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File: 369 KB, 1974x1375, syphilis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15846326 No.15846326 [Reply] [Original]

>Newborn syphilis cases have reached 'dire levels,' CDC says
>Newborn syphilis cases, which can be fatal, have risen more than tenfold in the last decade and almost 32% in a single year, according to a report from CDC.


Whats responsible for this and how could the problem be reversed?

Are your disgusting degenerate hedonistic pleasure seeking habits so dear to you that you would kill babies in order to enjoy yourself?

>> No.15846331

>massive world wide vax experiment
>followed by massive widespread appearance of "sudden strange health conditions" across all populations.
>"experts" are "baffled"
we are living in the worst timeline.

>> No.15846348

>legalize pozzing
>more people are pozzed than before
truly a mystery

>> No.15846410

The rate of syphilis has increased due to more sexual freedom recently.
I think it's great that finally people do not let themselves be restricted by fearmongering and authoritarianism.

>> No.15846416

ironic how the modern day "free spirits" or whatever, so bravely throw off all the traditional old-fashioned morals, sensibilities, responsibilities, social rules and beliefs,.. and run themselfs right into a ditch of flaming filth, degeneracy and suffering.
it's almost as if the bible and religion helped us to not destroy ourselves.

>> No.15846475
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, vax scandal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the society is run in cycles:
>hard times make strong men
>strong men create easy times
>easy times spawn weak men
you are here
>weak mean cause hard times

USA is about to implode from the within due to fentanyl, completely paralyzed goverment, wokeism and massive debt. Europe is already imploding over muslim immigrants from middle east, record low birthrates, banning coal + nuclear + combustion engine for saving the weather and so on. And what does the elite with these issues? That is right, implementing ministry of truth to combat "disinformation" instead of facing the problems they themselves created like the "vaccine".

>> No.15846905 [DELETED] 

How come science doesn't care about this massive and rapidly growing disease epidemic, but covid was the end of the world even though it was just a basic cold virus?

>> No.15846959
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Is a complete mystery. /SARCASM

>> No.15847221

Which race are they mostly?

>> No.15847228

The pieces are falling into place for the NWO

>> No.15847230

Let me guess, it's the vaxx? Right pol?

>> No.15847240


>> No.15847405

>>Newborn syphilis cases have reached 'dire levels,' CDC says

Sort by race...
WOW who would have thought one race was responsible for vast majority

>> No.15847560 [DELETED] 

>white women more than ever burn coal
>mutt babies turn out to be genetically inferior
Wow who would have thought?

>> No.15847568

Doctor Baffled is about to get his ass beat by angry parents

>> No.15847689

>Are your disgusting degenerate hedonistic pleasure seeking habits so dear to you that you would kill babies in order to enjoy yourself?
women who use abortion as a form of birth control: yes

>> No.15847705

>10 year trend line
>caused by something that happened 2 years ago
fucking retard

>> No.15847826

>weak JIDF cope

>> No.15848161

If they aborted the unwanted foetuses then there would be fewer cases of infant syphilis, you get that, right

Ya know come to think of it maybe it's the abortion bans that are solely responsible for this statistic

>> No.15848210

Angry syphilitic parents

>> No.15848852 [DELETED] 


>> No.15848945

Nice canned response, did the facts hurt your fee fees?

>> No.15848948

>Damage control intensifies

>> No.15848955

This is the anti-vaxxer mind working at 100% capacity.

>> No.15849059
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You do not understand.
The Vax and the coof was a big big PR campaign for literally all other vaccines.

And especcially not questioning them.
Infants are the most vaxed humans.

And they suffer the most "mysterious" diseases and sudden deaths all the time.

Infant "syphillis" means Encephalitis or menengitis or general inflamation of the brain.
Its not like their dicks rotting off.

They get brain inflamation.
Because of the insane push of infant vaccinations.

All vaccines contain literally neurotoxins.
Which literally can induce inflamation of the brain.

Which will then be called: aseptic menegitis or congenital syphillis or random encephalitis.

It's a game of plausible deniability.
Look into the Vaccine inserts. All of them cause inflamation of the brain and neurological issues.

