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File: 28 KB, 466x518, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15887764 No.15887764 [Reply] [Original]

>Eating beef staves off cancer, scientists discover


Eating red meat and dairy could help to fight cancer, a new study suggests.

Scientists have discovered that a specific fatty acid found in beef, lamb and dairy products improves the body’s ability to attack and kill tumours.

The study, published in the journal Nature, also shows that patients with higher levels of the fatty acid – known as trans-vaccenic acid (TVA) – in their blood responded better to immunotherapy, suggesting that it could work as a nutritional supplement to complement clinical cancer treatments.

‘There are many studies trying to decipher the link between diet and human health, and it’s very difficult to understand the underlying mechanisms because of the wide variety of foods people eat,’ said co-author Professor Jing Chen, of the University of Chicago.

‘But if we focus on just the nutrients and metabolites derived from food, we begin to see how they influence physiology and pathology.

‘By focusing on nutrients that can activate T cell [immune] responses, we found one that actually enhances anti-tumour immunity by activating an important immune pathway.’

For the study, the team started with a database of around 700 known metabolites, small molecules that come from food, and assembled a ‘blood nutrient’ library.

They then screened the compounds in this new library for their ability to influence anti-tumour immunity.

After the scientists evaluated the top six candidates in both human and mouse cells, they saw that TVA performed the best.

>> No.15887765
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‘After millions of years of evolution, there are only a couple hundred metabolites derived from food that end up circulating in the blood, so that means they could have some importance in our biology,’ said Professor Chen.

‘To see that a single nutrient like TVA has a very targeted mechanism on a targeted immune cell type, with a very profound physiological response at the whole organism level – I find that really amazing and intriguing.’

The team found that feeding mice a diet enriched with TVA significantly reduced the tumour growth potential of melanoma and colon cancer cells, as well as enhancing the body’s ability to infiltrate tumours.

They then analysed blood samples from hospital patients undergoing immunotherapy treatment for lymphoma and discovered that patients with higher levels of TVA tended to respond better to treatment than those with lower levels.

Finally, the study discovered that TVA enhanced the ability of an immunotherapy drug to kill leukaemia cells in patients.

However, the authors do not believe eating excessive red meat is the solution and hope to find similar results in plants.

Professor Chen added: ‘There is a growing body of evidence about the detrimental health effects of consuming too much red meat and dairy, so this study shouldn’t be taken as an excuse to eat more cheeseburgers and pizza.

‘There is early data showing that other fatty acids from plants signal through a similar receptor, so we believe there is a high possibility that nutrients from plants can do the same thing by activating the CREB pathway as well.’

>> No.15887773

Based. Fuck vegan psychopaths. I hope they all get cancer.

>> No.15887804

>There is a growing body of evidence about the detrimental health effects of consuming too much red meat and dairy,
if you disregard all "evidence" compiled by vegans, seventh day adventists and other parties with an animus against meat consumption
what case do they actually have?

>> No.15887821

inb4 another worthless epidemiological study

>> No.15887867

Am I the only one seeing the Donald in this steak?

>> No.15887873
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lol, yeah I'm pretty sure that's why OP posted it

>> No.15887880

the rationalizations at this point are just hilarious
no, neither of those prevent cancer, red meat causes a wide variety of cancers, and so does dairy
deal with it

>> No.15887882

too bad, they have the lowest cancer rates of all, while people who eat meat and animal products have the highest
nice try though
enjoy cancer
>if you disregard the facts of reality, what do they have
lmao even
anyway, closing this tab before anyone has a chance to respond, definitely not going to listen to carnist chuds prattle on and on about their dumb talking points because they just can't quit their addictions
enjoy cancer and a wide variety of other diseases
bye, losers

>> No.15887883

>Eating red meat and dairy could help to fight cancer, a new study suggests.
I fucking hate disingenuous journalists like this. Articles like this make the average Joe go
>Well last week they told us that red meat was bad for you and now suddenly it's good? Those eggheads in their fancy universities don't know a gosh darn thang.
When in reality it's just journalists oversimplifying studies ad absurdum.

>> No.15888971 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one seeing Argentina in this steak?

>> No.15888983

>>if you disregard the facts of reality, what do they have
>vegans and 7th day adventists
>facts and reality
nigga you are high on some whack shit

>> No.15888997

What's with all the retarded red meat eaters here? I don't care what you eat but don't pretend it's healthy because it clearly isn't. It's like saying red wine helps the heart. ok but at what cost?

>> No.15889015

Why wouldn't it be healthy?
What proof do you actually have that stands up to replicable scrutiny?

>> No.15889546 [DELETED] 

Lets see, humans invented pointy rocks 4 million years ago an since then we've lived primarily off a diet of meat, we ate every last woolly mammoth on the planet and the entirety of many other species and thats why meat is bad for. Because evolution is totally fake and a species that spends millions of years eating meat doesn't evolve to survive off that diet. Also my IQ 12, have a nice day

>> No.15889547

I should've gone into nutrition.
Seems like you can get published just for having a novel yet completely unsupported thought that will be disproved next year by another person's thoughts.

