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File: 126 KB, 946x1139, iq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15888278 No.15888278 [Reply] [Original]

wtf, is normie science this redpilled about IQ and race in the current year?

>> No.15888280
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>> No.15888281

Based Race segregation is back

>> No.15888288

Finally back to color / white

>> No.15888289

All Ivy league universities need to open separate branches for BIPOC students, with only BIPOC faculty.

>> No.15888291

my guess is that indians are seething about being put in classes with nogs, and now they have enough power to stop it, the pajeet mafia is displacing the previous overlords

>> No.15888292

All universities need to open separate branches for BIPOC students, with only BIPOC faculty.

>> No.15888298

That is their problem
From what I know Jeets, Arabs and Latinos don't like niggers.

>> No.15888300

Im black and even I have realized segregation is the actual solution. Although the segregation should be done on basis of IQ, not necessarily race.

>> No.15888306

IQ isn't real.

>> No.15888309

I get the sentiment, but segregation based on IQ is too autistic for most normies.
People like to live among their own, it's basic behaviour.
Segregation based on race would to be natural thing to do.
Even without official segregation we have white, black, latino etc etc neighbourhoods.

>> No.15888313

It is, one of the most solid and objective measurement in entire social sciences.

>> No.15888317

Yeah, bro, so fake that even the Army use for selecting people some how.

>> No.15888329

>Although the segregation should be done on basis of IQ, not necessarily race.
This is true and in fact used to be the case in white countries before. White gifted students, gardworking studens would be put in the same class while the dumb ones in another class, the two didn't mix, until libs came and put everyone in the same class (including literal retards from legit special needs schools)

>> No.15888333

I live in literal turd world and we still have that system but only in higher classes (grade 11 and 12)

>> No.15888334

Admission tests =/= IQ

>> No.15888338

Yeah they are

>> No.15888342
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So they score recruits in IQ-equivalent points... impressive

>> No.15888346

>Millions died to end segregation
>The solution turns out to be segregation
Okay, although I don't see how making the students more "comfortable in class" will end the achievement gap.

>Although the segregation should be done on basis of IQ, not necessarily race.
How about just academic achievement? I was in accelerated classes, and other students who excelled academically were offered the same accelerated path. What's disturbing is people proposing basic milestones like some math competence should not be a requirement for graduation, leading students to lack the proper education for higher learning, leading to the dumbing down of degrees rather than failing those students. They're lowering the floor and then complaining there's an achievement gap when some students choose not to take the easier path.

>> No.15888348

Nigga never heard about psychometric in his life, kek.

>> No.15888357

Don't know if it's a straight IQ test, but the ASVAB is a military knowledge test covering a lot of areas.

>> No.15888365

not an test to measure the non-existant IQ score.

>> No.15888369

>leftoids are finally pushing segregation

it will only fuck them over even harder

>> No.15888370

What's next? personality tests? Freud-Jung analysis? kek

>> No.15888372

you segregate based on race first then you stream classes by proficiency in those classes it's not that hard especially in a homogeneous society

segregation by gender is another option but there are advantages and disadvantages to it

>> No.15888374

The lives lost if China nuked "Evanston, Ill." would still be a tragedy because I don't think they really know how stupid and regressive they are.

>> No.15888378

>Okay, although I don't see how making the students more "comfortable in class" will end the achievement gap.
It's because the next step is to actively sabotage whites (and possibly asians) now that they're isolated. Defund, diminish, disband, etc. Screencap this. They WILL appoint a Handicapper General if they don't get the outcomes they want. These people are evil.

>> No.15888385


how is that even legal ?

>> No.15888386

Not him but do you really care if Urkel is in your school?

>> No.15888392

whites and east asians can find their way...

>> No.15888395
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No, it's blue pill shit masked as red pill.

To shrink the learning/IQ gap you need to ban single motherhood/parenthood and institute more rigorous mating practices. That way you don't have shit like poor or middle class women having children with gang members/drug dealers or women having children with convicted felons. Restructure welfare itself so it doesn't promote pregnancy without the intention of marrying or acknowledging the father.

You would also need to institute longer schooling hours and secondary school programs akin to South Korea and China situations of 12-14 hour school days. That way they are in a more ever present scholastic environment independent of whatever bullshit is going on at home or in their local neighborhoods.

The article in question isn't focusing on root issues that solve for the gap by dealing with the genetic and behavioral patterns. It's trying to find to side step obvious answers by positing utilization of socialization tendencies involving "familiarity" and "comfort" of experiencing learning with similar individuals. Which is interesting because if that worked why aren't students in African and Caribbean schools that 99-100% black doing better than American Blacks as a whole?

