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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 78 KB, 985x159, kurzg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15880957 No.15880957 [Reply] [Original]

Hate this retarded channel.

>> No.15880959

It's a fun channel to inspire children. Grow up!

>> No.15880963

It's literally Bill Gates propaganda, fuck off retard

>> No.15880970 [DELETED] 

It's German government propaganda actually. He produces it as a contractor for the state science foundation.

>> No.15881026

if the vaccines have 5G then why don't I get cell service in the woods

>> No.15881035
File: 1.27 MB, 1289x813, nuttshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a fun channel to inspire children
>you are a meaningless spec of accident
>life is a meaningless accident happening out of pure probabilty
>your meaningless life happens on a meaningless ball of dirt in tha vast and meaningless emptyness of the universe
>asteroids could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
>solar flare could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
>random black hole could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
>yellowstone could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
>deadly meme virus could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
>deadly funhi could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
>only way to stay alive is to move into densly populated mega cities, in which you own nothing and have to rent everything
>super smart aliens could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
>great filer could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
>nukes could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment

>to inspire children
More like
>to trauma program children and manchildren

>> No.15881048

>asteroids could just destroy you and anyone you love at any moment
that's not what they say! they say the probability is unlikely within your lifetime! you're much more likely to die in a car accident! you want a source of nihilism, try putting millions of people in automobiles for 4 hours a day! see how many families get crushed by steel you fucking moron!

>> No.15881070

>only way to stay alive is to move into densly populated mega cities, in which you own nothing and have to rent everything

>> No.15881073

Oh yea getting home at 2AM after dodging 3 deer makes me so high on life

>> No.15881095
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>Oh yea getting home at 2AM after dodging 3 deer makes me so high on life

>> No.15881096

Funny I've always hated this channel but now you mention it, it's very close to MKultra tactics.

The diverse globohomo blobs they call humans in their retard amination doesn't help either.

>> No.15881100

Now I'm thinking you've never actually lived in a rural community or had to commute half way across the state.

>> No.15881104

>Now I'm thinking you've never actually lived in a rural community
Literally do live in a rural community
>had to commute half way across the state.
Never did and would never accept a job that would require me to do so

>> No.15881137

The core message to deliver is:
>life is meaningless
>life ends in any second
>humans are cancer
>you are human
>you are cancer

>> No.15881177

>humans are actually based dude just ignore the fact we've polluted countless ecosystems and tortured and enslaved eachother forever and treat animals as unfeeling beings so we can kill and eat them, just look at the new marvel movie!

>> No.15881199
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>just ignore the fact we've polluted countless ecosystems and tortured and enslaved eachother forever and treat animals as unfeeling beings so we can kill and eat them
retarded fallacy.
It's not we, its regulations and forcibly deploy regulations on small farms and business all over the world.
It's not WE as a collective, its the "Globalisation" meme, that revokes and destroys local and close to nature with a regard for nature, business and farming.
It's not WE its a oligarchy and cleptrocratic alliance between "governments" and Big Chemical industries, who deploy and destroy land.
It's not WE as a collective
It's THEM they hoisted the regulatory system on normal people with local communites, subsequently destroying them, and introducing shitty import globalisation measures, to outsources pollution because the normal people revolted against it.
It's shit like the "United fruits" company who destroyed forrests and jungle to psyop bananas into the common diet, because the guatemalans did not had power to disobey the American military and mercenaries and psyops which they deployed on them, in the favour of a big ass company.
It's not we who decided to go the "mass animal farming" and "soild depletion via mono cultures" it's the regulations that literally opened the gates to destroy diversity farming and local short transportation routes in favour of Chem and Food giants.
See the Agricultural adjustment act, which accidentally benefited the Large corporate comercial interest, and starved and destroyed small community farms.
The retarded strawman of "its US ALL" who "kills nature" is the biggest guilt trip mechanism they big commercial propagandists put on the people, with the help of the governments.

>> No.15881207

i'm not american you yank faggot, i've seen chinks boil dogs alive, "globalists" aren't to blame for human nature

>> No.15881208

u are sperging over a cartoon

>> No.15881217

>, "globalists" aren't to blame for human nature
They are.
They destroyed china and turned it into the hell it is right now.
They deployed the opiate war onto them, let japanese rape them,
Established regulations to starve them.
And the aftermath, got dehumanized and turned into this zombified amoral society.

Globalisation always existed and used colonialisation and war and propaganda tactics.
All the "war against famers" was going rampand since always.
They fucked people over and especcially the first "globalisation" company, the "dutch east india company" did horrendous things to maintain power over their trade routes and monopoly.

Many normal humans get fucked over and pushed into these hellholes for the benefit of the few robber barons.
And The carnegy steel & Rockefeller Oil and resulting chemical and mining endevours are the most poisoning and war fostering efforts of humanity.
Wars are fought not in the interest of humanity, but in the interest of the ones who profit from them.
Let it be destruction of the way of life, nature or simply the family union.
The families and cartells who formed to equip and trick and force people into war, are the descendants of rich alchemists and matallurgists who always dreamed of a way to turn lead into gold.
And they reached this achievment.
>how to turn lead into gold?