>> No.15889574

sound like legalese to me

>> No.15889692

i'm not reading any of that shit. i don't need some scientist to tell me what foods are healthy. it's self evident

>> No.15889694

>it's self evident
staple brainlet phrase

>> No.15889720

classic midwit reply

>> No.15889724
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Remember you're in the middle.

>> No.15889727 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 1x1, ice cream prevents diabetes.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres an old paper from Harvard which points out that dairy consumption prevents diabetes.
It was originally buried because it presents the nonintuitive result that ice cream is good for you, which the soientific community thought should be wrong even though the numbers said it was correct and with Harvard soientists being as image conscious as they are, its kind of surprising they ever even published it at all.

>> No.15889732

triggered some of you "self evident" retards

>> No.15889737

>dairy is healthy so if I put a spoon of yogurt in a jar of sugar it's healthy

>> No.15889745

>dairy consumption prevents diabetes.
>ice cream is good for you
There should be a minimum IQ requirement to post here.

>> No.15889790 [DELETED] 

The idea might trigger you emotionally because it contradicts your preconceived notions, but the research says that dairy consumption including ice cream prevents diabetes.
Cognitive dissonance is what causes emotional triggerings, and the published research does not resonate with what you think you already know, so it upsets you. If you were willing to learn something new then you wouldn't be so frustrated by seeing research that contradicts your preconceived notions, instead you'd be interested in it and happy to have grown intellectually, but instead you're angry at seeing something that shows your limited knowledge on this topic is incorrect.

>> No.15889838

>too bad, they have the lowest cancer rates of all

There are no such studies done on vegans.

>> No.15889861

>but the research says
>frustrated by seeing research
>you're angry
Anon. Seriously. I'm being 100% honest when I say that I have tears in my eyes from laughing. Please take a break and take care of yourself. I'm taking my own advice anyway.

>> No.15889881

I don't wish them ill (except the ones wishing ills on others). It is sad that they are losing their health and IQ to a misunderstanding of where their food comes, and it's sad that we lose natural wildlife and pasture lands to grow their monocultures.

But at the end of the day they are just victims of corporate propoganda like everyone else.

>> No.15889951

Post study, faggot

>> No.15890120
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>they have the lowest cancer rates of all, while people who eat meat and animal products have the highest
sure bro, people in picrel countries are vegans

>> No.15890598
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Bullshit news article that doesn't provide their sources. I managed to find professor Jing Chen from Chicago and found the research paper which apparently none of you idiots here tried to do. Never just read the fucking news, they're ALWAYS wrong in representing research papers. They literally say meat is so fucking carcinogenic that they don't recommend eating it for this tiny benefit, rather that you should supplement TVA from other sources.
This is literally from the paper in discussion:
>Nevertheless, a comprehensive understanding of the interactive and collective influences of diverse dietary nutrients on cancer risk, development and therapy responses is crucial for diet choices. For example, consuming red meat may provide TVA for improved anti-tumour immunity, but a high intake of red meat has been positively associated with risk of many cancers, including breast, colorectal, colon and rectal cancer. Thus, our studies support TVA supplementation as a more targeted and efficient way than dietary changes to benefit anti-tumour immunity.
The study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06749-3#Sec12
The co-author: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=v7PPaHUAAAAJ&hl=en

>> No.15890602

Thanks for looking this up. I'm not the least bit surprised. Also, none of the chuds will care.

>> No.15890606

>meat is so fucking carcinogenic
Zoe Harcombe exposed a lot of this so called research

>> No.15890634

Exposed where? Post research she published.

>> No.15890675

Managed to dig out some stuff, doesn't look good.
I found her book "The Obesity Epidemic", went to check the "conflict of interest" section and it's redacted. That's super suspicious. A scientist that redacts that is almost definitely a paid shill.
Also she sells a "diet" that you subscribe to. That immediately discredits anything she publishes because of the monetary conflict of interest. She benefits from "proving" her trademarked diet is "correct".
>The Harcombe Diet® is about eating real food and ditching fake food.
Those aren't scientific terms. There is no such thing as "real" and "fake" food. It's completely arbitrary.

>> No.15890708

I have no idea who that is, but a lot of the claims that meat is terrible comes from the China Study, which has been attacked all over the place for misrepresenting the data. I'd recommend searching for "The China Study Myth" and then pick out which sites you want to look at.

>> No.15890721

Attack her arguments and analysis please.
It's not like she's the only one to have done it she's just one easy to recall name.

>> No.15890733

>it's a list of shitholes where people die before they are even old enough to get cancer

>> No.15890743

heart disease had a negative correlation against saturated fat and meat consumption looking at a country basis

>> No.15890750

Post some of the research?

>> No.15890923 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 333x766, P8yl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey you goys need to stop eating the traditional foods humans have evolved for millions of years to eat
>eat this estrogen filled goyslop instead

>> No.15891533 [DELETED] 
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its in the link lazy bones

>> No.15891537

many things which were considered self-evident in science are now proven to be untrue

>> No.15891538


>> No.15891662

Unsettling that so many haven't taken the carnivore | keto pill, is the greatest "pill" of all.
We've been fed like cattle for ages, many of the modern diseases and problems (+90%) are product of our slave diets, yet nobody listens, not even here, nobody talks about it, great post OP.

