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15823979 No.15823979 [Reply] [Original]

Cornell University chemistry professor discussing how and why he stopped believing in global warming.

>> No.15823992

but but billionaire oil and gas baron funded ipcc told me that climate change is a real danger that will destroy the planet in two weeks.

>> No.15824438 [DELETED] 

The part where he said he only stopped believing in global warming when he saw that there were a plethora of scientists at institutions like MIT, CalTech & Harvard that were also saying it way fake was kind of a hoot. If he thought global warming being fake was a crackpot belief before that then how come he can't acknowledge that institutions like MIT, CalTech & Harvard are currently full of crackpots saying that global warming is real?

>> No.15825230

>chem prof
I suspect this nigga couldn't get funding from oil company and govt for climate change research. wise men don't reject climate change, they embrace it and gain funding to save the world. Even though they know it's nonsense. Otherwise how would you survive in academia without bigass funding?

>> No.15825388

>chemistry professor
How come it's never someone with expertise on the subject that speaks out against "the narrative"?
Coincidentally, it's always old guys with a life expectancy of a few years. Of course they don't give a shit about the future, they don't have any.

>> No.15825418

I’m 30 minutes in and he isn’t even talking about climate change, just fauci and vaccines

>> No.15825432

It's weird thinking any of your university profs could be secret cranks. I hope all these people don't hide their power level so I know whom not to listen.

>> No.15825444

I just browsed through and found a passage where he made fun of people linking kidney stones to global warming. At first I thought the guy was a schizo, but then I googled it and there really are people drawing that connection. And it seems to make sense.
>Prior research has demonstrated that high ambient temperatures increase the risk of developing kidney stone disease; in the United States, there is an increase in the incidence of kidney stones from North to South, and there is a rapid increase in risk of kidney stone presentations following hot days.
So I'm not sure what the chemist's problem is with that study. Note that I didn't cite the study itself, just background information that allowed me to judge how ridiculous that idea is. Turns out that my initial reaction was wrong and it's not ridiculous at all.

>> No.15825509

>I'm gonna save the world!!!!
>just like muh superheroes in muh marvel comix mooooovies

>> No.15825809

>How come it's never someone with expertise on the subject that speaks out against "the narrative"?
Here's one, and also "here's WHY"

They get shitcanned instantly if they speak against the narrative.

>> No.15825841

>Chemistry experts don't understand CO2 and other atmospheric gasses

>> No.15826219
File: 49 KB, 850x400, salaryman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtually all of the university academics promoting the global warming narrative know its fake, they're too close to the topic not to, but they all also know that their careers and funding depend on claiming the global warming is true, so thats what they do professionally. The people in TV commercials don't really believe the products they're shilling are good either, people are capable of separating their personal lives from their professional ones, especially when their survival depends on it.

>> No.15826229

This one obviously doesn't. Also, global warming is a physical effect and not a chemical effect, but I'd expect him to understand it anyway.

>> No.15826253

>global warming is just basic gas theory!!!
you have never opened a single book about anything

>> No.15826258

he's getting all the paychecks

>> No.15826265

Honestly, a Single conspiracy theory is a sign that someone rationally believes it (or is a paid actor). But if someone shills every conspiracy theory out there, it's a sign of mental illness. Even more so if they are connected. Yes, schizo, NATO made covid in a KGB lab in Ukraine for global warming and somehow, the Middle Eastern conflict plays a role since 3 weeks ago.

>> No.15826266

>I'm smarter than Ivy League professors, I learned more about science than them by looking at Gretchen Thunderburp's Instagram page

>> No.15826268

>if you are smart you automatically know stuff about fields you aren't specialized on
interesting cope

>> No.15826269

Actually yes, people who are genuinely intelligent do tend to have deep knowledge in fields they aren't specialized in.

>> No.15826270

LOL thanks for showing everyone you have never set foot in a professor's office or even in a campus

>> No.15826275

So, you're saying that the guy from OP's video isn't smart? I mean, he's a chemist, but that's a bit mean.

