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15826190 No.15826190 [Reply] [Original]

How scientifically true is it that masturbation harms you in all aspects of life and that foregoing masturbation makes you a better person and a better scientist? It seems reasonable to guess that the time wasted on searching for pornography and on masturbation is bound to cut into time spent on studying, research and scientific experiments. Are there historic examples of prominent, successful scientists who were also habitual masturbators?

>> No.15826476

Unless you are a lifeless coomer that wanks off 5+ times a day masturbation is fine

>> No.15826690

Shame has nothing to do with beating off and has everything to do with the judgement you lay on yourself for beating off.
>high interest from women
kek, the cult of giving yourself prostate cancer has some funny bait.
Also, I beat it 10 hours a day and my urge "to spark conversation" is so high anons beg mods to ban me.

>> No.15826715

why is fapping 5x a day bad for you?

>> No.15826745

This is like an alcoholic asking: why is drinking a bottle of vodka in the morning bad for you?

>> No.15826746

This is like an anon not answering the question deflecting to something else.

>> No.15826747

that would make you drunk, though. What does fapping 5x a day do?

>> No.15826752

Okay, why don't you try not rubbing one out 5 times a day for 8 weeks and see if there is any improvement in yourself.
I know your response will be, tried that, nothing happened. But still, actually do what I suggest.

>> No.15826753

Anon, I edge for 10 hours in a day. Do you think you're challenging me to something here?

>> No.15826755

Yeah, but it's the challenge of no fap you'll never take or win. It's like going outside for you. it'll never happen. So back to "edging" and "cooming" you go.

>> No.15826758

> no fap you'll never take
Because I don't want prostate cancer. I am good.
>So back to "edging" and "cooming" you go.
Hell yeah, brotherman.

>> No.15826766

It drains your energy and fucks up your motivaion you stupid faggot. Its fine to do it like once a week, but everyday is just not ok.

>> No.15826773

>t. low t
All I fear is horny and aggressive while I run hot the entire day to a point where my shirt is drenched in sweat when I am done. Imagine having so little energy that a nut drains you. How embarrassing.

>> No.15826776

why would you… not want to have… more energy?? Are you… retarded?

>> No.15826777

I have it. Did you not read the post you're responding to? Fuck am I gonna do with more? There's only 24 hours in a day.

>> No.15826778

umm… how about… exercising? Getting ripped? Making sexual displays in front of women with your overflowing energy??? Breaking world records?????? Hello????????

>> No.15826782

100 push ups 100 squats the second I get up.
>Getting ripped?
lmao, functional strength.
>Making sexual displays in front of women
>being slave to women
I am good, you have fun.
>Breaking world records
I don't care if I am remembered.

>> No.15826784

so your goal is to be…. mediocre…

>> No.15826786

It also makes you more impulsive in that you want something immediately instead of taking the time to work on it. You speak like a low iq zoomer teenager with tiny experience and who is unable to observe any effects until they become serious enough to warrant intervention. I've been doing it far longer than you have and i know how detrimental it is especially as you become older. If you want any answers stop being a low iq faggot and start noting down observations instead of coming here to ask us as if we masturbate with you in your room.

>> No.15826789

No, you're trying to insult me, but that's not a goal I've set. If anything rising above social pressures makes me closer to god because I do what I want.
>muh big iq
I am happy the number makes you happy, anon.
> coming here to ask us as if we masturbate
Show me where you see this.

>> No.15826791

I think the point of nofap is to also have a gf who you can come in/on at the same time

>> No.15826796

Funny how you greentexted the most useless parts of my argument and also how i can confirm you do it because you don't want to leave it to speculation, so you had to ask for me to confirm where i read it lmao. This is like arguing with a 5 yr old kid who denies stealing sugar when the crumbs are stuck on their lips. You asked for the detriments and i gave you the most serious one in the first sentence, address that first instead of getting hang up on who did or said what like a fucking juvenile.

>> No.15826803

>lowercase I
>asking for clarification is like a lying 5 year old
I am seeing the IQ range, bigly.
>It also makes you more impulsive
Cool, I've always been impulsive. I like impulsive, impulsive is fun.
> instead of taking the time to work on it.
>100 push ups 100 squats the second I get up.
What do you call that?
>like a fucking juvenile
And being one is an insult to you? I wonder which age range obsesses with being perceived as mature the most. like a fucking juvenile

>> No.15826805

This is all they will ever do. They will never post hard evidence of their claims because there is none. Nofap is a religious cult based on placebo.

>> No.15826808

you are doing it again lmao, i don't care for grammar anon, you on the other are so hang up on the stupidest details because your low iq brain can't handle the criticism of my main points, that's the best rebuttal that you like being impuslive? continue greentexting and masturbating anon, it will go a long way towards achieving your goals.

>> No.15826810

>low iq is when attention to detail
Yup, that checks out.
>can't handle the criticism of my main points
The one I addressed in the comment you're replying to? Right, seems insurmountable from this pov.
> continue greentexting and masturbating anon,
Hell yeah that's my jam.
>it will go a long way towards achieving your goals.
I agree. I am bullseyeing all of my goals.

>> No.15826823

Porn addiction is harmful but nofap is pseudoscientific bunk. And yes, I did try. Wasn't even difficult.

>> No.15826829

> Wasn't even difficult.
who’s gonna tell him?

>> No.15826832

Yea being low iq is being distracted by the wrong details, didn't they teach you this in school? You surely are hitting the bull's eye. which is why you are so desperate to understand the detriments of masturbation that you have to start a thread and ask about it on 4chan, you are just too retarded to collect your own data and come to your own conclusions.

>> No.15826836

> the wrong details, didn't they teach you this in school?
Yeah, geniuses are known for following the rules taught in school. Everyone knows this. The higher IQ the more rules you follow.
>You surely are hitting the bull's eye.
Hell yeah
> you have to start a thread
Not OP.
> you are just too retarded to collect your own data
What do you think data collection looks like, anon? You sound like an expert.

>> No.15826840

Pray tell, what are you insinuating? Do you think that your own difficulties compared to mine are down not to a lack of willpower on your part, but a lack of virility on mine? Ask your mother to disabuse you of the notion.

>> No.15826842

My willpower is great BECAUSE of my virility

>> No.15826846

So then you should have no difficulties, right?

>> No.15826847

Yea as a low iq, you should follow your school rules, that's why i asked why you didn't follow the prescribed rules for cattle like you, keep up with the arguments anon, am i too fast for you?

Oh you think what you are doing is data collection? You are too stupid to collect data on your own body mannerisms so you come to 4chan to collect secondary opinions from pretenders and shitposters?

>> No.15826851

>am i too fast for you?
No, you're just in your own world that I am currently openly mocking. Seems like you're going fast because your mind is racing given that you've done nothing by get btfo, ignore the point and then move to something else.
>Oh you think what you are doing is data collection
>Not OP.
>collect data on your own body mannerisms
> n = 1, me
based study, anon. We're sure to learn a lot from such efforts.
Oh, look another data point for your IQ range, neat.

>> No.15826856

Oh i'm sorry anon, did you forget that eating too much cheese is bad for you, do you need to collect my opinion so that you can learn about what not to eat? What about shitting anon, do you need my opinion on how many times you need to shit per day?

>> No.15826858

>Not OP.
Sick reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.15826869

if it were easy it wouldn’t be worth doing

>> No.15826871

>How scientifically true is it that masturbation harms you in all aspects of life and that foregoing masturbation makes you a better person and a better scientist?
Literally 0.000000000000000% true.

