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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15835845 No.15835845 [Reply] [Original]

This seems pretty stupid. Why would scientists say meat needs warning labels? Are scientists idiots?

>> No.15836847 [DELETED] 

>Are scientists idiots?
most of them are, only a tiny percentage of people are high IQ.
scientists love to claim credit for that tiny minority's genius and claim that the same characteristics apply to all scientists even though they all know that its statistically impossible for all scientists to be geniuses.

>> No.15836864

trust the science bro... most of the "scientists" you hear about today are just political activists (or getting paid to help reach certain political goals)

>> No.15836869


why stop at meat ? Maybe add sugar and eggs and dairy oh and wheat too.

>> No.15836877 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15836880

>warning: may cause delicious experiences and awesome muscles

>> No.15836892

the article says this idea is only for reducing climate change from meat
it's still dumb

>> No.15836898

I'm a genius

>> No.15836912

I keep feeling like the guy at the Publix didn't mention that the food I had picked up off the shelf in his store was poisoned.

>> No.15836913

>Still lose miserably

>> No.15837187

Body builders usually drop dead in their 50s

>> No.15837189

No, it causes heart disease and cancer.
Humans are obligate vegetarians. We can't survive on meat.

>> No.15837191

scientists say whatever their paymasters want.
If their paymasters want more sick people to sell their cures to they pay for research or reviews that show that the most nutrient dense foods are actually bad for you.

>> No.15837193

>it's the eggs not the roids

>> No.15837200

>obligate vegetarians
Humans are faculative carnivores and can feed solely on meat but can consume plants.
if we were obligate vegetarians we'd have a rumen or expanded cecum

>> No.15837308


>> No.15837319

Just cut agricultural subsidies and let the free market work it out.

>> No.15837326

Earl Butz ruined a generation

>> No.15837328

government should fuck off. Remove cigarette warnings too. If people want to destroy their body it's not my right to stop them.

>> No.15837335

I agree, no subsidies for anyone. This means the corn industry will collapse, especially if we stop watering down gasoline with ethanol.
All of todays problems stem from government interference.

>> No.15837343

>people who tell you to take 0 roids
>people who tell you to take 12 roids per day

>> No.15837344

And as I said you selected agricultural crops that have been selected out of the millions of plant species because firstly they don't outright kill you but have subsequently been selected to reduce toxins and antinutritional compounds.

Plants use chemical and physical defence mrechanisms harmful to animals that might try to consume them because it increases their chance of passing on their genes in spite of any expenditure needed to fabricate these compounds.Whether animals have developed mechanisms that either circumvent or detoxify is an entirely separate question.

I still don't understand why you won't accept that plants do not want to be eaten, you have to be either deeply deluded or trolling.

You call for evidence but then reject the evidence while presenting no counter theory.

>> No.15837407
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Here's what they want you to eat instead.

>> No.15838440

"scientists" are fucking retarded.
I'm gonna sear a nice piece of chuck and gorge myself on it tonight. For research purposes.

>> No.15838445

>looks and acts just like dairy
Except the chitin ruins your intestines and you're drinking actual bug shit instead of delicious cow juice.
>adding a glass of kefir lassi to that steak tonight

>> No.15838450

Not his point

>> No.15838520 [DELETED] 

by that same logic anime should have warning labels on it since it causes homosexuality and AIDS

>> No.15838881 [DELETED] 

Whats your IQ?

>> No.15839168

>a single cow can satisfy an entire family with her milk, almost effortlessly

>> No.15839244
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Hopefully this will make eating meat as cool as smoking cigarettes

>> No.15839291

A cow can put out like 25-60 litres a day at around 4% each of protein fat and lactose sugar

>> No.15839312

love how the media can just slap "scientists say" on anything they push, and 4chan's response to it is to get mad at scientists

>> No.15839444 [DELETED] 

kys soiytard

>> No.15839510

Most scientists, say a PhD in physics, are totally retarded and can't figure out the littlest things, like how a 12Volt bulb would not the a perfect match for a 24Volt socket.

