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File: 1.18 MB, 3973x2235, 985ea257d2224286b9047c4a7c4be025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15858458 No.15858458 [Reply] [Original]

>China has their own space station
>it cost them 8B while the iss cost 110B
>is more spacious and there aren't random wires crowding it
What the fuck are we doing? The chinks are catching up. What the fuck is the Cia doing?

>> No.15858468

iss cost so much because they had to use the space shittle to build it which made up a huge chunk of the cost

>> No.15858485

wow, that is actually quite spacious. Do they broadcast much or are they all secretive?

>> No.15858495

It's cheaper to buy a sound stage in China.

>> No.15858496

Aren’t you glad you threw away every advantage your civilisation had so you can talk about imaginary genders and how white people are evil?

>> No.15858562

the chinese are centuries ahead lmao

just wait until you see their genetic engineering program

>> No.15858582

America will reach AGI first and that's all that metters

>> No.15858597


>> No.15858610


>> No.15858655

Being constructed more than 20 years after the ISS probably has something to do with it. Technology advanced and made things cheaper.
Tiangong's individual modules might be more spacious but the whole thing is only about 1/3rd the size of the ISS

>> No.15858664

china is unironically more competent than the entire US space industry sans spacex. I really hope starship hurries up and comes online and some of the newspace station builders succeed.

>> No.15858669

China already has AGI.

You didnt think the chip shortage was due to covid did you?

>> No.15858688

USA is more worried about gender studies than trying to build a future.

>> No.15858778

glad to see people in this thread coming around finally. future is Asian

>> No.15859065
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There was also lots of overhead in making it an international project. Coordinating with esa, Jaxa, CSA, and Roscosmos added lots of delays and integration headaches. And then there's the first mover penalty, where you have only limited past experience to rely on for how to build things. China learned a lot from ISS and also benefited from advances in the state of technology in general.
I can see why China doesn't want to bother with letting Russia join in. Even if Russia had something valuable to contribute, once a second nation is involved, there's lots of extra overhead.

>> No.15859081

surely no corners were cut in the process of making this, right ching? Chinese are known for their unwavering manufacturing quality after all.

>> No.15859102 [DELETED] 
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x2268, PXL_20231108_172113965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to upload mental data into this image the process will take 5 minutes. Check back to this image soon and see if you can extract data from the mental string in this life Internet illusion. part of the Internet is mind. It's threaded. this post and image does carry my print. It was completely unique in and as of itself.

>> No.15859111 [DELETED] 

That's done. Try now. Figure out how. Maybe do more. Get good information about new eras of tech

>> No.15859133 [DELETED] 

The future of eusocial humanity is literally like the mind computer culture. people saying 'there is an upload in this image'. If only you knew the philosophy(all I did was look left and make a sound) on how to do this sort of stuff

>> No.15859135

Based antichinese propaganda poster

>> No.15861305

>is more spacious

ISS has a pressurized volume of approximately 1005 m^3 (35,490 cu ft). Habitable: 388 m^3 (13,700 cu ft)

Tiangong has a pressurised volume: 340 m^3 (12,000 cu ft). Habitable: 122 m^3 (4,310 cu ft)

>> No.15861309

>And then there's the first mover penalty, where you have only limited past experience to rely on for how to build things. China learned a lot from ISS and also benefited from advances in the state of technology in general.
Mir was active for decades anon. We knew how space stations worked.

>> No.15861369

>mentions CIA

Hi Wu Mao, how is the population and real estate collapse going?

>> No.15861415

Because they didn't need to do any R&D of their own to build it. It's also Soviet shit they managed to get their hands on in the 90's and 00's. The modules are literal Soviet DOS-8 modules and modules based on the TKS spacecraft being launched on a rocket using Soviet engines (YF-100 is just an RD-120 copy). Then they launch their astronauts in a Soyuz copy space capsule wearing a sokol pressure suit copy and dock to the space station using a Soviet docking system only to do a spacewalk the next week using their Orlan space suit copies.

>> No.15861417

It's all soviet*

>> No.15861434


>> No.15861464

that just means the chinese are smarter and more pragmatic. They still win at the end.

>> No.15861490

Until they're forced to do R&D of their own lmao.

>> No.15862293

Our space program is mostly a jobs program.
NASA goes out of its way to do/stimulate business in all 50 states because that is how they get their funding approved in congress.
It prioritizes not rocking the political boat over efficiency.