Personally, many diseases I've suffered from like acne, abdominal obesity, and terrible depression have improved right after switching to a diet mostly based only on cheese and red meat (shit """"experts"""" had adviced me agaisnt before cuz muh fat bad)

>> No.15891715

I talk about it?
No one seems to want to discuss it and vegan advoicates jump on you the moment you bring it up.

>> No.15892066

I felt like shit on only cheese, butter, and red meat. Your mileage may vary. I think the people who do well on keto, and more specifically on carnivore, have some major food allergies or glycemic issues. Once they feel great on carnivore, or actually how they should have felt all along, they assume it must be the diet for everyone. If a person doesn't have food intolerances and they're already using glucose appropriately, then switching to carnivore is simply depriving them of glucose, so they'll feel awful until they adapt to beta oxidation, at which point they'll probably end up feeling about the same as they did before.

So yeah, I think it's a legit diet for a certain group of people and deserves to be talked about more, but it's probably not some miracle hack for someone already in good health.

>> No.15892096

>at which point they'll probably end up feeling about the same as they did before.
Yeah, I think to some extent this is true.
But for some people they report that for the first time in years they feel alive without any of their long term health problems.
Gut absorbtion plays a huge role in general health, with even different bacteria modulating the effects of some of the more nastier components we're exposed to.
But I think the diet your ancestors adapted to live on is almost certainly better for you than whatever pseudo artificial nightmare that passes for commercial processed food.

>> No.15892236

It must be all the trans fats.

>> No.15892257

What I mean is that a healthy person who uses glucose properly and doesn't have other major issues will probably not feel all that different on carnivore once they're keto-adapted. I expected amazing energy and mental clarity, but I basically just felt even and not quite as energetic as I had been. The people who do notice an amazing difference, at least from what I've observed, had diabetes, autoimmune issues, and/or food intolerances. In all likelihood, they felt awful on a more standard diet. Going carnivore probably helped them to feel normal, which to them made them feel amazing considering they were coming from an awful state. I'm all for people trying keto or carnivore to see how they feel, and I think it's a pretty damn good diet for someone who is struggling with their health, but is it the superior diet for someone who is already healthy and feels no better or even slightly worse on it? I have my doubts. I'm European-American too, so my ancestral diet should have included a lot of meat, but for whatever reason I seem to function well with a moderate amount of carbs.

>> No.15892372

It's not a glucose focused issue, but allergies instead (grains, gluten, vegetable oil, etc.)

I still eat carbs except "cleaner carbs" like almond/ oat bread instead of wheat or white bread, my blood sugar levels were never concerning before yet I still felt terrible, switching to "healthier carbs" (I'm not on hardcore carnivore/ keto btw) helped a lot.

>> No.15892467

I think it could be both, I've heard of diabetics curing their neuropathy through keto. But yeah, it could be a strict allergen issue in some cases, and carnivore is the best elimination diet that I know of. Glad you found what works for you, anon.

>> No.15892512
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>> No.15892516
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If I could I would cut pieces of meat out of the bones of vegans while they are still alive and watching how I cook and eat their meat.

>> No.15892632
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>> No.15892963

Sensible chuckle. Nice try, AI bro.

>> No.15893093
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real scientist like meat

>> No.15893285

>too bad, they have the lowest cancer rates of all, while people who eat meat and animal products have the highest
>nice try though
>enjoy cancer
too bad epidemiology isn't actual science lol.
compare those vegans to pure carnivores and the results would be very different

>> No.15893292
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most people are carb addicts.
they don't want the discomfort of giving up fastfood and coke.
i was like that too started ketocarnivore and lost 10kgs in 3 months.
and once you start a meat heavy diet you don't get much food cravings at all. you might take a few weeks or months to get fat adapted though.
there's nothing ridiculous about it. we feed animals in zoo what they they naturally eat in nature, these animals are completely metabolically healthy and don't require much exercise at all. humans ate meat in nature for 2 million years
you can look at the difference of skull size between hunter gatherers and farmers.
all these studies that say red meat causes cancer are epidemiological with no intervention. it's not real science stop believing their bullshit

>> No.15893297

>moderate amount of carbs.
how much exactly?
also how long did you do carnivore?

>> No.15893609


>‘After millions of years of evolution

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.15894698
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>> No.15894814

>how much exactly?
It's varied quite a bit. Breakfast is basically carnivore with some berries, so maybe 5-10 grams at most. Lunch is more fruit and maybe a piece of bread (meat too), maybe 30-40 grams of carbs. Dinner can be a lot depending on if I want some Italian pasta, like 100+. Probably 150 grams or so per day. Fasting glucose is in the low 80's, haven't checked any post-prandial numbers lately. Triglycerides have been in the 70's for over a decade.