>> No.15826874

Oh i guess you also need this opinion on whether your eyes are working correctly anon. Haven't you written that you are collecting data, op is long gone, i am dealing with your retarded assumptions, don't use him as an excuse.

>> No.15826877

At that point, you're losing an appreciable quantity of zinc, magnesium, potassium, and protein every day.

>> No.15826880

>Haven't you written that you are collecting data
Yeah, documenting your IQ range. Has nothing to do with masturbating or cheese unless your performance is tied to you masturbating while eating cheese as your beg the three functioning braincells you have to start cooperating.
>i am dealing
Yeah, dealing.
>don't use him as an excuse.
> you have to start a thread
What did you mean by this?

>> No.15826884
File: 44 KB, 850x400, quote-the-dose-makes-the-poison-paracelsus-22-46-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15826885

Why? Aren't the supposed benefits all physiological? Are you trying to make this about moral character instead?

>> No.15826888

that doesn’t explain anything. Nofappers say that once a day is poison already

>> No.15826892

You apparently don’t get benefits, whereas I do. You figure out why that is

>> No.15826895

That's easy: the placebo effect.

>> No.15826898

Oh i'm sorry i forgot you are always getting distracted so you can't quite figure out what we are talking about. Its difficult for you to connect eating cheese with masturbating. Do you need a diagram explaining the connection, or do you need me to recommend wearing your glasses anon, or should i wait till you stop masturbating and start to focus?

>> No.15826899

Waking up with more energy than usual is not a placebo. Having better body odor is not a placebo.

>> No.15826900

>Oh i'm sorry i forgot you are always getting distracted so you can't quite figure out what we are talking about
Why did you post your peptalk? Just say it in your head.
> Do you need a diagram explaining the connection
Please, go ahead.
>should i wait till you stop masturbating
You're going to be waiting a long time. Go ahead with the diagram. Bust out your favorite crayon flavor.

>> No.15826901

Or perhaps you need op to rescue you anon, haven't you already decide my iq by now or are you just too retarded to make any connections?

>> No.15826905

>Waking up with more energy than usual is not a placebo.
Sure it is.
>Having better body odor is not a placebo.
Since when is this even supposed to be related to nofap? The list of miracles attributed to this panacea keeps growing and growing. Probably your nofap streak coincided with a change in diet or something, and you misattributed the cause. Or do you just mean you stopped smelling of crusty cum?

You're the believer, you explain why I wouldn't have noticed these things.

>> No.15826908

Are you asking OP to rescue you? I don't see how, but if they want to do that, sure I am down. As for your IQ, while endlessly hilarious I don't judge. You don't know what you don't know. How could you?

>> No.15826911

>Look at me. I'm too stupid to observe my own body, I come to 4chan to collect opinions on how it works because i haven't been observing it.
You should be writing these opinions down with a colour pencil.

>> No.15826912

Oh, look it's the joke I made. Good job, learning and shit.

>> No.15826914
File: 305 KB, 1402x1416, aaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 90
>memories begin to fade

>> No.15826916

Oh you are learning now? Are your shits going to better now that you know you should be going thrice a day, i also recommend doing it by neighbour's porch, its especially exhilarating.

>> No.15826922

Reading comprehension is still non-existent. That's unfortunate . I am glad you're exploring your exhibitionist side, but no reason to be a dick to your neighbor just shit in a public place for the thrill.

>> No.15826923

>Decrease in shame
>More energy
>More confidence
>Higher enjoyment in life
>More self-esteem
>More interaction with women
>Urge to spark conversation
>Love of life
>Highly confident
>Good speaking skills
>Creativity increases
>High interest from women
>High charisma
>Joy at the little things in life
For each and every one of these I have to say they were much improved AFTER I started masturbating. Not that I would attribute that to masturbating, mind. These things happened to coincide. But I can say that masturbating absolutely did not detract from it.
For the others, I noticed no change, but no reduction either.

>> No.15826928

What's wrong anon, don't you like my opinions or are you too retarded to make the connection again. You can put them on the second column of things you don't like and note them down with a red pencil to alleviate your poor visual skills.

>> No.15826931

I have no idea what this conversation is even about but it looks like you people switched physical masturbation for mental masturbation.

>> No.15826932

>What's wrong
You can't read, anon.
> don't you like my opinions
Your lack of organization and comprehension is very very funny. As a sadist I truly enjoy watching you flounder. It brings me joy.

>> No.15826936

I am doing both right now.

>> No.15826940

Where the fuck do you think you are, sex-haver?

>> No.15826943

Oh wow anon, you are a sadist, how did you learn this about yourself, did a 4channer tell it to you, did you glee in happiness when you heard the word for the first time? Do you also need my opinions on how to become a better sadist?

>> No.15826949

I know because your floundering brings me joy. I've literally explained that in the post you're responding to. Seriously, anon you can start with Green Eggs and Ham and work your way to forming coherent sentences based on what you understood after you've read something.
>Do you also need my opinions
Need? That's cute.

>> No.15826953

So you are a sadist and a masturbator? Tell me anon, do you enjoy watching yourself fail at life, does the pain bring you joy, do you anticipate every failure and gain sexual pleasure from it.

>> No.15826956
File: 1.45 MB, 2044x3136, DP2M6479_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not understand. There is a much bigger issue behind masturbation that is never addressed.

In this day and age and in the past too, young boys, young men and even adult men have been subjected to uneding female influences that have shaped their brain devopment and influenced their minds from the day they formed theit first concious thought. This female influence be it female authority in the family, in the community and in wider society (mother sister, wife, teacher local community leader, or just virtual females on computer screen that have power over them etc) completely change the way how males are going to think for the rest of their lives. Today everything you do everything you strive for, everything you hope for, there is a female behind all of your goals. If you masturbate, you feel a strong need to have sexual relationship with a female, if you nofap you do it to improve yourself to gain energy and self confidence, ultimately to impress a female, if you work hard you do all of it to impress females, if you are a loser with no achievements you still think and fantasize about females.
Men, males have no goals in life other than to impress females. That is the biggest problem of mankind, men have no real meaningful goals apart from females, close romantic relationships and sex. It is even worse because absolute majority of men do not even realize any this. This is their normal state of their defective mind and if they ever see this argument they vehemently oppose and deny it and if that's not working fir them then they will suffer complete short term memory loss and forget all about it because the female conditioning prohibits them habing these specific thoughts.

>> No.15826967

Based and true

>> No.15826973

>Are there historic examples of prominent, successful scientists who were also habitual masturbators?
yes. Everyone masturbates who has a sex drive. As well as a metric shitton of successful scientists and other thinkers were in part driven by a sexual drive. Most of the successful examples began mostly cooming into vaginas after their prominent success. Just the occasional wank on the side. I suppose a few (maybe chemists producing stims or some weirdos) who were so narcissistic that they just married their own hand.

>> No.15826977

anything exceeding 3x fooks your liver.

>> No.15827003

I highly suggest eating well, taking a multivitamin and supplementing some zinc if you plan on doing that, anon.

>> No.15827225

>How scientifically true is it that masturbation harms you in all aspects of life and that foregoing masturbation makes you a better person and a better scientist?
Hard to study since most men are porn-addicted coomers that scientists couldn't find a good control sample size.

>Are there historic examples of prominent, successful scientists who were also habitual masturbators?
I don't know of any. You could look it up and see what you can find. Some prominent scientists were celibates as far as I know.

>> No.15827231

If anything, I think neuro science might be your best bet. If there are any studies on neurotransmitters released masturbating to porn, vs just masturbating, vs not, and maybe some MRI scan studies, that would be the most solid studies you can find.

