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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15851523 No.15851523 [Reply] [Original]

The impression I get from these types of ideas is that they're entirely nonsense made up by actual retards or government agencies for the purpose of well-poisoning. Is my assessment accurate, or have I somehow gotten it completely backwards? is there more to it that I'm unaware of?

>> No.15851542

I know this is a bait thread, you know this is a bait thread. Why even post absurd stuff like this? Not bumping the thread.

>> No.15851556
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My desire to have a thoughtful discussion on this topic with someone who's invested in such an idea is genuine, as I've never done so before. I can understand why this seems like bait to most, but that was not my intention.

>> No.15851560

The most interesting and realistic earth models aren't even included in those discussions so I have to say they probably are and you're correct.

>> No.15851565

Ok. Having a "flat earth" on an ice globe could potentially explain the shift of stars when looking at the night sky from different positions on earth. It cannot explain why the scale is all over the place and the distance from south America to Australia over the ocean is still way longer than it actually is. So yes, the theory is dogshit and earth is still a globe after all.

>> No.15851568

What models are most interesting to you? I'm unfamiliar with the intricacies of these ideas and I have a hard time imagining any alternative models which would result in the same observations.
OP pic was intended to just be an eye-catching example. I think it's fairly obvious why it isn't a good model given its many problems.

>> No.15851571

>What models are most interesting to you? I'm unfamiliar with the intricacies of these ideas and I have a hard time imagining any alternative models which would result in the same observations.
Expanding Earth is my favorite. It's not really fringe though since it originated in academia as one of the competing models against plate tectonics. It's cool because it has additional explanatory value for why every ocean ridge seems to be growing, when under plate tectonics some should also be shrinking.

>> No.15851581

>Expanding Earth
Is that the one that suggests that the lithosphere grows through successive heating/cooling cycles from accumulating decay heat and volcanism? I never fully understood those, because it seems like you run into a mass balance issue where the Planet would have to be increasingly hollow, but in such an instance, the growth mechanism would not be feasible (save for some sort of universal differential volume expansion of matter, which should be pretty darn easy to detect).

>> No.15851586

To present these arguments as if they're challenging some dogma we have to be ignorant of the most basic events from the history of science. The data piled up over time, everyone was motivated to add to or debunk the established model and they tried everything. They measured distances using parallax with each part of the binocular eye on each end of our orbit around the sun.
The idea of geological time was not pushed by anyone, it met extreme resistance and took decades to be established. Observations match that model, not other models including all the retard meme planet shapes.

>> No.15851587

Why do you ascribe great meticulous intent to intellegence agencies when this kind of garbage is made daily for free in shithole central /pol/?

>> No.15851590

You're the worst. An easily manipulate idiot. A "golem" with little paper notes in your clay head containing instructions you mindlessly follow.

>> No.15851595

Your response is too thoughtful for this thread, and this board as a whole. You have been muted for 2 light seconds.
In seriousness: I hope you don't see me as actually holding these weird ideas as genuine alternatives, as if there is some extreme non-uniqueness at work.
I personally don't think there's that big of an input made by "the intelligence agencies" and whatnot. The stupidity of the masses is far stronger than a handful of manipulators. However, I think its perfectly reasonable to suggest that these ideas may be beneficial to those in positions of authority, and such ideas regarding their intervention (or lack of) probably should not be discarded entirely.

>> No.15851604

Unironically, /x/ is the place to be. I know you're thinking it's a board full of crackpots, and you're not wrong, but it's also a board full of people who like one upping each other, so they put autistic amounts of energy into debunking each other's conspiracy theories. The incredible irony is that these debunkings quite commonly use solid science, only for the same poster to turn around and use nonsense to support their own theory. But you can ignore their alternative proposals while making use of their scienctized autism.