>> No.15840429 [DELETED] 

and your response is to get mad at 4chan.
just stop looking at this website and you can save yourself a lot of angst.

>> No.15840434 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15840439

Look up "scurvy" and get back to me.

>> No.15840441

i forgot the inuit never existed, or any northern group of people for that instance.

>> No.15840892

If you eat meat you must masturbate so your chances of colon cancer remains the same.

>> No.15840900

lol but red40 and corn syrup products should be colorfully marketed and towards children

>> No.15840901

do you add any fruit to it or are you a pure yogurt lassi fan?

I cant eat indian food without 4000 calories of mango lassi on top now

>> No.15840990

look up dhaa and the vitamin c equivalent content of fresh meat compared to stored meat

>> No.15840991

>mango lassi
Why is this shit so addictive?

>> No.15841016
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vegan cope
we are meant to eat animal foods and fruits only
vegetables are a garnish which you shouldn't eat too much of and ideally never/never raw because they are toxic
you're probably well meaning but you are wrong

>> No.15841026

Everyone who ever tried to do the carnivore diet got severe problems after 30-40 days. It's not possible.
Contrary to popular belief, Inuit do not sustain on 100% meat.
>The traditional Inuit diet does include berries, seaweed and plants
Plus, they eat the meat raw. Big difference to what, e.g., you do.
They're talking about ultra-processed slop, not general meat.

>> No.15841032

Gee I wonder why vegans are much healthier than meatists.

>> No.15841035

>>The traditional Inuit diet does include berries, seaweed and plants
for most of the year they eat pretty much exclusively meat, fish and shellfish because that's all that's readily available

>> No.15841042 [DELETED] 

Thet aren't but they rig the scales by only consuming vegans who will tend to be more health conscious in their dietary and lifestyles practices than the average SAD consumer

>> No.15841047

They aren't but the statistics on this usually rig the scales by only comparing vegans who will tend to be more health conscious in their dietary and lifestyles practices against the average sedentary chronically ill standard american diet consumer

>> No.15841093

>They rig the system!!
Uh, no.

>> No.15841107

When I see a study comparing various whole foods diets I'll trust the findings more.

>> No.15841253

That's at most half a year. In addition to meat, they eat blubber and skin. Saying Inuit only eat meat is super disingenuous. Especially when taking that as an argument to btfo modern Western "meat".

>> No.15841255

why is pee yellow?

>> No.15841364

Stupid american, offal is meat too.
Goalpost moving bitch.

>> No.15841375

Start by putting nutritionaI information on alcohol drinks

>> No.15841412

Wrong. You confused "meat" with "animals" and now play games to justify your ignorance. Go suck a fat one.

>> No.15842103 [DELETED] 

whale meat and seal meat is some of the most delicious stuff out there, walrus meat might be the only thing thats even better. eskimos are gourmet kangz

>> No.15842105

Where can I eat those?

>> No.15842155

I partook in the candy tax and convinced my son to grant me a couple of pieces of his Halloween chocolate. After 1 fun sized Baby Ruth and 1 fun sized Butterfinger, I was fucked for a couple of hours with nausea. Maybe we should walk back to that whole refined sugar is terrible for you bit before labeling meat as poison.

>> No.15842203

didn't you get answers to those questions when you read the article? are you retarded?
As an aside, people need to stop generalizing scientists, its gay annoying and retarded. This article just used this vague concept of 'scientists' to try bolster the author's own view point, saying 'they' support his view. In reality, by 'scientists,' this author means that there is 1 (one) study showing that if you put CC warnings on meat, people would be less likely to choose it, and that the head of this study supports the idea of putting CC warnings on shit. From this the faggy journo can technically be right in saying 'scientists totally agree with me' to appeal to ethos, and gives off a false illusion that this is the norm amongst scientists. And because this retarded bitch of an author, and many others, write like this and think this is okay, normal people get a totally false impression of the issues and/or get a tainted view of scientists. See all the people in this thread who see the label 'scientists' and recoil, because they their view of scientists are tainted by how the media throws around the term 'scientists' like a desperate whore to support whatever viewpoint they have.