>> No.15827440

This timeline reads like the general trajectory of any addict's recovery. E.g. an alcoholic also feels shame at his perceived moral failings, his day-to-day functioning is likely impaired, and the only thing that works is quitting altogether, because addicts cannot enjoy something in moderation. The shame stops, but they experience it as a constant struggle and a test of willpower, especially at first. They train their willpower and become more disciplined and see improvement in most areas of their lives. The sense of achievement comes with added confidence. And then, with the convert's zeal, they generalise their own inability to partake in something in moderation, and tell everyone who enjoys a drink from time to time that they have a problem and if you stop drinking then their life will improve in every way. But the problem wasn't alcohol per se. It was addiction. And so it is with nofap. It is the answer to porn addiction.

>> No.15827509

well, the timeline should resemble that trajectory as when this meme was invented, it used those trajectory models as a template.

>> No.15827554

>Everyone masturbates
just because you're a degenerate doesn't mean everyone else is too

>> No.15827572

why do you come here asking for advice man you're clearly addicted to porn and masturbation and you know it harms you but you're so dopamine driven by being in so low point in life that you're fighting off every comment or advice of what you know it's true but doesn't want to accept it, you just better hope that who ever funds your life will kick you out or something else will happen because you're in dangerous "satisfied enough" position, do the right choices everyone knows which one are those

>> No.15827622

if you have a sex drive one of the three applies
1) you don't know how
2) you have but choose not to now that your belief system has changed
3)you masturbate from time to time
If you've never in your life masturbated, you have some combo of lack of privacy freedom or your sex drive developed late. It's a natural thing humans do from basically puberty on. If you are paying for porn or it's a problem in some form of your life, then yes that's a degeneracy.

>> No.15827627

Are you manic?

>> No.15827629

What if you have sex and don't require false stimulation?

>> No.15827645

that would be #2 on the list

>> No.15827661

>How scientifically true is it that masturbation harms you in all aspects of life and that foregoing masturbation makes you a better person and a better scientist?
OP after forgoing fapping for just 2 days my IQ trippled, I've already cured multiple forms of cancer and unlocked my charkras I am currently astrally projecting across the galaxy and making first contact with multiple alien races who are helping me with telekinetically constructing a gravity wave generator.

>> No.15827813

>It's a natural thing humans do from basically puberty on.
First time I masturbated I was 14

>> No.15827930

>It's a natural thing humans do from basically puberty on
no fuck you, it's a symptom of modern gay as fuck society when you should be getting a wife at puberty

>> No.15827932

I don’t believe Nofap shit anymore. Sometimes holding it off can give you a surge of energy and make for a good fap in a week or so, maybe minor energy boosts in a week but it doesn’t make you more focused and it isn’t this great. Sometimes I’ll be in the mood to fall a lot and sometimes not for days just because, can’t say I feel any different but having your libido assault you less is kinda nice ngl.

>> No.15828039

That has literally never been the case.

>> No.15828076

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.15828212

I'm a coomer that masturbates upwards of 10 times a day and I feel fine.

>> No.15828232

There's no one answer for the masturbation question. Different people have different libidos and in some cases the potential negatives of jerking off frequently are outweighed by the positive of being able to focus afterwards. If you have a very high sex drive, going long time without jerking off can make it impossible to get work done because you're so horny it becomes a constant distraction.

So maybe for person A its better only once or twice a month, but person B multiple times a week.

That being said, watching porn is probably harmful in all or nearly all cases. Masturbating every day is probably a sign of potential unhealthy decision making. Jerking off several times a day every day is almost always a sign of dysfunction.

I have seen claim that primates only masturbate in captivity. I think that's very interesting if true.

>> No.15828530

14 is actually slightly late in the game, and I have no idea if you are just including info, or if debating, or agreeing.
Anyways, I respect your personal timeline.

>> No.15828551

>no fuck you, it's a symptom of modern gay as fuck society when you should be getting a wife at puberty
I'm sort of for that, if it weren't wildly abused like humans would (and already do in our restricted system)...
timelines also vary...
I think the first time I discovered it, I was like 8 or something. Basically was on vacation and in jacuzzi hottub while the adults were inside doing adult meetings or whatever adults do while kids chill in jacuzzis outside.
Apparently, the jet of the jacuzzi felt good on the ... you get the idea... I wasn't some super early puberty person either. Was a nerd who had just read The Stand by Stephen Kang although I was 8 and just happened to notice xyz felt good. Probably didn't even bust a proper epic money shot of fake porn proportions or whatever...
I didn't have awful parents or awfully based parents and I didn't live on a mossad ritual blackmail island,... I don't even think I'd have wanted to take on a wife at 8yo... I want to play fucking Heman and imagine I'm babe ruth... i don't want to play house

>> No.15828642

Please post any evidence that it prevents prostate cancer besides a fucking medium article you rat

>> No.15828643

>this is what being a normal human is like to coomers
You totally don't have a debilitating illness retard

>> No.15828646

Remember this anon when the shills tell you jerking it everyday is totally fine and that it doesn't obliterate your already fucked up endocrine system

>> No.15828660

>It's a natural thing humans do from basically puberty on. If you are paying for porn or it's a problem in some form of your life, then yes that's a degeneracy.
>the only animals that masturbate are imprisoned chimps and abused dogs

>> No.15828666

This image is such bullshit. If Nofap works for you great, but plenty of people, including me, have benefits (along with some cons, like having sex on the brain 24/7) until day 20 and after that you flatline and feel like shit indefinitely.
Thanks for the yellow cum that came after my penis too, that shit never came out before I did this.

>> No.15828670

>muh normal
An hero.
>others tell me how to live
You too.

>> No.15828671

The water jets have claimed many a mans innocence anon, mine included.

>> No.15828677

That shit is a jew myth.

>> No.15828705

1)wild chimps are sneaky bastards + in a buyers' market of scented engorged in-heat chimp pussy.
2) I only know well-cared-for dogs who have mostly been neutered(abuse! abuse!) but either they are rubbing a flea off their johnson or they think they thoughtfully occasionally help mop the floor or whatever...
3)we aren't chimps or dogs

>> No.15828709

you degenerate fuck that was a psyop to expose people like you.

>> No.15828715

Anyone else doing Nutting Nonstop November?

>> No.15828734

nofap in the modern sense is at best an organic creation based on the template of stuff like adhd, NPC-lack of inner monologue, etc... where a small % of the population is exaggerated to create a sheeple market herd of people who feel the need to self diagnose and cure b.s. to sell pharms to or to at least monetize/control in some way.
throw in demoralization and the trick of christian guilt and you've really got something.
but let's be honest - Porn fucking sucks. Porn is 99% awful stuff. You've got guys on steroids with surgically enhanced viagra dicks fucking plastic bimbo whores, usually with fake jizz, 80% or more of those already awful spectacles are then titled with weird attempts to fetishize things like incest, violence, race, age, etc.. etc...
While nofap is a psyop, men should be aware of how weird it is, to avoid the trick of ever paying for porn or onlyfans type of stuff, and that while an occasional fap is cool, beware of tricks like having you search 80 pages deep into more and more fetishized b.s. to find something decent...
and to be honest it would be cool to see some semi-realistic fucking and blowing sex acts etc... in HD available without a degenerate title.
As gay as nofap is, there are some good points and a bunch of males grow up without any guidance about how shitty the forced porn market is.

>> No.15828828

Parents divorced, no brothers or male cousins(I was under impression that young boys "show" this stuff to each other), I had heard from other boys at school joking about it but never really understood those jokes, sex ED said that ejaculation happens when having an sex with a woman, no one actually mentioned that I could just fap.