>also how long did you do carnivore?
Pretty strict for about a month. I wouldn't say I felt sick early on, but weak and foggy minded. I kept assuming it would pass. I eventually added some salt/potassium water to see if it was due to lack of electrolytes, but I didn't notice any difference. I also was losing weight, maybe just water, but it was disturbing because I was trying to keep weight on and was well over 150 grams of protein per day, plus plenty of tallow and butter. My glucose numbers sucked too, like almost 100 fasting and would rise with food, and my ketones were usually under 0.5 despite not eating carbs. Maybe it was the protein? Cholesterol went way up, around 100 points in a month (around 200 to just over 300 total). I started adding carbs back in and felt a lot more energetic for it.

>> No.15894825

>Cholesterol went way up,
did you break it down by type? A pattern B pattern?

>> No.15894837

Nah, to be honest I had other concerns at the time, but I probably should have thrown that in with some other bloodwork I had completed. ApoB was 100, HDL 88, LDL 195. I wasn't that concerned about the numbers, but the lack of energy was a problem because I knew I'd need physical rehab soon for a health condition. I may try it again at some point when there's less going on, but my system seems to like some carbs.

>> No.15894971
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>Red Meat & Dairy Prevent Cancer
Quiet goy!
Eat your bugpaste and s o y slop!

>> No.15895009

The stats are adjusted for age, retard.

>> No.15895039
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>> No.15895516
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Thats some truly stellar looking red meat, i would eat that in boat and with a goat and on a train in the rain, etc.

>> No.15895592

t. vegan epidemiologist

I sure enjoy eating my thursday meat (tuna pizza with coke) and my meat sandwhiches with plants and fries on top of them

>> No.15895839

Why is meat classified as carcinogenic you ask?
Poorly executed, biased epidemiology and two failed rat studies that had their cancer *induced* by injecting them with carcinogens

>> No.15895853

natural wildlife lmao

>> No.15896844
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>> No.15897377
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>There is no such thing as "real" and "fake" food.

>> No.15897423
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>> No.15897709

good link, thanks

>> No.15897743

>people I don't like are unlikable people. Checkmate!

>> No.15897781

I'm not dealing with you tho, I'm just laughing at you publicly.

>> No.15898248

I think the idea the anon is getting at is that a calorie is a calorie, and if the body can derive energy from it, then it's by definition food. On the other hand, plenty of sources describe whole foods as something with no or minimal processing before buying, and something that requires a nutrition label with hard to pronounce ingredients does not fit that definition.

>> No.15898295

A calorie isn't a calorie though? depending on the source will illicit an entirely different biochemical operation to digest it with intrinsic differences in effect on physiology.

>> No.15898690
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>> No.15898709

Well, if I swallowed a piece of metal I'd get almost no energy from it, it would get passed with stool. If I swallowed high fructose corn syrup laced with all kinds of crummy ingredients I'd still get energy from it, so we could technically say it's food, though no one would mistake it for a fresh apple.

>> No.15898731

if you swallowed only protein without fat you wouldn't get any energy despite normally being at least partly able to use protein as an energy source

>> No.15898739

I think you'd have a hard time convincing people that lean protein isn't food. You get plenty of energy from it initially, it's just that waste products build up faster than they are excreted and the kidneys and liver become overwhelmed.

>> No.15898753

go eat rabbit for a month and see what happens to you

>> No.15898764

He described what happens to you anon. It's literally there in his post.

>> No.15898769

Yeah, I know, I reacted too fast before I fully took in his post

>> No.15898771

These retards don't know anything

>> No.15898956
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>> No.15898969

>he wants parasites to feast on his insides
you do you do but i'll trust my prehistoric ancestors and cook meat.

>> No.15899209 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15899231

Veganism was probably possible 70 years ago, but a few things have changed since then.
>we've bred plants for yield
There's a clear inverse between yield and nutrient content, to the point where tomatoes now have lost like 30% of their nutrients. See:

>we wash vegetables
We have to wash vegetables to get the pesticides and all the shit they spray on them off, BUT the vitamin B12 people need is inside the soils which you would have consumed with the veggies.

>climate change
Climate change is diluting the micronutrient content of our food, more calories per unit of vegetable with equal nutrients.

100 years ago before the "Green revolution" and all this shit they've done to our food vegetarianism was probably possible without nutrient deficiencies. After all vegetarianism was practiced in India for a long, long time. So if you hate vegans/vegetarians, blame farmers.

>> No.15899303

Also there is another reason why vegetarianism isn't going away soon: theres a fundamental inverse correlation between intelligence and meat consumption. After all, this agrees with general observations that hunter gatherers are less intelligent than farmers. I'll give you an example:

The gene rs12232804 decreases meat consumption, and is in linkage disequilibrium with rs113028115, which increases white matter volume. There are more. Otherwise there's the very real possibility that modern diets are causing people to evolve to be dumber. Also there are some other things, like forever chemicals bio-accumulate in cows more than certain plants like corn, but I wont go into that.

>> No.15899454

>hope to find similar results in plants
I find it unbelievable how uncontested the amount of pseudoscience academics engage in is.

>> No.15899461

Do you think that red meat is unhealthy when consumed by wolves or lions? Why wouldn't it be healthy? Humans evolved as apex predators, we're adapted to red meat consumption. Anti-hunting is anti-human.