If it happens before the age of 4 all doctors have the tool plausible deniability.
>uhhm its genetic
>its congenital
>its SIDS

And retards her spiral about a meme Vaccine.
Since the 1800s people warned about vaccines.
They even have a Vaccine crisis manual to normalize all this crap.

>> No.15849067

>Communities of color bear the greatest burden: Babies born to Black, Hispanic or American Indian/Alaska Native mothers in 2021 were up to eight times more likely to have congenital syphilis compared with babies born to white mothers, according to CDC data.

I don't dispute the insane vaccine schedule in the US, however this seems more related to socioeconomic conditions (cleanliness, access to health care, regular doctor visits etc)

>> No.15849068

You misspelled promiscuity.

>> No.15849088
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>related to socioeconomic conditions
Because of the assumption that "All vaccines from a brand are equal in composition".

Vaccines have a allowed variability of PH which means they can have different amounts of of shit in the vaccine. Meaning some batches are more reactive some less.
This is true for almost all vaccines:
To elaborate further, this is not a new thing, it happened before.
Between August 1978 and March 1979, 77 infants in Tennessee died suddenly from unexpected causes.
In early March, the CDC learned that two more infants had died within 24 hours of DTP vaccination, again from the same lot of vaccine produced by Wyeth Laboratories, Inc. That brought the total to four deaths within 24 hours of vaccination.

Wyeth executives were concerned about the Tennessee Cluster, but their concern was more about splitting up the vaccine lots to promote "maximum variety of lot numbers". Thus obscuring the potential to identify a "hot lot".

Subsequently they did NOT investigate the incident but concluded and gave order to better distribute the vaccine batches to multiple locations, so that a local clustering of these "incidences" do not spark attention.
Assuming everyon got the same is retarded.
If contents were identical, we would not have this clusterfuck of diffuse symptoms and reactions to it.
The product is not uniform and has a large threshhold of inaccuaracies allowed.
From PH to particle size.

>good noodle goood needle
>bad noodle bad needle

Doctors who serve certain demographics get assigned different lots.
Those who serve the upper upper class
> saline shots
And the middle and lower class parents
> crap shots
to increase social burden
to have crippled children
so the middle class is busy with the social burden of caring for their loved ones.

>> No.15849401

Holy shit William Blake was right about the harlot's curse.

>> No.15849823

>syphilitic parents
You literally have no idea what and how this "congenital syphillis" is even diagnosed right?

>child gets born
>because parents low secioeconomic
>give infant hepB shot on day zero
>infant gets brain inflamation
>menegitis or encephalitis
>possibilty of: vaccination caused brain inflamation exlcuded even though it is literally stated in the vaccine adverse events
>ignore it
>do a test
>use memes like "circumstancial evidence"
>poor, brown, aboriginal = syphillis
>declare cause of brain inflamation as "congenital syphillis"
>case closed
This shit literally happes since multiple decades everywhere around the world.

>> No.15849826

They culture the bacterium anon, it's not some kind of blind guess.

>> No.15849831
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It is literally the only infant vaccine which still contains mercury.

>> No.15849834

>They culture the bacterium anon, it's not some kind of blind guess.
It literally is.
There is nor requirement to do a lab test.

If the infant has a rash, and brain inflamation, they do a checklist:
>is poor: yes
>is brown: yes
>has neonatal blood from the cord or mom syphillis: no

Hmm but they are poor and brown and stinky.

>has infant: elevated CSF cell count or protein (which literally only indicates a mengitis)

Case closed it's congential Syphillis.
Can literally not be the "hepatitis vaccine" we injected at day zero.
Write down:
A50.9 Congenital syphilis, unspecified
Q12.0 Congenital cataract
Q15.0 Congenital glaucoma

Get paid a lot because doing this diagnosis, is way more profitable than:
>aseptic menigitis
>or even adverse reaction to the vaccine

>> No.15851035 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 600x459, Nazi_Book_Burning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the same degenerate problems that were common in Sodom & Gomorrah and in Wiemar Germany are now common in contemporary America.
God sent angels to clean up Sodom & Gomorrah and he sent Adolf Hitler to clean up Wiemar Germany.
When will God send his angels down again to clean our mess?

