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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15852598 No.15852598 [Reply] [Original]

Decades of recycling and electric cars and carpeting the planet with ugly blue solar panels WASTED! And all because some fucking MOUNTAIN decided to fart a bunch of death gas into the air!

>> No.15852602

The volcano is only erupting in the first place due to fracking in the North Sea.

>> No.15853078

that would only matter if CO2 were a greenhouse gas, which is isn't.
if CO2 was really a greenhouse then Mars would have a massive greenhouse effect because Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area in it's atmosphere than Earth does.
Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect whatsoever, which rules out the possibility of CO2 being a greenhouse gas

>> No.15853092

Actually it's because of all of the fracking your mom and I have been doing

>> No.15853126

Mars has a thin atmosphere and is way further from the sun.

>> No.15853132

More per area is a big claim. You sure you didn't misread your source as more per atmosphere?

>> No.15853134

man-made volcanic eruptions. sad.


>> No.15853142

>ugly blue solar panels
There literally exists nothing in this world that is blue and ugly at the same time. Objects of blue color can't simply be ugly.

>> No.15853146

Don't care, I'll still call out people for being so pussified that the only times they actually move themselves, on their own power, is from their living room to their motorized living room.
>ugly blue solar panels
Love the beautiful smoke stacks of industry. Honestly just move to a coal town if you're worried your dietary lead level is too low.

>> No.15853148
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>> No.15853150
File: 209 KB, 1206x918, mcfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how and why is a volcano emitting co2?
isn't co2 a biological product?

>> No.15853157

venus bruh

>> No.15853160

yeah but how?
does molten rock just turn into co2 or what is going on?

>> No.15853162

co2 is a greenhouse gas, but its effects are weak

mars still feels effects from the sun strongly, as mars' polar caps pattern match those on earth.
but to rephrase you statement, you are claiming that co2 has a negligible effect at trapping heat compared to the rest of earth's gasses, whish is true. water is at 99.5%+ responsible for the greenhouse effect, whish is still vey small in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.15853166
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>> No.15853167

Because rocks are made of coal, they burn deep inside earth and co2 is created and released when volcano erupts. What r u stupid?

>> No.15853168


>> No.15853177

there's all kinds of reactions which result in CO2, doesn't have to be life which makes it.
rocks trap it and it's released by volcanoes

>> No.15853178

>but to rephrase you statement, you are claiming
No, not at all.

>> No.15853181
File: 55 KB, 678x452, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concede, clean coal is the way. Communist Big Solar is trying to cuck you into sourcing your own electricity independent of the grid. Those pinkos are trying to disrupt the free and vibrant market of mom and pop oil companies.

>> No.15853190

that shit looks horrible. humanity needs rtsc soo bad. with it we can dump the panels in the oceans, and use the land for something else. like trees for fucks sake. I'd always take trees over panels.

>> No.15853200

run the numbers yourself if you doubt it

>> No.15853202

Or just put panels in the desert where there are no trees.

>> No.15853212

Those ones that just direct light into a solar thing in the middle are pretty cool looking. There have been some developments there heating sand to make a big heat battery that can slowly release over like 12 hours.

>> No.15853224

For the people who live in the desert or are you actually that retarded that you think solar is a good form of grid-level power generation?

>> No.15853238

not him but with rtsc (0 transport losses, anywhere on the planet) and increased panel efficiency that is absolutely valid. the day side of the planet can power the night side in realtime, 0 transport losses, no batteries needed. stop reading propaganda anon and start thinking for yourself

>> No.15853285

This is retarded. Volcanoes don't put out anywhere near as much carbon dioxide as humans. Find a real source or fuck off.

>> No.15853289

Okay, and with magic pixie dust we could make sure nobody ever starves to death again.

That doesn't mean we should build our food logistics infrastructure around the idea that magic pixie dust will come in to save the day.

Room temperature super conductors are a coping mechanism that people use to try and overcome the problem of there never being a free lunch.

>> No.15853306

We don't even need magic pixie dust. We grow enough food to feed the world like twice over. Starvation and famine are purely logistics and economics issues in the modern world, which is ironic because every free market capitalist will tell you that markets are efficient means of distributing resources and that communism and socialism will cause famines.

>> No.15853309

You didn't understand the analogy.

>> No.15853310

I did. You didn't understand the reality.

>> No.15853311

Well if a random Twitter screenshot said it, it must be true

>> No.15853313

Okay, keep praying for room temperature super conductors to come in and save the day.

I'll be with the adults, working on solving the actual resource constrained problems in the world.

>> No.15853316

>I'll be with the adults, working on solving the actual resource constrained problems in the world.
Like causing famines because you can't figure out where to send the food?

>> No.15853319

Yup :)

>> No.15853321

Sounds like intelligence is the resource your most constrained in.

>> No.15853330

I'm not the one deciding solar in the desert makes sense because "if we get zero waste interconnects one day it could be great." :)

>> No.15853336

Me neither. I'm the one explaining that you don't need magic pixie dust to feed the world because we already produce more food than we need to feed all of humanity.

Intelligence is definitely the first issue you should work out with the adults. Usually we call that "school".

>> No.15853352

Unfortunately, you've got the same problem as the solar in the desert people.

The cost management in the distribution is the hard problem, not the production. You can produce all of the food you want, if you can't get it to people, it will be wasted. Just like solar in the desert.

>> No.15853359

>The cost management in the distribution is the hard problem, not the production
It's not. Just cut agricultural subsidies and the problem will mostly sort itself out. Pretending that US farmers who own hundreds of thousands of acres are competing with Ugandan farmers who own 10 acres is disingenuous and creates inefficiency. Literally just stop giving people tax dollars for putting seeds in the ground and people will have to actually sell the food and moreover maximize profit.

You should spend your time working on that intelligence problem. That will be the best way for you to spend your time.

>> No.15853362

Maximizing profit and minimizing food waste are not the same thing. They are different objectives that sometimes happen to coincide but non-necessarily so.

Planting less corn in Iowa also doesn't plant more corn in Uganda.

>> No.15853364

>Maximizing profit and minimizing food waste are not the same thing. They are different objectives that sometimes happen to coincide but non-necessarily so.
Because of agricultural subsidies. You don't have to sell the food you grow, and if you do you don't have to get any money for it because your profit comes from taxes. That system encourages waste.

