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File: 119 KB, 719x547, Screenshot_20231127-164938_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15890641 No.15890641 [Reply] [Original]

Any PhDs on this board? How does this happen? I was under the impression that grad students were paid.

>> No.15890650

Understanding it could threaten my political values.
I recommend charging white students more until they're all equally in debt.

>> No.15890662

Did you read the article or just the headline?

>> No.15890667

ayo keel YT

>> No.15890690

Oh nooooooooooooo… anyway, back to business as usual

>> No.15890700

>afirmative action pushes people with low IQs beyond their capability level incurring heavier costs that they are unable to repay

>> No.15890801

>How does this happen?
You carry debt from your undergrad.
>I was under the impression that grad students were paid.
PhDs often basically get paid minimum wage. That's not enough to pay off student debt.

>> No.15891450

America, once the land of the free, now the land of "gibes me dat fo free"

>> No.15891455

PhD in USA is just MSc in europe. They have to pay it themselves lol

>> No.15891680

>Black people are poorer and don't have rich parents to pay college for them
how is that surprising?

>> No.15891687 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 280x396, Richard_Feynman_Nobel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no great BLACK physicist or mathematician.
Not racist, just pointing out a fact.

>> No.15891688 [DELETED] 

Other minorities face same problem like discrimination and such. But everyone else produced great scientists and mathematicians. Again, not a racist.

>> No.15892378
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We need to level the playing field. No more unfair advantages from daddy

>> No.15892384
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>> No.15893002

So affirmative action was just a scam to get universities more money from the low and middle class after all?

>> No.15893006

Serious question, Have you ever talk to non white person in real life?

>> No.15893010

Also, grade inflation means that literal morons will get a PhD, but they won’t be able to understand anything in the real world.
Industry actually cares about results, not Leftist Academia (which only cares about making money off of idiots)

>> No.15893410
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>> No.15893421

Doctoral positions are usually almost always awarded a tuition waiver and some kind of assistantship either with research or teaching
What exactly are they qualifying as stem? Because there are plenty of opportunities to help with teaching and research.
It seems like there are twi phenomenon: they are refusing to work for the university or the university thinks they're not well equip to work for them but accepted them anyways because of their skin color.
>You carry debt from your undergrad.
Then why mention PhD at all? Most student loans freeze as long as you're in education
You can also make payment plans on loans even if you're making minimum wage.
I suppose this is more the government's fault and wherever they got their bachelor's. They are wrongfully demonizing graduate school which is usually greatly accommodating.
Of course you could just be made to pay for the 4-5 years you're in grad school

>> No.15893429

Not him,
The only non-whites in my major are asian and I don't talk to them because I can't understand what the hell they're saying.
But if you mean in general, then yes. I'm non-white and live in a poor neighborhood. I went to college at 15 just so I could get away from these louts. Btw Irish are non-white.

>> No.15893549

>How does this happen?
They get forcefully shoved in via affirmative action and the totally not discriminatory scholarships for minorities and then everyone blames muh racism for the expected underperformance.

>> No.15893556 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15893557

No seriously why are US universities so fucking expensive? What sort of esoteric knowledge do they teach you to have six figures debts? I'm about to finish veterinary school with 0 debt I think approximately I spent a total of 12k euros for 6 years of studying.

>> No.15893559

every flagship state school has tons of amenities on campus that would make you think you’re at a resort

>> No.15893743

They are baby care centers for the wealthy, only a fucking idiot would get into debt to get there.

>> No.15893837

If white students have less debt than Blak students of BIPOC color, we need to intervene on behalf of equality. Give the whites extra debt until the suffering is made equal. Beatings will continue until morale improves.

>> No.15893887

It wont matter, in a few years chatGPT will be good enough to replace college professors.

>> No.15893910

This meme is stupid. So, be smart to get a diploma and... be rich to get money??

>> No.15893949

Non-white people aren't exclusively responsible for AA.

>> No.15894538

Women are the single largest beneficiary group of affirmative action.

>> No.15895527

>This meme triggers me emotionally
thanks for letting us all know

Women from wealthy families are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action because they're the ones who have bottomless resources they can use to "earn" paper certificates which will guarantee them the prestige jobs and titles they seek. Poor negro women still end getting pregnant when they're 14 years old and eventually are so destitute that they try to smuggle cookie dough out of the grocery store in their vagina

>> No.15895633

>only black people can be poor

>> No.15896856

the majority of people living in poverty in the usa are white, the urbanite media portrays poverty as a black issue because thats part of their white genocide agenda

>> No.15896890

Yes, it's what convinced me that anon is correct. In fact nothing did more to make me racist than talking to black people.