>> No.15851608

>How dare you refute garbage ideas!!
>Anyway did you know space is fake?!??
Huff more glue

Now you ascribe malice to what is just the organic and damaging stupidity of the masses. While misinformation is indeed systematized it usually has a clear agenda. These dumb ideas have none beyond giving an air of antiauthoritarian "intellectualism/truth seekers" while further enabling and legitimizing even more stupid ideas. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

>> No.15851617

You didn't refute shit. You mindlessly labelled and denigrated members of your community based on mass media propaganda like the golem you are. You are the stupidity and misinformation embodied. I'm talking about you personally, not a group. Stop being an evil brainwashed retard.

>> No.15851625

The flat earth truth is heavily censored on these type of boards. Also the board is full of sciencegoylems like this loser >>15851542
who are cheering for censorship every chance they get.

>> No.15851626 [DELETED] 
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No it's not, the flat earth truth is heavily censored on /x/ as well. Typical golem reply.

>> No.15851679

Some of the main theories hold that the presence of a water-saturated mantle (which is observed on earth) wasn't originally true and the water arrived via cometary collision or stellar eruption over time. That would be the extra mass filling up the spaces. Not to mention the oxidation of the ubiquitous iron in the earth causing expansion.

>> No.15851914

Brainwashed about...dumb fuck skull flat earth theories and therefore true? Ayy lamo. Keep huffing that glue bottle you schizo wreck.

>> No.15852171

Have you ever seen bait? It has words in it. Your post has words. Then you try to tell us your post isn't bait, yeah right

>> No.15852197 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 2084x776, sci golems dreaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is full of sciencegolems like this loser

>> No.15852254

Actual retards haven't participated in the flat earth for a while now which distinquishes it from other obviously wrong snake oil type scams and that's also why it's still spammed a lot. Flat earth is mainly posted by 2 groups, one being the government agencies and jews who just want to do well poisoning or disproof by association. It's easy to see a movement that's right, spam flat earth in association with it and then point out how these guys believe in flat earth so they must be wrong about jews controlling the banks. The second group is antiestablishment crackpots which while often being retarded aren't actually the same group as retards. Retards for instance might buy into a snake oil because the seller is charismatic but antiestablishment guy needs to first confirm which team the seller is from and then violently embraces or rejects what ever is being sold based on that. They post flat earth specifically because other groups that they hate call it a scam not for it's "merits" either. If NASA came out today and said earth was actually flat, these guys would immediately flip and say the earth is a globe actually. Ironically this strengthens the groups they typically hate the most. The horse shoe theory of good gois basically.

The thread is garbage because neither of the above groups will respond to it authentically because no one actually believes these things authentically. At best you are simply a good goi at worst you are "merely pretending to not start another flat earth spam thread... ups looks like I started a spam thread anyways tehehee"

>> No.15852265

>neither of the above groups will respond to it
Yeah it seems that way to me as well. I don't plan on trying again, as I have better things to do, but it's not like the regular content on this board is any better. At least this isn't another vaccine thread?

>> No.15852273

Earth is actually flat loser, but its heavily censored here. This board is full of redditors and all kinds of sciencegolems

>> No.15852285

Vaccine threads are spammed by basically the same people so this might as well be one. Shitting up the board because there's so much shit on it already isn't very good idea either.

>> No.15852291

>and therefore
You're incapable of any hint of sincere thought. Pure irredeemable evil.

>> No.15852557

Thats the "well poisoning" part. You spam obviously absurd shit in /pol/ to make rest of /pol/ look even stupider. Intelligence agencies would spend on it to make conspiracy theorists look even dumber and make sure most people wont look into the more credible stuff, like Epstein Island and so on.

>> No.15853119
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It's literally the same kind of contrarianist stupidity in a different wrapping. Flat earth garbage has been around since forever, but it only took more strength since 2016 due to the same wave of stupidity that tuened every rebellious anti institutional schizo into a ""Messiah of greater truth and sincere inquiry""" a.k.a shit on top of another shot sandwich.