>> No.15888400

>let them figure it out themselves they're fuckin PRIVILEGED SCUM
What's your opinion on Jews?

>> No.15888401


>> No.15888405

If you measure IQ in the geopolitcal boundary known as China, you'll find that "Chinese" IQ is at most half of whatever you wish it were.

>> No.15888408

>Even without official segregation we have white, black, latino etc etc neighbourhoods.
that's almost entirely the result of segregation's legacy in housing

>> No.15888416

Nah that's just people wanting to live among their own, even the people that immigrated to US starting from 1965 formed their own neighbourhoods.

>> No.15888417

A low IQ will almost invariably do poorly. A high IQ could do poorly if they've done no kind of reading or research in their lives. Anyone who has acquired a wide berth of knowledge is obviously curious about numerous things, and is either high IQ or has a great memory.

>> No.15888419

And yet Chinese students still do better than American Black students because they are in school linger and the vast majority of their parents aren't single mothers. Whatever your opinion on how China's IQ is assessed we know they still do better scholastically.

>> No.15888420

Not him but people did that before the CRA. It's always been unAmerican and always will be.

>> No.15888426

> Anyone who has acquired a wide berth of knowledge is obviously curious about numerous things, and is either high IQ or has a great memory.
A lot of autist have a very lopsided but "wide berth of knowledge" without being "high IQ" or performing well on tests.

>> No.15888427

"Chinese" students in America don't represent the geopolitical boundaries of "China."

>> No.15888433

My experience is the exact opposite. People on the spectrum tend to have a very specific, niche knowledge regarding what they care about. They can be incredibly ignorant when it comes to common things.

>> No.15888441

When you're ahead of your time, expect the rest of population to eventually catch up.

>> No.15888446

tests don't ask about common things...

>> No.15888447

It's been done a long time already, at least in some places, but they don't use IQ. They just do it by academic performance.

>> No.15888450

Not him and I have no idea what you're both talking about but why the fuck should anyone care more or less about a thought if it's emitted by an autist or a normie?

>> No.15888457

No one wants to live in the ghetto, lmao.

>> No.15888458

I'm talking about the Chinese students in China. Why do you think I pointed out the countries of China and South Korea in the original post in the first place? Because that's how they operate in their own country not America.

Any behavior patterns Chinese Americans express in America is an offshoot of their patterns in China. We're talking about the same China that has a history with nationwide exams longer than most modern countries existence.

>> No.15888463

It was in regards to the military's ASVAB.

Which tests? I've taken a full length sample ASVAB, There's some very common questions in each section which become more esoteric. An "autist" would likely excel in one or two sections and completely fail the ones not in their wheelhouse, which would lead to an overall average or even lousy score.

>> No.15888464

If I can be real here, assuming the article itslef is real, then every person who invented this shit or agreed to it should literally be hanged in a public square.

>> No.15888467

The obsession with IQ I always found to be a distraction from other heritable personality traits

>> No.15888472

>assuming the article itslef is real

You can just copy and paste the link in your browser.

>> No.15888485

China is a mishmash of uncontrollable states and ethnicities. China is the last first-world slave nation. China does not have a history of "nation wide exams" longer than any country or colony of Europe. Your statement is absurd.

>> No.15888486

Are you Black American or Black immigrant? Because if you're the later it might work since you have a country you control and can dictate the quality of the resources for schooling or how to behave culturally.

If you're the former then you're a idiot because you don't control any of the intrinsic mechanisms of the government or national infrastructure. You won't be able to guarantee any proper form of quality control nor will you be able to control the laws or culture that overlord you. That's how welfare and feminism hollowed out your community in the first place to the point where third world immigrants can casually outpace you.

>> No.15888494

No thank you and my point is clearly indifferent to that.

>> No.15888500

>that's almost entirely the result of segregation's legacy in housing

lol the CRT class explanation. Remember living in your own neighborhood is only racist if you are white.

>> No.15888502

So the imperial exams weren't a thing? Also I notice you're still deflecting away from the fact students in China do better than Black American students. Why wouldn't you acknowledge this? Is it because it would mean the answer is longer school days and reducing single motherhood/parenthood?

>> No.15888503

Who cares what the guy assfucking you looks like?

>> No.15888510

Don't mention that it happens in other countries with very different social histories too.
Nothing outside of the faith. :^)

>> No.15888512

You're wasting your breath arguing with someone who doesn't care about history.

>> No.15888517

I don't give a fuck what happens to some black asshole and if you believe any Chinese statistics, you're an idiot.