>> No.15826279

Anti-conspiritards are far, far, far worse than whatever they think they're crusading against

>> No.15827482

are you a climate science specialist?

>> No.15827488

>chemistry prof-
Not competent in the relevant field.

>> No.15828521

As far as I'm concerned, if we're willing to put a dimmer switch on the Earth, we should go all the way to global cooling.

>> No.15829124

you're not competent in a relevant field, chemistry is a very relevant field

>> No.15829392

>That's like an IQ of twelve!
top kek

>> No.15829568

>chemistry is a very relevant field

>> No.15829583 [DELETED] 

you wouldn't know because you're not competent in a relevant field

>> No.15829593
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>chemistry prof
>discussing climate change

u know, i really wonder what my psychology prof thinks if quantum computing is viable or not

>> No.15829599

Im competent in a more relevant field, actually. But I still wouldn't say that I'm more competent than environmental physicists.

>> No.15829600 [DELETED] 

how would you know? you're not competent in a relevant field. chemistry is a very relevant field. I studied a lot of chemistry when I was getting my climate science degree. physics, astronomy, geology and botany also come into play in climate science. anyone from those disciplines are worth listening to on the topic.

>> No.15829605

>when I was getting my climate science degree
Fanfiction doesn't count. Go back.

>> No.15829641

>Dave Collum
You realize kinetics of organolithium chemistry has literally nothing to do with climate science whatsoever.

>> No.15831033

>I looked up the first reference on his cv and decided thats the only thing he every studied or researched
what a lame, flimsy and dishonest argument
just goes to show how belief in global warming necessary turns on falsehoods

>> No.15831377

>I studied a lot of chemistry when I was getting my climate science degree.
You didn't, you barely scratched the surface of what a chemistry student learns in their freshman year. Climate science is the ultimate midwit degree, those students learn nothing but freshman level science, they don't even need to take calculus to graduate

>> No.15831388

Listen nigger, people need to find a job after 5 years of high school otherwise the American system crushes them to death.
Yeah in theory you should do first 4 years of physics, chemistry and geology and then specialize in climate science but who the fuck is paying for even more tuition and entering the workforce 8 years later?

>> No.15831393

If you're aiming to become a wageslave why even bother learning anything at all? Just go to Facebook and they tell you what to believe.

>> No.15831397

Yes anon, he did say he was a climate scientist. How do you think he gets his opinions, by searching for the truth?

>> No.15832686

Climate science is a very large and broad topic, it can't be taught in just 4 years the way a compartmentalized topic like physics or chemistry can.
>physicists don't know how anything bigger than an atom works
>chemists don't know how anything smaller than a molecule works
if both of those topics were taught to the degree needed for a compete understanding of either topic it would be a decade long academic program

>> No.15832722

Sorry but you are not qualified enough for the job.

>> No.15833940

>just goes to show how belief in global warming necessary turns on falsehoods

>> No.15833982
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>> No.15834011

>he never had a threesome

>> No.15834826

>why doesn't a PHD in Alchemy come out and explain how his field is a scam and unscientific?
Gee I wonder

>> No.15834840

>she doesn't deny the basic principles of climate change
>"If all other things remain equal, it's clear that adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will warm the planet," she told the committee.
Why can denialists never maintain a consensus? You idiots promote people who say climate change is real but there's so much uncertainty that it's a non issue, you promote people who say it's all fake and CO2 has nothing to do with the climate, or warming is happening but it's actually good, etc.

Pick one. Is the planet warming or not? At this point it's almost like denialists have such a confusing narrative that it's intentionally done to hide the fact that they're wrong.

>> No.15834863

Hmmm... I wonder who's easier to buy: Just about ALL of the climate scientists out there, or one bitch who can rake in cash by denying everyone else's claims in favor of multi-billion dollar corporations?