>> No.15851040

>If the infant has a rash, and brain inflamation, they do a checklist:
>>is poor: yes
>>is brown: yes
>>has neonatal blood from the cord or mom syphillis: no
>Hmm but they are poor and brown and stinky.
I unironically wish society was as based as your delusion.

>> No.15851156

Dude, syphilis is treatable with fucking penicillin, the weakest of antibiotics.

This has to do with women being bitches and not doing rutinary pregnancy checkups. Holy shit, a preventable, treatable, infectious disease taking foothold is fucking embarrassing. We live in the dark ages of medicine, first covid and now this shit.

>> No.15851441

>I unironically wish society was as based as your delusion.

It literally is.
I know you prolly forgot or have the attention span of a fly:
When you enter a hospital you have to fill a form before you even get slighlty treated for anything.
It's called "Anamnesis".
In which you have to fill out some details about you:
>family history of diseases
>what meds you take
>if you smoke or drink
>if you are married, single
>recent surguries

The data from this gets put into a system.
And this data is the used to "help the doctors" to do a differential diagnosis, with some blackbox magic.

Then when a issues occurs then circumstancial evidence is used to postulate a potential diagnosis.
This system is litterally skewed to have plausible deniability if something is fishy.

>> No.15851444

Those are all completely reasonable things to ask to diagnose someone or predict and possibly prevent future health problems. What's your complaint?

>> No.15851469
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>insurance status
>relationship status

Are factors wich """predict""" future healthproblems and "treatment".
Let me elaborate again.
Single mothers or unmarried mothers are a proper target to be pushy about meds.
Also:if single assume STDs even though no lab result, because "le false negatives"
If insurance: push more treatments because its covered and subsequently more profitable
If certain nationality: if undesired push prejudice based plausible deniability diagnosis

There is a conflict of interest.

Here some archives.



>> No.15851497
File: 426 KB, 1005x1662, Syphillic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to to generate these "syphillis" statistics, only diagnosis codes are required.
Not even how "syphillis" manifests.
Syphillis is called the "great imitator" because it literall can be ANY symptom called as "syphillic state".

A lab diagnosis is not required if it deemed the plausible explaination based on circustancial evidence.
No "pathogene" evidence is required.
Only manifestations as stated in the ICD-10 Diagnosis guideline are required.

Meaning that a symptom that may or may not be syphillic, can be diagnosed as syphillis if a hospital/doctor decides it to be.
There is not a single requirement for an objective scientific resoning.
Circumstancial evidence and "plausability" is enough to make such diagnosis.

>> No.15851505

>Are factors wich """predict""" future healthproblems and "treatment".
No they're questions that relate to how you're going to pay for your care. Also nationality isn't race, it's nationality. It's about whether you're a citizen or not.

>> No.15851521

A confirmatory lab analysis is not even required.
End even if it is confirmed or not confirmed, the initial diagnosis stands and will stand.

Also common reasons why syphillis lab diagnostics lead false positive:

Some conditions may cause a false-positive test, including:

Lyme disease
Certain types of pneumonia
Pregnancy (lol)
Systemic lupus erythematosus and some other autoimmune disorders
Tuberculosis (TB)

Your test results may be false-positive for many reasons. These include pregnancy, IV drug use, tuberculosis, chronic liver disease, recent vaccines, or inflammation of the heart lining or valves (endocarditis).

>> No.15851533
File: 451 KB, 1079x1571, CuringBad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are in the naive stance that the medical system is a purely truth and hosty based system with no profit orientation, with systematic disadvantages for lower income families?

Its all good?
No conflict of interest?

>> No.15851538

This is unironically the first time I've seen a leftist schizo on 4chan. What's your nationality? I take it from your posting style you're ESL or at least not American.

>> No.15851547
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>> No.15851602
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>instead of ensuring safety the big pharma is spreading their products evenly across whole globe so nobody can link them with certanity to their faulty products
very interesting. thanks for the read. i will never ever trust "doctors" and "tv experts" ever, nor will my children and friends.

it is all just about profit, yet curiously selling placebo would be cheaper and would generate zero corpses and zero autism. So maybe it isnt only about profits, but truly about intentionally poisoining the general population after all.

>> No.15851634

sex is too fun. the only solution is to extinct syphilis.

