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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 272 KB, 1x1, 2304-4377-1-SM.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15766635 No.15766635 [Reply] [Original]

Accelerated deaths of the Tasmanian wedge-tailed and white-bellied sea-eagles are a grim reality if thousands of new wind turbines are built.

Over the past decade, wind turbines and transmission lines have led to the deaths or injuries of 321 threatened eagles in Tasmania, according to a study.

More cases are believed to be unreported due to a lack of systemic research on wind farms and public information.

From 2010-2022, wind farms caused the deaths of 268 eagles and injured 53, with state-owned power company TasNetworks reporting 139 deaths, and eagle rescuers witnessing 91 deaths and 50 injuries.

Study author Gregory Pullen said the number of eagle deaths was a “stark reminder” that an urgent solution was needed to mitigate further harm to the vulnerable species.

“The real number can only be higher since surveying at wind farms is incomplete,” Mr. Pullen noted in the study.

“Specifically, it is only close to turbines, is periodic, and does not involve all turbines or all habitat around each turbine, scrub often being excluded.”

Of great concern is that 272 deaths involved the endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle, and 49 of the vulnerable white-bellied sea eagles.
Future of Birds Unclear
Both species could face further risk as the expansion of wind turbine construction continues amid the federal government’s net-zero push.

“Accelerated deaths of the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle and white-bellied sea-eagle are a grim reality if thousands of new wind turbines and hundreds of kilometres of transmission lines are erected across Tasmania to meet a legislated doubling of renewable energy production by 2040,” Mr. Pullen said.

The study estimated that less than 1,000 Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles remain and emphasised ongoing monitoring to ensure the species does not become extinct.

>> No.15766655

That's why civilised countries don't build them where endangered species breed. It's really not that hard.

>> No.15766957

>The study estimated that less than 1,000 Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles remain and emphasised ongoing monitoring to ensure the species does not become extinct.

The same people who are outraged over SpaceX launching from site with non endangered birds will not make the slightest complaint over wind farms killing off this nearly extinct eagle species. Just goes to show how completely fake environmentalists all are. Every one of their complaints is invented for ulterior motives

>> No.15767332

fuck elongated muskmelon and fuck the birds. this type of whining only happens when thirdies try to uplift themselves, if power was needed the first worlders just nuked the local ecology to make it happen. freeze a few birds of you care about the species so much, the thirdies will revive them once they develop.

kek, europe and north america, the preserved ecological havens.

>> No.15767337

SpaceX is cancer and so is the greentard agenda. Technotroons of all varieties need to go.

>> No.15767339

how long till natural selecting instills basic sense into these birds?

>> No.15767502
File: 4 KB, 205x245, incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am willing to bet you don't actually give two shit about these birds, and you just wanted to use this as another excuse to sperg out about muh wokeism and muh green agenda. You're a total fucking retard. If you actually look at things objectively, it's quite obvious that green energy is better than fossil fuels. I know that make the republicans and contrarian edgelords seethe, but its the truth.

Now go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15767530

shut up tranny, we must continue financing the based gulf islamocracies, nigeria, russia and venezuela

>> No.15767541

why dont nature activists protest by spray painting some historic building? or bitch slapping some random climate activists. would be an epic battle.

>> No.15767673

>it's quite obvious that green energy is better than fossil fuels.

In what quantifiable way?

A dimwit like you sees a single wind turbine or some EV and cannot comprehend how this junk doesn't scale on the macro level.

For example a state of the art Tesla Model S has a 3rd of the range of a 40 year old ICE work truck. How is it better? How many billions of tons of batteries must we create to do a fraction of the work? Were does the energy come from? There are no real solutions that are a net benefit to the environment.

>> No.15767683

Just paint one of the blades black. This manufactured outrage is tiresome.

>> No.15767688

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.15767870

I will go and heal the injured birds :)

>> No.15767911

What's so funny?

You think your none-reply will pass?

Go ahead, elaborate.

>> No.15768038

The range on electric vehicles is a couple hundred miles which matches or exceeds the range of most ICE vehicles. Further the range is the least important aspect of a vehicle. A gallon of gas contains about 34 Kwh of energy, costs more than $4, and you only get about 25% of that energy after losses. The same amount of energy as electricity would cost under $4 in most places around the country, and you get more than 80% of that energy after losses. The worst electric vehicle on the road are cheaper to run and more energy efficient than any ICE ever built and they do it all with better acceleration.

