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15857386 No.15857386 [Reply] [Original]

>be born male
>want to fuck as many women as possible
>for as long as possible
>women don't/can't just go and fuck every man due to risks
>when those risks aren't present they only pick the top 1% of men to fuck casually
>you can't complain about it publicly
survival of the fittest my ass

>> No.15857531

>bare shoulders and the upper area of the chest are visible
>also all the neck of course plus necklaces
you wont pedobait me into fapping. not today, you motherfucker.
those 2 girls on the left ARE hot and sexy. lets not be faggots and deny it. if youre 25+ male and dont prefer the left ones, you are a faggot

>> No.15857535
File: 235 KB, 619x687, female choice selection pressures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15857587

they're the same people but the right is the grown up version. YOU PEDO SCUM.

>> No.15857588

I know theyre the same people.
left ones are young, shining beauty, good form of face and body
right ones are meth chic with real meth and no chic

>> No.15857639

13 of the top 15 apply on me. How the fuck have I not been able to get laid excluding hookers?

>> No.15857642

Islam is right about women.
Especially covering them up. Lmao.

>> No.15857652

Thos on the left are cute and sweet. Those same two on the right used so much makeup they fell into uncanny valley.
When will women learn that all that makeup has the opposite effect of what they think it has?

>> No.15857692

Women's brain shrink after 11. If they can't consent no women can, you degenerate piece of shit.
I say raise the consent age for women to 40, and lower the marriage age to 11. Death penalty for anyone who complains.

>> No.15857694

Are you introverted?

>> No.15857695

There is actually quite a lesson to learn from him.
In a high-trust, high-IQ society, people see others in their community as family/relatives. This subdues the natural sexual instincts men have in higher trust and IQ socieities.

One can compare school uniforms for example of different countries to get a hint at that.

Perhaps, back in time, when the environment and IQ were lower, in order to have a more organized and less chaotic society, women and men were ordered to dress modestly.
This led to an environment where primitive instincts got subdued by our intelligence as it was not stimulated as much.

This also can example hunter-gatherer tribes and why they were roaming around naked all the time and still functioning. They are very small communities that have very high-trust.
Higher order of societal organizations, i.e. ancient agricultural villages, ancient cities and towns, to urbanization, gathered these tribes in a single place, and in order to maintain some semblance of order without falling to our natural primitive instincts, religions developed the idea of dressing modestly.

This is why modesty and religiousness peaked in the 1800s, where even parts of Shakespeare was deemed too taboo and had to censored.

Obviously, as feminism came about and people's clothing became more revealing, it was our high-IQ that made us maintain order not to lose control of our intelligence and fall victims to primitive lizard-brain instincts, and still does. As sexually arousing as it could be, most people can have enough control not to go out bride stealing, raping, or any of that shit. The fact these laws and more laws are being put in place when they were unthinkable or not needed for centuries, just shows that the general trend of trust eroding and IQ falling is making it harder and harder for people to have self-control.

I am just typing as these thoughts are coming to me. This might need more refinement to explain properly.

>> No.15857703

I don't believe in this extrovert introvert shit.
People say I am extroverted, but personally, I tend to fall in this weird category where I have no problem talking to strangers, friends, and families, but not seek out conversations.

>> No.15857922

Nobody cares that you can't get laid.
kys faggot.

>> No.15857963

Have you considered where money for your retirement comes from?

>> No.15858006
File: 19 KB, 499x422, 1699197366819377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to fuck as many women as possible
Want to test the limits of that?

>> No.15858087

Anon, I'm not going to give you a lecture here; and I don't know enough yet to be confident in it anyway, but you need to stop thinking in terms of instinct vs. civilization. Sexual instinct was not "subdued", you're simply noticing that there are different strategies under different material conditions. Everything that you see humans do is an elaboration on "natural instinct".

>> No.15858093

Why would you wanna fuck as many women as possible..
Find true love. I think biology from all aspects selects for love. If the parents love eachother, theres a higher probability for the children to survive, and so forth.

>> No.15858110

Anon, for the love of god, please spend at least one (1) afternoon reading about game theory and running some sims.
Different strategies are optimal under different conditions. Those conditions INCLUDE the strategies everyone else is running. These things are systems of differential equations, not a tree diagram.

>> No.15858151


More like men can't control their own urges. That's not manly, that's pathetic.

No wonder OP alleges women prefer the other 1% of men kek

>> No.15858169
File: 954 KB, 568x640, chadsmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, you will never be a real woman.

>> No.15858201

Women are selecting against cognitive ability because most people are stupid, therefore most women are stupid, and so if you're smarter than average you're weird. Men also select against cognitive ability because most men aren't smart and smart women intimidate them (and are too smart to fuck most men, anyway)

>> No.15858204

Psst, in these threads you're supposed to say they're wrong because they're women

>> No.15858206

There is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a lot of women. not everyone is a love butterfly.
but do keep denying that male sexuality is demonized.

>> No.15858228

It isn't, your problem is equating male sexuality with misogyny.

>> No.15858235

bro im not. all im saying is that I want to fuck a lot of women. not abuse them or cat call them or dehumanize them, I just like having sex and I wish to have it with as many women as possible, that's all. but most women are repulsed by that aspect of "relationship", and im not blaming them im blaming nature.