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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 576x1038, vaxxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15883995 No.15883995 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about the wonders of modern medicine?

>> No.15884834 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15884836
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>that'll be $34,592 for your life saving heart medicine goy, tip not included

>> No.15884847

>COVID does not cause heart problems
The absolute state of /sci/

>> No.15884863

Sci turned to pol-lite a long time ago. Don't expect anything but conspiracy, actual dumb as shit, brain rot here.

>> No.15884891

I had covid and my heart is fine. I still run 5ks twice a week and my resting heart rate is 56-60 bpm.

>> No.15884904
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Fuck off you ignorant morons.

>> No.15884907

>Whatever happened to me is the only possible outcome
/sci/ really has a preschool level collective IQ nowadays huh

>> No.15884909

>create the problem and the solution

>> No.15884918

>phone post
>social media screenshot post
>/pol/ post
You won the tourist bingo. Your prize: you may go back.

>> No.15886013

>phone post
you won the blackest gorilla retard nigger award

>> No.15886127

>covid causes heart problems
>the vaccine that causes cells to produce the same spike as the virus and has been found to circulate throughout the entire body and has a proven causation to mycarditis/pericarditis doesn't cause heart problems

>> No.15886153

>it's year 2056
>everyone is forced to take a vax at 18yo
>you need another vax to deal with first's side-effects.
>this goes on 50 layers deep and lasts for 80 years
>can initially pay 1 million $ so you get exempt from first vax to begin with and live a normal life.
life as a service

>> No.15886390

Which protein of the virus causes heart problems? Go tell me.

>> No.15886751 [DELETED] 

thats just one of the drug companies AI bots

>> No.15887488

>reeeeeee /pol/ is out to get me!!!!

>> No.15887504
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This is not a comfy post anon.

>> No.15887517


>> No.15888952 [DELETED] 

why are you even on this board if you hate it and viewing the board makes you angry? just stop looking at /sci/ and all your troubles and suffering will immediately come to an end

>> No.15889684 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15889696

dont give them ideas

>> No.15889759

The spike glycoprotein E2 protein.

>> No.15890824


>> No.15890971

*Sample size:42 Million
*Cases after second dose: 14/100K (Oxford/AZ) 12/100K (Pfizer/BNT162b2) and 101/100K (Moderna/mRNA-1273)
Risk of myocarditis following sequential COVID-19 vaccinations by age and sex

>> No.15891528 [DELETED] 

OK, thanks

>> No.15893067
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>> No.15894606

>i hate /sci/
why are you here if you hate the board so much? why torture yourself? do you enjoy being upset and offended constantly?

>> No.15894612

shills active on this thread it feels like..

>> No.15894619
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imagine being so stupid that even at this late stage of colonization and authoritarianism you are oblivious to what is happening (or this bad at gaslighting). Or maybe you are just a spineless cuck and dont care because you just do what you are told to avoid ever having to stand up for yourself or others

>> No.15894627

How many do you think are complicit instead of blind or in denial?

>> No.15894703
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impossible to know atm but when we regain control of our nations there will be investigations and executions to traitors

>> No.15894714

I don't pay much attention to what you're about, but you calling out the Jew is so weird.
I didn't classify you as "people" before, more like braindead goylem.

Aren't you vaxxed ?

>> No.15894720

buddy I was calling out the Jews before you were born and have been the only one here doing it for nearly a decade. It sounds like you are a fucking retard, you should get that checked out

>> No.15894722

me mum told me im smart, its ok

>> No.15894733

>noooo i love my conspiracy theory hug box! please go somewhere else! I hate free speech when people I don't like use it :((((

>> No.15894738

This sounds like what covidfags were saying 2 years ago

>> No.15894744 [DELETED] 

yes, that's the joke anon.
/pol/niggers said this when when old-/sci/ told them to leave.
Now we can tell /pol/ snowflakes to kill themselves and that /sci/ isn't their hugbox echo chamber

>> No.15894751

off yourself, chop chop

>> No.15894756

How many times are you going to mention /pol/?

>> No.15894766

btw I warned people not to take the vaccine years before covid even happened and made this thread dipshit

>> No.15894772

our board now

>> No.15894949

Why do they still need to do studies if it's safe?

>> No.15896440

>stressful lockdowns
>average person gained fat
>exercised less
>ate more junk food
>drank more
>slept less
>went outside less
for two years straight HOLY SHIT ITS GOTTA BE THE VACCINES I hope some science fuck looks at sudden spike of heart problems in vaxed vs unvaxed per capita

>> No.15896552
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>> No.15896601

I mean if you accept covid itself can cause heart problems, then wouldn't it stand to reason that the vaccine could as well? Railing against all of those other things being unhealthy is kind of moot when a lot of people who are anti-covid vaccine also think the response to the virus was worse than the virus itself.

>> No.15896603

He forgot to mention cold showers, winter vagina and shaking the duvet too vigorously.