>> No.15829084

Oh yeah, speaking as someone who abstained for years, I can honestly say that even though the alleged physiological benefits are bunk, it is still good for a young man to learn that he can go without relieving himself and not cultivate a dependence on porn.

>> No.15829512

What about watching girls diddle themselves? That's the only thing i like. I am not partial to seeing other men fuck women, but its more pleasurable to watch women pleasure themselves. And it has not changed since i started watching porn unlike the typical addict who gets into more rougher stuff as the addiction progresses. Its peculiar because i only like seeing women show their pedicured feet while touching themselves.

>> No.15829559 [DELETED] 
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if you devote hours of every day to pleasuring yourself thats hours you can't devote to meaningful accomplishments.

>> No.15829567

I dunno, I think it's just a false correlation
people with shitty lives probably just use masturbation and other vices as a means to cope.
But being stuck in a coping state like that will probably make it harder to improve your life when given the chance.
Imagine you're trapped in a box forever but you wont die, playing with your pecker will be the only thing that keeps you sane.
Now you're given a choice run 100 miles and be free and win a hundred bucks too, or just keep living in your box yanking it.
Effort was at first futile because it achieved nothing, now all effort seems worthless now that you've learned to cope in stasis.
uhm dude ever heard of edging? cumming feels good but it sucks immediately after. it's more fun to just go for hours.

>> No.15829897
File: 120 KB, 737x499, IMG_3646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you’re going to die anyway does it even matter, no right? not really because some other human will think of what you could’ve done and probably do it better

>> No.15830204

>meaningful accomplishments
>I am only worth something when others say so
kek, holy boomer. Just die.

>> No.15830213

You have no goals or ambitions of your own?

>> No.15830237

I'd like to be a god, but outside of that, no. I've realized that all aspirations boil down to maximizing potential of more pussy. I won't be a slave. Get me the fuck off this shit rock.

>> No.15830273

Welp, you've got bigger problems than an addiction to masturbating.

>> No.15830277


>> No.15830283

cooming is not bad, porn is bad

>> No.15830930

>Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15830971

Oh no, now I'll never be a perfect character.

>> No.15831919

masturbation is goyslop for your dick

>> No.15831930

Ban all poltards incels. Every board ruined by retard schizo low iq shitposts. At this point I'd be in favor of forced reeducation camps.

>> No.15832056

Its basic dopamine regulation, your brain becomes insensitive and seeks stronger stimuli. I started a fap minimum of 6 times a day when schizophrenic symptoms started to appear, as a way to cope with negative and violent thoughts. It fucks with your brain especially if you have some other mental problems in the first place. Also after some time skin starts peeling off, and bruises appear on your dick, but at that point, you are so addicted that you keep fapping even then your dick starts bleeding. I am sitting and writing this with a wounded, red dick at this moment.

>> No.15832063

Just ban the frog.

>> No.15832963

did you report the thread or are you only complaining about it?
why does this topic trigger you so badly anyway? are you a habitual masturbator?

>> No.15832965

You're circumcised aren't you.

>> No.15833228
File: 82 KB, 740x714, disruption of the power process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoiding giving yourself brain damage is pol or something

>> No.15833585

No, deliberately giving yourself brain damage is /pol/, that's why you're unwanted

>> No.15833706

>sexual perversion
Tell me you're a freak puritan without telling me you're religious.

>> No.15833725
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I think the problem with porn + masturbation is largely that it becomes a surrogate for actual sex/relationships rather than it being intrinsically bad. You may have heard that some wild animals have rarely been observed to masturbate in the wild but do so quite frequently in captivity. It's almost as if masturbation is a sign of entrapment. So if you find yourself constantly needing to wank it, especially to porn, rather spending that effort on pursuing real girls, I'd wager you have feeling of helplessness or powerlessness imbedded deep in your psyche.

Nofap is kind of a cult that's been able to successfully identify symptoms but not root causes IMO. What an individual ultimately craves is power, over his environment and own life circumstances. Refraining from touching your dick is just an act of willpower, or arguably masochism, when you're still in a cage - not a real solution. The real solution is breaking out of your cage and discovering true power for yourself.

There are tribes of people out there with no conception of masturbation. So how's your 'it's just natural' argument holding up?

based Kaczynski poster.

>> No.15833915

It's like any other activity that gives you instant feel good chemicals for little effort.
Probably fine every now and then, but can fuck you up if it becomes a habit/addiction

>> No.15834966 [DELETED] 

"religion" is just another way of saying "habits" or "way of life"
some people watch the news on tv religiously, they do it every day at the same time
you masturbate religiously. self love is your religion.

>> No.15834991

By the time he does that though, this thread will archive.

>> No.15835374

Bruh you can't both argue that animals masturbate and that it's unnatural because some tribes allegedly don't have the concept. If masturbation can be a social construct, then obviously so can a lack of it. But whatever animals do has to be the natural one.

>> No.15835382

>For adults 18–45 years of age, the average frequency of sex per night was about three times among the Aka and two times among the Ngandu. Age had no impact on the frequency of sex per night. Aka averaged two days and Ngandu averaged three days between days with sexual activity. Aka and Ngandu cultural models or reasons for having frequent sex emphasized their desire for children rather than pleasure. Homosexuality and masturbation were rare or nonexistent in both groups.
So, firstly, the taboo on homosexuality and masturbation is indeed explained as cultural. Secondly, their culture emphasises sex so much there's hardly any room for non-reproductive sexual activity. And thirdly, "rare or non-existent" seems a lot less clear-cut than "do not exist".

>> No.15835967 [DELETED] 

why can't animals have social constructs?

>> No.15836934 [DELETED] 

Everything animals do is natural, pure and good, everything that humans do is artificial and evil.
And I am totally not part of an anti-human death cult

>> No.15837035

it isn't

>> No.15837230

You're the ones conflating "natural" with pure and good whilst also falling for some "noble savage" bullshit with >>15833725
>Oh look this primitive tribe doesn't have gay sex or wanking, they're so pure and in touch with nature, unspoiled by modern society!
When actually they have a complex culture of their own that effects this outcome.
Remember, it was your side that argued masturbation was artificial and evil because animals supposedly only do it in captivity. Only when the contradiction was pointed out did that line of thought suddenly become indicative of an "anti-human death cult".

>> No.15838278 [DELETED] 
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low iq
>it was your side that argued
>muh two sides!!!! everything is a red vs blue debate just like on muh npr & cnn!!!
zogbot gollem

>> No.15838632

>low iq
That is actually the proper use of the word, you midwit grammaticaster. "To effect" means "to bring about, to have as an effect" as opposed to "affect" which means "to influence". The outcome is effected by their culture, not affected.
>it was your side that argued
>muh two sides!!!!
There are two sides to this DISCUSSION, your obsessive brain immediately made the leap to American politics even though none of this is ostensibly related to that.
What an ironically revealing post you just made, just like the last one. You haven't got any feet left to shoot yourself in. Oh wait, shit, better not refer to your left foot and right foot, that's a spook!
But you feel smart for reflexively regurgitating DA J00Z!!1! at the merest hint of dissent, lol, what a fucking clown show.

>> No.15838833 [DELETED] 

yes it is

>> No.15840336 [DELETED] 

>How scientifically true is it that masturbation harms you in all aspects of life
100% true

>> No.15841428 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15842280 [DELETED] 

Masturbation is as addictive as any drug, the addicts can't just be convinced to stop. Their addiction has warped their perception of reality to the point that they start to think their addiction is a positive feature. Fentanyl junkies, cocaine addicts, tweakers, alcoholics and potheads all do the same thing too, they all invent stories about how they're better off being addicts as an excuse to maintain their addictions

>> No.15842905

Yes, nofap works for porn addicts just like teetotalling works for alcoholics. The occasional glass of wine doesn't hurt the average person with good mental health, however.