>> No.15851766

I hate that infants are getting syphilis, but there's a pozzitive side to all of this is in that people are finally seeing the light and fuckin they own kids <3

>> No.15852764

Sure would be nice to know

>> No.15852881

might have something to do with ballooning medical costs, not women being bitches

>> No.15852936

Penicillin costs pennies.

>> No.15852946

yeah but doctors vists arent cheap

>> No.15852960 [DELETED] 

They're free if you're poor and black.

>> No.15852967

penicillin is controlled substance I am afraid

>> No.15853136

Penicillin is ineffective if the diagnosis is wrong.
Congenital syphillis can be diagnosed up to two years after birth.
Congenital syphillis does not require a conclusive or confirmatory lab test.
Nor does it require any symptom if a labtest is positive but no symptoms are present. Then it is called "latent syphillis".

If you give an infant wrong meds based on a wrong diagnosis you can harm the infant or toddler.


>> No.15853140


>> No.15853937

You get far less syphilis without promiscuous sex for the most part. So yeah. Faggot.

>> No.15853947

Thank Jahwe wh*te cattle is getting genocided by vaccines.
t. Schlomo Shekelberg

>> No.15853962

Doctor costs $2. Specialist $15. Fuck off.

>> No.15854225

where do you live?

>> No.15854737


>> No.15855303

Do you post on Nairaland?

>> No.15855402
File: 1.12 MB, 936x2168, mercury_stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>syphilis without promiscuous sex
Retard meme created by the catholic church, that declared literally any sort of symptom as "syphillic".
>oooh great sin
>god punishment
>she fucked
>she has a pimple
>she now must consoom the mercury and arsenic
>or go to jail
>oh now she is disfigured and sick
>this cannot be the mercury and arsenic
>she died because of syphillis

>> No.15856131

Can someone explain to me how Syphillis test end up positive for some of these random conditions including beeing vaccinated?!

>> No.15856133
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Gen alpha is going to be hilarious
>mentally fucked by liberalism and internet from infancy
>genetically fucked by their degen zoomer parents

>> No.15856176

>more sexual freedom recently
How is that even possible? Hedonism has been all out for 40 years with 12 year olds hard at it.

>> No.15856353
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Is 100% the fault of vaxxers. They are deep frying those statistics to make it look it was not the vax.

>> No.15856361
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When corporations are no longer liable for any crap in the vaccines is only natural those will come "fortified" with all kinds of shit.

>> No.15856366
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>> No.15856383


or maybe vaccines disproportionately affect children genetically. The autism rate for African American boys is like 1in 10.

>> No.15856390
File: 29 KB, 448x517, 727042cc-a6c0-46a4-8d4f-5b1675516474_448x517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait did they really inject mercury into their dick and pussy?
"In the 1800s and early 1900s, doctors often prescribed mercury for syphilis and other venereal diseases. It was an ointment; it was added to vapor baths; it was even used as a vaginal or urethral douche."


>> No.15856466


Is this why they recommend the meningitis vaccine, because of other vaccines?This thing is a fucking house of cards.

>> No.15856514
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You seem to nut understand.
Mengengitis is the expression of syptoms.
"Brain inflamation".

The vaccine allegedly helps to protect a seperate entity called "manigiococcus bacteria" which allegedly cause menegitis.
But the induced trauma of parents who lose their child to a vaccine or to be more accurate "adjuvant induced" Menegitis, is a vehicle for PR.
"Children die" bla bla.
"Get your child a additional vaccine against one type of brain inflamation".
And now people and obviously YOU equivocate the Disease with one alleged bacteria.
Your child still can get menengitis but then they will call it simply:
"Aseptic menegitis" and when parents then spiral "oh yeah the vaccine actually works, but only against menignococcal menengits not the other ones, your child must have one of the other types of menengitises"

When its all the same shit, poison to the brain, brain inflamed, child subsequently retarded, paralayzed or dead.

They did the same shit with polio.
When they deployed the vaccine, they literally made it extremely hard to even diagnose polio because they narrowed the criteria of diagnoses so much.
When someone after that had a paralysis they simply renamed it to: aseptic menegitis, flacid myelits, guillian barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis.
Before the vaccine deployment literally every fever and weakness of the limbs could be declared polio.
After the paralysis had to persist for at least 60 days. Which is retarded because if a child gets sick they write down a diagnosis within the first visits, and not at a later follow up.
Thats why the statistics of polio have the steep and rapid falling, which exceeded their speed of vaccination tenfold.