>> No.15896610

>winter vagina
I'm esl and don't know what to even imagine. elaborate

>> No.15896613

yes I think the vaccine can cause heart issues, my point isn't that the vaccine is risk free it's that vaccine heart issues are probably responsible for a very negligible amount of the heart issues going on right now
Do you not believe the things I listed contribute to heart issues? why are you attributing retarded click bait headlines to me

>> No.15896618
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>> No.15896620 [DELETED] 

Pol is actually so fucking dumb it hurts. So confident whilst being thick as shit. We need to give them all an island where they can go live in harmony, like the Sentinelese, and we can avoid them until they all enevitably die out

>> No.15896622

The vaccine is safer than the disease it prevents moron.

>> No.15896624

Pol is actually so fucking dumb it hurts. So confident whilst being thick as shit. We need to give them all an island where they can go live in harmony, like the Sentinelese, and we can avoid them until they all inevitably die out

>> No.15896627
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shouldn't have asked. esl is a blessing at times

>> No.15896716

Hey, native speakers have to hear this shit, so do you.

>> No.15896852

No refunds

>> No.15897571
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>> No.15898752
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>> No.15898767
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find me a single study that comes to this conclusion that DOES NOT have vaccinated people in the study
while you're looking for that, read this:

which proves you wrong

>> No.15898770
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>We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.

>> No.15898775

most people are ignoring the fact that mildly feminine to homosexual men are being told en-masse to cut their dicks off and wear dresses.
People are retarded.

>> No.15898782

btfo by >>15898770

>> No.15898924
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>> No.15898936

yes, redditors like him are just miserable people

>> No.15898937
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reminder: if you're looking for a paper on vax damage, you'll probably find it here

>> No.15899008


>> No.15899188

I really hope that milk is not male ejaculate.
A lot of time, white fluid leaking from the mouths of characters in pictures or photograph tend to mislead you into thinking that it is actually male ejaculate.

>> No.15899315

why do you willingly lower your life expectancy by torturing your body for the short term pleasure of a dopamine rush when the act itself is something you hate doing

>> No.15899602 [DELETED] 

other people exercising only upsets you because it make you reflect on what a lazy flabby slob you are

>> No.15900090

>why do you willingly lower your life expectancy
Endurance athletes have an increased lifespan.

>> No.15901061
File: 82 KB, 498x468, distraught soyentist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people that are too lazy to exercise are constantly upset and angry at people who aren't too lazy to exercise.
the non lazy physically fit people trigger the lazy slobs because the existence of physically fit people is what makes the slobs look so terrible and disgusting in comparison and the slobs know this, but rather than exercise, the lazy slobs would rather just get angry until they eventually die young of stress related heart problems

>> No.15901063

the only people i ever see seething about weight are manlet twigs having meltys over fats

>> No.15901850

weaklings get upset about people larger than themselves out of fear. women do the same thing, but for a man being a sissy is a choice.

>> No.15902049

Safe and effective.

>> No.15902961
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Dude its way easier than that, everyone already gets vaxxed with 2 months.

Because of the assumption that "All vaccines from a brand are equal in composition".

Vaccines have a allowed variability of PH which means they can have different amounts of of shit in the vaccine. Meaning some batches are more reactive some less.
This is true for almost all vaccines:
To elaborate further, this is not a new thing, it happened before.
Between August 1978 and March 1979, 77 infants in Tennessee died suddenly from unexpected causes.
In early March, the CDC learned that two more infants had died within 24 hours of DTP vaccination, again from the same lot of vaccine produced by Wyeth Laboratories, Inc. That brought the total to four deaths within 24 hours of vaccination.

Wyeth executives were concerned about the Tennessee Cluster, but their concern was more about splitting up the vaccine lots to promote "maximum variety of lot numbers". Thus obscuring the potential to identify a "hot lot".

Subsequently they did NOT investigate the incident but concluded and gave order to better distribute the vaccine batches to multiple locations, so that a local clustering of these "incidences" do not spark attention.
Assuming everyon got the same is retarded.
If contents were identical, we would not have this clusterfuck of diffuse symptoms and reactions to it.
The product is not uniform and has a large threshhold of inaccuaracies allowed.
From PH to particle size.

>good noodle goood needle
>bad noodle bad needle

Doctors who serve certain demographics get assigned different lots.
Those who serve the upper upper class
> saline shots
And the middle class parents
> crap shots
to increase social burden. Not kill. But to have crippled children so the middle class is busy with the social burden of caring for their loved ones.

>> No.15903533


>> No.15903637

>stressing your heart and eating more calories actually makes you live longer
you are an insecure and weak minded slave who has no good reason to excersice, the only reason you do is because other slaves look down on you if you dont
enjoy an earlier death, retard

>> No.15904176

>people that are too lazy to exercise are constantly upset and angry at people who aren't too lazy to exercise.
case in point >>15903637

>> No.15904295

>disease goes away
>vaccine is gene therapy
it's over

>> No.15904920

Not for young people

>> No.15905351

>doctors baffled
why are they so incompetent and clueless?

>> No.15905385

Never attribute to stupidity what can be attributed to sorathic Evil.

>> No.15905985

not for anyone, the disease doesn't exist, but the vaccine does.

>> No.15906046
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Honestly you might be right, but werent there a bunch of healthy young people who were dying of heart problems?

>> No.15906064

Is Ezra Hyde a jewish name ?