>> No.15843167

Weed infused 10 hour perma coomer here. I stopped weed and jacking off since my last post in this thread (Oct 28) see thread for reference, nothing has changed besides the need to find shit to do to out of sheer boredom. Where is the addiction part, you retarded chimps?
Btw, Anno 1800 good game.

>> No.15843231

no fap November
only 6 days clean
i will not fap with you tonight!
you got this!!!

>> No.15843236

ok, so I have a problem. Stopped fapping. Now I've been forcing myself to have lucid dreams where I'm smashing thick video game pussy. Flying around... grabbing thick mamacitas out of the air...
is this bad? I'm I still a good Christian? Seems suspect.

>> No.15843285
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Okay, so you completely misinterpreted what I said. Where in my post did I assert it being natural or unnatural? I said obsessive masturbation was most likely a sign of feelings of powerlessness. I said nothing about how 'natural' it was. And aslo,
I'm not even going to try and explain myself further. Because if you're unironically talking in ebonics you clearly wouldn't have the intellectual capacity to grasp it anyway. It'd be a waste of breath.

And what the fuck does this have to do with anything? OP asked if jerking your dick was harmful to your to your life, specifically within the realm of higher scientific pursuits. I said it probably was, but not intrinsically, rather that it was just a sign of deeper pathological issues. And I used the harmful effects of captivity on animals to justify my claim.

you're arguing with two completely different people. I'm not this guy >>15836934

I'm this guy >>15833725

>> No.15843699

>Where in my post did I assert it being natural or unnatural?
>There are tribes of people out there with no conception of masturbation. So how's your 'it's just natural' argument holding up?

>> No.15844039

note that "both sides" are currently massively in favor of sending all of our money to israel.
thats what would happens if you have one side that is pretending to be two sides and is using the act to shut out all other options

>> No.15844100

cry fags!

>> No.15844101

>just don't touch yourself at night bro
Thing is this doesn't even work, cause If I don't coom for more than 2-3 days I will just coom in my sleep and make a mess

>> No.15844729

Masturbating and pornography is bad because it gives you death grip syndrome, and it makes it difficult to get an erection when having sex with a woman.

>> No.15844758

>not fucking death grip pussy
Well there's your first problem.

>> No.15845068 [DELETED] 

>Masturbating and pornography is bad because it gives you…

>> No.15845641 [DELETED] 

that too

>> No.15845674

The problem is chasing pussy instead of food. Yes, food, real physical energy that makes you physically powerful. No, it is no use to forcefeed yourself like a fatty who eats when not hungry. Fatties are so pathetic they eat mostly extremely unnatural food and think something like oatmeal will make them lose weight. Because they only eat highly processed meme food they are not really hungry like me who eats plain rice, chicken breast, aforementioned oatmeal etc. These fuckers are at any given moment underbreathing or hyperventilating, THEIR CREATIVITY IS DOGSHIT. Anyway, if you chase pussy you are at a biological physical mental level sacrificing your own physical power for female affection. It is the females who should chase you, stupid faggot. You don't lose some magical or neuraltransmitter power when you cum, in fact if you are at it you should cum as fast as possible. The problem is the Cause of having the wrong priority. Porn pacifies your ugly ass, you stop solving problems, stop going to the gym, stop improving your skills, stop acquiring money, stop taking the right challenges, lose your male friends, be it with porn or a real bitch that controls you too much. And it could be just some bitch that fills your weekend with useless shit instead of letting you Rest for another week of hard work. It is like being consumed to hell by a parasite, imaginary or not. Come back to Reality. Hahahaha

>> No.15846058


>> No.15846068

i don't understand what you're meant to do about blue balls. i usually only nut on the weekends just because i'm busy. but if i go to the club or whatever and don't actually take some slut to pound town, when i get home my nuts ache.

>> No.15846073

I knew I liked boys before I ever even discovered masturbation or porn.

>> No.15846083

Not really, I tried NNN in 2020 and it didn't particularly benefit me.

>> No.15846088

Informative. Recreational relationships are rampant, hence.

>> No.15846108

Bro, you write like a teenager. No wonder you seem obsessed with not being perceived as one.

>> No.15846160

anon, testosterone is bad for you
it causes baldness and makes you age and feel like shit.

>> No.15846166

Reminder that "nofap" was a highly successful protestant propaganda operation.
Who, in todays world, really really care if you are masturbating?

There's only one group willing to talk about it and willing to make up reasons why you should not.

>> No.15846250

something pro-fappers will never answer, I keep raising it but I never get answer
if abstaining from all ejaculation has no physiological effect on the body, then why is it so difficult for people to abstain from it?
If abstaining from all ejaculation has a physiological effect no the body, how is it mediated if not via endocrine means?
If abstaining from all ejaculation has an endocrine effect on the body, then why presume automatically that there is no justification for thinking that some of its effects may be positive?

>> No.15846256

"May plausibly be" is not the same thing as "is".

>> No.15846266

ok but this is already an admission as far as pro-fappers are concerned, obviously there is no "scientific evidence" that abstaining from ejaculation has positive benefits, because no quality study has been conducted in this field, there is no scientific evidence for or against masturbation, but there are reasons to suspect that abstinence may have significant physiological effects and at this stage each man determines for himself whether these effects are positive

>> No.15846270

As far as I know there's at least some evidence of ejaculation reducing risk of prostate cancer, though I don't know if it's conclusive.

>> No.15846299

There is a significant amount of evidence and plausible mechanisms by which abstaining from ejaculation may contribute to prostate cancer risk.
It's as clear as it can get in a field as messy as medicine.

>> No.15846312 [DELETED] 

>As far as I know there's at least some evidence of ejaculation reducing risk of prostate cancer
yeah, you got that from the replication crisis journals which are mostly fake, some porno industry kingpin paid to have that article published

>> No.15846385

so once a day is fine? i dont think so, no one faps 5x times a day retard unless youre 15

>> No.15846642
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yeah sorry guys I'm a retard. Arguing over days and I lose track of what I said. You're right I was wrong.

That's embarrassing.

>> No.15846720

8 days! Sorry; 7.25 days!! why is time moving so slowly? I've been watching the clock a lot. Like November will not END WTF?!
NOFAP November and I'm in God-Mode! My laundry basket no longer smells musty!

>> No.15846953

Because the purpose of any living organism is to find food and sex. So this behavior is normal.

>> No.15847319

I know a girl (yes, an actual girl) who says she once masturbated like seven or eight times in a row and couldn't feel her legs afterwards.

>> No.15847383

[math]\sqrt{(nigger)^2+(nigger)^2} = kys [/math]

>> No.15847387


>> No.15847543

Maybe try not masturbating for one week (7 days) and find out
meditate on this.

>> No.15847575

>As far as I know there's at least some evidence of ejaculation reducing risk of prostate cancer
yeah, you got that from the replication crisis journals which are almost completely fake news.
some porno industry kingpin paid to have that article published in order to promote his business

>> No.15847582

I tried not doing it for a month and it didn't have any particular benefits for me. (I'm currently abstaining from masturbation but that's because I made a bet with some friends about who can go without for longer.)

>> No.15847584

You are fine then. Masturbate as you wish. 75% of niggas on the internet are addicted and coping thoughbiet.

>> No.15847593

HRT helped me be less addicted honestly.

>> No.15847598

>cut penis off
>no longer jerk off

>> No.15847601

It's not masturbation the problem, but porn.