>> No.15768056

Wind turbines are the most stupid scam ever. That shit can't even produce enough energy to cover its initial and operative costs. Is nothing but a waste of fossil fuels.

>> No.15768062


>> No.15768080
File: 70 KB, 490x342, electricefficiencylol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Further the range is the least important aspect of a vehicle.

Lol so you're just going to lie and say electric vehicles have more range than ICE vehicles, something anyone can look up and instantly realize it's dead wrong, but also hedge it with the absolute mongoloid take of "actually, also range doesn't matter"?

You're an absolute mongoloid lol.

>> No.15768185
File: 124 KB, 750x790, IMG_9178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh distance
Meanwhile 97% of the trips are below 100km. Kys, oil shill

>> No.15768223

The same people who don't care about global warming induced mass extinction go fully apeshit over wind farms killing some endangered eagles. Just goes to show how completely fake coal shills all are. Every one of their complaints is invented for ulterior motives

>> No.15768746 [DELETED] 

>global warming induced mass extinction
name one
you can't

meanwhile the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle is on the edge of extinction and the only thing you have to say about to demonize the people who mention how close to extinction they are

>> No.15769121


>> No.15769230

> In what quantifiable way?
Cheaper than drilling, refining and processing them into usable fuels, also are replenished on a human timescale. Sewage plants and dairy farms can make methane that feeds any natural gas grid.
The only thing fossil fuels have going for them is energy density as transportable fuel.

>> No.15769508

Based. The real environmentally friendly choice is pouring research into nuclear energy research.

>> No.15769510

*money into

>> No.15769749

What research is needed? Nuclear energy has been widely employed for over half a century

>> No.15770022

nuclear is one option but the reality is that our very fundamental understanding of energy is wrong and has been since the early 20th century when physics was subverted

>> No.15770039


>> No.15770045

With current technology, we have ~200 years of nuclear fuel left and only get ~4% of our primary energy from nuclear power. Without further research, a nuclear society would run out of fuel in less time than it takes to build a single power plant. Now, if gen4 ideas would be scalable and economical, that would be a game changer. That's why we need research.

>> No.15770295

>200 miles per charge
That's as much as most cars get for a tank of gas, and your truck at 10 mpg needs at least a 20 gallon tank so match or exceed it. All at less than half the cost of fuel. You'd have to be a moron to defend ICEs.

>> No.15770311

>when physics was subverted
by jews?

>> No.15770691 [DELETED] 

>That's as much as most cars get for a tank of gas
no it isn't

>> No.15770698

Don't care. More coal power stations, more wind turbines. Whichever the owner of the land chooses to put there.

>> No.15770714

>bet you don't actually give two shit about these birds
Correct. Their extinction would not strongly impact humanity. If you feel differently, you are free to spend your own time and money keeping them as pets.

>another excuse to sperg out about muh wokeism and muh green agenda
I find the government intervening in people's lives abhorrent, yes.

>objectively, it's quite obvious that green energy is better than fossil fuels.
By what metric? Green energy costs more than fossil fuels, hence private companies did not adopt them sooner. It is only now that the state is both outlawing the alternatives and subsidizing green power that they are being taken up.
If you disagree about the cost of renewables, please give me some evidence. The ones I've seen stating green power to be cheap either lack sources altogether or omit that subsidies have been included in the calculation.

>Now go back to your containment board, incel.
Stop pretending you have the moral high ground when you support taxation and further regulation on our lives. You are worse than a common robber, you believe you're helping by brutalizing people.

>> No.15770728

And about 3/4ths of the price of gas is tax. If we deregulated the fossil fuel market to allow more competition, the wholesale price would plummet.
You've been raised by the state to believe in the state.

>> No.15770735

Need to remove regulations on nuclear to make it profitable. The majority of problems today are caused by government interference in the free market. It's why it takes so long to recover from financial recessions.

>> No.15771340

Yes, it is. The range is dependent on your fuel economy and tank size. Multiply the fuel economy (in mpg) by the tank size (in gallons) and you have the range. If your car has a 12 gallon tank, like most sedans, then it needs a fuel economy of about 17 mpg to have a range of 200 miles. To get to a 225 mile range with a 12 gallon tank you'd need an efficiency of nearly 19 mpg and for 300 miles you'd need 25 miles to the gallon. Trucks get about 10 mpg (less in my experience) so that means that for a 200 mile range you need a 20 gallon tank, for a 225 mile range you need a 23 gallon tank, and for a 300 mile range you need a 30 gallon tank.