>> No.15899509

>There's a clear inverse between yield and nutrient content, to the point where tomatoes now have lost like 30% of their nutrients.
This is a big problem that more people should be aware of, and concern about it is shared among multiple factions, but I personally have an issue with framing it as just yield chasing, at least at this point. That was certainly the cause, but the issue itself is the nutrition content. Attacking yields, not unjustifiably, spooks people. The solution has to lie in regulating, through whatever means in the expansive sense of the word, the per kg nutrition content of foodstuffs. Chasing yields is fine and has been happening for at least 10,000 years. The big problem is that we got very good at it and at the same time, despite a massive regulatory state, didn't bother to make sure yields weren't coming at the expense of content.

>> No.15899533

I should restate. We've bred plants for yield in tandem with fertilizers, mainly the haber bosch process. If you took a modern plant and tried to grow it like a pre green revolution plant, i.e. without fertilizers + pesticides, then it would have a lower yield than an heirloom. When you add fertilizers + pesticides it has an exponentially higher yield than an heirloom (but lower micronutrients). It has nothing to do with yield alone per say, just that yield is getting artficially boosted without adding anything of substance.

I just hate how we're forced to eat this green revolution slop. No wonder so many people hate tomatoes when we've bred them to be this mealy tasteless shit only good for transporting over 1000 miles. It's really no wonder modern vegetables cause nutritional deficiencies.

In general I blame anti veganism on the current time period. Fundamentally theres really nothing wrong with it.

>> No.15900100

>Do you think that red meat is unhealthy when consumed by wolves or lions?
No...I wouldn't recommend it for cows though, and vice versa.

>Humans evolved as apex predators
Well, we killed animals at some point. That's pretty recent compared to the examples you just gave. Prior to that it was mostly plants and fruits. So whereas your wolves and lions really need to eat meat for even basic health, it's arguable that humans only ate meat as a temporary means of survival. Keep in mind I eat plenty of meat, I just don't buy the argument of "we only ate mammoths for a few thousand years, therefore plants are poison!"

>> No.15900545

For near on 4 million years our ancestors lived as increasingly complex tool using predators hunting down the fattiest of large prey they could get their teeth into.

>> No.15900550

This was meant as a reply to your unsupported claim of a few thousand years.>>15900545
all of your claims contradict the actual evidence and basic logic.

>> No.15900585

>For near on 4 million years our ancestors lived as increasingly complex tool using predators hunting down the fattiest of large prey they could get their teeth into.
Your ancestor's most sophisticated tools were banging rocks together and tying them to sticks, not an argument.

>> No.15900610

And they used those rocks to smash open bones to get at the marrow and skulls to get at the brains.
What's your argument?

>> No.15900885

The coexistence of humans and woolly mammoths was not 4 million years, and whether humans used tools to hunt smaller animals is interesting but doesn't prove much. Hunter-gatherers today still tend to eat mostly plant food since their success rate is low and prey usually small. What I'm getting at is the discussion as to whether red meat in abundance (not just a serving here and there) is healthy or not. The premise that it must be good because we ONLY ate red meat from woolly mammoths for a small period of time is flawed imo. For a much longer period of time we ate mostly plants and fruits, and then we started mixing in more meat as we became hunters. Regardless, it seems we can eat just about anything and still live to 70 if there's no major accidents. Diet and other life style factors, plus some luck in avoiding cancer, seems to determine how long we live past 70. So would a modern human who lived a relatively healthy life but did nothing but eat red meat for decades live well past 70? I don't know, and the few carnivorous populations don't exactly lend themselves to comparison with a modern lifestyle. Supposedly being vegetarian and even more so vegan does extend life, except it's not by a lot and may not be because of the diet (some would say they don't live longer at all). I dunno. I'm for someone eating whatever makes them feel best, and severe food reactions or out of control glucose are major negative factors, but otherwise I'm not sure the type of diet matters too much so long as the person stays active and at a relatively healthy weight.

>> No.15900904

its funny because its true

>> No.15901157
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>> No.15901583 [DELETED] 

Red meat literally causes colon cancer. A chemical found predominantly in it is the culprit.

>> No.15901607
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>The countries with basically no modern medicine almost never report cancer, goyim.
Ya think?

>> No.15901618

You don't need advanced technology to know that someone has died from cancer. Even the ancient Egyptians knew what cancer was.

>> No.15901631

How do I access the orignal paper of this study I don't see it in the article

>> No.15901641

fake news

>> No.15901928

Yeah thats fake af, eating meat prevents cancer

>> No.15901955

Dr Georgia Ede is great

>> No.15901962

Good work anon.
So, should I grow my own?
Or should I just buy from local farmers that don't use tons of fertilizer?

>> No.15901966

Here's the ultimate argument for a plant-based diet:
>focus the public's attention on a problem like climate change
>which raises urgency and support for any solution
>offer solution: coerce farmers into reducing emissions
>lower output of animal products
>filter those who can't buy animal products nor thrive on plants
>plant-based society
Done. Anyway: I don't see the advantage in making the relative value of a diet contingent on unfalsifiable history instead of falsifiable relative long-term risk. Where am I wrong?