>> No.15847602

ok but get this. If you dont masturbate. You wont watch porn.

>um actually i NEED porn
Ok buckaroni

>> No.15847605

I don't want surgery. Not every trans person wants surgery.

>> No.15847608

Ok and not every anon wants to read your blogpost.

>> No.15847728

how do you find the time and energy to eat and stuff?
do you constantly have a drip in your arm?

>> No.15848251

How is ten words a blogpost?

>> No.15848348

So the moment you have sex women won't like you for another 90 days?

>> No.15848513

>So the moment you have sex women won't like you for another 90 days?
Women always like you if you are high-value, but they can sense (smell?) the shame and guilt of masturbation for approximately 90 days. We won the state championship in sportsball and my father who is a sports agent got me a 2023 V-8 Mustang GT as a graduation present so I was basically dating half the sloots at my high school this summer.
Then I made the mistake of fapping one morning ( morning 'power'? take a cold shower! ). Haven't been laid since.

>> No.15848580

Lol what a fag

>> No.15848651

Anyone ever wonder why we even argue on this website in the first place, like no one is ever gonna change their mind on anything (except for actual open minded outliers which are rare) so what's the point

>> No.15848660

Majority of people have a hunger for seeking acceptance from complete strangers. It really doesn't matter, it's just human ego at it again

>> No.15848786 [DELETED] 

>noooooo stop discussing this topic!!!!
you would be triggered so badly by this thread if you weren't ashamed of your disgusting habitual masturbation habit.

>> No.15849083

I changed my mind on many topics after discussing with Anons.

>> No.15849087

>what's the point
Bloodsport. Sometimes anons are chill so there is good conversations to be had as well.

>> No.15849125

More than a decade ago i went on a religious nofap (before it was cool) to become a porn artist
Porn addiction has its perks for people willing to get themselves in creating such content. But it absolutely and undoubtedly worses your motivation and will to perform complex tasks or think long term.

>> No.15849159


>> No.15849283
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>> No.15849313
File: 975 KB, 400x200, shark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't enter a debate to change a mind; you go into it to show why your position is reasonable, educate others on points they might not be aware of or haven't occurred to them, and gain better insight into why another person thinks the way they do on their position. A man's mind can only be changed by himself; however, a man may be more motivated to change his mind if he learns new information that contradicts his position.

>> No.15849349

>Women always like you if you are high-value, but they can sense (smell?) the shame and guilt of masturbation for approximately 90 days.
No we can't. (Or else I just haven't met enough non-masturbating men to calibrate my senses by lol.)

>> No.15849365

I've heard some people say the point of debate isn't to convince your interlocutor, it's to convince third parties who are listening/reading.

>> No.15850213

So the thing is self-doubt, not masturbating

>> No.15850505

Masturbation addicts debate this topic because they're trying to convince themselves that their disgusting toxic self pleasuring habits aren't really as nasty and harmful as everyone knows they really are.

>> No.15850517

If only you'd allow yourself to bust a nut you wouldn't feel compulsed to being such a freak cunt about sex.

>> No.15851418 [DELETED] 

You will never experience the otherworldly pleasure of having your anime waifu visit you in your dreams for the purpose of copulating because you're hooked on masturbation

>> No.15852038

It's always nofappers who start the discussion and who argue the most ardently, though. Which makes sense because as we've established they're all projecting recovering addicts.

>> No.15852088

NTA but I hardly ever remember my dreams anyway.

>> No.15852345 [DELETED] 

low iq people tend not to, their brains don't work very well

>> No.15852579

do you have any idea how much it takes for your body to produce sperm? if you knew anything about how to be healthy you would know jacking it is harmful

>> No.15852801

I’ll try it out, will give out the results.

- Nov 12 2023

>> No.15853879

Oh, that's great, I don't feel shame for masturbating so Im fine. Will keep doing it every single day.

>> No.15854088

Don't the sperm only live a fairly finite time inside your body anyway? That is, they're gonna die whether you ejaculate them or not.

>> No.15854192

Yeah, it's also not like sperm production stops if you don't ejaculate

>> No.15854199

>do you have any idea how much it takes for your body
Okay, but then this is a moot point. Whether your whack it or not your body goes through the same process.

>> No.15854750

>an addict rationalizing it's addiction

>> No.15854797

it gets reabsorbed when they die, it's called seven retention, the fact is your just trying to cope with being a degenerate

>> No.15854860

if you touch your cock, or someone else's, you are a faggot

>> No.15855292
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>some people say

>> No.15855785

Why the fuck do you guys feel shame from fapping? Is this an effect of being molested?

>> No.15855799

You mean besides dumping copious amounts of testosterone down the drain that your body misses out on? You become depressed from chemical imbalances, not to mention your junk gets sore and chafed.

>> No.15855855

Oh no, now I'll never replenish the resources with a fuel called food. It's over. Might as well start working on retaining sweat and piss. Wouldn't want to waste all that water you puritan freak.

>> No.15855914

wouldn't excessive habitual fapping also facilitate excessive testosterone production?

>> No.15855961

>anonymous saying anonymous sources always lie

>> No.15856305

All Cretans are liars.

>> No.15856340
File: 32 KB, 375x408, 1698865595088259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people say
>my love
>cannot be true
woop woop
>please believe me
>my love
>and I'll show you

>> No.15856346

It isnt, chatgpt just lies

>> No.15856631

>so once a day is fine?
I mean it's generally what people did before the internet made getting porn easy and society seemed more or less fine before that point.

Dick chafing, for one.

>> No.15856641

I don't think you should go crazy with your fapping, but at the same time shit like NNN is veganism for /pol/fags

>> No.15857313

you are an absolute brainlet, it's like you can't help but say the most retarded things.

>> No.15857355

Not an argument. Cope and seethe somewhere else

>> No.15857717

Wasn’t Newton reported to be a virgin by the nobility? Wasn’t Einstein if it weren’t for him wanting to be paid for their work also be a virgin? Think about my rationale. All masses throughout society need relatability in order to kill themselves. Here’s a thought experiment. When was the Earth created? How long did it take Satan’s razor to show up. Need evidence for what the date is?

>> No.15857729

6000 is not a blimp

>> No.15857741

We have a great show for you tonight! My name is..!

>> No.15857807

Your brain is a fuck machine becasue reproduction is the meaning of all life, the continuance of your genetics is the most important thing to your subconscious animal brain.

If you ain't fucking then it will go apeshit to make you worth fucking, to the best of its ability. It will feed you more testosterone, it will make you want to do things, increase your status in society. Anything to make you more able to fuck a baby into a woman.

If you jerk off, it ain't gonna do shit cause it thinks you just fucked.

This is why feminists are so pro masturbation, because when men are winning they are losing. They want you to lose, so they can climb up above you. You'll never find one feminists that is anti masturbation, no matter how much she hates men.

>> No.15857825

this is what nofap cultists actually believe

>> No.15857831

>cunt spotted

>> No.15857911

>i don't jerk off to stick it to women
based retard

>> No.15857940

There's one thing I never understood regarding nofap. Should I avoid to fap even if I have decently often sex? Today I had sex two times with my gf. The first time we both cummed (she did it before me, than she finished me with an handjob); the second time she cummed while sucking my cock and using a toy. I didn't cum and since it was a quicky and we had to go I have some lingering drive to have sex. Sohuld I refrain to fap?

>> No.15857974

Masturbation is generally considered a normal and healthy sexual activity with no scientific evidence suggesting it harms all aspects of life or that abstaining from it makes one a better person or scientist. Excessive time spent on any activity, including masturbation, can interfere with responsibilities, but there's no direct link between personal sexual habits and scientific achievements. The idea that abstaining from masturbation leads to improved personal or scientific abilities lacks scientific support.

