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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 146 KB, 907x1001, Sep-Nov-Average-Maximum-Temperature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15880026 No.15880026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Autumn of 1963, 60 years ago, is the warmest autumn on record in the US.

>> No.15880065

That's nice honey

>> No.15880088

Only because there was a second heater.

>> No.15880104

Hypothetically speaking how often do meteorology tudents use super computers as gaming servers?

>> No.15880111

>on record
And how far do those records stretch back?
>less than 500 years
Oh, that's nice honey. :)

>> No.15880172

>Sep-Nov Average Maximum Temperature
It's so funny how absurd the quantities are becoming to construct a stagnant climate. Is that the average of all daily maxima in these there particular months of each year or the average of the three monthly maxima?

>> No.15880664

You're so close to understanding.

>> No.15882308

Why are we allowing the earth to get so cold?

>> No.15882322

>average maximum temperature
What about the average temperature in general?

>> No.15882422 [DELETED] 

Video games are for children, soigoy

>> No.15882434

we're not. we're making it warmer

anyway i thought humans have no control of temperature. any dishonest tactic to muddy the waters, lie, obfuscate... it's all on the table when you're a scumbag shill

>> No.15882441

>anyway i thought humans have no control of temperature. any dishonest tactic to muddy the waters, lie, obfuscate... it's all on the table when you're a scumbag shill
Don't say such nasty things about yourself, even out of cynicism.

>> No.15882455
File: 92 KB, 507x532, NicholasGeorgescuRoegen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to seem like you're not just a well meaning dumbass, but an actual professional liar.

>> No.15882462

>its all a conspiracy, everyone is out to get me

>> No.15882497
File: 37 KB, 620x355, us-cag-annual-tavg-620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cherry picked all to hell. Why don't you just show the average temperature for the whole year over time?

>> No.15882531
File: 959 KB, 1x1, DunlapMcCrightOxfordHBChap.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a well documented conspiracy with an obvious paper trail.

>> No.15882541

Only full brainwashed idiots uses that wording outside their nuthouse. Why are you retarded beyond any hope?

>> No.15882549

The irony. You can't refute the massive paper trail funding climate change denial and you parrot the propaganda you're fed because you're a useful idiot.

>> No.15882553

the advent of weather manipulation

>> No.15882559
File: 220 KB, 640x455, getwrecked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Deep time? Been there, done that.

>> No.15882642
File: 2.03 MB, 2972x2044, FQSNuclearWeaponsTesting01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autumn of 1963
Peak aboveground nuclear

>> No.15882650

How come all life on Earth wasn't destroyed by the runaway greenhouse effect back when atmospheric CO2 levels were 10x high than they are currently?

>> No.15882680

>living like pigs is ok
keep your family out of this

>> No.15882686

Wrong thread?

>> No.15882688

its nobody's fault but your own that you get triggered emotionally by the climatic history of our planet, learn some self control.

>> No.15882692

>any dishonest tactic to muddy the waters, lie, obfuscate...
I don't know which one, but I'd bet money that the plots with this particular plot style come from a "conservative think tank" (funded by the fossil fuel industry). If you look at what's plotted, you see two things:
1. They love "At AIl US Historical Climatology Network Stations" because that's not a fixed place. If you get more stations up north over time, that will already hide a lot of warming
2. They still have to dig quite a lot to find quantities that are decreasing. In many plots in the past it was something like "number of individual stations that recorded temperatures above the n-th percentile" or some nonsense like this. I once made a shill argue that this was actually a very common quantity to look at in climatology.
Like you said, they're trying to swamp X with stuff like this and the midwits who don't know how to read a plot are like "well I don't know what to believe, there are lines like / and lines like — and all my friends keep posting the — lines so that's probably true. Also, I don't want to change even the smallest aspect of my life, so I'd rather believe that everything is fine". No idea why people would then take these things from Twitter and post them here. Are there really people who are dumb enough and not yet fully in the conspiracy hole? Or do conspiracy theory victims need a constant influx of ~affirmative information?

>> No.15882695


>> No.15882724

It literally is.

>> No.15882730


>> No.15882733

Are you claiming that the fossil fuel industry does not fund conservative think tanks or that these think tanks don't deny global warming?

>> No.15882740

Are you a shill or a useful idiot?







>> No.15882789

I'd say 30% chance that he's a troll, 70% he's a /pol/ tourist (aka useful idiot)

>> No.15882807

>oy vey conservative think tanks are out to get me!!!!