>> No.15906937
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>> No.15907665

not more than normal, overall it's up but in healthy young populations it's same as always, vax probably caused a neglible increase but healthy people were way less likely to suffer complications from vax

>> No.15907704
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>> No.15907709

To bad our diet, air and average age of the population is crap

>> No.15908041

>healthy people were way less likely to suffer complications from vax

Please define "young people".
And also define "complications".
In my close social and work circle, 25% of the people between 25-35 years now have some neurological mystery condition or Autoimmunity, ranging from chronic fatigue over POTS to rheumatoid arthritis.
We have a unprecedented amount of sick leaves this year. Not becaus of "cough and sniffles" but because of diffuse systemic problems, and our HR is spiraling because of that.
And our company has almost exclusivly people younger than 40.

>> No.15908045

Ask them this question

Do you feel paranoid about online survelliance

>> No.15908074

>Everything I don't like is /pol/!

>> No.15908083

Ok tell me why this things I don't like show up on pol so much?

>> No.15908120

define define.

>> No.15908194

Are you jewish, or a literal supernatural demon from biblical hell ?
Sorry, i guess that's a tautology.

>> No.15908301

I don't know anything about the company you work for so I don't have any opinions on it - but if it's anything short of manual labour I doubt your coworkers would fall into healthy category - but if you're saying your workplace is filled with young healthy people who're now just mysteriously fucked I'll just have to take you word for it but as far as my life goes I don't know any vaxed person with any health issues which they constantly remind me of since I'm unvaxed but as in my first post I think >>15896440 these are probably more significant contributors to general health decline but since I know nothing about your coworkers bodyweight, eating habits, exercise habits or mental wellbeing I can't really offer much in terms of opinion

>> No.15908357

Nope just brown I guess they called us demons back in the day

>> No.15908366

I am surrounded by jabbed. They remind me everyday of their problems. Brain fog this, cancer that, etc. I need a break.

>> No.15908373

Sounds tough man, must be really stressful seeing the people around you suffer but it's good that you still care about them a lot of anti vaxers celebrate when vaxed people suffer (and vice versa)

>> No.15908731

Because if they start connecting the dots people like the detractors in this thread will call them names and say they're stupid for coming to their own conclusions.

>> No.15908732

I blame rap music

>> No.15908769
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cool, so now everybody is happy and the economy is saved!

>> No.15908792

It's all so shameless, but the goys will applaud them for it. They believe in science, after all. Slowly, I'm starting to understand the jews.

>> No.15908800

Don't fall for the false dichotomy.
It's not either for or against the jews.
Goylems are orthogonal, you simply developped an healthy contempt for them.

Hate for the jews, for their Evil, and contempt for the goylems, for enabling it.

The answer is not to side with jews.
It's to wait until they kill their goylems, and genocide them once their sword and their shield is not here anymore.

>> No.15908840

If you retarded faggots are so terrified of spike proteins then why don't you assemble some sets of papers that compare spike protein levels in people who have been vaccinated vs people who have had the disease. That would be the easiest fucking gatchya in the world to the silly vaxxies if you could prove there's more spike protein produced by a vaccination vs an infection. Say what you want about fucking flat earthers but at least they keep building equipment and experiments and collecting data that keeps proving them wrong so they make a hobby out of it. You failed abortions just ruin math threads instead.

>> No.15910478
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>> No.15910683

We see too far.
The curvature formula is falsified.

Anything else is unimportant, either there's no curvature and the Earth is flat, or the Earth is much, much bigger than instructed, which breaks so many others law of physics it's laughable.

>> No.15911203

Installing the "trust the soience" mentality in the brains of the goyims is outlined in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Protocol 2, part 2

>> No.15911898

You're retarded because you continue to willfully or unwillfully act like the shot prevents illness. You get spiked twice idiot

>> No.15911936

t. hasbara
We know you kikes are spread around all boards.

>> No.15911940

>the wonders of modern medicine?
I think it is truly amazing and I'm grateful for not living in the past, but the capitalist system provides too many profit opportunities and inventives as to avoid some of these drug companies becoming effective drug pushers/racketeers.

>> No.15911944

Look at the early life sections of the pfizer board. You might notice a pattern.

>> No.15911945

This is anecdotal eveidence, so not worth shit, but I'm 48, I too got covid and had two covid shots. Still hewlthy as well, hitting the gym, etc. Zero differences noted. Same goes for my extended family, everyone vaccinated multiples times, as well as my friends, all vaccinated, everyone is alive and well.

>> No.15911949
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Man, both your image and your words are so out of topic.

>> No.15912845
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>hay look everyone!!!
>i reposted the meme again!!!

>> No.15913067

mRNA lingers longer than expected in blood, creating more spike



>> No.15913333
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>> No.15913335 [DELETED] 

Took 'not so personal', from it.

>> No.15913404

Codreanu on /sci/? I love it. TKD. Hail the Capitanul!

>> No.15913405

And nobody would ever let you in to this island when the rest of the world turns to shit and you beg to join lol. Fuck you fauci pin cushion. Vaxx me harder daddy!

>> No.15913409

Good post but much too advanced for a typical vaxxie. It will not compute for them.

>> No.15913412

You're all still morons unfortunately. Hopefully next time they put a little bit of strychnine in the shots so that when the useless eaters like you line up for it at the beck and call of your television sets, then we can live in peace without you polluting the world. Sound like a plan?