>> No.15901983

The one by Denise Minger who later recanted and distanced herself from her original piece and personally apologized to the author of TCS for her incompetence? That one? Lol.

>> No.15902037

It might shock people unfamiliar with it but the biggest vegan advocacy group are the 7th day adventists who literally pay people to promote veganism

>> No.15902286


>> No.15902312

No point growing your own.

Your tomatoes will be 30% less nutritional that 100 years ago.
Also you are getting more calories per tomato with equal nutrients.
According to this fruit-loop >>15899231

So buy, or grow your own, makes no diffrence.

>> No.15902320

>who later recanted and distanced herself from her original piece
Do you have a source for that? I know she hasn't updated anything in a long time but I never heard about her backtracking or recanting what she wrote. Actually I remember it the other way around, she was formerly vegan and that experience caused her to very negative about it.

>> No.15902331

I'm not sure it's that simple. A person with their own garden (not me, I'm lazy as shit) can do things to make their soil more nutritious. They can also grow heirloom varieties of fruits/vegetables. Monolithic farms depend on fast and reliable yields, but a gardener doesn't have the same requirement.

>> No.15902344

Even if I don't use artificial fertilizer and actually tend the soil? There sure must be a way to compensate for the CO2 excess (I'm simplifying here a bit, but I hope you get the point).
Yeah, exactly. I think it should be possible to farm nutritious food even in modern times, at least for a hobbyist gardener.

>> No.15902618 [DELETED] 



>> No.15903197

There's a difference between nitrogen based synthetic fertilizers and normal fertilizers. You could grow your own, but that's pretty time consuming so if you have the time then do it, but I wouldn't recommend it. I can't make a decision for you.

>> No.15903209

>There sure must be a way to compensate for the CO2 excess
He's lying to you. CO2 doesn't reduce nutritional content.

>> No.15903876

growing your own food isn't time consuming, you plant once a year and do a little watering, which can easily be automated, and do the harvesting. thats all there is to it.
if growing food was really the arduous task (((some people))) try to make it out to be then 1 farmer couldn't raise crops for thousands of people all by himself.

>> No.15904202
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Thats a great looking steak

>> No.15904245

or you can raise guinea pigs and rabbits for meat on simply grass and vegetable scraps

>> No.15905330

Goyslop Inc.

>> No.15905507

Why are vegans chimping out at this thread?
I thought vegans were supposed to be proud of sacrificing themselves by eating an unhealthy diet to save the animals

>> No.15905540

Isn't that Bobby Hull?

>> No.15905572

>someone gets cancer
>eats meat
>some obscure fatty acid seems to be correlated to better outcomes
>scientists suggest future clinical trials
>jornos conclude that meat prevents cancer
"science journalists" should be hanged in public squares at this point

>> No.15905713
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>> No.15906856

its funny because its true

>> No.15907657

They're addicted to virtue signalling

>> No.15907706

What the fuck was you diet even prior like that?

>> No.15907708

A lot of the things in there are pretty common. Tumeric extract.

>> No.15907712

The OP posted a shitty article.

>> No.15908270


>> No.15908274

Since animal fats seem to be the most crucial thing lacking in modern diets what is the best small home raisable animal for a good fat balance or are they all basically fat free like rabbit making them low nutritional value?

>> No.15908276

>what is the best small home raisable animal for a good fat balance

>> No.15908287

Anything between rabbit and sheep?

>> No.15908609 [DELETED] 

>extracted with toluene and never purged of residual solvent

>> No.15909104
File: 67 KB, 700x464, vegans are faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is consistently what vegans' arguments end up amounting to, they aren't rational people. part of their lack of thinking ability is due to their diet, scientific studies have proved that the vegan diet results in reduced IQ

>> No.15910596

pigs are good, plus they keep jews away

>> No.15910917
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>> No.15911263

Good looking steak

>> No.15911305
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They eat much less meat than others

>> No.15911322

if it relies on science to be self evident then it's not really self evident, is it? self evident is what your instincts tell you is right and true without some poindexter having to lay it out for you with big words and diagrams.

>> No.15912427
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>> No.15912474
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>title of the article, "Eating beef staves off cancer"
>first line of the article, "Scientists have discovered that a specific fatty acid found in beef, lamb and dairy products improves the body’s ability to attack and kill tumours."
And what about everything else in it? The sum of the parts?
Journalists should be held accountable for shit like this.

>> No.15913136

I would rather suffer and die than kill an innocent animal. i'd sooner kill and eat a carnist.

>> No.15913550

>go eat a dick vegan faggot
>the dick vegan faggots eat

>> No.15913811

Somebody post the cap about the Chad Mongolians being superior to their enemies because of their meat-heavy diet

>> No.15914007

>I wouldn't kill an animal but I'd be down to brutally murder someone who doesn't adhere to my way of living
Is this that vegan hypocrisy I've been hearing so much about?

