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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1584516 No.1584516 [Reply] [Original]

I am in a quandary. I'm mortally afraid of making mistakes and learning the wrong thing that I don't even want to start doing math and science. I will never be that "genius" in the corner who aces all the tests with a minimal amount of studying. Mediocrity all my life and now this fear is so crippling I avoid school and tests and am waiting to be kicked out of my computer engineering course. How do I get over my fear of mistakes?

>> No.1584523

Start by not trolling

>> No.1584529

L2 smoke weed

>> No.1584532

> How do I get over my fear of mistakes?

Or by not being a stupid little pussy ass nigger who cries about little things.

>> No.1584541

I wish i were trolling.

>> No.1584550

Try giving less of a fuck why people think op

>> No.1584551

I wrote you a long paragraph and then said fuck it.
Basically, those that make mistakes now and learn to put forth an effort will be better off in the future than those who simply coast by. Genius will only take you so far.

>> No.1584552

>>Study literature
>>write whatever
>>ace it all, get degree, earn no money

If serious, get some help. Like professional help, seriously. Anything.

>> No.1584566
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dang i do that on reddit all the time. usually at 3 am.

that has been my problem for a long time brah.

Like adderall?

>> No.1584574
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Make mistakes

>> No.1584586
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That does it, for me Captain Nostalgia ;).

Thank you for your answers kind /sci/entists. I'm off to make more mistakes than I've ever made.

... And learn from them instead of repeating them. or repeat them and still learn from them.

>> No.1584604

For math stuff, learn how to sanity check your answers. They're usually quick and simple enough to test whether your answer is wrong. Trivial example: You're asked to integrate something. Integration tends to be more difficult than the opposite process, differentiation. Differentiate the answer you came up with and see if you get the same thing you started with.

>> No.1584606

Nice macro shot an elementary calculus textbook for babies, baby.

>> No.1584677
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I had/have similar problems, its caused by math anxiety. Ways to get over it are to understand you're anxiety is leading you to procrastinate...work hard, practice much, and develop habits.

>> No.1584689

mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. mistakes are often the best teacher. the only mistake you should fear is the one that does not teach you something.

>> No.1584691
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>> No.1584697

do tons of practice problems by yourself.

>> No.1584703

Dont worry OP, you will fit right in. Its mediocre people who achieve greatness in the modern world, all the great people realize its just a waste of time and dont bother.

>> No.1584705

it's something i found and seemed relevant. i've no idea what book it's from..

>> No.1584708

By the way, Math is fun OP. the thing i like about math is its something you can be certain of. Nice and definite. Nothing else is ever definite. Someone like you could find comfort in its stability.

And checking to make sure you did not make a mistake somewhere to an obsessive degree is considered a good ethic!

>> No.1584717

Find x: 2x + 5 = 3
You use your primitive algebra skills to find that x must be -1. How can you be so sure?

Plug that -1 back into the original problem statement:
2(-1) + 5 = 3
-2 + 5 = 3
3 = 3
Be confident.

>> No.1584720

>2(-1) + 5 = 3

>> No.1584734

I'll keep that in mind... the best zen i've ever felt was when i learnt how microprocessors and operating systems work.

ok :)

he's cross-checking LHS and RHS and seeing if they tally.

>> No.1584759

>he's cross-checking LHS and RHS and seeing if they tally.
ok, uh,. yeah... maybe you should just forget about this whole math thing and just go do yard work or something

>> No.1584774

OP, have you been bullied or laughed at when you were a kid?
And would you define yourself as perfectionist?

>> No.1584815


>> No.1584823

bust your ass learning from your mistakes.

if you don't have the will power to do at least that, you won't make it. simple as that.

>> No.1584833

I'm in the same position as you, OP. Awful mistakes have been killing me since the second grade.

inb4 lol so u only ben makin mistakes for 1 year? lolol

>> No.1584835

OP, snap out of it f-a-s-t. I didn't and it fucking ruined my life. I couldn't stand being evaluated, couldn't take tests. I aced all practical evaluation components, like labs, coding assignments, etc, got near perfect grades in all of them, but I couldn't stand taking a written test. My brain froze and didn't get anything constructive done for the duration of the test, and eventually I stopped going to the university on test days and got myself kicked out. Don't let it happen to you, seek professional counseling; you're not the first person with this problem and you will be helped through it.

wouldn't a lot of people fit that bill?

>> No.1584880

Avoid the lollipop of mediocrity. Once you suck, you suck forever.

>> No.1586688

Are you me bro? last sem i snapped and didn't go to two exams. Previously i managed to get my ass in there and atleast scrape through - Nothing to be proud of but showing up is better than being the coward that i was and hiding.