>> No.15834875 [DELETED] 

University employee "climate scientists" are easier to buy, since their career prospects depend on a limited flow of government money. Without that they have no marketable skills and will be homeless.

>> No.15834881 [DELETED] 

literal state propaganda
nothing they report is true

>> No.15834886

Yeah, ok mr Cope

>> No.15834903

sophons did this

>> No.15835934 [DELETED] 


>> No.15836118

Yes. It quite literally is.
>The tobacco industry wouldn't lie to us and tell us that smoking is healthy

>> No.15836881 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1920x1516, british doctor's study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people who've been lying to you about smoking are the politically connected lawyers who wanted to steal all of the tobacco industry's money by using fake scientific evidence.
the truth about smoking is that the largest and most comprehensive statistical investigation of the topic showed that it does not negatively impact life expectancy for anyone who quits smoking before they're about 40 years old.

>> No.15837399

Take your meds.

>> No.15837408

>for anyone who quits smoking before they're about 40 years old.
lmao even. That's some
>gunshots don't kill people as long as you're shot in the pinkie toe
level of cope.

>> No.15838622 [DELETED] 

the facts about tobacco seem to trigger your emotions and turn you into a science denier, why do they do that? don't you trust the science?

>> No.15838685
File: 338 KB, 1080x768, E641C080-734A-45C7-9110-E7FD154532F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people get more dehydrated on hot days, slightly increasing kidney stone development

>> No.15838754

lmao Upton is the most Jamaican name I've ever heard
So what are the benefits of smoking tobacco? There clearly must be many or else the gov wouldn't ban them (we know they don't care about people's health).

>> No.15838778

>chemistry professor
So an unqualified dunning kruger.

>> No.15840205 [DELETED] 

Oxalates are what causes kidney stones, excessive amounts of vegetables in the diet are where the oxalates come from

>> No.15840209

The arabs are dying from kidney stones and your laughing

>> No.15841425 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15841429

Is it time to bump oil shill threads again?

>> No.15841931

>Pick one. Is the planet warming or not?
95%+ of climate skeptics agree the planet is warming due to natural cycles you mindless lying twit
You can see even from 8 years ago reddit climate skeptics said almost everybody agrees that warming has occurred. See right side subreddit intro
>At this point it's almost like denialists have such a confusing narrative that it's intentionally done to hide the fact that they're wrong.
No, that just is your own mental projection of strawmen because, like all alarmists, you cannot see anything except what you want to see and reality is whatever you feel like

>> No.15841933

Link was spam triggering but here it is (remove spaces)
archive.ph / M r r x R

>> No.15842442 [DELETED] 

the planet isn't warming the weather has been the same since at least the 1980s

>> No.15842455

Most schizos here are still at the "the planet isn't warming" stage though. The normal denier goes roughly through this evolution:
> It's not happening (most idiots here)
> It's happening but it's not us (you)
> It's not bad (the CO2 is good for plants retards)
> It's happening, it's us, it's bad, but it's too late/too hard to do anything

>> No.15842467


>> No.15842483

>> It's not bad (the CO2 is good for plants retards)
omg the molymeme defense

>> No.15842484

I think we should ban climate change discussion from /sci/

>> No.15842488

That group also contains the "${giant chunk of ice} is actually gaining ice mass", usually accompanied by things either directly contradicting them or not supporting their point (like, they'd show the surface mass balance which is always positive and pretend it's the total mass balance, which should hover around zero, but is negative in the recent few decades).

>> No.15842491

Agreed. It would do wonders towards getting all the government shills off of the board.

>> No.15842536

Which of the 200 governments? And are they in the room with us?

>> No.15842664

>the weather has been the same since at least the 1980s
>weather doesn't change
Weak bait from obvious retard alarmist

>denies the evidence provided showing an entire subreddit does not fit his mental projection, exactly as predicted
Let me repeat myself since you are room temp IQ
"that just is your own mental projection of strawmen because, like all alarmists, you cannot see anything except what you want to see and reality is whatever you feel like"
It's like I wrote that post in the future and sent it back in time...