>Planting less corn in Iowa also doesn't plant more corn in Uganda.
Nobody said anything about planting less corn. We're talking about paying farmers for the food they grow, instead of for the fact that they own a farm.

Again, I think your biggest problem is the intelligence thing. Wouldn't you rather work on that so you can be less of a retard?

>> No.15853368

No, even without agricultural subsidies they are not the same thing on principle.

If it is more costly to get the food to remote consumers who need it than it is to throw the food out, it is less profitable to have less waste. You will have more profits by selling 80% of your food locally than by selling 100% of your food including transport to remote customers if that transport is more costly than the profit from selling the food.

This is the problem with only concerning yourself with the resource production side of things and not considering at all the costs of distribution/transmission.

>> No.15853370

It's because we didn't sacrifice enough virgins to the mountain!

>> No.15853377

Transportation is so cheap that many people make their money trading the exact same food products overseas. Take a look at our import/export list. Moreover, we pay farmers subsidies to use water which encourages them to grow water heavy, low value crops. If they picked more valuable crops instead of growing alfalfa in the deserts of the western US then they'd get real money for trading real food. Instead they drain US aquifers to send a product with next to no value to other countries.

This is the problem with only concerning yourself with the costs of distribution/transmission and not considering at all the resource production side of things. You should work on producing some intelligence as a resource.

>> No.15853389

You are impressively uneducated for someone telling others to get an education.

Food exports/imports are profitable because they are expensive and difficult (meaning there is a high barrier to entry which prevents competition from others who could undercut prices). That also doesn't address any of the issues regarding famine that you were indicating before, almost all of which occur because it isn't profitable/efficient to send food to these regions that do not produce enough for themselves.

>> No.15853400

>Food exports/imports are profitable because they are expensive and difficult
Lol no. Import/export is trivial and cheap as hell. To the point that we even ship shipping freighters instead of loading them up with freight and sailing them over. You are impressively uneducated

>That also doesn't address any of the issues regarding famine
Of course it does. Instead of growing products that you don't have to make a profit on farmers will instead have to seek profit from their crops. That means more valuable crops (food, not fodder) being sold for real profit (to people, not trash cans).

This is why I keep telling you that your time is better spent on your constrained intelligence.

>> No.15853412

I guess when you are hammer, everything looks like a nail.

The idea that food crops are defacto the most profitable in all circumstances is also a bit of an odd one that I'm not sure really has much basis in reality.

>> No.15853421

Where are the numbers?

Can't just wishy-wash handwave it away when making such grand declaration

>> No.15853424

>The idea that food crops are defacto the most profitable in all circumstances is also a bit of an odd one that I'm not sure really has much basis in reality.
That's called ignorance. The only crops more valuable than food crops are specialty crops for niche markets like medicinal crops which have a fraction of the market cap and often require licensing and regulatory oversight.

>> No.15853431

A retard whose brains were skull fucked out his ears by his grandfather.

>> No.15853433

As far as I can tell, the main export crops from the US are grains and feeds, followed by seeds and oils. Used in food production but not actually food itself.

There are some states which export a decent amount of frozen fruit, but these are expensive and a fairly small proportion of the overall export market.

This makes sense when you consider that these export products need to sit in shipping containers in generally unrefrigerated/uncontrolled conditions for potentially weeks/months at a time so anything requiring consumption soon after production would spoil or be very expensive to keep refrigerated/frozen long term.

>> No.15853447

Main export does not mean most valuable. We literally just had this discussion. You'd be better off looking up a list of cash crops. It depends on the methodology used by whoever compiles the list, but lavender is usually at the top of the list because of the essential oil fad, usually followed by saffron, because the spice must flow, and then usually followed by corn, tomatoes, grapes, ect.

>This makes sense when you consider that these export products need to sit in shipping containers in generally unrefrigerated/uncontrolled conditions for potentially weeks/months at a time so anything requiring consumption soon after production would spoil or be very expensive to keep refrigerated/frozen long term.
Transportation doesn't usually take months (unless you're the Evergiven) and we import and export tons of fresh produce. You can find fresh jackfruit in pretty much every city in the US, but have you ever seen a jackfruit tree?

>> No.15853463

Reddit rage is amazing to see. At least try to say some bullshit argument like your more lgbt peers

>> No.15854200

carbonate rock melting & burning is certain to release some of that carbon

>> No.15854202

cool story anon but RTSC's are not real

>> No.15854292

yet. and we don't know even that. might as well already exist but be kept under wraps for military applications and shit

>> No.15854296

>its a conspiracy!!
Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.15854302

All of that is pure conjecture on your part. You can't build massive, feasible energy systems with conjecture.

>> No.15854311

funny you implying that certainly doesn't happen lol fr tho fuck off

>> No.15854324


>> No.15854345

you can't even do the calculations yourself? are you really too low iq and ignorant to be able to do simple, high school level calculations on your own?

>> No.15854372

>a few acres of land that was already garbage before anyone touched it
>hundreds of square miles of beautiful mountains

>> No.15854378

Reading comprehension. The output will be more than all humans while it is erupting. In a few weeks the addition will be a tiny little bump up on the CO2 level chart, among the constant rise we add.

>> No.15854384

I do not know what specific numbers you are using.

Nor what calculations you did to arrice at your conclusion.

If you know what you're doing and the math is so simple it should be easy to explain where you're coming from.

It would make for a higher quality discussion at any rate. Something beyond inane rambling and anger.

>> No.15854394

That's pretty cool

Never really thought about how a lot of rocks are carbon-based to some extent

Is rock science geology or chemistry?

>> No.15854408

Wow even more trees, fuck this shit they're overrunning our planet

>> No.15854576

geochemistry is its own subfield

>> No.15854653

>the day side of the planet can power the night side in realtime
Great plan. Let's call up Russia right now and ask them to pretty-please wallpaper their country with solar panels so Americans can watch anime at 3AM

>> No.15854680

Consider the following points;
Water is an even bigger greenhouse gas.
Without it's negligible atmosphere, mars would be even colder.

>> No.15854738

>hes still repeating this shit months later

>> No.15854742

>Without it's negligible atmosphere, mars would be even colder.
It wouldn't. The equilibrium temperature of Mars is its measured temperature. >>15849523

>> No.15854745

Why wouldn't he post factual information? Do you hate facts?