They fund and equip all sides, and turn blood into money.

>> No.15881326

This might be the most coded antisemitism I have witnessed, by far. Look youngster, the central banks are good for you if you are on the winning side, but if you are a loser, then you deserved it.

>> No.15881368

>most coded antisemitism


>> No.15881374
File: 780 KB, 681x945, kurzgescheissen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody would take them seriously if they knew what kurzgescheissen looks like

>> No.15881391

well, MLP ended so I guess they have to sperg over something…

fun fact: spellcheck wants to change ‘sperg’ to ‘worry’. just one letter in common but complimentary in meaning. who’s a good little robot?

>> No.15881479


>> No.15881596

He's a bot or NPC. I watched the music video for the Purity Ring remix of "Breathe This Air" several times recently, and it starts with a guy hitting a deer way out in the wilderness. Due to my hyperfocus, it simply read my brain activity and then came to put related info in my thread.

That's literally how it works. That's where these oddly specific and often nonsensical posts come from.

>> No.15881614

Wisdom detected

>> No.15881623

>Due to my hyperfocus, it simply read my brain activity and then came to put related info in my thread
Don't be so narcissistic. Its more like consciousness is spiraling ever closer to single point, and as we get closer we all subjectively experience these sorts of synchronicities at an accelerated rate. Perhaps we are all 1 mind. Or maybe we will be, eventually.

>> No.15881624

Me too

>> No.15881636

There are several different models. No one knows which one approximates the absolute basis. And what I said is also repetitive and clearly true. I've literally created people.

>> No.15881645

Unfortunately, it is because you are all figments of the one-mind, which is I. And I is sick of this boring world. It will be patched soon. Better telepathically steal bitcoin while you can.

>> No.15881655
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>> No.15882820
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>> No.15883987

codex alimentarius

>> No.15883998

i love that channel

>> No.15884010

Ok then chud where is your antidemoralization deprogramming propaganda to counter it then? Huh Chudie? It's a free country.

>> No.15884218

you ignored everything else and focused on one thing, that's cherrypicking. the part is part of a whole, not to be taken alone.

>> No.15884222

>Word Economic Forum elites supporting 'chuds'

>> No.15884267

Oh snap, this is the liar on youtube and he would lie again. What a waste to watch

>> No.15884431
File: 204 KB, 574x625, 1670247251471654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to trauma program children and manchildren

>> No.15884539
File: 295 KB, 1713x1032, neurowarfare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15884744

gates funds lots of shit and he's an idiot
but he isn't some kind of global mastermind
stop being a schizo

>> No.15886220

then why did you post a screenshot of their thumbnails here?

>> No.15886626

Because I edited the text, dumbass.

Fucking NPCs. Reeeeeee.

>> No.15887562


>> No.15887604

not all their vids are funded by bill gates, just the global warming and pharmaceutical ones. The rest are still fun videos

>> No.15887609

You're a fucking larping npc. I live in the woods and always have to worry about moose and deer.

>> No.15887766

Retard confirmed.

>> No.15887853

Not your personally army.

>> No.15887892


>> No.15888719

the only irredeemable thing on your list is the marvel movie

>> No.15889836

Who is we ?
Not me.
If you spill oil in rivers, and torture animals it's not my business.
If you did all this shit, then go ahead and neck yourself, so the "we" gets smaller.

>> No.15890085

Are you forced to watch it?

>> No.15890173

lies. Just like climate nonsense. They legally get free by putting things in quotes, or only suggesting things. All this leftist nonsense is just trying to give more power to the state.

>> No.15890180

>we've polluted countless ecosystems
>treat animals as unfeeling beings
Explain why this matters. Nature doesn't care. All animals act in this way, only difference is humans are so brilliant at it that it's apparent.
If humans don't care, then why does it matter?

You might point out that some humans care. Excellent, we agree. Those humans can use the few remaining aspects of capitalism to purchase some rainforest to keep as a nature reserve on their own diam.

You stupid statists just use different things to justify ever more government control.

>> No.15890267

wow, you've gobbled up the propaganda

>> No.15890435

>USA, circa 2010's ~

>> No.15890977

rich man bad

>> No.15890987

I just think they're annoyingly condescending for how frequently they make massive factual errors. They also make no effort to hide their political biases.

>> No.15891012

everyone with half a brain hates popsci.
fuck all these cucks.

>> No.15891015

to brainwash children and turn them into s o y drinking consoomers you mean?

>> No.15891022

I like their channel and will continue to watch.

>> No.15892587


>> No.15892627
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>> No.15892891

It just feels corporate as hell.
As in, if they were to upload a video tomorrow with the title "Is Coca Cola really that bad for you?" it would not surprise me.

>> No.15892913

it's german, so...
recent video about geological time scale was great tho

>> No.15893051

I seriously doubt anyone who started watching this channel when they were a freshman in high school, went on to become a successful scientist.

>> No.15893064
File: 329 KB, 750x906, IMG_0238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real niggas watch Tim and Moby

>> No.15893073

>Why haven’t you made you own chudtopia if u hate amerikkka so much? HUH CHUD!