>> No.15842284

they're literally called "organ meats" and meat is just defined as "edible flesh of an animal" with flesh being any soft tissue not just "muscle".
you are full retard.

>> No.15842430

>the soft substance consisting of muscle and fat that is found between the skin and bones of a human or an animal.
Fuck off.

>> No.15842452

You're agreeing with him, why are you upset?

>> No.15842459 [DELETED] 

Canada has tons and tons of surplus seal meat, most of it goes to waste. Not sure if they sell it in grocery stores anymore, but the annual seal harvest produces lots of meat. Whale meat you can get from a freshly washed up corpse on a beach if you're lucky enough to find one, or you can get it from some of the Indian tribes that hunt whales if they're willing to share. Same goes for walrus, but you have to go further north for that.

>> No.15842463

There's about a 0% chance you get a fresh whale carcass on shore. It's going to be spoiled and rancid. Why not just buy the whale meat from Japan or Norway? They have legal industrial whaling.

>> No.15842493 [DELETED] 

depends on where you're looking and what time of year. try somewhere with cold water during winter.

>> No.15842508

If you had basic reading comprehension you'd understand that skin and pure fat are not included in that definition.
Fucking hell, this board is so bad at basic reading.

>> No.15842538

That's what a sugar detox does to you. I used to love soda but that shit makes me feel sick after I weaned myself off it. I'll have at most a teaspoons worth in a cup of coffee now

>> No.15842659

why the fuck isn't this a thing
as a /fit/izen I would really appreciate this

>> No.15842705

legal loopholes of the alcohol industry, which means they don't fall under ususal food and drink regulations

>> No.15842709

it depends on the population. Non-pozzed races which evolved eating domesticated animals and their products benefit from eating meat, while slave races which evolved sustaining on onions and microplastics get heart diseases from eating meat.

>> No.15843128
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>> No.15843208

>Oil production is ramping up instead of slowing down
>all green tech is infested with oil money who are actively resisting
>coal plants are coming back online
>private jets flying around and shit
>you need to eat da bugs if we are to make it
I am literally fucking seething at the audacity.

>> No.15843210

It's vegan activists trying to use fear mongering to get people to stop eating meat.

>> No.15843212

What's the name of the guy on the right again?
That guy didn't. He lived to a ripe age, but I can't recall his name right now. He ate almost nothing but steak and eggs and had great fitness all through his life.

>> No.15843220
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Oh I just remembered. It's Vince Gironda. Born in 1917, lived to be 79 years old. Very respectable.

He ate huge quantities of eggs, red meat, butter and milk. He ate little carbohydrates, but did take vitamin supplements. No roids. Eating fertilized eggs work better than roids.

>> No.15843222

Just hypothesising but If we consider a diet of only fruits and meat what foods fit into the category of edible fruits sources?

olives and palm oil, not palm kernel nor coconut because they would bwe a seed and evolutionarily a plant wouldn't want theem to be eaten

tomatoes, pumpkins, citrus any other weird ones?

>> No.15843233

>what foods fit into the category of edible fruits sources?

>> No.15843246

but which one?

>> No.15843681

Jack LaLanne & Ed Fury both died in their late 90s, Schwarzenegger & Hulk Hogan are both currently in their 80s

>> No.15843807

Daniel Craig

>> No.15843816

Blond Bond? lmao, Dalton mogs him.

>> No.15843847

Any time a journalist says "scientists say" they mean "one fringe scientist somewhere said"

>> No.15843848

>using two steroid addicts as examples of health

>> No.15843921

Just eat organ meats

>> No.15844358

Nah, just eat fresh meat, that's why wet markets and home butchering chickens is a thing.
the vitamin c content of fresh meat is pretty high it just declines with storage

>> No.15844369

We need O(100mg) of vitamin C per day. Fresh beef has O(10μg)/g. You'd need to eat O(10kg) of fresh beef every day. It's retarded.

>> No.15844379

I've seen this debated in detail before and your conclusions are wrong but I don't recall the specifics some other poster might have data

>> No.15844473

>Anything done impacts the average Joe more, deepening the divide between the classes
They want you disarmed because they know that people should rise up over the fraction of the injustices made.