>> No.15888523

lowest IQ in the thread

>> No.15888524

/pol/tard detected

>> No.15888532

never been there, have you?

>> No.15888534

Never been there either.

>> No.15888541

So your aspersion here >>15888524 is based on what, spitting out some semen your swallowed and couldn't digest?

>> No.15888547

Yeah, bro, keep with your relativism, it's gonna bit you back.

>> No.15888557

this is why you, low impulse control niggers, should stay the fuck away

>> No.15888558

If anyone cares what the dude they're studying with looks like, you're either gay or homophobic. Either way, fuck off and go die in a fire.

>> No.15888562

Interesting anon, so how many of yours and your family/friends daily products including your computer and it's cpu/gpu chipsets are of Chinese origin utilizing the same methodology that governs "Chinese statistics"?

Are you, your family and friends idiots too for actively depending on it?

>> No.15888563

Away from what?

>> No.15888570
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>inquisition-like close minded reactionary

>> No.15888577

I would rather (and do) pay $100 for a local leather belt than $10 for three Chinese belts. You can do whatever you want; morality is individual.

>> No.15888584

Yes, "progressive" has been reactionary since 2012. You just noticed?

>> No.15888595

You don't need to visit a place to know the filth that comes out of there. In any case, it doesn't matter if matter if you're a resident of /pol/ or rêddit, you're same ignorant human garbage.

>> No.15888601

You, specifically, are an idiot. No one cares whether you came from reddit or /pol/.

>> No.15888603

From white people's classes.

>> No.15888605

Say that to the mirror.

>> No.15888610

I'm white. Did you bully white kids when you were in school?

>> No.15888612


>> No.15888623

And why are you against segregation of classes? Do you only oppose segregation by race? Do you also oppose segregation by IQ?

>> No.15888643

I oppose all segregation. If by classes you mean AP vs honors vs regional, then kids should be free to choose whatever level of scholastics they want to choose.

>> No.15888646

well if you think about it's doing it by race is a very unconventional way to do this

>> No.15888651


>> No.15888655

Have you ever attended a diverse public school before?

>> No.15888662

Yeah, I even played football there.

>> No.15888678

Nta I have been in class with jeet and oriental students, I didn't have issues with either, both listened to the (1) teacher and got on with the class work, I have also been in class with blacks, smaller class, 15 people, 3 or 4 black students and 3 extra support teachers literally just engaging with those students trying to calm them down and asking in every possible to do at least the minimum amount of work, they of course didn't about any of it.

>> No.15888683

Who gives a fuck what they look like. Throw the assholes out and let them die in the street.

>> No.15888699
File: 118 KB, 1242x683, NYU Segregation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Left has been pushing to bring back racial segregation for years. To get around the Constitution they make it technically voluntary. EG, make a college dorm where they say that only Black people should live there. Even if they can't legally enforce it, what White person would live in a dorm knowing that it's full of Black people who hate White people?

>> No.15888710
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Ironically, Democrats will support this but then complain about actual merit-based non-racial segregation in classes (IE putting advanced kids in advanced classes and putting struggling kids in classes with other struggling kids), which actually helps students of all races.

>> No.15888723

They believing that by mixing the good and bad students together will magically help the the bad students perform better, which never happens.

>> No.15888732

It might make the scores of good students worse, so some measure of equality is still being achieved :^)

>> No.15888739

I think this is the vid but thatcher said basically that a couple of decades ago
socialists don't want to make the poor richer they just want to make the rich poorer

>> No.15888742

>People like to live among their own
yes, people with shared intelligence, interests, ambition, and tendency towards violence

>> No.15888764

Marxism and it's derivatives are unironically the legacy of Cain.
A homicidal religion of resentment.

>> No.15888770

this. It's bad for both. The good students get bored and the bad students get lost.

>> No.15888780

>Who cares what the guy assfucking you looks like?
.....everybody? Lime imagine wanting to get assfucked by a fat guy lol, that's just gross.

>> No.15888782

We're on the verge of a rollout of central bank digital currencies
I wonder how Maggie would react to that?

>> No.15888783

The funny thing is those advanced kids will still get their tutors and still study, so they're still going to be ahead of the curve. Lowering the floor per OP's post will require lowering the ceiling to prevent an increase in the academic achievement gap, but the kids from wealthy and academic families will still do their learning outside of school, so the gap is effectively increased.

>> No.15888795

Only for the very wealthy families with tutors. IDK about you, but I never had a tutor and I was still advanced. So ironically, the poor kids who are advanced are the ones that will suffer the most.