>> No.15842667

>the one advantage I have
Guy has an obvious "not like the other scientists" snowflake syndrome.
It's very clear from how he introduces his narrative.

>> No.15842691

>chemistry professor

>> No.15843578


>> No.15843601

>that's not how quotes work

>> No.15844200

>everyone except me is irrational
Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15844266

>chemistry professor
>reeeeeee!!! why it isnt me, the söyful atmosphere PhD shitter student

>> No.15844278

Or you, who never went to college and judges scientists by how well their message lines up with your political opinion?

>> No.15844292

Except I have graduated from university.
I know how tightly atmospheric etc. students have to follow the concensus or they are outcasted, following them so close yet so far: I am free to express my views and results without immediate backslash

>> No.15844312

I mean, that's true for every field. If you freely express phlogiston theory as a chemist, you'll also be ridiculed and outcasted. You won't be able to publish a physics paper if you build your case on aether theory.

>> No.15844313 [DELETED] 

If you build a case in heterosexuality, people will laugh at you, because you're clearly a fag.

>> No.15845188
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>He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience.
Sounds like this guy has lots of sex

>> No.15845845 [DELETED] 

Its a good thread, why does learning the truth about global warming being fake trigger you? You should be happy to learn that your end of the world doomsday scenario isn't going to come true, not upset. Why does finding out that global warming is fake upset you?

>> No.15845848
File: 124 KB, 770x524, 389DD6F9-2EE3-4050-8FF8-8D0D1135D6D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> co2 = plant food

Is that simple

>> No.15845857

Nobody is debating that. The problem is CO2's effect on the water cycle and earth surface temperatures.

>> No.15845926

Cooling the Earth and adding more water to the atmosphere by growing forests? How is that a problem?

>> No.15846037

Adding more water to the atmosphere will boost the greenhouse effect. How's that cooling? Is this what happens when chemists do climate science?
>water is cold
>therefore water in the atmosphere cools the atmosphere

>> No.15846056

Do you know what the water cycle is anon?

>> No.15847059 [DELETED] 
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>CO2's effect on the water cycle and earth surface temperatures.
none, CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas

>> No.15847067

Do you know what the saturation vapour pressure is?

>> No.15847069

Anthropogenic CO2 makes up 1/3 of the atmospheric CO2. Now I wonder, is this graphic so old or was it a disingenuous lie back when it was created?

>> No.15847135

>discussing astrology
>religious person
>discussing atheism
>discussing religion
>meat eater
>discussing raw vegan diet
>debating women issues
while it may sound good, your argument is complete bullshit. your psych prof probably knows more about quantum computers than you think.

>> No.15847147

>discussing astrology
>religious person
>discussing atheism
>discussing religion
>meat eater
>discussing raw vegan diet
>debating women issues
Legitimately all situations that would make me go "shut the fuck up you annoying piece of shit, not everything is about you and you don't know the topic". Just like OP's video.

>> No.15847766

plants require less water for growth the more co2 there is in the atmosphere so, which negates your concern about muh water cycle.
come up with something else to complain about to justify your irrational savior complex and the doomsday prophecies you need to justify the savior complex

>> No.15849012 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15849027

>plants require less water for growth the more co2 there is in the atmosphere
Proof? Is it enough to make up for the increases in evaporative losses from heat?

>> No.15849609
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they require less water for growth the more co2 there is in the atmosphere, if you don't believe it you can go learn about plants on your own

>> No.15850824

He wants plants to require more water for growth in higher CO2 environments because that belief helps facilitate his insane global warming doomsday scenario which in turn justifies his mentally ill savior complex fantasy life in which he becomes a big hero by preventing the evil CO2 from destroying Earth.
You literally have to be mentally ill to believe in global warming

>> No.15851490 [DELETED] 

Why does getting good news about the environment upset you so much? Do you have some sort of mental illness that causes you to get angry when you see good news about the environment?