>> No.15914463
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>> No.15914685

Mongolians dominate sumo wrestling these days in part because japs grow up eating s-o-yslop and rice while Mongolian children get a healthy diet, the population of Mongolia is about 2% of what the jap population is, but Mongolians win every sumo tournament

>> No.15915218

>eats grass
>produces a ton of protein
literally magic

>> No.15915765

Not, always, wasn't there that eastern euro guy?

>> No.15916182
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>> No.15917114

Are you aware that omnivore diets actually lack Lipitor in them?

>> No.15917124

>muh feelings over facts

>> No.15917754

Isn't that a drug?

>> No.15917772

Ok, I eat meat about once or twice per week, so I'm not concerned. We do need more studies though, his molecule looks promising.
It should also be easy to extract and be sold as an isolated supplement.

>> No.15917775

>However, the authors do not believe eating excessive red meat is the solution and hope to find similar results in plants.
>Professor Chen added: ‘There is a growing body of evidence about the detrimental health effects of consuming too much red meat and dairy, so this study shouldn’t be taken as an excuse to eat more cheeseburgers and pizza.

>> No.15917777

>There is a growing body of evidence
from whom and funded by whom?

>> No.15917961

Why are (((scientists))) so obsessive about getting people off meat and forcing them onto a plant based diet and lab based food?

>> No.15917966
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>> No.15917968

Those are not scientists, those are whores for hire.

>> No.15918650

AKA scientists

>> No.15919065

The Royal society 200 years ago would probably have had them bullwhipped for what they push now.

>> No.15920402

lol no, chinx can't do science

>> No.15920518

>so this study shouldn’t be taken as an excuse to eat more cheeseburgers and pizza.
Shouldn't they have said something like a steak?

>> No.15920876

Don't care; will continue borderline carnivore diet with minimal carbs and zero seed oils.

>> No.15920884

I get the impression most anti-meat shilling relies on normies having high carbs and seed oils consumption. If you don't consume these but consume mostly meat the differences are going to be pretty drastic. A health conscious vegetarian might fare better than an average shitty processed mainstream food consumer, but a carnivore would fare even better.

>> No.15921517

good news for me, bad news for vegetarian faggots

>> No.15922041
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>> No.15922757


>> No.15922811 [DELETED] 


>> No.15922814


Anyone here follow Pottinger's human?
What do you make of his reviews?

>> No.15923583
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>> No.15924168

I had an anti-cancer steak for dinner, what did the vegan soiygoys of /sci/ have?

>> No.15924259

How hard is it to understand certain meats are inferior nutritionally? Basically no scientist will tell you to eat less chicken and fish.

>> No.15924463

Anti cancer tofu with fried anti cancer vegetables, anti cancer onions sauce and noodles.

>> No.15925688

sorry to burst your bubble, but frying in seed oils causes cancer

>> No.15925744

>Made from plants
I can tell whoever made this was trying to make a reference to the "JUST fuck my shit up" meme.

>> No.15925817

The only thing pop-science articles like this could ever lead anyone to conclude is that every single form of foodstuff conceivable is simultaneously a carcinogen and the secret to immortality hiding in plain sight.

>> No.15926883

The article only upsets you because it contradicts your preconceived worldview, thats why you're experiencing emotional distress as a result of seeing it

>> No.15926919

fucking drunk schizo fr

>> No.15927738

Hey guys can I get your views on 7th day adventist groups?

>> No.15927756


like the diatetics associations
american college of lifestyle medicine
lifestyle medicine global alliance
or any other organisation they either founded or have high influence on?
What do you know about their agendas, their impact on national dietary policies and initiatives and how it affects your health?

>> No.15927778

If you can think of other groups heavily influenced by them, founded or owned by them that could be useful too. I'm trying to get a better picture of the shear extent of their reach and their religious compulsion to stop people eating meat while making fat profits off the alternative health and foods market even their impact dietary reccomendations and policies like their contribution to the first and second whitehouse conference on nutrition and health

Blue Zones (owned by adventist health)

Belinda Fettke seems to have gone deep on it but I wondered if any of you know much on it?

>> No.15927779 [DELETED] 


>> No.15927790

*Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company

>> No.15927797

Fuck off back to your containment board, retarded plebbitor.

>> No.15928290

Is it just me or does the meat look like Trump

>> No.15928772

Jews are gay and want goys to eat artifical penis

>> No.15928806

Enjoy disease, I suppose?

>> No.15929441


>> No.15930290

sumo has 6 tournaments annually, so that means so far this century theres been 138 tournaments except there have been a couple cancellations, so that leaves 136 tournaments. mongolians have won 100 of those tournaments. the sumo association has strict limits on the amount of foreigners in sumo too, so its a small handful of mongolians as well as even smaller number of eastern europeans who are dominating the entirety of japan and all that is because jap children eat s-o-yslop while north asians don't feed their children garbage and instead give them good healthy foods.

>> No.15930862

I had steak for dinner, anyone jealous?

>> No.15931533


>I like this.
>I don't like this.