>> No.15888805

Does anybody have that graph of France's math scores over time? It showed a general decline of the median as France got more third-world immigrants, but showed an even greater decline for the smartest kids specifically. When France opened their borders, their smartest students were the ones who suffered the most.

>> No.15888806

I agree actually, intelligent kids without resources will suffer, and the wealthy will still have the same perks as before and even less competition. Actually, worded that way, it all seems like a ploy by the top 1% to help themselves more than to help any inequities in the achievement gap.

>> No.15888820

Nigger, you only need a <10 years media/policy campaign to normalize IQ as a significant determinant of a life path. IQ is ripe for the picking
1. it can't be argued with. Right now, the only "beneficial fog" (for IQ skeptics) that obscures this is the fact that no one knows their own IQ or that of others. Guess what would happen if IQ is normalized, and everyone can be associated with a very small +-3 points range (i.e. "my acquaintance Becky is a 112 +-3)? People can form their own opinions as to IQ's predictable power regarding everyday intelligence.

2. It's simple. You will determine the IQ of someone after a 1 or 2 hour test.

3. IQ models a different dynamic than simply being a honor student. Often high IQs appear lazy because they are not stimulated. Gifted programs don't ensure such an environment either -- perhaps they still hate reading poetic literature? Maybe they hate fucking violin lessons?
"Giftedness" has thus been rather 'pozzed' by its association with upper-middle class, academic culture, and other such memes, so raw intelligence doesn't quite shine.

Going by (additionally) IQ, you can implement different or more autistic programs.

>> No.15888822

But huwhitoids have a blood debt, so why shouldn't the smelly poors pay it? I got mine :^)

>> No.15888830

Whites only classes won't be allowed. A certain amount of the worst disruptive "students of color" will remain in the non-affinity classes so those mostly white classrooms will still be in constant chaos.

>> No.15888853

Fighting imagined racism with actual racism, heck yeah!

>> No.15888885

Strawman the video.

>> No.15888894

>You would also need to institute longer schooling hours and secondary school programs akin to South Korea and China situations of 12-14 hour school days
I think this is a major reason people from these places are so.. dull. This schedule is great for someone who finds meaning in this academic work but will destroy any kind of creativity that could only be developed through undirected exploration. People already complain about this in American schools, so making them longer, while keeping the nogs in line, would overall create a generation of completely 'sovlless' people.
You need to decide if you want school to be a place of restriction or a place of learning, and make all of your decisions based on that.

>> No.15888901


>> No.15889097

>I, Margaret thatcher, will put words in your mouth, not address any of your points, and tell all of my ass-kissers who already feel the way I do how I feel about any of you commie lot.

>> No.15889109

refute the statement or admit you have no argument

>> No.15889192

Read Neuroscience of Intelligence by Richard Haier
The former. And everything that occured to the black community was a preview of what awaits large swaths of the white (I hate using this vague term) american population. As single parent homes rise in prominence and nucler families become less prevalent, I suspect you will witness a repeat of the same social and cultural issues that plagued black america. Higher crime rates, STDs, lower income, worse outcomes in general. Maybe not to the same extent, but certainly similar in principle.

In fact education has become so dire that we face a very real competency crisis. It's looming on the horizon, probably with each passing year you will see more and more failures in infrastructure, and systems that once worked flawlessly having constant setbacks and errors.

Segregation is honestly the least of our issues at this point. Quality control etc is a spook, especially in post internet era. I speak from firsthand experience; the intelligent children will seek out knowledge and ways to enable their curiosity. For the less clever ones, no amount of funding and resource dumping will change the outcome. They're a lost cause. But they are the ones who thrive in the current social climate. At least by the metric of reproductive success.

>> No.15889210

>You need to decide if you want school to be a place of restriction or a place of learning

False dichotomy and false equivalence.

>> No.15889215

>I speak from firsthand experience; the intelligent children will seek out knowledge and ways to enable their curiosity. For the less clever ones, no amount of funding and resource dumping will change the outcome.

This goes against the narrative that media and other external factors are 100% responsible for what children are interested in.

>> No.15889216

You're right in that a proper society has both. Intelligent people can be taught with greater freedom, while violent and unintelligent lumpenproles can be sectioned off into traditional disciplinary education. This is how most Asian countries do it, with highly intelligent children going to Montessori method schools and other elite academies with more individualized programs while delinquents are segregated away from them to do rote learning under the watchful eye of strict disciplinarians.

>> No.15889434

Actually a good solution. Everything free should be a priviledge, as gifts actually are.
And even if they payed, gtfo and not refunds (or some refund, if you're kicked out early in the course)