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15891120 No.15891120 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't the fact that relatively smart people are the ones who typically get their IQ officially evaluated mean the entire metric is severely skewed? Like what reason do Cleetus or Laquisha have to blow 600 dollars to find out they are retarded?

>> No.15891148

Everything you just said is wrong.
>Doesn't the fact that relatively smart people are the ones who typically get their IQ officially evaluated mean the entire metric is severely skewed?
IQ tests are normed by attempting to sample the population, and so the results are scored relative to the norming sample. I can't fathom why you would ask this question, other than based on some erroneous belief that test scores are based on some running norm from all test takers. That is not the case.
>Like what reason do Cleetus or Laquisha have to blow 600 dollars to find out they are retarded?
IQ tests and similar are used primarily by clinicians for things like assessing brain damage and other diagnostic purposes. Such purposes may include assessing potential autism, ADHD, and so on. Cognitive testing is normally used for clinical reasons like those, not whatever mental masturbation you seem to be picturing people take them for, and also assessing school children for such purposes where relevant.

>> No.15891192
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People who are high IQ are not driven to get themselves tested, its people who presume they are high IQ that want the tests. People who are legitimately high IQ don't have the need to question their own intelligence, they already have the self confidence that being genuinely high IQ brings. Dumb people who have narcissistic delusions of superiority on the other hand…

>> No.15891198

>People who are legitimately high IQ don't have the need to question their own intelligence

>> No.15891246

Pretty sure high IQ people can be insecure or curious. What you're talking about is geniuses. If you discovered a new type of hypothetical subatomic particle and you've been peer reviewed by tenured Ivy League professors, you can be sure you're smart just as a man who is constantly approached by women can know he is attractive. But if you're a 7 out of 10 or 130 IQ maybe you just want to see where you stand, so you can engage the world with more confidence.

>> No.15891247

Wouldn’t you think it’s the opposite?
Stupid people get IQ tests to comfort themselves.
Actual smart people don’t feel the need to confirm it for others. Most of the time it’s not actually all that great and it tends to alienate you from the people around you. So the actual smart people around you probably play it down. The dumb people are the ones who project intellect.

>> No.15891252
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Stupid intellectuals are few and far between. You think many people watching this shit care about their own level of intelligence?

>> No.15891253

>he believes in IQ
Time to grow up, anon. Take the EQ pill.

>> No.15891256

What's that?

>> No.15891259

Emotional Quotient.
And here I thought this was the smart board of 4chan.

>> No.15891265

In fact, its more likely the case that geniuses are more insecure than smart midwits because of the way others treat them. Someone can be so smart that everything they talk about goes over everyone else's heads so they doubt themselves and withdraw from the braindead criticisms of the normies around them.

>> No.15891267

Who would care about how emotional they are?

>> No.15891269

No, sorry, you're just a regular ol' schizo fren, not Will Hunting.

>> No.15891270
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>everything they talk about goes over everyone else's heads so they doubt themselves and withdraw
I'm in this picture and I don't like it.

>> No.15891274
File: 38 KB, 768x432, trump makes a good point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of intelligent people are pro wrestling fans, including picrel. Do you think that you're smart because you avoid watching pro wrestling? Is that the only evidence that you have that you're smart? Sounds like just another lame cope,
>REEEEE everyone who is different from me is dumb!!!
also soundly you're too dumb to enjoy the subtleties of pro wrestling.

>> No.15891276

you're just a snob, if you were legitimately intelligent then you'd be able to use your massive IQ to figure out how to relate to people who have different interests from yourself.
read aristotle's analysis of friendship, maybe that will open your brain up a little

>> No.15891277

>if you were legitimately intelligent then you'd be able to use your massive IQ to figure out how to relate to people who have different interests from yourself.
able != desire

>> No.15891286

Emotional intelligence is important. It's a very complicated system present in some form in every single person we interact with, but there are more efficient ways to process emotional systems than the general-purpose abstract reasoning we associate with "intelligence." think of it as CPU vs GPU benchmarking, if you like.

>> No.15891291

I've got news for you, the only reason you think Zion Don is anything beyond a midwit is because you're a fucking noseblind retard yourself! Just recently he said Viktor Orban was the leader of Turkey while praising him. Also he's been building this everyman persona for years. I don't doubt the fat bastard likes mcdonald's but is there any evidence he actually watches professional wrestling? Also do you not know what outliers are? I have never met anyone, even online who liked professional wrestling who didn't have low breeding, least of all yourself.