>> No.15932394

>I don't like this
ignore it, chink soiyence is all lies

>> No.15933660
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>> No.15934176
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>Duuuude this friggin' VEGAN burger is soooo wholesome! I don't have to hurt the r/chonkers animalerinos!!
<Vegan burger? That's fucking retarded. Where are the BUGS??
>Erm… You DO realise the "R" slur is extremely offensive to intelligence-divergent folx, right? Besides, eating bugs is LITERALLY as bad as hecking cannibalism.
<Oh, so cannibalism is BAD now? Don't discriminate against indigenous cultures chսd.

>> No.15934500

Sir you want the vegan bugger

>> No.15934503

>vegan induced brain shrinkage and mental illness leads to poor decision making

>> No.15934516
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THREADLY REMINDER: factory-farmed and/or processed meat causes cancer and hormonal imbalances, and will soon start coming drenched in mRNA vaxx spike protein, if that's not the case already. Avoid at all costs and ignore meme studies. If you want non-toxic meat, buy from a small, local farm.

>> No.15934523

Remember magnetic meat videos people kept posting a while back?
I wonder what was in those?

>> No.15934527

>I wonder what was in those?
80% fakeness and 20% gayness probably. Real men like their steak so rear it actually does stick to a magnet, but real men don't post videos.

>> No.15935033

odd response
let me guess, it's perfectly natural for magnets to stick to your body if you're not a fag?

>> No.15935763

why are vegan so desperate to eat burgers anyway?
vegan "burgers" is cultural appropriation, its offensive

>> No.15936619

Same goes for vegan "milk"
Why can they just be honest and call it what it truly is?

>> No.15937391

if they put "goyslop" on the package that might inhibit sales

>> No.15938405

The Goyim Defense League might argue otherwise

>> No.15938971

>Red Meat & Dairy Prevent Cancer
Dairy prevents diabetes & alzheimers too

>> No.15940148
File: 1.77 MB, 1x1, ice cream prevents diabetes.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15941087

>replacement of dairy fat with refined carbohydrates was associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes
that explains the higher rate of diabetes in vegans

>> No.15942025
File: 99 KB, 1920x1080, b7ec8dcc-d5af-45a1-9f68-536081203983_1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligence-divergent folx

>> No.15942773


>> No.15943246

good news!
i have filet mignon to cook up, with some friend potatos, maybe some wild rice

>> No.15943456

> There's a clear inverse between yield and nutrient content, to the point where tomatoes now have lost like 30% of their nutrients
That is true, although reversing this would still make plants basically worthless.
Ironically enough, you fail to mention that plants used to be much smaller and I find it hard to picture being able to find enough plants to eat, let alone in winter.
You also fail to mention that this would also affect the amount of nutrients found in meat. Luckily they still have those nutrients although less.

> BUT the vitamin B12 people need is inside the soils which you would have consumed with the veggies.
LMAO yeah not like you actually have all the B-vitamins in the meat, no, we need to eat soil.

> Climate change is diluting the micronutrient content of our food, more calories per unit of vegetable with equal nutrients.

>> No.15943483

>> Climate change is diluting the micronutrient content of our food, more calories per unit of vegetable with equal nutrients.
I think he's claiming an effect from higher co2 supply. I don't really buy it but that's probably it

>> No.15943534

lmao, gf is vegan and has wide eyes. Guess this is peer-reviewed scientifically accurate.

>> No.15944012

I think you may be correct but it could also be possible that mongolians and eastern europeans are just much stronger people than the japanese on average because of genetic differences

>> No.15944988

>filet mignon
me the jelly

>> No.15945663

vegan will unironically eat that and then claim that they're not gay

>> No.15946675

omg literal onions dicks

>> No.15946682

the mere fact they have to advertise it off the back of regular meat means vegans lost hard and shows no mentally sane human would subscribe to veganism not just because they are normal but from a primal evolutionary point of view

>> No.15946893

So much meat on the catalog...

when does this thread just die?

>> No.15947226

Right, why are vegans so determined to eat sausages and burgers and milk? Why are they desperate to appropriate meat eaters' culture?

>> No.15948198

No vegetarian can ever answer this question.

>> No.15948259

They won't, they're just collecting their paychecks. It's pretty transparent big animal agriculture propaganda.
I love meat and am never going to stop eating it but at this point it's pretty clear that it's not the healthiest thing. On top of that, we know that everything that is burnt is carcinogenic, and meat is tastiest when it's grilled over charcoal, or at the very least with a bit of char, which is never going to be good for you.

>> No.15948279

>a new study suggests

Unfortunately, a single study is not enough. Biology is riddled with claims that are only supported by 1 or 2 studies. It’s not until many many studies confirm the same result that it becomes more likely that the effect is real.

That being said, I actually genuinely hope the study is wrong in some way and that red meat doesn’t actually have cancer benefits. Not because I hope more people die of cancer, but because red meat is so environmentally costly to produce that we’d like to not have any reasons to keep it.

>> No.15948309

>it's pretty clear that it's not the healthiest thing.
according to what evidence is this argument derived though?
the so called papers put out by I think the UN a decade ago were based on some of the most shaky reasoning imaginable

>> No.15948312

So you don't care about the truth and are ideologically motivated?

>> No.15948493

>I am Jack’s porterhouse steak. I cause Jack’s colon cancer and my leftovers help him fight it.