>> No.15882811

You're moving those goalposts real quick. Why don't you address the paper trail?

>> No.15882827

Because antisemitism is easier.

>> No.15882831

Explain this:

>> No.15882990
File: 20 KB, 400x286, 7367654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, anyone who disagrees with you on any topic is a troll

>> No.15883524

Just the ones espousing propaganda from a well documented misinformation pipeline.

>> No.15883553

And? What's your thesis, buddy?
thesis > counter-arguments > arguments > conclusions
didn't they teach you this at school?

>> No.15883862

Really wants to make you drive around in a car with the top down.

>> No.15884423
File: 145 KB, 540x1229, hot hot hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that the hottest temperature in most states were from long ago? Shouldn't we constantly be setting new highest temperatures?

>> No.15884432

It's because the Earth is cooling. This is expected behavior and was predicted in the 1970s.

>> No.15884441 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1088x1105, speilmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a well documented misinformation pipeline.

>> No.15884446

Are you illiterate? That article does not say that on January 1st, 2000 the world will end if we haven't stopped climate change. Do you understand the difference between science, journalism, and politics, or has fox news rotted your brain?

>> No.15884452

Thank you for admitting that global warming is politics, not science.

>> No.15884464

Lol no. You really must be illiterate. The UN is a political body informed by scientists. Your article is paraphrasing a UN statement paraphrasing a scientific statement and you are intentionally misinterpreting it for your own purpose. Are you familiar with the telephone game?

>> No.15884467 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 680x577, leaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This documented misinformation was sold to the general public as "a leaked pentagon secret".
However there was never any investigation into the supposed leak of top secret documents and no culprit was ever prosecuted. Thats how you know it was a fake leak. The CIA commonly uses this type of trick to plant misinformation in the media. When real leaks occur there is an investigation and the leaker ultimately ends up in jail, such as in the Bradley Manning case, or assassinated, as in the case of Seth Rich.

>> No.15884472 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using "science" intentionally contrived for the purpose of justifying political actions as a means of justifying political actions is just an accident

>> No.15884481

He knows. Someone tells him every time he reposts this jpeggy nonsense: >>/sci/image/MZPN0h0vKIELh2cv8j5B9g

>> No.15884488

Honest question: are you over 60, or why do you post image macros with babies?

>> No.15884493

Samefagging makes you seem desperate.

>> No.15884530

Take your meds and go back to high school.

>> No.15884532

You don't know what samefagging is newfag.

>> No.15884542

>scientists warn disaster by 2000
>in 2004, Hurricane Katrina hits
Pure coincidence, oil shill? Science is never wrong.

>> No.15884579


>> No.15884591 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 550x435, glacier_meltdown_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well documented misinformation pipeline.

>> No.15884593

I miss glaciers. If only we had listened.

>> No.15885093 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 1125x1431, greta fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well documented misinformation pipeline.

>> No.15885097

>Computer models
oh, it's astrophysics all over again.
no wonder all of this science is shit.

>> No.15885234 [DELETED] 

>Computer models
AKA "I'll program all of my preconceived ideas about how the world works into a computer and wait for the computer to confirm that I'm right about everything"
just a lame exercise in confirmation bias with a fake black box used to justify it's nonexistent validity

>> No.15885254

a runaway greenhouse is pretty much impossible on earth without some catastrophic event introducing many times the current planet's maximum co2 capacity

>> No.15885307

OLD climate change articles are HOAX
but NEW climate change articles are totally real bro, now give me your money and stop using car

>> No.15885398

>has fox news rotted your brain?
You could've just said yes.

>> No.15885452

go and protest in front of chinese embassy you climate cult lunatic

>> No.15885504

Nah, I'll pass.

>> No.15886614 [DELETED] 

global warming is well documented misinformation

>> No.15886909


>> No.15887538
File: 88 KB, 1445x1221, media-gore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a well documented misinformation pipeline.

>> No.15887548

Nobody said this.

>> No.15887550

He never said this.

>> No.15887563

What's True
In the late 2000s, Al Gore made a series of high-profile statements suggesting the possibility that Arctic sea ice could be completely gone during the summer by around 2013 or 2014.

What's False
Gore did not himself make these predictions but said (in some cases erroneously) that others had, and he never referred to a year-long lack of ice for both poles but instead largely referenced Arctic sea ice in the summer.

>> No.15888715

you mean like someone mining extra carbon from deep beneath the ground?

>> No.15888803

No, not like that really.

>> No.15889121 [DELETED] 

How did it get printed on the sign?