>> No.15858193

>You'll never find one feminists that is anti masturbation
Many feminists are against pornography

>> No.15858216

But veganism is for moral reasons to do with the well-being of animals, not for reasons of your own health. If it's for your own health it's a plant-based diet.

>> No.15858219

Pornography and masturbation aren't quite the same thing. You can masturbate without pornography, and you can watch pornography without masturbating (though I'm not sure why you would). Not to mention that feminist opposition to pornography is generally about the exploitation of performers, i.e. not applicable to things like erotic fiction or drawings.

>> No.15858275

All pornography reinforces misogyny

>> No.15858386

Are you defining 'pornography' to include, say, written smut? But even aside from that, what about, say, pornography about two men?

>> No.15858410
File: 495 KB, 1280x1356, 05F9DE46-9943-453A-88FD-7C49476591FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to try it at least do it for 72~ days, the lifespan of sperm, so you can reabsorb all of the nutrients within them. The clear fluid that accompanies the semen resembles CFS and semen itself has several vital nutrients and the entire concoction is made up with neurosteroids

>> No.15858713

you have no friends

>> No.15858976

>though I'm not sure why you would
people think porno is retarded used to get kicks mocking it on websites like SA's "the horrors of porn"

>> No.15859413

kek, still not argument, freak.

>> No.15860481

>so you can reabsorb all of the nutrients within them.
Isn't sperm eliminated in urine?

>> No.15860665

you didn't have sex, sex is a procreative act. you engaged in some mockery of the act

>> No.15861312

Everyone understands perfectly well what he meant. There is no Platonic form of the English language floating in the ether, dictating the objectively correct uses of words.

>> No.15861945

lol coping trad incel shut the fuck up, and if my gf wants an abortion ill let her have 100 faggot

>> No.15861991

Not him but I did find sources https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH

>> No.15862089

I've developed a method of masturbation that has no risk of chafing, and is extremely pleasurable. I also don't last nearly as long doing it compared to the "normal" method. Thus, I am able to jerk off effectively as much as I want, quicker than anyone else, with an ease of accessibility not available to the normal method, and I've been doing it since I was TWELVE. The only limiter is when my cock simply doesn't get up anymore, and even that doesn't stop me.

Yes, you can coom while soft. Multiple times in fact. My record is 23 cooms in a single day and that was on a weekend when I was 14. So somebody, anybody, GET ME OUT OF THIS COOM FILLED PRISON

>> No.15862098
File: 54 KB, 1338x161, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nofap started on reddit. All you need to know

>> No.15862630

no it doesn't, misogyny is good, porno is for faggots. porno encourages feminism and women worshipping and homosexuality

>> No.15862735

How the actual fuck do you even manage to fap 5 times a day?
I literally cannot fap more than 2 or 3 times per day at the absolute maximum because it starts hurting af at that point

>> No.15862807

What are the physical repercussions for women taking those over 10" dragon dildos vaginally? How is this even anatomically possible? The organs move for pregnancy, but that's from the fetus growing in the uterus, and the vagina stretches to accommodate birth, but there's the stopgap at the culdesac. It doesn't make physiological sense.

>> No.15862887

How is misogyny good? Next you’ll bring up the whole race black skulls white skulls meme theory

>> No.15862903

How is it bad?

>> No.15863077

Things like nofap, and dopamine fasting, and affirmations are all part of an annoying trend in popular psychology:
The idea that these little, unrelated things that you do will change your personality and affect your life in profound ways.
Now obviously, its based in some truth. Little things can affect your mood. And everything can have an impact on the direction of your life.
But these improover youtubers and tiktokers kick the concept into overdrive. To the point where they put all the emphasis on these subtle personality improvement rituals and almost look down on anything that is a "quick fix".
It can be addicting, especially for people in desperate situations to latch on to these comparitively easy rituals to feel like they are improving their life. But if you put all your stock into this hoping to see radical changes to your personality, you are going to be disappointed.

>> No.15863079

>little, unrelated things
>Little things
>subtle personality improvement rituals
Weaning off or going cold turkey to end an addiction that's ravaging your brain is anything but "little." Chronic masturbation has the same effect on brain chemistry as chronic drug abuse.

>> No.15863284

what did pithagoras mean by this?

>> No.15863578

It's an affirmation of the natural order.

>> No.15863662
File: 108 KB, 741x1082, skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all races are identical, evolution is fake, blacks have the same skulls as chinks, beaners and whites
why do you deny evolution?

>> No.15863688

individual minor habits are pushed as one-size-fits-all, one-off cures.
the problem is that your life is made up of thousands of minor habits acting in parallel every day; you will get more bang for your buck by working a bit on all of them, rather than by focusing on perfecting one habit and getting diminishing returns.

>> No.15864180

>It's an affirmation of the natural order.
So, a blatant logical fallacy? Got it.

>> No.15864195

However, people who are put on libido suppresors such as neuroleptics or anti-depressants, may masturbate less, but in time they would otherwise masturbate, they just stare into the wall.

>> No.15865000

How many hours a day to habitual masturbators like yourself spend on masturbation?

>> No.15865037

if I go now than a month, I have a night pollution
first happened in high school, now I'm 30 and it still happened recently when I was in a hospital for 3 months

hours nofap isn't for me or a universal thing lmao

I'm still not watching porn and will continue to have sex with my fiancee though, cheers

>> No.15865048

before someone jokes about anal, let me guess, because I accidentally jerked off on kindergarten and continued since with a similar daily record somewhere in the lower 20s making your post fascinating - do you do it while laying on your stomach, fuck pointing down to your knees and just grinding until you cum?

>> No.15865058

>autismos are largely socially awkward because they were constant jacking it in the womb
It is too late for them, their brain is wired that way now and it can't be undone.

>> No.15865070

I jacked it a couple times daily, still do, and still got a wonderful wife, live happy and have high confidence and have no issues that this chart shows. This is just Christfuck propaganda, jack it, just don't lock yourself in a goon chamber and leave only for work and food kek

>> No.15865134
File: 29 KB, 438x330, 1680521922426630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for an anon that tells us all the benefits of NOT jacking off.
I want to get my life together. Don't know how to start.

>> No.15865230

Men are bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter than women.

If you don't know or understand this very simple, basic biological law, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.15865739

not jacking off multiple hours a day is a good start. Otherwise fapping has little relation to getting your life in order

>> No.15865934


>> No.15865945

Because women are human beings and oppressing them causes them to suffer?

>> No.15865959

'Natural' is not the same thing as 'good'. Smallpox is natural.

>> No.15866046

If masturbation, causes you to doubt God loves you. Then, you need to stop even if it is not forbidden. If masturbation causes you a lot of shame right now and attacks your identity, then it is sin (for you, specifically) to do so if that shame will then harm you. If it compromises your self control, then it is sin. If it hurts your spouse or your relationship, it is sin.

>> No.15866066

Why would your brain think you just fucked if YOU don't? Do Nofap faggots think that the brain is a totally seperate being to themselves, and on top of that is also stupid?

>> No.15866459 [DELETED] 

people who want to be tricky all the time are fundamentally dishonest people
they don't want to acknowledge reality and live within it's bounds because that would be too emotionally hurtful for them. so instead they invent a fantasy life in which they're super clever tricky geniuses

>> No.15866640 [DELETED] 

>its not me doing x, its my brain doing it
what an irresponsible lie, nobody with a conscience could honestly believe such a thing, its something only a child would say

>> No.15870655

they aren't they are just different.
on natural hunter gatherers there isn't a hierarchy and women and men are treated equally so using the natural point just shows the contrary.