Besides the fact that EVs have comparable range to ICEs, you'll almost never need to drive 200 miles without stopping regardless of the vehicle you drive and EVs take less than an hour to charge. Literally just stop for lunch and you're ready to drive another 200 miles.

>> No.15771346


>> No.15771348

I am reminded of that person in california that had to pay out hundreds of thousands for accidentally killing an owl

>> No.15771906

California issues permits to kill California condors to wind farms

>> No.15773050

thats because wind farm owners can pay bigger bribes than endangered species enthusiasts can

>> No.15773743 [DELETED] 

>be environmentalist
>drive birds to extinction
why are they like that?

>> No.15773755

Literally more lethal than DDT.


>> No.15773756

>you don't actually give two shit about these birds
Projection. You obviously don't.

>> No.15774804 [DELETED] 

>Just goes to show how completely fake environmentalists all are. Every one of their complaints is invented for ulterior motives
thats why smart people hate them

>> No.15775582 [DELETED] 

Being an environmentalist is almost always part of a savior complex and an indication of mental illness. Avoid those people like you do tattooed ones or girls with nose rings

>> No.15776762

For money

>> No.15777480
File: 87 KB, 499x358, post22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green energy and global warming idiocy is so dumb that it actually substantially harms nature severely. Definitely a Munchausen syndrome by proxy type of situation propagated by the narcissistic savior complex crowd

>> No.15778425

>Munchausen syndrome by proxy for the entire planet
how grandiose

>> No.15779246 [DELETED] 

I wonder what Eagle meat is like, I bet its pretty good

>> No.15779728
File: 4 KB, 330x480, 2-or8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>increased plants from co2 bad
>warm temperature and liberated carbon associated with teeming life across the geologic record bad
>piece of shit renewables which take all the space to make less energy more expensively good
>impoverishment good
>not being to afford to clean up and protect the environment and becoming a shithole good
>energy abundance bad
>nuclear bad
>having storable transportable quick refill liquid fuel is just a minor detail
>killing eagles for environment good

>> No.15779734

>muh research
Building 1960's designs which have proven reliable only with slight upgrades still mogs everything else. If the climate is so heckin' urgent then no, you don't need to spend time to research shit.

>200 years
>store "waste" rods
>reprocess as needed
>mine it more instead of relying on bullshit current reserve figures
(these alone push it to 10k+ years easily)
>add thorium eventually
>switch to liquid fuel eventually
Here I researched an epic roadmap plan strategy that will grant enough time and energy to cover everything on Earth and Solar System with solar panels without going broke and maybe even invent fusion. That will be gorillion dollaridoos plus tip please.

Not even go full libertarian meme but just a government that gives enough shit to streamline these things as a part of active policy. That requires a society with a certain amount of average IQ points.

>> No.15779782

The biggest question is, why birds are so dumb to fly into a tall rotating white tree?

Seems like Darwin in action

>> No.15780827 [DELETED] 

>animals are low IQ
you're just now figuring that out?

>> No.15781391
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>Definitely a Munchausen syndrome by proxy type of situation propagated by the narcissistic savior complex crowd
That would explain why the global warming crowd is always trying to do maximum damage to the environment.

>> No.15782808
File: 58 KB, 600x300, clear-cut-for-solar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets chop down a forest so we can replace it with solar panels
>this is good for the environment

>> No.15782869
File: 640 KB, 1400x932, tar_sands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at all these trees we saved with fossil fuel production!

>> No.15783824 [DELETED] 

Fossil fuels enrich the atmosphere with CO2, so they make trees elsewhere grow faster. That one tiny little extraction site increases the growth rate of plants all over the entire planet.

>> No.15783932

Call Common Sense Skeptic!
Oh wait he's only angry at billionaires.

>> No.15784856 [DELETED] 

Not only that, but CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, so fossil fuel energy has practically no downside.
>b-b-b-but the politicians all say CO2 is super bad!!!
sure, politicians never lie

>> No.15784975 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15785405 [DELETED] 

just a bit more and it will look like a swastika

>> No.15785460

wtf I love russian gas now?