>> No.15889125 [DELETED] 

Nobody is the given name of the head of the US National Park Service, obviously.

>> No.15889655 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 1439x1622, nVa6IIf1qa2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, don't you care about co2 emissions?

>> No.15889659


>> No.15889663 [DELETED] 

>arbitrary baseline
>the average Chang still emits less than the average John or the average Karlheinz

>> No.15889669

It used to snow here.

>> No.15889797 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 994x1429, charlie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a well documented misinformation pipeline.

>> No.15889805


>> No.15889975

Is this the latest spam campaign by big oil?

>> No.15890564

>no I refuse to understand the basic concept of mean temperatures

>> No.15891007 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying because I don't want you to find out that I'm l'm lying

>> No.15891019

I know.

>> No.15891527 [DELETED] 

We've had record snow the last two years where I live

>> No.15892626
File: 204 KB, 558x387, 7IDmA10ffUbG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15893459

Yes he did, Gore made the prediction to a German TV audience at the COP15 Climate Conference

>> No.15893542

Weaker sun, other restricting effects (IE albedo from vapour clouds ect) although it was also a lot hotter for a lot of that time anyway.

The takeaway from this graph is that over long geological periods there are basically two modes for the earth climate, IE icy and not icy, and not a lot in between.
For those periods with 10-8°c hotter temperatures there was no ice at either of earth's poles, no three kilometre thick ice sheets like there is over Antarctica like today.

If those melted, just like periods within earth's history, sea levels could be much higher, 25m higher easily.
Even with aggressive anthropogenic heating it would still take potentially thousands of years to melt all that ice, it simply takes a lot of energy to melt ice.
However there could be large jumps and starts as large country sized pieces of ice sheet fall off or giant meltwater glacier lakes are periodically released.

The flood stories in religions and other ancient mythologies is supposedly the result of one such event during the retreat of the ice pack some 10,000 years ago.
Giant glacier lakes in North America, larger than any modern fresh water lakes were suddenly freed into the ocean by glacier melting, causing sudden, and for some catastrophic, sea level rise.
It's hypothesised that the population that lived on the dogger bank in what we now know as the North sea, in North Western Europe, was swamped by these sea level rises in less than a generation.

>> No.15893550

See >>15887563
He did not make the prediction himself. That would make them utterly worthless anyway, since he's a politician. So I'm not sure why you're chimping out like that about something from almost 20 years ago. Are you going to post "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" next?

>> No.15893551

A lot of people have predicted the 'blue ocean event' IE the north pole sea ice collapsing completely during the summer-autumn.
The trend is obvious and they will eventually be right, most likely some time before 2040.
The reason that they keep predicting it early is likely interpreting more rapid short term trends in temperature rise, when over a longer period it's more staggered.

>> No.15893566

These predictions are often understood fairly well from linear extrapolation of sea ice extent up to the year the predictions were made. From 2014 on, the decrease of the yearly minima appears to have slowed down, when in hindsight, the data before 2014 might be dominated by a few underfluctuations. In 2012 we were down to 3.4 million km^2 from 5.6 million in 2012. Everyone with half a brain would conclude that in the next 2-3 decades you'd expect the minimum to reach zero.
"Luckily", the sea ice had only once reached an extent below 4 million since 2012, but the trend is still going down.

Chuds love to take "this might happen before year x" and then if the "might" becomes a "didn't", they make all sorts of wrong conclusions. "See, they're lying, none of it is real, CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, greta wants us to fuck bugs in a pod". It's probably best to ignore the chuds.

>> No.15895095

>t. samefags who said it would all be gone by 2014

>> No.15895101
File: 132 KB, 737x352, cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the current sea ice extent is currently far, far greater than what it was during the previous interglacial period, so the long term trend in sea ice is clearly increasing.

>> No.15895167

Since you have to access super computers remotely they're actually shit for gaming due to latency. Also they're "super" in terms of FLOPs and Hashes and Clock cycles, but they're nothing special in terms of connectivity with the public internet.

>> No.15896736

>muh video gaymezzzttthhhhh!!!!!
grow up

>> No.15897163

I was just responding to the question about vidya, wasn't advocating it.

>> No.15897644

This, Greenland was ice free 400,000 years ago and now it has an ice sheet miles thick, so clearly polar ice is increasing.

>> No.15897658

This anon at 6am in December:
>Half a year ago it was 20° warmer than today, so the temperature is clearly decreasing. I expect it to be colder this afternoon than it is now.