Congratulations on being living proof that we have to abandon democracy.

>> No.15913415

>This is anecdotal eveidence, so not worth shit,
>Still hewlthy as well, hitting the gym, etc. Zero differences noted.

Hmmm, and what type of evidence is yours?

>> No.15913416 [DELETED] 

Haha. Good. I can't wait for this. I wasn't meant to fight the bots. I was weakened dimensionally I had to do a long trick to begin any fight to be able to punch correctly. I played the losers hand fine. You're about to be punished for 250 years worth and more for your high crime. Oh this is great. You were shit. You are nothing in comparison to me. I would have battered you all if it wasn't for your good luck. I will laugh when it finishes for the few minutes in real time it takes. You'll never get revenge against me. If you ever do something harsh to me, fine, I'll walk off, start a new life elsewhere. but for the most part I'm going to hunt this weakness of yours and enjoy every moment. !

>> No.15913418


>> No.15913423 [DELETED] 

Look: in a minute you're gonna get cut.

>> No.15913493
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>Name fag
A play on the "Conspiracy Researcher" Michael Barkun.

Obviously this is either a absolute mentally ill retard, or a Bot that was trained with Michael Barkuns writings and /pol/ posts.



>> No.15913506 [DELETED] 

I know you understand 'that', that's why I told you. You'll also be punished properly in a sec. !

>> No.15913510 [DELETED] 

Like Shane Bovey and Jase Green

>> No.15914359
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>> No.15914684

Shill. A trite social media mercenary for letter agencies.

>> No.15916080

that explains why gays are so low IQ too

>> No.15916412
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>> No.15916433
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>> No.15916480
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The Canadian contract with Pfizer specifically states that the product should not be serialized. Basically we will never be able to accurately track effect by batch here. And in the same breath they call this the most studied 'vaccine' ever.

>> No.15916499

they were literally killing people with oxygen not too long ago

Modern science is oddly incapable

>> No.15916506

Whole thing was an ongoing psyop.
Know how I know? I can still eat safe food from my local dupermarquete

>> No.15916583

Ah, it all makes sense now

>> No.15917742

"low IQ" and "mental illness" are synonymous terms. if you're brain doesn't work right and is all fucked up then you will have low IQ.
and homosexuality is a mental illness so…

>> No.15918125

i love how dumb westerners are. We put a rainbow flag on our website and the eat up anything we put out there.

SJWs, thank you for all your money, you stupid motherfuckers lol

>> No.15918657

High iq people are mentally ill. They hallucinate, and think that there is something wrong with you that you don't see or think what they do. But it's bullshit, nothing they cone up with works in reality. It was only ever when somebody "autistic" kicked them out, and made things work that they worked for real.

>> No.15918669

A product so safe and effective that they had to add a clause to conceal quality differences in batches.

>> No.15918690 [DELETED] 

Autism is a type of developmental disability which in severe cases can result in mental retardation.

>> No.15918836

Holy midwit, what tremendous cope.
A great example of the 30 IQ communication gap.

>> No.15920008
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>> No.15920022

Be kind to him anon, he has reduced IQ from lead intake.

>> No.15920881

I hate them so incredibly much

>> No.15920893 [DELETED] 

Lead deficiency makes you retarded, and unable to learn from experience, you need to be taught every little detail specifically.
>I'm not stupid. You are stupid and lack empathy, because you don't understant that nobody taught me that. See, when you told me to put the small box on the large box, I can do it, now I know.

>> No.15920895

Lead deficiency makes you retarded, and unable to learn from experience, you need to be taught every little detail explicitly. The entire framework of how the world works is absent, everything is just a new pattern or algorithm unrelated to anything else, and nothing can be figured out.
>I'm not stupid. You are stupid and lack empathy, because you don't understand that nobody taught me that. See, when you told me to put the small box on the large box, I can do it, now I know.

>> No.15920903 [DELETED] 

If you go to the medical industrial complex for anything other than physical trauma, like broken bones or a wound or something, you're a fucking retard.

One example: There are literally hundreds of known cures to cancer, some with little or no side effects. But chemo/surgery has a 97% FAILURE rate, and they still use it. If 97% of all Ford engines exploded, they'd be out of business before you could say "recall". Chemo doctors get huge kickbacks for it too. They know it'll slowly kill you if you stay on it long enough, and they do it anyway.

I will never understand why people worship the industry's sociopath doctors who don't even have a long life expectancy anyway.

>> No.15921388
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>> No.15921394

ummm based?

this is the way

>> No.15922313

/pol/ was already isolated here on 4chan, redditiers such as yourself are the interlopers who should be removed.
>I'm going to go to 4chan so I can be offended by the content there and then insist that all the people who offend me need to leave.

>> No.15923480
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>I'm going to go to 4chan so I can be offended by the content there and then insist that all the people who offend me need to leave.
Yes, thats what I do, pic is me

>> No.15924154
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i also engage in this practice

>> No.15924179

>if you dont castrate yourself you're pol-like
>if you vaxx 100th time, you're pol-like
>if you dont vote biden, you're pol-like
Go fuck yourself reddoid

>> No.15924268


>> No.15925635
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>like the Sentinelese,
North Sentinel Island is covered in trash dumped into the ocean by India

>> No.15926157

I think I made the right choice not to get vaxxed.

