them than chimps are.

>> No.15894424

>your brain on /pol/