>> No.15898834

Any two data points can be used to create the illusion of a linear pattern, but weather patterns are cyclical. In the 1970s, after a few decades of cooling climate they end-of-the-world hysterics were screeching about the oncoming ice age, now that we're in a the warming part of the cycle they're screeching about global warming. Both of those are wrong, the long term climate is overall steady with brief, minimal fluctuations.

>> No.15898974

The sun wasn't as bright. Like, were you aware of that or are you monumentally stupid?


>> No.15898989

>the apparent contradiction
>the astrophysical expectation
When the facts and the theories disagree, the theories are wrong not the facts.

>> No.15899593 [DELETED] 

fake and gay

>> No.15899596

>attacking the source instead of the argument

>> No.15901005

Not consistent with the HR diagram

>> No.15901826

Its colder now than it was at noon, clearly we're headed into the next ice age.

>> No.15901837

So are you saying all astrophysics is wrong? Because we know for certain stars get hotter over time as their hydrogen is consumed and becomes the heavier element helium which causes the core to become more dense which makes the star hotter over time.

Did you not even take basic astronomy? What sort of Earth Science degree did you get where you never even learned the basics?

>> No.15901839

>So are you saying all astrophysics is wrong?
No I'm saying this particular "paradox" is based on something the astrophysics community knows was a wrong assumption.

>> No.15901842

>weather patterns are cyclical
Show the cyclical pattern then.

>> No.15901857

Wow, friend you don't even know the basics. You are an obvious pathetic waste of time.

>> No.15902342

when it rains it always stops raining eventually, and when it doesn't rain it always starts raining eventually

>> No.15903395

show us a linear weather pattern that has continued it's trend forever

>> No.15904096

you have never studied stellar astrophysics

>> No.15904099
File: 136 KB, 1237x589, 1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story, bro

>> No.15905160

soiyence also still thought the earth was flat back then. we've progressed a lot in the subsequent 112 year, one thing we've learned since then is that Mars has a massive amount of CO2 in it's atmosphere, over 3000% more than Earth does on a per unit surface area basis and regardless that massive amount of CO2, Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, which rules out the possibility of Mars being a greenhouse gas

>> No.15905186

bot post

>> No.15905384

humanity knew the earth was round thousands of years ago, and the atmosphere of mars is extremely thin compared to earth's

>> No.15905983

>atmosphere of mars is extremely thin compared to earth's
not really all that much, the lower atmospheric pressure has as much to do with mars' reduced gravity as it does with the mass of atmosphere on mars. mars's atmosphere is dense enough to have sandstorms, clouds, precipitation, its very earthlike save for the chemical composition. the reason why earth has a massive 30º greenhouse effect and mars has no greenhouse effect is because earth has substantial water vapor in the atmosphere and mars only has co2, which isn't a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15906360

>not even 1% of earth's
>"not really all that much"
el moa

>> No.15906367

>soiyence also still thought the earth was flat back then
blud didn't pay attention in his modern history class in HS

>> No.15906408

There was no confirmation of the Earth being round until the 1960's.

>> No.15906432

there was plenty of confirmation, there just wasn't your preferred arbitrary amount of confirmation you're using for the sake of this argument

>> No.15907068

that was just a conjecture based on some evidence and various assumptions, some of which have since been proved false

>> No.15907073

Yeah, lots of things were discovered/confirmed in the 60s, especially around 1966.
Pure cohencidence.

>> No.15907082

give me the best three examples

>> No.15907786

>give me the best three examples
best three examples of what? you have poor communication skills, which means that you're probably low IQ

>> No.15908728 [DELETED] 

they'll keep on repeating the same lies and fictitious end of the world scenarios forever

>> No.15910440
File: 310 KB, 1360x1629, fake global warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not the only evidence that global warming is fake

>> No.15910479
File: 512 KB, 1600x782, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice random walk.
BTC confirmed $1M by the end of the decade.

>> No.15910929
File: 12 KB, 479x219, JQmDAXej8QFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15910936


>> No.15911295

how many years of holocaust history did you study in your public school education?

>> No.15911312

>being proud of not going to school
Anon, words fail me.

>> No.15911345

anon ~570 million years ago where the other anon's graph starts sun was already 95% as bright as it is today
and that's not even mentioning that the young sun theory may just be all wrong since or inaccurate since it's inconsistent with the data from other terrestrial planets

>> No.15912761 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 183x232, anxiety ridden kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey he didn't go to goyschool and learn about muh six zogillion

>> No.15912812

So, you didn't go to a private school either. Were you homeschooled?