>> No.1586700

I have the same issue as OP: Can't know if your calc test answer is correct or not until you get it back a month later: Rageface.jpg

Then I tried programming. Hit compile and look at the output: Instant confirmation you're correct or wrong, and you can go back at fix things if you're wrong. Its fucking awesome.

>> No.1586710

I get depressed that I'm not one of those genius kids with 3 PhDs by 22. Being relatively normal is depressing, even though I am smarter than most people I feel like that isn't good enough, that I have to be the very best and if I can't be then it isn't worth trying.

>> No.1586724

Stop giving a fuck.

I'm intelligent. Or at least I'm intelligent enough to know how stupid I really am.

That kind of intelligence is enough for me to ace all my exams and finish all my clases around the top. I'm not the best, but you know why?

Because I spend most of my free time smoking weed, listening to music and reading books.
Why would I need a PhD before I was 22? Pointless.
Why would I need to be a well known molecular biologist? Pointless
Why should I push myself to be the best? It's not like it'll make me happy.

I'm happy just by learning stuff I enjoy learning and that is all i need.

>> No.1586744
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OP, I'm seriously not trolling when I say smoke marijuana. It is the ultimate calm-down-and-don't-give-a-fuck drug. It makes you think more expansively as well.

>> No.1586750


I second smoking weed.

If you really want to stop giving a fuck get yourself some dank right away.

And I mean not giving a fuck in a positive way. It will put things into perspective and show you clearly what really matters and what is pointless bullshit that you shouldn't be bothered with.

>> No.1586761
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>> No.1586765

I love how weed is such a universal thing. People from all levels of society do it, and agree that it's a good thing. Most people know that alcohol and cigarettes are terrible for you, but also know that weed is relatively harmless and often beneficial.

>> No.1586768
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>Most people know that weed is relatively harmless
When I told my mother she said OMG DON'T YOU HAVE SEIZURES

>> No.1586769


Yeah, but there will always be some crazy person shouting at you for being a drug junkie and for "running away from reality" or some shir like that. The rage, the RAGE.

So yeah, I think we are in agreement that OP needs to smoke weed.

>> No.1586770

A little quote I like;
"The charm of knowledge would be small, were it not that so much shame has to be overcome on the way to it."

>> No.1586788 [DELETED] 
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to the people suggesting weed. i'm in a country where i'll be hanged if i smoke weed or even possess minute amounts of drugs...

The best options for me are to stop giving a fuck and just work hard at what i love. Which was why i entered this course. then i let public opinion of me get in the way and give me so much anxiety.

I'd love to hear non-weed/drug relaxing things though.

>> No.1586786

Read stoic philosophy.

>> No.1586792


You forgot to add " while smoking weed".

>> No.1586804


>implying weed isn't illegal everywhere else

So yeah, if weed is not an option maybe stoic philosophy would be a good idea.

I don't know bro, sorry that your parents didn't tell you how tallented and hard working you were.

>> No.1586805
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>> No.1586807 [DELETED] 
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The best options for me are to stop giving a fuck and just work hard at what i love. Which was why i entered this course. then i let public opinion of me get in the way and give me so much anxiety.

I'd love to hear non-weed/drug relaxing things though. please look at my email field.

>> No.1586811

I think it's legal in Singapore, and is a synthetic cannabinoid that gives the same effects as weed.

>> No.1586815

The best options for me are to stop giving a fuck and just work hard at what i love. Which was why i entered this course. then i let public opinion of me get in the way and give me so much anxiety.

I'd love to hear non-weed/drug relaxing things though.
i deleted my post but you guys get the idea... grass is not an option where i live.

>> No.1586819

They sell it as bonsai fertiliser here in New Zealand. Used to be able to get it on trademe, but they stopped it. I think they realised there weren't that many people interested in bonsai.

>> No.1586829

>How do I get over my fear of mistakes?

Cognitive behavioral therapy, in other words, see what happens when you DO make mistakes and learn that the results are hardly something to be afraid of.

>> No.1586830
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>bonzai fertilizer

>> No.1586834

Here's an old auction of it.

>> No.1586854

I don't see whats wrong with that?

>> No.1586873

Who do i start with? I've never read philo before.

>> No.1586885


Start with the best.

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle can be a good start. You can't go wring with the classics.

>> No.1586892
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Thank you mate!

>> No.1586902


Eh, there are better parts of Hellenistic and pre-Hellenistic philosophy in my oppinion.

If you're a totally philosophy newb I'd recommend checking out Jostein Gaarder's book Sofie's World.