>> No.15851591

in the tropics it gets so hot that literally everyone has kidney stones, even the birds and fishes have them

>> No.15851877


>> No.15851903

thank you so very much for this video op, sci has utterly dismantled my views on the climate question thanks to stuff like this

>> No.15851905

A wojak is not a source.

>> No.15851917

>At this point it's almost like denialists have such a confusing narrative that it's intentionally done to hide the fact that they're wrong.
denialists just go against what the common belief/fact is, hence flat earthers. cliamte denialists are no different to flat earthers.
if it wasn't blatently fucking obvious denialists would insist the sky is green and the grass is blue. it's just their excuse for a personality.

>> No.15851932

>the sky is green and the grass is blue
They're both 青, but obviously you parrot what they taught you in government-funded school.

>> No.15851943

So I watched the whole thing. He's a smart guy who can cite many scientists on the subject, but then he spends the next hour ranting about pol shit like vaccines pedophiles and joe rogan.

>> No.15851955

Chemistry types are either 1. batshit or 2. Geniuses. If it is 1, it is because chemistry has fallen into obscurity(it hasn't.) If it is 2, it is because the rest of science has been filtered.
These fuckers are wrecking every midwit field in science.

>> No.15851971

They are in too deep. Climate science is an industry, if you speak out against the narrative you're cast out and removed. I have no thoughts on the validity of climate change one way or the other, but I do know that people will tolerate and overlook unethical behavior and outright delusions if they are entrenched in an enviornment where their ability to thrive or retain membership relies on ignoring blatant lies.

>> No.15851973

>He's a smart guy who can cite many scientists
He's a parrot.

>> No.15851982

Yes, I was taken aback when he seemed incredulous about that idea, same with when he seemed to be laughing at the idea of a small event from the distant past resulting in a flood later. I would expect someone of his credentials to be more open to the reality that complex systems are often unpredictable and behave in ways contrary to common sense. A small ripple in one location could absolutely lead to very large effects in a different location in a different time. Has he never heard of chaos theory? It's strange to see someone so highly educated wave off this idea as something far-fetched or absurd

>> No.15851985

But you can't tell if it is from x or from a butterfly farting a million years prior.

>> No.15851994

I see, its the idea of attributing x outcome to y incident 10,000yrs ago that he is skeptical of. That makes more sense.

>> No.15851998

It looks to me that this nigga didn't want to sell his ass for a grant or two.
The problem isn't that everybody can be bought (supposedly) but that cheap whores (and diversity action $cientist$) sell themselves cheap and can be bought in bulk.

>> No.15852015

I've seen a decent amount of skepticism of climate alarmism (not the basics of human generated emissions but the general process of predicting its impact) from within my field, but most of it has to do with the fact that most climate modeling relies on absolutely retarded assumptions about the stochastic process that they are attempting to predict.

A lot of this is not really something I have strong opinions about, but you'd be surprised how many researchers whose main job is researching certain aspects of climate change basically ignore any predictive modeling coming from "climate scientists" rather than specific domains like physical oceanography or atmospheric physics.

>> No.15852098

Climatology as a separate field was created literally to "prove" anthropogenic global warming - and climatology departments at universities are extremely modern establishments. Believing its acolytes it's literally like asking Christian priests about existence of God - or astrologists about influence of stars on our wellbeing.

>> No.15852105

None of this is true.

>> No.15852106

The amount of (((climate change))) midwit shills seething is hilarious.
Get in your fucking cucksheds and eat the bugs, daddy has a new beachfront property buy.

>> No.15852180

He knows much more than that and was evidencing deep understanding of each referenced scientist's works. But he doesn't really talk about AGW in more than passing, the entire show...

>> No.15852182

Yeah, it's just /pol/ ramble.