>> No.15913245

if the sun was dimmer back then how come the earth wasn't cooler back then?

>> No.15913261


>> No.15914261

what about >>15882559 picrel tho

>> No.15914325

>time between 4.6 billion and 570 million
>shows 10 degrees C difference between start of the tertiary period
the truth is it was even colder in certain periods but it's not show on the graph and it had more to do with Earth's atmosphere evolution rather than Sun brightness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1OreyX0-fw&t=331s this is a good video on the topic since it puts everything into a timescale

>> No.15914707
File: 17 KB, 644x800, 1702138043841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15914722

So what was the huge atmospheric evolution from the start of the Tertiary and now?

>> No.15914737

>over 3000% more than Earth does on a per unit surface area basis
What makes you think that amount of CO2 per unit surface area is the (only) quantity that determines whether a planet has a greenhouse effect? That's wrong, you know? The earth's atmosphere is 500 times more massive and it's an interplay of CO2 which absorbs infrared radiation and other gases the CO2 can transfer heat to.
>Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect
Why would you even say such a silly thing? Mars has a measurable greenhouse effect of 5°C.
>which rules out the possibility of Mars being a greenhouse gas
I think it rather rules out the possibility that you're a sentient being.

>> No.15914960

because we're technically still living in an ice age but a warmer period of it
Earth is literally the coldest it has been (not accounting for periods after global catastrophes) since like 600 million years ago
At no point in the history of complex life was it this cold for this long

>> No.15914968

>Earth is literally the coldest it has been (not accounting for periods after global catastrophes) since like 600 million years ago
>At no point in the history of complex life was it this cold for this long
that's not quite true
the Andean-Saharan ice age (~450 Mya) was even colder than now, and the Karoo ice age (~300 Mya) was pretty much as cold

>> No.15915010

>At no point in the history of complex life was it this cold for this long
Weirdly, this time period coincides with modern man. What makes you think that this is a bad thing?

>> No.15916208
File: 167 KB, 1367x549, ESA says Mars has no greenhouse effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mars has a measurable greenhouse effect of 5°C.
no it doesn't.

>> No.15916361

Are you retarded?

>> No.15917233

70% he's trolling, 30% he's legitimately unintelligent. He's a retard either way

>> No.15917730
File: 28 KB, 612x612, jaqeroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your reeeeeetarded!!!
sorry kid, but mars has no greenhouse effect, i didn't make it that way, thats just the way things turned out. i know you really really really want CO2 to be a greenhouse gas because that plays into your savior complex fantasy life, but CO2 is, unfortunately for you, not a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15917745

>Imagine being this delusional

>> No.15918615

its more than 1%.

>> No.15919818

I got a two years in elementary school, another in jr high and two more in high school

>> No.15919854

Flooding the board with your new little reaction image next to the most retarded nonsense imaginable should be a bannable offence.

>> No.15919978

Are you upset your vanity post didn't receive the reception your ego demanded?

>> No.15920043

The irony of this post is staggering.

>> No.15920067

yeah because climatic thermodynamics and crypto technical analysis are totally the same underlying function LOL retard brainlet

>> No.15921492
File: 2.18 MB, 1x1, 1684060306970281.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15921556

>listen to some retired industrialists, they surely have the best intentions

>> No.15922624 [DELETED] 


>> No.15923586


>> No.15923597

It is.

>> No.15924995

sure it is

>> No.15925031

All of these were proven to have been taken out of context.

>> No.15925034

It is. The evidence is here if you'd like to address it.

>> No.15925037

No, because as he said
> many times the current planet's maximum co2 capacity
Burn 100% of fossil fuels and you return the atmospheric concentration to a time before that fuel was laid down.

>> No.15925038

There is no evidence other than some vague shit that oil moguls want to convince you proves that the people who want to keep the air clean are lying that it was dirty in the first place.

>> No.15925049

Learn the difference between the long and short carbon cycles.

>> No.15925052

You clearly haven't read a single one of those sources. There is a clear paper trail stretching back for more than half a century. You should educate yourself if you don't want to be a useful idiot whose only purpose is to enrich the people who view you as cattle.

>> No.15925059

How are climate scientists being "enriched" when their research often puts them and their families in the cross hairs of oil moguls? Take your NWO conspiracy theories to /pol/, chud.

>> No.15925063

Yes, the people who steal half your money and call it taxes do not have your interests at heart because they do not need to. They will get your money regardless of your will. To them you are a slave, yet you defend your masters.