>> No.15854775

>it will dump more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than all humans put together
for how long?

>> No.15854779

When they say this it's like the telephone game where then leave out the part about the rate exceeds human output for a short amount of time.

>> No.15854833

Volcanoes emit most of the CO2 in the atmosphere

>> No.15854839

No they don't.

>> No.15855294

fuck mountains

>> No.15855532

No they don't do not.

>> No.15855545

I'll start recruiting in /R9K/ right away!

>> No.15855550

You're talking to ignorant manchildren, anon.
Pearls before swine and all that.

>> No.15855554

Virgin is a description of soil, not seed, unsown is the description for seeds that have never been planted.

>> No.15855693

One of the best materials to build a bed with would be sheep wool, as it keeps warmth very well.

>> No.15856342
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>earthquakes slowing down
>still no explosion
its a nothing burger. they will be moving back in by the end of the week

>> No.15856348

If not enough lolis are fucked this year then the gods will cause great tribulations to mankind. It is known.

>> No.15856350

That is science because is falsifiable.

>> No.15856352

Which is true, in even vaguely capitalistic countries starvation is a non-issue. Proper nutrition is a problem, but mere calories are easily met by anyone willing to apply for food stamps or visit a soup kitchen.

>> No.15856354 [DELETED] 

That's extremely left leaning. It can be successful through coherence testing, which the difference is, falsifiable is there are correlating 'no's to science whereas coherence testing is correlating 'yes'. Does there need to be complete balance? No.

>> No.15856630

Sounds like its been cancelled. Townsfolk heading back

>> No.15856663

Double carbon taxes. It's the only play.

>> No.15856664


>More than 34 million people in the United States were living in food insecure households in 2021, a decline from 38 million in 2020.
Oct 19

>> No.15856674

Starvation is omnipresent in capitalist societies. Read theory.

>> No.15856709

eh, nothing burger

>> No.15856734

What theory? String theory?

>> No.15857475

earthquakes per hour are slowing down. looks like the eruption was just some magma leaking out into the ocean.

>> No.15857739

You know that's the funniest thing about these?
They are not even real solar panels, and aren't connected to anything.

>> No.15857850

Only sauce in this thread is about hunger in the United States.
Nice sliding glowies.l

>> No.15857865 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 680x564, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the three largest famines of the 20th century were all intentionally instigated by communist governments.

>> No.15857870

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.15857924

Are you retarded Mao, Pol Pot and Stalin weren't Jewish

>> No.15858072 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 600x594, 1304565721195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three were literally shabboth goyim.
To this day, there's jews in the highest echelons of the CCP, the only non-chinese.
And Putin is literally part of the young leaders.

>> No.15858850 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 530x579, jewish china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15858855

Do you have a better source than some random retard on twitter?

>> No.15858945
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Careful anon

>> No.15860288 [DELETED] 

hello, delve into the official community


>> No.15860309

Wrong board

>> No.15860948

How science hasn't come up with a way to stop volcanoes from releasing CO?

>> No.15862816
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>> No.15862825

I guess we just need to genocide the human race starting with whites to save us from the suffering from the evil gasses.

>> No.15862859
File: 43 KB, 600x594, 1304565721195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three were literally shabboth goyim.
To this day, there's jews in the highest echelons of the CCP, the only non-chinese.
And Putin is literally part of the young leaders.

>> No.15862868

Based and ban evasion pilled.

>> No.15862876

>he still responds to this shit months later

>> No.15863618
File: 262 KB, 663x625, 1683264872483873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Mann, the global warming scammer, is a jew

>> No.15863651


>> No.15864487

Why are you comparing local and global events and why do you feel the need to lie about that court case?

>> No.15864539

>no eruption
why was every since geologist saying there was going to be an eruption the size of krakatoa just a week ago. now they are all silent and the earthquakes completely stop and the town is back to normal lmao

>> No.15864970

>Michael Mann is a jew
that explains a lot of things about the global warming hoax

>> No.15865238
File: 25 KB, 492x449, 415354342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no mention in Early Life of him being a j-....
Wait just a second...
What's that at the bottom...
>Categories: [...] American Jews

>> No.15866371 [DELETED] 

the reference to his race was taken out of the main body of the article in the last month or so

>> No.15866402

Why would they do that? It's a fact isn't it?

>> No.15866409

Why didn't you answer anon? Where did you go? Retard

>> No.15866453 [DELETED] 

everyone with the name Mann is jewish

>> No.15871363 [DELETED] 

The jews want to try to blame whites for the global warming hoax

>> No.15871424

Solution is Fascism, kill most of the population and reguoate electricity use.

>> No.15871470

>Those pinkos are trying to disrupt the free and vibrant market of mom and pop oil companies.
This but unironically. State and Federal regulation has closed down or forced sale of large swathes of a once-profitable small business oil pumping industry. California used to have countless small-owner wells even in the heart of Los Angeles.

>> No.15871526

The total mass of all solar panels and wind generators and batteries ever built would not equal the mass of just the carbon alone put into the atmosphere by using fossil fuels in only one year.

>> No.15872385 [DELETED] 

Explains pretty much everything about it

>> No.15872402

And then where does the energy go? You cant store it, thats for sure, at least not yet. You need transmission lines to move it into the grid then you have a big problem building and mantaining all of that in the damm desert

>> No.15873646 [DELETED] 
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thats not how its done, the entire forest in picrel is going to be clearcut in order to make space for solar panels

>> No.15874857

Looks like someone found an excuse to clearcut areas that were previously off limits
>we have to clearcut this forest to put up solar panels
>we totally don't want to, but greta says we need to do it because of global warming

>> No.15875475
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so two weeks until the eurption ?

>> No.15875478

someone explain to this nigger what partial pressure is

>> No.15876027

Thanks for destroying the environment again, environmentalists

>> No.15876051

retard bot answer

>> No.15876749
File: 45 KB, 460x396, BSM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negroes understand more about astrophysics than you do, racist

>> No.15876931

They don't call it a death cult for no reason

>> No.15876980
File: 249 KB, 960x576, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they aren't connected to a-ACK!

>> No.15877143


>> No.15877189

Why no just use nuclear power?

>> No.15877197 [DELETED] 

I love coal and black mountains and rocks. I love being blacked and breathing small black particles

>> No.15878137


>> No.15878149

How much plastic is it putting into the ocean?