>> No.15870731

different physically, intellectually the need for all mental abilities on all cases makes for the selection of the sexes for different traits something useless and as a result we have equal intelligence levels on all things (the differences are caused by socialization proven by studies which have shown that people that believe that they are incapable on one skill will make result differences that are eliminated if they are treated without a bias, in general both sexes are equal emotionally and intellectually.)

>> No.15871476

Should I hate you just because you are my intellectual and moral inferior?

>> No.15872368 [DELETED] 

no, you should use fear and envy as the basis of your anger

>> No.15872422

iirc the benefits of nofap peaks after 2 weeks and it's downhill after that point, so really there is no point in continuing after that.

>> No.15872426

Satan has some weird fixation on jerking off. I guess that's how he pushes into his gay shit when he says, "Just start sucking dick or something, but don't jerk off if there's no woman around for you."

>> No.15872533

One of the best public speakers I've ever met, who has an incredible amount of confidence and fucks a lot of women, is a degenerate coomer who masturbates 5 times a day, and fucks women in the day too.
The truth is that some people can live life being a degenerate coomer and suffer no consequences, and there's others who just becaome a degenerate coomer and nothing else.

>> No.15872549

It's kinda telling that all the nofappers seem to think the only alternative is cooming twelve times a day. Don't make your personal problems everyone's problem.

>> No.15872666

Spit coffee all over my desk. You, sir, win the internet today!

>> No.15872819

Going cold turkey may even be the best solution for some problem masturbators, just like some alcoholics have no choice but to become teetotalers because they can't drink responsibly. But I agree most people are capable of exercising moderation in that regard.

>> No.15873048

You're moving the goalposts, bud

>> No.15874009

porno and masturbation is for losers.
want to be a loser? start jacking off to ponro

>> No.15874354

you're an addict rationalizing your addiction

>> No.15874485

since we're talking about this, does anybody know what the natural rate of cooming was in society before widespread pornography? Or in primitive tribes?

>> No.15874689

I'd also be interested in knowing this

>> No.15874907

Theres real no cold turkey, habitual masturbators are rewarded for quitting by eventually having vivid erotic dreams which are often even better sensually than irl sex, although they lack the procreative aspect

>> No.15875051

read the article in

>> No.15875090

If these tribes are supposed to be representative then why are they special enough to be highlighted?

>> No.15875185

Do nocturnal emissions count?

>> No.15875665

Because the writer was out of ideas. I don't know, but it's something.

>> No.15875677

Theres nothing wrong with jerking off, he happy your brain can even still give you an erection every day of your life you nofap retards

>> No.15876118

They're right, masturbation is an unhealthy habit associated with excess mortality

>> No.15876136

Girlfriend gives me blowjobs when it's her time of the month. I just learned that that is considered 'sodomy' (always thought that was only anal, but apparently oral included and some definitions include all non child-bearing sexual activity).
do blowjobs ruin my nofap November?
She somehow gives blowjobs like she has experience and I don't want to give them up.

>> No.15876155

>doesn’t post any of said evidence

>> No.15876168

More time to do other things.
Practice self control for other applications in life.
Save money on tissues.

>> No.15876169

>what is the subconscious

>> No.15876277

no retard, stop using protestant dribble, in christianity sodomy is only used for anal, the bible only refers to anal insertion as it and the bible even encourages and shows oral sex positively on song of solomon, if the bible doesn't explicitly say that something is wrong then it isn't wrong on christian morality.

>> No.15876279

shows oral sex positively on a direct manner*

>> No.15876354

there's no benefits of not jacking off or jacking off.
in general the time investment is low for the pleasure (15 to 30 minutes) and it's something which done correctly helps you be better at sex with a couple thus has a pleasure and betterment benefit for social dynamics which represent one of the most important aspects of human care, empathy, life meaning and bonding, self control isn't masturbation related because masturbation is very mentally based and a person doing it wants to do it by the way human sexuality works so if you didn't wanted to masturbate you would just not think about it by doing other things or simply not having time, the act of learning to self control in sex and to recognize the best ways to recognize your tastes and to get more pleasure on slower masturbation makes it an action which generates more self control than not having libido or just doing other things which give pure immediate pleasure like mindless media or self grandiose jobs like lawn mowing (which makes the plant live worse, less , waste more resources and makes it look uglier but killing it is funny and people get angry at others for living peacefully so it's done and generates pavlovian machiavelism as a result).
the last one is very optional and in normal men it isn't needed at all, an small amount of water cleans that shit easily.

>> No.15876714
File: 736 KB, 889x1280, 1700496274667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15876940

thats the part of your brain which contains the memories you can't consciously recover, such as the memory of your circumcision.

>> No.15877326

This guy doesn't actually think quitting his addiction changed his entire skull shape, does he? What we're seeing is the result of a different camera lens and better lighting.

>> No.15877357

He looks like a sodomite. I hope he gets cured.

>> No.15877371

>I use to be young and now I am older
Also self-chad's are akin to slapping your own ass after a play. Don't. It's not your place.

>> No.15877850

ok so here is some things i think are objective regarding this topic

1) of course doing it alot with be bad for you, even water can kill you if you drink enough of it
2) while a detox is always good (in the same way cutting sugar for a while would be good), if you dont jerk off more than 2 times a week what you gain from nofap would be so minimal it might aswell not be worth the effort
3) people who claim it does magic most of the time are addicted, people who claim nofap does wonders mostly have a life story about how they used to jerk off like 3 times a day
4) the placebo effect is big with nofap
5) alot of people do it for morals (porn is evil, it objectifies woman or something)
6) alot of people defend nofap for morals instead of anything else (alot of nofappers are christian and do it to get closer to god)
7) nofap can help it focus, its good to not be thinking about sex and porn all the time

i would say its atleast worth a try, a detox is good just to make sure you are not addicted (do it for like 1 to 3 months)

>> No.15878582

Seriously, am I fucked because I came in my sleep. I don’t like cumming.

>> No.15878633

this pic seems to be emotionally triggering the masturbation addicts' guilty consciences

>> No.15879345

>When I say porn ruins young men's lives, I speak from experience.
This guy spend too much time masturbating instead of learning what a focal length is.

>> No.15879639

I was a nofapper on the time. Didn't accomplish my self-imposed goals. Now I just hate redditors and go on NNN just to mog them

>> No.15879701

No, but it should trigger anyone who can't grow a good beard. That cope stache is atrocious

>> No.15879753

>Okay, why don't you try not rubbing one out 5 times a day for 8 weeks and see if there is any improvement in yourself.
That sounds impossible so I'll just keep jerking myself silly every hour of the day.
No proof that masturbation harms you in any way btw

>> No.15879775

IWNFWYT i will not fap with you tonight.
you got this!
after you detox from fapping, one night a month we fap together at most.

>> No.15879788

Because there is no space between 'NO' and 'FAP' I choose to read it as 'NO' 'F' 'AP', with the AP Statistics being an exam of some sorts. I don't know, I don't live in the United States, but I do know that F is an exam grade value there.

>> No.15879790

And in Dutch, 'sta' (sta tistics) means 'to stand' - coincidentally the humans in the right part of the graph are in standing / walking position

>> No.15879888

So you are also convinced that if you stopped masturbating (or start it up again) it'd change the shape of your skull?

>> No.15879893

>first picture
Bad camera
>second picture
Good camera


>> No.15880484

that and the 2nd pic could be a little older and in the summer vs winter

>> No.15880895

why does seeing someone else's self improvement anger you?