>> No.15925067

You have incredibly poor reading comprehension. Oil companies are driving the climate change denial narrative. Why don't you read a few of those links and try again?

>> No.15925071

That's the oil companies. Look into the subsidies and tax breaks they get every year.

>> No.15925073

learn that climate change is irrelevant and that's its all a matter of expanding government control.

>> No.15925076


>> No.15925082

I don't doubt that oil companies recieve your stolen money. However oil companies can neither force you to buy their gasoline nor levy taxes upon you.

My key point is that the government has vastly more power than any corporation, and so is a far greater threat. Corporations lobby the government, as they cannot make the laws themselves.

All to often pro-climate change people like yourself state how evil the oil companies are for lying about how bad their product is, yet armed with this knowledge, do these pro-climate change people make the personal choice to stop using these products? No, they demand the government takes away their, and my, choices away. This is why pro-climate change people are in the wrong. It's not about the science, it's about the control and morality surrounding the topic.

>> No.15925084

Then offer me solutions to your climate crisis that do not use government control or expand it.
The vast majority of pro-climate change people support the expansion of the state to suppress their fears of climate change. I strongly believe this is by design.

>> No.15925085

Retard, oil companies are the ones who tried to peddle those emails as proof of some larger conspiracy. Nothing in those emails are worth reading.

>> No.15925088

You are exactly the useful idiot I've been talking about. Read and respond to the articles in this post.

>> No.15925090

Just stop using fossil fuels. We've had alternatives for a century. It's pretty trivial,.or at least it would be if oil companies didn't lobby to prevent any real change.

>> No.15925093

I'm not talking about the climategate emails. Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.15925094

>was actually golf cart tier and couldn't compare with combustion engine speeds
Your conspiracy theory has long since been debunked.

>> No.15925097

Take your meds and look at the facts. Oil companies use the government to prevent mass adoption of wind, solar, and nuclear power because they threaten their monopoly. Instead they advocate biofuels which are a terrible energy source and are in no way a threat to them.

>> No.15925101

>look at the facts
>no facts, just conspiracy theories
Who wanted to rip out the dams? Oil companies?
Oh right, environmentalists.
Who wants to rip out nuclear plants? Oil companies?
Oh right. Environmentalists.
You're a loon.

>> No.15925103

Cope harder, moron. Hydroelectric is a garbage form of energy storage and Germany switched to natural gas because nuclear was too expensive for them. You are cherry picking your examples which is why you chose to address electric vehicles from the 50's instead of modern EVs which perform better than and have equal range to most ICEs.

>> No.15925105

>oy vey trust the government when they say the world is coming to an end because of muh global warming
but also
>the government is completely corrupt and run by lobbyists

>> No.15925108

Nobody is saying the world is coming to an end. They are warning you if the immense cost of inaction.

>> No.15925133

>energy storage
Imagine confusing generation for storage.
>too expensive
It was becaues the Green Party bitched about another Chernobyl. France runs on Nuclear almost entirely with zero problems, including cost.

>> No.15925251

Nope. Hydroelectric is mostly used for pumped storage. Be less ignorant.

If you don't want to be called out for cherry picking then stop picking cherries.

>> No.15925253

I live next to a hydroelectric plant, dipshit.

>> No.15925259

>They are warning you if the immense cost of inaction.
If they could name one "immense cost" that had any evidence backing it I might be interested in hearing their solutions.

>> No.15925867

You said they're completely corrupt and controlled by petroleum industry lobbyists.
Why do you trust their every word about global warming when you also presume their completely corrupted and controlled by petroleum industry lobbyists?

>> No.15925873

"Nobody said that" is my favorite new phrase.

>> No.15925931

Your link is obviously not an example of "somebody said that".
This is obviously typed, not said.
You're obviously retarded and a liar, climate change is real is my mind.

>> No.15926256

That is an opinion article written by a journalist with no scientific background and no connection to the government. You'll have to find a different boogeyman.

>> No.15926257

You know there's a difference between Congress and the IPCC, right retard?

>Would you trust the IRS to run a space mission?
Obviously not, but we do have this thing called 'NASA'.

>> No.15926258

And you don't know about pumped storage?

>> No.15926262

>According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the cost of climate and weather disasters in the United States last year totaled more than $165 billion—the third most costly year on record.

>> No.15926720

So now you're saying that the completely corrupt congress thats controlled by oil lobbyists also funds NASA and the UN who both in turn constantly claim that the world is coming to an end because of global warming. Why do the oil lobbyists permit that? Why don't they just pay congress to SHUT IT DOWN?