>> No.15844600

Vegetarians do not live longer than meat eaters.

And notice how they say 'scientists' but not who? Likely it's a bunch of vegan fucks with some nutrition degree they got at Hope Seminar in South America on a weekend.

This is why you shouldn't get your medical information from sensationalist newspapers and magazines.

>> No.15844613

interesting talk

>> No.15844809

>be scientist
>say something absolutely retarded but timely to media
>become famous and get grants
It's the trump media strategy

>> No.15844904

>It's the trump media strategy
Bill Clinton media strategy

>> No.15845654 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15845765

A single goat can, on much less grass. It should give like 6 liters a day.

>> No.15845772

That shows that diet/exercise combo is so good you can get away with that.

>> No.15845777
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>I don't like pleb food, plebs have a too easy access to my food!

>> No.15846076

4 million years ago homo habilis invented pointy rocks and from then until the invention of agriculture a few thousand years ago, humans evolved on a carnivorous diet. Somehow or other they managed to avoid extinction on a carnivorous diet for millions of years, so it can't be all that bad of a diet.

>> No.15846118

Nature takes care that you live till your reproductive age, that is 20 years. From that point on you're on your own.
Btw, 500 grams of potatoes gives you daily value of vitamin C. Wild fruits and berries were probably a significant part of our diet too.
This is not to say that vegan diet isn't retarded; above all it's the most expensive one if it is to be complete. This is probably the reason it is being shilled so hard - these producers have ample money to invest in some good $cience.
Also, something tells me that some billionaire bozo has already invested heavily in insect "food" so you can expect to see it advertised everywhere till he gets his money back - and then some kek.

>> No.15846186

>Nature takes care that you live till your reproductive age, that is 20 years. From that point on you're on your own.
This is often said, but there's significant evidence that ancient people lived well into their elderly years unless they fell victim to violence or accidents. Even caveman tribes had extremely elderly members which we can tell from their fossilized teeth.

>> No.15846676

>Nature takes care that you live till your reproductive age, that is 20 years. From that point on you're on your own.
explain female menopause

>> No.15846705

They want you to stop eating meat so Mbubu, Ranjeesh, and Miguel can ahit out another 7 billion worthless people.

>> No.15846708

That's evidence for him, not you, since the life shortening effects of steroids are extremely well established while the supposed negative effects of meat and eggs are purely political ideology.

>> No.15846798

Those are not scientists, those are prostitutes that say any shit they are told in exchange of money.

>> No.15846811

That is easy: childbirth. The risk of death increases with age starting at 25, so there is a compromise between being able to have more children or losing an adult that could help take care of the children and also has experience taking care of children. Menopause is the point where the risk of losing an adult outweighs the benefits of being able to have more children.

>> No.15846878

>Nature takes care that you live till your reproductive age, that is 20 years. From that point on you're on your own.
do you not see at least a partial contradiction to your previous asertion?

>> No.15847170 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15847860
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>> No.15848822 [DELETED] 

>The risk of death increases with age starting at 25
only in the era following the invention of antibiotics, do you really think that the invention of antibiotics is a natural part of the evolutionary process?

>> No.15848825

If you survived to adulthood you had a good chance of surviving a fair time,

>> No.15848893

>Cut down rainforest
>plant soibeans

>> No.15848902

Infection after childbirth became more of a problem after "science" decided that doing autopsies and not washing your hands was a good idea. Midwives historically had a rate of childbirth complications that we would expect from a decent country in the modern day.

>> No.15849496

kids used to die young all the time before antibiotics were around

>> No.15849498

Certainly, but that wasn't in the post I was responding to.

>> No.15849511

>We can't survive on meat
What did people in the Paleolithic eat during winter? You think they picked berries in the snow you fucking bozo?

>> No.15849661

It was simple malnutrition combined with with no birth control. The population naturally adjusts to your available food supply.

>> No.15849857

Oh this is actually a really fascinating topic to get into, especially cultural limitations on birth rate that naturally seem to develop in societies after generations of feed back loops, like later marriage or getting a new wife

>> No.15850826

>>And notice how they say 'scientists' but not who?
Experts say!