>> No.15878151

why do you believe chinese government press releases? these are chinese "solar panels" in the same way that the chinese "plants" are painted green and the rocks on sticks are chinese "crops". if you know then you know

>> No.15878157

he's talking about antitheory, which is when you learn that capitalist countries can't even measure starvation (because it doesn't happen) and measure "food insecurity" instead, and then you assume the opposite is true (because you're a stupid communist who has to invert every statistic for it to fit in with your political views)

>> No.15878772

there seems to be a correlation of growth in solar power with growth in coal power, coal seem grow at about twice the rate solar power does.

>> No.15878868

NOT. AN. ARGUMENT. though.

>> No.15879997

Theres no fracking in the North Sea.

>> No.15880003

Ridiculous. Humans pump out 100x more carbon dioxide than all volcanoes put together.


>> No.15880002

Solar panels aren't that ugly. The real eyesore is wind.

>> No.15880252
File: 239 KB, 1024x783, North-Lambeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coal doing all the heavy lifting.

Every 18th century and earlier European town and village was dominated by dozens to hundreds of windmills. It's really a return to the norm.

>> No.15880520

When you're ready, you won't even need to check.

>> No.15880575

>annual average vs addition
fuckin' 'ate 'ournalists

>> No.15880613

>Gets asked for source of numbers
>Has no source for numbers to even do own equations
>Calls everyone else ignorant for not doing simple high school calculations
>Calculations that require data that hasn't been provided
Oh my.

>> No.15882361 [DELETED] 

are you really too low iq and ignorant to be able to do simple, high school level calculations on your own?

>> No.15882861
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>> No.15882942

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15883036

Oh no, it's even worse than that. The study doesn't even account for any carbon capture!

>> No.15883523

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15883607

I didn't realize I was talking to trash, I apologize.

>> No.15883611

Alright, I'll play along. Justify your claims.

>> No.15883635

Junior, you are forgetting your place.

>> No.15883661

Lol no. You made retarded claims and now you have to back them. How about we work backwards? How much carbon do you think we capture as a percentage of our total output?

>> No.15883667


>> No.15883669

So effectively 0%. Thank you for conceding that point. Now would you like to elaborate on
>annual average vs addition

What relevance do you imagine this has?

>> No.15883675

Wow, I was just fucking around but you're really going for the "most schizophrenic chain of posts 2023" award, huh?

>> No.15883683

So you can't elaborate and we're just making shit up. Thank you for conceding that point. Now, for the hat trick: provide any source stating that volcanoes emit more carbon dioxide than humans.

>> No.15883686

I REALLY need a reaction image for this situation.
Who the fuck are you talking to?

>> No.15883687


>> No.15883692

NO! not the fujfjgnhfsofjfjdk volcano!!!

>> No.15884083

You've been taught a LIE.
Human CO2 emissions were always <5% of total (natural) CO2 emissions.
Huge volcanic eruptions have often put out more CO2 than all humans combined for the past 100 years straight.
Global warming is FAKE.

>> No.15884090 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15884101


>> No.15884453

And you've failed to provide a source. Thank you for conceding on all points. That's the hat trick.

>> No.15884459

>Human CO2 emissions were always <5% of total (natural) CO2 emissions.
If water flows into a bucked at a rate of 1 gallon per hour and drains from the bottom at a rate of .95 gallons per hour will the bucket fill, empty, or stay at the same level?

>Huge volcanic eruptions have often put out more CO2 than all humans combined for the past 100 years straight.
Nonsense. Name a single one.

>> No.15885098 [DELETED] 

Thats a retarded analogy because the rate the water drains is a function of how deeply the bucket is filled. Anyone with a legitimate science education could tell you that, clearly you are lacking in that respect and know nothing about science, even physics 101 tier science is a mystery to you.
Where did you get your science education, the Bill Nye TV show?

>> No.15885776
File: 135 KB, 1753x565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retarded boomer basing his worldview on facebook memes.
During the last few decades, the global temperature has risen.

The question isn't "is global warming real?", it's "how much are humans contributing to global warming?"
Disclaimer: those that claim that global warming is a "threat to humanity" are just as retarded as you.

>> No.15885822

I once had a dream humanity ended because of a volcano, I could never forget it. People keep talking about meteors because they know one erased the dinosaurs and the impact is easier to visualize. But volcanos are responsible for massive disasters. All of the ones mankind has witnessed so far are minor compared to previous ones. Our atmosphere is fragile and volcanoes and earthquakes are much more unpredictable than weather conditions. The whole ecological debate is full of controversies, imagine measuring how much of an impact we have deep underground, maybe nothing, though maybe a degree higher on the surface can trigger a much larger effect to earth's interior than we can tell. Naturally or not, I think there is nothing stopping a random dormant volcano to burst a whole continent into space without warning.

>> No.15885839

Vulcanoes are pretty much only present on the edge of tectonic plates.
They could all go off at once and there would be enough safe land left for humanity to live on.
Sure, the sky might go dark for a while, but we've had the technology to grow things without natural lights for decades now, so even that won't be an existential threat.

>> No.15885845

If for a while you mean a hundred years and a few generations, then I don't think we can make it. Maybe some may survive and rebuild, but if billions die, that's a huge disaster. We can grow stuff in labs under extreme conditions, but is it feasible to feed everyone? To clean the water for everyone? Health assistance for the volcano related disease? I don't think we'd fair so good if the eruption is strong enough.

>> No.15885902

>Imagine being this mad that you got BTFO by an analogy about a bucket
I'm glad you learned something about the natural carbon cycle and why human emissions are an issue.

>> No.15885906

A hundred years? How do you think volcanoes work, exactly? They explode, put ash in the air for a period of time and settle back down again.
You do realize we have a pretty decent understanding of when and where volcanoes will form, right?
And while we aren't able to predict when they'll go off exactly, we are capable of predicting it when they're close to going off.
See: https://www.usgs.gov/observatories/cvo/monitoring-cascade-volcanoes

>We can grow stuff in labs under extreme conditions
"Labs". "Extreme conditions". Anon, you should really learn how plants grow.
>b-but mass producing isn't possib-

>but is it feasible to feed everyone?
You seem to mistaking "surviving" for "thriving". Half a million humans is more than enough to preserve a decent enough genetic diversity.