>> No.15926727

Neither NASA or the UN have ever claimed that the world is coming to an end.

>Why do the oil lobbyists permit that?
They don't have any control over it. They can't even buy all of Congress, just the Republicans.

>Why don't they just pay congress to SHUT IT DOWN?
They try every year. They've even succeeded in getting their propaganda taught in many schools around the country.

>> No.15927601

>muh rebublianns!!
>mud demodaats!!

>> No.15927648

like mainstream media?

>> No.15927660

dont lump a based statement like Aliens are Here with the rest of that shit

>> No.15928100

Big oil are the ones pushing climate change, they know solar and wind are shit. Everyone is also terrifeid of nuclear becuase of 3mile/chernobyl, so no threats from nuke. Hey guess what commodity just keeps getting harder to find at the lawncare section. Better go buy!

>> No.15928105

Global warming "green" shit is not practical and drives the price of oil up. They sabotaged 3mile island and got the populace terrified of radio active krypton! Most likely while these people lived in asbestos insulated kike shacks. Point is if you fail to see how restricting a useful or even a novel product can massively drive up the pirce by creating an artifical demand, I have some low iq colombians that I would like to introduce.

>> No.15928144

I‘m too tired to even read the three-line cherry-picked quantity Tony heller plotted this time. Let me guess, it’s the moving target of “all stations” without correcting for the ever-changing centre of gravity.

>> No.15928972
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asbestos isn't actually as bad as the kikes have made it out to be. jews invented and faked most of the supposedly harmful effects of
asbestos as a means of winning a massive legal settlement about 50 or so years ago and the rumors the jews invented still continue to circulate

>> No.15929135

t. Petrol Pete

>> No.15930008


>> No.15930011

Are you illiterate?

>> No.15930792

>Global warming "green" shit is not practical and drives the price of oil up.
Thats it's intention, the whole global warming movement was started by David Rockefeller with the intent of increasing the profit margin on oil

>> No.15930876


>> No.15930939

Wrong reaction, NPC.

>> No.15932051

oy vey, stop noticing

>> No.15932467

>Germany switched to natural gas because nuclear was too expensive for them
it was because of greentards, had nothing to do with economics

>> No.15932479

I didn't know the greentards were part of the government in 2011.

>> No.15933800

they were

>> No.15934995 [DELETED] 

not a valid source of information

>> No.15935206

Earth's atmosphere is way more dense and also has water vapour, something that Mars lacks. This water vapour creates a feedback effect of warming. In other words, increases in CO2 cause a small amount of warming that creates more water vapour, a very powerful greenhouse gas, which amplifies the small warming caused by CO2 greatly.

>> No.15935211

The effect of co2 is huge when the atmosphere is cold and dry, as it is at high latitudes.

>> No.15935772 [DELETED] 
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>le runaway greenhouse effect meme
clearly fake, otherwise it would've wiped out life on earth a few million years ago, back when CO2 levels were much, much higher than they are now.

>> No.15936611

>The effect of co2 is huge
no it isn't, CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and it does not cause global warming

>> No.15937390

>Global warming "green" shit is not practical and drives the price of oil up
Thats why the people selling oil love it so much. Al Gore has a massive stake in Occidental Petroleum and it wasn't making him any money back when Trump has the price of a barrel of oil down under $20

>> No.15938374


>> No.15938376

Restricting the supply of hydrocarbon fuels allows them to make much higher profit margins.

>> No.15938674

what about the ideal gas law? wouldn't the increase in temperature be offset by the decrease in density?

>> No.15939997

correct, the cost of extraction & refining remains constant, about $5-10/barrel while the market price fluctuates wildly with no relation to the production price. big oil makes a fortune selling barrels at $100 per because thats 1000% or more profit margin

>> No.15940493 [DELETED] 

Most hydroelectric dams are not used for pumped storage.

>terrorize everyone shilling world is ending
>terrorize everyone who is sceptical of the scientific credibility of opinion pieces and sensationalist celebrity drivel
>[years later] oy vey nobody said it, it was just an opinion piece! now we're super stringent about credibility. actually it was your fault for trusting us goyim sucks to be you.
lol. always the same propoganda-terrorism tactic, just like with the nothing burger that covid turned out to be.

>> No.15940494

Most hydroelectric dams are not used for pumped storage.