>> No.15786274
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>> No.15787009

gas coal and oil are the best energy sources.
none of them have negative environmental consequences because co2 is not a greenhouse gas

>> No.15788203 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1024x990, Average-Mean-Temperature-Vs-Year-1895-2022-At-All-MN-WI-IL-IN-OH-PA-NY-MI-USHCN-Stations-Red-Line-Is-10-Year-Mean-1024x990-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If CO2 were legitimately a greenhouse gas then we would have seen massive changes in the weather between back when CO2 was at under 300ppm and now

>> No.15788641
File: 108 KB, 1000x500, george-orwell-quote-1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CO2 was never under 300ppm. The lies about atmospheric CO2 levels changing come from the same people who are lying about the weather getting hotter. They just change the historical records to make it look like the weather and the atmospheric CO2 concentrations are changing in order to justify their political objectives

>> No.15788644

I hope pootpoot sees this bro

>> No.15788676

>literal commie memes

>> No.15788691


>> No.15789049 [DELETED] 
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If they can erase the dust bowl from the historical record then they can just as easily alter historical records of atmospheric CO2 concentrations

>> No.15789231

Good. Fuck nature. We're literally in the middle of global warming, which is confirmed by every scientist on the planet. You don't hate science do you?

>> No.15790029 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming is fake af, only low iqs are dumb enough to think its real

>> No.15790880


>> No.15792194

>I drive endangered species to extinction in order to "save the planet" and I reap a nice financial profit (government subsidized) in the process

>> No.15792949
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>> No.15793975
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've been raised by the state to believe in the state.

>> No.15793982

based anarchist

>> No.15794255
File: 254 KB, 1079x1360, cringg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hate nature then why are you so concerned about global warming? It must just be an affection for virtue signaling purposes if you have no concern for nature

>> No.15794267

Who said I was concerned? I said fuck nature. Global warming destroys nature. If you hate nature, then global warming is of high interest to you.

>> No.15794520

Fuck them eagles desu

>> No.15795708 [DELETED] 

People consider it a foregone conclusion that CO2 is far more abundant in the atmosphere now than it ever has been before, yet none of those people own CO2 meters, so they're just believing the media hype. There has probably always been as much CO2 in the atmosphere as there currently is. Its an easy thing to lie about since nobody measures CO2 themselves

>> No.15796563

who cares? birds are not important

>> No.15797096

neither is CO2

>> No.15798128

this, people who "trust the soiyence" and think that co2 really used to be 250ppm are low iq and are suffering from anemoia

>> No.15798160

yet another reason for commiefornians & other 'green' energytards to take the redpill and go nuclear, but we all know that will never happen

>> No.15798793 [DELETED] 

theres no need for nuclear power, coal and gas are superior because they also enrich the atmosphere with epic plant food. anyone who truly loves nature should want more CO2 in our atmosphere

>> No.15798809

Fuck those eagles, I need electricity for my PlayStation

>> No.15799413

all the animals in Tasmania are endangered

>> No.15799733

Just put a cage around the turbine so birds can't get in lol. Scientists are FUCKING stupid.

>> No.15800017

>Scientists are FUCKING stupid.
science is a low IQ pursuit, the meme about scientists being smart thats been shoehorned into every form of media is only a meme, its not true, if it was true then the propaganda about scientists being smart would be unnecessary

>> No.15800514

are they?

>> No.15800763

how much money can you actually make as a disinformation bot on 4chan?

>> No.15801722 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15802294 [DELETED] 

seems like fairly good pay

>> No.15803549 [DELETED] 

That money isn't divided equally amongst the 110,000 shills currently employed by that program of UN shilling, theres layers and layers of management too, plus office expenses etc.

>> No.15803571

How much did they pay you for posting this?

>> No.15804720

How much did they pay you for posting this?

>> No.15805201

stonetoss scores again

>> No.15806236 [DELETED] 

How come environmentalists want to destroy nature?

>> No.15806730

3 weeks and still no source. I guess we can dismiss this as conspiratorical garbage.

>> No.15806737


>> No.15806836

>CO2 is far more abundant in the atmosphere now than it ever has been before
Ever? Also on a geological scale?