>> No.15926925

You can always change your mind later if you feel like you were wrong. Vaxxxxxxxies do not have that option

>> No.15926961

people that run everywhere are too lazy and poor to afford a car

>> No.15927891

Nothing like that will happen because Pfizer got themselves legal immunity from the problems their deadly vaccine was inevitably going to cause.

>> No.15928936

Every time anyone posts something I dislike

>> No.15929991

thats great news, i was hoping that /sci/ could be turned into a meta board devoted to discussing what people on /pol/ may or may not like

>> No.15930066

For the past 6 or so months my heart has been weird, having PVC and PACs and also an episode of Afib. I didn't take the vax and don't know if I had any covid infection other than one over a year ago. Maybe just a coincidence.

>> No.15930811 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15931873

this but unironically

>> No.15931933

Wtf, I love her even more now! I didn’t know she wanted to save the earth, too.

>> No.15932127

The absolute state of Reddit niggers

>> No.15932178
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guys let's just call it even

>> No.15933422
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>> No.15934242

wow, jannie really hates that pic of greta saying "save the earth, gas the jews"
gee, i wonder why that pic gets under jannies skin so badly, its so hard to figure out. is there any here high iq enough to tell me why?

>> No.15934251
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It's unironically over for humans.

>> No.15934298


>> No.15934302

Myocarditis from vaccination happens when whoever administers the shot doesn't aspirate (pull back there syringe to see whether she hit a blood vessel).

>> No.15934554

no, spike protein is pathogenic by itself
most likely myocarditis is consequence of an interleukin reaction

>The younger - the more Interleukin-1 we produce in response to Sars type viruses. The Chinese proved this in Sars1 studies.
>Older adults instead produce excessive Interleukin 6, which is the reason that hydroxychloroquine works to reduce Sars2 inflammation. The vaccines are exponentially more potent to produce cytokines than the virus because of mRNA Spike protein optimization.
>The massive amount of a source of IL-1 starts a cycle of cell damage in heart tissue that then produces more cytokines and more cell damage.
Myocarditis: An Interleukin-1-Mediated Disease?
De Luca et al

>> No.15934679

>no, spike protein is pathogenic by itself
Learn to read. I never implied it wasn't.

>> No.15934683

Seconded. Nothing but dipshit useful idiots too stubborn to learn anything and hundreds of botlike autogenerated threads where OP asks a 2 second google question for fake engagement. Like the rest of the internet is.

>> No.15934973

Negro if you could provide me with 10 years of studies on this jew goo like every other vaccine had before being released to billions of people I'd be more inclined to listen to you.
There is no drug without side effects.
Sometimes side effects take years, even decades to show up.
Why the fuck would anyone with a functioning brain subject themself to medical experimentation? Because faggots like you will brow beat them?

>> No.15935165

mRNA vaccines have been studied for many decades now. One of the primary halting factors was the delivery mechanism, and lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vectors and many others have also been studied and trialed for decades. These tended to lack effectiveness or efficacy for various reasons, or cause a great deal of excessive inflammation to the point it really was dangerous, things like that. There are also issues with manufacture, where sufficient quantities could be very expensively made for testing but not mass producible by the process available even if it were perfectly safe. You can see a rough overview of literature on various aspects of these in the sources on wikipedia,
>Sometimes side effects take years, even decades to show up.
How do you suppose that would be possible in this case? There are medications where this happens but generally not vaccines.
>Why the fuck would anyone with a functioning brain subject themself to medical experimentation? Because faggots like you will brow beat them?
You wouldn't be "subjecting" yourself to "experimentation". Ideally you'd know the risks and talk to your doctor if you've any comorbidities, rather than basing your judgment on what seems to me to just be vague implications or conspiracies or "possibility" with no analysis done at all. Your "gut feeling" is not reliable and if you don't take quite some efforts to understand both statistics and relevant medical jargon, and their use in vaccines and vaccine assessment, you won't really understand a damn thing.

So why would people get vaccinated? Because it's far safer than covid-19, and still safe despite being one of the most rapidly well studied vaccines globally than any other medication that has ever been produced vaccine or otherwise. It even has one of the lowest allergic response rates I know of. Tylenol is more dangerous.

>> No.15935238

Bro, those guys aren't interested in facts. You're wasting your time. If they were interested in the truth they'd just google (or whatever) and click on the first result.

>> No.15935246

I'm here to waste time in between other stuff. I've been here off and on for over a decade so I'm well aware the vast majority are completely disingenuous. You might say it helps reinforce that very fact you just mentioned, that most of these posters have no real excuse except willful ignorance, and so anyone merely ignorant will be less likely to be drawn in when finding people keep trying to explain things to these brick walls.

Or it could be a unicorn anon and, as has happened very very rarely, he is genuine and just hasn't been motivated to do that and will start doing so now. Raindrops do eventually amount to floods after all, and it is always possible someone gets nudged over the line to taking a serious effort to understand the subject rather than believing whatever /pol/ says. Even just honestly admitting "I don't understand the statistics" and spending some days on khan academy would help a lot, or admitting you don't understand the jargon or full context of relevant literature. It would be a start. I want to encourage learning wherever the opportunity arises and if that means replying to 100,000 trolls for 1 honest person well it's my time to waste. Thank you for your concern though.