>> No.15856549


So is the vaccine making the infant susceptible to meningitis by adjuvant toxicity or is it more like the body was naturally fighting bacteria and then the vaccine made the immune system fight something else?

>> No.15856673

In short:
Vaccine contains hydrolized aluminium hydroxide and/or Aluminium phosphate.
Aluminium is a neurotoxin and irritant.

Lipophillic. Means it liks to embed itself in fatty tissue.
Brain is 25% fats/cholesterol.
Nerves have a lipid layer called "myelin".
If it embeds, white blood cells will try to get rid of the tissue because its toxic.
This leads to inflamation and damage.
This will then be called "autoimmune reaction" which assumes:
>your body turned dumb and attacks itself
When more accurately
>your tissue is sprinkled with toxic metals
>your body tries to free your tissue from the contaminated tissue

Not "it allows secondary infection".
It's only poisoning.

>> No.15857199
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Here some studies on that:

Also :
ASIA Syndrome
>The autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), also known as Shoenfeld’s syndrome, encompasses several autoimmune conditions/phenomena that are induced following the exposure to substances with adjuvant activity.

What should also interest you is the comperative amoutn of Aluminium hydroxide that is injected into infants.
Most infants recieve their first vaccine at the age of 2 months.
At two months a typical infant weighs around 4.5-5.1kg.
the Vaccine infanrix hexa contains:
aluminium hydroxide, hydrated (Al(OH)3) 0.5 milligrams Al3+ (~1.5mg aluminium hydroxide)
aluminium phosphate (AlPO4) 0.32 milligrams Al3+ (~1mg aluminium phosphate)

Which amounts to:
0.154mg/kg aluminium for a Infant that weighs 5kg.

Compared with the adult vaccine for same pathogenes:
which contains only 0.5 mg aluminum/per dose.

A adult male weighs around 80kg.
Which translates to only 0.00625mg/kg of aluminium.
Which means a infant recieves 24.64 times the amount of aluminium proportional to its body weight than a adult.

Which is why parents recieve a antipyretic for their infant directly after their first vaccine session.
Which is why infants tend to have all these wierd inflamatory "pediatric diseases" and "rashes" which are all declared as "typical" diseases.
And adults do rarely have such issues. for infants its normalized

>> No.15857215

one must imagine Infant sisyphus as having Infant syphilis

>> No.15857280

>Are your disgusting degenerate hedonistic pleasure seeking habits so dear to you that you would kill babies in order to enjoy yourself?
Have you not heard of abortions and plan B? Furthermore, even the Republicans who are "pro life" don't give a shit about babies once they're born. If it dies then there's funeral costs and probably another pregnancy leading to more money so they're all for it

>> No.15857707

Also the amount of vaccinations positively correlated with child mortality among western nations:

>> No.15857764

The brain damage in this thread is making me start to think the resurgence of syphilis is worse than we expected.

I do love that the people who don't trust doctors in this thread are the ones most convinced that it's another group causing the surge.
Fundies and tinfoil hatters gonna cope, I guess.
Put some ivermectin and bleach up your dick, that'll stop it.

>> No.15857887

are there bugchasers who "chase" syph?
does tertiary syph really make your flesh and face fall off like a literal zombie? or just intense rashes and pimples all over the body and genital sores\warts?

>> No.15857901

Whan a disease can be anything or nothing, its not a specific disease, but a decision made.
Sooner or later you will go to a doctor.
And even without any clinical manifestations they will trick you into taking some meds based on some shaky lab parameters, because you are "asymptomatically sick".
Also the people who took a random pill or dewormer are on the same level of retardation as the people who trust in The Science.

>> No.15858162

You'd get far less problems by refusing to breathe.

>> No.15858826

Only a retard can't figure out how to wash themselves and only a mentally unwell person can't understand the reason for doing it consistently.

it's not socio and it's not economic
Now kindly, fuck off.

>> No.15859711

its literally ALL vaccines.
And infants get 28 doses of vaccines in the first year of their life in the USA

>> No.15860602
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Amish ones don't