>> No.15862364

imagine the smell

>> No.15862514

The shittle was ruining shit before that thoughever

>> No.15863133

tiangong is actually much smaller than the ISS, but it has much less shit in it and fewer crew so it seems more spacious

>> No.15863205

It must be nice having a nation without niggers and spics draining attention and resources from the brightest

>> No.15863212

China's baby boomers are worse than any black person. You have hordes of grandmas stealing anything that isn't nailed down in elderly "flash mobs." It's a total nightmare for businesses in big cities with a lot of that generation. Their entitlement and willingness to break the law is unbelievable.

>> No.15863253

China routinely has factories that crumble like dust and accidents that even the likes of normies know about.

>> No.15863254

yeah? well i'm going to make my own space station with blackjack and hookers

>> No.15863280

You know what, forget the blackjack.

>> No.15863335


>> No.15863617

the Venusian cloud casinos will be a shining beacon of depravity in the solar system

>> No.15863676

it wasn't us that did that, it was that special tribe from the middle east that caused those problems
Turns out when you can't so much as criticize someone that fucking hates you with every fiber of their being, they can do a substantial amount of damage

>> No.15864066

The fruit of communism

>> No.15864091

Don't forget that the ISS weighs ~7 times as much as the Chinese space station.

>> No.15864579
File: 2.75 MB, 4096x3072, ISS_digital_artist's_concept_1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is more spacious and there aren't random wires crowding it
ISS was meant to have more modules, before most of them got cancelled, and Russian segment is literally MIR2 that was sitting in some hangar since 1985.

>> No.15865352


>> No.15865358

My normie friends showed me a chink rekt vid a couple months ago and were laughing about it.

>> No.15865402

too bad they don't have liveleak in space :(

>> No.15865559
File: 415 KB, 1200x700, ISS_Size_Comparison_1200x700_RK2011-1829430269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Skylab existed before that but Mir and Skylab were simple compared to ISS.

>> No.15865578
File: 234 KB, 900x599, 1011628_1_1102-space-station-interior_standard-2195674611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISS looks more claustrophobic because it's got shit hanging everywhere. It looks crowded and like you'd keep bumping into junk. Maybe over time the Chinese station will look the same way as they add more experiments, functionality, and rigged up repairs but for now, the Chinese station looks more spacious, even if it's not.

>> No.15865581

So you're saying that ISS was designed stupidly compared to the Chinese version?

those are the people who grew up during the cultural revolution in china, whats going on in the west today is almost completely taken from the playbook of the cultural revolution, so you can expect similar behavior from zoomers in 50 years.

>> No.15865586

Fuck off loser redditor fag.

>> No.15865592
File: 111 KB, 640x361, dualkeel3a-410693975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Space Station Freedom, dual keel.

>> No.15865596

Does China plan on adding more modules to their station?

>> No.15866284
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>> No.15866449
File: 28 KB, 600x400, ISS_Centrifuge_Accommodations_Module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because their (other) laboratory module and habitation module got cancelled, so Dubya can pour more money into Iraq.

>> No.15866462

If they weren't relying on the shittle they might have moved more modules for a reasonable cost.

>> No.15866471

kids looks under the bed if there's no monster
/sfg/ looks under the bed if there's no shuttle

>> No.15866472

It's not more spacious, Chinks are just smaller humans

>> No.15866476

We need one of those dark ages graph memes but with the shuttle.

>> No.15866554

implessive, can't wait to see it burn up in orbit.

>> No.15869740
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>> No.15869871
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>> No.15870196

It should be mandatory to post this in any and every chink shill thread.

>> No.15870206

>catching up

What do you mean? The Chinese station is superior to the ISS in every way except for the fact that it's a bit smaller.

>> No.15871936

Just... 2... More... Weeks...

>> No.15872247

>whats going on in the west today is almost completely taken from the playbook of the cultural revolution
Not the same thing at. The genetic potential and therefore intellectual capital of the West is being destroyed. There's not much time left to save it from permanent destruction.

>> No.15874708

feels like an /sfg/ sort of thing

>> No.15874795

The field has obviously been harvested. WTF is he talking about?

>> No.15875656

They're trying to pick up the scraps leftover from harvesting

>> No.15878105