>> No.15935250

>So why would people get vaccinated?
why should young people get vaccinated? actually under 50y old people?

>> No.15935263

>mRNA vaccines have been studied for many decades now.
Not this specific "vaccine"
>One of the primary halting factors was the delivery mechanism, and lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vectors
What better time to test them than with billions of coerced test subjects
>Ideally you'd know the risks and talk to your doctor if you've any comorbidities
because that's exactly what happened, right?
No one was forced or coerced in to it.
>So why would people get vaccinated? Because it's far safer than covid-19
Not at all if you're not over 50 >>15935250

You really think you're educating people here when you regurgitate the same old reddit symantics and false premises?
This "vaccination" campaign was unnecessary an downright harmful to society, and to the public's faith in doctors, pharmaceuticals, and government.

>> No.15935279

I get your point, I was like you, once. From what I can tell the last people capable of (self)-critical thought have either left last year or simply don't respond to these nonsense threads. All power to you though, it's a noble cause after all.

>> No.15935302

Primarily less risk of severe side effects and long term side effects caused by immune system damage and nerve damage. There would also be lower odds of spreading an infection, and reduce receiving severity of infection possibly, but sadly human psychology and risk compensation behaviors reduced or eliminated that benefit in a lot of cases. Sort of like speeding even faster resulting in the same fatalities even if your vehicle is considerably safer than older ones.
>Not this specific "vaccine"
Which is just a combination of all those parts and trials of many of the same kind. There's no reason to think it unique and none of the components are unique.
>What better time to test them than with billions of coerced test subjects
As already pointed out these things have been tested for decades. You're repeating a falsehood as if never given reason to think otherwise, not reading and not caring to read anything that was written. That doesn't make you "woke" it makes you an NPC.
>because that's exactly what happened, right? No one was forced or coerced in to it.
Just as society and others would be forced to carry the burden of people not doing so? I know in the U.S. many employers have to pay for healthcare plans and that would be a huge cost in aggregate. Framed another way you would be forcing others to carry the burdens of your refusal. You've no right to make others take on your own risks.
>Not at all if you're not over 50
On the contrary, risk of severe complications and long-term complications from covid-19 are still lower if you keep up with vaccinations. Your risk from vaccination is lower than taking tylenol as I mentioned. So do you avoid all modern medicine? Never once took an ibuprofen? Never had dental work?

>> No.15935305

Mostly they just don't respond but hey if you're bored why not. I don't think it's noble or anything because it's just a way to pass time some days, so I'm not exactly feeling out to "save" anybody. I think if I were passionate about it I'd have stopped ages ago and my dispassion is the only reason I keep doing it, funny as that may sound.

>> No.15935313
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>As already pointed out these things have been tested for decades.
So because wheels, breaks, and other parts of a car have been tested for decades, a car assembles with them will have no issues?
>Just as society and others would be forced to carry the burden of people not doing so?
What? What burdon. It doesn't prevent you from spreading it, yet people who were at virtually zero risk were coerced to take it.
> I know in the U.S. many employers have to pay for healthcare plans and that would be a huge cost in aggregate.
Again unless you're 50+ you have virtually no chance of serious illness from covid.
If you're that concerned about employers having to pay for expensive health care plans why don't you advocate forcing obese people to exercise or smokers to vape?
>On the contrary, risk of severe complications and long-term complications from covid-19 are still lower if you keep up with vaccinations.
We don't know the long term risks of this "vaccine" because they haven't been studied long enough.
Even so the cost benefit of getting this jab while not having comorbidities or being an old unhealthy fuck is ZERO.
>I'm such a genius level critical thinker because I listen to what pharmaceutical companies pay/force doctors to say!
They've never hurt people for profits before!

>> No.15935317

That's a nice looking strawman, Anon. Did you construct it yourself?

>> No.15935322

>Primarily less risk of severe side effects
do you think the vax risk is well understood in young people by this point?

>> No.15935349

>It doesn't prevent you from spreading it
It does and did reduce the odds. I explained how human psychology factors in to why that did not manifest at scale and you seem to have ignored the explanation >>15935302
>What burdon
Added cost of your healthcare and added absolute risk (ignoring risk compensation) of spreading or spreading at higher viral load.
>Again unless you're 50+ you have virtually no chance of serious illness from covid.
Yet your risk of hospitalization or long term complication from covid-19 are still manyfold higher than any risk from vaccination.
>We don't know the long term risks of this "vaccine" because they haven't been studied long enough.
I explained to you how that is not true and you've yet to acknowledge it. Instead writing as though I did not explain what I very clearly did, and what you still have not addressed >>15935165. I can only conclude you're not being honest.

Either way,
You can view comparisons with the unvaccinated here for the U.S. for an example. Higher mortality, higher odds of hospitalization, etc, and unfortunately with omicron this seems to have spiked in children <5.
For comparison, the most severe side effect with Moderna's vaccine would be anaphylaxis, which in a very large sample only occurred following vaccination in 10 out of 4 million. I do not believe any resulted in death. At every single age bracket covid-19, including the most recent variants, are more dangerous than the most dangerous side effect of vaccination by orders of magnitude. If "virtually no risk" is your criteria, then vaccination offers the least possible risk. If, of course, you were being honest.