>> No.15897596

>Poor negro women still end getting pregnant when they're 14 years old and eventually are so destitute that they try to smuggle cookie dough out of the grocery store in their vagina
I understand this reference

>> No.15898729

>PhDs get paid minimum wage

>> No.15898804

oh noooo,..
quick we better fire all the smart people and do everyhig we can to destroy their lives
so we can replace them with these medicore snoflake jogger diversity hires
what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.15898811

Produce more than you consume and trade the excess. Currently you're completely disconnected from this reality and can basically endlessly consume even if you're on minimum wage thanks to the American military industrial complex. You can trade a few hours of your work at minimum wage for months of foreign labour.

>> No.15899554 [DELETED] 
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50 years ago high school graduation rate were mediocre and people with a high school degree could earn enough to buy a house and pay the bills for a wife and family
These days everyone graduates from high school, even people who can't read or do math

>> No.15900957

>thanks to
welfare gibes and food stamps and "student loans" that are never paid back

>> No.15901781
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If they have PhDs shouldn't they be smart enough to overcome any obstacles that get in their way?

>> No.15903055

I don't even bother reading even the title. Just look at the author and I know whether to ignore it or not.

>> No.15903232 [DELETED] 


Pick one

>> No.15903297

Racists are all low IQ

>> No.15903334

The only know 2 people with graduate degrees.
One has a degree in African studies, the other in Art.
Degrees aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

>> No.15904082
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x1334, Mileicheck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent meme

>> No.15905149

This, college is adult daycare for developmentally delayed children that are adults physically, but still immature mentally as a result of having a privileged, sheltered childhood and lackadaisical parents who didn't bother preparing their children for adulthood

>> No.15905589

If a negro is able to get a STEM bachelor's, the school is shit.

>> No.15905593

what a goofy-looking retard he looks like he should be in an episode of "are you being served"

>> No.15905596

i'm racist and have a high IQ.

>> No.15905682
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>> No.15906761

people say this as if being a welder and going home to goon to videogames somehow teaches you life lessons

>> No.15906785

Poor people can go to college on scholarships.

>> No.15907641

Racists are all high IQ

>> No.15907920

someone who already has a successful career doing meaningful, useful work doesn't need to learn any of the vague """"life lessons"""" that you're trying to insinuate are a necessity. a professional welder is set for life

>> No.15907924

The black guy thought a degree would be enough

>> No.15907930

Look at stipends at graduate schools both in the US and EU. The typical US engineering grad student stipend is under $2000 per month for a 50-60 hour/week job.

That's minimum wage or below in many states.

>> No.15908050

>meaningful, useful
lol, lmao

>> No.15908187

A professional welder is set for 15-20 years until they completely destroy their back and knees at which point they better have some savings or they're gonna need to go on disability

meanwhile college grads, even those with the most soul crushing excel monkey office jobs will be comfortably locked into an unfireable six figure senior position by that point in their career

granted, many people try to go to college who aren't actually smart enough and would be better off welding. but it is not an easy life nor a career for smart people.

-t. guy with stem degree who has looked up welding jobs nearby while in the doldrums of late afternoon computer dronery only to find with disappointment the top end of the pay range is still less than my salary with 6 years experience

>> No.15908190
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Not a PHD but I make six figures in System Engineering. So I can probably explain it. It's basically bad Family finances specifically reverse generational wealth. Where the parents/grand parents don't have sufficient 401k, social security or retirement savings, don't have housing (paid off or not) and lack life insurance to pass on to offspring. But expect and guilt trip their children/grandchildren to support them. Which is bad because it effectively drains wealth from the kids and hurts one's ability to deal with their own obligations.

I personally had to help my parents with basic living expenses, car repairs and medical expenses for about 6 to 7 years because they didn't handle their savings well. It cost me roughly $80,000, shit like cataract eye surgery for my mother cost $7,500 by itself.

If you're a grad student with over a $100-150k in debt and you're not in something like medicine you're basically fucked. So I can definitely see it especially in a population that didn't have much wealth to start off with.

More like...

>affirmative action didn't take into account the student's family wealth to understand who can't afford it outright.

Doesn't matter the IQ, if you don't have good family finances you're better off going into the military and getting daddy government pay all the education bills instead.

>> No.15908196

I'll have a PhD in half a year, in nuclear physics
I don't think I'm particularly intelligent, I just didn't want to get a real job, so I stayed in education
Of course, that requires taking government loans
Earning your PhD doesn't magically make those loans disappear

>> No.15908242

How do niggers even GET school debt? All the nogs at my college were funded by various black student grants and scholarships, and grad students get paid.

>> No.15908253

Because the vast majority of them aren't getting full funding. Getting a grant or scholarship of $10-40k means fuck all if the 4yr 6yr or 8yr degree program is over 100k in cost. That's still $60k in debt, debt that can accrue high amounts of interest if it doesn't get paid quickly.

And that's on the low end of cost.