>clean water
Getting clean water would require us to filter fresh water pulled from existing sources. It's a good thing we're already doing that.
Even in a situation where technology isn't available, anyone can easily create a water filter with some gravel, sand and charcoal.

Volcanoes aren't some magical thing that randomly sprout under cities.
You know how to use google, yes? Fucking google your concerns. You aren't the first to come up with this self-fearmongering.

>> No.15886182

Thanks for the slap of reality, I'll check your links.

>A hundred years? How do you think volcanoes work, exactly? They explode, put ash in the air for a period of time and settle back down again.
If I recall correctly, Krakatoa explosion left a decade long scar on earth's temperature. How likely would it be for us to see a 10x, 100x or 1000x stronger explosion? What if the volcano is not violently exploding, but remains active for 100 years dumping obscene amounts of smoke? That's not a long geological time, but would be for us.

>You seem to mistaking "surviving" for "thriving". Half a million humans is more than enough to preserve a decent enough genetic diversity.
To me, that's not enough, I wouldn't call it surviving. Those half millions humans would live miserable disorganized violent lives. Even if they made through those times, it would be a reset button for mankind and a laborious archeological work to learn about life and history before the eruption. I understand your point that mankind could squeeze through those bad times, I was indeed thinking of a truly massive extinction event, rather than a total extinction.

>> No.15886315

>Krakatoa explosion left a decade long scar on earth's temperature
>How likely would it be for us to see a 10x, 100x or 1000x stronger explosion
>What if the volcano is not violently exploding, but remains active for 100 years
Anon, I want you to google these statements. Reform the sentences a bit, replace a few words.
Learning how to google stuff is one of the most important things you will ever learn in your life (and I mean this 100% straight).

The point of survival is just that; survival. The ONLY thing that matters at that point is creating a new generation and passing on our knowledge to them so that they can do the same.
Yes, life will suck. No, it won't be as bad as you think (stable hierarchical systems tend to form organically). Life will continue to exist. Humankind will continue to exist.
And eventually, after many, many generations, our descendants will be able to rebuild.

By the way, I feel like my tone in my last post was a bit harsher than I intended and want to apologize for it.

>> No.15886387
File: 1.85 MB, 3348x2161, The_fall_of_Babylon;_Cyrus_the_Great_defeating_the_Chaldean_Wellcome_V0034440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil continues its petty attempts to discourage beings from improving anything.

>> No.15886441

why dont they just put some ice cubes in it to cool it off?

>> No.15887343

you don't believe in good and evil, you're an atheist, you don't have any consistent belief system

>> No.15888371

A one degree c rise in temperature does not qualify as evidence of global warming. The models for climate change are good for understanding climate but not predicting what the climate will be. So is the sharp rise in temperature the only evidence for climate change?

>> No.15888390

>A one degree c rise in temperature does not qualify as evidence of global warming.
Any increase in the average global temperature is by definition global warming.
As such, the measurements measuring an increase in average global temperature is direct evidence for global warming.
>The models for climate change are good for understanding climate but not predicting what the climate will be.
What models are you talking about? And why do you believe so?
Just so that we're on the same level: we're not talking about models, we're talking about measurements.
These measurements, to be precise: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature

And allow me to give you some unsolicited advice: any time you disagree with someone, tell them WHY you disagree with them.
Just saying "no, you're wrong" brings absolutely nothing of value to any discussion, as the person you're talking will be forced to guess why you disagree.
And guessing what someone thinks is folly of the highest degree.

>> No.15889130 [DELETED] 

political organizations only tell lies, the never produce anything truthful
if climate.gov is saying global warming is real, thats as much as admitting that its fake

>> No.15889657 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 1779x1210, people who make computer models are low iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projected temperatures from computer models that have always been wrong in the past

>> No.15889680

So temperatures in the mid troposphere tropics have risen by around 0.5 degrees from 1975 to 2015.

Thanks for your contribution.

>> No.15889829

>political organizations only tell lies
>they never produce anything truthful
That is a pretty impactful statement.
Is it based on actual evidence or merely belief?

>> No.15889835

>food insecurity means people are starving to death
>completely ignoring the existence of food banks and community help

>> No.15889840 [DELETED] 

>Death gas
What's the matter if it's already dead and dust like?
Be more wary of the life gas

>> No.15889854

>food banks and community help
Food banks don't have enough supplies to meet the demand and "community help"? You'd be in luck if your neighbour would agree to lend you an egg or two these days.
People ARE starving. Ignoring the millions of people not having the means to get access to food just to win an internet argument is absolutely vile.

>> No.15890862

>oy vey the world is coming to an end because of global warming!!!
>that means you need to gibes me all your money!!!
>t. science
how low IQ do you have to be to fall for the global warming scam?

>> No.15891508
File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, consensus says global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

given that 43% of people believe in global warming and presuming those are the 43% dumbest percent of people, you probably have to be somewhere in the mid-low 90s or less to fall for the global warming scam

>> No.15891655

Even the most intelligent child can grow into a fool.
Most people legitimately fearing climate change are part of the younger generation.
They fear climate change because they have been taught to fear it.

>> No.15892285

>The same trend occurred nationwide, with malnutrition deaths more than doubling, from about 9,300 deaths in 2018 to roughly 20,500 in 2022, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

>> No.15893077

>They fear climate change because they have been taught to fear it.
AKA brainwashed

>> No.15893165

And just think, compulsory education has been ongoing for generations now

>> No.15893603


communism is quintessentially jewish

>> No.15893650
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Volcanoes usually contribute to global cooling more than warming by releasing ash and sulphur dioxide forming compounds, that act to block light transmission in the atmosphere.

The CO2 released is really not that large compared to other sources.
Mt st Helens for example only released as much CO2 as about 3 hours of global human activity.

Historically it took obscenely large volcanic events like the Deccan or Siberian traps, releasing large amounts of CO2 over a long period, to meaningfully increase atmospheric C02.

>> No.15895053
File: 154 KB, 1052x1616, volcanos did 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15895419

That title sounded so retarded, I HAD to look up what the fuck that article contained.
And holy shit, I hate it when journalists think they're scientists.

>> No.15895432


>> No.15895464

This. People tend to forget that normalfags "believe" in whatever is the current popular belief.