>> No.15935502

>You're not being honest
>The vaccine does stop the spread!
Pfizer never said it did and admitted it was never meant to.
Obviously covid rates will shrink with natural immunity, and because symptoms are so mild (except for the geriatric, obese, and munchies) and because testing isn't a requirement to go to the grocery store anymore less people will test for it if they do catch it.
You're probably some retarded boomer scared out of his mind because you've spent your life eating like shit and not exercising.

>> No.15935531

Since you continue to avoid anything raised and have resorted to insults yeah I'm quite convinced you're just dishonest.

For the curious who may not know about epidemiology, there have been numerous studies assessing infectivity, transmissibility, and virulence, with respect to different mRNA vaccines. Infectivity being ability to enter and proliferate in hosts, transmissibility is self explanatory as the ability to jump between hosts, and virulence being damage to hosts. There's efficacy, which reports abstract ideal condition ability to prevent or reduce severity, and effectiveness being observed reduction.

This study is but one example of many, probably thousands by now, studying and publishing papers on effectiveness for those 3 factors. In this example it's assessing the Delta variant, so addressing initial effectiveness and specifically claims it was not effective for reducing those 3 factors. Cohorts of households were followed and the various factors assessed finding substantial reduction in transmissibility, infectiousness, and virulence, for all ages compared to unvaccinated pairs. Paper cites others and notes this result is in line with all the other literature. Also cites/discusses aforementioned social reasons effectiveness didn't match in broader society.

As stated this is just one example. I'm hardly going to lore dump for a troll post. Other literature has found caveats such as individuals having varying immune response times and some genetic differences contributing to breakthroughs. Naturally degree of effectiveness varies by variant, vaccine, comorbidity, etc, but this is to address claims that said vaccines do not reduce potential for transmissibility, virulence, and infectivity, in absolute terms. That claim they do not is absolutely false. At scale psychological factors like "risk compensation" overshadows it unfortunately https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk_compensation

>> No.15935535 [DELETED] 

It is all fucking jew medicine. Jews just rape the population and hoard money. Death to Kikes, Niggers, Spics, Chinks and Gooks

>> No.15935539

>You can view comparisons with the unvaccinated here for the U.S. for an example. Higher mortality, higher odds of hospitalization, etc, and unfortunately with omicron this seems to have spiked in children <5.
are ALL comorbidities taken out of that equation? quite important. children on chemo hit with the virus isn't telling a true story innit?

>> No.15935562

Yes, they did control for relevant factors such as immunocompetency. The linked table gives links on the right if you'd care to read more in-depth about each relevant report. In said reports there are further links to data tables, description of methodology, definitions, etc.

>> No.15935568

>they did control for relevant factors
no I mean quite specifically ALL comorbidities, not "some conditions". like no covid having motorcyclist splattered on the pavement "clearly covid death" and no funny shit like that?

>> No.15935573

I am not going to chew your food for you. Each one provides exactly what you ask for in terms of defining what is included and why, what is accounted for and why, what is queried and why. I gave you the answer and you're being a bitch about it so go read them yourself.

>> No.15935577

I'm making sure because it was quite clear to what weird disingenuous lengths the whole faggoted media went to exaggerate the risk for young people. funny shit like log graphs whenever age group breakdowns were being shown, zero linear graphs that I've seen in westroon media.
whenever the chance they did NOT take out people with comorbidities so they have SOME numbers in the lower age groups. all this shit made me reaaaally weary of your bullshits. excuse me for not believing you to be fucking HONEST. even if you pose like one. a true parasite would hide in there, why not.

>> No.15935580

This is just Bill Gates' vengeance, he got tired of people pirating Windows so he decided to make life itself a subscription

>> No.15935582

The option to sort by "SARS-CoV-2 infection" is literally right there. I do not believe any of these reports deal with all-cause mortality without explicitly stating so, but if you've any doubt the option for sorting is literally right there.

I gave you exactly what you ask for before you even asked and you're throwing a tantrum even after I tell you this isn't about all-cause mortality. What more do you want?

>> No.15935588

you're not being honest anon, in your framing. you are not worth your pay.
>then vaccination offers the least possible risk. If, of course, you were being honest.
see, lower chances for fuck all is still fuck all anon. the trick you pulled was making people believe this risk matters at all.

>> No.15935616
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He did what is right. All the fault is on pfizer and the democrats. He must do what is right, and punish them with extreme brutality.
Now cut your penis, you idiot.

>> No.15935618

>you're not being honest anon
I seem to recall that statement having an "if" before "then". >>15935349
>If "virtually no risk" is your criteria, then vaccination offers the least possible risk. If, of course, you were being honest.
You claim I am not being honest, but you had to delete half of a conditional sentence to misrepresent it. I have also provided links and example research for my points.
>see, lower chances for fuck all is still fuck all anon.
If "fuck all" happening is the goal you should be all for vaccination as it greatly increases the odds of "fuck all" happening. The same goes for reducing factors as I outlined before >>15935531 so it can also reduce risk to others if used with other precautions.
There's even a reduction of transmission and infectiousness risk in closed quarter prison populations which I think is a "worst-case" scenario. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02138-x
For BA.1 and BA.2.