>> No.15807803 [DELETED] 

>People consider it a foregone conclusion that CO2 is far more abundant in the atmosphere now than it ever has been before, yet none of those people own CO2 meters, so they're just believing the media hype.
Those are the same people who believe that sea level is rising

>> No.15808392 [DELETED] 

global warming isn't called a scientism cult for no reason at all

>> No.15809707 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15810651 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15811675 [DELETED] 

>lets drive this endangered species to extinction because we love nature
reminiscent of some sort of sick primitive human sacrifice superstition.
meanwhile the people selling the windmills and the banks that finance the sales are getting hella rich off the deal, not that they weren't already filthy rich to begin with

>> No.15811679

72% fix

>> No.15812857 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 790x1977, 1659023783686835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also from the smithsonian

>> No.15813893 [DELETED] 

nope, just Christian
jews don't share any of those values

>> No.15814683 [DELETED] 

Its amazing the Smithsonian considers all those values to be racist. If you look on their websites, they haven't changed all the wording to ebonics regardless their assertion that proper English is racist.

>> No.15815555 [DELETED] 

>humans aren't animals
I take it you don't believe in evolution or natural selection

>> No.15816177 [DELETED] 

God created man and gave him dominion of all other forms of life

>> No.15816184

People just hate letting Tasmanians make electricity

>> No.15816388

If they consider being polite to be a racist trait they sure have lost it all.
Of course much of this fails to make sense. For instance, how can you "Win at all cots" while being polite? Or confalte Judeo-Christian traditions with "The indivisual is the primary unit" when the tradition does in fact emphasise kindness and care for others outside the nearest family?

>> No.15817246 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 639x390, 1683933810783570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>also environmentalists: endangered birds? fuck em

>> No.15817771

its almost as if their environmentalist shilling has nothing to do with the environment at all and is just an excuse to push their thinly disguised political agendas

>> No.15818881 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1682051594888191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15818919

wtf is it with normies and wind farms? They are unironcally a shit solution and wouldn't be viable without subsidies and marketing appeal.
Is it as simple as the aesthetics? Giant white wind mill = good, Concrete nuclear cooling tower = bad?

>> No.15819947

same reason they eat goyslop. the msm tells them its good and they are low iq to figure out when they're being lied to

>> No.15820922 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1682051594888191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that science is primarily government funded, pretty much all of it is done exclusively in order to push political agendas
welcome to communism

>> No.15822114 [DELETED] 

lying is their only means of argumentation because they're wrong

>> No.15822742 [DELETED] 

nothing, i do it for free like a massive cuck

>> No.15823951

Starship is being canceled by the government because Musk refuses to let the government censor Twitter

>> No.15824524

Correct, nobody in the government legitimately cares about endangered species, they're just using the issue as an excuse for punishing political enemies.

>> No.15825848

>lets drive endangered species to extinction because we love the environment
reminds me of cutting off your dick to realize your sexual fantasies

>> No.15826488 [DELETED] 

Their definition of scientific and technological progress is different from ours. They think gaining total and absolute control of all media is progress and that space travel is a just a bread and circuses side show they can abuse as a means of goals that are more important to them.

>> No.15826491

>the sixth mass extinction event is in full progress
>oh no, not le poor birdies

>> No.15827241

Raptor silhouettes work for stopping dumb birds from flying into windows, has anyone tried painting… Giant cats on the turbine blades?

>> No.15827251 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 591x738, green_morons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wind turbines are among the most absurd scams subhumans can fall for. You really need to be a complete imbecile to believe that shit is anything but a complete waste of resources, a crime against the planet.

>> No.15828540

>over 300 kills
navyseal windmill

>> No.15829135


>> No.15829141

I wouldn’t call anyone an imbecile after you saved that boomer facebook meme to your own device.

>> No.15829163

Facebook bans anyone who says global warming is fake

>> No.15829189

Sad to see the only individuals this board can attract are facebook rejects

>> No.15829216

>I hate /sci/
go somewhere else if this board upsets you so much

>> No.15830749

so does reddit and instagram. theres a million websites for people who want to regurgitate government propaganda, I don't see why those people flock here just to get triggered and chimp out when they see someone thats able to think clearly for themselves. they should just stay in their safe spaces and spare themselves the mental anguish that 4chan causes them.

>> No.15831314

>Judeo-Christian traditions
theres no such thing as "Judeo-Christian"
its one or the other.

>> No.15831338
File: 63 KB, 1000x523, file-20211028-17-1y4ntru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government propaganda
Ten years ago it used to be 97% consensus. It's well above 99% now. Face it chud, you've lost.