>> No.15896772

you got it backwards, the current popular belief is defined by what most people thing is true
of yeah, you're totally a super unique special snowflake genius and everyone is is a lesser creature. i totally believe you when you try to assert that.

>> No.15896778

weird inferiority complex anon.

>> No.15897564

Yeah its strange seeing people on 4chan, which is one of the most popular and well known social media sites on the internet, try to assert that they're some sort of unique special snowflake.
The sekrit klub days are long gone, this site about a million new posts every day.

>> No.15897821

This was specifically because it produced a large amount of water vapour

>> No.15897826

Sci is full of narcissists, all of the IQ discourse here is based around it.

>> No.15897837

yeah but out of all the retarded shit on here why are you particularly affected by THIS. I'm not even joking. I for example don't really give a fuck about this particular subject, yet you convinced yourself there's something wrong with it CLEARLY apart from it touching some sensible subject.

>> No.15898002

>the current popular belief is defined by what most people thing is true

>> No.15898091

Fuck off with your red earring, the vaccines are safe and effective and no amount of russian disinfo will change that fact.
80% of the population vaccinated, and nothing bad happened, is happening and will happen.

You just can't stop loosing, looser.

>> No.15898092

Vaccines? Vaccinations? Russian disinformation? Anon please, what do you see me as, a pathetic /pol/fag?
I just need a single word to completely shatter your worldview:

>> No.15898855

>you're totally a super unique special snowflake genius and everyone is is a lesser creature.
I am, I'm totally a genius with super high IQ. I can prove it:
>I've never accomplished anything which suggests I have uniquely special thinking ability
>I go to school like all the rest of the normies
>I memorize the same textbooks and "facts" as all the rest of the normies

>> No.15899590 [DELETED] 

>80% of the population vaccinated
are you up to date on your boosters? if not then you're not vaccinated. less than 3% of the population is up to date on their boosters

>> No.15900135

I am going to punish these people. Lord willing.

>> No.15900138

>requires all panels to be installed on the grid
It's almost like you are stupid and easily fooled.

>> No.15900399

Well, this thread aged poorly.

>> No.15900418

any geological second now

>> No.15900698

What do you mean, anon?
Are you talking about the upcoming solar storm which is supposedly going to wreak havoc on the magnetic core, causing massive volcanic activity while also giving everyone super powers?

>> No.15901092
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>> No.15901281


>> No.15901565 [DELETED] 

There's no fucking way this is a real word. Pedos are just fucking with us at this point.

>> No.15901926


>> No.15902141

mars recieves like 52w of sunlight, barely enough to warm a block of solid CO2

>> No.15903362

>watts per square foot

>> No.15904089

most volacanoes are underwater, the most volcanically region on the planet is underneath the west antarctic ice sheet

>> No.15904095

It will not release more CO2 than all CO2 ever released by mankind, lol.

>> No.15904134


Not yet, January 1st

>> No.15905312

use per square cm, that'll make it look even smaller

>> No.15905944

Do that and round to the nearest whole number. And just like that, Mars receives no energy from the sun whatsoever.
Cancel Starship, fellas, Mars is now uninhabitable

>> No.15906966

>volcanoes causing global warming again
errrry single time

>> No.15907776

There was another massive eruption in Indonesia a couple days ago that the MSM barely covered because they don't want the general public to be aware of where CO2 actually comes from. 32 people died and 20 billion tons of CO2 were released.

>> No.15907898

>20 billion tons of CO2 were released
Source: your ass?

>> No.15908985 [DELETED] 

>t. science denier

>> No.15908999

Lol no. Humans produce 100x the emissions that all natural eruptions do.

>> No.15909007

This isn't /pol/, you massive retard.
Absurd statements require proof.

>> No.15909135

>Hailstorm arrives
Heh, nothing personnel

>> No.15909158

I've never quite understand the crazy rightist obsession with how "ugly" renewable energy looks.
Like.. have you fuckers just not seen a coal plant or something? Environmentalism isn't about making sure you've got a nice backdrop while you curtain twitch at your neighbours, doreen.

>> No.15909206

In case you're not trolling and just massively fucking retarded; there used to be forests where those solar farms now stand.
Entire areas get deforested in order to make way for "renewable" energy production. And that's just for a few solar farms.
The "bio-fuel" stuff gets even worse.

>> No.15909238

And? O' fuck mate me fokin trees! Shoulda cut them down to make way for another McDonalds meat farm for your fatass right?

>> No.15909276

Tell me again what the purpose of renewable energy is?

>> No.15909302

Yeah man you got me we gotta save literally every tree in order to protect the environment, truly I've been outsmarted.
What the fuck are you, an elf?

>> No.15909304

You're deflecting. Concession accepted.
Next time, please think before you speak.

>> No.15909306

>No no see if you call out my ridiculous argument for being ridiculous rather than fall for my trap you're deflecting
Uh judge? My debate opponent is retarded send me a new one.

>> No.15909310

Wait, my ESG retraining and carbon credits were a hecking wasterino?

>> No.15909318

>if you call out my ridiculous argument for being ridiculous rather than fall for my trap you're deflecting
Uh, yes. Yes, it is.
The fact that you don't seem to understand this is pretty shocking, to be honest.

>> No.15909330

Oh no I deflected, oh judge please dock my points because I don't bother responding to things that are so stupid they don't need a response. Please, continue to desperately campaign to protect every tree in order to stop environmentalists lmao

>> No.15909337


>> No.15909342


>> No.15909348
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>> No.15909363
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>> No.15909371

Anon, I don't think you quite understand.
There is a retard in this thread, but it is not me.

>> No.15909638

>By the way, I feel like my tone in my last post was a bit harsher than I intended and want to apologize for it.


>> No.15909644

>no eruption 25 days later

>> No.15909862


>> No.15909914

ELIZA is a simple program that duped retarded boomers into thinking they were talking to a human.
And I don't mean this in a "haha boomer dumb" kinda way, boomers are legitimately retarded.

>> No.15910739
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>> No.15910743

Do we have an estimate on the mass to be released?
>american glownig

>> No.15911221

The eruption in Indonesia early this weak released in the range of 20 billion tons of CO2, the MSM completely ignored the event because it contradicts their global warming narrative.

>> No.15911393

there is no technological solution, you should know by now.
when oil will end, the population of Earth will go from 9 billions to 500 millions in 20 years.