>> No.15850834


>> No.15851480

scientists are so massively concerned about getting recognition for their work, getting their name on publications is their top career goal, so its gotta set off some outrageously large red flags when theres a publication about science and the scientists responsible for the information being communicated prefer to remain anonymous.

>> No.15852677
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>> No.15852684

That depends, are they scientists, or 'scientists'?
The difference is if they arrive at conclusions based on evidence, or look for evidence to support their existing conclusions.

>> No.15853158
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your idea of the objective scientist is just mythology, those people don't exist in irl life. the myth of science was only created to make propaganda seem more plausible

>> No.15853176

I would really, REALLY, like to see / hear an elaborate discussion about why it's justified to believe in the myth of objective science. Like a 4 hour podcast or something. Please, PLEASE someone make it happen.
I want to believe but I can't anymore. I want us to go beyond calling eachother idiots. We're edging until blue in the balls. Let's get it out instead. A full debate. Do it!

>> No.15853180

show model which makes better predictions.

>> No.15853206

Sure. Here it goes.
>Hypothesis: humans are biologically programmed and socially conditioned feedback mechanism motivated by fear/desire, pain/pleasure, punishment/reward.
>Prediction: everything communicated by government, media, scientists and CEO's is to maximize their desire, reward and pleasure through maximizing fear, punishment and pain of the public.
>Observation: plandemic, Ukraine, Ohio train, Maui fire, Gaza.
>Result: hypothesis confirmed.
>Conclusion: hypothesis elevated to theory.


>> No.15853932

Reminder that my theory has remained unfalsified in its superiority over >>15853180

>> No.15854061

>>Oil production is ramping up instead of slowing down
>>all green tech is infested with oil money who are actively resisting
>>coal plants are coming back online
>>private jets flying around and shit
literally nothing wrong with any of these. Intermittent green energy has devastated the energy markets.

>> No.15854743

>green energy has devastated the energy markets.
its not even green. coal and natural gas enrich the atmosphere is CO2, which is plant food. the CO2 from coal and natural gas makes plants grow more vigorously.
plants are the "green" people are referring to when they use the phrase "green energy"

>> No.15854757

In contrast, so-called "green" energy sources destroy the environment. Vast forests are chopped down and landscapes brutalized by the search for ever more lithium and rare earths. The water table is permanently polluted by radioactive mine tailings because of thorium.

>> No.15854794

makes me question whether cigs are all that bad for you

>> No.15854958

>Scientists say
>The Independent
It's bullshit
>just political activists

>> No.15854960
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>Humans are obligate vegetarians.
bait too tasty to ignore

>> No.15854971
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>The """Independent"""

>> No.15854977

How would you know if they mixed cockroaches in there?

>> No.15854980

You're just splitting hairs, retard

>> No.15855033

>Everyone who ever tried to do the carnivore diet got severe problems after 30-40 days. It's not possible.
lel. i did it. lost 9 kgs in 3 months nearly all of it was visceral fat.
i eat only eggs,meat,water, salt and milk occasionally at night.
I've never felt better

>> No.15855034

>Fucking hell, this board is so bad at basic reading
try reddit maybe lol

>> No.15855036

>Nature takes care that you live till your reproductive age, that is 20 years. From that point on you're on your own.
lmao just pulling shit out of your ass now

>> No.15855350

>kids used to die young all the time before antibiotics were around
no it was better sanitation

>> No.15856457 [DELETED] 

no it was antibiotics, if it was sanitation then India and africa wouldn't be able to sustain their massive population growth

>> No.15856462

true but nutrition and sanitation are huge players in that

>> No.15857067 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15858300
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not when it comes to curing formerly deadly childhood diseases such as streptococcus related ones. the invention of antibiotics singlehandedly increased human life expectancies by about 3 decades mainly due to the reduction in childhood mortalities

>> No.15858351

ranjeet is that you?

>> No.15858379

I want to see some figures, sounds interesting
I still think sanitation should do more at least long antibiotics can do some gnarly things to your gut microbiome