>> No.15908267

>I personally had to help my parents with basic living expenses, car repairs and medical expenses for about 6 to 7 years because they didn't handle their savings well. It cost me roughly $80,000, shit like cataract eye surgery for my mother cost $7,500 by itself.
Unrelated to race, you're just an idiot. Any medical expenses in the US are effectively capped to a certain percentage of your yearly income over the course of 3 to 7 years. This is without negotiating. Medical expenses are the one thing you should be a piece of shit about and pay the minimum on, while you pay the max amount on student loans.
As you'll likely be well off in your old age, I recommend you look into setting up a trust and transferring all of your wealth and assets into it, if not just in your children's names altogether, to avoid end of life "care" medical grift. The money you earn belongs to your children and grandchildren, not some exploitative "doctor" charging you 300k for an additional day of suffering.

>> No.15908268

>And that's on the low end of cost.
Bullshit, state uni is 5k a semester. I guess they could take "victory laps" to accumulate more debt, but there's a limit to how shit of a student you can be before you can't get into grad school, even as a nog.

>> No.15908273

it's because black scientists with stem PhDs wouldn't have been admitted to the university if they were white.

>> No.15908439

Every job is technically useful if it serves a market demand.

>> No.15908673

>what is per capita?

>> No.15910457
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>> No.15911120

How come black PhDs are so bad with money if PhDs are all high IQ geniuses?

>> No.15912451
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>> No.15913146

How come academic soience nerds aren't running the entire planet if they're really as intelligent as they give themselves credit for being?

>> No.15913164


>> No.15914195

enjoy ur worthless degree and wasting 5% of your life expectancy and getting nothing in return out of it

>> No.15914792
File: 339 KB, 1200x1600, twum gibez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay off muh student loans for me, whitey
>its racist if you don't gibes me dat fo free

>> No.15915102

i dont know why anyone would get a PhD

>> No.15916220

staying in school until you're in your 30s is a popular means of avoiding work and avoiding adult responsibilities so its popular with people who want childhood to last forever AKA people who have arrested or retarded psychological development

>> No.15916268

>t. wageslave

>> No.15917724
File: 220 KB, 1600x900, old and still in school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. emotionally triggered by being accurately characterized as an over 30 year old schoolchild
you wouldn't have been emotionally triggered if you were legitimately proud of being a 30 year old schoolchild

>> No.15918594

You can also tell by their lack of self awareness that they're low IQ 30 year old schoolchilden, which probably has a lot to do with why they've been unable to transition to adult life regardless their advanced age

>> No.15918647

>grad students were paid
not much.
And it is irrelevant since that isn't the source of the disparity.
The most likely source is they start off poorer and accumulate more debt in undergrad.

It's wild that the debt metric is being used to bait sympathy, though.
That was the whole point of Pell Grants and subsidized loans. To "help" the poor.
The amount of debt is the amount they've been "helped".
Somehow being "helped" the most is a talking point to receive more "help".
If our "help" is leaving them needing more "help" then is it really "help"?

>> No.15919616

>shut up whitey
>gibes me dat welfare check
>gibes me dat mufffuggin phd fo free
>we wuz science kangz and sheeeiiittt

>> No.15921285

Blacks are usually poorer, and statistically less financially responsible. Pretty simple. My wife and I both had our loans paid off before we hit 35.

>> No.15921330

>work for daddy government, practically on NEETbux
>they tell me to go back to school for a masters
>Take my sweet time, even study at work
>fuck undergrads, as BASED school has psychology(99.99% women) in the same building as the math department

t. low IQ 30 year old manchild making solid salary
I'm PROUD of my lot in life, can you say the same?

>> No.15921340

>My wife and I both had our loans paid off before we hit 35.
that was a financial mistake, you should have only paid off the interest and let the value of the capital evaporate due to inflation

>> No.15922296

You think thats bad, imagine how dumb they'll feel one Biden cancels all student loan debt like he promised to

>> No.15922302 [DELETED] 

I get that this is a joke but I'm surprised people weren't angrier when he left them out to dry on that campaign promise.

>> No.15922306

I get that this is a joke but I'm surprised his supporters just went along with it when he left them out to dry on that campaign promise. You'd think people would feel betrayed when the one policy plank that was used to buy their vote just disappeared into thin air with no effort.

>> No.15923489
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They're dumb people with short attention spans and they also too narcissistic to ever admit that they were tricked. People don't like to admit it when they've been tricked because thats akin to admitting fallibility and imperfection. The more narcissistic and image conscious you are, the less likely you are to admit it when you've been fooled

>> No.15923508
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The Canonical™ view is that there is no amount of evidence sufficient to justify worse outcomes for minorities being anything but a systemic evil.

>> No.15924307

I can't speak for PhDs but I work at a big tech company and everyone I work with is white, east asian, or indian. I knew plenty of black CS students in school, I have no idea what they're doing now

>> No.15924312

I have a "real job" and I can assure you, unles you start your own business, if you enjoy science or have any drive to do something meaningful it is much harder to do without a PhD or MD backing you up.

>> No.15924401

Anon .. scientists are cucks

>> No.15924466

you know how we settle blacks with all of the white student loan debt
we tell them it is their debt we pay off
This is why I am ridin with biden

>> No.15925667


>> No.15926237

And high trauma that they refuse to work on as well