>terrorize everyone by shilling world is ending
>terrorize everyone who is sceptical of the scientific credibility of opinion pieces and sensationalist celebrity drivel
>[years later] oy vey nobody said it, it was just an opinion piece! now we're super stringent about credibility. actually it was your fault for trusting us goyim sucks to be you.
lol. always the same propoganda-terrorism tactic, just like with the nothing burger that covid turned out to be.

>> No.15941059

>Most hydroelectric dams are not used for pumped storage.
Almost none are

>> No.15941575

The tiny minority that have that capability are only used in that fashion during unusually high flow periods or when theres reduced demand for electricity, which is practically never

>> No.15942619

theres a slight increase since the mid 1990s, but only up to half as much as it was from the mid 1930s to mid 1960s.
and thats not even accounting for the growth of the urban heat island effect during that period

>> No.15943556
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all of the rise since the 90s is from the growth of the heat island effect

>> No.15944391

Cool right the fuck out with the rabid antisemitism, Hitler Jr.

>> No.15945020

its a shame hitler didn't have any kids

>> No.15945725


>> No.15946720
File: 1.76 MB, 3840x3840, hitler was denied a grave because of this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947261

his kids would've just ended up murdered same as nicholas the 2nd's kids were

>> No.15948346


>> No.15948392

>clearly flat until the late 90s
People don't actually believe this is evidence of anything do they?

>> No.15948394

lmfao imagine thinking this article makes your case. It's literally nothing but conspiracy-accusations and Orwellian word games.
>Most climate denialism is not denial at all, but organized and casual questioning of the causal relationship between human activity and climate change. Therefore, this book introduces the concept of ‘climate obstruction’ to replace or at least to add to the existing debates on climate denialism and climate scepticism. Since denialism is too simplistic and scepticism enjoys a scientific aura, the authors suggest that climate obstruction could serve as an umbrella term integrating a wide range of obstructionist strategies on the one hand and research by different scholars and fields on the other. The concept also poses “the question of who obstructs”, thus emphasizing “agency” (p. 5). Against this backdrop, this concise book explores the topic in an introduction, four substantive chapters and conclusions.

>> No.15948400

kek this is such a dishonest argument. Imagine a person denying the Holocaust and some FactCheck website running cover by saying "Well actually he didn't deny the Holocaust, Nick Fuentes did, he was just referencing Nick Fuentes"

>> No.15948858

>this is such a dishonest argument.
right, but atheists are all dishonest and should be expected to behave dishonestly at every opportunity, Christians are the only group of people who believe that dishonesty is forbidden, every other group lies whenever they feel doing so is to their advantage

>> No.15949720

Thats a good example, but the holocaust didn't happen, the holocaust myth is a whole cloth fabrication

>> No.15950286
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thats why they use a teenage girl to shill global warming instead of a wimpy middle aged bald schizo jew. she is more effective at demanding sympathy

>> No.15950299

It's time for us to start throwing these fucking obstructionist shills in jail. Have them work off their sentence planting trees or making solar panels. Would be poetic justice.

>> No.15950608

Take your meds. The people you perceive as being out to get you are not evil.

>> No.15950679
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Ok, I might as well ask: Are there any projections or models about how long does climate change take? As in, if I produce a GT of CO2, how long will that GT come back to bite me in the ass as more inclement weather phenomena?
I ask because I know the Romans managed to cut down a massive amount of trees to feed their civilization and a few centuries later there was an extremely cold period of the middle ages where there were almost no warm seasons at all (afaik there was even a 10 year long winter in Europe).

>> No.15950942

How do you interpret
>The concept also poses “the question of who obstructs”, thus emphasizing “agency” (p. 5).
As anything other than evil? It reframes disagreement by using a word that most commonly refers to physical or legal force, and explicitly uses it to ensure individuals can be targeted using it.

>> No.15951574
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>> No.15952189
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thats the fake data that they altered to create a false narrative of global warming that isn't occurring in reality

>> No.15952281

Take your meds. Nobody is out to get you. You just have schizophrenia.

>> No.15953545

>if I produce a GT of CO2, how long will that GT come back to bite me in the ass as more inclement weather phenomena?
that will never take place

>> No.15953895

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

>> No.15953897

When they do it, it is duplicative language. when you do it, it is climate obstruction.

>> No.15955160
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>> No.15955753

no they were, you're only lying about that because you don't want people to read the document

>> No.15955762
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>> No.15955771

Oops, meant to reply to >>15921492

>> No.15957282
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>> No.15957734

Good pic, really shows how fake the global warming data all is. 4pt4np