I think I'm smart because I am smart. I don't have to "avoid" professional wrestling because it never even infringes on my thoughtlife. I see it every now and then and my brain goes "oh yeah, that's a thing that exists" and maybe if its in meme format, like a guy being bodyslammed onto legos, I'll save it. But that is about the extent of my interest. Meanwhile I am completely fixated on classical music. Albeit somebody who is smart can often be a complete hylic and a lot of them will listen to spotify top 40 playlists or boomer rock, but watching musclemen playfighting is probably still well below their required level of intellectual stimulation (usually these kind of people just don't really care about music and its background noise for their day to day).

>subtleties of professional wrestling
Lmao even

>> No.15891292

Barring something like autism, ADHD, or other conditions affecting theory of mind, IQ and EQ ought to scale similarly even if EQ had a coherent cognitive assessment. This is because "EQ", if it has or had any coherent definition or psychometric testing applied to it, would effectively be synonymous with assessments of "theory of mind" (ToM). ToM unsurprisingly, in a normal brain, is going to scale with standard deviations of IQ. This is because everything involved in self regulation, social interaction, etc, involve the very same things reflected in IQ subscores. e.g., working memory (executive functioning), reasoning, etc.

I could go on but that's the short summary. Sufficed to say you don't know what you're talking about. To be fair, neither does anyone I've ever seen publishing anything on "EQ" who are advocating for it. It is a very clear indication said author hasn't even the remotest of hopes of a first clue.

>> No.15891293

> barring .... conditions affecting theory of mind, iq and eq ought to scale similarly ... because "EQ" ... is synonymous with theory of mind

you're assuming that there's no natural variation in theory of mind in the same way there are natural variations in systematic intelligence?

>> No.15891299

>you're assuming that there's no natural variation in theory of mind in the same way there are natural variations in systematic intelligence?
No, it is not an assumption, and you'd know that if you seriously read what you just replied to. If that seems rude to you, think how rude it is from my perspective to have to constantly repeat myself because people don't fucking pay attention.
>>>"This is because everything involved in self regulation, social interaction, etc, involve the very same things reflected in IQ subscores. e.g., working memory (executive functioning), reasoning, etc."
I don't know how much more clear it can get than "because all the same brain stuff measured by cognitive testing is involved in emotional regulation and social stuff". I even avoided almost all the jargon and STILL I had to repeat what I just fucking wrote.

>> No.15891309

He is obviously extremely intelligent, he comes from a fantastically successful and intelligent family and he is stupendously successful himself, you're only unwilling to admit that because you're a dishonest person and he triggers you emotionally, so you're unwilling to say anything decent about him, really say a lot more about how emotionally immature you are than about him.
what are you going to do when your science experiments don't give you the result you were hoping for? make up emotionally pleasing stories and lie about it or report your results honestly?

>> No.15891312

your rant scored 81 IQ points on the online IQ tester https://www.writingtoiq.com
you are definitely very low IQ

>> No.15891315
File: 129 KB, 1140x687, Screenshot_20231121_101133_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About that....

>> No.15891316

oh you're actually right I'm a moron, carry on

>> No.15891319
File: 120 KB, 996x579, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just exposing yourself even harder, thinking this thing does anything relevant at all. This is literally taken from the KJV. How the fuck did you even end up on this board? There is nothing that could interest a person like you here.

>> No.15891326

My apologies for the short tempered reply. You're not a moron for changing your mind when made aware you were fed bullshit after checking to make sure the claim (that you were bullshitted) is true. I'm just bitter. Very bitter.

>> No.15891328
File: 173 KB, 1091x693, Wtflol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't trigger me at all. His political career has been peak clownworld kino! But I'm just being realistic about his level of intelligence. He is a trustfund kiddy who inherited a shit ton of money from his aunt and sublimated it into a realestate empire. Not to mention literally any financial success story basically comes down to survivorship bias anyway (there are 100 guys who went bust for every trump).

>> No.15891330

you sound like a typical 14 year old pseud and you're nowhere as intelligent as you seem to believe you are

>> No.15891337

I didn't say how smart I think I am. So what gives you this impression?

>> No.15891341

Also I'd love to hear what le epic 5D chess move is behind mistaking Hungary with a nascent Muslim caliphate?

>> No.15891360

Yes, you're the midwit

>> No.15891363

I wish.

>> No.15891367

"IQ tests" are for pseuds. The rest of the world has found other ways of testing aptitude, that all high schoolers and graduates have to take

>> No.15891387

High school is easy

>> No.15891539
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>> No.15891540

This one scored: Estimated IQ: 131 (genius)