>> No.15852342 [DELETED] 
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>You literally have to be mentally ill to believe in global warming
or be paid to shill it

>> No.15852398

It's finding and framing things in terms that fit the preconceptions you want to bolster. You found a link between kidney stones and heat, not climate change.
>climate change slows down your computer
Is technically correct but nobody says things like this with sincere intent. It's a way to emotionally associate something you might care about with the preferred narrative.

>> No.15852423

They only heard of "water vapor" which is always transparent.

>> No.15852734

Or is it anthropogenic climate change? kek

>> No.15853253

kidney stones are caused by oxalate consumption, not warm weather

>> No.15853270

>kidney stones have one cause and nothing else affects their formation

>> No.15853295

>physical effect and not a chemical effect
there is no difference at length
you're not very smart if you differentiate between 'physics' and 'chemistry'

>> No.15853322

It's the most relevant one. But it's also worth noting that many tropical regions have staple crops that are are high in oxalates, which would show up as a spurious correlation with temperature if you didn't know better.

>> No.15853332

>there being a most relevant factor means that any other factor is irrelevant

>> No.15853335

I just named for you a second relevant factor, if you read past the first sentence (you didn't). The bottom line is that the correlation with temperature is largely spurious because cultural and dietary causes are the biggest influences and simply by happenstance correlate with temperature.

>> No.15853361

>The bottom line is that the correlation with temperature is largely spurious
That's just your claim and you back it with absolutely nothing but further baseless claims. Even if you could show that correlation of diet and temperature, you'd need to show that the other studies that found a correlation between temperature and kidney stones didn't correct/control for dietary differences.

>> No.15854633

your made up scenario of "muh global warming" causing kidney stones is fake and gay. just another ignorant lie from the low iq global warming doomsday morons

>> No.15854709

>That's just your claim and you back it with absolutely nothing but further baseless claims.
If I wanted to write an article about it I'd publish it, not dictate it here for you in 10,000 character chunks. The bottom line is that the most well-managed study of the topic found that only some cities (in the US where the sampling was done) showed a correlation between heat and kidney stone incidence. The study acknowledged that seasonal dietary changes could account for the entirety of the observed effect but they didn't control for that.

>> No.15854719

Global warming was already happening before the industrial revolution.

>> No.15855308

so you're saying you're knowingly relying on terrible science to draw your conclusions from and that you're doing that because you're looking for an excuse to dishonestly shill the global warming doomsday narrative which you know is fake

>> No.15856103


"Climate Change Experts" are all brainlets though, otherwise they wouldn't be climate change experts, they'd be Chemists/Physicists.

>> No.15856184

And then they’d know less about the climate than if they would have become climate scientists.

>> No.15856547


>> No.15858021 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 2749x1128, global cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the end of the little ice age isn't "global warming"
its just a natural climatological pattern caused by milankovitch cycles

>> No.15858031

says you, chud

>> No.15858819 [DELETED] 

This, the global warming hoaxers all ways to portray themselves as victims to justify their demands for gibes and authority

>> No.15858849

>no x-axis
>no y-axis
>popsci labels like "Dark Ages"
This is /sci/, fuck off.

>> No.15858851 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15859887 [DELETED] 

wow you two really get triggered badly by the climate history of the last few thousand years, how come the roman war period and the little ice age upsets you so badly?

>> No.15859957

I had some student tell me earnestly that climate change will kill all the turtles. They determine the sex of the offspring by the temperature that egg incubates at. Thus, she told me, all the turtles will be one sex.and so for out. They’ve survived for millions of years! She told me tearfully, and we will kill them
How old are turtles a species? I asked her.
Couple of hundred million years old, she says, and we will kill them.
What kind of climate changes have happened over 230 million years? I asked her? They survived the end Cretaceous extinction? They survived the Cretaceous - that was quite warm wasn’t it?
Her little brain struggled. The turtles will be around for far longer than us. She sulked and left.

>> No.15859961

When was the last time the climate changed this rapidly?

>> No.15859972