>> No.15935619
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They already force that shit into babies. They do everything they can to destroy their brains, turn them into fucking idiots who will obey orders no matter what.

>> No.15935623
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Stop spreading disinformation you imbecile piece of shit.

>> No.15935626

>greatly increases the odds
see you just can't help it, it's like one of those "make your own script but must contain safe and effective, and greatly increases the odds"
holy fucking shit you glow

>> No.15935628

lol I see you ran out of ideas.

>> No.15935664
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Being sued now. Time for judgement

>> No.15935708

This has to be satire. There's just no way. There's no fucking way he's that fucking stupid. There's just no fucking way.

>> No.15935714
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>> No.15935715

Why would he be stupid? We have facts, evidence and all the documents necessary to bring them to the court and charge them.

>> No.15935731

This is the funniest fucking thing I have ever read in my life.
Also proof I live in a simulation because there is no possible reality in which this could be real. You tipped your hand guys the Truman show is over. Even I'm not dumb enough to believe unfucked with reality can produce pure comedy gold like this. Pull the fucking plug already I'm not buying it anymore.

>> No.15935733

>Also proof I live in a simulation because there is no possible reality in which this could be real.
>Pull the fucking plug already I'm not buying it anymore.
this is what a mental breakdown looks like when reality is different from what you imagined it to be.
you are now at stage 2 >>15935714
what will you offer for stage 3?

>> No.15935735

Yes, you're living in a truman show. You're the NPC whose entire world that was built up by the media is collapsing all around you.

Be sure that you can land properly, being too invested in a cult of scientism will be your undoing. Follow the truth and evidence and it shall free you.

>> No.15935753
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>> No.15935771
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The spike that is also produced en masse by the mRNA vaccine. That is why they are called covid boosters.

>> No.15935779
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"Trust the science" - said the mediocre medical doctor whose IQ is in the midwit range who never read Popper.

>> No.15935780
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Trash like you will get a tire on the neck and set on fire.

>> No.15935899
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That petition is such a beautiful work of dishonesty. I've been laughing non-stop for hours since I got time to read it.
Retrospective data https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8489881/
Appendix table 8 for months after fully vaccinated https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8489881/bin/mmc1.pdf
Pfizer 2/3 data https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577/suppl_file/nejmoa2034577_appendix.pdf
Lolbertarian McDumbass's petition https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/images/press/Pfizer%20Vaccine%20Petition%20Filed.pdf

My opinion,
1. Count I (S. 154) alleges 95% effective was misrepresentation, yet pre-delta and retrospective pre-delta show within 95% CI for 95% VE.
2. Count II (S. 157) alleges Pfizer misrepresented sustainability (S. 73-82), but that only infers waning immunity while claiming Pfizer had no reason to infer longevity. Yet S. 158 cites S. 94, reporting Pfizer's pre-Delta data showing "collapse" to 83.7% at 6mo by Mar. 13. Refutes 157 & count II overall. Citing S. 80 alleges Pfizer "knew it waned quickly". ~13% after 6mo pre-delta is "quickly"?
3. Count III (161) alleges Pfizer misrepresented transmission prevention. S. 94 contradicts this as does retrospective data (see ncbi above)
3b. S. 162 cites S. 103 which is post-delta 2021 Jul. 30 data from CDC. Yet another red herring.
4. Count IV S. 165 cites (wrong) opinions (S. 83-90) as "misrepresentations", repeats count 1-3 no evidence they knew otherwise at the time.
4b. S 166 cites ex post facto data yet again, despite cited (wrong) opinions happening before and still no evidence they knew otherwise.
5. Count V S. 168 alleges "scheme to conceal underperformance", cites S. 125-38; again claiming Pfizer knew otherwise yet per S. 133 seem to corroborate sincere belief it was disinformation.

tl;dr Cited "evidence" is only evidence if Pfizer employees are all psychic.
AKA "Guilt by Red Herring"

>> No.15936658

>Follow the truth and evidence and it shall free you.
Low IQ NPCs are fundamentally incapable of heeding that advice

>> No.15936790
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>> No.15936860

Lmao at americans

>> No.15936929

ask me how I know you are a trann0r

>> No.15937427

thats just a coincidence, stop noticing

>> No.15937959 [DELETED] 


>> No.15937962


>> No.15937970

Not a single amount of evidence to prove this.

>> No.15937981

Only lies come out of demonic trash like you. You and all your spawn must die.

>> No.15938650

covid-19 never existed to begin with, it was just a media fabrication. only low IQs fell for that hoax

>> No.15939966
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Thats a good pic with valuable information germane to the topic being discussed, why did it get deleted?

>> No.15940546

Wow I'm glad I'm not 'American'.

>> No.15941105
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Just wait until they learn about radio

>> No.15942017
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>> No.15942768

>until they eventually die young of stress related heart problems
vaxxx induced heart problems will exacerbate that effect

>> No.15943650

What caused the "sudden" spike in heart problems?

>> No.15944528

Vaccines are perfectly safe and perfectly effective, your attempts at antisemitic dog whistles are transparent and deplorable.

>> No.15944948


>> No.15945657