>> No.15832652

>(((reconstructed))) by the replication crisis frauds
its fake.
>Warmest multi-century period in more than 100.000 years
the little ice age ended less than 200 years ago

>> No.15832701

Why would you even need windmills if the earth is flat? All the wind will jusr disappear and not come back

>> No.15832725
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>> No.15833960

jews hate Christians

>> No.15834935 [DELETED] 

The reverse is not true, not yet anyway, but more noticing happens every day

>> No.15835943 [DELETED] 

its over for Tasmanian wedge-tailed and white-bellied sea-eagles

>> No.15836886 [DELETED] 

All thanks to environmental activists

>> No.15836894


>> No.15837970 [DELETED] 

nuclear power industry doesn't pay bribes like the green power people do, so they get shut out of power generation

>> No.15838718 [DELETED] 

thats the problem with having a legitimately good product, you feel less driven to use underhanded tactics to get your product sold and as a result you lose out to corrupt ripoff artists who are selling pure garbage.

>> No.15838723

I don't give a fuck about zoo animals, put them in a zoo if you're so concerned for them

>> No.15840152 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 512x512, 5JHHZxLpkGa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh really?

>> No.15840486 [DELETED] 

interesting, thats probably why you see more advertisements for soda than for apples

>> No.15840490

Skill issue. If the birds are this fucking retarded they should be caught and kept in captivity to ensure the survival of their brain dead species

>> No.15841948 [DELETED] 

I just ate a delicious apple, I never drink the carbonated jew

>> No.15842429 [DELETED] 

its not hard to notice this pattern if pay close enough attention

>> No.15843530

birds would go in an aviary, a zoo is for terrestrial animals.

>> No.15843561

>>reprocess as needed
>>mine it more instead of relying on bullshit current reserve figures
>(these alone push it to 10k+ years easily)
>>add thorium eventually
>>switch to liquid fuel eventually
2 more weeks! Trust the plan atomapedes!

>> No.15844170

>I'm butthurt about nuclear power
why does nuclear energy rustle your jimmies so?

>> No.15845259 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15845889 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 1000x631, 1699165049604862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warmest multi-century period in more than 100.000 years

>> No.15845921

Why didn't they show the ice core temps after 1855? Why are the proxies always deleted when measured temps come into the graph?

>> No.15846990 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 240x236, i dunno lol spidey meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15847000

All of Scotlands electricity use was supplied by wind turbines for two weeks this year

>> No.15847841 [DELETED] 

thats just a roundabout way of saying
>wind power provides less than 4% of scotlands electricity

>> No.15849043 [DELETED] 

Greentards will lie about anything, they have no consciences

>> No.15849580

I looked at the archive to check out that comic and notice the incredible amount of content thats been deleted out of this thread by the mods. 30% of the posts are gone.

>> No.15850481 [DELETED] 

4chan is moderated by the same people who censor Youtube, Reddit and Facebook

>> No.15850496
File: 57 KB, 300x411, chitose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't eagles have really good eyes or whatever? So how do they get killed by wind turbines? Or do they nest there and then get killed? I'm not reading all of that to find out, though.

>> No.15850524

FUCK eagles
All my homies hate eagles

>> No.15850640

Part and parcel of living in an ecologically-conscious world I'm afraid.

>> No.15851534 [DELETED] 

>eagles live in my head rent free

>> No.15852708 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 526x590, Y6GfSpad9BZY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15853217

no it isn't. driving eagles to extinction in order to "solve" a nonexistent problem like global warming is the polar opposite of being ecologically-conscious.

>> No.15853227

You're aware that we're in the middle of the sixth mass extinction event? Your proposal to accelerate global warming will lead to far more extinctions than those windmills.

>> No.15854559 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 680x577, leaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming
doesn't exist, the weather is the same as it was in the 1980s when the global warming hoax was started

>> No.15854575


>> No.15855349

traditional environmentalists probably want to distance themselves from modern climate cultists.

>> No.15855401

no its correct, the weather is the same as it was in the 1980s when the global warming hoax was started

>> No.15856775 [DELETED] 

>I'm gonna save the environment
>by murdering all the endangered species

>> No.15858227 [DELETED] 

environmentalists are a death cult

>> No.15858883

Amazing theres already been 50 posts deleted out of this thread. They're really trying hard to frame their argument via abusive censorship

>> No.15860024 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're really trying hard to frame their argument via abusive censorship
thats what they get paid to do

>> No.15860033

Who paid you for posting this over 100 times? >>/sci/image/6jFbZEg1d2o8mt4MJLyTtQ

>> No.15860039

It's the new way to keep the threads alive. After a retarded oil-shill comment has achieved its intended effect, they delete it to keep the oil shill thread alive for fucking months. This thread is from September.