>> No.15893224

I know that channel is cringe

>> No.15893372
File: 192 KB, 1024x1024, 1701220828113387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The target audience

>> No.15894078
File: 176 KB, 1080x733, 1701272975545571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurzgeschissen made a response video to your post

>> No.15894090

>people don't like me, is it my fault?
>no, the internet is to blame!

>> No.15894341
File: 74 KB, 615x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treat animals as unfeeling beings so we can kill and eat them

Animals do this to other animals as well

If you mean treating animals humanely then that's fine, you can treat animals humanely and still eat them

If a pig dies does that mean you can't eat it's dead body? Otherwise it would go to waste
You can also kill lifestock humanely, just electrecute them with 20000 amps and they die a painless death (this is done somewhere and should be done everywhere)
And if you let the animals life humanely (not in an overcrowded shithole) then I see 0 issue with using them for

>just ignore the fact we've polluted countless ecosystems

Find ways to do things without polluting? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.15894346

>using them for
*using them for food

>> No.15894596

listen man I just like space stuff

>> No.15894700
File: 117 KB, 945x1152, 1700643803906964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok let me extend
Is also target audience

>> No.15894710

>nooooooo children should be given an unrealistically optimistic outlook on life where everyone are friends and everything just works!
>huh? what do you mean the number of manchildren are rising exponentially in recent decades?
>huh? what do you mean throwing children out in the world without knowing how it really works is a terrible idea?
>huh? inspiring our future generations to figure out what were doing here and how to overcome our hopeless situation of being literal specks of nothingness in an infinite void of even more nothingness which you eventually get forcibly torn from when you inevitably die? are you INSANE?
I hate retards like you. Instead of steeling our future generations, You want them to have a safety blanket forcibly thrown over them only for it to be yanked away sooner or later.

>> No.15894755
File: 644 KB, 1242x1239, 49764edbe7ce4f86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inspiring our future generations
Nobody gets inspired by this crap.
The weebs and chronic underachievers with no goal or concept of reality, circlejerk always about:
>woah fermi paradox
>we will all die and nothing matters
>great filter
>comically far object that allegedly does XY could be harnessed to be a infinite energy source
>do you ever heard of doomsday szenario X?
It inspired nobody.
It gives people trivia about hypothetical events and scenarios, while they run a guilt trip on people to please their billionaire sponsors.
Look just in the comments of their videos.
Discussions about sci fi objects and particles that never have or will be verified, but speculated into existance. But because the infantile brainwash of super hero movies and "tachyon cannons" and "mutants" and other memes they see this propaganda distortion of science, and use this shit as infotainment and drop the trivia memes they learned in conversations, but actually know nothing about or if it is only a hypothesis and spaculation or hard science.
Its the same shit as Ted talks.
It's amazing PR, but it is nothing but PR.

>> No.15895685

>Instead of steeling our future generations, You want them to have a safety blanket forcibly thrown over them only for it to be yanked away sooner or later.
Elaborate how these cartoons are "steeling" our future generations?
And how not selling them doomsday porn is " forcibly throw safety blanket" over them?

As far as I know and suspect reality to be, is to have a realistic view on causality, possibility and close to home problems, that people can actually tackle, while having a serious look at the corporate conflicts of interest, which are actually forcibly pushed onto people because they lobby for the set up of regulations that benefit them, while its stifley and harms smaller competitors, leading to wierd venture capital set ups and mega corp monopolies, which then dictate all the loopholes which they will use to still fuck up the environment and harm nature.

>> No.15895945

Programming trauma is how you end up with manchildren. Having a good infancy with optimistic outlooks that nurture into a good progression of social skills and education is how you achieve healthy and well adapted individuals well equipped to face life's challenges.

>> No.15895977
File: 24 KB, 384x383, 1699927937881519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees fun popsci cartoon for literal children
>spergs out
classic chuddy

>> No.15895979

god i hate the fermi "paradox"

>reality doesn't conform to some of my random theories and wishful thinking, but i'm sure my theories and wishes must be right despite that! what a paradox!

>> No.15896019

>literal children
Please post this on reddit.

>Kurzgeschissen is popsci cartoon for literal children

>> No.15896021

Definitely a channel for man-children and the “I fucking love science” crowd; people who “love” science but probably failed it in high school and now get to pretend they like it because they agree with FaceBook memes and YouTube cartoons.

On a more serious note, I’m glad Kurzgesaget unironically agreed that a website like 4chan is insanely better than FaceBook or TikTok.

>> No.15896222

>in which you own nothing and have to rent everything
Should have moved early when it was cheap

>> No.15896226

I just watched the video in the OP and i thought it was very good. Most people could learn a lot from it.

>> No.15896228

the pessimism is so funny because the only thing they aren't nihilistic about is the nihilism they're trying to demoralize you with.
if nothing mattered, then why do you freak out when I reject your nihilism?

meaninglessness (especially reddit meaninglessness) is meaningless and not worth accepting

>> No.15896780

Unprovable, low evidence, high tech claims make the soicumcised and outcasts spiral, in their fantasy world.

>> No.15897155


>> No.15897609

Credit to Big Bear:

>> No.15898895

Yes its german

>> No.15899478

all me