>> No.15911394

>clean coal is the way
no, firewood.

>> No.15911396

>rocks trap it
over millions of years... small detail you forgot to mention.

>> No.15911778

>all these retards legitamtely burning solids
Gas is where it's at. It's the cleanest form of dirty energy and it will serve our needs until we have transitioned to orbital macrowave collectors getting their energy from solar farms on the moon.

>> No.15912791

the peak oil meme dates back to the 1800s and its always been a lie, oil has never run out and it never will, the amounts that are consumed are insignificant compared to the amount that is available, the first oil wells that started off the petroleum industry in the 1850s in western pennsylvania are still producing today.

>> No.15912803

The amount of CO2 eruptions produce every year is absolutely nothing compared to humanity's CO2 output.

>> No.15913120


>> No.15913219

Allow me to teach you how the oil industry works:

Oil is extracted from a finite source. The price lowers, because the market is flooded with oil.
The finite source dies up. The price rises, because there is more demand than supply.
Now that the price is high enough, companies get a surplus of money which they use to develop new ways to extract oil from harder to reach places.

The above repeats until no more sources exist.

>the first oil wells that started off the petroleum industry in the 1850s in western pennsylvania are still producing today.
No. Those first oil wells have long since been repeatedly replaced by more advanced machinery as the accessible oil became harder to extract.

>> No.15913221

See >>15913120

>> No.15913736

Oil is abiotic and infinite.
Go vaccinate and die already you literal demon from biblical hell.

>> No.15913764

I hope you realize you're on the same level as a flat-earther.

>> No.15913858

Take your meds

>> No.15913995

I thought the science board would be smart. Why is the science board so fucking retarded?

>> No.15914008

Because of all the /pol/tards that have been flooding this board for years.

>> No.15914012

I concur with >>15914008
Boomers have been flooding /pol/ since 2016.
They have been spreading to other parts of the site ever since.

>> No.15914180

The Earth IS flat.

We see too far : fact.
Depleted wells refill : fact.

>> No.15914194

Sir, this is /sci/.
You want /pol/, which is two blocks away on your right.

>> No.15914533

Why do we see too far, why is the curvature equation falsified.
Why do wells refill, why aren't we running out.

>> No.15914573

Internet culture wars killed 4chan. This place has been filled with contrarian retards who base all of their opinions on what is "based and 4chan" and what isn't "cringe and reddit" because they're faggot tourists desperately trying to fit in. The result is a board full of literal schizos. I'm not saying that leftoids don't believe in their fair share of bullshit, but they're not the ones actively shitting up this board.

>> No.15916056
File: 40 KB, 605x264, 076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeeeeeeee i hate 4chan!!!!
why are you here? just go somewhere else if seeing 4chan upsets you so much, problem solved, you won't have to be upset anymore. just walk away from the screen
>reeeeeeeeee i hate contrarian retards
how come you're telling us how much you hate the website you spend so much time on at the same moment that you're naysaying "contrarian retards"

>> No.15916559

Most literally because he found this website before 2016

>> No.15916639

Whoever formatted that table needs to be fired.

>> No.15916643

Your understanding the right wing is so utterly vacant. Typical commie.

>> No.15916681

Are you retarded? The right jerks off to biofuels. I can't remember the last time someone who was right wing didn't pimp wood stoves and pretend everyone who doesn't own a wood stove is not an environmentalist.

>> No.15916957

>The right jerks off to biofuels.
I want a source for this aspect of your worldview, because to me this sounds absolutely retarded. I cannot recall a single right-leaning group advocating for the cutting of massive amounts of forests just to produce "clean" electricity.
The wood stove thing is part of the self-sufficiency movement, largely spearheaded by the energy prices rising ungodly amounts last year.

>> No.15917024
File: 252 KB, 1200x801, Solar-Farm-Development.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly blue solar panels
Solar panels aren't blue, they just reflect the blue sky.
They're also not ugly to me, but that's just subjectivity.

>> No.15917070

>they just reflect the blue sky.

>> No.15917077

>co2 is a greenhouse gas, but its effects are weak

Ok even if.
Composition of the Air is 0.04% CO2.
Is there any experiment that confirms that a doubling of that (0.08%) would induce a greenhouse effect of any significance?

Also since CO2 is havier than nitrogen and oxigen, it has a tendency to accumulate lower in rather than in the upper atmosphere.
There is no scientific demonstration of the so called "greenhouse" effect caused by CO2 relatable to the concentraion of it in our air in real life.

>> No.15917177

Look up every right wing investor who invest in "green energy". It's always biofuel. Feel free to go to warosu and search "biofuel" or "wood stove" and see what comes up.

>> No.15917203

Solar panels on roof tops and over parking lots make sense. Solar panels on arable land are ugly and demonstrate how space inefficient they are. You need several hundred times as much space for solar as you do for an equivalent nuclear power plant, while still being intermittent and dependent on weather.

Maybe some people can't put two and two together, but just imagine if we have a long period of cloudy and windless weather, like from a volcano or stratospheric aerosols. The effects of a grid failure like that would be far beyond anything climate change would do. And let's not forget that in the places that have pushed solar the hardest, like Germany and California, electricity is more expensive than it's ever been. I live in San Diego and electricity is literally $0.75/kWh at peak hours. Meanwhile there's literally an idle nuclear power plant a few miles north at San Onofre. People are so fucking stupid here it's unreal.

>> No.15917213

>where is your source?
>go find it yourself lol
That's not how this works...
Are you sure your beliefs are based on facts?
Because if you can't pull them up, how can you be so sure?

>> No.15917217

In a perfect world, we'd have two electricity networks, one to power everything, the other to power just emergency services.
The first would be powered by green energy, the other by dirty energy (which would only be activated in times of need).

>> No.15917221

>Please spoon-feed me because I can't possibly look anything up myself.
I know, retard, I know.


>> No.15917226

Redundant capacity like that is obviously wasteful, and makes electricity more expensive. Natural gas peaker plants are much more expensive than those that run continuously, since they must amortize the capital costs over a small window where they can actually sell electricity. We could simply rely on nuclear and natural gas for baseload power and bypass the problem entirely. Other energy sources like deep geothermal would be excellent as well since they're reliable, clean, and could be built anywhere. There's a few promising methods of drilling that deep, such as using lasers or electro pulse boring, so it seems to be a very near term possibility.

>> No.15917242

...how exactly are those links supposed to prove your point?
How do random links to 4chan archives prove that "the right jerks off to biofuels" or that "the right invests in biofuels"?

>> No.15917246

Read the posts, retard. How much do you need to be spoon-fed?

>> No.15917251

Actually, I'm right and you are wrong.
Just read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biofuel

>> No.15917263

Take your meds. Here's the circle jerk that you can't be fucked to read for yourself.

>No wonder Democrats and WEF is banning/trying to ban all wood stove use.

>Get them while you still are able and don't have to cut up a 55 gallon oil drum for a stove.

>Democrats are regulating wood stoves into extinction also.

>Bottom line, get what you want now, "pre-ban", while you are still able to easily find it and don't have to pay "black market" prices later on.

>climatetards are here forever
>You won't see any of them whining about CO2 when the global monetary collapse happens. They'll be willing to murder for a wood-burning stove soon enough.

>Harnessing the atom for exawatts of electricity, genetically engineering refiner's yeast and biofuel precursors, and diligent study of and deliberate control over the biosphere will solve climate change. Everything else is a distraction or topping cream.

>*uses diesel, fuels it with farmer's biofuel*
>Whoops, just fucked your globohomo plan into the dirt. Perhaps you should stop being a controlling narcissist and leave everyone be

You had every opportunity to read through yourself like a big boy.

>> No.15917271

Again, how are ANONYMOUS posts supposed to prove anything?
I can say you're straight and fuck five different women every day, but we both know that's complete hogwash.

...don't tell me you're actually basing your worldview on posts on 4chan... Please tell me it ain't so.

>> No.15917275

Did you miss the part where right wingers are jerking off to biofuels? Cope harder, retard.

>> No.15917282

Are you under the impression that anyone posting on 4chan is automatically a "right winger"?
And even if we were to equate a few posts on an Indonesian spearfishing forum to the population on an entire side of the political spectrum, that still doesn't prove your statement that "right wing" investors are investing in biofuels.

>> No.15917306

No, but complaining about Democrats, the WEF, "climatetards", and "globohomo" is a dead giveaway. Only braindead people (right wingers) talk like that.

>that still doesn't prove your statement that "right wing" investors are investing in biofuels.
So you can't operate a search engine, you can't read, you can't parse a sentence, and you still expect me to spoon-feed you? Alright, retard. Have a Koch.


>> No.15917309

I see.
Everyone that doesn't believe exactly what you believe in, is evil and therefore a "right winger" (whatever the hell, that means).
Furthermore, you need only a single example of something to convince yourself that everything is like it.
My conclusion? You are mentally ill and not worthy of addressing any further, for your beliefs are based on feelings, rather than facts, and you cannot forcibly change someone's feelings on someone.

>> No.15917318

Take your meds and cope harder.

>> No.15917321

Don't you have some Ben Shapiro videos to watch? You literally dropped the
>faxx over feellings, mentally ill leftie!!!

>> No.15917322

This has the same vibe of oil shills saying having a dog emits more CO2 than flying a private jet.

>> No.15917324

>Ben Shapiro videos
Who? I'm sorry, I don't make the habit of watching e-celebs.

>> No.15917328

Sure thing. We totally believe you and you definitely aren't trying to save face because you got called out so hard.

>> No.15917330

>you got called out so hard.
...on what, exactly?
Pointing out that the anon I was originally replying to is basing his worldview on posts on 4chan?
I'm not exactly sure why you're still replying to me if you think you "won" this argument.

>> No.15917332

On literally everything. From the Ben Shapiro videos you pretend you don't watch to the posts you pretend you can't tell are right wing. You have been BTFO repeatedly and are trying to find any way to save face.

>> No.15917334

It seems to me you've created a strawman in your head based on preconceptions of people that you disagree with, thinking this automatically applies to me.
Where did I say that I watch Ben Shepiro? Or that I am "right wing"?

>> No.15917337

You are clearly illiterate. You never admitted to either because you're trying to save face. You're pretending you don't understand and you don't know who Ben Shapiro is because you know how hard you've lost this argument. Cope and seethe, retard. We all see you.

>> No.15917347

>You're pretending
Oh my bad, I didn't know you could read minds!

What if I said the following? "You don't need to pretend you never abused any children. We all know the truth."
Does this mean you suddenly have abused children just because I am accusing you of pretending you haven't?
Of course not! That's completely retarded! So why are you trying to do the same to me?

>> No.15917356

Excellent mental gymnastics. Did you major in coping with a minor of seething? Unlike your entirely unrelated hypothetical, you have clearly been caught out trying to pretend that you don't understand what a right winger is and that you have no idea who Ben Shapiro is despite basically parroting him. You are a disingenuous retard and a liar to boot.

>> No.15917361

Nothing what you just said addressees anything I said in my previous post.

>> No.15917366

Because you're trying to deflect. Another face saving tactic. Who coulda thunk it? Oh right, everyone because nobody else is as retarded and transparent as you.

>> No.15917368

No. Address it.

>> No.15917370

I have addressed it as much as I'm going to. Your attempts to deflect are pitiful, transparent, and an obvious coping mechanism for a retard convinced that everyone else is as stupid as you are.

>> No.15917371

>I have addressed it
You have not.
And if you are not willing to engage in discussion, it means you are talking to yourself.
Just like the anon before you, I no longer consider you worthy of addressing any further.

>> No.15917375

And you remain illiterate. Big surprise there. I said
>I have addressed it as much as I'm going to
>as much as I'm going to
I'm not going to entertain your retarded hypothetical so you can try to steer the conversation away from your failure.
>I no longer consider you worthy of addressing any further
Good. Leave. You add nothing to this thread, this board, or this website. Nobody will mourn your absence.

>> No.15917379

>about to erupt!!
>thread was made 30 days ago

>> No.15917385

Looks cool desu

>> No.15917387

Any day now.

>> No.15917619

2 more weeks bro

>> No.15918512


>> No.15919231
File: 27 KB, 200x209, fsjal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15920595

its amateurish because its cobbled together fake news. volcanoes produce way more CO2 than people do

>> No.15920603

You need to go back.

>> No.15920605

Prove it.

>> No.15922124

>volcanoes don't produce way more CO2 than people do